HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-06-24, Page 3.'SALE.; FRIDAY, JUNE 2t, 1837. must bee found out which will give the teach- Geo Merl:Ill, who was connuttvd to PAIt:115 FOR } ors an opportunity of correcting all the 0001- zbt) Cotlnt jail,fiAglf3 foul' 1►1Q, lt�1$ tig1,1, illi . :Lt phi �N (ii) d Plano leo i bufBltAl igF"s, anal go8o ! IN at Huron, T�aohera� `° tnstltu�ta. 'positions in the class and yet give tabundaxi being of unsound mind,bus so far rccov- I locality. Come anis see it. Will toe sold � cheap. W. ■^) _ practice to pupils by slaving compositions b N. ILpd1ICHAEL, Constance P.O. 4 D � The regular semi annual TeaoherS' lYO nsti• written frequently Mr. Houston Said he Bred as to be allowed to return to Mit- The •---------- r June had tried different s stems and after years shell. I OT FOR SCLE.-Ona-eighth of mi acre, part of twe of y 1ut19d on S•.uth Sidi) of itattenbur St., occupied VI(est Huron was held it) Exete, , 01 es orience he had concluded that t�1e fel I by subscriber, with two-storey she ria 30, and staiile, ll,h and 10th. The first days proceedings p Juu)ea If. Gilmour of (,}ilrnu':r & Cu„ 1 P• - • MEANS 1 Mr. (ieo.W lowing method was by far the most satiafae- wholesale Grocers Bruckvillo en S -I jj willgoevchangedforpropertyadjacenttosteamrmer. �I began at 1Q a. tu., the Prestdeut, y gold together, or the Shop sold to be uhui'ed oil, Clan be I3ohuan, presiding. On account of the abs tory. Each pupil should k be y the ed whet, have used Tamarac Elixir for a severe cold changed into a house. b'or terms, apply to, J CURTIS series of the Secretary, Mr. S. P. Halls, I3. a bock which should be kept by the teacher, and cough which it 'immediately relieved sxE�i;lsoN. A., of Goderich, Mr. F. Craswelier was else- the same as copy books,into which the com- a + -- od secretary pro tem. Mr, Gregory H. Positions are to be written successfully and and cured. •ii WO FARES FOR SAL0f LOT 83. IN 13TH CON., Tom was appointed minute reporter by the preserved. This book is not to be marked On Satui day morning just, John Bur. F Qoderlch township, iu good state of auttivatlon Q p snug house just built good bath, cut half fences and DEALING Institute. The roll was called by, the In either by teacher or pool, For ilia first roughs, of Stratford whose wife keeps a conveniently situat4e. Also the emit haltof lot 78, In 0iteetor and thirty-four teachers answered to exeroiae in correction the teacher should read �m 11 store near the station ass ed' the ldatth+nd concession, Goderich township, about W illicit names. The business proceedidge of over about half a dozen of these books, select , acres, L acres cleared and seeded down, 20 acres In the day were opened b the president, after the mistakes, and have them discussed in her better half, stabbing her in her face preparation for clearing balance good hardwooud bush y retina easy. Apply to SiANNING St SCOTT, Barris- which Mr. Houston, M. A., Parliamentary, class,aot allowing the pupils to know whose and Shoulders. He was fined $25 by tern, Ciint'pn. II ibrarian, rocoeded with the subject of mistakes aro used. For the second exercise the )olice, magistrate on Monday and - It represents somCtltin ilii like and appreciate, _n�,ljeh Phi ology, He showed that the in correction, .read half a dozen different 1 g ARM FOR SALE. -FOR BALD, LOT 89; CON p gr y PP bound over in $200 to appear for a six Fcasinos 2, L.R.S, Tuckeremith, containing 50 acres It Illustrates our method of doingbusiness. rm Philology embraced the two divisions boolto, always reading all the compositions of which 45 are cleared well fenced w e meaning of words and forms of words, not previously corrected. In this way a mo.rths sentence to the Central when , Thereell is ar good It means SQUARE dealing* D'e't you sbe ?