The Clinton New Era, 1887-07-01, Page 6_ 41,. -. c._ _ _ .
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A�T othhi Ir, than to t the Bgbir win stili standby up, Irritability, 4 411X W A X'I'��, jrx (f4 U '
. ,'' W OMAN ��;� ��}�}��. M, g, _C g ho poultices olipmust which comes frQW the nerves, the htealtb, Trains lee . Clinton as fall ..s. ." V - "WIT, ,
be bmpg4t to the bedside before the other is should not W confounded 6olvever, flow .' 'I Ri`0-, 1 ,,,, Y
----^-�, removed lr4m the throat, eq that the throat temper, ' wi h P 4A D `ThWig J1AiI,WAY,
no Going East. (toting West, R#- I - �
GYPTIAN PRINGES$ES WERE stunt, t be exptlsed for tttgre than an in. 1110 sweet tempered people pre the dearot 7.30s.m, 10.100ingi. sties
I... I -
i=A,11�0US• FOf T,H El It E;EAUTY , Ys o" the world Ho who leas no persotiat 1,15 p.lq, mixed express
In giving a warm btstlt, p.bath tub nearly selfishness, who rlaeg to .give you the beep gals p.m. mixed 8.20 p.m. exprgss
satin - -- - - filled with ►Vater, !at a tgmfieraLure directed chair, who reaches for the paper Irnife, whq oa>pAT WssT1; Rx aAiLw�Y.
Yk apt of tl,e Qa ouli_""WRA),on iqf tris„ by the degree,, shoe_ be , p 4VC at theaide of is eygr ready to sing a song, to play games. ( Going No..rth, Ggln South.
the bed, the to ht(lresp ramoyetl and the 1. , to make himself agreeable on rainy days, is 10.18 a.m. express 8.00 a, o, express, • :', ' 3emere-A4 .Ylinaon $o}nv�Tlta, odd arra silent wra
w.,•pped'iagsmall blanket 10.1 a. express
I 8.00a.p.m,exprese Iron &Hardware Mercha'
A ,gently Serio be a groat favorite in the faintly, and A "
End' Talent #Tome prods Remedies, p treed iu it. Hat water must be added as the yet,this temper, if too yielding, carpies grave
Civlillty-Tho Homestead. water grows colder, as necessary, and when faults along with it. George Eliott in her SUNDRIES. „
the bath is over, the hot, Net blanket .warms novel .1 ``Adam Bede," has traced the dangers YRSHIRE BULL FOR $F.RVICE. -THE Ha vi Il g b�[)i;.;: h C the _H �. RI7 W AR JM
"The 'b tv of t�ia' has been known for unfolded and. the child lifted out into a warm, which accompany a gentle, sweet, yielding A subscriber keens for service at his premie•
tpyenty Avo or thirty years," said an amateur dry one and rubbed with warm towels. character without principle, It is sad to be- ea, Huron Road Goderloh Townshl near � t eek .4 )f . F . $. 0A W IEL lel d� W 1 11 t9e1] It
Egyptologist "It was ono of the best pieta IL Lhe feet only are to be bathed, the child lieve that the. gift of a good temper will not Clinton, a welt -bred Ayrshire (trade Bull. HAS
of, .translation and detective work that seyf- need not be taken out of bed. Place a small be enumeEated ea s virtue. But the flowora proved himself a sure breeder. Tetma, ;1 at nt•, reduced pr -A. :VOW lt3 the time •
tub of water on the bed with a rubber sheet which grow in this unweeded Itmoof aeryloc. with the ,renege of returning eta► prfle it ire .
