HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-06-24, Page 6. .._.. . ... ",,,,_ ... • . . a l.: - �,a, - _ _ - _ _ - ._--•- _ �_ T .�,....._.,.�-_._. ..: _..._ , • . . xA ��,1',Q�.Y•_'1I'IME Ca9►.RD. ' ,. XPd' X -.., - THE DAKOTA FLOODS: Death of the Man DFR Was Once Ignown I ABUI�T �11F, FRENCH AR 3 . . JON►+i OtOI)FRE'Y' XE, 11' '� � �.-.: Q ic ---�-� Trains leave Clinton as follows:- �� C ."otarea from toe Distressed xleglons or oxAND TRIIN$ RAII,wAY. , . / J; , / �J . J , C the Northwest. a as the "Awerlogfn Blood." . GEN. BOUL.ANGER, FRENCH MINIS- Goiag East. � Going West.B' . ' ' ,•T 11 Readers are soaeeustomed to thinking of The poet Bare, sibs dieti',on the 81st )i TER OF,WAR, AND HCS CRITiGS: 7.30a.nl. axpreF;: n418a.m, mixed ° _-IhbI1\SE SrCt1C OP -++T„ 1. Dakota as a land of drought in late summer March at Albany, was scarcq)y known to the I ,„ „ 1,15 P.M. mixe.� r.20I?.W. express I and q gt)taq}s; .4ad o 'trosaen tlolidlty in tQiuter,; ilew geporationi ;off xepderg; 'but some thirty b e •, . '" i Z'- ., " 5,15 p,m, m tae . .9 20 P ai+ Pxprese 1. 0-701 J that the .pe�ra of destl ttctige Bloods °tilers years a>>fo jig ceps )taligd . t>to great eri#nit�g D.esiinated s Aeeon,!t 7Bonppgrte - Siq, 6REgT wRsTr;1tN. g6tL�p4Y.! T T comes �het> tl� s a ttlih g stirprlsq •+i�et sati,i tt ilio 4'Ai$telt $ � d)i etc. AtY.1 i>;• syr�►P+►thy wlt4 t4a Poor. watt Dislike. Doing Nortb. (p q Qgnt I . 4 , '*s�� „ t goods ore no D p onowene. ig(' t t ,'dam+ tF° Qt' t p! h4i cabs published 10,18 a.tp. e; refile: 8,00 km,,ex raga Vit( 4 • p4 fear tips >ttloh-$orl,e Fle►1L aR a ]tllll, p . ,i l P. To select i`rr;tlls all Fresh, New Goods, Every effort has been exerted to su tt;raitory;, they excitt3,I?uhilo iii4edilon mow ''gl)out tl;at ,tit1?c gg}e'p)pmt ' ' a btillimtit'• . B,86 p.m, expros4 • Q•P,ni,oxpreea pl? lonly because the region Qabject w them has career; in particular his saltire, called 11P10- tory IQeeeasicy. a ills gubll , eve sl>,o►Y this weep a Bp@tial lot of so lately filled <. th inhabitants. Dakota e�'r and his purely humorous poem with- SUNDRIES. „ P Now that no one is sure how soon France Aoodsarise from two curiousl distinct causes. out a moral, "The Proud Miss McBride," were y and Gertnauy may have a set to, Qen. Hour YR8HIRE BULL FOR SERVICE, -THE LA17II7-+ S t8C CHT'�.`DR, FINS n ATS read and laughed oveg by all toe readers ofIan A subsoriber keo a for service at his r �y� the time. eciall did they loaso the Pr, French minister of war, is a 9gtue of es IIurou Roud, p(#odorleh Township. n�ar -• ' . a y p special interest He has held that office Cllatenro Rolired Ayrshire Grade hip. Has At unapproachable prices. See otlr CHEAP CORSI�,'TS our great Baigaino Ira ` a.�k... 11 young and ardent, and this -was looked upon y . • m eighteen months. A native of Brittany, it, is ' proved himaelf a sure breeder. Telms, Irl at HOSIER as a favprable sign for his future, as the up time of service, with the and GLOVES. Oyr fine line of 1=-'- often remarked that he is more like a Welsh• privilege of returning y+ ,; plauso of the young, to a certain extant, air 3P necessary. ALBERT MAY. • >; man than a Frenchman. He has, too, soma ,IT. A . ,� . • - ticipatea the judgment of the next age. But Englhh bleed in him. Beforr.becoming min- Sass EMBROIDERIES ��d WHITE LAIN �Iasli�s after 1456 there seemed no more growth in USIO TEACHING -THE UN1)EIiSIGNTD ; �_, � Y„ -'� f tax .,t g inter of war he had takeq,bt,t little part is M wiapoa to intimate to the people of Ohnton '+ifl'itx the soot; since thea his only work has been French olitics Aurin two p toand the ralisonl of an occasional P g years lie was that sho ie prepared to toaolt ROBIN'S NEW Our great variety of PARAS3LS at selling prices. Our large assortment o lecturingpg P director of the administration of the infantry AMERICAN METHOD OF MUSIC, (either for , , c,- ' composition in a different vein, and gener• Organ or Piano. A limited number of pupils JERSEYS. :these goods.are BdrgAus in quality and prices. '•-_,"S.;r in the war department. For three years he taugb t, oithOr at their own bermes or otherwise ..