% v and in a high state o� cultivation. Thorn ty s cod R the latter comprehending both the sounded teacher can get over all the books about ones e • IJed upon, iTe ought to get 600 frame house, barn andstables and an orchard of plum, word and written word, Taking into ae- a month. It is well to Have a second com- laches. apple, cherry and pear trees. There to a never -failing K count this scope of the subject he pointed position on each subject as boon as it has well, It Is within tour miles of Clinton, and three of (PREACH Peter Peterson an employee of Mr, Bruceaola, with a good r This is what ales PRACTIGaE, Ont the necessity of dealing with it from the been taken as an exercise in class whether +place. For further articularslappply on the promise beginning e s child's d aohool life. Itis quite all compositions on this subject have heen A Sinclair, at the quarries) St. Mary's, or to Clinton P. O. J. B. CROSSON. GUARAN LEE• • evident that children understanA the mean- corrected or not, and a marked improve- prepai ed a blast and lit the fuse the nth ing of many words when they enter school went will should allow a ea3h pupil. The er day, blit it +vent out. He ut once FARM VJR SALE - THE UNDERSIGNED and also the modg of formin them into sen• 'teacher ista allow the pupil to find out nesse for sale -Godo l farm. being tot 07, Maitland 73 COLUMBUS WATCHES, g his own mistake pi) proceed d to drill the bole out when a Concession, Godorloli township, sou uiuiug 78 tenbell, and the first duty of a teacher is to ,but if a mistake is re aced l o ' sores, About 05 are cleared and it�arly fri a THE SIMPLEST; Put before y 1 ,v yes that children use these words iu a proper speak to that pupil about it privately. Thp shark from the drill ignited the powder, from stumps, !u good State of cultivation. The O teacher should pay attention ,to the more whieh'wentoff with a fearful explosion aildine la Rood hardwood -bare, mostly beech �, r 0eneo. He attacbed no 'importance to the aiuiSnup,e. On the preuiisesarea frame-lsN- FAIREST, PRICES. system of memorizing synonyms as no two important marks in punctuation,in correct- burning Mr. Peterson's face badly, and tie troy new, a bank bat n, a good supply of wa in these exercises. to, and also un orchard. The property le situ- words have exact)y the same meaning and g sendin- rock through his hat in several p p THE NEWEST, pupils could not, as a rule, remember syn- After the discussion on composition, AIr. o b ated six miles from .Cite too. For full part fou - Houston proceeded with English laminar. ,laces. ears apply on the premises, or Wits, BAKER, onyms when learned out of the ordinary p g nc l Clinton P.O. ,i You a find them T E BEST, course of school work. He showed by num. Grammar was defined as the science which Ay er's hair Vigor stimulates the hair TO - "` Brous examples how lessons of profit and investigates the process by 'which words cell, to healthy so iou, and 'promotes a ARKET,GARDEN FOR SALE. -NORTH- CHEAPEST, lfi.orest. could be derived from the history of which do fist mean anything or which -o1 west part of Lot 7, Concession 14, Huron CtRADE. I vrgu,0 is growth. 1t sustains all that can Road, Goderich Township,g PRICE As you like them at word meaning and in tracing the changes of make no assertiona,can be made to say some- , be supplied to make the natural haft aures. It is within 2 mile consisting and tip ' � meaning from one stage of the language to thing. Grammar is one of the best trainers hesutitul and ahno lant• ken s'the seal miles of Holmesville, with a good gravel road DESIGN Another. .Fie showed also the remarkable of the mind anis it is an inductile science. • P P feuding to each place, on the lot therA fe a oiiange which has taken place in the forma It is generally taken up in our text books by ties from d, a r ff, and makes the hair new frame house 20 x 26, with Stone cellar un - r namin first the arts of s eeell, then deal- Lexrble and glossy. tlerneath; also a good burn and outbuildings.