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The Clinton New Era, 1887-06-24, Page 2
��- ti y. Qeneral,r- Witht?tlt o- not have had his f - FRIDAY,I Uxr,- 24, I Ss:. ,- _ - - The Attorney g at.cies_' She pressed a teaed my"'ll or distress began tot) -1- -� Ing minutely into the technicalities of we f ether until I algid ,t�iere tveii` t �e T `i t tl Q. very belt Ile btopl,od her and d_ eyed me out. �i f .eC j FOR O� iJ SAKES jr horst raoin# and betting, slay We take leis mon of his age who had not bpell in 'I1;°e i in the next ro 11 Jr it that then of '8 hedging yQg have love. She appeared, riitrestied at.this' fossil,!°I m , w 99 , Ply mistress Indicates n natural a „1 healthy condi. QL14 P 'b wisA#rotn, a.natnblin point but segs. brightened'' up, attd .said ;= }.the next room and regtained tweet into tipn',ot tine; scalp, a., t of the glands The Attorney General-I)it3 she !!rive of view, 1�" , berg quite h oagh whicivnourini„uent is obtained, What is shat so long its he is mine l half an !tour, until my mistress' bell .goad doctors, Wituess-Uhl yes. By backing a But it weighed upon her mind as was rang ag• When, in conaequenc,• of sae and dis- Witness---The best that could be got. likely horse ata long price as m this- b shin• DIy master rushed passed ease, the flair become, weak, thin, and y proved by her telling ase another time me as I opened the door, and I saw my 9 ay, Ayer's Ilair Vigor wili strengthen The Attorney General' Was the tress had the oppot lenity of doing; that sbe hod asked Him wllethet He was p it, restore its original color, tomtit its -prison(•r attentive to her. through her fatherland by laying against over in love and that he wo give udp pin was agitated. Sbe was sitting rapist and vigorous ruivth, and impart ltld not „ ve up in bed and- - g il Witness -Pretty well ,• 1 tahouldn't It if it convex to a short price, you're- nor any satisfaction, which, I think,was The Attorney Getteral•,.Sto While to It the lustre and fresllucss Of youth. have likeff it. duce the chances o#' losing. This is good as good ay confesain� that lie had been. p I have used Ayer'a Bair Vin The Attorney- do you hedging n you were fu ills adjoining room did you longr time, and 'or for s y y r• These conversations tock place between here iiaything.• value. When I tvaswl7 yea a up al;u i trrean by that The Attorney Genotal-Cao anybody n,y pistress ant! me iytlieeltrly days,and Witness- of distinctly. Witness -Well, - Ire never snt"li het do that. 4 y hair began to turn gray. I !oIntlietimil Y for some tithe after ber warriage she dill ' . _ using the Vigor, and was surprised at bedside for any length of time; he never Witness -Well, not exactly, Those +jot say anything more aboutbit. But byrl,that that h t you could lnOt)d foils ou �uiah olnlyresto edethe color tl stn, �' .It not kissed her hand ; he never kis,ed her who are behind the Scenes have the best when she had lit" on a sick bed --I mean the wards that W ou spoken t 6 our ! hair, but ao stimulated its ••nils It that I have Ob, it is easy to tell when a man lovas advantage. AS a rule the people who within a few months of her being tour- master and nttstress. p y J�\t'. G+l�Sar�i rc•utrta„{ ;,ever litefnre. _ a woman• Wak horses the }gulls. That is why the dered--- A p ibbed The Attt,Itoy Goneral,-FTow tong book-keepers make fortunes, They are The Attorney General --Do not say th0 tordss- I COUId }t Arld not dtl]eirgtVO voices " J er'"�f