•-:X44 1%�W__:�4 ally inferlorto his earlier pieces. commanded the corps of occupation in Tanis, Terms moderatie. Further �pparticulars on up. -^ - t. ,t John GOtifrey Sttxc was bora in Juue, 1810, aqd had sniffed powder in active service as a plicatiou. MISS JOYNER, Victoria St., south, TEM BISMARCK R4,ILROAD BRIDGE, at Highgate, Vt., and graduated at Uld,lle- Clinton. 41p � • ■ , - junior officer, and received cams honorable g es I E'v S M i I I i n e ry m po r� u 1'1'1 A>3 A. erw(taln border the Red River of boa y collC);u int 1 R:19. scratches in the German war. He is 43 years ■ !fie North line a sacral enures due �' Iii 1843 ho eutered old. TII0 011,HbRED DURHAM BULL P'OR g SERVICE. -The subscriber has for service I + Oil tile practice 04 — --- - . north; as a consequence► there is occasionally afiB"rouiibbred Durham bull on lot 2s, Con. Ip, law at �;t. <llbau,- /'`,I Huilott. The animal is of dark rod oolor.wet he s complete thaw around the headwaters of ( g that stream while the ice is still firm 200 betwcon 1,000 acid 1 Toe Ibs, and is 2 euro old. 1 FURNITURE STO' T� , slid rria;fintd NEW ' ate' zg till }165?, incl d;d 11"t 1 , �/Y' Ile line a first-class pedi rc o and registered lu "11 miles northward, down stream. Naturally, ,,� t %�`�j� ,�( r ilio now DQmiuiuu hard colt. TE1;Dts, Sl Willi therefore, the upper floods burst up the Ice, I ,) `3 �1� 111Rku n su,vr:.s in I� the priviwge- of returning A.f_,iecessur-y. . --A. . heave it into enormous masses and some ( 4' ' th`'lwof(r,niuli. Doo J JAMIESON.Loudeaboro. . times force it out o! tho,rivercltannel sad �'1'', X11 ,�lugthuliulehet;ns 1 l� (�YtO$0 out is ELLI4TT �L4C%�, S,, n-eal-Ey,."iiill, for \ ;:, L7 OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. - A FRAME r j lar out on the adjacQilt staltic. The J1 „ 11 Ilouso with two lots onatetoria Atrcut, near clionts turd busiiie,aa double gencyotHood-nadgtindutgicemakes Lane'sold hotel, bel■ugiug to the estate of the late TIENT DOOR 'TO THE CITY BOOK 'STORE CLINTON. ,d he relivrrd l:ia daft• ,•t"�1 such floods peculiarly destructive, but for- �, y � � 1 John Stephenson, in offered for sale. �i'ho house Is •� •---� �. IMS by v: thing ,a- sem al.ltrel new, with nine racer, and Atone collar. BEDROOM SET PARLOR SETS LOUNGES' Innately they do not often occur. A similar , Li ./ e! P y ,n i ,1 ttricrti al:c,•t(•h<+, Of •"� ` ca14T ,QntheloLsarahard and soft water, stable', The C thing occasionally happen9 on the Missouri, , i /I 7 property is advantageously situated, and will be sold > c}� ull sOi1. ur, Wrirnts 1✓ i,, though its course is southeast and toward a ; , '.� i 1 1 ;� ou rens ,,able terms. Apply to either J. STEPHEN- QIDEL�Ol1RDS V1�ALRS Orc. warmer region, and the cause of it is found i and t!l0!1ls in his / /° SUN, Clinton, or G. 3WINBANK, London Road. k • i j In the pecul* "Chinook Wind." a0tluu:u;.nroe. ,1 w. JOHN G. 8A%Iv. • few of thoso were "icfi ANF) A GF,NEP.AIJ AsSOBT�tENT OF THE VERY BEST Jf.tDE FURNITURE AT This to a wetrnl wind �lOnl the Pacific - NEWERA BAKERY REASONABLE P➢iICEs.; ct " thought fit to publish, and "Pra;res,," a satire, ,.,. " _ ' ' ocean, called by the Japanese Kuvo Siwo. attracted great attention, As we read it now • • 00casionally in winter; Oftener in early The subscriber would intimate to the people Apaing, this wind takes: such a course as to t we readily see that, it only interr-sted the � of Clinton 1list he has bought out the baking •f "S. (~" I IF) 1_4 IPiY. 11 Ipeople because of its satirical references to business lately carried on !iy Mr. Dunlop, ana blow through and over the lowest passes in ..,. !