- 4if English words and that underlying this g P p Plentip of good hard water, - To be sold on rea- change was the "law of phonetic decay" or ing'with the inflections of these. If we wish On Saturday night the sixth attempt sonable terms. The place is under crop with c the natural tendency of Attempting to sound to make Our pupils good grammarians the email fruits, Bio , this year. Apply on the pre ROBs ! COATS,:=: CL TON■yP g must begin with statements and investigate IO burglarize AZI. Kldd's stores,Dublio.raises,*or to MRS, C. CARTER. Clinton P.6. words as easily as possible. He next pro- o seeded with 'word composition' showing these, and, consequently all grammars con- An entrance u'as made through the win - that the original unit of language must have structed on the old principle are Ldi•ongly dow in the rear of the building. Once TjlA kit Fdfa SALE. -THAT WELL-KNOWN g g constructed. Grammar should be begun in l wn[tefy farm, being sat 16, son, les Godefrom c ice been asentence, not aword. He showed by � in, the burglars, who appeared totbor- township, Base line, summerndl, four miteatremCtin------•---•------ - -------••---- -- numerous examples that words had been so the second class and be proceeded with to on good gravel road, The farm contains so acres�T �7� T� practically. Commence with an easy, Sim- oughty understand their work, got into 70 on and in good state or cultivation, the remain' NEW G O O P S EVER 1 V V E E l� combined as not only to change their mean- P Y ywood 15 of irigs, and .that all our prefixes and suffixes pie sentence and get the pupils to see that the vault by removing bricks from the der good hard ploughing there aretacreswells and all there are two elements in a sentence, the and all tall ploughing lions; Chore are two seise and en were once significant words which have been wall. Then they drilled a hole in the ever -flowing spring, good orchard, frame barn 35 x 65, shorn of art of their meaning and form. which is Spokenabout,anndwhat is said about safe with the aid of )owder, blew off stable 16 x 35, now frame house 1s x 20 with five SPECIAL, ATTENTION PAID TO GETTING NEWE&P FANCY p g it. The next step is to et out that. articu- l , rooms up stairs and 4 rooms down stairs, and a kitchen In teaching Philology, the teacher must take p g P , be ontside lining of the safe but were 14x23; there are two ahiirches, school and eery, all i lar word which is the mere object of thought > > vTO ARTICLES. WE b'IAKF. A SPECIALTY IN the common English words found in our 44 j g g witn►n 'eve misused work. Puveesstou given starry readers and lead pupils through the different 1 and then all the modifying expressions. In unable to bet any further. time to suit purchaser. For particulars enquire at p d g this way we et at all the national arts of NEW ERA Office orof HESSRS.6tANNING t2 SCOTT, W changes in form and meaning and not use a Y g P ' p p promises, L. SCANNING, "fill Paper, �eillllb Dectll"LtlQihq, cllOicesf plltter116, stem of memorizingroots, prefixes etc. A speech except the pronoun, which may be Aatoralslrlu f3oceexs Clintonof the ro rtetor, on the . i y a' ClP. 0, , short time was taken p in discussion on the ,considered as a general and not a particular It is the duty of every person who has card - — BOOKS & STATIONERY, great variety subject, after which the meeting adjourned noun. This process of analysis should be Boechee sGerman Syrup to let its wouderlu' LIARNI FOR SALE-- THAT SPLENDID FARM frequently used in schools. Mr. Houston qualities be known to their friends in curing of 100 acres, being Lot s7, con. 2, L. R. S., of + v until afternoon. The afternoon meeting q Y q EVERYTHING AT CLOSEST PRICES, CALL AND EtXAMINE, was taken u with discussion on the system would embrace in syntax. In speaking on Consumption, severe t all throat an Asthma, terms,Tuckersialth.g to offered for Salo frame leru,4 ille %60 T of uniform promotion examinations, y The the correction -of errors, Mr. Houston Said, Pnenmoma,aod in fact 911 throat and sung dig. stable 24x6,;sheep ood land carriagehouse, axle, �� r —+ / �m Clinton.,.ecretary of the committee on promotion ex- we should be guided by the usagesof ourbest es -es. No person can use without immediate good 116 story, 24x80 frame house and kitchen, A. VV O 1 t1INlJf- 1 ONS lJ aminations, Mr. J. E. Tom, I. P. S., opened authors. Underlying the correction of errors relief. Three does will relieve any case, and 7o acres under cultivation, 20 acres cleared but the discussion on the subject pointing out there are three principles, Ist, Symmetry, we consider it the duty of all Drnggists to reo- not broken; to .acres good liardwood bush. ` p g used in detecting trete in the use of "either ommend it to the nor, dying consumptive at well watered, having •Erre of the best, wells in some of the reasons for adopting the system. 6 e p . Y P Huron ooanty, Good bearingorcharo, situated The discussion occupied a considerable we detect 2nd, our common sense, ' which least to try one bottle, as o one dozen bottler 2fg milts from the Village dull Seaoid, and BUY Y GROCERIES F length of time, after which it was decided the detect errors in rile use of 'only' tic. 3rd were sold last year, and rig one case where it 0 from i the Towns of lensClintono iiud road pa ro- to hold examinations twice in a year, in redundancy or sufficiency. failed ivas repprfed. Such a medicine as .the Spentivefy,there isaapfondid gravel road passed At the opening of the Friday afternoon German Syrup cannot be too sides kuowne ! e front of the promises. Part oulars and March and October. Examination papers P g Y y P 9 terms given on application to. APPLETON Ei _ �1 are to be prepared by the Inspector and two session Mr. G. W.Hohnan was appointed by Ask your druggist about it, Sample bottle COAT �iBr celleid P. 0., orASAMU L DAV D '/ �] O/�n�s COO �� �. On other ersons selected b biro who reside in the Institute to represent the inspectorate to try, sold at 10 cents. Regular siz,1, 75 ct9. � v/ �% ��"�� p y ELCOAT, Ontario P. 0., California. r the inspectorate. Pupils who obtain toren- t the Provincial Association. bit. George Sold by all Druggists sod -dealers in the Unit. a - ty-five per cent in each subject and fifty per 41aird then took up the subject of mensura• ed States and Canada. cent on, the total,will be promoted to higher tion, dividing it into two branches, surfaces -••— PrNNYROYAL WAFERS. , ..r 77 classes. The teacher shall examine the pa- we have length and breadth and to find the NEWS NOTES. Presen tion of a physician who AVE IIA VE TIIl: LARGEST, CLEANEST AND BEST A�`ORT +Ii1GV ors of his own pupils, subject to a revision area of any symmetrical figure we must al- has had a life long experience in STOCK OF P P p J treatin female diseases. Is used , of the papers b a committee of live, to be ways take the perpendicular breadth. Mr. g g �. mouthwithwith ipei feet success by P P Y A clum of wheat, rown in the ar• - o appointed by the Institute. cuumfence explained circle andbits diameteetween the r tis den of Sam Barnes, Woodland, Cal.,is a efrectua01.61L�adies askayEour'drug- G � O C R E In the evening a concert and lecture tookst or Penn ro ,al at ra and Plaee_in-Brews Opera-lisuee wdriehiva -found.andhyapparatus-Showedtbu themes curiosity because of the fact that 161 take nosu sttute,orinclose post - of - -" "�------------ - 'Well attended. attended. lifter