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The Clinton New Era, 1887-07-01, Page 4
.r ... 16111. _• ru- - - .. n ,. I . �.. ., i- - ... --.. - r, 1111 ,......._..,.. .». - - . . .. 1 111_.x,-11_11,....-„-,.:-:'.-.,;-.-,.. ;. =. �-.-11_11-. ..-.- :-.sem.,.. A', .•, -�. - «.. 1111... _ -- �Pn ort 09 tLlaie Gree 78 u M _ ---�, - _ ... ..,. .. .. _ _._.. _ , ,P•,_ ter,,:.-_.,,.. r i 1. ~ Additional ai Lgcol Nl3�rs. CLi ITO[. ��IQW01 $0000k. "a � 7 t Li .mi 2 a,• Ad__ o— Rrot�nd the �,ounfr, W11140 t�nrit, )Fltr ll.>yt¢Ai i111'11.1` - Weald 2607. 7`hns, tar cit. v for ! of St ,lien P4Et1ENwAwIPr,a.-About twenty five meat,• waa ,. : 1. t' :1190HAli1OWIssTi'VuiR -•.Tile director ; ile following in a atntuuleut of tb'e number .iuutor-Bprtha T3.eart 2644, Jean 1'urt•uur re i ' ,t w¢ ' �«e Y et• bryr@ of Sli, 1 pill a Chu.101), a ep pblcd At th i pupils carolled, ;kutl avers a attendauo01. W 2612, 04vli Holyar 15,13, Tom Walker 2488, o plot of a i,uyse of 5101 from bis Llherul rabtdeuca of gena p i' E l e ticpsop0.UleGu,.lti-b llt4on °`� Of thi:l assucjatiun' hove decldtd un ac 1 P g , „ o„ i.to..uein Monttaba. y 1a, - 0•, on l4lupday ,Altorptfoll ^y'alc_a Otil)ccceulr ugh xoom duringthe muut ] of "• w ' TIe.-G 01009P)v o,-l)tiag the free ropttl offered to them it U v y1e . N.o. oa roll. Avu.att. mance. Gra 20815) 4f,e, I•la 131 2015 -.17, 1 cauk Cos.b g, sod': rStseutucl p t,)tv ltry l;obert 12p. 11, No J Pateraun, who hsi been tinaat of t.Ite U.osk► with a beautiful golel,twatylt, aultably `. Mgnstpr yunimor Spin..-,Uotlor S uu t i u $ S Y 7, am a Q iso 11 2012. Ethan c huttl, "11'kti h tlletotvt) ,hall, Itud ivifl mune uiW It a Atr. Loudh'�, ,48 43 Eiauorabl Mentioned -- Senior class- _g g an,, for the ,ant t*,9 Mustbe sold 11' L oulbtotto r y t engraved, together with a kindly -worded ad- streapnboatat)dTetogiaPitAgoucy--W Jackeon soon as 4 cat, ,ba fitted In D.Ir. Arte• hl r. l;iftlaler'e, a _ era., will reWuve to Blu4}ale next week.- g _._ , _-'_3.anoho Shephard, Normau Worry, Maggie y' drew, expressing their sorrow nt (its lapwing „ musleg•W000r--Iteyal t3aklt�. lvndur co strong, G.ua oma Collector, will take poi. Miss U Neill s, 46 69 Anderson, Willie Coate. Junior slava- ; It is our painful duty to recon the douth' of WipKham, pact trustwp that tale climate of YijufC=lVCvoper o se.9Ton of the Clerks office, 'sit that the D1,se Faxto..s, 51 48 Clipilie Reeve. 8 ewart Plummer, Bridget a lady who has been a long time a reatdent of I tea Pduthc Coast will eoun restore' Mrd me. Stanley's. Mater's List• -Geo Stawar•t , Fhl6sits-Ja q'dtvut-Wits Walker Library way have the full room on the li4tea llulyar a, u0 vo • IVutvmau, Cyril Craig, I Seafurth, to the person- of Mrs Johnston Coah to health. Mr McCosh replied. Fery ' south-east corner, About $125 worth of Miss Leslie s, 05 53 31189 LESLIE'S DIVISION. - mother of d1r D Johnston,bardware merchant. feelingly, thanking Iris frreuds for their art - I Closing Sate^Jackson Brew new books are being checked oft: bliss Plummer'r 66 59 Senior Section. marks attainable 3880: At u uniori maetin of the directorate of the trema ktadness to him not only now but over hthot,u nw tee 0 lay Co g Miss Simpson's, 114 90 Lynrn Wait- 305, Annie MuCotvii- 356, Minnie I g since he came amongst team and re Diso9untrtaia-(t Dickson „� South Elurou, Stephen &IfsborneAgricultural + regretting Lrggs Wxnt4;d-J Twitchell 841L>'Ell FIIbi RIGHT• -•Soma boyo sinCt� r - -- 1, Lies 336, Maul Keane 3. ), Willie Glasgow Soaietiea it was deoidad to bold the county very much that he is compelled to saver the Num l-irl wu Twitchell, ell lil rt Bland tet circus was here were in the nub'Ct of I Total, 1 303 43'2 1315, N ilbert I ulmaa :306, Willia McMurray fill show at Exeter, on Monde and Tuesday ties whish bound them so happily togs ti er. harm Fir Couch blacking their faces and chasing little Average for Juuo18SG iIJ 2•!0, Tena McCultig 227, Leonard Weir 225, Oct.3rd and 4th. y y y yesterday for $ Mr Ricl7osh and family left t girls, and would wrap at peoplub doors Mary McRae 206. California. - until it became a nuisance. Clue night I Increase 13 I The township of Morris is improving the Mr -H. C. Strathdse, f&morl Junior Section, marks attainable 360:- y G. T. R. ^'' -C.111to-11 *W lust Week ar dvergrowu specimen of a The following is the rc3ilt of the cz4miwl, Mary Gil► 3.50, Ssdia $ibluy 316 Chatl}u I Thy,el roall oouncilha0tween ranted $20) and 1:50 arid station master z#t Port L!gin, but lata) r ��tW j�b„ resented hirnselfat a kitchen dour McGregor 2'98, Robert Nimous 269, LII}eg Y me ted to V Ingham went toport Elgin a fw �1<V V/�N♦ Y p tions:- a r With his race as black as tar. The woman 1 1'hroaor 2G2. Cddic 0"Gonia 249, Nei iia a atata I46or for that perp Ise. [It needed it days ago to remove his family an$ 6ifeots to std, LOUGH'S Divi810N. , bad en"ugb,"or there was Hardly a woaso piece his new home, and while engaged FRIDAY