HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-06-24, Page 7• FRIDAY, .JUNE 24,1887 • NEWS NOTES. Hon. Edward Blake has resigned the office of Cilancellpe of thnLEpiscopal cesepf Tprgnto onrarcuunr,0011-bealtl . Kentucky distillers have entered into a combination to keep the price of whiskey up. Consumers can break the ring by re- solving not to put whiskey down. Why will yon suffer when one bottle of West's World's Wonder will relieve, and two to three bottles cure any case of rheumatism. 25e. as/eland 50c. Your duggists sell it. • The Partnere' Institutes of North Grey, South Renfrew, North Brant, East Huron have unanimously endorsed the movement - for -.unrestricted reciprocity. with the lJnited.States. The movement is boom- ing. Hon. Edward Blake's condition is at least no worst, though it has not improved much since he left the House. A Toronto dispatch says that the ripen . that he is confined to his bed is incorrect, but he finds relief in resting frequently during the day. Rudolf Hertzog is the largestydry-goods merchant in the city of Berlin. He says that before he began to advertise he barely cleared expenses. The first year be spent $238 in advertising, and his income rose to $7,140 ; so he went on increasing the amount and his profits in proportion, until at present his advertising bills foot up $100,060 every year. Purify your blood and regulate your liver and digestive orgarns before the heat of summer, • Mid thus save a doctor's bill by the timely use of W st's Liver Pills. All druggists. Theliea�viest locomotive in the world weighs 10 ,000 pounds, and is on the Can- adian Pacific•'The next heaviest is the Southern Pacific's, 154,000 ,pounds; the third weighs 145 000 pounds, and is on the Northern Pacific, and Brazil owns the fourth, weighing 144,000 pounds. The chief industry of Kilbour, Wis., is the exportation of the trailing arbutuss The fi.iwers aro made up intg-,buquets. the stems being ,wrapped in ilioist cotton and tinfoil. They are then placed in boxes and mailed to all parts of the United States, including the Suitt() and California, arriv- ing there as fresh and fragrant as when gathered in the woods of Wisconsin. . A citizen of Pasadena,Cal., kept the wolf from the door during the winter by fur- nishing the village druggist with all the horned tuadshe could capture. Altogether he brought in several thousands and reeeivr ed good pay for them. What the druggist wanted with them nobody else knows, but he is supposed to have utilized the nil ex• traoted from them in the manufacture of a patent medicine. West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment; a superior remedy for neuralgia, rheumatism, Iame back, sprains, bruises, cuts, burns or wounds. • Cheaper, goes further, lasts longer than any other. All druggists. Mr. F. G. Marshall, a prominent resident of -New 'York city, calls attention through the press there, to the fact that lour Sundays of liquor prohibition have rhe ulted in an entire freedom, on those days. from robbery, stabbing, shooting or ruurder. In this connection he quotes Superintendent Stocking, oft Blackwell's Island, who says that the total commit- ments have fallen off thirty six percent -since the enforcement of the Sunday law. A Quincy, II1., telegram says: " The 4th of July committeetoday closed a con- tract with Prof. T. S. Baldwin, the terms of which required him to, jump from a balloon held captive 2,000 feet from the ground, and descend by means of a para- chute. Baldwin made a similar jump at San Francisco last winter, and descended safely, but the distance was only a thou- sand feet. Thejymp hill take place at -the fair •groundainthis city on ,July.4th, The price paid Baldwin for making this jump is said to be $6,000. it tramp recently arrested in Jackson, Mich., for disorderly conduct, was found to have a capacious wallet in his inside pocket stuffed full of two -cent postage stamps. He confessed that he had been making a tour. of the State, begging a stamp, from every person he met, on the plea of wishing to send a letter to his wife. 'When a stamp was not forthcoming he usually got two coppers or a nickle to buy one with, and was able to live in corn fort on his revenue. West's Pain King—the house remedy,Always useful. Never fails to cure cholera morbus, pains in stomach or bowels, cramp, colic, chills or summer complaint. 