HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-06-24, Page 1VOL.*, NO. 115
NEIRMS-$1.50 Per ,Annum n advance
liseinzstir 11101#1111141
Nwisllfher. •
For the hot weather we are showing a
full selection of
Light - HOSIERY,
And we Invite Inspection of our Great
In our Shirt Department we have had a
most wonderful sale of our
Great White Shirts
At 50c., 75c. and $1, and as our stock of
these goods is just about exhausted, this
`-ie the ant tifn�=we-can-say agvtbing-about
them. We have a few sizes left, and any-
body in need of shirt' should see what we
can do without delay.
3tw *dvtrt1010euto
AppyENERAL to /IRS. SC GILROY, noaERVANT T Organ FaED AT ctory
1J has a thorobred Suffolk Boar, which he will keep
fon service 'on lot 14, 16th, con„ Goderich township.
Terms $1 at time of sevice, with privilege of returning
it necessary.
Subscriber also keeps for service a first-class Durham
Ball, of good pedigree. Terms $1, at time of service,
''with privilege of returning if necessary. H CARTER
Mrs Jas Aikenbead,'of Goderich, is at
present visiting friends in Stanley.
Mr Donald Smith bats commended the
frame of his house. Mr Peter Campbell
has the contract.
At the recent examination of teachers
at the Normal echool, Toronto, Mr John
McGregor got a 2nd class certificate grade
A., and Thos. R Butchart and Neil Gil
mour each second class certificates, grade
Cott{{m�e�. The conned treetop the 18th
accordTTgTo notice; members all present;
the reeve in the chair; minutes of pre-
vious meeting read and signed. The fol-
lowing motions were passed: That V.
Deihl be paid $3.20, and Mrs Jas Mus-
tard, $3 04, gravel accounts- for 1886.
That tbe tender of Alex McBeth, for
building Logan's bridge, be accepted.
That Messrs Campbell, Aikenhead and
Clark examine tbe watercourse opposite
lot 30, con. 2, and act in the matter as
they may deem proper. The council
then adjourned to meet again on Satur-
day, 13th of August next, at 2 o'clock p.
m. GEO STEWART, clerk.
BUILDING.—Mr Jas Pollock is putting
an addition to his barn and also a stone
foundation under it.
MATRIMONIAL, — A very interesting
event took place at the residence of Mr
Donald Fraser, of Blyth, formerly of Mor-
ris, on the evening of Wednesday, 15th, it
being_the marriage of bis daughter Lizzie
to Mr Jas Welsh, of Mullett. In the ab
sence of the pastor, Rev Mr McLetin, the
ceremony was very neatly performed by
Rev Mr Ramsay, of Londeeboro, in the
presence of a number of the friends of
both families. Thebride was neatly
dressed in a travelling suit and was at-
tended by Miss A. McGowan, and the
groom was supported by his brother, Mr
J. Welsh. The bride was the recipient of
a unmber of valuable presents, some of
which came trom Edmonton, N. W. T.
Your correspondent wishes them a long
and happv life.
_ Mr._Wm.Hill returned home last week
after a two week's visit among friends
down the country.
The job work on the town line is now
going on. The work is being superin-
tended by Mr Wm Kain, . who is well
qualified to look after it. ,.`•
Many hands make light, *dr. One
day last week, Mr Consite by`,making a
bee -got twelve acres logged. This is a
good way to get land cleared• up' in a
The 'Rev Mr Torrance preached his
farewell sermon in the Methodist church
here on Sunday. There was: a very large
attendance, a number of the Presbyterian
congregation being present owing to the
absence' of their minister.
The stonework under Mr Jas Hogan's
barn is completed and the framers have
split the building and are now busily en-
gaged in putting a new piebe in the cen-
tre. When the job is, done Mr Hogan
will have an abundance of barn and stable
The subscriber, would intimate to the people cf
Clinton that he has opened out in the premises lately
oeeupied by MrT Stanbury,where ho will IGeep on hand
and deliver to any part of- the toi n, plain and [alio
Bread, Cakes, &c. Anything not ,n stook, made on
the shortest notice. WEDDING CAKES A SPECIAL-
TY. Patronage respectfully solicited T DUNLOP,'
4 Bails $1, 0 Balls $1.15, 8 Balls $1.25
HAMMOCKS -$'25' $1.50, $1,75, $2
V1/472:0,. Cooper..