forth over diel. You shuttlI write to fialntt3l garden persist . - tleoesgary. ALBERT �Ay, a
` Birch, of the British niuseum, and get him ter or thickly Folded blanket under it, draw the in sending rip their fragrance, oIn the beauty
tell the Flory of how it was discovered from Childs knees up, and, moving the tub into a of the lilies Christ was born across the seas,,, MUSIC TEACHING -THE UNDERSIGNED
three pt 'cos of papyri hi three different mu- convenient position, prat the feet in it, the and in this- incense some prayer for their for- 1el wishes to Intimate to the people of Clinton
Child lying there
its back. giveness may reach heaven that Slie Is prepared to tsauh RUBIN's NEW Shelfflardware,BuildersSuppliesseunls, I"u:f, sr:elned oI have no connection, AMERICAN METHOD OF MUSIC, either forSlidtlnu •.f lvaidiwotro Lu Lho hieratic writing, tle su there is much restlessness the poor Temper, nnfortuimtely, is much at the Organ or Piano. A limited number of pupH3
' The I:;-; •',t iau princesses were renowned for Utile sufferer can be Meld in the arms, if mercy of � circumstance. It can be soured by taugb t, either at their own horses or otherwise
their l•r .,u:y above all the worneia of the warmly wrapped in,Aatttel, and rocked and adversity, by illness and especially by tnjus- Terms modorabe. FurthPc arttelriars=off ap= - `° 1. ' 'A - , . -
,. r earth fro;:i +be earliest records down to Cleo- soothed as touch as possible. The strength tics. It can be improved by self disci hue p110atiou. miss JOYNIle Vtotorla St., south, '
P Clinton• 41p ■
�„ Fate+'. fl in. 'As b0sutifulasaprincess of must be sustained by the strongest liquid and adventitious circumstances. If Adversity Paints and L� Eg;1)t' +vw, tbo Superlative of cornParisou.. food, beef juice, milk and white of eggs, the improves the average character it rarely im- g1HOROUGHBRED DURHAM $UL ��� nSe cal: Oils
No wu:yiwi i:, the ltorhi Over had such coin= ' Whit- Of.threh s�'g tit a pint of milk well proves the temper. The best tempered people, SERVICE. -The subscriber has for service
shaken together, or a raw egg beaten very . taking the average, have bad a ha child- a tborourrhbred Durbam bull on lot20. con, lo,
pltsiuus or ; u0h sl:hls, and there is nothing in AAY Hallett. The animal is of dant red color, weighs •
rho wort`! t„-, h,y w compare with the skins of light with a little Sugar. The treatment pre- hood, good health, moderate prosperity, a between 1,00o and 1,700 lbs, and is 2 ears old.
nllties,(bt' women taken from the tombs. scribed inner be faithPuliyearried out, or it gratification of tae sense of their own intel- 110 had a first-class pedlgreo, and registered In TO ADVANTAGE AT
s'. ` "T will be unavailing. lvctual and moral power. Such poo le can flit new Dominion fiord book. TERMS, $1 with • .
Toil ti:slit-tion lasted over a period of 3,000 S - P , the privilege of returning if necessary. A.
yeai:�, a.: 1 +sus conunoulY attributed to' the Pasmodfe croup is a much less dangerous ! later n life, bear, great afflictions witbout JAMIESON, Londeaboro.
'Uai'1 of Isis,' w_'lch was preserved for them form, and is seldom fatal. ti is hereditary e, I loss of would
seem, But a the average tem.
with ;,uea jouluus, rarw, but it was really 'eine families, and the victims are delicate, per it would seem that these early conditions i t OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. - A FRAME '
inoro owing to inheritance and the climate, nervous children. Those subject to it should were almost necessary .to .the forging of an rl House, with two lots on Victoria street, neer
be guarded from exposure, and their diet invincible armor which, when fully grow iy Lands old hotel, belonging to the ciliate of the laic
suited to perfect health and phenomenal nr John�Stel,henson, is offered for sale. The house in v y� .;,,y �t1'r . _
, �`-&i5��ti ' +�t�rt(IaiotiOtl, Yes, tttetotiou regulated to peep the digestive organs in a like the skin of the armadillo, impervious to compnrnttvely new, with Dino rooms and stone collar, SC +rias are Store, Clinton.
��" "• Maltby condition. 1Vhou there is a croupy later shocks. On the lore aro hard and soft water, stable, hc. The
haI sotuv^tlfiig to do with it; but anybody cough they should not be allowed to go out of � A perfect temper is one which is good for property is advantageously situated, and will be sold _ _ _
eau test for Lbeq}Selvcs ho}v much. doors holiday wear, also f r rain days. Sir Philip on reasonable terms. Apply to either J. STEPHEN- -`
"'there never was any Secret about its coin- Y 4 Y Y P SON, Clinton, or G. 6WINBANK, London Road. -
polleuts. It was made from lotus water' Oral In the beginning O!'. nI> , attack an emetic Sidney is said to have had such•a one, bo Great. CLEAR -IN
often gives relief. Syrup of ipecac may be did the Admirable Crichton so did 1111: � r .R
the adipocere of a rabbit, wlticb was a symbol ' N L �' ERA BAKERY.
