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The Clinton New Era, 1887-06-17, Page 6
.1 ... . ... , .. �. e, . .. - �.�,�.:.. '...< _ ,a,.... , . m ,_� _ : ..�•-._ ..., ._ _ . _...- __ _..r-.,. ....- _ 1 .1 11.. _ .- .. , . _.. ... _... . i - , f - - -_ � - � . R f, 4 - Y SUN . #�--� $lITLW!!�Y '�'� LF, CARR. CO'S rf CANADA'S OIL FIELD.FIDA , E 17,..11387. VIG(lIIIA S JITBILEE, j �, Trains leave Clinton aafollows t- 1111 A��ep, `,` Hew' Petreleagt Is Gathered and Refined GRAND TRUNK BAIT,WAY. 1. . . T i �{ )l'etroho, Or1t. Going East. Qoiog West. on 'the ITS CtLEDR(4Ti M lA{ READY BEGUN 7.30,4.01- expires.-, ><O.l8�.m- ml eq-�--IMHFr1 iE S'lUCR Q ' - fttarwtsi tp b B°pl1et. ,Q dr ill steeps 1tMek to h! dpliv'te troip.that Ina AitlwutT�nr�ds n I I DIA. of Cabadiau oil As colyP!lred �gith it the l(X6 Q.t4• allied w 9,2Qp.ln. expr@ss ;$cork Dot j oql t J. r MdDp ► i M, , twos .t tit♦ stat.- i. tilts paces deucate of 05 P,m. mixed 9 .. p.W r ei reap -1 T T troth; 0o notal ' ' . Ha, , The ' e ,bar itGlr iEs; Htlr.e . r: fi w : ba t tui. t Qnt 1u.0 �}°�^ 604 within the-CausAiqu irealm I Ps e>in the aonual's't►tiat of ,ei i mow between drunkenness ants' the tlnbJpctg3 at thR .gym rg► o p. o iiia etxno tlffOt da f Kurt Oil Ia0 for- daa ounneation in the mann end well•('r- (leen Treated to Brilliant Dlgplwys. getftilnese of nauseated tttolnach and suffer. To crime. Even Mere were 28.91'2 More Titan 23,000 Prisoners Released _ the ,tiered city of Toronto oommitmeDLe dewing the last three years, to Honor of the Occasion. road tracks are stumpy wastes 0!lLwd, al- most t'eelon, dotted with the low, squatty SIL I ,of these over Ill were for drunken- under the in- On June 20 next Queen Victoria will her derricks peculiar to the region. ImmeuFe mess or for orimowoornmitted complete the fiftieth year of reign, $uepceaf liquor. He quoted figur's"how- and jubilee celebrations are already, in pro- rhe subscriber would intimate to the People ing the large number ti Qlinvtottone for grew, in various pasta o! her great empire. as AowiDo the We present herewith two illustratious of the 1I $rnnkeunese In Montreal suite of the liquor ttaffio, He said that he brilliant display made in Bombay on Feb. , Of the liquor — , What TheyM Say. Lad ' or Massey,' head of the 13. On the same day there were fes- had ailetter and 4;,1hk Central and of 49b ri- P Calcutta,IDelhi, Lahore aons ndblic manyothercit- Lowell, Mass. dmsPrison, ri , that gtntletnsn deolaritltx that in that institution in lee of Hindoostap, as well as among the rural Twenty-eight Thousand Dollars paid at auction for the renowned trotting horaa sonars intarclirsted habits numbered ovinces and population t all ��» trail r ose of intemperate d ]Dufterin 1886,those friendly states. A , d sin laz 4611 Of $,111 incarcerate viceroy of India, and Sir Fi•dorlek •Roberta, • l or eR1rE lYSA1[ID B L&. , vheu the institution was founded, over commander in chief, reviewed the troops: habit4. pyramids of barrels are passed, a sooty re - lir thanksgiving services followed, and itis six thousand were of intern stn of to finery or tyro reeking with the odorous pro. buildings, He had consulted also the ,head otBicer the seat o1 rho day 'was devoted duct, same rambling wooden and , the Mercer. Institute., and fount} that an al- receiving deputations and addresses from -the • passenger alights on the platform of the most equally large proportion -Of unfortun- municipalities and representatives bf Grand Trunk railroad depot at Petrolea, one ate' women in that institution owed the all kinds of associations. Services, were of the central points in the oil fie;d of On - punishment illi itcted to drinking bsbits held in the English, Scotch,, Catholic Dr Daniel Clarke igfprmed him that ten and Greek chgrches, the Jewish synagogues, tario. The visitor who is faiWliar with other pe - ' ilionivisad lunati(is in Brahminical temples and numerous other re- troleum regions will find the same cheaply per cent of. the Bove' their lunacy d edificesand'varlous faiths. of aayhappy e muddy, here, tand he �many ed busy, the "Dominion owed of any o`her It�was realous Led asproof of the treets,dings irregulaconstrur, but other ly to. iptosicating liquors, P art of growth of lilteral sentiments tbat'tho diver points of resemblance, yet Petrolea has sub- busf- system produced one-hnodaedth at l sects into which the people aro