JULY 1, 1887•„ haat j at finished her washing dishes a d Scott Da Lillis Hunt 2:,6, Ella Corbett 04, i of road in Aurun. ga;,ed in pdokin9 ' _ _ Irt unu hatvo the water in hi- face. It was Senior suction, marks attainable 7U0:- Mabel Datlor 204 up he was much surprise,l when about 25 f - as and a8 A cheap circus to see the bD Hardy Evans 5504, Burtte D.,syls 481, Albert Prize Lial-t3 aiior class-Minnio Aitkina, I With Mr J Aikenho.i.l'a school house the influential men of the town called upon i : ' - IT shOWS hoe popular the Mowat Govern- g P Y Moore 410, Katie Williams 417, !Hattie Ruw •Annie McCurv,C, Lynn Weir, Maud Kain, , Stanley a; a centre,and w,:''tin a radiusof two 4im and, lifter reading a kind address es- ri9Cnt is when both its candidates for rC-el- dry y himself off and filing himself up to ball 406, Nellie Keane 392, Eva Chidlo and 'Peon b1UCuai iYillio Glas ow Wilbert and one half mile., we have heard of he death y g. g pressing their regret at his removal, oto., Cation in Algoma aro ieturtted b • auclama- Libb}e l ruiel:-hank : 91, William 1Iullotvey 1 ulhggn, 111ary irwiu, W,llle Cantelon, Eva of 1G cults and com+ three or four more that presented him with a haudsome.silver ten vet. b Y GOOD .OX.tI low U.F. TIIN.,j�!�� �1 -The 388, Hattie Dudd '373. Coups,;; gin= are aet likely to recover. Mr Str4thdee replied, thauking them for Mali, as was the clash last week. , . • WItehell ball tors rd certainly hold a high' Junior sectiop, -marks attainably. 620:- 'ingic i,,°*Jaiy will, Zldie 0'"Coote, Lillie - A McKay, Goderiob's'well known deaf their 460--1_- •�•;,, a+;.; „nit feeling addresit, I 1.--=+ti�r�- opinion of the Clinton boyo, and we trust Siiney Erwin 518, Fred Porkeot 475, Cliar- Hunt, 4t,7e Sibley, Tlettiu Scott, Charlie mute, --is a noted amimner and' diver. Satur• AN M P 1ToxonEU,-Ou Saturday evening Pnor. BItowti, of. the Agricultural College, nothing will occur to mar it. Speaking lotto B age 465, Josic Reeve 457, Lihbio NIL -Gregor, Ida Everett, Sydney Stanbury, day afternoon he performed the remarkable last a large crowd of people assembled. at the ` ' of the last match here, -tile Mitchell Re- Gibbings 453, Stuart Lavin 446, Adrian b: it. - Robert Nimenn, Harold E' win, feat of jumping frutn the tap of the Big Mill ' railway depot here to welcome home again Dr writes that lin knows of farms which $20 corder sa s:=Tho Mitchell bus s eak ler 411 Addie Jur.ea 408, 'loot b .ocht 3 9 Honorably Mentioned-Loodlitr Weir, Mary elevator, divine into the t,arbor, and 'taking Macdonald, b1 1 fail' East Huron after his .- per acre more than oan beobtail>ed now will Y Y p `,i'tl ale Whitely JOB. 1 1'lcltae,' James McRae, Willie McMurray, there from a piece of silver that had been brat viait'tn Ottawa as n representative of the in the -very highest terms of the mann Y Y be gat in the avant of commercial union be- in which they were treated illy the Cllq PRIZE WINNERS. Nellie Dunlop, Nttwtou Davis, thrown in, p,ople. Th.e crowd wits not composed wholly The number of marks given are 'totals for Junior -dive, l I)silo, Lillie Thrower, of Reformers, but there teas a large repreeen• ing adopted. Some men mudC have faktlh in inn Club, and the citizens of Clinton I The editor of the Brus,ulsPostcan have no talion of Couserviativcs. Tho cheers which 6 movies: -Senior section -S ecial razes, Thus Eudus, Lzzie Gardner Charlie Bt •sit the benefits to be derived from free trade.=eaerally, ttud era looking forward with i p El Curbett. ' 66 r regard for the truth when he telly a yarn like greeted ter doetor.as ho sten )e to the Plat. The rice of farins all over would increase, pleastir6At_ --matches wi,h the same I Bartle Davis2733,25 Hardy- nd Hatt ie Ru list tick: -Among the p th roc week is Jnu Rob• form shown in a that ked degree the esteem I. ate in value under commercial union. club' Yli; Clinton boys Will receive a 2 84,5 3rd Libbi Cruickshank 2368, 4tb Ev► -,if ISS rLU:,IUER's DtvlsloN, d}ok'eektg ymporiutp this week was one with a in tshich be is held by the people of Win ham. • 3rd -Sarah Jmith,Charlie Lawieuce, Eliih i'atural door or cap, hinge and all, that cuuld g f . Y right royal and well merited reception be opened and the inside of the a seen. Its The town band ivas present and headed the ,when they play ten return tnatCh'here,,, I Cnidley 2346. Hodgins, Perry Plumsteel, Etta Stevens, egg rocesaiou from this depot tt the dnctar's Fon several weeks e t we have been coal- Junior Section=la Sidney Erwin, 2422, Lizzie Twitchell, Minnie Smith, Mamie anew pattern some enterprising ben got out, p P ABLE TO DrCIlIdER ANYTHING -Our 2nd Libbie Gibb s 2184, 3rd Adrain Millar boost, where the crotid a ale assembled, Y rung, Jimmie. l,ealie,. Aaxgie MoLellen,- we suppose. o- Step, oat into the bohtanyof his residence polled to omit editorial and other' matter, in readers will remember that we recently 2170, 4ch Josie Reevo 2119, 5th Addle Jones. ( 