raj. Vigor, was it before she was ab:o to got about" paying at'a hams they know; slag out that. It is for• the jury to decide. when they spoke loudly. sold by t+u Dr„gglsts, .d Psrnlmr,s, Witne,,—fn)hite thraa. months. of ten who bet with thou) are playing at Sly within a few month's of her The Attorne General—Lid the Tho Attorney General —Did she Hien a g'ute they don't know. That is how death. y Y It, YOU AItE srl-r r:r,t•:; foul (:, busty return to England tvitlt her husband. it is. I banjo hsKrd -Mr. Beach say, 1'Vitness--Well, within u few months sjl(ak loud WitnE s on this ondlon. *�r�_ and los8ofrppctite; if �;uur.aulnach is Witness -Not for analA& month. 'The devil is on our side.' of .her death she told me at least .half a 1'ho ,Attorge y General-In4 or'c "f oral°r• u'' Four r:,in,l r <nrfu.+•,1; They 'went to Italy, and I went with 'lbe Attorney General-DIeaning the dozen times that she had discovered that mens. y „tr ri• torte Ayer's S;,rynj,t,ilta. Thi cnediciue them: side of the book-keepers. he had been in love will' another lady, Witness -Quite the 'eorivary. The 'ul1 resort physical. force and eiasticiry The Attorney General --Did the pris- Witness—Yes, and that she believed'he was so when he were to the sy-srr,u. Dion, sure! y I surelyand speedily - oner's attention to iiia wife nudorgo any the Attorney General -Were you married her, She slid it was wicked The Attorney Genera] -That is your than any tyu;e yet disenvered, marked change after her convalescence, fond of betting, F(u six in, liths I suffered from liver e and that if she saw 'tbe creature' she understanding of their voices. and stumuch irruubles. fly food did nut. Was he more affectionate, more iovingly Witness -I bated it., I only did what would kill fuel•• nourish ole, and I became weak ants attentive. my mistress advisdd mo to do to pleas The Attorney General -Supposing Nearlynthe wholeldof the not titmi t them very much en,ltc)atetl• I took bottles �'Pitnesa—Not"'that I saw. All he her, this to be true, your mistress never die- voices were raised to a High pitch, of Ayer'R Sarsaparilla, and was cured. seerued' fo grave for was 9xcittrmcnt. It The Attorney (tenets!—To return to coveted who this lady was. QJulius Al. Palmer, Springfield,liass. was nothing but rushing here and rushing the house which was partly paid for Witness -Never to my knowledge. To BE CONTINUED. A yrs rY s Sarsaparilla, ll there. Every night some theatre or en- with the money . •our mistress won. The Attorney Geberal-As our mis- Botd shy Urugl,Jstr. Price $1; tl;z bottles, ss, tertaipinent Co go to ; every day riding Did Nle prisoner take an active part in tress' attachment to her husband did ., OLe Trouble may be E:nolrtPd," about, and dining out at different places, the ael0otion of the furniture, it ever,to your knowledge, grow weaker, attonce pado youxtoutfoyeto the mRaihf nature tal uaee u f rDOWNS, The Attorney Genoritl--So that there Witness -He did nothing Whatever. Witness don't exj+ct] kriow how your health. How often we see a person put ROBERT i was not muck of home life. Everything was done by my mistreas,and to describe it. She loved and slated him from day to day the which it purchase or o a ql medicine Procured le the outstare of a dlatl . CLINTON, Witness— Not at all. She was disappointed became n would b. a Ol]Ce, She was torn to pieces with Now it Johnson beTonic italmost Pills had fbei uImanuf4aturer'arid Proprietortur