HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-07-01, Page 5• • •TaftWi'. 47'4%r - TIES, TIES, TIES Big Bargains PRICES FROM 10c, UPWARDS. Before you buy your SUMMER HOSIERY SEE WHAT YOU CAN GET AT GLASGOWS FOR 15c. & 25c. There is no better value shown. • - 11111 ti G. GLASGOW, Smiths BIOCk. Clinton. '4",";•1; Its Slimmer Now, and Sum- mer Goods: Must be zrpSold Najwo-n WE BOUGHT LARGE QUANTITIES OF GINGHAMS, PRINTS and MUSLINS, For the season's trade. The people pronounced them right in style, color and pattern, and we have sold large quantities of theta. We have some very desirable patterns still in stock, and to -day we commence clearing them out at reduced pri. ces. They will be sold,prices re cut so fine that the closest buyers will be delighted SUMMERDRESSGOODS at special cut prices to clear PARASOLS at special cut prices to clear WE IIAVE THIS WEEK SECURED .A." LINE OF . DE ID That would be goocrizalue at 75c. We offer them at 50c. a yard. If you want them, come early, as they will be all sold in ten days. We offer a Blue Serge Suit of Clothes,size 26 to 42 for $5 6; ti CC 6C 64 " 30 to 35 for$4.50 We offe,- Special Cuts on SUGAR, when bought in quantities of 100 pounds* Ha-lat-anyLtimse FINE FRENCH PRUNES at 2.0 pounds for $1 We L. OUIMETTE, LONDESBORO Some are Asking Close Market Price Our reduceC Price $2.00 -1.25 J, JACKSON'S THERMOMETER FOR SHARP BUYERS. W. • THIS TIME IT IS Ladies: Button: Boots THAT ARE DOWN. • .• • These gcods are got up in good style with WORKED BUTTONHOLES. NO pore stylish and serviceable footwear was ever offered. 'All sizes in stock. • YouWary Bargain H unters- GLANCE AT OUR THERMOMETER AND NOTE THE TRENI ENDOUS, DROP. Old Day Prices ALWAYS AT ARSONS Bargain Shop OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, CLINTON. 01il•TTO1& Mr.E."2-'111-1, BOOTS SflOES Our stock of Boots and Shoes for spring and summer hive been selected with gteat care, and will be found vet v complete in all lines We are agents for HACK & SONS PAR FAMED FINE HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. 41- EGGS WI TAYLOR & SONS. Clinton and Myth. JACOB TAYLOR, Manager for Blyth. 11111111161C11‘ reSartrameterfartraasartertrasatioras state of the late John 'lodger% ARE SHOWING FOR THE HOT WEATHER NEW LAWNS IN WHITE AND CREAM, NEW MUSLINS, NEW PRINTS IN LIGHT GROUNDS, NEW—SEERSUCKERS, BLACK AND •COLORED LACE BUNTINGS. We are offering Big Bargains in Remnants and Odds and Ends in order to clear them out. Our stock of Staples and Small Wares is always complece, AT CITP1SIC=3.. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. • .•• Estate J. 1-101)CENS. CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, June 30, 1887. Wheat, spring . 0 78 a 0 80 White and red 0 77 a 0 80 Oats - 0 28 a 0 30 Barley .0 40 a 0 50 Peas - 0 48 a 0 50 Flour, per cwt 2 00 a 2 25 Potatoes 0 65 a 0 70 Butter , 0 12 a 0 13 Eggs 0 12 a 0 14 Pork - 5 50 a 6 00 'Hay - 8 00 a 8 00 Wool • 0 24 a 0 25 Sheep pelts 0 50 a 0 75 Lomb skins 0 60 a,0 80 Clover, per bush. - 5 00 a 5 50 SEAFORTH MARKETS. SEAFORTU, June 30, 1887. Wheat, spring, • $0 78 a 0 80 Red and white • - 0 78 a 0 80 Oats, • • 0 28 .a 0 30 Peas, - 0 48 a 0 50 Barley, • 0-40 a 0 50 Butter, • 0 12 a 0 F3 Ktgs, - - 0 12 a 9 14 Potatoes, • • 0 65 a 0 70 Pork, - • . - 5 50 a 600 Wool, • - - 0 24 a 0 25 Flout per ewt - - 2 10 a 2 35 NI OTICE — 1 IIER.,BY FORBID NY PERSON l 11 giving, credit to any one on my account, as I will Let pay anything except upon my written order. JOSEPH W MILLS, Clinton, June tt, 1887. F1OUSE TO LET.—THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS to rent. A conveniently situated house on Rut- tonnury St., hard and soft water, good fruit, lawn and shade trees thereon. J, C. GILROY, Clinton. TORE TO RENT. —THE PREMISES RE - t nnrinx_oectivied by-5LIr Sifinpsun, on the cor- ner of Albert Street, is offered to rent. It is into of the beet stands in town. Apply 10 JOS WHITEHEAD, Clinton. COTTAGE FOR SALE—THAT COTTAGE AND kJ two Iota, formerly occupied by Neil Matherson, next, east of the residence of W. Doherty, Esq., con- aining half nn acre of land, and the most eligible dwel- ling in Hilton. Very libtral terms given and posses. sion at May next. W. W. FARRAN. rrENDERS WANTED.—SEALED TENDERS WILL ill bo received by the undersigned up to July Ind, for furnishing material and erecting a double brick dwelling i tithe iiity of London. Plans and specifica- tions may bo seen at my office or that of S. F. Peters, arehitect,21,fi D.und .s St., London, Tho lowest or any tender not accepted unless tiatbsfactory. JOHN ESSON, Hayfield, Juno 14, 1887 • I,?EESAND HONEY FOR SALE.—SUBSCRIBER having, a very large number of Colonies for sale. Good 'whey prodders, and gentle to handle. Wil deliver them to any parties In Clinton, and will be sold at reasonable rates. Send for prices. 1Ie auto has an immense quantity of first-class honey, both linden and clover, at the very lowest prices. J. IIINCIILbY, Constance P. O. *4i --IMPORTANT- NOTICE • R\GS'BONES, OLD RUBBERS, IRON P,TC.-- To all this concerns. Those due subscriber last year's accounts, are requested to prepare their truck after this notice, to pay up when he calls, without pressure. I having been under the dnetor's hands, need all dues to meet liabilities, and will take all wits of truck to settle, as well as all eatables for man and horse. WM MARTIN, Pedler, Clinton, June14, 1887 , 1,1UFFOLK BOAR FOR SERVICE—SUBSCRIBER 17 has a thorobred Suffolk Boar, which he will keep km service on lot 14, lfith con.; Goderiell township. 1 Terms 81 at timo of.sovice, with privilege of returning If necessary. THORORRED DURHAM BULL FOR SERVICE— Subscriber also keeps for service a first-class Gurhatu Buil, of gond pedigree. Terms 81, at time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary. II CARTER , CENTR,AL BAKERY, ALBERT STREEt' - - CLINTON. 0 - The subscriber would intimate to the people cf Clinton that he has opened out in the premises lately occupied by Mr't Stanbury,where Ile will keep un hand and deliver to any part of the town, plain and fancy Bread, Cakes; &c. Anything not in stock, made on the shortest notice. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIAL - T. Patronage respectfully solicited T DUNLOP ITAOR & CO'S Monster Summer Sale .--AS NOW GOING ON,. DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, IMUSLINS, EMBROIDERIES, LACE CURTAINS, TABLE LIN ENS, TOWELS, TICKINGS, WHITE QUILTS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, COTTON ADES AND SHIRTINGS, AT SLAUGHTER PRICES: -•vagargegit0..A.16,' 1C1 ra, JO IN - TWEEDS. • A LOT -OF LADIES and GENTS HATS - BOUGHT AT A SACRIFICE, WHICH, THEY OFFER • AT NEARLY HALF PRICE. tlIIIIMIllettw' • , BETIOR & CO., Clinton "SW Aline CHEAPSIDE NNW Seasonable Goods at the very lowest prices. et • SAIVIL. WILSON, CHEAPSIDE. NEXT DOOR TO T. COOPER SON'S GROCERY, ALBERT STREE17, crirwroN. Our Alteration - Salo IS DOING'GREAT WONDERS FOR US. Those 7c. Muslins, 8c. Gingham% Sc. Dress Goods 5e Lineri, Towels, Sze AItE GOING LIKE HOT CAKES. NOW IS THE TIME, AND ROBERTSONS IS THE PLACE FOR CLOSE BUYERS AND ALL OTHERS TO SECURE BARGAIN': Ilaintson Grilt h:1,1 Cash Stan, Clidn / ,