2ud-Minnie Moo e, May Reeve, Arthur On Wednesday last a terrific hail storm Dr Macdonald delivered a, neat speech, in order' to got in, .looal and district news, to made mention of the receipt of a letter b 2021, Bean, Nellie Pullman. Maggie Davis, Wroxy passed ovtr a small section of Howick town- p ' Doherty R p Y The following deserve Honorable Meatioo, th i r fin thanked the people of the respect for wilioh we will always give preference. We Y CO , from A firm in St Peters- g ` Powell, Maude Moffatt, Minnie Rlelville, ship. The hail was about the size of n rifle their kiodue•s towards him -and the respect bur Russia the one line of which the as they took a good standing for the six Bulla Moore, Herbert Sparliu bullet and did ver are making artten ements b • which we oz. g' ' Y Y t g• , y great damage to the spring shown him, and hoped that the same good �' g J could decipher was that of the CLINTON months, although they miasedsome of tine 1st -Johnnie Smith, Lloyd Cole, 11arold crops, principally the pea crop. which was feeling would always exist. pact in a Pow weeks to accommodate any NEw ERs. The letter ii as token n Mr examinations, Senior S�etion:-Wmllo- 1r 6 y K y r Steel �V}Ilio Iaw rod, 1i'illie Armstrong. • literally l ve lad with the round, and ball waw 2195, Nettie Keane ..17G, Katie WilliamsR cutup. Gra H vines and fruit trees generally BORN ': � -- pressure upon our columns. Among other .lames Turnbull, headmaster of Cllinfin 2174, and Eisttio Dodd 2130. 3irss sI>zPsoly s DTVis[oN, P• P g Y matter omitted this week i5 an interesting 'sigh School, who easily tranvlated its were muchlinjnred'. ANDERSON -In Clinton, on the both June; the wife JuniarSection:-WellaWhitely 1986, Highest; class -Willie Thompson, Harry Sermon referring to the late Rev. John Ross, contents into plain English. Mr Turr- William Jackson 1972, Stnart Ltviu 1944, On Tuesday morning last about ei hto'clock of Mr ing Anderson, of adaughter Kerr. C.raue Cook, Mary humball, Peter Gla Y g ' BBOtDFr)OT--CnTuckorsmlth,on the 23rd Juno, by Rev. W. A. MoKiiy; Woodstock. It will bull apparently numbers among his many Phoemia Cree 1930, Gertie Young 1928,DulJy zier, Blanche McKowerl Jogis Decmeui, n valuable breeding mitre and foal owned by accomplishments that�of beim, able to de- Fair 1850 .and Fred Peokett 1835. Blare RAw t,on Oelr Mr. A, ua McLwd of the 3rd concession of the wife of eta R' G Broadfoot, of a daughter appear next week.,, flamnor,Itariy Kenn) g BECKWITH-In•BI till, on the 22nd June, tiro vvifo cipher all kinds of hieroglyphics, as Du- Berra S Joel,;, Lizzie Ti lin �Iel{iUop,were Htruck 6y lightning and killed. ' y Y �� �, a yp , 31ti, LINKLA,TEWS DIVISION, t p g• Air ell Beckwith, furmorly of Ctinton,of a son herty & Cu itfform us that tie has no diffi- 2nd hi :Last clava -Lillie 11'atsrhoase, Cur 'Ch s, animals, with another marn,w•erestand- Tbe followiu4 are the uame� of the pupils FAR QUIIAR In Ilullett,ou tho20th June, tile wife r r DR HAi{iusol., a member of the Manitoba culty in mak, ng out any of the letter3 they wlio have been promoted to the Fourth •close. rie Williatus, Carrie Spindler, Linnul Pakley, "'L i" the r, jnt,re of a pa-t.ure field whorl the of blr'l'hos Fariuhar, of a son Q.abindit, (an out-and-out Couservat vo,form- receive from f•Orei rn correspondents. Pu »Is were re aired to make 50 per heat of J"}iii Everett, Y, icy Coach, 1''auk Macro, fluid desoenr e . - Buth mare and foal were• ir. b p t q p RiARRIED orly of St. Marys,) stated in Montreal that ATTEJIPTED ROBBERY. - All attempt the aggregato marks, and" 371 par cant on Frank Pallier, Jennie Ross, Bert Jackson, atantly kille.,t arid the other mare was man Arthur Walsh. Tom Mason, siderably injured by th- shock, but is lik, y ALLEN-SINCLAIather the 20th June, at the resi- his Government werc'full determined to o wits made 1t e(lnesday night to rub the each subject, to rea,vor. Phore w•as a,) tree or (,that, 1 a deuce ui tit.. bride's f<tthor, by the Yuv J H Si,n,s„p, Y g Agt;rsgatcmarks535:-Hattie Tedford 313, Lowest class -P icy Fair, Hugh Gordon. , j•" MrJuhn Ai'. a, to bury Jane, eldest dau;htorof wnh on with the Red River Valley railway. Those 'eneral store of A. Callander & Co„ in Alice Cottle 335, Sadie Reeve 399, May Bisgart Lawrence Tedford, Harold Blackstone, Jennie near ilio horsui when streak. The animals Sinclair. I:.,l , atlue Tuckeramltb, who think that Manitoba is exceeding its London South (formerly of Clinton.) 396, litannah McKenzie 32G,Maude Plumsteel Stanbury, Mille Vantassel, Willie Cook, were ivaursd in ilia hlhKillup voropaay. P.t'rF:Rso� •!tF:1D.