thebest Rnw OlidThe Attornoy General -\VSB glib not g0 with Htri t0 the diflarent estab• jealousy, taken when tate first uneasiness made itsApg'in use. Agent for the sale and' application of ,r ptl��-caranon the illness would have been" nipped Do stateof things'ugreeable to your mistress. lialiments she visited. But In the end The Attorney General—Is that all „r ihH 1)ad," Johnson a Tendo Butters and Liver the M F FITTINGS PATENTGSfu dt9YrltATle BOILER pplit ULY.shirt Witness—I am not sore Sometimes argued as she always d'id when he was haveto tell, BTEAbf fi1TTlNGB furnished and applied on sh rt Pelts are decidedly the hest wediotne on the notice. site Suggested to her husband that they in question. He was quito right, she Witness—That is all-. P roes t Plilej2bn per bottle. Bitte sbocents and sain't's. trod all klndN oP hilt should spend a quiet evening at home, said ; xbe could not ex ect hits to troll- e°itPi Fn 1] The Attorney General—Icomenow to gxl per botiloaoid by Worthiagtons, n— rug —gist, witlrr jo a eg11sP cto yr;;;„;;; ;";? °rod but he always replied that he had tick- ble himself about such things; it was a the second subject,''' It is concerning the r ots, or had taken seats, tot some place' womans business, and by leaving every- prisoner's family, you ]lave informed V'rofegAoilial all(l othrr Ctard$. Farm implenientsman ufactured andrepaired . Steam of entertainment. When she spoke to thing to her it showed that she believed ua that not one was present at the wed- — —`--" and Water Pipes furnished and put in position. 1) we of the life they were leading, she she bad good taste. Kilns fitted upon application. Charges moderato. ry dingT ”, and that not one recognized the MANNING & SCOT used to say how attentive be was to her, The Attorney General—When they° unite b sending 4 - - and bots bo.was always looking out for were settled in London what kind of so y a a present. Now, are S. W 114°_% N something you swats Whether he had parents 6ai risterS �.,U(l�jtur� fl g to amuse Her. But I did 9iety did they leen• brothers Or sisters. ' Or t t GENERAL ®FACER Ifll TINWARE, L7iin not regard it in that light ; I th6tight it WitnPas At first the same as used Witness -All that I heard was be CONVEYANCERS C. HURON STREL'T, CLINTON. was more for himself than for !dor, that to come to Der. Beach's house. Dlr. lend a father living. But I did not hear he kept up the round of amusements. It Beach brought them, but Mr. Layton OFFt W EXT DOOR Ontario ERA, CLWTON able rates, Atrial suhaited, y that till mare thein a year after the mar- • Ropairng of bi kinds pr A triii attended to n! reason helped biro to forget. .was rade and uncivil to them and aft r _ _ Tile Attorney Creriei'al-TO forgot + riage. y To LOAN. MORTGAGES BOUGHt. ' y e a time they stopped away. I must say, iRONt/ PRIVATE FUNDe. C. R.DovT, ;office f ' -- vbat. The Attorney General—Who told over a, Jackaun'syturo, Abort Street, if he wss rude and uncivil to them,they you then. _ f Witness. -That he tsps a married . were quite as rude and uncivil to bio* V(ARRIAGE LICENSES.