�t 4''�'=+%r w ill continue the same at the old stand. He the Rocky mountains of British America; it the Mexican war and other (events of the era; _ r, �y�—; —_ ll ,s had a 10,19 practical experieuve, and by glv- —_. — _ __ _ thea sweeps southeast along the eastern base acts that the contemporary fueling is {;one F ;��- �_ lea close personal attention to tile bueinesa to of the big Coteau, through Alberta Assine- and the contemporary and local flavor evap- :till its branches, hopo. to merit and -receive They y g orated from the poem, we can haruly wider- RECEIVING A CHARGE. ashareof phblic Ila,ro"u9o.Bread deliver]d � �tbolaan rcur northwestern ght oP Dakota at usual prices. A largo stock•of Cake. and S�• stand much less en'o it. It was lotapoemHe is so handsome, rides u well and looks The mercer rises in a night from below ' � y' 1 ConfeOnouory alwayb on hand. ice Cream sup- . for all time, H•is "Rap. of the Lovh," "The so imposing in his splendid uniforms that his lied for parties, J R EVANS, aero toea as hi the freezing pointero-in rape „ „ „ enemies ridicule him as "a circus rider." 0 Times as ••r _--'---__... lsnoiw ilAetanCes as filgb, as b5 dogs. above zero. The d The Proud ;pias D1cBr i le 11ad a south somewhat more enduring Pante, Indeed, it Gambetta used to consider him one of the �}OUNTY OF HURON EXAMINATIONS. 1807.— wind, theic�eat tee or•tfour Inches hiciakesanold rends melancholy t0 recall the 'four best officers in France. The young• v Second clans nonprofessional examination at the Ta enty-right Thn• sand Dollars paid at auctionnfot the renowne(i trotting horst officers and private soldiers admire him H3 h Schools in the Cuunty on Monday, 4th July, 0a,m, many bri➢llattt writers of the decade of P Third class non Pancoast, proved his OXeleIlOe, and 130 the the Missouri, suddenly loses its, tenacity, the l enthusiastically. He bi extremely Iliad prunt), o T examination 12th July, , o . in. Waters rushing in, burse up. the ice and .the ' 1840-50 whose works erre now almost obsolete 3'• Y S;hools in the County on Tuesday, L' th July, J s. m. + • Waters sweep down with resistless force. But • because they dealt so exclusively with the • and considerate with the lover ranks, First class grade C., Monday, lith July, I p.m. First events and so faith ortra ed the feel- ' but makes few friends among the aristocratic c1nAP, gra(le wand B, Tuesday. l9thJuly, Ja.nr. Can Leading Clotluu- House of . FISCHEi IS the river below latitude deka is beyond Y A Y didates who wish to write at either Clinton or Seaforth "Chinook n in of their time. °Tv o nim �l cannot feel a's and wealthy classes, He has been all his. life the influence of the, and the I Y must polity D. M. MALLOCit, P. S. inspector, Clinton P did the partisans of the Diexicmi war period, accustomed to poverty. O., not later than the 21st May, stating which of the ice even in March as Brat as rock; One of the Berlin papers tailed Boulanger schools the wish to write at, and those who wish to Opposite the POS! ()i�CP, truly proves its sul)eriority over all O TOSittOn, is St ]8 thea the floods front above ile their and that which stirred then blood like good •• P A ger y Pl y P B second Bonaparte, and all Euro took it write at Goderich he nook E. Toa., SS.I., Exeter ,•A"icfit_ rind Fit it beats them all, and • floating ice' on IG or "burst it by by-, wine falls cold on our unwilling ears., P Pe at the same sato. The notice must be accompeniea "` ai In 