-In Carmel church, nens•ta. (luring the alternnun two sue icinlls Inok- Liynio Audereon, Bernie Fortune, Rlaude The must dostruotiva at.orm of li;htnin and on the _'Ooh Jn .e, by [to v It Y Thomson, Mr John ponstitntional riglrta iu building this road, ,ng men were seen lurkingaroundthe •375, Emma Tiphng 374, Dollio Spooner 367, Jessie McDonald -368, Gee Ste,) 354, A liner Chambers, Uzzio A'•king, E li-t• g P,.tersot,, to kills. Mary Reid, uicco of etr J -R hito, all Steel) y Spoof er thunder that luta occurred to this vicinity for ut 1Lip, labor under• a,mistitike. Manitoba entered corner, and extra precautions were taken 8tuneh in 27.2; Hugh Moore 359, Jas, Shop• a oumbe.r of years took place on Fridny even DIED I into no agreement with the Canada Pacific, u, secure the windows at night. Early herd 402, Erueat Blacker 374, Jas Wilson The Propiotsett ptrtltway in Manitoba. ing of last'wock, In Wingham the Entdiali (1IRB5_On LIte2lstJune, Gurdon, Infiuitaon of Mr and the monopoly.clause does not apply to It sterday morning they visited Mr Cat- 394, Arthur Dnrienti 462, Thus McCuaig 314, ohurch was struck, one of the pillars all pport Garvie Gibbs, Hen.�all, aged 2 mor.t s. ander's house, on Askin sleeet, but in r A •1••ewa 337, Dot Pair 383, Carrie The action of the Manitoba Government ing the belfry h, ing split and partly knocked _-_ __ _- _ _ khat Province.. All the Maiitoba people ,ttlemuting to open the shutters awoke, Walker 3G8. on the Red River Valley raihvayisbeginning out, the brickwork underneath shattered, ^_ilfly j(( - ` to attract attention at Ottawa. A uomk- some shingles From tlio roof torn off ,an 1 scat r. ltert1,5CIlicilto vrant now is to enjoy the privileges �ihioh aim, and they were scared off In the duo to t.,wiog pupils hays lase than there 1 ' below to it and the are going to morning some of the boards had been quired number of marks in only one subject, nent Manitoban. now at the, Capital states tered around, and a little plaitpr kuuclie I off • properly g that the Dominion Government will prevent the inside of the edifice. In Trimberr ttie I OUD GENe:RAL SERVANT WANTED AT ONCE, do so, but Sir John, in the interest of the C "tied off the cel lar windows -jammed bac, having a large aggregate, and having P' Y G Apply to MRS. J U GILRUY, neat organ Factory :where the bar had beta retsed a ainst. shown then• wiliinguess to work, have been the construction of the road at all hazards. -tnrtn was very severe. The framo barn of P R, is trying his best to prevent it, and p g conditionally promut-A :=-Jessie Gordon 314, On the other band the people are deter. Mr Jas. Hogg, B'uevals read, was e:rnck by C uODNN tea a IRLLW1,NTL LiberalERM' N PRE- • seems disposed to go to the long tlhof another FESTIVALS. -There was a good.attend• Orpha Miller 361, Mabel Kerr 289, Henry mined to build the road. In referring to the tbu lightning and entirely consumt d, together 'dress MRS BLAND 470 park aticdiul-Lo,idon�,41. - r©hellion, if ncicessary• itnce at the festival given at Mrs Ship ey's, Jackson 338, Minnie Cwueb.3l3, Then Kenny , new railroad to be built to the boundary with its'coarents-a cutter, fanning fail, a --- -- �_�� + ny the young people of the Ontario St. $18, Rube Menzies 346 Thns Dight 373, Fryd ' line, Premier Norquay, of Manitoba, :- goantity' of h•ty, a •m'nver sad other agri• PIGS •CbIPOUNnED-TWO YEARLING BLACK •hurch, last evening, and every- Brown 340, Lucy Stevens 355, Maggie Keane We have received no notice of .the adoption onliurai iln irmruts, R'ir EIng ivaa well in pegs were impounded in Clinton, on the 2Slhof HON. WILFRED LADIiIER Las been chosen of the Disallowance'Bill 'b the Dominion p g June, The owner is hereby noticed to pr ve property, , Y surad in the H•,wick Mutual so he will nut ha b.g enjoyed themselves, notwithstand• 313. Parliament. It would be impolitic pts chat, they take the n awns. If . ,t ebion, by the leader of the Liberal party dnringtheillness ing a little rain that fell; the proceeds In the follnwiug lint Ike firer five pupils in politic to say n very heavy loss. •A aumher of tele graph 0th hist, they will ,be gold by,publ.c auction, at the Of Mr, Blake. Ho was the unanimous ohoi a were over $1.5. The .festival even at ilia each class have been awarded prizes in the what we will do in event -of its adoption. I poles between �Vinghnm and Belgrave were JAS�wHtLKER,uron ton that Poundkeepor'tta, at i o'clock, p m ardens of Mr C. Ht.arr g older in which tt,e names are given. The will say, however, that the road will be built, badly splintered, cansiog telegraphic com• of the opposition members, and we have no g , un ffr day avec- no matter what the consequences, and Mr second five are dpserving of honorable man- 1 , mun}cat}cue to be suspended for a short t}ins. FARM FOR SALE -THE SUBSCRIBER OFFECiB doubt that their seleption will be warm! a ing, was attended by a very large num a Ryan, whom I expect t0 b)eCt on my ar- - _____ for sale thatmost eligibly situated farm on the End rovedb Reforniorstliroughont tliecountrp tier indeed, all of whom had a tip-top tion. SHn101' so, attainable, 2131 :-• riva"Orne, will have everythingin readiness coil of Hallett, formerly belonging to the Mcbiallea Y A y ime, and were