HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-06-17, Page 7i iso Y, JUNE 1F7, ;x887 Out from the duets of agear Out from the wreck of years. Frrn.ting the worst of settee, Fronting,thewesto cif tears, re , a0l r- a � dt nt s't4 Lp lm>n s.r •..� ao p iPt r thtl.OQ ai ' 8 a eth fhQg ` id'alinte°thercadifiu pea l =* That hides creation's plan. Here, with the gate behind him, Here in the narrow path, Fronting• the suns that blind him. Fronting the winds of wrath, Man, with bis head uplifted, Man, with his bair ontblown, Virile aad strong and gifted, - .Builds for himself a throne. t ' Say that the grave fs waiting, -Say that the shroud ie white, Lay that the strength of hating Owneth no victor's might. Bertb. from the cycles olden, Heide for the life complete, - B1tni,otne, sod sunlight golden,l Red lips and kisses sweet. Whose are the chains that fetter? Whose.are the swords that bite ? Masters, and 'yet no better Than men who brave the light. Earth hath no royal races, • Crowne, .yea,, awl swords meat break. When in the hidden faces' Death ands the heaths that quake, Why fear the pain aat"paeses? Lo, birds will always eing ; - Yea, and the vernal greases Wake with each waking spring ; And from the silent sleeping Strong grow the weary eyes, Ere comes the upward Far through the distant sweeping Fronting, the years that lengthen �,i�1,ieo+ue recerping chain ' -dense in'lito's combat. Strengthen', Conquering death and pain ; Battling in Godlike fashion, Through ways that note have trod, Rise they, by noble passion, Up to the heights-ot. God. Rpree,•yfith, thepreeeeda of the burglary, a,,,fetalay occurred et Renfrew last even- but{ returned in0a•ahort while and would ing. The $semen'were out for a praetioe beim been' forgttieOEbad-eta not get l Anis sod op Ple FOUR et the eogige to0ite heuiA0, ou hie arrtvrl. At the !netance of -hie mime LKio oailght the*opesa»d, ..,tart with father he woe arrested and charged with the nen. ,t0O lolip•ltt:a turubling,fetl ► p4 bnrgla►y, receiving a sentence of twot44 ent+srno ex�?ima�flin3eted hm. years. lie states that the sentence was given so that he died.' whatthe r- @ but oil •a a U O n U r o' f t i3 t h s ,l' eulte'wdtll;be he dm* not know. His parents will' toe bisk•uneaay, and though they will be under a cloud of disgrace, their minds will beat rest for some time regarding him Whether the confinetuent will be the means of improving him morally or rat Itether debasing him is a quest ionof time. t was a aad sight to a yoking matt, fine looking, with a pleasing address and man- ner, and in the youth and freshness of his life, going, to prieor. A, Free GAM Around each bottle of DrCbaee's Liver Cure is a medical guide and receipe book containing use- ful information over 200 receipes,and pronounced by doctors and drag $ate as worth ten t: mes tee cast of themed cine. Medicine and book $1. Sold by all druggists. /Mineral Poison. imm 'Potting but pure extracts from planta and roots are used in preparing Meoregor'e Lung Co pound, the modern and now popular reme- dyfftdCols. coughs, Bronobitie. Croup„ ascii- _ ma, and al affections of the throat, lunge and —shenerai poisons and et r vie, Vhlolrreude–t e- r- • ldronraddstoo and SI per bottle at adults. Store. Total Abstinence. In the course of a recent sermon, Rev. J. 8. Rosa, of Dundee, described the evils of di'inkn The ridiculous assertion made by some people that other things were as bad as drink was ridiculed. No gaoler, warden or other prison official was ever known to ssy+ that one-half or more of the prisoners under his charge Dame there by eating beefstake or drinking tea or coffee. ' The waste of money on strong drink wry something appalling. Last year the Me- thodist church in allCanada made a strenu- one effort torttitie a quarter of a -million dollars for mitsjont and failed, and the en.' tire amount raised by all denominations in the Dominion for missions was less than oaei" iiiltion, yet.iti,wae a fact tbat twenty- J.peveo million 'dollars were .,spent every ' year in Canada for drink.' If this immense sum was spent for necessaries and comforts what an impetue-it woiild give to all other branches of trade, and what a vast amount of happiness would be the result. The be- nefita a. total fineuce liew many, by one thing is prolongedi test ma y life insurance companies prpved that out oflt'` Citundted,egOcted,deaths of modlerate ---"drinkertidliinetraiine did die, but el total abtalinere the number,S,was only seventy. Ti d been 'made showing that men en- •sh i ;gt9ged rn•hard Work would do more .work without alcoholic stimulants than with theca, and it was beyond dispute that ab- stainers who had been on Arctic