the musical art had a circle is half the diameter multiplied by age for sealed particulars. Sold by pstalks have spread froth one kernel of In town. Our rices are as low as tiro lowest, and we wart•ant evorgthing been one through with, the lecturer of the half the circumference. Proceeding to solids a • t a au dru sts, $I per boa. Address p Mr.Baird ave the following rule g the cla TnZEUREKACI3 CAL CO., DaTrtorr, Mich. " ' IS BAKING PONDER." *oniug, Mr. Houston, M.. A., was then g g le for finding y' Sold in Clinton b J. H. UOItiBE and Druggists first-class. Sole agents for the celebrated COOP1JIt , called upon to deliver his lecture on "Edu- the volume of any solid. Find the area of A St'nator's Testimonial. -An honorable ytiverywhero. g Best brand of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand at AI 'ill) tctnrers Prioes, rational Maxims." He pointed out that the base, four times the area of the middle member t the o of Canada says he -* --- - — TEAS a specialty, Give m :n call. Then had always been accustomed to express secttogether a a of the upper surface, add these had a ver severe cold and could not leave SEED CORN. themselves b the use of maxims, and bad together and divide the sum by sic, then 9 + k J J Y multiply the quotient b theperpendicular the house for several days; he obtained ti mmu ------ been fond of quoting the maxims of other P y q y learned men. He quoted remarks (p) educa. height. He then applied his rule to„the bottle of Barkwell s Bronchial Balsam, Per Bush tion, by Such great men as Milton, Paley, different solids,showing that it corresponded which relieved him in a short time, Iii. 11 BSE TOOTH CORN s 1 00 e�^^•� ' 1 with the diff rent rules lush in text -books f ,aka in the highest terms of this a alar !ikin&OTII OLDS' CORN p 30 Thos. �mon, � Aristotle and others, aliasing that rite great e g P g P P 6 kinds OT11 SWEET SEEDS to choose tro)u ut 25c per Ib ,a6� object of education should be to lit a person The followinLg resolution was then passed;- remedy. Scvcu kinks of TURSIP SEEDS at 25c r lb to erform justly and well all the duties of Resolved that' the members of this Institute p i Y Premier Torquay, of Manitoba; has life both private -and public, and should deal convey to lir. George Baird Jr. their regret TOL] TO and C iBBAGE� Ph NTC Grown b H, with the intellectuaphysical, morel and at the loss or so able and active a member of been notified by the Dominion Govern' t y vL1:__N rr ON. y ng ment that they will fight the proposed Joyner, Gnrdntr, at 15 Cents per dozen. - aisthetic nature of man. He maintained this association b his removal from ami) - - - -- - that all practicaleducation was also illtellee- us and at the'same time their pleasure in ` I;tilwuy extension to the American OIL CAKE 0 co per Cwt tual and he believed that the time would hearing of"his appointment to it position of OAT ►ZEAL, STANDARD ?2 25 per Cwt th - - c;orne-w})eti-au-r--fin-of e(lucatioii would rust and responsibility. at 5t.-P11uls, Air. ; boundary Tt every step, and to the bit- i'HO10E ROLLER FLOUR d2 25 per Cwt ToFarmers& �`h�y be far more practical an,l even more manual Houston then spoke during the remainder of ter end. It is understood at tiVinnipeg Q EN LIRE FOR than it now is. Turning then to self -culture, the afternoon Session on English Literature. that the project will be pushed in spite and quoting the old ,maxim -"The proper iio, pointed out the characteristics which Of this opposition. JAS. STEEP'S SEED STORE study of mankind N man," he maintained distinguish poetry from prose, viz., metre, - -- that we shmild be earnest and Bili- lit in sublimity, assonance, poetic license and its tIt came out in the discussion"t5f Par- _ __.� Eco Cly. �.