loth to leave; he )vee o be •in o peratious tel) corrin r week. We NEWS NOTES. estate. It consists of Le sorts, nearly all cleared and g Arthur Durrent 1869, Janies Shepherd 1660, b 1 b in a splendid state of cultivation. Fine brick house, !kir Laurier is not only a great orator, a another today for the children, and will Thus McCui i r 1428, Robt Menzies 1423, E - are not serfs, and will not be found far in the barn with stone stable beneath, good orchard, never • clever debator ands a thoroughly informed allow them a feast of strawberries, a hand. cie Audie,vs 1376, Fred Brown 1350, Tbowvs back ground in the event of trouble, which I Mr S. N. Cimone, RI. P. for Charlev oix falllug wells,and in -very respect agood farm. Situate some briquet, nu hone and believe will be avoided, but not ut only 3 utiles from Clinton. Will be sold on reason - politician, but he i$ a gentleman of unsullied • d ataY amount a fun, for Diehl 13.1, Maggio I> eane,13J4, liugtt Moore 1 died suddenly at Murray Lay, Sunday able terms, with or with or the crop. Full particulars the snail of 5 Cents, (adults 10 cents.) Il 13 t2, Uut Fair 1`383. the expense of our railroad project." mormn r un applica ion to ARTHUR, CODUII,Clinton. personal and pOlitioal reputation and high ( I A Winnipeg spacial to the New York g' - ' is intended to offer prizes fill- readings Junior section, marks attainable, 216.1 :-- Fire destroyed about I �" personal honor. NO breath of scandal or Herald says :-Socretorders have been issued Y ,.30,010 worth VTOW $ LIST 1867, .M EY,COUN-Ty fl THE, c recitations, tRtc. so that all who go roe V 1.moron iloiD " •: �; "" I ` ' e S. 1'wma Tlphng 1G04, Sadie 1legve 1,498. Jusate to local volunteer•battalions to hold them- of property- at the Union -stuck yards, T(>wNSt1tPOFJ'rANLEY,COLNGt:oFHUIIOFe• g g att"Eci; to his name. Possibly xpect a big time -The festival at the' RIUDonald 14T1, R]ay Btggart 1426 Haunch , Otihe i. hereby given that I have transtolued or do. an Ontario man would have been more ah• re,idenee of Alr U. C Brewer', on Mon- MaKHnzie 1351, Dollio S uuner 1346. Maude is ev d do •.aa for active service. This. Chtcago,un Sunday, a:vorcd to the persons mentioned In the third aiitT�- p is believed to Lea ruse on the art of the p g fourth sectinus of "rho voters List Act," the vise Ceptablo to- but any objection to 'lay evening, was more successful than its Piumateel 1338; Orpba • Rliller- 1294, 'Theo p The etition n_ainat the eh t}uyp of Dr RIc- required b the said section to be so transmitted or -- u ,. a I Doninion Government to send volunteers Laughlin, tit I' P (Liberal) for West Durham, delivered f tl,e list made i, location is of little im ortanac: HO Ii•a� most, sanguine prnmoters anticipated, I h•nny 1..73, Edward Rluir 1242' out Nest under the pretense that another baa been withdrawn, personsa searing. pursuant to said act,of all P appearing. by the last revised Asseasmeut...Roll-..__._ .____.r Minister of Itilarhd Uevenueiu Air Macken- and the -sum of nearly 160 was realized; I ltlrss•o'NEILL'S urv)SION. I uprising among the Indians is feared,so that of the said manlcipality, to be entitled to v..te in the ho Doherty hand added touch to the! the Government ellen easily' carry out their Sir Charles Tupper has given out to in- sad inunicipality,atelect innsfor membersof the Leg- ide's Cabinet, and at the last election was plersure Of tile' evening, - The festival Senior Section, marks attainable 525:- evident intention of preventing Manitoba timate..fr}ends that llC.tvill sit no more in- 'said l t was firs6 osti,dtu l atmyallies. Varna,jIIt'd that returned -for Quebec East by tt nhajorit�• of ;-vven on behalf of Turner's church: Alex Angus -458, Id.a 'McLellan 430, Alio.i from" building the proposed road to the the Canadian Parliament. 2; p p y on the p' p th day of June• 1887, slid r -mains !horn for intippeoc- r6eker+with, was alsoacoro complete Whitehead 410. Nettie McRae 396, Maggie boundary, It ;.said.tobe-the.G.overnment's .... The Queen has made it ubliC9Cknow -Eton ElectOrsltre_calked_upontoexaminpthas.idlist, -- nearly tsv.0.•thou$aiitl.tfotes.p ' Beattie 392 Lac Shu herd 390, David Cau• Winnipeg p . and if any nmiasioes sr ocher error, are found cherem anticipations being'more than realized, Y p intention to send into thomount©<1 ledgmentofthe pleasure which the • - "�'-- f tel,;n 388 Ida Hultues 371 Lill John on 1 pCn' to take immediate proceedings to have the geld errors ; Cho Choir of Ontario dt. church AVP ' Y police in the absence of volunteers and so Ale's enthusiastic reception gave her', corrected according ti) law. Dated this 27th day of Aeoinuia' u to a Diad cable Professor g Rlabel Ward and Jennie Hamner 360. coerce the Province into submission. June, 1887. GEO.gSTEWART, Clerk 1 their assistance in making the evening rn - Chief Justice Sir Mittthow Cameron died on - 43olclwin Siinithpublislhes along letter is the Junior section marks attainable,- 525 Many citizens are discussing the situation, . . .