explor- ations have withstood the diseaee.,pf scurvy and the cold of the north regions much _better than those who drank moderately. The same could be said of those going to The hot ciirioiies. Europeaus go to India, who do not drink, stand the hot climate of that country far better than those who do. When the cholera visited Montreal it was found.that exlessive drinkers were swept off like flies before the cold of winter, not more than two out of a thoueond who were attacked with the disease:recovered, whi'e teetotallers who fell victims to the great ecourege were few indeed. The value of alcohol as a medicine has been greatly over estimated. In a hospital in London the patients are treated- without liquor, and although the founders of it werelthreat- ened that if their designs were carried out they would be tried for manslaughter ae their patients would perish in great num- bers, yet it has been proved that the death rate in this hospital was four and a half per cent. less than any other hospital in all England treating:the same plass of patients. In conclusion the rev. gentleman warned all not to tamper with strong dri elites for Think- ing they could control their app , some then, of the grandest and atropgeet intellects .ever created had fallen 'victims to their appetites. • To Conenmpttves. Reader, can you believe that the Creator afflicts one third of mankind with a diseasefor which there is do remedy ? Dr. V. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" has cared hand reds of cased of conanmption and men are Huang to-day—healthy, oust men—whom physic;acs pronounced incurable, because one bung was almost gone. Send 10 cents in etampa {fir Dr. Pierce's book on consuption and klnilred affections. Addreee, World's Diepeneay Medical Association 668 Main Street, While, N. Y. -••• ,A Sad Case. EXPERTS WITH CHLOROFORM. The chloroformists, says M. Mace in his recently published book on the po- lice department of Paris, may be justly considered the aristocracy of the crimin- al olass. They are mostly recruited from the ranks of the best and most highly educated- classes of .society and their favorite fields of operation are the rail- way carriages and the hotels. Their method of procedure in case of the for- mer is as follows.: They go to the rail- way terminus of one of the long lines, and wait near the ticket office until they ,catch sight of some traveller, who, an• op'euin is pocket book'.to pay hie face, shows that it is well stocked. hTiie chlotoformists buy a ticket for the same place, takes a seat in the same compart- ment, and, after getting into conversa• tion, either asks the victim to join him in a lunch, which he produces from a well-filled basket, or offers him.an ex-, cellent cigar. Both the lunch and cigar ,ie' h'a$e 'heed oireftrlly ," pr pared with a strong narcotic, and if either are accept• ed the:unlucky traveller is soon plunged into a heavy stupor. The oh oreformists then open a small phial, which he gen. erally keeps bidden inside his hat, and :planes• it for a few moments under the nostrils of the sleeper, • gently applying to the mouth the same time a sheet of fine parchment, having ,the shape of a carnival mask,for the purpose of exclud- ing fresh stir. The vinous is • thus quickly rendered wholly in 'ole, and the thief is able to commena_ his operations in perfect safety. He takes possession of the pocketbook and empties i5 of all its con- tents except a few labtes of.spiall value, and then replaces it.ih the pi Iiet from which he has taken it, leaving the vic- tiiu:,'tt jewellry and ,coined money un- touched. 'Bovine removed the parch- ment mask from the face of the sleeper, he then leaves thn train at the next big station. Tile traveller on awakening and finding himself alone in the com- partment, 'instinctively looks to see if his watch and oba'inand coin money .are all right, and on finding them so, does not et ally take Vie' .trouble of invesli- eating his pocketbook, -bo that the thief has a chance of remaining undiscovered for several days. Frequently, however, the victim does not awake at all, but dins from the effects of the anaesthetic. The authorities,, finding themselves in the presence of a corpse which does not present the slightest traces of violence and--witb -the money, papers__and_ jewel... lerly apparently undisturbed, can only attributel the death to natural, causes, and as a rule do not insiston an autopsy_ It is a very startling fact that cases of sudden death in railway compartments have become exceedingly numerous the past two years, and M. Mace is convinc- ed that crimes of this nature will, owing to the very impunity by which they are attended, go on increasing