—APPLY TO THE man. Witness --Aly mistress. Although 11 undersigned Sat the Library Rooms, smiths t�' and if is had met them with the temper she confided nearly everything to me,she Block' The Attorney. Genera]—During those" they displayed nothing could have pre- kept this to herself a eon time JAMES SCOTT, And (� Rol , Ni l;� yTn li �'�� early days were there any quarrels be vented the occurrence of disgraceful , g �joNEY T , LEND INrL,utGE nit` sa�'ALL tween thetas. The Attorney General—Did not her same on good mortgage security, muderate HL'ItON STREET, CLINTUN, Scenes. . He behaved to them in exactly Earle s eak of it. ate of interest. H. HALL/, utintoa. Witness-No,not what you call guar- the same way be behaved to In mis_ p - - -- The subgoribor,h,itin' :cels. Sometimes she complained or 1' Witness --I never heard him .• I had DIS. An°PLETON,—UFFICE—AT 1tESIDENCE carried on by .Mrs: Broderick, desitheres to intimate that r ureas whet they disagreed. He left t•h ..vette -little_ to tato with him. • I IIa'd--err:--• +at -n n ---Gro io anuot"Cilntou�posrkUh"ugush _110-wi-c_urtinue-it.at-theoid-stand,�tn-all-its-trrnnche,r, -F —noun ret; butt-]te-se]dotn-at-that -ti ---�--- - -hUllse, And��3id r10t• 1'Otlll'n Until -they br 0gatu. Ha will beep on hand R choice stock of CONFECTION• answered her in any way to cause a guar- were all one derstood at the' time of the mart tnae ---- --- E 411PbEkt NUd1811Ai1Y FRUIT AND ORNANJUNTAL TUL%8 Noll WAY VAUQE, 8.COTC11 AND ASTUACIIAN PINE. TILE LATTER or w11ICH we MAKE A SPECIALTY LARGE STOCK ON HAND The very to prices tal trees fond shrubbery will be eold this very low prices, and those ova ntfn� auythfgg iu this connection Will cavo t}>_uney I,y puichawng hero. Orden by Mail toill be P"Oniptly attended to ,1 ddress, 44110 4TRINAR' 640MIiler. a " I Fire �r181'1S:'l.i3C4• A kinds o1 pr„rr,erty insured at hmebt tariff rates bYrst-clabs compluilex• fl"ICKETS VIA N. W. 'I'. CO. LINE BOATS TO WINNIPEG ANL ALL'LAKU POIN78, ALSU bya)) rail lines overthe GKAND TRUNK and CANA• DA PACIFIC to any point ou that lice, Winnipeg, Brandon, &c., Dakulu, Kansas, or any point reached by rail, local or forgign, , Conic and see Tntl bufure you buy, tickets, au.Vwheri JA',S '1 i[()J1ps()N, (,limon. i ThosStp,91re11SO111 TRE_ Leading- Underbaker.. C1,.1L11 Anil ceptic.lrmbaiming Fluid kept on hand. My Funeral Director, J, C. Steven. sun, has attended the Schnol of Ein- hahning, to Toronto to mnko himself proticietit in the art (,f einhaltning. 7R.:)tE]1nl.R THE PLACE, OPPOSITE THF. TOWN H ALL. TiiOS+ STEVENSON $50, 000 To LOAN, at 6 per Cg H1. Why Pay others 1, 8, 9 and 10 per ee'4, When you can got money from ue at 6 per c, rel—that illi so 'far as-t1e was concerned, The that Dlr. Layton's father wasabroad,bui B. • L''I•uvi uciulD,i�d, atnlvey,H; kinds, ,2 per cent• TERMS made to borrower, It wow different afterwards. There were " :Attorney General-1Vere' they in the habit of cotton to I had reasons to believe afterwards that this Uu uCii�uli>aud ILrehitect and Drttu�htswuu,PEartIN i1LUCli, Cliutoa. BISCUITS; BRUITS AND CIGARS, shit regarding #• P Payment period of loan, OCCRSIOT]S during the honeymoon -if you g the bous,a without receiving an invitation from its was not so -that ho was in Ettg land. ,,00d mai]y !lou+•s. Then my mistress ?mould torment herself dreadfully, and cry her eyes out, and rave and stamp Ile has also added thereto a rirst•clnos asaortmenL of 5 Gall call it a honeymoon—arid at first when they had Settled at hOnie, when his her, and o \\ fitness --`=I believe so, lily rn`stress The Attorney General -Did the ;,.is. onor ever 1 DR' 11EF.VE.—OFFICE RATTEN.