•ue of pleasure and inters -t. I Saturday night, He was at, one time a .mem• London Standard oil the Canadiann iron ..!5, - Eiarry Fitziiunons 4:35, Hattie Davis 420, and means are being devised to meet the bar of Sandtieid M'acrinnald's Goverumentanti W. JAiv'KSON, Rlary Paterson 419, Mar Mathpson Robert Government and checkmate its scheme. If i 'duties and Qommorcial Unimi with the i.CMAL CHUROPI OO.1IMES, J ' the Federal authorities resort to force, Gov- later; leader of the Opposition in the Local United States. His communication -leas I Kenny and Great Campbell 41G, Annie •Che mouthly fel ow�hi meeting r will bo n Hnaap. RAIL�G�Y STEAROAT and TELEGain '4 P g Cruickshank 411.,, Ada Jones 387, Jas Gray ernmehYt House and tort Osborn will bo i : c, Oreatela a great sensation amongst the mem- held in Rattaabury St, cbureh, Sunday morn 374. Ldith G ilio and Henry :liasuu 357, Rose j razed, and a big riot will follow. The peo It is reliably reported that Gabriel Da- AGENT, - CLINTON. bers of tho House of Commons who under- ing at 9:45. v t. uninghame 350. I pie aro ready to go to any extremity should 'count hay creased the frontier from Mon- ti ., Stand the uestion. 13e'sa s though not -an ltev 'E AIedd, lately aupplying' at Man rRiie LIST. the Dominion Government •gttempt forciblC tuna and is nosy iP the Sweet Grass H}I)s, t : 9 3 t b - resistence to the scheme so dear to ever - ',v ry"ti''' i ( _15 -r rhoater, 1 -ft ycy'.crday for A monte, where he S,inior class, marks attainable ;3221 . I Y arid, it is supposed, exciting the half• - . . Imperialist be ,would forfeit all he possesses will supi ly uotil collogo opens. Alex An,{us 2150, Ido N1oLsnusu 2578, David DIanitoban s heart. As the contractors com- breeds. yntber than vote for,what lie beheb•ccl to be Cantolon 2556, Lilly' Johnston 2555,, Lee mence work next week, something must give EseurmonT.iskets to WI NJNIPEG, BFIMIX Miss Dimsdafe• a well known and success. Y Y wa and an interesting time is expected, Lickie,twife of a Prestylerian minister at COLUMBIA and CALIFORNIA, 'at very injurious to England-; but ho -is thoroughly -fat evatigeli:t, has been engaged to bold sbepheyll 2431, Maggie Beattie 378, Idt Y+ ��+_ P Aitth, near Grangemouth, count of Holmes 2308. Y L,w Rates. _ coxivrncecl that the opening of free trade be- special services here in Ontario, St. church Junior class markA attainable •2891 ;-- E.mTu,.Sw, stir) &Y. 'his is-the-Oompie-StIrling,_Scotland. in a ..6t of tempp. orary Cheap tares via the boat for a round trip nn the lakes. tween Canada a,nd the United States not •ometime during the fall. Annie Cruickshank 2212, Hat,io Davis 2170, bensive title of a work that has just been is- insanity, Tuesday night cut the throats i,Gr all mfurmat[uti apply tv aboic, only would do En land no harm, but would Mr J C Stevenson,ard. who has been for ton Robert Kenny 2129, Ldith Giffin 2121, Roes sued under the authorship of R.D.Northrop, .of her three children and then her own. -- � Y g year$pow Steward a convection with R.I. Cunainghame2u71,.Harry Fitzsimons 2066, ,D.D. In these days of wonderful production, Collector Ward's attentionhavingbeencall u] the ond•certainly redound, her advent. oohugy St church, has resigned that olfihe, Jamas Gray 199G. when books are multiplied with such marvel- ere to the C•tlhadian workmen coming to Port MUSIC' age Ile -says the protective tariff of r'ahada is ,ehich is now filled by tll., appointment of Mt' loos rapidity, many are issued that have no Huron from 8 trn}a and Point. Edward to work W H Bee ley, We venture the assertion that 3tlss trot'ION'Y DIVISION. special merits to recommend them, or' fee '; a cleoid failure. As Goldwin Smith was one for the railroads and other concerns and liv- i❑ his time Mr StevensonShas tilled mor, Senior eectiou, marks attainable, 490:- tures that claim unusual attention, but log in Cauadn,lhey will beoompelled to reside llohertv's Mu+Tc Bonk '- - $1,60 � Of the strongest advocates of protection,prior church offices of one soft and another, and Azzie Gibbings 4119. Bayard Craig 46S, Lottie "Earth, Sea and Sky" is not a work of that here or stop work. Richardsons Now Method for • to its adoption, and wrote and spoke in its Oerformed more gratuitous woik in this line, Karr 462, Edith Curr 458, Mary MaMorchie nature, being a specialty in its line,.and with,I Pianoforte - . - • $260 favor, this declaration that the tariff is a than apy other mat. in the County of Rilren. 