1850 Mr, Saxe remo4ed to Burlington, up, and in a few weeks be was more written b a fee of 82, or$4 if thecandidate applies for a 3rd as draulic pressure front below, and a terrible g r >' V t., whete for fisc years he edited The voted and talked about than any man iu Europe. well as a 2nd class rtmentutiun, he fe eo will be for- �' � A � � nal with great success. Thereafter he devoted. ,His personal friends say that be is not a Bona- w'nrded to the Department unleFa the foo nccompaniea (♦.i` SUITS 1 it. Forms of application may be had from the secre- r-= _--�� -__:� I��� v. -- hitnsslf to lecturfti at which he made a ht il• parte nt the sense of wanting to be emperor; cretary. The head masters of the Higu Schools will �_ � -- G �. Kant success, an�maintaiued-a reputation but that he has plenty of vanity, likes pieme Bund the applications of their candidates to the 1 �%. C �- till 1874, when' lie suffered in a railroad acci- apthority and might drift into a dictatorship, uonnty Inspector of the division in which the High Are worn fr< in one earl Of the Count to the other. The Spring Mock bas arriv- He is a Democrat of the school. Sob"o1 is srtunted. First claws candidates send their y dent in Virginia and never regained his vigor applies ions to the Secretary Education Department, ed, ,lad is Ont- Of the finest in the town and vicinity, A . discount of 10 per cent •"- of body or mind. Soon after this he lost in Indeed, he owes his present position" to the Toronto. PETER ADAMSOM, Secy. B. Exau,inore, , M from the 15th of Feb. till the 15th of Slurch will btu zealous friendship of Clemencenu leader of Toro to. Aril2arh, IAM , iVP,ll for cash. Prices low " - _ rapid succession Lis wife, three daughters and P P g �_ - t�. his oldest sou, which afflictions seemed for the Democratic party, who was his school- and woe kmansblp unsurposse(fi Terms Cash," - . I� a while to have completed the ruin of liis fag- mate in early youth. • t . ulties. From 1869 to 1881 be lived in Brook- Boulanger has acquired greett influence be- �� ' a t� .- lyn; since that time with lits only surviving cause of his decision of character. $e broke It Saved' M� Life" i' R HER- LEADING CLOTHING ROUSE, Clinton, ' _ f = ` ... son, Charles G. Save, in Albany. Socially up royalist combinations formed by officers of Tv a r)nlmon cxlnosai(m, often heard - - - " y . __ : he was uitewit •and enial-anda reatrfuv- y y-_ -g"_ts and the owners of ' _ _ - �� q g wealth chateaux in Touraine and Norman- from those -tvho bare realized, by peer--- - - _ _ - p ewe cavae_ regimen military z ___ EntIEBRATED 'r,RE•9S %K%KiN( - TFIE UNDERS((;NED s - ,melancholy. . melanchol club which enables oorReanized a naval and ublicatloffic�s Chiui use, the curativt powers of oyer', ,, r e ' has commenced tireAstuakiug at her resf- cerin tall los misfortunes tainted a s( tilt d 1. �/ �- Y P A e to eery Pa;tur(il, r- I cannot. say enough ' t (�uuce, 111 a durec, dir.etl opposit" the Foun- r = �' CHASES J y P —�� �' , ' Muslc in California. live in comfort without runningin debt when in )raise of A •er's Cherry Pectoral, br•_ ' ` ( " FLEEING FROM THU FLOODS. they are in Paris. • 1 y ,� N®RA ieE t•: i y , where slit+ sh(irto o tice an to fill all onable p in her line, on short notice and at reasonable ,0 - elemental I had ayoung lady friend ambitious to lieving as I do that, lint for it, ilsw., I DANGEL100 , ratrq llaving had Considerable experience she elemental war ensues -The ice continues- to be at in the highest element of culture. I Never was a Frenchman so lampooned ma feels coutident that she can give satisfao4ion to � , g ehotthl long since hate diad Il•mn luny move on till a gorge is formed which dates would say to her "don't ,think