divided stantial, handsome public buildings and the liquor trafie all good men would I mingled in the best of humor and. laid asid, nese blocks, and, although built in all the once be brought together to devise ,Beams , much of their exclusiveness. By order of bustle of excitement incident to such develop. for doiugAwsy with 1t $e dwelt uliOD i ' tl)e viceroy 23,307 prisoners held for 'debt moots, compares favorably with places of its " the ��rr@.at resouee3a of `Qanada and the or cSrat ,ed jvith • minor offenses were re- class wherever found. The open handed, #ortaTapd;'ability of its E, t�babltuuts, t and, liaased inhonek of the occasion, generous characteristics of their Pennsyl- 0 glowing piictit q(tpq great devplap-, i Bombay, owevpl•, made the irlost brilliant :vania cousins is there, too; the same vim, 91k"I which would take't3lace were the Wow. Alillijr,`:,l,alinnfng lin the morning with A fever for speculation and utter indifference went demnralrastion caused 'by the Iigtlor parade of the troops and followed by pro, to defeat, and what is lacking in ceremony is and traffic done away with. An to the Scutt in 'Huron it bad cessions and addresses, ending with a grand illuminatione■nthbat niroyalgharch t. Oerected ur sfortithe ons blade up in heartiness. Some of the most ratorsof ,he rom the au ins Act, he admitted that been at first a ptirtial- failure, but the re- Pr occastowand the illumination of the principal States, irominent t may be.added• and the first' developments in the Canadian field, at sponsibility for this be laced on the appointed The treatment Of i$unp ■p thousands of cases of those Oil City, Ont:, lu 18W, shortly after the Government beodhes. They Lotelkeepers as wholerale ,vendors tinder - n ,y * r Venangq excitement, the Ontario field was operated, almost entirely by Pennsylvanians, the Act, thua triviag the carrying 011t (+f Nil 1. ,t4 ,.The first wells -were heavy producers. Now the law into the hands of its enemies. it 4: ,,many of them, are utterly abandoned, though law could be a success under these circum •• in 4r; " t o, r i'• 'about 3,000 are pumped near Petrolea and in the district, and about 500 at Oil stances. Moreover, the Quvernment under the Me- !� northwest Springs, with a total monthly production of -strutted the Commissioners -Qarthy Act to enforce the Act, but they ,,. about 45,000 barrels. Many wells are worked on one pumping rig. At this place one pro - though good men in other reapecte, being Now that the I Favorite Prescription P ducer has ninety-six welly so connected. • opposed to the.Scott Aot, -the up, the is the result of this vast experience. The Canadian oil field has an area reaching Provinces had taken 'matter ' from about seventeen miles from Sarnia, the was much better enforced and Was a northwest territory, to Oil Springs on the ,Act fair success. ARCH OVER THE QUEEN'S aTATUE, BOMBAY. southeast, when there is a break in the belt. -- ..+ -- streets and park of Bombay, Over the • The Euphemia section then comes in,which has A Stiteb do Time the bead queen's statue two immense pyramids of lamps Rerven or eight wells, only three of 'which are When first attacked with a odld in light were reared, 20,000 being em- now producing. The specific gray ty of the droppins from the nseal . passages into the ployed; these were joined by a brilliant arch, product is about thirty in the noXwest ter- -=. throat; pain in thelbead, or -any 01 the on which was inscribed ``Victoria., Kaisbr-i- ,symptoms or forerunners of tiatarrh,a.50 cent Hind," in honor of the queen as empcess of ,package of Nasal Balm will cure yon. India. All the public buildings were illu- minated, 40,000 lamps being • employed. t �''` Many pleasing incidents of the general har- NEWS 'NOTES. mony are related. The orthodox Hindoos and rA young lady killed'by lightning at Blue Parsees, who religiously refrain from the slaughter of cattle, petitioned the government -Springs, Neb., recently, was sitting on forbid the killing of any on that day, and spring lounge with icer lover. 