�_- _. _ . I'[' C.5 '1'i) (►?li I�TTLIa:�i'L' XVII EN* YUti \VAN 1' :1 »elf-edileatioll,.its the llowillg; of odrsalvou• beauty •or inner nature; the last being by far liament that the cost of Viinning Rideau fhoreugl)ly, tt•iis the only n)eans by t'vhioh the most important, In general the taste Hall is on an average of $72 a clay, not �• CADDY OF COUI) we conl'd appreciate resists tbe'natnre of other )eo- for poetry is hors) ill a person, Ill makini*E•' jos iia TP 1 n including the salaries of the regularly 1 r�17�j plc. The nieans of self -culture is to be d poetical selections the clement of beauty tai � jj`'f1 � �, � TEAS= B � � V 11 G �� F � jj' d P A j�j rived principally through bool.a ,and a g2111, sl>ould, be tii fn hat es prttial. As we cannot appointed officials. ThelGoverno•-.Gen- 9 GREETN , � IX. It D of � APAN, book was afar better soiree of knowledge i Pl;rcctrzte CL ":c uih lir satins by seeing. oral docs not ask for nor ierinire the ex- rR will 1•..;� t:,.c a0ovc �. =any than any lecturer. During it ge1L001 cOluea- only a& part Of it s0 we cannot appreciate it penditure of over half tare sum named, case o; :_'r *'i" J --i' 1 ' t' • Sick h'ead0.ch, , Y:,lU1 eSaGel t':' (t ,,.'.VCllC99 To eall.at S. PA.L.LISER .t .CO's. We will givo YOn a `Ilea w0 costa recommend tion,.a•taste for reading should he inenicated poem by reading only selected passages. but it Seems that it has tobe Spent to g , we cannot CUrp with ':: -.'�' L...4"rR 1 7 cl $2.25 fo- 5 Ib, lots, which wo will pampk., in the children. ~peaking of the amount of Hence in setting limits for examinations the for )owe fol drawing ossifies at provide soft snaps,' for Ottawa political • novel reading in our day,. he believed tlittt it whole poem should be taken. Mr. Houston P P P PILLS, t: hen the Direetic•: a taro strictly against any F)Oc. J'ca bought from agents.. would be conferring a grreat boon on human- considered that this element of beauty was bosses. somPlied with. Large Boxes, containing ity if this taste uSd be tnned into a proper most predominant, in Wordsworth. and he We' understand the Mitiister'of Education is 30 Pills, 25 Cents; 5 Boxes $1.00, ' Sold co course. The lecturer laid great stress on the quot2d several passages to illustrate it. The about to issue a revised edition of the Scrip by all Druggists - education by the mother at home. He main object of search in studying poetry two Beadings. Doubtless the new edition will --- --- knowledge maintained that a child learns more real lieve i be r get at thesing beautpoetry_ it did not be -the contain the criticised the omission of which � S. PALLIE SER & Q0,knowledge daring the first five years of life sieve iu paraphrasing poetry as it spoiled the Rias soinns, criticised. If Chore to whom itE-3 than is ever acquired afterwards. The mo- beauty and the better the poetry, the worse is refeffed for revision feel it to be their duty ther has more influence in developing the the paraphrasing, and its only justification to insert some of the passages that wereomitOU N N- - intellectual, moral and poetic tastes of the is to find out whether pupils understand the ted in the previous edition, we hope no objet IL is CLINT-ON. child, than all other personsand associations. meaning or not. The proper method of tion will betaken. It id still felt bf the teach - great Hence the great necessity of paying more teaching a piece of poetry is to get the pupils iog profession that ac looted lessons for Public - - attention to the education of women. The to read it through without any explanation and High Schools are very convenient,and'we lecturer then wound up his able and profit- and after a thorough reading find out, how are glad the M►aiater is making an effort to OWDEri, Able discourse, showing the prominent part the pupils appreciate it by questioning. Mr render the second editiou,if possible, more