of the Sit•: Tho `bath' had a phallic meaning used. A cloth wrung out witli hot water, Lincoln; but they aro rare, It is at once the
and was the survival of Some phallic worship. sprinkled with turpentine and bound on the straight, damascened blade, superb for else- The subscriber would intimate to the people
It was the marriage of air and water, through throat is beneficial. If there is much smart oration, gleaming in the sun, the best orna• of Clinton 1 hat be has bought out the baking
the loots. Ih° tr0ublo WAS to get the ndi- Ing when the turpentine is, removed cover the ment for holiday parade, and again, it is lron business lately oarried on liy Mr. Dunlap, and
place with a soft linen rag thickly spread for defenso-tile bulwark of the feeble, the pill continue the Same at the old stand. He _LE
pocere. bone but the Dlemphian and Balsam with corn starch. knight's right hated. -Mrs. John Sherwood in h,iA had a long practical experience, and by giv-
I. priests knew bow Lo convert the dead rabbit 1/1901088 personal attention to the business in
into adipocere. This secret they kept, and it The symptons soon yield to treatment: but New York Wold. all its branebea, hopes to merit and receive -O F ---
this day o is not known stow they did n ill- the child should be kept in the house for a a atutre of phblio patronage: Bread delivered -
few days, and watched to prevent the return The Odd and End Talent. at usual prices. A large stock ,of Cakes and
though there am a dozen ways now by which o! an attack It i9 not infectious as mem- " �� Confectionery alwavt• on hand, Go Cream sup -
it cau lid doile. The lotus water was made by , Putting odds and ends together in the lied for parties. J R EVANB.
distillation, as rose water is now made, tied braneous cironp is thought to be. When a home is a great art, and out of it can come all
was in no common use all) r t ne E child dies of the latter disease no other child manner of beauty and law and order. If you COUNTY OF IiURON EXAMINATIONS, 1887.-
h 1 gyptian should be allowed to comp near it, and the have no talent for it, do something which you second class nonprofessional examination at the
women as rose water is with the American. roolrl9 where it has been ill must be carefully have talent for for a Friend, and let that [,lend Third cines nonerotees resat exdminaiionh t the high
T4Udipocere was prepared in some way by disinfected, -Elizabeth Robinson Scovil in who has the odd and end talent do for you. yon Tuesday. 12th July, 9 a. Al. 8
I . which the sncrharized oil eerie extracted, mak- youth's Companion. Sihools in ilio (cunt
Ing It identical with our glycerine, by remov- • A If, hi the Pall and Spring, when purchases are First class, grade C., Monday, lith July, 1 p.m. First _
class, grade A and B, Tuesday, 19th Joly, 9 a.m. Can ,
Ing the waxy portion of the fatty matter. "an t° be made for the clothing of the house and didntes who wish to write at either Clinton or Seaforth. We want to catch your eye and bring to your notice our latest and greatest offer in Money
If the bath was used by any of the Byzantine A IIfndoo Woman's 13omu. the clothing of the family, a little reflection must notify D. M. MALLOM, P. S. Inspector, Clinton P Saving Bargains. A woman's judgment is part of her fortune; we wil, prove this to ever
empresses, they probably used the adipocere Now for an idea of a Hindoo woman's home were exercised the result would be far better ' O.; not Inter than the 21st May, stating which of the y 11
lite. The floor and walls are of cls with 110 taste than iP things were bought without re schools they wish to write at, and those who wish to visitor with goods and prices. To convince the judgment that dollars- brought to ns vitt
knpWii to them, which was not of rabbit, but y+ write at Goderich mu -t notify J. E. Toms, P.S.I•, Exeter save you dollars. Tbat you can save money and yet secure the best is demonstrated in out,
of human beings and horses. It could not ornamentation of any seri and tiro least Pur- gard to harmony or fitness. Suppose, in. one at the same date. The notice must be accompanied epleudid stock of
Have been unrefined• and mixed with loots niture Possible. Every morning she has to room in the house there is a ,worn out carpet, by a fee of $2, or $4 it the candidate applies for a 3rd as
well as a 2nd class examination. No•name will be for- '''
water in the waxy state. It was better than pray -not for herself, as she is taught that in another room s chair needs upholstering, warded to the Department unless the fee accompanies 1 1 y
• hothfng, pekhaps. - I She has no soul -but for her husband, for rain turd In the dining room the damask needs re- it. Forms of application may be had from the seere- LADIES & CHI [ LD LIENS ST II AW. HATS, EX -
"How is all this known( Liebig took the and for general blessings. Then she -spends plenishing, suits are needed for the boys, cretary. The Ecad masters of the High schools will 7
trouble to verify it, to settlethe disputes about two or three hems preparing breakfast.' She dresses for the girls. Why not take the woe plpnse aurid the applications of their candidates to the BR01 DERLL U RIE fl'A LACES,
doesn't eat with leer husband but rhes out clothes of bo s and cut out the best feces County inspector of the division ut which the High B i i- VES, GLOVES
the et,translations.
