The Clinton New Era, 1887-06-24, Page 87 CLINTON ON NEW ERA, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 188T. LOCAL NOTIQIuS. Special value is Hammocks, Rubber and ANS Balla at DICICSONS Bookstore. A largo stock of RULED SCRIBBLERS Aehtd at the NEW ERA OFFICE. pail .andvgee the Reduced Prices in Boots ORO Shoo at JAS TWITCRELL'S, Clinton d large assortment of Top Shirts—for a Yen at QLINTO2 WOOLLEN MILKS few snore orders scanted for that its Sil- t. Mounted il-ttMounted Harness. J. TWITCHELL. Doherty's New Organ Book only $1.50 at COOPER'S BOOK STORE, Discount to ,+Music Teachers. . Just opened out jive boxes Wool liawle,good Wee, very desirable shades evening weav 41 BEESLEY fir CO'S. BEES1 Y d pO.L in order to reduce their ,grcot stock of RIB(Hroom for tall ones, are having .a Cash Ribbon tale Every Saturday -Night at Half Usual .Prices. Another New Industry—The manufacture of Mattresses, all sizes and shapes, wholesale rnid retail at the Red Rocker Furniture Store. A large stock of Parlor Furniture and Lounges . • hand. all my. own make. Buy from the artanufacturei• and support home industry. ref. A BENNETT, Cabinetmaker and Un. *Waken Clinton. Zola 50i0. Miss Pearen is visiting friends at Brantford. , Miss Nellie Turnbull is visiting friends ku Pickering.. Mr. Begley and wife, of Dungannon,are kere visiting friends. Rev E S Rupert and family are visiting friends in Dundas. Mr Armstrong, Collector of Customs, is this week away at Toronto. - Miss Graham, of Inglewood, bas been visiting her brother here. Mr Wm Core and sister, leave this week on a visit to the old country. • Mr W H Ransford, of Boston, spent Jubilee day with his friends here. Mr T• L Fortune is improving his pro- perty by the erection of an iron fence. Miss Pearson,of London,(formerly mil- ljiner with Rotz & Co.), is here on a visit. Mr Alex Armstrong leaves in a few days for his old home at Uxbridge. He only goes on a visit. Mr H. B. Preudfoot leaves this week for Mattawa, where he has a couple of townships to survey. Mr James Brown , and wife, of the gluon road, (just outside of town) are Visiting their sou in Chicago Mr John Lindsay and daughter, of Onondago, were the guests of Mr James and John Lindsay, this week. We understand that Mr Julius Carson will remain in town, and assist in the management of the Grand Union. Mrs Aikens, of Orangeville, and Mrs Lynn, of Mi`chell, mother and sister of -Mrs D -A-1*Sbr-rester,-are-heraon-a-visit. The autumn Chancery Sittings will be held at Goderich commencing Monday, Sept. 26th, Justice Proudfoot presiding. Mrs Geo. E. Pay gathered some straw- berries the other day twenty of which about filled an imperial quart measure. Miss Al _Paisley .spent a'few day with a her unt, Mrs Durst, of Sebringville, this week. valmenenow There will be an election of officers in Clinton lodger No, 88, of I.0.0:F., next Tuesday evening. Mr. John. Campbell, formerly a jeweller in London, an4 known to a number here, died on Saturda7• last. The wife of Rev, W. W. Sparling, bas been at the bedside of ber brother in Lon- don, for several days, be being Very ill. Mr. J. H. B. Toothe, of , the Toronto branch of the Molsops bank (formerly of Clinton) bas been transferred to London. Messrs. Will .McTaggart and Will Mal- loch !- loch leave nett week for Mattawa. where they take practical lessons in surveying, with Mr. Proudfoot. Mr. T. Jackson and wife leave for New York next week; the former is bound to keep in the front rank, as be will spend two weeks in Mitchell & Co's cutting school, while in that city. Police Magiatrate Williams sat on five Scott Act cases at Exeter on Wednesday. Fines were imposed ggaintit Messrs. Brim- acombe and Oak, and the other chargee adjourned until Wednesday'next. PROPERTY CHAboE.— Mr. S. Booth has bought the property on Victoria street, south, owned by Mrs. Workman, of Kippen. It consists of three lots and frame house,. and was purchased for $725, at which it;iapot dear,ps ,•, m'' "'h the house will need repair Miss Dearness, so well-known as mantle maker in connection with the store of Geo E Pat & Co., was married on Wed- nesday, at her home in Granton, to Dr. Ed. S. Holmes, of Stoney Creek, Mich., formerly of Holmesville Miss H. Fox - ton, of Clinton., attended the wedding. A TROUBLED CONSCIENCE. — Recently the NEW ERA mentioned the fact of a bonnet being stolen from the bedroom of Mrs. Swans, at the Prince of Wales hotel. The thief's conscience evidently troubled them, for they lately brought the hat back and left it where it had been takers from. STRAIGHT' BusINEss.