Garden - arty;.'
The ladies of St, Pauls Church have: :mnohe
pleasure ";n announcing a Garden Party on
•,___ , ,- •, - __ r . _ the aboYe date at the
Ia aid of the Improvement Fund
Montreal Live Stook l$iir�c•t,. • "
Montreal, June 2l.—The beat Canadian.
cattle sold in London and Liverpool yesterday
at 5;#d per pound. the lowe't realised since'
navigation ripened for 1887. Thia means
four cents pelf pound in the country' )Vieree
Americana Sre shipping heavily and the
tendency is downward.
BRIEFS.—Messts, N. Morrish and R.
McConnell returned to Teeswater last
week.—Mies Maria, Jewell, of Kings-
bridge, was the ���,ggU bt of her grand-
parents, Mldr and Mrs Mitchell`"last week.
—The strawberry festival which was held
in Mr bicI ibben's bush by the Benmiller
Sabbath !wheel .-last -- "ueeday, Was cera
tainly a success. A. large number was
present notwithstandtng the disagreeable
day upon which it was held, and after
partakiug of the refreshments provided
by the ladies of the neighborhood, the
tee young folks gathered and enjoyed them•
selves by various games. The proceeds
of the festival go towards purchasing a
library for the school.
Mr. Samuel Woodman has already pro•
duceti lgme well grown new potatoes.
That gate is only occaaionally left open
now 'a great improvement that could be
made even better yet.
Wait until after meeting is over, John,
there will be Iota of time after that, un-
less matters are awfully pressing.
Mrs -Hiles is suffering from tumor,and
is confined to her bed must of the time.
but is a little better than she had been !or
some weeks previottsly.
Some of the horses do a little: 5
breaking now. Whether the yottngstei Hsi
do s0 or not we do not say dust now, but
we are thnnking-a lot about it.
Mr John Mason produced some straw-
berries here on Tuesday grown by him-
self', some weighing over one ounce and a
quantity averaged one ouucu each.
Rather cheeky forBlyth people to
create ft nuisance in Hubert township and
then notify Hallett Board of Health to
have it removed, but no doubt those that
do it in future will be justly punished.
The union picnic intended to haye been
held on Tuesday, of the Methodist and
Pbyterian Sabbath Schools, was post
pts ed owing to the rain, until to -day,
whets it will be held in tlranger'e grove.
A good time is looked for.
Statute labor is about done and our
village looks somewhat improved by it.
Some have commenced cutting hay which
is a good crop. Spring grain in general
is yery good, and the rout crop promises
good since the rain came.
The sidewalks here have been over-
hauled and cousiderable has been put
down new, and is a great improvement.
W e are glad to see that people are "mend-
ing their ways," and we could suggest
some very necessary improvements yet.
Last week Mr Wm Radford purchased
a binder, mower and borne rake from Mr
S. Woodman, and the articles are deliver-
ed, though it was stated that Joe Carter
sold him oue and was also in the papers,
but that is nothing only one ofJoe's puffs,
not nine. unusual.
If�tlgtise big boys•who stand at the doors
of:the.M.ethodist church on Sabbath even -
Inge only knew what the ladies and othere
;say about their bad manners, we think
they wuuld iustantfy and gladly getin-
side the church. Save the awful criticisms
and pees for gentlemen.
We notice the usuAl amount of horses,
cows, sheep, etc., on our streets, this sum-
mer. We could have even more dirt on
the sidewalkif some one :,would raise a
flock of geese, though it might be very in-
convenient to pedestrians. We miss
geese•ot other summers.
We notice advertisements from Blyth
put up almost under the noses of our
business men. We would suggest that
our merchants would have board's put up
on their stores, so as to accommodate their
Blyth friends, and so induce some of our
customers to go up there to purchase at a
higher price. Have they,ho customers in
Blyth that they have to come and invite
ours. Thie is written; by a,disintereated
party who likes to see fair play. Advertise
in the New -ERA, gentlemen, and not on
our fences.