awat i s. Lotus water fs easy enough i _ , Ae P , y p' School is situated. First cla+s candidates send their
to get, .as it is d regular .preparation in the fans him at his request. During M daytime of cloth, and get some brass tacks and up- APplica ions to the Secretary Education Department,
east' for the skin, correspoilding to Florida she either sleeps, gossips with the other holster the chairs yourself? Perhaps ou say Toronto. PETER ADAMSOM, Secy. B. Examiners, r 1 ,
women or some a reader reads to them the feces aro not lar encu hand the color Go `rich, April20th, 1887. HOSIERY,JERSEYS,CORSETS & PARASOLS
water and bay rum with us. He tools the p large g
trouble to make the bath first with rabbit adi- from the lives of the gods. These stories are is not good, but if your friend with the odd ° " ✓
pooera, grid then with the refined product, iia unfit for human cars; they are vilo from be- and end talent is there she will tell you how (� ■ „ tYHICH AVE WILL CLEAR OUT AT A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES,
sweet oil, so that he obtained the identical ginning to end. .The children and women are to do it: Now there must be in the worn out , "It -saved SaYed My elf V
'bath of Isis.' I have p full account of it taught them. At Right they preppie their carpet some me P pieces which can have at Big .Bargains in Ribbons
• ,
somewhere, and of his report. He gave it to husband's meal in the sante manner. They either end some plain woolen fringe, and thea Is a common expression, often heard (i/] • .
bis friends to experiment with, and they found are not protected against the weather and you can use these little rugs as a matting or from those who have realized, by per -
the former good and the latter excellent. He dampness, nor ars they properly fed and to save your new carpet. The beautyof them
_ -...__-afterward_ dnade-it from -our -rose-water and Ot 1• Tho rich live elle sem° as t110 prior, _ �T _`legend entirely -0n -the -kind of -fringe you sonar use, the curative powers of Ayer's - Don't- fhrget-Oar- (`ASt Sri -LE- O C RIBBONS -EVERY FATURL)A Y
If Sick they are deemed cursed b t Cherry Pectoral. I cannot say enough Nstook; at half the
glycerine, and this was much better than Y be gods buy end the color. Dark blue gods with y g usual l ric t, on that night oily, in or, er to reduce ourstooL•:
either of tho others. We do not know much ,and aro taken to the stable and left alone• eimost anything. You will save enough in praise of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, be- .
___ mom -about astronomy than the Egyptians, if the only, food they can get is left by stealth. money by little turns of this kind to buy a fleeing as I do,that, but for its use, I
we know so much, but in chemistry we beat Thousands dio of neglect. better quality of damask for your table, and should long since have (lied from lung '
them out of sight. I The first day that a Hindoo boy abuses his what distinguishes a woman of good taste troubles. -- E. Bragdon, Palestine, Tex.
"Tho proportions? They vary, To keep mother is a festal
occasion with his father, from a woman of bad taste than the style of About six months ago I had a severe B es e S I� i I I i n e rEmporium'
the slain soft, ono -third of glycerine to two- who boasts of it to lig friends. To be a widow her table damasks Let us never have s silk I'lemorrhage of the Lnngs, brought on y a
thirds of rose water, and this was probably is the sum of unhappiness. She is especially dress until we can buy the best damask. Let by a disasing Eougb; vFkiell deprived
the proportion in the 'bath of Isis,' as its cursed by the gods. As 'the' husband dies, us never have silver until we can have good. -toe of sleep And rest. I had used vari-
symbol was thus divided; but Liebig's ex• half a dozen barbers' wives rush upon her china. -Atlanta Constitution, oils cough balsams and expectorants,
jeriments showed that half and halt were and tear the jewelry from her ears and nose. I without obtaining relief+ A friend ad -
about the proper proportions, 'when bringing Debind Lhe funeral cortege she follows, sur- Value of Civility. wised me to try T R
Abe skin -into condition.- He made eight corn- ' � ITIJ uE STOCKthewetl by these flCttds,'wh0 throw'hsr into Civility Dila the wh@tea o! our domestic Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. .NEW 11 .