—Referring to the recent Scott Act trials at Brussels, the Post of that 'place bears out what we have previously stated, when it says:—"Dr. illiams is going to make a first-class man on the bench and will not allow any "monkeying" on the part of the witness- es." A. FINE MAP. -In the window of Racey's hardware store, .may be seen a map showing the counties of Huron, Bruce, Brant, Perth, and parts of Oxford and Middlesex, with the proposed lines of railway from Woodstock. to Clinton and also from Guelph to Clinton. It was got up by Mr Proudfoot, civil engineer, and is really an excellent specimen of the draughtsman's art, -The street lamp at . Straith's Horner ° either exploded on Sunday night or was broken with a stone, as itis all smashed to pieces. Mr A Macphereon, of the firm of Mac= ilonald, Macpherson &Co., Stratford, paid a flying visit to his old Clinton friends last week. Mr Jas Scott, librarian of the Mechan- - i&s institute, bas been slightly indisposed for a couple of days, but it now attending to his duries as usual. fibs Application was recently made to the West _ Huron License Commissioners for an additionaratore• license to' -dispense li- quor, but we understand that the same was refused. • Mr John Kelty,•of Hullett, left us• a basket of very large strawberries on Wednesday; one measured 4•jx5 inches. We return him our thanks and shall be glad to have him call again. Owing to the„ decease of the editor of the Wingham Times, Mr Will H. You - hill, brother-in-law of the.late,•editor, has taken charge of the same, and promises to keep it up to its old standard. The Public School examination will take place next Thursday, the 30th inst. Prizes will be distributed in the 'after- noon, at the town ball, after which the school closes for the summer holidays. „ Mr W R Davis, editor of, the Mitchell Advocate, gave us a call last week ; it was six years since he had been in Clinton, and he admitted that the town looked prosperous and was evidently going ahead. We have a letter from an adjoining township alleging that a young man there is flirting with a married woman. The writer fails to send his name with the let- ter, and for that°reeson it is not publish- ed. We bad a call on Tuesday from Mr W Stewart, ot Detroit, formerly an employee in this office; it was 14 years since he bad been in Clinton, and he was surprised at the many changes which had taken place during that time. The genial county Crown Attorney, Mr Ira Lewis, spent a few hours in town, on Tuesday; he admitted that Clinton would be a first-rate place to move the county buildings to,—provided Lake Huron could be moved also. There has been for a week past, a half- starved calf, wtth a broken leg, running loose on.the babe line ; if it has an owner and he bas not enough kindness in his na- ture to put it out of misery, he should be punished for cruelty. Mr W H Clutterbuck, who went to Sault Ste. Marie recently, has returned, being unable to find anything whatever to do there ; he states that .a very large number of people who have gone there in anticipation of a "boom" were compelled to leave as quick as ,they could get away. Mr A, M. D. Allen, of Goderich, passed east on Monday, to Hamilton, where he has been especially' requested to superin- tend the laying out of an extensive fruit farm in that neighborhood; he states that since his return from England be has had any number of offers from parti's who de- sire to go into partnership with him in the fruit business, all of which he has so far respectfully declined, HIGH SCHOOL BOARD.—The regular meeting was held on Wednesday evening. The Sec'y. was instructed to collect all fees due for this quarter forthwith.—Mr Pay takes the place of hi r Bailey, on all committees where the latter was. The Secretary will call for tenders for heating apparatus for the old and new buildings. During the absence pi Mr. Manning, Dr. Dowaley will act as chairman ot the board. ACCIDENT TO A 51ARE,—Mr. T. C. Doherty had a mare and foal pastured on the farm of Mr. W. Weir, and on Satur- day evening he was very much surprised to learn that its leg had been broken. How it happened can only be surmised, -but the indications point to a desperate., fight with another horse, as a piece of its leg was broken clean out. There was no alternative but to kill it, The mare was one of Mr. Doherty's black team, and worth at the least$150. ti Coons x tx WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS, CONSISTING OF arriages press g69 VTLISfDOWT' BLI1srDs WINDOW ::- ROLLERS all Raporand Borders Jubilee Note Paper and Envelopes. STUDENTS.