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The Clinton New Era, 1887-06-17, Page 8
cL` NTN1�! W F, JUNE'174I . I- Lia LOCAL NOTICES. �C'l V ? 6 ra Ham sa Bono; ant, Bae Balls ,at; p4UICSar ooksJttre t Jf large"sto`e7(;''gj RU SCRIBBLEk?S ten /land a6ri,is AT/Pr -4474 QFF.ICE„ Cat/ and see Che Reduce i' Prices' in' "Boots li,td Shodrat•JAB T WITOI ELL'S, •Qlin;oto. d large assortment of Top Shirts for Boys .yut Men atOL4NTQ'N WQOLL16'N112ILLS' J4 few more orders wanted for thee $43 Sil ver Mounted Harness. J. TWITCII•ELL. Just opened °tie. eboxes WoolShawls,gpod value. very desirable *hacks for evening peaiv at BEESLEY cb CO'S. Here's News for the Economical—Great bargains this week in Jerseys, Oriental 'Laces and KW Gloves at BEESLEY J; Cu'S. Another New Industry—The manufacture of Mattresses, all sizes and shapes wholesale and retail rat the Red Rocker Furniture Store, A'large stock of Parlor Airniture and Lounges on hand, all my own make. Buy from the ;manufacturer and support home indiEeery. A. A BEN NETT, Cabinetmaker and Un (Iertaker, Clinton. R. M. RAC6lY has purchased the Hard- zoar'e stock of J. B. Swaffceld, which is com- posed of Shelf Hardware, Builders' Hardware ,and •Harvest Tools. le will be offered to the public at Reduced - Prices, This will be an etnusual good opportunity for contractors and -those building to yet their supplies at bargains. Farmers will find it to their advantage to get a full supply of Reasonable and New 'Harvest 'fools Cheap. R. M. RACEY has just to ]land a car of the celebrated Dartmouth Bind- eng Cord. B'URK'S NEW UNITED SHOWS— The occurrence among the people of tiers sec- tion this year, will be the advent of Burk's G. eat Show, which will exhibit at Clinton, on Wed- nesday, June 22nd, This organization, ' the fame of which extends over two hemispheres, comes to us with the highest encomiums Favorably given from all quarters. We Qan safely say ourselves that the man, or woman who misses. this opportunity' of seeing the many -wonders and. the greatest troupe of educated•horses in the world, as.welt, as innnmerahle new arenic feats, will not have sympathy, if the miss was intended,- because sympathy tail, be needed, and'mnch vain i''eyret will be ii, order, after the show is gone, by those who did no -t see it. • ?0W11 gopiCL. Music —The Doherty Band serenaded Mr A A Bennett, on Friday,. and a'pent, the evening at this place, playing a num' ber offine selections. This band will play • at the Stratford Caledonian games next week, and have alsn been engaged to play a day each at the Industrial and Western exhibitions. A IbuaREa—The Wingbam Times says: "George Doherty, of Clinton, is doing a rushing,busieers in organs just now. This weekibe'hae sold two, and as "we are going to,press.is completieg,tlie herein. for an- ' Oilier: He handles a good instrument vvbioh is no doubt accountable for the large number of sales." Ona Boys ALWAYS ACT So. Referring to the base ball thatch at Mitchell, 'last week, the Advocate of that place says :— "Everything passed off in the most satis- factory manner, the Clintonians winning the enconiums ofall for their gentlemanly behaviour, notonly during the play but Y througiligct their atay io Mitchell.” SCOTT AOT CASES.— Police Magistrate Williams sat in judgment on five Scott Act cases at Brussels, on Saturday, Mr. Scott, barrister, appearing for the prose- eu.ion. T O'Neill, J Stretton, jr., and Goebel tai Koenig, all of Brussels, plead yguilty.and were fined. The cases againet Thos :Hall, of Brussels • and J Kennedy, of Wroxeter, were dismissed for lack of evidence. FIRE.—A couple of gentlemen -stood on the corner by Cooper's store the other • day, in friendly converse. One of them casually light his - ,pipe, and then, es be .-thought; threw the match _dawn. .___.I.n-a. momentthe other was more than surpris- ed-to.find-his.coat on .fire, -the match hav- ing been thrown into his pocket. Fortun- ately littledamage was done before. the _llames.were-put out. A -Goon TI TEhECE.