25c. All druggists. A man in Birmingham, Mich., invested $30, all the money be had in the world, in a double-barrelled shotgun, on Christmas day, and entered into a, contract with a local restaurant -keeper to furnish him with an unlimited supply of fat sparrows at one cent a piece. The agreement has been the cause of great satisfaction to each of the parties to it. The hunter has made more money per week than he ever did at bis trade, and the reputation of the restaurant man's quail on toast, at 20 cents a brace, keeps his dining -room crowded. A Panama despatch says: .A most extraordinary event occurred recently to a farmer living in Cundinamerea. While out in his field he was Momentarily sur- rounded by an electric flame, which dis- appeared as quickly as it came. The victim's left eye was dsmeged and the s'ye brow was burned completely off The hair surrounding his ears, a portion of his beard and all the hair on his breast were burned off. All the brass buttons (limp peared from his clothing, his watch -chain was cut in two, a small bole was bored through his watch -case and the watch - glass shattered, He suffered severely, but is recovering. A Leadville miner named Roberts, who with his partner, Daniel Von,was engaged in sinking a shaft in Sugar -Loaf Mountain, dreamed one night that the ground caved in and buried Von and that he himself had a narrow escape from death. He related the dream to his 'partner, who scuffed at it. On the fol. ingoing night the.dream was repeated with great vividness, the parents of Roberts coming to his be(iside and imploring him not to enter the shaft, Von was again incredulous when thb second dream wrs related to him, and went Co work as usual but during the afternoon Roberts came up to him and persuaded hien to leave the shaft. A moment later the ground caved ihwith a great crash. .tolittao'tt's All healing White Ointment has bent, used with the most astontah,ngt.v good re - snits 10 salt rhennt, sores, mewl ngs, hums scalds (mapped bands, rte., OA Many who have used 1t nap prove. Try it i A trial Is all that IS ueres- sa ry to convince you that what we etatnt for it is deserved 2sronts per box at tt•orthington drug; et a re. Thetai'EnessJubilegEtiition,ivell printed on good paper, is to band, price l0cents, and with the great Jubilee Picture, 50 "cents, also a cheaper edition, printed ou ordinary paper,, for five ceuts The num- ber conteintl,l2 large pages. with over 100 kortrgita air,tl:kptber illustrations. There is a history of Her Majesty's'' reign ; sketches of Canadian statesmen ; a fully illustrated history . of the Royal Arms, and other interesting articles; forming a work of reference with regard to the his- tory of our times in Great Britain and Canada. For sale by all newsdealers Sir Charles Tupper returns to London the end of this month, but it hi not known whet- her be will resign the Fnance Ministership or resume the office of High Commissioner. That would void his seat in Parliament, and he will be wanted !again next session. Be- sides one of the principal objects of his mission to England is to reenme negotiations for a treaty with,Spaiu, and.. these, members of the Government say, can be evgrlucted by him as Financelilinister even moreoonv„niently than as High Commissioner. The commercial. ar- rangement with the United States that many grow nut of the fishery question can also be netrotiated by Sir Charles T pper as Finance. Miuibter, and it is probable therefore that he will continue to hold that office. West's Liver Pills—genuine wrapped in blue— the standard remedy for liver complainr,dispep-, sia,indigestion,aud sick hest' e. Ali druggists Another peculiarly of Mexican life is th t everybody lives over a shop,if the house be of two storey,or uses his lower floor for stabling tho horses, quartering the servants, etc.- Even millionariares often rent the ground floor of their swel- lest residence for business purposes, and nobody seems to have any domestic use for their lower front roorns,wbi.eh Amer- icans consider most dersirable. Go to call upon a bishop, or some other high dignitary, or upon any family of known wealth, and if there is not a shoe maker pedding away at his bench just inside the front door, or a tailor shop or hair- dressing or blacksmithing establishment you are obliged to squeeze past carriages standing in the passage -way, or tun the gauntlet of horses' heels, besides view• ing the paraphernalia of the foteyer open kitchens and s``rolling the next meal's !menu, West's Cough Syrup cull: whooping -cough asthma, bronchitis. consumptio and all throat and lung difficulties. 25c., 50c., $ . All drug- gists. 