Rev J. • Hough is announced.to preach
ut each of his appointments on this cir-
cuit next Sabath, for the last time. He
is to leave here fur Ailsa Craig about the
middle of next • week. The Methodist
church on this circuit has on his registers
330 riames et -the three appointments: It
has raised for ministerial support and ex-
penses, $805. For the missionary society
over 8205. For superannuated ministers
fund, $44. For Sabbath schools about
$100. For connexiooal collections more
than any previous year, and for ex.penses
of churches, parsonage fund, etc., over
$1225.Thi •, we think, is a very creditable
showing, and speaks well for the iiberality
of the people.
The late showers have caused the far-
mersonce` more,to wear a-'"mile-as--they-
pass through our streets.
Tuesday- 21st was observed here as a
general holiday. Quitera number availed
the cheap railway rates to visit the: city.
Rev It H Barnby, who has for the last
year been stationed here, has been remov-
ed to Rockwood. He leaves many warm
friends behind whose best wishes he carries
with him
141r A Kelly who has been on a visit to
Northern Michigan for it few weeks;paid
us a visit this week before taking histdo-
parture for the west. We wish him
health and prosperity wherever he rneyegpa
On Tuesday evening a friendly game of
foot -ball was played between Chtselhuist
and the home team, which resulted.'i;n;1
gaol to 0, in fever •of Chiselhurst ?The
best ot'feeling prevailed between the.'c'on
testing clubs.
JUBILEE CONCERT --The Jubilee con
cert ;hi_eld under, the auspices . of St. Paul's
church on Thursday evening last, wase
a grand' success. After feastin 'sump
tuouslyliif the gond things with'',wJiich the
tables,• ere loaded,, as if to;alit <Ilateetb
appetit , ice-cream and straw.berrics,
Were broii ht in. After this the Clinton
Glee Olub,furnished an intellectual treat;
Tli' proceeee amounted to'$70j •
'1ASE BALL. -A game of baseball tiaras,
plalrerl here* Saturday ;78th~ between a,
club from Cfatna and thaten4lite't'fvv,>ith'‘_
'thee s following result:—V'erna•' 4 innings,
7 riepte;:Hensall, 3 innings, 11 rugs At.
tbiB pointVarna,seeing 1heyhad noshow,;
g01/0 up the. game. •During he%progress of,'
the' game, Wm Stonenstuf gee, a esefisrie
blow in the eye with the ball.-Aftboiiiiggh
`b will carry a black eye for eerie tii'*hf1,
snrsiiius injury will result -
Our band played some beautiful music
on our public streets on Monday evening
•last. They are second to none in the
poo nty.
Division court was held here on Mon-
�a last His Honor Judge Doyle resid-
PoncuPIsb.—On 11>tdnday morning,
Mr Gl'A `Henderson noticed that his dog
was bleeding at the mouth, and on fur-
thet elatliination, discovered that his
moijth was literally filled with quills.
Whh .much'! euro he proceeded to draw;,
tb outs' dad took seventy-eight from the'
Imide and. twelve from the outside of it.
Where the dog tell in with .his enemy is
not exactly known, but lt'is supposed it
was on Sunday` evening, in his, owner's
bush. The p cupine is a rare ;animal
new in these p te'of the :county, and itis
-probable that this particlar specimen Will
be &'cured. Anothi(r one was found dead
near Belgrave a abort time singe. Does
thli animal throw its quills,as id'common-
ly ;reported, , or does its enemy receive
them on taking hold of it ? Tbie is a de-
bateable question; can you give the answer
Mr Editors [A porcupine is supposed to
throw its quills, but in this instance the
dog evidently got them by trying to take
hold or the animal.]
ing. Quite a number ointeresting cases
*mei ;disposed of.
Tu sday last being the Queen's jubilee
dayrotr villagers did not get up any at-
tactions and a great many went to Lon-
don"and,St Marys to take in the sports.
RUNAWAY.—On Monday last as Mr Jas
Elliott-'e'rhorse was being tied in front of
M'r J. P. Clark's store in this place, th
animat: of scared at some paper on the
.streetet Apulled its bridle off and ran
home, is dtitance of some five miles, doing
no. damage to the top buggy.