$URY ST trance. it stiluue� Op d�eftl east of, tlodgena' en_ Kwon Op the remperance Han, GENERAL GROCERIES Apply to Apply FARRA.N "171SDA ail �co provoked made ]ter would Buy : Papa is going to bis t speak of it. \Vitnews I W"Y btrect ,ninton. ua;oehours,8a.m.to6p.m. All of which he will sen at the very lowest I Prices for cash'Cl erk; 1AU, Toa er t an an open lots woe ave clone. But the more she stormed the h o ng wo °r three friends to dit]uer,' I3o would look at bet- and say — never heard biro, Thr. Attorney General --Did tho pis. 1 JAarEs ttowa0s, LIUEN�I U tL'JCtOtiEL'll forthecotlntyufHurun. salesatteuded anywbere in the Uuquty, Lt "se personal attentioll wit; Ijegiveu to the busincas, and ail orders entrust oc1 toblm will receive proml•taircutiorr,..- quieter be was, and these scenes always ended in one way ; Mr. Layton. would nothing ; and when ,be dinner was served DIr. Layton was y oher's father n,•ver• ectne. to the house, Witness—Never. rouuuLble faros, ItuaidCnoC,Albert street, ciinton. -----•- — ----� A TRIAL REDPECTFULLr SOLICITED. r leave the house, and remain abient for a absent. D1r. Beach Would thin take,th.e -head of the table Tho Attorney General Do, yet► Voacllepu tnru���ur-V•iotuDUATv io o;i1uD w. ���� lt li� �' t SON, Cliii `OIl ,,00d mai]y !lou+•s. Then my mistress ?mould torment herself dreadfully, and cry her eyes out, and rave and stamp andI have beard him � when he was tilled NltlI champagne— he Scarcely ever drank anything but know whether he is alive at the osent time, pr Witncas•-111 y_-tulstress_.satd_-his ,aiTr nerdy of the ::us, stags and UispensarieN, 4VewFY rk >oronerforL'hetuunt yof Huron,dayllelo,obt. Rs WIIITT TLAC; r a `!-_-_--_--_.-- i F-t_C — i O OlU �l about like a distracted creature. 'He fl` Cham tigne and whiyke syeak. ver y-- P ' y -- -%vas- dead. . - - Mt fore neNCE at b"Irn. R. If. !toad's, curner or' fturo.i JJ� will never come back,I.httvo driven him angrily about, 'the stuck up pride of this fine entletnan '.Che Attorney General --Did the pris• Orange streets. and _._._ l 710m ate. - Ile will make awaywi,h aimself. l�Tltat a Wt'etell I tum,' she sun -in -]acv,' The Oche g r guests Were not beiiindhand ib oner wear nloutning \Vitneaa- a He wore crape upon his bat l�. for xitoUnAA1a, L•,A„ bI.D.,te:ADUATE OF TorontoUniversity;,mumberuft}leCollegeolPhy 'ioiansaud 3nrgeons,Unt. Utrcce After the severest, teat at the )stn fair in ., (Illlton, ••'• would say. A fin; at the bell ora abnsin,, him, V� a .Thr A•tto-,,ney Goneral-.althougiz for several weeks "Tno-Attorney liustnnncP the Olin otormerli000npied by Dr, Reeve, Albertatroet canton, —�- -�- it was universxliy adulittrd that N FOR PERFECT AND EABY A(}T1UN, BEAUTY knock at rho door would send Her flying o the door. I was really afraid sono rhes• were eating at his table and chinking His General—i�xoa;.nonce _ trate pour attention upon+ rite' as "- -'-" -__,_ �R 1VORTH[N(}TUi\ PHYSICIAN, BURUEOv Acconehenr,LicentiateuftheCoheg.ufPhysiciati, .OF FINt$}t _AND SR'k;b:TNEaS OF,.'tO\ E, _the EXCELSIOR was awn crimes that she would go quite out of Her tvinh, Witness-=A,t''other tilttos in y and night of March 25. I wish' you t0 nar- 1Li, r' c o e and Co •ono Lower theConntyoftturon. ahead y of all uth- t„ be the popular irr8tru mens of the mind, ,Then, when he camp hack, she would rush up to slim and nor the even• in when Dir. Layton was• at home g' y tate, concisely, all that passed within y out' own knowledge coucet 0 eosidence,=rhe buildin, formorlsoocu iecb bit Tha°ites, Huron atroet, r Y day, day This, ulonl+ with the fact i haat utepsecial prize wasawarded it, curtain