5 in Francisco Bulletin; Two China en were looking into a Kearley Street shop win dow yesterday when a mischievous small boy slipped up oehihd them with an impi,h grin on his physiognomy and tied the two pig -tails together. The rogue then seated himself on a hydrant ne,r by to wait the fou. Presently one of the heathens start- ed off on his way down the street, but of course came to a sudden halt when the limit _of -thelsils--was-reached.--f-Jissurprise was oily'equaled by that of his couritrymau, For a second both glared at each other. Then, perceiving the cause of theirpredida• meat sit tingon•the hydrant^convulsed with laugher, they aimultaneouely made arush for him. Of course the boy ran. The Ohinainen, their queues still fastened Se- curely together as the young imp left thein followed at a breakneck speed, yelling and gesticulating at every step, The boy sud- denly turned off the sidewalk just where a telegraph pole stands, and sped across the street. The enraged Mongols tnrned off, too, but,forgetful of their united condition passed on opposite sides of the telegraph pole. It• is needless to say that they wore rather forci•ily iemindedof coheir blutrder a second 1a6, r They cane together on the other-aide-uf_the_mast.like two lom,moti-v-es- moving to opposite directions. A crowd gathered about and a -kind-hearted poI ce- man who happened by untangled the de- moralized and chagrined Chinese. The small boy vauished. • A CANADIAN IN CALIFORNIA. -- A former 'Hurn lite writes from Ontario; 'California, under date of May 25th, as follows :—" Every dt•llar wisely invested means twodollarsin a,few months. There is certainly agiant boom in progress here and in fact all through- the State, and money is circulating very rapidly. Pros- pects for a fruit crop are extra good. The whole crop, however,is reported less than half a crop. Flour is rising in price every day and consequently the baker's loaves are decreasing iri size. ,Informer years this season witnessed a hill in business here; but this year things seem revotu- tiocized and immigration is still confirm, ing• Next winter will witness a terrible crush if things-gq on as they are." • West's Pain King' should be kept in every house for sudden attacks of cramps, colic, paint- er's colic, cholera morbus, flux and dysentery. Only 25c. All druggists. AN INTELLIGENT OLD MARC —A cor- respondent who is in a position to kuow whereof he writes, furnishes us with the following item t—H. B. Pollock the man- ager of the White Bronze Works at St. Thomas, has an ',ld mare that takes him to the office and then returns to the stable alone. At the proper time she is hitched to the buggy and then goes to the works for him alone. She waits -a few minutes and if Mr. Pollock don't make his ap- pearance she returns without him. She don't believe in going barefoot. A few days ago she lost a shoe, and knowing where she had been shod went down to the shop, walked in and held up her foot. fire smith knowing the mare and under- standing what was wanted, set shoe for her and she went home quite satisfied. A PICNIC TIME —Now let us to the woodland hie, where trees their verdure wrap, for spring no longer, lingers in old burly winter's lap. In picnic garb we ramble forth, and sit beneath the trees, and have our bides all chopped and hacked, with stings of bumble bees. We'll gaily don our linen coats, and.thin seer- sucker pants, and sit beside the gurgling stream, while o'er us crawl the ants. We'll swallow picnic lemonade, to moist- en down our grub. which people make by soaking one, cheap lemon in a tub. The guileless lemon we shall eat, devour the c'ammy pie, and sit on bowls of custard, while a tear bedims our eye. We'll tip the mustard in the jars, the pepper in the tea, and try with all our might to show, that we are filled with glee. Then let us to the picnic hie, our basket in our hand, and homeward come filled up with woe, and leaves and dust and sand. Delicate females, old people and children are always pleased with West's Liver Pills, Mild, effective, and they always cure. 30 sugar -canted trills 25e All druggists. a. PIF.CE� ' LAST \week we advertised Two Cases Assorted Colored .Glassware, at prices very much below regular rates. We had a rush for them—beeped them ou Thbrsd.iy evening, and on Monday evening -only a few pieces remained unsold. We cantiottestislu,qiis t yse gooa's at less than - 0 per cent advance, so Congratulate those of our custorpera who secured what they required front them. We al ways have an eye op n for bargains, and will in every instance give sour customers the benefit of any speeial•citts we may be able to secure. 0 SPECIAL THIS WEEK—SOMETHING ATTRACTIVE IN THE ..TEA DEPARTMENT. 