use - woman wa» taking in the civilization of our Houston considered helps and annotated ful and helpful than the first, -globe. • world, and maintained that if .we wished to tests as hinderances, and all references and THE COU S REST FRIEND civilize speedily beathen nations we must side work should be made a very subordinate ,On Wednesday triorning,Edwin Mar - send among then, Christian and educated ]natter. A hearty vote of thanks was then tin, botelkeeper,' of Westminiater, was DR.E.GWEST'S GL 1� ¢ owwomen. , tendered to Mr. Huston for the able and In• tried by P.M. Noble for• violation of the On Friday morning, Air. Houston took ap teresting manner in which lie hail presented Scott Act. He was founts guilty and the subject of English composition. v s in ( iia subjects before institute, for the amount ' Leading Gents Furnishing House defined as the art of expressing ourselves in of interest he had aroused in the minds of All sentenced to twelve months iiuprison- speech. The child is an expert in composi- present and for the useful instruction he had ment. At the saine sitting of the court FOR TTI E tion when he enters school and the teµching imparted. The meeting then adjourned un- Tbos Creigbton, of Birt, botel keeper TIJST ItFCEl'V>.n A t'ONSIC;NAII NT OV of composition necessarily begins as soon as til the fall term. was found guilty on a charge of her•tfr ' - the child comes in contact with thq,teacher Y b r •o 3 L+'Ilo•liJ�l -t>lid American Hnl•tl " ri'IJ i �it'tlr� '., also -.a 1 ancl,•tlio- a it La -'� and-sent.for_trial at_tbe nest session of ._ P.P-__l_-s sunply_tobc' -'lie "'ori •Your Guard. � � trained to express himself in better English. D wk't allow a cold in the head to slowly and a criminal court. Ile was allowed out Fllle line Ot tit.rilW QfIf14g First find out how the pupil expresses him- oilrely inn into Catarrh, when you can becuded oil buil of 000, The alleged perjury r+elf, then teach him to express himself more for 2fic. by using Dr Chase's Catarrh Cure. A was committed when delemlant was T Direct from the manufacturer. 1 stave also in stock a lino Selrctittn Of Summer ,correctly. Bence the nonsense of osis„ few aplolivatiun cute in4ipfent ca$arrh T' to 2 � L O O D � UNDERWEAR: In White anis Colored SH.iRTS, I show ;t ,rent variety, text books for young pupils; what is wanted boxes 'cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxe's is tried upon a Scott Act charge in March all of which will be sold at reasonable prices, and will not be undo•40111 sty any is practice and correction. As we Speak so guarantebri, to cure chronic eatarfh. Troy it, last. .r hoose in the trade. touch more than we write, we ought to give only zic, aiid sine cure, Soltl by all drugg'Ists Any case of lame back cured b a few a li• '� r�' PZ �`� H , much more attention to spoken than to - - cations of West's World's Wonder• also cures - G. (iiGA�Vf(,W, �'mltll9 131Qek, (`hmt1/11• written composition. If a man speaks cor- PERTH NEWS.* sptains, bruises, cuts and burns. Cheapest and AND- _ rest English be will almost universally write _^ best. All druggists, T - a correct English,but th*?itrary is not true, Not hence the necessity of giving prominence to We understand that Inev Alr. Wright The American Board of Foreign Mia.ru ESS a�d � 4e�Ct L6640rofr okencomposition. All language isartific- will shortly leave St. Marys. cions has received tidings of a terrible .KIDNGPS, II�B� 8�11�11h11 iol and not natural and is learned by imita Mr. J. R. Williamson Stratford has famine in Asia Minor, bordeying on the p tion. Hence the first rule of the teachers assigned. Liabilities $30 000 • assets Mediterranean' and embracingthe an- n�■+�■"� should be to use correct English himself,and e ' ' the second to correct all errors in the speech $211,000. oient