throw arins round his; neck, and sob, and fall with my miatress,Alr•Beach would make h , ning the pris3ner,and his wife from the morning Olfnton,Jun.1(r,1a71. e -------- y pw jt volumes fair the instruments, and upon her knees to ask forgiveness. It his appearance unexpectedly with his fiiends ; but DIr, Layton of Match 25 until the morning ofMarch 2G ." , CLINTONANY ad ending NiCS' INTITUTE, LIBR• Aar and Roadlu�Roome, parties purchasing should ae+e t.be Ex( EL- alOfi before buying elsewhere. was a dreadful life to lead. The Attorney General -In what way would never lent till In their company. It seemed to itness At ] Perrin block, down stairs, About 1,700 volumes in the Library and all the Leading Newspapers and Periodicals m' GEO, T. OAKES, PROPRIFIrOR. ` y would t o prisoner received Her scold mothat Mr.Beach did these tliipgs to vex.. Dir LAVton and that it w k' • `\ 0 o'clock in the morn- r tut, of_ khH..2athi--my mistress' bel] rang-s°t'um.Ao tl'o day on tile table. nl(rtunorekip tic knt6i per len rruw toc p.m„ and from Teo J factory three doors west of rylolloy's Pun) BANKERS, CLINTON FRE All."OL 'O1�7A7 BANK. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855: "4 CAPITAL, X13,000,000. 1 -RA-1311_0r�FME'; _�1� -ON.-T-E,EAL::. _ THOMAS WORKMAM....... •, President. ° J, II. R. MOLSON „Vice -Pres. F. WOLFERSTAN THo,1tAS.: Geeeral.Managcr otey discounter!, Collections made, Draf issued, Merling and American ex,4rnge bo_uglat and 50ed al -Gorges! ... _.. ,. current rates. Interest ,PA 4 per cent allowed on deposits. iF'A,RM>�Rty. ]lluneyadvanced to farmers on their own notes with e or more endorsers. No mortgage required as 1117it) . II, C. B1tElYL• 1( Manager, Januar, ]tib Uliuton BIDDLECOMB �„ —m. Ings. The ono remark I heard him make to bet, in those days --not altvays in the G� battle between them as to who would be o+ end I went to her room, Aly snarl iw tions ware never pp icat,ous for meruoershep �recrved by the Librarian fn In the room. �hgp, Rattenbury St., Clinton. P N . l`4! Latch and Clock Maier slams words,. but always to the sawe ef- feet- was : '!roll should have more Control over yourself.' I used to won- master. rhe Attorney Genera]—A battle in which the the JrlixOnCt' took n0 violent part, to enter hot, room in the morning until she rang for me. There were two bell ropes, one on each side of the bed, a0 that On whichever side she UNION SHAVING PARLOjj; SHAD U1�IGHd !K CUTTING AND SHAbT- i A. R' /V/��GGVI✓ . JEWFr.I,EI;, 4lPPUrJ�Tllt TIE JlR i[riET+CI,IiVTUN of that a man could be sur provoke(] and Witness—But it ended its his being one very rson"eat and to suit t, , was lying one of them was within Let every person. keep so cool. But a 91`8011 maybe cold a leach JOHN EADEY, ivfnitivs Bl/t�!lk p• y masted' of the field. --THE LEADING— WA outside and !lot inside. The Attorney General --Fac ]gin, The Attorney General -Stop a nein_ BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS AT CUST:r r• The Attorney General -Do you think Witness -After twelve months or so one IDid the prisoner and his wife occu},y that was the case with the prisoner. Alr, Beach's friends ceased entire! t0 Tho Clinton Branch BI Society have for 1XI13 at a Witness --Yes, I do think so. DR. WOR11HINGTON•S DRUG SCORE Alberrst;., y Witness -N0. a tine assortment of Bibles and 'Testament$. Q 1� MCIEcome to the house, \Vhen Alr. Beach sen The Attorney C:onetal-Well, they came h9 came along. Th©Attorney