3 • e—Mr M. Y. McLean and Dr
Seaforth, were in town on
.last.—Inspector W, J. Paisley,
, was in town on Monday last
documents for some of our hotel-
Mr Radford ie putting up a pew house I Our village is growing, the latest addi-
on his farm near Londesboro,thisesummer. tion being a blacksmith shop.
Mee Cook, of the 2nd, is very ill and Mr J 0 Neebitt bas returned from bit
expects to loose the eight of her one re- visit to Owen Sound and vicinity.
mainiog e> e. 1 The Literary-Societt are to have a pie -
Mr Jas Snell is putting up a neat fence i nic on July lst,'and an entertainment ii.
and otherwise improving his. property on the evening. A lively time is expected
the gravel road. Quu>zttr wrtKHre.
A son of Mr Diamond's, on the 18th
con., is bed up with m serious disease of the Mr and Mrs WStirling, were visiting
knee. His recovery, withoutamputation. friends in the county of •Perth last week •
is very doubtful.- MWhile moving.a'log the other day Mr
r •John Raplion is building a, good Geo Middleton got one of his fingers
house ou lot 6, on tbe 10th con. It is a crushed, the nail being pulled clean oft.
great improvement to the looks of his Mr H. "Carter; of the 16th con., has
place, and will soon be finished, purchased a gond Suffolk boar from Mr.
A good many people are now complain- John Govier, the well known breeder, et
ing of colds, sore throats and pains in Hulled.their limbs. This thing seems to be rather The wife of Mr John Woon, of the Bay -
unreasonable in this warm weather. field road, was called to Tavistock, on
Mr T. 'Corbett raised a fine barn on the Monday, to attend the funeral of her
Brownlee' farm, on the 6th con., last father:
week; on Tuesday evening the lads and A taw days since Mr Geo Cantelon, Jr,
lassies assembled and smoothed the floor of Goderich township, mane across a full
grown porcupine in the orchard, and al -
for him, most before he thought what he was
The work on the roads is all done, anu doing, he killed it with a club.. Such an
considerable gravel bas been put on them animal is exceedingly tare in 'bade parts,
this summer.. There are not many town- and the wonder is where it came from.
ships in Ontario with better roads than Mr Oantelon is sorry now that he did not
those in this township. make an effort to catch it alive.
Mr. Gen. Cunningham, who died onDbr M. R. Elliott, of Aberdeen, Dakota,
Monday nothing last, was one of the is home on a visit. A short time before
pioneers of Mullett, and his funeral on his return he was the defendant in a suit
Wednesday was largely attended. A for malpractice, instigated through the
more extended notice of deceased will be jealousy of others, and was honorably ate
given next week, quitted without entering any defence. He
The crops all over the township look at once entered suit for $30,000 against
wonderful] improved since the last rains, one of his defamers, securing judgment for
Y P the full amount, but au appeal has been
There isnow a good prospect for them if ontel'ed, and the matter stands there.
nothing comes adversely to them There CODNCIL.—Council met on the 20th pur•
are complaints, however, that there is not silent to adjournment. Members all present,
much promise of a large crop .of winter except Reeve. The Deputy•Reeve was ap•
apples. Pears give good promise so far. pointed to take the chair during the absence
NOTA CONSISTENT TORY.—A young of the Reeve. The minutes of last meeting
man of this township who last winter and special meeting were read end passed.
shouted' himself hoarse for the N. P., Mr Wm Herbison presented a pet tion from
Home Industries and Canada for Cana- Gab. Elliott and others asking Eur a grant of
money to assist in erecting a wire fence near
dittos, last week,when he wanted to get a Mr Herbison's where the toad does be badly
knot tied,had too to Detroit to get it . drifted ; the petition was !aid over to the next
done, and now Walt, that you have it regular meeting of counoil. The members of
well done, keep her ever under your pro• council endeavored to come to an understand.
testing wing, and may a long and blissful ing so as to establish a uniform basis for the
life be thine. inspection of trees under the tree planting
The funeral of Miss Elizabeth Trewin Act ; after a long discussion the result was
was accompanied by 50 conveyances to, that the strict letter of the law must genera
Kinbuurn, where a sermon was predehed the Inspector in pll cases. Owing to the
inthe church by Rev J. Hough. She was ab+enee of- the Reeve several matters of im•.
inportance were laid over. The counoil ad•
18 Years of age and highly esteemed. Her
jousned to meet again on the second Monday
death was sudden and unexpected, but in August. School trustees are requested to
tir friends believe she was readv for the send in their applications for local achool tax
hange. On Tuesday morning last, just by that date as the trustees of several sections
nine days after his sister's death. George, are generally late. A special meeting ofootln-
the-youngest member of the family, aged cil'was called by Reeve for June Ilth respect..