binstiona, each of different proportions, and the water. IP she drowns they say she was a machinery, and American women might I diel so, and am .happy t0 say that it
the simplest was the best. good wife after all. "She has gone to meet mend their manners, as well particularly as helped mo at once. By continued use '
' "Of course I use it. Ten cents worth lasts. , her husband." She is kept fn a darkened too tional civilities. s. O tional civ' ' this medicine cured t
ilii do fur 1 n cuu�l . an � ii®� GL1'� ZYS
A ea n id I e F+LLIOTTS �
room for fourteen days. At the end of that not in any way include familiarity. Perha a Y e OC�■
me a month, as I use it only on my hands and P Am satisfied, Saved m lite. -hies. E. '
at night, You=see-for- yourself how tran- time her husband's ashes are taken to the it i,• the best of all safeguards ag�nst it. . Coburn, 18 Second St., Lowell, plass, • 'NEXT DOOM TO THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON.
i` spalent and whits and soft it keeps the skin, fiver, and, after a peculiar ceremony of Well bred women never say anything to hurt I have used Ayer', Cherry Pectoral n
Mine is merely five cents worth oP the rose P 3'crs, the soul is Eupposed to be free.. It a person's feelings. To. tell one of the dis• for over a year, And sincerely believe T gEDR00M SETS PARLOLZr - -
may enter An insect or an animal. -The worst agreeable things said behind one's back is s'bould have been in sly- grave, had it . , SETS,
• water of commerce (made Prom four drops oP Si not beerl for this me(liculU. It has cured �g�jl BOARDS CHAIRS Q!t(�.
�- 'rose oil to a:i ounce of distilled seater) tinct Punishment rho soul eau sustain is to enter neither good taste rine optional civili Itis - - --
the bol of a woman.-hausna Cit Journal. .rarer caused ty' Trio of a dannerous affection of the lungs,
I 11
five cents north of .ordinary glycerine, but Y -y _ by_excess of friendshi It, is for-'%almostdesraired of u - -- -1. -"
by tieing tine genuine rose water made by more apt to be an expression of individual finding a rCmedy.-U. A. ISicbfuore ANF A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF THE VRRY BCST MADE FURNITURE AT +
distillation and the chemically pure glycerino A Cause of Heartaches. spite. Itis doubtful taste to warn people of Windsor, Province of Ontario. REASONABLE PRrCES.',
obtained by a second reflning-which cannot ,.'Your bastand is always talking with Miss their faults, to comment upon their failures,, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life.
be had At every druggist's -you will get a •So- and So," says s feather headed wdYnau, to Garry them disagreeable tidings under the 11 w ,years ago I took a'very severe Cold .,V"S. � 1 I[ 1 �-1., U,- -V .
_ _ much better article-that-tbe 'bath of -Isis'- whose mental horizon -is-limited --t° -person- ..uaule of friendship. This- is very often- which settled (ill my lungs. 1 consulted
ever was. alities and gossip• There is sufficient truth in Optional incivility. That mysterious thing physicians, and tool( the; remedies they
"Its commercial side never struck ate, but this statement to sail it, and away it goes within us which rive call "pride," which. is at prescribed, but failed to Obtain relief --- -. ---•- -. -- - - ____ _-_ _.-_- _�_.__ °
I d° not think there is a commercial side. It down the wind like. a winning yacht on the brise the best and the oorest thin as ive • I lii•v to uytng Ay er ti Cherry Yea J-
t ..
home stretch. B and b somebody's heart make it the painted, A e Loral. Two bored y cant mediciuo
I is known to all scholars and to all chemists. Y Y wooden -
Y P , ,three legged cwu ,lo
tel io.
gg 3tocd m h'.ltl.-
1 l' v r,1 1 Lizzie
It is now the baso of all lotions used for the ' will ache just because a fool took occasion to stool of assumption, or arrogance or fmpolita :11. _Men, \Vest Lancaster, Ohio., = he ® Sa e
skin. The refined Egyptian rabbit adipocere bawl °harmless fact into the ears of other nes , or trio noble theme of self respect au'1 �yer'S. Cherry Peeiora1
is our glycol iuc. Rose .water fs preferable to fools, whose hens is a evil enough to color dignity, i9 but another form 'f temper, It is
lotus water, but you call use either -both are everything in the w�d with their own im. part of Our moral climate, and play make us Prepared by Dr. ,T. 0. Agy C Co., Lowell, Masa.
common. Every woman uses rose water and Purity. DIany a person +till shudder at the noble and igreeabte or Shaul and detestable, Sold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottlee, $ . Twt:uty nig}tt Z hm SAnd Dollars paid at tinction 't•nt thrl renowned trotting horse,
glycerine, auci the majority use them to- bare thought of a slip in etiquette, but ever as wpr
e all are proud. -1411-9. John Sherwood in
Pancoast,proved his exelence, and 'so the
, q ' ply repeating facts which do not Y New York World. gather. It cry, few women know where the day, by sim_
use began -I think this lotion ie alluded to in concern them and telling truths without TM (illi R r' L^i A NTS' ' 1 '
. the Oldest book in the world, now in the Tri)owledgeofthe circumstances,n'hichalways Children in the Kitchen. • r 11, 1 '
It is almost needless toss that (,hill p , �trild�nn� Glutliiu 1I0Qs>r (if FISCHER S .