General. -For how long TEKTAA1KNTw [tom Sete. vrwnitt ata', came borne anti settled down. had this been the ease. ^ B1131.aS from 25CLy. UPWARRO. , olio Witness—Yes. The Attornoy General --On these COME AND SEN. DR. WORTHING CON Depbittnry+, occasions - did the prisoner remain at W ttnesa- F or a good many months -: A N D p The Attorney Goneral_-Now about home. Ever• since things began to get worse be- MONEY. the home they occupied, hid they rent Witness- Yes, tweon them. MONEY: it, or was it their own property, Whenever Mr. we can make a few good loans from P lVAT9 Beach came alone the prisoner remained The We General --You heard FUNDS, atlow-ratesadet and moderate exl►enee Witness—It was th(Al nw.n. property..in. our mistress' bell, and you entered her Terms made to suit borrowers. J EMALME _y _.. _...__ DiANNINGt iidty u)istl ess said it was purchased part. The Attornoy GOlieral-How did they r0ot7i a 10 o clod.. SCOTT, .. _. l ancon , . " ly with her O%V11-money, and that it tvax plus the time. 0 ' ijY>K1tO.Ylt. Parte Witness-- She said that she had pass- J. T. WILKIIE prep inelnded to the settlewents• ed a very bad night, and that she had to WitnPSa—Playing bllllat'ds, VUUG F -ON DBN'1'1$T,� - . 'Cho Attorney C:enoral—What do you The Attorney Genera]- Now in all had dreadful dreams, and that she was reap of administering chemically choRN11118 for the H 'mean by, 'partly by flet own money,'- the questions I have asked you and you "6,i t ' he t ES�• of EGYPTIAN g S pare NitrogAl '�'ty'y�r c afraid something terrible was tin ..to Monoxide, le the and best yetdls � �,�'11V1.'JL7 used in EMBALMING. ; moatt;y she had saved or inherited, have answered there aro two subjects g g coveredfor the painless extraction of teeth. Chaffed.' �.ii Witness -No ; she had won upon upon which no definite information has happen to Her. She asked u)e if her hua- moderate, satisfaction us, anteed, OMOHiI" rL ' band was up, and I told her that Le had Lion SLOOK, over Ranco's Tailor Shop, huroii• ' t• A ]are assortment of stet ything races. lust entnred the breakfast room, that j at°etc, Clinton. + , g otth been forthcoming. Givo you attention in the Unt(ertnking lino p Ottb The Attorney Get]ol;tl--\I'as alto then to them. Are you aware youthabefore or had met him on the stairs, and that he in the Habit of betting. y "pip had enquired whether she were awake p Z N T'I 3 T, i BR g at rho time of ills prisorior's engagement COATS BLOCK Witness-49he used often to put mon- to vour mistress be had been or was en as he wished to speak to her bt•fore he Red Rodor- Store, cats, FFL Lkl• ey on a horse- She Wrould say, 'Papa gaged to another lady. You ^hnvu said went out, My mistress said she also �,-,� has given mo a good tip,and I am going that y0tt were in the confidence of your "wished to speak to him, and she asked _.'�.� �i RESIDENCE, ORANGU;° ,,' xo w to put X20 or X80 on. If you like,Ida, mistress, and that she used to speak going. , Of and F me if I knew where be was? NEAR METHODIST rIiURCIU wltb }on can have half a sovereign with me.' freely to you. At any periods in these course I• did not' k1low, and I told her O1IAROP.e MODERATE goods r- The Attorney General -A nd did you. conversation did she 'refer to smother en. so. She often asked me questions which C L I N rV O N . j It7LI V 1"ONT Witness- =Yes,beeauso she wished me gagement. ' she must have, knd*n -very well were `-- to, and because I knew 1r was saf©, Mr