pities of Tartus and Abana. The DANDEEI of the children. The proper place to detect Bails, blotches, pimples,and all skin die. state of affairs is so deplorable as to ren- Infallible Blood Purifier Tomo, Diureatio, Ldes G 6 aC E fl I E S these errors is on the play ground and the eases, are gMckest cured, by cleansing the der an appeal to the benevolent public 'Having enlarged my show roots and got in a Crst class stook of moat tactical way to correct them is to use p of Ap sifts Ind kySpepaia, Billiousness g p y blood wish Ayer a Sarsaparilla, an immediate dot The harvest time JadncPics,Llver Complalut,Rlioumatisin.all Kid - them for class exercises. Last Friday night, Capt, Francis, of y ney Diseaeea, Scrofula, Diseases peculiar to I e• ublio with all kind's of Slko1A and FanOy Groaarleft Cadhsd. goods and On taking u written composition Dir, line just past but not a single sheaf of males, salt Rheum, pi zrion and au akin DIS- p and, SLATES' ali,•o' f llUO articles ,► P Fullarton, had three Iambs killed by lain will be cut on all the lain ordin• St,.,,Headaohe, Palpitation of the Heart, sour Candles and all kinds of $@hp01 SOOki o y Houston said the pupilssbould a trained to g' p Stomaiih and Heart Burn. PurelyVegetabte. write, not print, immediately on coming to dogs, and a nutnber mote badly mor- arily so fertile, Save in a flaw fieldailTti- _,Toner o. wast dt Co., Toronto such as Vf OL+yS and ,TUGS, KNIVES, PENCILS; MOUTH ORGANSfn hand school and to express his own thoughts, not tied. ficially watered. One hundred thous' Title Great lE11911ih+ll Prescription. CIGAR HOLDERS, dc. Also a stock of Patent ItlediC nes 2topt on hand the thoughts of others. In teaching written Michael R.igan, who died in Logan on ,and people are in danger of starvation. A successful 'Medicine used over - compositnon first select fi subject ; next see the 9th inst.,was over I00 years Old and There is no grass and the fiodts aro a 6 years +u rhoasaoas of eases. �1rRsi' &Y`t38>ti{f� ��OC is more complete in all its brand es. that• the pupils bsve ideas on this subjeot, one of the oldest settlers in. the town- Cures Rparntatorrhea, lo(if(ouN I make which may be,ascertained by quest* , mostly destroyed. tVeakneRA, hutrAairrna. tmpofeucf/ have a few of those BLANK and BELLS Ivlrich will be sold ohoa rom tl them. Now give them an opportunity of sbrp, having been a resident for -about about and nu dis.•naea,nosed by abuse, all my COLLARS and 'warrant them to give satiefuction. IIEPAIIIINf P P i rsaFoRRl indi•eretton, or oorr-t•s£Ilion. (AmrisRl writingp these, not on slates, but on paper 3 0 40 yeses, Don't Speculate. fiix packagep r,,tr ,�,.�"•"+r'* r v,r.•t,•n.•naflofherd attended to aLd charges moderate. My' stock Of TINWARE is also complete. All, from file beginning. Next comes •the cor• X'aii. Ark t•nnr In•ny�gi�t for tic o est tiritrll•h� of those compositions Ivhi6}t should wheezing ga9ping sufferers fres Asthma Rim no risk in buying medicine, but try the pte.crrotton. tate no �oh�uitti�• rine package kinds of produce taken in exchange for all kinds of g0ot1a. Thanking my oust0- rection b receive c lick and permanent relief b us- great Kidney and Liver regulator, made by Dr $t, Six gin 1w mno, wive for P+mphte•t, Add as mer8 for past patronage and soliciting =continuance of the same. . h. he done on the black pard, The method of 1 P y Chase, author of Chase's receipea. Try Chaso'a Iinreiru t'i)cnit.•i,l vo.. tOrtrost..1111cre correctinp., these mistakes is the point of in;f Southern AsthinaCtire. Sold by drag• Liver Cure for all digemes of the Livcr,TCidneys, c,,ld-riclinton by J. Ii. OOM1IBF, had DrngAiats ©EO. NEWTON, .. t,.OtQiCDES90R0 greatest clifficuly tt•ith teacher?. A system gists or by mail on receipt of price. Stomach and Bowels. Sold by all druggists, everywher