National library in'1 oris -I mean the ono color truths, they are reudoring themselveg Y (! , , �' M i
written by Prince Hotep and taken from his more obnoxious than any ignorance oP the should not bo allowed to make the kitchen Protedi�e ani Collact�ng Association O Osite the Post Office truly its su teriorit over all o• iosition in Sty fe
coffin after it had lain beside him fin• over formal Usages of good society could ever their Play room. Especially should they be pP 9 proves'I Y PP
b,800 years, ].)lit this is because no one cares; make them. A 11pr is about the meatiest `esti- excluded from it while the meals are being and Fit it beats them all, And '
so long as the lotion serves its purpose,"- tion of Satan but there is somethin Prepared or other work is bels done b the - O F CANADA-
Nowkol:lVurld. + something mother which requires ber'togkeep a "hot Hand, 011ice, Ilrrnilltoll, Ont.
. __ and that s a man or a woman who goat shout fire." Of all the rooms in the house the one ENTAatlan'ED .1884. F f S C H E ®S• LEADING SUITS telling distorted truths in away that shall , ` LEADING
Treatment of the Croup. injure repiitations or, cause heartaches.- allotted to the children should be the bright,- Ii ,in Association of businean and profess;onnl men
Thero are two varieties of this disease su "Amber" in Chicago Journal, est a"1 the sunniest, and the temperature having for its object the ' �•
dreaded by mothers, niembraneous and. should never be allowed to go above i0 (legs., COLLECTION OF DEBTS; Are worts from one end of the county to the other. The Spring Stock has arric-
I spasmodic croup. 1'he first is comparatively Cot.ting a, Homestead. and if kept tit 0S legs. it will be still better ' ed, and is one Of the finest 111 ills town and vicinity. t1 S
rare, and if the child recover'; it seldom has Tile ultintnto nim, to be kept eonstautly in insprevent)on dudntiluLion i9 of course to be And to prevent its members making bad debts by J discount count of l0.per-cent
another attaek.,The second is more common, view l,y both 1uslnnd and lyric, is Lhe trttniu- air should enter i( on nn r myweather fresh furnishing thein will] lists of parties who do not pay, froln the 15th of Feb, till the 15th of 1ge,I,ch,, will he given for cash. Prices lore
and remirS tit intervals ill Children whoadjoining 9lcrehintts and others having accounts to collect and and workmanship unsurpassed. Terms Cash.
(fru merit of n 11omestenil, and the conversion of Atlanta Constitution. a wlshing to become monbers, by reniitting $7 to our
subject to it• that home inM it iii ;h]} altractive locality - liana,
licntbrnneons croup ufteu begins with the externally 1111.1 iliternally, ph sic:ill} ,socially boo nr I,he asserts of social success -Sud tvo full pnrticuiliskm 1p) ,Hifi %,IItof cine br.return mail 1 f 1 1 1
. symptumsOfal,adrold. The(.bild is fever- and inor;Ily. into ,it 110:110 of delight for do net snytbntitisunjustifiable-is to Im. a h1,,,Se. FISHES L.�ADING CLOTHING IIOUSI+,�./� nton
ish, thirsty and hoarse. '1'ho, throat is sore, parents, children and r0lati+'cs• press upon each person that silo is in soma Jr R. fi11LL1; & Co., Mainagers, Hamilton, `
and tlrc fever atnatnutly increases. There is B,y what nmans N this to be etfectedt pray sixiglerl out. run an object of admiration._==_
a hard cough and grent difficulty in breath- Chiefly l,y tltu united n;i'urt of husband and Or to r1As. 'Ctioltpsos, :hent, Clinton. - - __ -.. -. - - ._ _________--7n1_
ing - -- - ,__�_ - n 711E ELEBraAi ED ( ®O.
