HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-06-24, Page 50 RACE irren&tate • of the late John llodgens. �Iavind bought the .E3.AIELDWA .I+; ' rock (t.,T. 33. ..vvafiateld, will sell it at reduced prices. Now its the time to procure Shelfllardware,BuilctersSupplies Glass,' Paints and Linseed Oi]s TO ADVANTAGE AT _R... _.M....__R A C E'Y'S Hardware Store, Clinton. MONSTER. Alteration Sale A _ ROBERTS NS 41 view of extensive improvements of the premises this summer, we have decided to offer our immense and well assorted stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, etc., at Cost, This is a genuine sale, and lasts but Thirty -Six days, starting from SATURDAY, 25th of June. We mean business. and -are -bound to run our stock flown, so come and Secure bargains. lLAi.t COLORED CASHMERES BLACK CASHMERES DRESS ,GOODS - LA DIES CORSETS • LADIES GLOVES EMBROIDERIES CRETONNES - - GENTS TIES - - GENTS SOCKS FROM 'c 4' '4 4' of Prices 2•5c TOWELS -_..5c 20c TABLE LINENS " 20C 8c NAPKINS PER DOZ. " 65c 45c TWEEDS - 10c lc And other *pods too. numerous to men - 10c tion, however, we.must remind you we 10c offer a 75c. CARPET for 55c. Come 10c and see what we are doing; – Iort:ii: Groit Cash Sion, C1inta Groat CLEARING SALE SUMMER GOODS We want to catch your eye and bring to your notice our latest and groateat offer in Money Saving Bargains. A woman's judgment is part of her fortune; we '-will prove this to every visitor with goods and prices. To convince the judgment that dollars brought to ne will save you dollars. That you can save money and yet secure the beat, is demonstrated in our splendid stook of LADIES & CHILDBENS STRAW HATS, EM- BROIDERIES, ORIENTAL LACES, GLOVES, JIOSIERY,JERSEYS,CORSETSit PARASOLS WHIRR WE WILL CLEAR OUT AT A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. Big Bargains in Ribbons Don't forget our CASH SALE OF RIBBONS EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT, at hall the 4.•• meal price, on that night r in order to reduce oni•.took. Beesleys Millinery Emporium. –�— --ARE SHOWING FOR. THE HOT WEATHER NEW LAWNS" IN WHITE AND CREAM, NEW MUSLINS, NEW PRINTS IN LIGHT GROUNDS, NEW SEERSUCKERS, BLACK AND COLORED LACE $UNTINGS. We are offering Big Bargains in Remnants and Odds and Ends in order to clear them. out. Our stock of Staples and Small Wares is-alvtt y° i,lete, FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. Estate?'. (ton CIENB.:., CHEAPSIDE Compliments of ri Ili. WI.IL.SON QUEEN VICTORIA'S JUBILEE. Our no-ble Queen, all hail ! On this thy Jubilee; True hearts shall never fail To love and honour thee. Victoria, to thee, From loyal hearts and free, At this glad time, froir ev'ry clime, Come shouts of Jubilee. Come to CHEAPSIDE for the newest r design of PRINTS in the hub. From every land on earth Thy sons send greetings full, And proudly own thy birth Beneath thy soverign rule. Come to CHEAPPIDE for new LACE MITTS, Black and Colors. In many scenes of life Our hearts round thee entwine ; As mother, Queen, or wife, Thy virtues nobly shine. Let rebels point with scorn, Or cowards quake with fear, The true sons—British-born, In memory hold thee dear. Come to CHEAPSIDE for the best 4 Button KID GLOVES, only 60c. God spare thee many years, In trouble send relief ; At last a nation's tears Shall wet thy grave in grief ! 0 triA • nUl � f, O n) 1 1 0O SAML. WILSON, CHEAPSIDE, NEXT DOOR TO T. COOPER..S6 SON'S GROCERY, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. Direct ;Importations. :X: J. C. Detlor & Co's Great SUMMER SALE WILL BEGIN ON SATURDAY, JUNE 25th. x Y x J. C. DETLOR &-()O, - Clinton. 1 HARLAND BROS. HAVE RECEIVED DIRECT FROM LIVERPOOL _.5o .Boxes Tln late, i Ton G i}vanized Iron, 63 Cases Window Glass from Germany and Two Cars of Nails_from Montreal, With their already large stock of Hardware, &c., enables them to give prides as Close as they can be cut. Our present specialties are Scyths, Snaths, Finery Scythe Stones, Horse Pokes, Paris Green, Carpet Felt, Tarred and Building Paper, Best Quality Ready Mixed Paints READY FOR THE BRUSH, ALSO FULL STO,9K BEST WHITE LEADS, O'NEIL'S CARRIAGE PAINTS IN FIVE COLORS, AND WITH WHICH ANY FARMER MAY PAINT HIS 'OWN BUGGY VERY CHEAP. EAVE TROUGHING AND METAL ROOFING. WE HAVE HAD EX- PERIENCE ENOUGH IN HOT AIR FURNACES TO GUARANTEE SATISFACTION EVERY TIME. G1VE US A TRIAL. A feature in our business is a SPECIAL BARGAIN LO' FOR EVERY SATURDAY. We have adopted this system of giving our customers a special cut once a week. Be sure and call and it will startle you to see what you will get for one dollar. HA1�.Z�AN� EROS _ SIGN OF THE PADLOCK, CLINTON. GOOD PRONES CII M —AT S. PALLISER & CO., Clinton a„ M,,,. Some are Asking Close Market Price Our reduced Price -- $2.00 $1.75 —$1.25 J. JACKSON'S THERMOMETER FOR SHARP BUYERS. "•THIS TIME'IT`IS--- Ladies is -Button : _ Bois THAT ARE DOWN. These goods are got up in good style .with WORKED BUTTONHOLES. No more stylish and serviceable footwear . was ever offered. All sizes` in stock. You Wary Bargain H unters GLANCE AT OUR THERMOMETER AND NOTE THE TREMENDOUS DROP. Old Day, Prices ALWAYS AT JACKSONS Bargain Shoellouse OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, CLINTON. OILINTON & 82JYTH, BOOTS SHOES Our stock of Boots and Shoes forspring and summer have been selected with great care, and will be found very complete in all lines. We gate agents for DACK & SON'S FAR FAMED .FINE HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. EGGS TAKEN tN EXCHANGE. FIVE PERCENT OFF FOR CASH. W. TAYLOR & SONS, CLINTON. 1 JACOB TAYLOR, Manager for Blyth.