Witness -It was in this, way, and I not possible for me to answer. I washed I ileach was a very knowing man, My can't answer in any other, her, and tidied up the room, and then JIJA61LEE MEDALPLANIN' 'I L L, mistress would back a tip he gave her The Attorney General --Answer it as she desired Tpe to go and tell my master�M at twonty•five to 0110, I have known best you can. to Como to hot. I knocked at rho door v her bac!: it at fifty to one, She would Witness -At one time m mistress , and In Great Variety, also a fine new stock of '—AND �+ of the breakfast room three times _ 110 this sometimes before the weights said, °I wonder if ber. Layton before he S opened it. My WALL. PAPIER, HAMMOCKS, EX- D �" Y $ I L N t e appeared. Then her father would say, saw tn0, was ever in love. That waa receivin no answer I o ease y , maatel wits sitting at the table and he 'Aggic,' (that is what he called ber,) ills 1Vt y it was introduced. I. did not started asp when I entered,,just as if I PRESS WAGGONS FINE 9 .ENES 'TAE SUBSCAMER HAVING JUSTCOMPLETPD `Aggio,your hars0 is at ten or twelve to know Low t had aroused 1 ' f t ' ' ' or f �o- i hod his now Phoning Mill tC(tp machin - Where he keeps a select assortment of TCNES, CLOCKS, JEwA*LL£Rr, S/LY£R.• WARE , Which We will sett atreasouable rates. ensuing of every description promptly ded�to, and all work warranted. ton,Nov.198s: J. BIDDLECONP.t, IGHT TO THE FRONT NICE BRED OATS and UI,0VBit and aIMOTIIY SEUD -FOR SALE. os IVANting`such sfiouldmill oarfv.'-f'toils atsii"--_ orad to pay highest mdrkot price in cash for pu- toes. He is still to be found at the old stand, 1IVRON ST., CLINTON. With afull line �of " OUR; FEED & VEGETABLES b best qual)tles, which Ile will pelt nt the lowest iterative prices to all who may favor him with a Ills Stock includes FLOUR CHOP, SHORTS, N, OATS PEAS HEN FEED, GRARAit UA, CRACkED WIiEA•r, GRANULATED ROC- . and ST%NDARD OATMEAL and CORNMEAL ods of Vegetables, BARREL SALT, all of which' W1 Sell for cash or coarse grains. BRA,N,SHORTS LOUR sold 1 prices. 'yAlll articles e ton or edelivered free and y ofchargen the corporattdn. His motto will be "'Good Just height and one price:' THOS. WATSON, Huron Street, Clinton, fine. I am going to hedge part of your o Pnswer her wringer run- ping the risk of hurting her feelings,but t tum tom a dream• His face was very pale, and he held letter SPORTING GOOI)5, JAPANESE Y ° e iatestlmproved patterns, is now repared to all 6iatinbders n lits aho to the M09 prompt and and DCe.Lr IrACATMCNT SOUTHERN IN CACN PACKACC ..' vnofiey fat• you.' As my b"Ir sovereign was let my tit(xt•t t}V, bot, of etitl'ae aho p+ea�ed mo, tiled I tt ate forced to say T a in his hand. I noticed that he had not UMRERELLA8,WAT.KTN(4 CANES satisfactory sntalso try Mannar, and nt rensonnblo rotes. tie old'tlrm b forettleytwereburned Out,avidrnowQbethe ASTHMA CURE JASTHMA I I u9rit with her, thousght it very nlrlikely,that it gentle mdn as.goocl looping as 0 was ahott)d 14• totiched the breakfast. I gave him my mistress' mCs�tnge, He noduled and went Vv�- C✓OC Cooper. ing in a better position to execute orders expadjtlously, I toolseon(ldont he San give sntiefnetionto A11. INSTANT ACUCI fon AND BRONCHITIS to her room at once. The moment lie p BEAVER BLOCK BOOK STORE. FACTORY—.Near the Grant! Trunk Rail way, Clinton. , ©v MAIL ON RECEIPT OF PRICE $uta MAI ON REGULAR SIZE, $1.00 TIiOMAS MCKENVI Aeoaees�pppp tlGo.,lBROOKVILLE,_oNr,