454. Mabrl D ,herty 449, James Fortune 448, many things to recommend it. Being a book Rev, Walter M Roger, pitistor of Kiug street 'Getz Parlor Oran . During the peat financial year the mem. Malcolm McCuai) 447, Charlotte Everett 446, i of nearly 900pages,haudsomely and profuse- Presbyterian church, London, preached a Jnusse NlusicalgCatechisms - $Q b0 i, failure is a Significant one, and shows that, bers of Rattpnbury St Methodist church Lester • Whitely 440, Nellie Patterson 439, 1 ly illustrated, and well bound, it ida work I sermon Sunday night with special rt ference to unless influeneed by sinister motives, all in. raised $982.92 by envelope offerings, Clara Dpyment 435. L,unis Pehkett 424, Allie worthy of a place in any household, purely the murder of young Shaw, the Chatham Vol Sheet Dlu.ie, Any piece nut in stock, pro- - lelligent men mtist arrive at the conclusion $512 70 from pew rents, and $505 ler Al is. Platt 401,, Amelia Harland 395 as an ornament, but it possesses additional I anteor. Elle lair} the whale blains anon chs cured on the shortest notice. +ionary ur ose, . When ,special II 1 uor traffic and res on i 01it n . thjat the less reetriotious or embarrassment$ P, p ° c" ec- '� Junior section, marks attainable, 470 :- interest because of the variety of its contents of inose wnonl,uwed nod I}ct n od the iueamn�+s Picnics supplied plied pith Prizes vet' ChOA tions, no tit eluded in the above are added R,cbard Worthington 444, Lottie Cantelon and their interesting and instructive nature. trade. Tue sermon was a powerful lea for p Y • aro placed will bo trade and entries or the it will be seen that the members of this 439, Alice Twitehel)432 Rufus Andrews 39.2, . time, author has evidently spent considerable p p hotter it will bo for those countries or lull• church r tisO a large amount annually A thea t3 •anett 385, F- rill Levin 3G9, fiusie time, patient stud' and deep research kit the Prohibition. '3i. COOpf�r■ viduals trudin < under those circum-3tauces, for religious purposes. P.,w.'I 368, Louis Doherty 367, B-riha At, preparation of this volume, the rase t being Tee 1 mgth of privation react o 1 by some BE,1VE11 BLOCK BOOK S10R ,', __..---._ �.�.� kin 366 5 •phis L?zeh 359, (itaco Webb 354, m compilation of valuable information and of the immigrants arriving at Toronto is oiti• _ Rev Jas Graham', of Empter, called upon a pleasant tead'ing not often found between the able in the ext' eme. A father, mother and - . .I Bore b r zsimuue 354 Fred ltoeH 346. FrrrY•SEtI n protests have been lodged number of hie old friends in Clintou,na Moa covers of books. It deals with geology, the child were observed on Friday to make a m• n1 against theirdurn of members of theDomilh- 'lay, having been adjusting church diffioumiss Prize List. -50h diviainn-Senior clasa:- peculiar character;sties of the -uncivilized of one herd boiled eug and a veru son -ill pipes ion 110- ise of Commons, . The number is "" rhe B,iy ie d cironit, with the chairman, Azie Gibhin¢s 2403, Mabel Doherty 2340, human race, wild animals; birds, insects, in o' dry bro,d The pinched faces ,•f the group Rev Rir El••,wrll Mr G,,aham was pastor of Lottio Kerr 2337, Maud, Whaley 2291, Jaas. ' fact with all living bodies "in the heavens alit the tale that their regular daily tare for divided about equally between the two politi- Rattenbury St. church, 17 years ago, aid nae Fortune 2290 Chat Everett 2263, Amelia above the avatars beneath," leaving no eom" time had probably not been much more cal parties, but before the day for trial is ir.at noithe. his old time tire nor fiia brogue. Harland 2'240, Bayard Craig, 2216, Edith i field unexplored, and presenting the results extensive. i He is one of the best logicians, deepest think. Cat r 2214. in m loasin and attractive manner. The u`Lw r finally SePit ie expected that there will be rs and forcible preachers in the ministry to- 5' h division -Junior class -Alice Tw}tyholl p g Two thousand people •naw a wnnAerful so ROYAL PIWtq- ► y work is only sold by agent, who is now in Movement of engineoun¢ skill at H,.lu,pabnrp aa( o'nv to oonsiderablo pmiringoff,which we are sorry to ,lay, . 2237, Richard Worthington 221'►, Lotrio Can. I this nei hborhood takin orders, and we are di i -ion nt the g g J.aoetinn, na the New York v See is being done' already. Twenty-four e• SYNOD HEFTING -The Synod of lour- talon 2064, Arthur Bennett 2i $6, Susy Po- t assured that those who secure a co will be g Y• J P PY Penakylvnnia Railroad, on Tus•day. Thirty ,, in met in London on Tuesday Inst, the well 1977, Fred L'tvin 1972, well pleased with their investment. two men m•,vit,a distance of 50 feet the iron ' titions have boon filed in Ontario, and the Y Ptorontion examination -Marks attainably -...- g .