—Mr, H.B Evans, of the Huron road, hos a watch be has carried steadily tor 16 years ;. in all that -time it has only been once cleaned, and it has hardly varied one minute, winter or. summer. .'Considering that Mr. Evans' • occupation as a thresher is rather a dusty one, it is remarkable that a watch could be -carried the length of time his hits with - };mut getting out of repair. DEA.css.- Notwithstanding the very e best of attention and care, the infant child of Mr Will Snell, of Hullett, did not sur - viae its mother lotag, having died at the residence of Mr A Elcoat, Tuckersmith, , on Monday.—The wife of Mr Joseph Gar- ret, ef the gravel road, Hullett, died on Saturday evening last; confinement was d ;primary cause of death; she leaves e family of seven children.—Miss Matilda Cook, (daughter of the late Robt. Cook) died at the residence of her mother, 2nd con. of Hullett, on Monday evening, after a lingering illness. West' RIDING Iivsrscroa.--We bad a pleasant call on Monday, from Mr. J. E. Tom, the genial .School Inspector, for the West Riding of Huron, who was on his -way issetiniplete; the"inspection of three schools in Colborne. Since Mr. Tom's ,appeintmert•to this position, we have- ta- `.ken particular pains to inquire of teachers as to their relations with him., and have :.rttet with the invariable response that they think hem a splendid man 'for the office,— a rigid disciplinarian, yet never arrogant or domineering—one who looks faithfully after his own work and expects those un- der him to do likewise,and we have much pleasure in placing this opinion on record, . even if we do not see through the same political spectacles as does Mr, Tom. Lou.); BRIEFS.—James Stavely started on his customary trip to the old country last week. Miss Addie'Stratby, of Ford- wich (eldest daughter of the late D;, B. Strathy).was,;married on Wednesday Of last vteek,. to '•i resident . of that classic burgh: Taesday, the 21st, will be a boli - day in the banks, post offices, and other public departments throughout the Do- minion. We have received the first num- ber of the Exeter Advocate, a new Liberal paper started in that place by Mr. Pass- , more, late of ;Myth; it gives a large amount afresh reading matter, and will, no doubt, fill the gap in the Liberal cause there ; the townspeople should give it the gener- ous patronage its hardworking publisher deserves. Mr Joseph *Hanson, who has been unable to de much work for several -r 'melts, has decided to give up bis occupa• pmas agardcoer, and in cur advertising columns ofl'ofa hie.'property for sale,, it ;e alt such good property, that be should have very little difficulty in disposiog of , it, . r James Smith, bre bought the 1Psu. lip. roperty, nu the corner near Batten; •buiStreet church -,(tow opeopled by Mr Mckuwen) Paying MO therefore; the lot is one of the nicest intttetown. Mr Luke Trouse has been confined•to tho house for several days. On Tueeday,.MrJoseph M- laneop left us .. b.sketfalof splendid green peas, and a quantity of good new .0 potatoes; it is something n►tutta „tct ,have the latter 80 early in June. On ,Saturday Mr Geo. Shipley traded bis trotting horse to'Mr James l)pherty,, (or the latter's black colt; Jim has new one of the finestdriving horses in the -county. Mr Rowe "and,wife, of Exeter, spent, Sunday in tawp, withMrs Rowe's parents. Mr. C. E. Hovey, of this town, and his tather,are both heavy share holders in the St. Thomas White Bronze Monument Co. Mr Paul Hendershot has gone to Toronto to reside, On Sunday Mass Plewes, of Parkhill, came to church with her uncle, Mr John Plewes, of the Bayfield road, and in getting out of the buggy her dress caught on the step, throw- ing her forward on her head; she was cut about the face, and received a severe shak ing up. On Monday evening G. Reeves, a lightning rod agent, was fined by the police magistrate $1 and costs, for