21 years, was stricken down very suddenly. big -the roadway to Holmesville bridge. The
For some months past he has been suffer- council were to have given $125 towards the
ing from con prion, which rapidly de- old road, this motion was cancelledand a
veloped ltselHe had, however, seemed grant of $L85 made.' This isall the township
for a, ew. time past to be improving, and bas to pay in connection with the new road.
was w'a'lking about on Monday eventng,so. Messrs, Baer and Forster binding themselves
that his friends were hopeful of his recon- to pay all incidental expenses that may arise
ery.But at 2 were k On Tuesday morn- or that have been already incurred beyond the
sale of the old road and the above slim, and
ing, he wafts Wed!.bya sudden vomiting the arant from the town of Clinton. JAMES
of blood, a fi• 'few minutes he also had PtTro v, 'Clerk.,
passed .awe ''e family have the heart- ���
felt sympathy of'the public in their double 00DERICH.
bereavement within such a short time. QUEEN'S J•UBTLEE AND ACCIDENT.—
IioLttc wv t.n. Nothing Wacel
' done in the way of ebra-
ting the Quden s Jubilee. here. The
Mrs. Robinson, of Stratford, is visiting ,toren were closed and the town Wore a
at W. Stanley's. Sunday appearance; aLout noon the citi-
Our merchant, J. L. Courtice is visiting zens were shocked to hear of a terrible
the --wholesale establishments-.i.n..Toronto accident. As number of the members of
this week. the artillery company went down to the
Mr. Edward Levis, who was a delegate bank of the lake to fire a feuds joy, in
to the High Court of,C. 0. F., in Berlin, honor of the Queen. A ❑umber of young
has returned lads -kept playing around the gun,although
Mrs. E. G. Courtice has returned from warnedoff by the gunners, they were
Dakota, where sh'e has been visiting for placing an old crock on a seat nearby in
two or three months. She says the farm- order to see it knocked off by the concus-
ers there are in good spirits as the crops sion. After firing twelve rounds, the
are -looking unusually well. gunners, Parker, and Pennington com-
HORSE NOTES.—Mr McCartney, Sr„ menced reloading, they had just put in
has purchased a horse from Mr. Cole.— the p twder and were in the act of drawing
Mr. W. Murch has also bought a horse out the ramrod, when the gun went off,
from Mr. Vanvalkenburg.—Mr. W. Stan- throwing both the gunners some distance,
ley sold his horse, buggy and harness to the ramrod wentcompletely through a
J. Truax, a Methodist probationer, who little boy named Jimmie Coutts, son of
leaves Goderich this week with his outfit Gordon Coutts; • the boy was instantly
for Lion's Head, to which circuit be has killed. The body was carried home by
been stationed:—Mr W. Crooks sold a the sorrow -stricken father, who was
span of horses to the Goderich buyers for among tne spectators. Much sympathy is
a handsome sum. elt for the family, Mr Parker is serious..
A pleasant evening was spent at the ly injured, being badly burned about the
Young Peoplbs' Improvement Society on body and ''ace, however, the doctor thinks
Monday last. The principal part of the he will recover. Pennington was also in -
programme was a debate, subject: "Re- jured but not serious. No blame is at -
solved that the Cause of Temperance in tacked to anyone. The funeral took
the County of Huron is a Failure." place on Wednesday, attended lby a large
Championed by Messrs. W. J. Lobb, W. crowd of friends.
Pickard and John Holsworth, for the af- BRIEFS.—A large number of our towns-
firmative and Messrs. E. C. Potter, G. people took in the games at Stratford on
Evans and F. Elford, for the negative. the 21st.—Rdbt McLean, who recently
After the question was fully discussed on purchased the Crabb's block for $14,000,
both sides the committee decided in favor intends putting on a mansard roof and
of the negative by a majority of one. •--- making them uniform in appearance and
istspteregardingseveral municipal mat
Fred was verrin'cceuiful, so be claret
Mr R Hawley is visitiii ' friends in Ne*
Additional I140001 Now >l ',►�w
Another Hallway.