� Q y Executive Committee sitting the day pre- r !,ridge weighing 1C00 tons, that lip tits th.i al . have beeti afmigned for trial in the Court of 345 :-C•otr.ic Cantelon 337, Alice Twitch Il • nlontremi 1,Ive Stook Pleirket Peony back and they acoom lialhpd vious. On Wednesday night Dean •,ar- p .IN Appeal three the High 334, Bettis Atkins 358. Sues Powell 382. the teat task in the remnrkab)o time of 11. l p 8 michael, of Montreal, preached a jubilee g chard Worth)n inn 321, Arthur Bonnett r g i 9' ' I�,'+ of Justine as follows : sermon at a special service in St. Paul's g The supply of butchers cattle was rather minutes. '', 319, Louie Ooheity'315, Ida Carter 311, Ru- small, and prices have an upward tendency. The new Conaervative organ to best yled ..: Court of Appeal. -Russel and cross etk- Cathedral. The business of the Synod fns Andrewii 307. Herbert Muir 307, Bert l pp ( p $opener bpevrs e,•II at from 4�u to bo per ; the Empire, will be started in Toronto in t l tion;) Kent Pritlee Ddward ; Al oma and included the consideration of a canon un I Fitzaimorre 306 Sophia Uzsll 300, Howard p g ( r pro,ty KOod animals at 9c to do„ with fat a few days. The mentor of the.new organ arosa petition•!t•East Bruce (and cross pati- the expenditure of the clergy mainten- Grant 297, Fied Lavin 293, Fred Roes 256, cows and exert at 3Ao to 4fle per 1b. L -apish is to be hr Dalton M•tCarthy, anti Mr `aibn,) South Victoria and Kingston. ante and mission fund; an amendment to Winnie Young 278. Willis Moffatt 270, Grano stook including mtllimeu'whtritmerepmi grass' Ddvid Creight,•'n, M P. 'P , for North Queen's Bench Division. -West Huron the superannuation clause; several reso- Webb 268, John 13-at.ty 257, Oswald Hunt fed small cattle, sold at from 2;o to 3Ao par' (and cross petition;) North Victoria; West lutions relating to wdow•a' and orphans' 255, Willie Bigaart 296, Elsie Kinsman 239. It),. Sheep and lamba are rather yea roe a@A the `*ray, will be editor in chief. The new Durham Mast -Northumberland (and cross fund; the appointment of it special cum- nar9s HELYna's Dtvrstox. high prices of la.t Tnarsdvy still prevail. organ will advocatr the Imperial Ftdero- petition ;) Ikmt Elgiti and West Middlesex. mittoe to decide upon the restoration of Senior section marks attainable 748:- Cloud large sheep (not buck.) ,are in dnmaud tion scheme, and will endeavor to boon) 0.41 Chancery Division. -Dundas; North Lan- preachers suspended or removed from the L,zzie Whpailpy 652, May Caropnpll 6'8, for shipment to Btilain, and prices elf these Mr. McCarthy for the Conservative lead• . K10 I ark (and orom petition;) Peel; Lincoln and exercise of clerinal functions; the arrang- Libido 0 poll 620, Normau %Vprrr 608 Jessie are from 3Ao to 4o per 1b.; butchers'sheep Fell ership, Niagarm (and cross petition;) South Norfolk- ill of An annual meeting of diocesan Gardne• 604, Grace Tedford 589. •F,auk Stan- at front$3.60 t•r $5.50 each, and larhbs at from land cross petition) and Haldimand. g g At n meeting of the farmers of Wept 1' D. clergy for"Akeussing parochial work and bury 579 Jean McTaggart 66,3, Blanche Shup• $2 to $4 each. Hogs aro more plentiful and Noriburnherland. resolut.iuns wr r , passed Common Pleas Division. -East Hastings ; herd 557, lower in lidee,or about 5 o per Ib. Tha horse L,'a ht Sim000 Muskoka and Parr Sound ; mutuals edification; urging thi,C SLuday in favor tv unrestricted reciprocity lwa POWDER Y schools devote the Lenton season eollpe Junior neot}un, marks attainable, 600 for trade ie e t o the though the re shipments the Uniiat State-it.It And against ani u.1 Glengarry; C�ntre Wellington (and cross Frank Fair 641 Braille 13 --an 508, Jean•For. from hero to the Unfired Scatpa were ttot so petition;) Halton andoross petition. tions to diooa9an funds; pledging the ' diKpriminatiun. it was alsn unanimoa-ly Absolutely Pure p �) { petition.) diocese to contribute fine three ears It 486, ran Gra Hel, 1 48fl Torn 51, lar torus la t week as on e8 bov6pus week. Tett rrsolveif.'• That tar rpmove rniaenneentio) It is ex ootod that the time for the trial of Y R' 486, Frank Gra 469, Ila tlamncr 451, Jar wumhrr+ shipped were HS horses casting $10, p er $700 annually to the episcopal r Y it is rlisirable thin this itltitttllte should This )ownit whole tont s n mare of pntfA ,r+ i, " " th •aa eteCs willt by fixed by the full Court Driscoll 44u, $044.G8, Or sit ncerago prit)a of $114, 4 oto ). strongc(t and whelosnmono•tg. eioro eeonnmfoaA - Incoino t f the Algoma dirlee,rt•; and sever• PSI%ft hia'f, 'Cor hiuhrat I,rIOPd lartre lot WyrH ll•n, place'mi r,-umd iia belirf •a•al the farin•-r•+ than rho ordinary kinds anti cannot be wildhr d i,ngtile present week. They will likely I al motkitfisalterin the lirlr • ol'statt•ed col• g Seninn-Ltzz,w 1Vheatlot 2955 � A'fav Camp• nine horse. which coat 1,270, onrl the I,rs'sst or this riding; ns )t R,holt 1 S e not out,lp 1 comnstltlon with alta• rnuitltude Of tow area, shwrLt bo to en up tC`vwxt4 the close of the long I lections of S> nal. R••v. W Craig and J. hell 2925. Grace TwIford 2882, Frank Stan- p Iced I,.t were sixteen horsus,whtoh Oust $l,• per cent• a on their en anal nor corner! twig tRO'A, alum or '• s Pato RR CC, 0 Wallld lvhn a p 1 can+ Ito• ni. BA [ ,i 1'pmyaa l.`f, 108 Wall SC7 vacation, Ransto'd reprysented.St. Paul's ehuroh. bury 2838. Jessie Gardner 2814, Jean Me 1571.50, w to re that, labort•rs' wages, I New York. . I . a, . . o� 0.