from year to yea i'. Quite a romantic episode has conte to ight in copnection witb the , Salvition Only. One of the Salvation lassies,'.4 ••ather pretty -.mases girl, who came to QOobee last Year• to.eenvertft the Quebec-, els; bas now been eouverted herself: It ippears that a young French-Canadian, who was a diligent attendan�t'at the Army's 'services fell in love with her, and his pas- sion was Boon returned. The girl's supe- rior officers thought'te,break up the it - tachment by sending „her away !roar o I t a land a 'rwri ds to'lo- �eoifeo � �,� �� 1. �� t fioint9, stet Sit, .aeem9 that she escaped•frorn tiler r'igil cO*otlongeieae•aoslItturned to Quebec and her lover. On Thursday she was baptized'into the Roman Catholic Church, and the wedding will take place next week. sramarac To effeotully oure a bad (lough or Cald,and do it quick us Tamarce Elixir. It ei,rikes'at.: the root of the trouble and gives immediate relief. - , D UNN'S BAKING THEGOQIrfitIE57 FRIEND LI r , LWio �n e.Q � Parties going td tbo old country, this summer ebould take this popular lino. Tho boats are the most com- plete cn the Attlaptic, and accommodation unsurpassed CABIN FARES VERY LOW. l LEAN EXCURSION RATES. STEERAGE ?*SSAH''i %T BO's OM FIGURE � call and a l3 '^s��, netM,yi ti In y OL ' • pt`w1. & � A. O. PATTISON5 CLINTON- AGENT AGENT G. T. R. The Great 11•'.lt;,•,linb Preiecriptioll. A suceessfui r)lydietn, used over 80 Imam 'a, ll,ouro nis yr cases. C iree Yperuratur I teat trvp,tg tcwe Weaknev., - " , r r s. pirpute9,cJ •, �� ' end all dl r..- elt114,44 n, vhose. • VCFORE1 Intl, I , ,, „v,•1 \•'lien. IAITER1 packeg, I, t ,, I rr I u u•hena[Ip_there Fail. • Ask your •-�,F:i�t f•.• Il. Greut nttt.h Prescription 1114' I, , • •.110 it m r, One. package $1. Six $5. h. mull. \Cri" of t' n>lpht .t. Addreas Eureka Chemical ('o., Detroit, Bich. Bold inOttnton by .1. Ii,.(1ttttBE and Druggists everywher • A YOV1O MAN SENT TO I'BNSTIARY FOR ROBSt iC HIS FAT 100. Sherif Davis, of Heldiwaod, arrived in Kingston yesterday, says the News, with a young• man named Chanes Stevens, to serve two years in the Penitentiary for burglary. Stevens is very young and of fine appearance. He is of good education and is refined in his manner. It is only ,. , another warning to young men .who lead feat lived. Charlie Stevens had plenty of opportunities to get along in this world, but like many others did not improve his chances. He says that be learned to play pool rirdikt ,rtrr�ittk noisy.short t' litbt zits had MirkpA 1`i;aatmYtatki'i• i,_i tilos infuedo$ avidadvice of friende, he did not stay and consider what he woe doing. Encouraged by his evil companions, he obtained an entrance to his father's store and carried away some money. He went off on a rd . iy OF f1� e a . s i t 41?1 g Decorate your - 7ables • • taalatl>..aaa� L,_sHIN all /II qelsa ■ We are this weeK offering the contents of TWO CASES Of IMPORTED COLORED GLASSWARE, begfutiful designs and A i quality, at prices that we think will clear out the lot in ten days., ' 7',tiop4 is.tloar'Xiert, ,conk},ete Fin d'a 'all mcpts,, an$ will att�) eohttnue to sell et the lowest possible prices, Nimrod Work as nod brans., to Nat EGGS � TAKENEXCHANGE. ... H A GE. . EKE; 4 � UMW, EMT do C ILnitEN:ll'i$E. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASE TRY AV. Cad on C. Criuldi4hauik, the Moot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON THESE GOODS CANNOT. BE REPLACED AT ANYTHING LIKE THE' PRICE, AND WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY ASK OUR CUSTOMERS TO COME EARLY -AND SECURE SOME OF THE BARE BARGAINS McGregor & Parke's Carbone Cerate Haveyou a n old Sore, Cut; Burn, Bruise corn, Bunion, Salt Rheum, Pimple, Blotches., R ,ugh Hands o: Fane t If so, there is but one vitro, namely, McGregor and Parke's Carbolic Cerate. If you but try. -it, it will convince you It costs but 25o. at Worthinglon'e•DrugnStore. AO•eotiog Meeting in Prison, A Milwaukee (Wis.) telegram says; A strange meeting took place in the women's ward of the House of Correction one day last week between a mother and daughter, who bad beeu separated for eighteen years. During that time the mother had searched unremittingly for her child, and disap- pointment bad driven her into dissipated habits, and these, in turn, had landed her in the prison where she has been most of the time for the past few years. The daugh- ter, Mrs. Ben Seery, wife of a professional skater, was taken by her grandparents and brought up by them. Her father had enlisted, and was killed during the civil war. She grew to womanhood, was mar- ried and deserted, and then, to 'support her children, went into dissolute habits. A short time