of going to .Boulanger. He has no reverence for mil- troubles. -E, Brn'don, Palestine, Tee. • •' all who favor lie" with their patronage M1sF lionaires. The sons of cosmopolitan bankers b L BOOTH, Clinton the waters; this holds till the immense cur- Italy or Germany either, but come to San P ,, ; rent bursts throtigh it, then all is swept,clear Francisco." I write this advisedly and know are subject to military service just as if they About six ]11011013 aro I ha.d a severe,11 , tldB at another narrow place in the stream' well what I am saying, though I have ilot Tonged to the proletariat, He is, however, 31onxnrh,rg0 of the. Ltarl;,, Leon ht ou f merciful to the medical profession. Medical by a distressing (`')11;;11, which deFrived 1 M 1 another gorge is formed and the war of the room or time to write down my reasons for students are exempted from three years' ser- ale of sleep unit ri•st. C had irw•rt vagi- ilr d elements is renewed. Of course the floats the brief and bhmt statement. I was in nus cough balsa11ly ,1nrl expt•rtoni(it., above the gorge rise, to an immense height Rome with the late Gen, Miller when he con• , Vice in the ranks, without ubtainin••' relief. "1 friend art- i " '"AndOvorfl6W all-thwivw-lands ,The illUstra- 'Stilted with the great -French surgeons at the War talk in Europe tutus attention to vised we to try �aeli �.�V�i.A�D .��o.N�l a�s�Qs�S tions represent the scenes attendant on such head of the medical school there, about ex- horses. Every government loots to its sup ,,, " if7,en an inrriiipent tnan wants fo par- ! ' 1 , . Uverild'ws, and are taken .from photographs tracting the ounce bullet from his eye which I of horses -necessary animals when men A er s Chert Pectoral: is r cont parties whose strtrul in(I lit ply y y � C1iaa�, Ac bu?. ,: . and sketches made this year at Bismarck, he had received when with Grant at Shiloh go out to kill each other. Germany took the 1. Did so, arld Rill h:tpIlY h) sa,,y that it th.rir •set+rrai tapings is a ptuarantee J'ur the ► Great damage has been done an\d many "The know more in San Fr alarm alarm first and issued an edict that no more helpe(i me at once. By continued ase doiihlt�t leihi re ;trd to This storlingmotto is this inedicino wt,v•rl lay cuu'h, curl. 7 patent medicines, buy ,I liven lost -full details not yet estimated• the brave soldier's brief comment. And h horses should be exported. Russia soon did only tlu,se made by pritet.ioRt•profeaeional men. e silt satisNed� sat rd uiv Ill's. -lir,.. F., CURES ALL HU In some Incas the ice was lieu the same; and so did. France im- Ur.('nn5r;isto0wc11anctPavOrnblyknownby I MORS p ped 100 teams back home and had the bullet es- Coburn, 18 Second A.,. Lowell, Mass. his rouci ,t books to require uir(f any rocommenda- feet above-the-ordinary--level-before---tracted-here;- I-writethis down to illustrate Ports instead of exports horseflesh. Site I hav0 used :1}<•r't C'heri;V Pr+ctnrui lien. 1 1 y 1, from -a common. Blotcb .01, 9 _ No bought 3,000 from Denmark, an inti- 1)u. CPtABR'g L'iv'er Curt' has a receipt book' EIr. pilon, theworhl �ll stand suchatlsifucac�tbltour ti�asharpvvaywhatIthinkof the compare- dentwhieh opened the eyes of Germany, furoccr a year, ,inocret, believe 1 ppedaronndevcr bottle which is I to the worst Scrofula. Salt -rheum, ive musical enius of California, Do not "i'" g y Y should have hetet in w, ;tiler, had it wcightin ,Id. Y tFover-soroK,ttScaly or2ioughSkin, The number of horses required for military -not -been for -this t)rerli�;e.:, Mk,m eared ti` I in short, all diseuse-s ca uied.by bad blood are d end engraving shows the Northern Pacific bridge go to Italy, do not go to Germany. "They Mt. ('iIASL's TAver Cure is guarantoedtocure coni