—'W hen referring to the re- cent examination in Arts; in the Univer- sity of Toronto, we overlooked the name of Mr G Waldron ot the 3rd year, an ex - student of Clinton High School. In his 3rd year he has succeeded in taking a remarkable position, having obtained honors in Mental and Moral Pbilosopy, in -history, Z ngTi b, F'renab, German, Italian and Spanish. We now also con- gratulate Mr Jas Grant, of this town, another ex -student, on his success at the Ottawa Normal School,where he obtained a second class professional certificate grade A with honors. THE FALL SHOW.—The directors of the Mullett Ag Sy. have decided on hold- ing the fall show on Tuesday and Wed- nesday,,the 27th and 28th of September next. There is no reason in the world why the Clinton fall show should not be the best one in the county, and if a strong effort is made this year it would be that. There is plenty of time between now and then to get good attractions, have .them well advertised, and there could be a larger crowd brought out and a more suc- sessful show all around than has ever been before. • Come, gentleman, now hustle yourselves for the next three months. OFF TO ENGLAND. --Jan Fair, Miss Fair, A H Manning and Chris Dickson leave to -morrow morning to catch the. Steamship Lake Ontario at Montreal which sails Tuesday morning. Mr. Fair goes partly on business but mostly for a rest. Mr Dickson goes to buy, if he can do sp. CO good advantage. He needs a rest and we hope will come back greatly recuperated. Mr Manning goes partly on legal busint si, and it is an open secret that be will be entrusted with a Com- mission by the Ontario .Educational De• partment%o investigate and report upon some phases of British Industrial Educa- tion and the Mechanic's Institute system. The party expect to return by 1st Sep- tember. LEGAL.—The business of the County Court and Quarter Sessions last week consisted largely of Scott Act appeals. In all these appeals except one, judgment was reserved pending a decision upon the point now before Mr Justice Armour. Judge Touts heard argument upon all the technical points and accepts as the evi- dence in each case the evidence taken be- fore the Magistrates. He will give judg- ment at a time to be fixed. The one ap- peal case that was beard was tried before a judge and a verdict of guilty was brought in, thussuataining the convic- tion. In the appeals there appeared as counsel in the various cases Messrs. Holt, Wade, Campion, Hastings and Dickson, and for the Crown J. T. Garrow, Q, C., and James Scott. The latter had charge of fourteen briefs and acted in the case that was won for the Scott Act before the jury. We have beard his conduct of these cases referred to by members of the profession and others in a highly compli- mentary maliner. _am- CarpetryFelt. Walking Sticks, Baskets, Croquet, &c — INSPECTION INVITED CI(RISII DICKSON,_' CLINTON. 9 TH INC cQ D M AXIM tpen - Faith pulls out the sting of trouble and draws out the wormwood of every afAt- tion. Some people have a very 'mall quantity of any kind of faith. We had enough of it to invest in a big lot of that Low Priced TOWELING, get some of d. We also had enough of it to believethe people knew a bargainwhen they seen it ; its THOSE - CHEAP - MUSLINS We have reference to now. Another lot of them just in. A : Case : of : CORSETS : just': opened. Gloves, Hosiery. Parasols and Light Ground Prints, see them EMBROIDERIES -WELL, WE HAVE THIVf AS CHEAP AS ANYBODY ELSE. ---F O IC WEATHER1 AT C. RANCE & CO'S WHO HA.V )-ALW 1'YS THE RIGHT KIND OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT_ THE RIGHT PRICES, TRY TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. DO PLEASE AND SATISFY THEIR PATRONS, Any person in need of anobby Spring Suit now is the time to purchase. Stock Full and Assortment Great. our MY is Fine Merchant Tailoring And as we give our whole time and attention to that alone, we are enabled to meet the wants of the most fastidious. We also manufacture our own Buttons from the same material as the Suit, And as we are THE ONLY HOUSE IN THE TRADE who do so, we are better enabled to turn out a more nobby and artistic garment. All in need of a Snit will find it to their advantage to look through our stock before purchasing elsewhere. 0 , C. C. RANCE & CO., 1?'I TE M CIIA..NT TAILOflS CJILINTCON . ", OUR MOTTO YOU KNOW IS "GOOD GOODS CHEAP." GEO. E. PAY.. & CO. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM • OE CLINTON. iof Buy you CLOTHING, Hats and Furnishings from the Famous Establishment of, JACKSON BROS, 403LAIN7L-' (PN. •