Just se we are going to press Mr
Manning, the Secretary of the R. R.
Committee, shows us some lettere and
telegrams from Mayor Whitehead, it
Porter, Esq., M- P. and• J. J. Hawki$s`
which leave little doubt but Clinton•wilI
secure connection.with the C. P. R. sys-
tem by any line likely to be extended
westward. •
Mayor Whitehead whitens from Montre-
al, where he has interviewed Mr Van
Horne, and received' from • Mm the very
beet assurances, that be IA.satisfied Clin-
ton will not be overlooketle, In all probaee
bility Mr -Van .Horne will visit tbis.dis-
trict before anything definite is decided
The ladies.of St. Paal's church hold a
garden party at the residence of Mr H.,
C. Brewer, neat Monday evening.
Rev Jobn Gray preached for 'the Rev
Mr Rupert on Sunday morning, and Mr
Rupert took Mr Gray's work in the after-
The meeting of the Women's Cbristiaa
Temperance Union will be held at the
home of Min D. C. Carr, next Tuesday
afternoon, at 8 o'clock.
The Young People of Ontario St church
held a Lawn Social and Strawberry Fetid -
vat at the house of Mee Shipley last
(Thursday) evening.
On Sunday last Rev A A Scott, of Car-
leton Place, (brother of Jas Scott, barri-
ster), very acceptably filled the pulpit of
Willis church. It is possible he may do so
again next Sunday.
Mr Truax, of Goderich, will preach in
Rattenbury St, cburcn, on Sunday next.
He goes out into the work this year,under
direction of the chairman, and will be
stationed at Tobermorley. •
The Methodists of Htilmesville circuit
raised the following amounts for minister-
ial support, during the past year, at the
several appointments: -- Holmesville,
$653 08. Elienezer, $110. • Sharon, $109.
Sturdy, $74 50. Zion,$69.96. Total $997.49.
The Baptist Sabbath School held its
picnic on Tuesday afternoon, as did also
the Brethern, and had a good time, not-
withstanding the damp atmostphere.
The Rattenbury St. Sabbath_ school will
bold its picnic at Goderich on the 20th of
July, and the Presbyterian S. S•, at the
same place, on the 4th of August.
VARNA. otherwise improv)ig them.—The site for
Prof Proctor, fresco painter, has taken the ndW post of3Yce and Government build-
Prof.Ings has been located, the vacant lots on
the corner of East street and the square
being the -spot selected, and we don't feel
proud either.—Several properties have
changed bands during the past week, at
a decided advance on old prices. A per-
son with spare cash could double it in a
short time by investing in lots just now.—
The boom has struck us. A new land
office for the sale and transfer of property,
being one of the probabilities of the near
future.—Strawberries are no longer it
luxury, they are selling on the street for
six cents per quart.—W. S. Swafield, of
Clinton, spent jubilee day with his
parents.—Fred Pridham is in Toronto
looking up new lines. W. F. and A.
have renovated their shop and it is now
the handsomest in town.—Jas Miller,
driver on the G. T. R., who has been ill
for some time with inflammatory rheu-
matism, is handling the lever again as use
ual,—Mrs A Crane and Miss Crane are
visiting in New York this week.—Our
townsman, Mr Geo Neibergall, is invest-
ing money in Stratford, he is erect-
ing six new houses there this summer. --
The C P R telegraph staff struck our town
on Wednesday,with telegraph poles,wbich
they distributed around the streets. J W
Johnston, Esq.. has returned from Ottawa
where he has been interviewing the min -
They seemed to be a little timid up his abode temporarily in the village
net the size of Mr. Paisley, who 1 and is open for engagement.
tends 6ft 2in in height.—Mr H. E.
of Woodstock, was in town on
Itlay. last looking after the interest of
et, &D. Sawyer implement firm,' of
i?tuiltoiit; Harry has•his usual amount
O uffil•bnd gags."
o Mr R. Marks, Jr , left for his home in
Kansas nn Monday last
Dr Elliott is at present suffering from a
.very severely sprained ankle.