wife to I1,`•,1• nlld I'orl,eat•, lviu a Llmydifferand • Houle Mado Remedies. j3, - ®- pip . r.f/ t1 �� A �+
The first rcgttisite iti nursing this diseriso is feel inr liur•1 to b•• hri l c: I,,y t hr• ronstait oxer- 1'ry n sun bath fat i letttuatisnl. ° iTM Y ii ilo�.R+O ! -° '.1_= ylAy t�lG t7 �! ,�°I y{ n
not tO011nlvt11otmnpoatul'oof rho room to ci,;aol' elfrunl.rul, nt'uui;ualr uuid0ne affil] . ®93Ai$� Y� ,. yI f+ •
fall below 70 degeees. Tito air of the chain- a°derstam.,
lin; a, u, ilial, i) • -uninr•y nirairs, TIT clnni broth for a weals stomach. �; t I, 11 N'/„ST R.I %'/%5 n ' 1J"l'I.' t ,; -, r F, �•
bel' must br, Lcl)t lrnrm and moist. IP there n rcroguition tb ear li has indit ideal rights , Try cl:ulher);y ponllice l'01'el / RF,',ST. �c"j • • p�q�lj� LRQ� I - p . n, '.�
-' ...t it a. r. r, r
is afire a kettle of tearer can boil oto it; if which need not, ; `r1'vro, tool that t1je ever- y allowin • ,.alit;l 1010), troubled witL ,
1't swallowing p ,, _+acted .,t.' ;.., . ®,,L sv.l.: t::e .,t :.:.,....:.�r any
riot, th0 wetter to Lho kettle must be hollorl by vise or f11n)ii,y at'. •`lion i; highly conducive sone atumach• i �SIS1191� EGceti s�' • ` case c:' ,�.,;,;,;, 1_:` r , • o::nor nt
a spirit lamp. Some physicians recoumcud to hnppiness, I, : tho children feel that the Try catin fr(:sh radishes and �( Sick F1end ci:•: Incli•re9tiar, ur Cc.+.ivcalose
the inhaling of steam from pouring bofling parents aro their warnx`st friends; that rho nips 1'Or grttgvrl, yellow tor- . _ I N_ g I .
water onunslackedlime, FIltS1' CL:1SS C011PANIES, Yd ® we cannot Cure with Z'Ti"31';3 LIVER
heart, cspecinlly r f the mother, is ever nl en Try eating osiers and horradish to ,slices PILLS, when the Directions aro striptly
1n severe cases a blanket teat is made by to syntpathlm Dna sell isn rri ruvling till trinls -- ] )emptied with. Large ileacs containing
stretchiug a blanket over the tipper part of nnd , lti('t.Ions. trivial orjniI,orn,,1t.-Ttiehaavi dropsical swellings. Several good Farm•+ for Sale. Apply to r
the bed, and raising it by moans of `lairs, so Owen in 1'he Current. Try hot flannel river 1.ho
-- rsOnL r,f m uellgic r a �0i1 LIVER ��13 KIDNEY DISEASES 30 Pills, 26 Conte; G Boxes 1.00. Bold
; as to form an inclosure.. Then the spout of pain aml ronew frequently. WES 8 COTT & SANDERS, by all Druggists.
the tea kettle, in which tiers is water boil- women of Pine Te:upo,.. Tf7he)t an iiifdlfpent ma)t wants to Parr- - '
Try buttermilk for the removal of t:1)1 Dud •REAL ESTATt. At;FNTS, Exwrrn, ONT. chase, by Lary sfrntnParties ichose standing in HEALTH � � W E
ing, is slipped under one corner of the Iu the world of fashion, temper tells. Bul- wnhu,t Nta.ius nnd freeklea. _ - "' - - their nrrcrn�ca.11inpa is a guarantee for the A L Y I'L•
4, lblanket, so flat the tent may be idled with. 11'Ct wrote something about L1s' "Masquerade HURON quolitU ojthcfrwares." This sterling motto is . ,eerie
q 'fry tilt, croup tippet 11) Oil it child is likely AND SR'UCE doubly true in regard to patent medicines, buy r Fula
(steam and the little sufforer can breatbe in a or. I i.,te, ' ns lie called sovie y in London, in to Lo 1 roll bird fit that way. only those made by practical professional mon. aE'C'WfS
warm, moist atmosphero. If lime is used un• MA,h he lnnise8 the women 11 ho are born /I r Dr. CHASM is too well and favorably known by O
der a tent the eYes shopld be protected 'by a 1+'arlc t's; who will,iso to the top, litre bubbles Try a cloth wrtnig from Bold water put Loti>rL 1Lrrd Inve�il Ment Vo y ht 1 receipt Look's to rcgtiire any recommenda, n
soft, light bandage. Sometimes the steam is oil f ho champagne; who must be women of 1111"t ilio neck for sore throat. -tioii;
inhaled by holding the face over a vessel of fine Omper. To be n hostess requires this Tray taking cod livor oil in tomato `Hien) This Company is Loaning Money ou Ir'a.rm ilia• t~rrAStv's Liver Cure has a receipt book
1 Security al Lowest Hales o! !tiler cele vvrnppo<1 around every bottle ,which is'worth its 1
boiling renter•, and thele the head should be gift, for all people wbo come to ono rury not it you want to make it palatable. y wolghtln gold.