using threatening language to H. Fisher. Miss Maggie Cole and Mrs James Lindsay, of Goderich township, have gone on a visit to friends in Michigan. Miss Ida Davis who bus for six weeks been visiting friends at Guelph, bas returned to town. On Monday evening the fire engine was out for practice, and appeared to be in capital working order. Mrs John 'Miller and' Miss L McKowen, who have been visiting at Dungannon, have returned to town, ac- companied by Miss Kenington. The em- ployees of Rance's and Fischer's Clothing stores picknicked at Bayfield, on Monday; they report having bad a tip-top time.— Fair's log yard is now entirely free of logs. a circumstance that has not happened at this time of the year before, for a number of years. We learn that .Mr Cornelius Hoare ,intend getting up a i susieal-feati• vi'f for" the 24th ivat., the same to take place at bis gardens, on the gravel road; theDohertvBand is engaged for the evening Mrs. Doherty, of Claude, is- hereon a visit to her sons. Rev. W Madge (and wife) spent Sunday with Mr J Jackson, and filled the pulpit of Rattenbury Street shush in the evening; Mr Madge supplied thins -pulpit tor a short time when the late Dr Fowler was stationed here, but is now a Coogregational minister in California, and came to Canada to get married. We are sorry to learn that Miss Susie Mulloy has been compelled to give up her situa- tion and return to town, owing to illness ; she is stopping with her sister. Mrs James Twitchell. Mr Fulton, of St Thomas. (brother of Mrs, C Overbury) and wife, were here last weekontheir wedding trip. Dr James Campbell, of Detroit, is here on a visit to his old friends. Miss Grace Ro- bertson and Mr G F Oakes have been en- gaged to take part in a jubilee entertain - ment at Belgrave; next week, The Clin- ton Quartette Club -asssts at a church pic- nic at Turner's, in Tuckersmith, in a few days ; this church is putting in a new or- gan. A family in town having a dog they wished to get rid ot, .drove out into the country several miles and lett it with a farmer; as they drove home they congratu lated themselves on baying disposed of it, and when they arrived at' the house the same old dog joyously wagged his -tail and shook his head at them. A magnificent double bank organ, to contain 12 sets of reeds, is now being manufactured at the Doherty Organ Factory, tor a professor in Germany. Miss Della Rice, daughter of Rev. J J Rice, Belleville, (formerly of Clinton,) was married on Saturday last to a Mr Geo. Fo.vler. The correct number of those who will write in this county 'for 2nd and 3rd class examinations, is as fol lows:—At Goderich, 66; at Seaforth, .9tt1 ; and atCltnton; IOC: --MFJJo—Walker, tor sometime connected with the Record, bas gone to Detroit to live ; he's a steady boy. Mr Watterson, a former resident of town, died recently somewhere in Kansas.— VV R Squier, of Brighton, (formerly Judge of this county) who died last week, Was a class -mate of Dr Williams and Rev E S Rupert, at Goderich ; he started life under the most favorable circumstances, but was _brought low through his own weakness:; we are sorry to say that his life latterly has not been much better than before.-- The efore.-The Salvation Army jubilee in the town hall, on Monday was not so largely at- tended as other occasions of the same kind have been, still they report a very.profit- able gathering; the officers present were Adjutant Phillpott, Capt. Irwin, Blyth.; Capt. Andrews, CQoderich,; Capt. Prince and Cadet Clark, Mitchell ; Lieutenant ()argyle, Varna. The G T R give return tickets to Toronto, good to go on the even- ing of the 20th, and return on the 22nd, at $2.80; jubilee fares to London, will be $1.35. Mrs L E Dancey, of Seaforth, is visiting her sister, Mrs Brewer. Mr John Smith represented -Court Maple Leaf, C 0 F, Clinton, at tbe meeting of the High Court in Berlin, this week. The Dundee Standard says:—"Miss Frank Croll, who has resided in Dundas