Dr Smith, of Seaforth, visited our
school on Monday, and vaccinated 12
Rev Win Grabam„ rsf Egmondville, oc-
cupied the pulpit Of the Rev J.H. Simp-
son on Sabbath last.
Mr Wm Kaiser left here on Saturday
last with a carload of horses for the Mani -
Om market. This is the first shipment,
and we wish him every success in his
enterprise, •
Rev Mr Forrest, of Bayfield, occupied
the pulpit of St Andre•va church on Sun•
day. lie delivered two admirable dis-
courses. Next Sunday,Rev Mr Kennedy
*ill preach in the morning and Rev Mr
Ramsay, of Londesboro, in the evening.
Rev A E Smitli--arewells on Sabbath
evening next, and will be succeeded by
Rev John Hart from the Owen Sound
A very successful garden party was held
at the residence of Mr Beatty on Mon
day evening last, under the auspices of
the Church of England.
The house of Mr Win Purdy immedi-
ately across the road from the present
parsonage, has been rented for a term of
three, years by the Methodists for, their
A S. S. picnic is being arranged forr in
tbe grove of Mr A Meelymont, on Do-
minion Day. It is expected that several
schools will unite and a most enjoyable
time may be looked for.
TUCK ltltrbl I'Rir.
A strawberry festival will be given for
the benefit of Turner's church, in Town-
send's Grove, one mile east of the church.
Weather not permitting, will be held in
the basement bf the church, on Tuesday,
June 28th, The Clinton Quartette Club
will be present and render some very sel-
ect music. There will also be swinge on
the ground and other kinds of amusements.
Rev D.G. Sutherland, of London, (for-
merly of. Clinton,) preached his farewell
sermon Sunday evening to a .large congre-
gation in the Queen's Avenue Methodist
church. In his review ofhis labors there
be spoke of the financial progress of the
church and alluded to tbe 'increase of
membership, which amounted to 126 ad=
dition.• During his pastorage, he said, 60
aged people of the congregation had died .
in Christ ; 40 middle-aged people had ex-
pired and 12 of the younger members.
A cricket match was played here Tues- -
day between the Stratford Juniors and
Clinton Juniors. The Stratfords made
22 in their -first innings and , 46 in their
second, while the Clintons made 38 in
their first innings and 12 in second for 7
wickets. The match was decided in favor
of Clinton on the first innings.
A COOL THIEF.—In answer to a knock,
the wife of a- gentleman in town went to
the front door the other day and found an
able bodied tramp, whom she ordered
away, telling him she had nothing for
him. Going to the back door is few
minutes later she found the..samerfellew ,
leisurely lacing up his shoes. "I thought
I told you to leave," woe her expression,
and the tramp coolly met her by replying
"Well, can't you let a fellow lace up his
shoes." She intimated that•he was to be
off as soon as he got through, and off he
moved. Some time later when her hus-
band came home he went out 'to change
his shoes, and found, instead of the new
pair he hid left there in the morning, an
old pair that had evidently eeen'ten years
constant service. His new pair had gone
on a tramp. .. '
TRIFLES.--Potatoe bugs were never
worse than they are this season.—Straw-
berries are plentiful and cheap. Crops
generally never looked better than they
do now. Recent rains have given the
ground a good soaking. — The Doherty
Band serenaded Mr. W. Sperling, on
Monday evening.—Servant girls are is
great demand throughout Ontario, and
they are commanding high prices. It is
strange that more of this class do not emi-
grate to Canada•—If those large stones on
the road at the London bridge are not
soon removed they will cause some serious
accident. A certain young man in town
professes to be very fondof 'ver.(more), on
account of his good judgment more than
taste ; he is something like Jacob of old)
fond of certain delicacies. The Doherty
Band was the only one present at theju-
bilee at Stratford, and the people paid
them any number of compliments. A
number of young men disgraced them-
selves on Saturday night and Sunday
morning, by their disorderly conduct,and
have only escaped being fined by keeping
their identity a secret. Mr W Thorntr H
recently built a very nice row boat for the
male members of Mr 5 Davie' family, and
expects to build several othors'this season.
Division Court wM'beld here yesterday ;
the eases were few and unimportant.—
ubilee day passed off very quietly in