covered with a woolen cloth inclosing he agrcoal8e; Lint a life of fashionable experinuco Try lvnllflnq with your• hands bchiud you 4+-- Dit• CHASE's Livor Cure is guaranteed to euro
vessel to prevent the steam from escaping'.is sura to teach a wonnan that if she bears it yet nen I,e<cming hent fo ward. all diseases arising from a torpid or inactive .•.•_..._._-. riiEaTfAe' _
I ih•er such as lAver t•oinplaial, Dyspepsia,
Wben POURices are ordered, two narrow with the disagreeable she will reach thengreo- ;yy stt(ttF,tl; pmcdrrcd borax up rho nos- MORT3A GCS PURCHASED Indigestion, B111ousneas, Jitundice, 11ead• Dr, R. O. West's Nerve and nems Treatment a '?raa
- 1)Aga r11UEl� be made of ilannol and filled with able. '1'heto fine tonpo•ed lvomeu tore oo• - ache, liver Spl)t9, Saiilow hornpletlon, etc., teed specific'forhysteria, ranvnlsinus,(ItA,p� ,rvoua nen slgis
hops and Wheat bran In equal proportions, or asiotnlly tyrants ria was Frances, ('ounLr`src tail" for `anterial cold in tho head. THE Ill D N EY$ THE KIDNEYS DN ErS headache, nervous prostration can(,ed by tl,e rise of Alceho
1'r bt•vnthing rumps of for (n , SAVINGS 13ANI� BRANCH. , brain,
in, resultng inluesanity,tnl dlllg tonin, ry, diogofihc
will hops alone. These must be placed inn Valdn•crnve, who know bury to any ,, .. " Y P ` tu18 or Sar• iti. CRAt.:'a Livor C'nr0 {s a `crinin out's for .brain, roeulting in mannlc}•, leads g to mace ,loan ane
steamer over n put 0f boiling testi,,, Sat, when t, rl;ed for an incifnt ioi; for t,q' ; , to boric Acid Ice relieve 11 hopping cough. 3, /! and 5 per Cenl. Interest Allowttl all dorangn»lents of the kidney somell a9 pal n h1 loath, Preinatare Old nge, bnrrennosn, loss (if Power in either
on the hnek ]unn m lon•m• pot•tloti of ilio andol)tot. sex, InlohmtArgg losses and np'ermatorrbrna Ponied byorer
When thoroughly hontcd, ,ate of them npplled lie perl' a`t•, nn1s1 not, lr tun y'icldiw" "1'lu.t is Try Inking n trap i:l tett, afternoon if you Deposile, according LO cl,wou at constant dcAr0 to ass urine reel ozarnnn of the lirnm, Self nb(ae or over 1 r
At•n Oiu, In P astrl tvhito nlnlgeneo. Erich
to the Chroat. This will keep hot for 0110 r Sood,,,'dcolnipal-Noll oftbotrutlxro,l .steel K T b( out late iii theovenhng, and time (eft, 9edinlrnt8,ShootingpainsInpa8sltg0,]Bright's boxenntaineonem"nth'atrentmpnt. $1abox,oralxboxes
Lime, And supply the heat and il oisfure sones- tt;picln, 1 rie,d in the fire, can hu tt1roS I•at, not Try a sill; Ilnndicerr`hicf over file ; , n - liar^neo an(t rtll urinary f t•uttblce, rte. for $s, sent by mull Preppaid on reecipt ofpprice.
f •- I „1 It• Ink,; no Othrr, it will euro WE G('ARItANTIM SIX 110XES
• Ba1y t0 relax the throat lvtthont ntnl:in 1111. broken, 1� o know eosin rather rrnbhed old when o111i rd to OFIc1JE.-Corne of ,lfarl;e Square nndNorth.Streo you. Sold To erre any case. with eneh order reeeired hp ria for qqix
f, go (:15 rg ;