during the past tour months,left on Wednesday afternoon; after making two weeks' visit in Hamil- ton and, Niagara Falls she will return, to her home in Clinton ; she leaves behind her many, friends and wellwishers;" she has taken upa premanent situktiom in town. Mr JW Swafiield has disposed of his hardware stock to Mr R M Racey. Rev G Washington, M. A., (son of Mrs Washington, Clinton) wine is laboring in tbe Orangeville district, has been trans- ferred to Shelburne this year ; and Rev W S Blackstock, formerly of Clinton, has gone on the Superannuation list. Messrs Doherty and Co, -on Wednesday received a letter irons a firm in St. Petersburg, Russia, in which recipt of a copy of the CLrNT0N NEW Ens is acknowledged,con- tatning an account of the Doherty Organs; this is about all the English that can be made out of the letter, and Doherty & Co. arta anxious __kk0 come across some one who can tratistribc'the balance, in hopes that it may be atf eiiteneive order. A few loac's of gravel on the walk to the cemetery are required in order to keep it in good con- dition, The Victoria Cricket Club play the Stratford juniors, at Clinton, on Tues- day next. Mr Luther McIntyre, of Osha- wa, is visiting his brother, MrJ McIntyre. Conductor McKnight has gone this week to London, Where he holds an important position in the volunteer brigade now drilling there. A brother of Mrs. Chas. Wilson, aged about 16 years, died at Brampton, on Wednesday afternoon Inst. 1 �a. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSB ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS, CONSISTING OF aby MI MP arriages press ti, o "c7 ST BLINTDS WINDOW -:t- ROLLERS'Vgli all Paper and Bordors Jubilee Note Paper and Envelopes. Carpet Felt. Walking Sticks, Baskets, Croquet, &c INSPECTION INVITED CHRIS. DICKSON, - CLINTON, T.HINC FOR THE— EATHER AT C. RANCE & CO'S WHO HAVE ALWAYS THE RIGHT KIND OF GOODS, SELL TH EM AT THE' RIGfT PRWES, TRY TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. DO PLEASE AND SATISFY THEIR PATRONS. Any person in need of a nobby Spring Sui t now is the time to purchase. Stock Full and Assortment Creat. Our gobtiy is Fine Merchant Tailoring And as we give our whole time and attention to that alone, we are enabled to meet the wants of the most fastidious. 'fie also manufacture our owe . Euttoas ,from the l.a„mls' material as the Suit,, And as we are THE ONLY HOUSE IN THE TRADE who do so, we are better enabled to turn out a more nobby and artistic garment. A 11 in need of a Suit will find it to their advantage to look through our stock before purchasing elsewhere. - 0 C. C. RANCE & CO., I t�I IN I MERGHANT TA.I LOI S ()LIT ;.'ION. M A X "NNE, 402 Faith pulls out the sting of trouble and draws out the wormwood of every ail/lo- tion. Some people have a very small quantity of any kind of faith. We had enough of it to invest in a big lot of that Low. Priced TOWELING, get some of it. We also had enough of itto.believethe people knew a bargainwhenthey seen it ; its THOSE - CHEAP - MUSLINS We have reference to now. .Another lot of them just in. A : Case ; of : CORSETS ; just : opened Gloves, Hosiery. Parasols and Light Ground Prints, see them EM$ROTrDERI7 :S—WELL, WE HAVE TH1 M AS CHEAP AS ANYBODY ELSE. ' OUR MOTTO YOU KNOW IS "GOOD GOODS CHEAP." GE O. E. PAY & CO. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON.,,,, BYS CLOTHi.NC.1 000 'We are just now giving a great deal of attention to the boys, in fact this is tit© first season that we have devoted any great work on. Boys Clothing, and we are glad' to say that it is being thoroughly appreciated. Our had a wonderful sale, and we are convinced they are the offered in the county. Bonanza Suit $6 Dufferin Suit $8 Lorne Suit $9 Lansdowne Suit $10 four great lines have cheapest goods ev'fr -$oY's Odd PANTS $1?t5 BOY'S Odd COATS - 033 13oy'14 Seersucker COATS f1 WE ARE ALWAYS PLEASED TO SHOW PEOPLE THROUGH OUR STOCK' JACKSON BROS., cYLINT< )N.