20 pounds first-c/ciss PRUNgs fov $1 mrsatsmahaar L. OUIDIETT: LONDESBORa Nori'd`-zc�� HARLANi . BROS. 'WISH IT TO BE .DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD T'ItA•r • KEEP A I•'CLL LINE OF TIIEY Builders ,Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnish, Glass, ._.�-iar-vesx_ Tools, Stoves and._. House .. Furnishings. WI: MANUFACTURE ALL ARTICLES IN 't'11E LINE OF TIN, COPPER, GALVANIZED & SHEET IRON WARE. • PRICES ARE ALWAYS AS Low AS TILE LOWEST-•—CALI, AND ni: CONVINCED. FULL PARTICULARS NEXT WEEK, .SOLE AGENT for the NEW DUFFIELD LAMP ^ :x • 1-1A LA1\T D BROS-, SIGN OF THE PADLOCK, CLINTON. OOL -- WANTED, ANY QUANTITY, FOR CASH OR IN TRADE FOR GOODS Under fresh maragement we are prepared to do better for our customers than ever before. On aecou h t of workingup she wool ourselves, we can afford to pay a higher price in cash than those who ship to other places, and we are going to do so. We have a large stock of all kinds of Goods made by ourselves, exclu&ively for our office trade, which we guarantee will give the highest satisfaction. We make Yarns of all kinds, Tweeds, Flannels, Blanket, Sheeting, Shirts and Drawers. Ask for our Knapped Sheetign. \V'e have also an excellent stock of FINE WOOLLENS, which we can trade for wool very cheap and we can give TWO CENTS per ib. more than market price for wool. We are prepared to do CUSTOM WORK better and quicker than ever, and are bound to give satisfaction as we have a man in charge of that who understands his business. drtDON'T STOP UNTIL YOU COME RIGHT TO THC MILL, as we have no branch office elsewhere in town. Our only authorized representative with a waggon is MR. JAMES SCOTT. CLINTON WOOLLEN MILLS. T. H. GRAHAM, Manager, D. GRAHAM, Proprietor. - Change of Business 11111511111 11111111 111111111111111i The undersigned begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS • formerly carried ou by W. L Newton, And that he is prepared to furnish ° - Harness, Collars, Whim, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets. And everything nsually kept in a Orst•class harness Shop, at the lowest prides. Specie attention is directed to my stook of LIGHT HARNESS, which I will make a specialty. REPAIRING PROMPTLY APTENDED TO. By strict attention to business, and carefully studying the wants of my customers, I ho p merit a fair sbere of patronage, Give me a ball before pnrchnsingq elsewhere, REMEMBER THE STP fD—OPPOSITE THE MA ECET C1-3110.. .A SI P .:A2 LT- • 1 POLI$ FOR LADIWS', MISSES' k DIMMER'S ;tin. s-1/4".71'..1:42. PER CENT OFF FOR CA SE TRW 11'. Call on C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON ` `•' 11-11/ 21131 and alma B�OTS & SHOES, 414 C. CrvIe*coka;Lka. My Stock is note very complete in all depart- ments, and Will still continue to sell at the lowest possible prices. Ordered Work as osiial Inferior to Nalt l EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. FRESH ARRJ HELLEBORE CARRIAGE SPONGES. PURE- INSECT POWDER ATLANTA SES SAL' FRESH LIME JUICE • ALS THIS WEEK., . i CASHMERE BOQUET PERFUME I Fine line of HAND MERRORS, Cheap. BERTRANDS BULK PERFUME CASHMERE BOQUET SOAP I . PEARS ENGLISH) SOAP PEARS VIOLET POwDE$ PURE PARIS GREEN PEARS BLOOM F NIxol+r. We pay special attention to TRUSSES, and have the largest stock in the county. - Best 5 cent CIGAR, in town. aAM lES H. Cc iiu F.. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. , CLINTON, ONT. Any quantity of •Good Clover and Timoth -Seeds wanted Highest price paid. N. 0OB5ON1. :N: • CHINA HALL. Pt rm NU EMUS s1'..THOMAS lilac bug Mo*nint Co., • �Oa (�fj JQ ilii `•e,_ Cz.„ ST. THOMAS, . ONTARIO. The only Bronze Found j the Rominion. Oar material is endorsed by leadioo seien- tiats as being practically- -imperishable;t cannot absorb moisture, and consequently is not affected by the frost. - Send for Designs and Terms to W. M. 43-I.I-Wr�r, CLINTON. E13,31 DO NOT RUN THE RISK OF PURCHASING INFERIOR SEE'» WHEN YOU CAN GET JOHN A. BRUCE'S FROM ' AND DO NOT FORGET THAT WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK O1+ ' lardware, Tinware, • Stoves, Lamps, paints & Garden tools L-.irrToN THE MAMMOTH HARDWARE AND MOVE HOUSE. ,0' , Central Grocery, J . ,U:$l ° -Cltd Sts�tn i. The subscriber has bought out the Stock of P. Robb, ccri sting of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASS WA -RE,' &o, Whish, being bought at low rates, he is enabled to offer at the very closest prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders promptly filled. Rooms to let. H. R. WALKER, CLINTON.