ago she was'sent to the home of Correction, and there she met her mother, though each was unaware at the time of the other's identity., Side by side they irorkeduntil one dap lastweek, when the elder began to tell her sad story. The Younger listened with pity. At its conclu- tion she said that she, tno, would give a great dealto see her mother, whom she had not seep since long ago at "Grandpa Ordtubie's:" "My God! you're my child!" cried the other, dropping her work, and, regardless of prison discipline throwing her arms about her recovered daughter. Sines then they have been ineeparahlo. The daughter refuses to leave the prison until her mother is released; though her time is up, and friends will see tbat both are placed in a situation to reform and lead better VOA.; Nasal Balm does not irritate or cause eueez- ing, does not require any instrument for its use does Dot have Any ill effects, r,lievestrcm the first, and one 50 cent bottle will cure an o:Ilioary case,wilh noother expeuse attached We bought thorn away below regular prices, and our customers will reap the benefit. We are also showing something new in connection with our Tea business. Gone and see what if is. A W. L. OUIMETTE LONDERBORO STORM. FRESH ARR1 ALS THIS WEEK. HELLEBORE CARRIAGE SPONGES' .w :_ PURE INSECT POWDER ATLANTA SEA. SALT FRESH LIME JUICE PURE PARIS GREEN WOOL -- WANTED \CASHMERE BOQUET PERFUME Fine line of BAND Mennoas, cheap. BERTRAND(BULK PERFUME CASHMERE BOQUET SOAP Puns . (ENGLISH) SOAP PEARS VIOLET, Powiriss PEARS BLOOM OF NINON. We pay special attention to TRUSSES, and have the largest stock In the county. Best 5 cent CIGAR in town, eJAMF.c' H. Ct7l►M13F.; CHEMIST AND ..DRUGGIST. ' — -- OLINTON, ONT. ANY QUANTITY, FOR -CASH OR IN TRADE FOR GOODS Under fresh mar:agement we are prepared to do better for our customers than ever before. On accou o t of working up the wool ourselves-, we ban afford -to pay a higher price in cash than those who ship to other places, and we are going to do so. We have a largestnck of all kinds of Goods Made by ourselves, exclusively for our office trade, which we guarantee will give the high.:st satisfaction. We make Yarns of all kinds, Tweeds, Flannels, Blanket°, Sheeting. Shirts and .Dfawe; . Ask for our Knapped Sheetign. We have also an excellent stock of FINE WOOLLENS, which we can trade for wool very cheap and we can give TWO CENTS por lb. more than market price, for wool. We arepawed to do CUSTOM WORK better and quicker they ever, and are bound to give satisfaction, a3 we have a man in charge of that who understands hie business. ft7DON'l' STOP UNTIL YOU COME RIGHT TO THE MILL, es ae have no branch office elsewhere in town. Our only authorized representative with a waggon is MR. JAMES SCOTT. CLINTON WOOLLEN MILLS. T. H. GRAHAM, Manager. D. GRAHAM, Proprietor. hange of Business 111!4414till 15414411141.45.54144lilt The nnderaigned begs to notify the •people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried on by W. L Newton, And that he is prepared to furnish Harness, Collars, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets. And everything initially kept^ in a first-class Harness $hop, a. the 'tweet prides. Specie attention is directed to my stook d° twat Ifs.ntNE9sl'whica I will makeaspeoiaity, REPAIa.ING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. y strict attntien to business, and carefully studying this wants of my oastomere, 1 1 c pe merit a fREMEMBEof RtTHE ST PGive IDmOPPOSITE THE 111 ttte a call before KET where • A4 91—AR. .&r -1„B M B Any quantity of Good Clover and Timo th ' Seeds wanted Highest price paid. N. ROBSONI •S. CHINA HALL. 40)11 E BRONZE ST. THOMAS IONUMENT White Brous Manant Ci, „, 0�'�pFA 4:0 The only Bronze Foundry #40l6. in the Dominion. ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. Our material is endorsed by leading eeies- tiate as being practically imperishable. • It cannot absorb moisture, and consequently is not affected by the frost. Send for Designs and Terms to W. M. E -I FFIPI, CLINTON. DST BSI DO NOT RUN THE RISK OF PURCHASING INFERIOI'. S18I WHEN YOU CAN GET JOHN A. BRUCE'S FROM . DAVTS' AND 1)0 NOT FORGET THAT WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF Uardware, 7inware, Stoves, Lamps, paints & Garden. Tools S. — C!LINTON,. THE MAMMOTH HARDWARE AND srovE HOUSE.. Central Grocery, 1�. 11.0i1t i 01d Stand. The subscriber has' bought out the Stock of P. Robb, Consisting of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &a. Which, being bought at low rates, he is enabled to offer at the very closest pried Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders promptly filled. Rome to let. H. R. WALKER, CLINTON.