'The lover when the authorities announced that they i escaped uninjured. - could not • exercise such power the bio- ' - 'Ilie.Presbyterian (rt6noral Asseaib1y of hammedans : voluntarily declared that ? •• '-- '` Canada opened at Winnipeg on Thursday none should be killed. A great' feast1i wasanade for all the poor, without regard to . ^- •'- night. Rev. Dr. Burns of iHalifsa, Wa's faith or taste, the wealthy merchants con- ♦ CANADIAN REFINERY. chosen Moderator. tributing lavishly for the purpose. All the ritory, thirty-two and thirty -throe in the Mr.lPatterson; of Easex, 'is sAing for vessels in the harbor were also illuminated. Petrolea region and thirty-seven at Oil a return showing the criminal statistics of The addresses by various bodies of Hindoos Springs -much heavier than the oil of Penn- oouoties under the Scott Act during the into force, a its i and resident Europeans and speeches lure- sponse by the officials congratulated the peo- sylvania, The average price during the past three years has been about $1 a barrel. When three yearn prior ,coming ple on the harmony now prevailing between refined it commands a b gher price than' and for rias three years -coming nt to its the Pennsylvania oil does in its market, adoption. • though in Canada the Pennsylvania oil is, con - At the meeting of the Middless County , siderably higher, and is more valued for •Council,ou Friday,the retiring Treasurer, � illuminating purposes than the home product. Mr. Adam Murray, was ,presented with a There are nine refineries at I'etrolea, one at complimentray address and .a cheque for Hamilton, one at Woodstock, two at London and one at Sarnia. Astransportation is done :"81,000 in recognition .of his faithful services to the County dusnng the SO years.. entirely by rail most of the oil is refined' , where produced. The refrue•ies are individ- 1*kiog back upon a life of nearly fifty I ual or corporate eitetiprises, actil:,3 lndo,- years,..l remember those wbo started with ,' pendently and not cont died by the Standard ,me, All'of,those who were sober and iB- I I" " N Oil company or any o her monopoly. This „ duatrioua arae: saved ,herr mune now own y :S - rrtixn . is, perhaps, the only oil field that giant car- their own households, but ,every of , potation has.not in some way fastened --upon: _.one . ' those who dren-k is dead. -+Chauncey 1%L II,I.UMINATION IN BOMBAY. The territory is served b'cthree piping earn- panics which have no connection with the J)epew.. the Hindoos and British and the good results refineries. - - JAmt week, -.man namod D. McKay ap- thereof. The mottoes fu all the processions in- The average drilling depth in the old field -reared before the Mayor of Kineaadine .icated the satisfaction of the people at their is 475 feet, at Oil Springs 390 feet and at ,Qbarged with ontering the school grounds present relations with Great Britain Lord 4�� uphemia 275 feet. Drilling is done with and,plucking the flowers the-ohiidren -had P a .Reay, the governor, declared fn his address sinker, bar, bit and pole -a chain attached to 'Planted. The Mayor held that the defend- that the queen had faithfully fulfilled every a pole and paid out from a "bull wheel." over ant was as criminal as though he had com• promise made in her proclamation after the a small walking beam. As compared with mitted larceny in a private garden, Froin (nutiny of 1857-8, which proclamation is re- drilling in the states the outlay for paraphef- the point of view of teachers and pupils garded as tilt magus chart,•, of India. The nalia and labor is trifling, , Hia'Worship stated the case very mildly. People's fair, organized for the occasion, was a brilliant scene, an immense multitude of all A BRAVE MAN. 1n some parte .of the wine district of nations taking part. The illustration of the . France church belle are tolled when principal buildings shows that the local ac- Henry u: Ramsey, the hero of the But- . there is likely to be a frost severe enough .count dict not exaggerate in declaring that talo Fire. to hurt -the vines. The inbabitauts at once they "seemed as if Incrusted with blazing The country has not yet recovered from the hurzy .out of their houses land place jewels." - shock occasioned by the terrible wave of fatal quantities of tar between the rows of vines, Then a signal is given to light g g g A Logan Anecdote. accidents of one sort .rnd another that has lately swept over it, and it is to be hoped that the tar,.a'd in a �'ew uricase.- a .dense The world knows but little of Gen. Logan ,rho man. Representative Thomas, whom °'long with the shock alesson htisbeen learned cloud of •smoke arises which completely protects the vines From the frost. Mrs. Logan dandled as a baby on her knee which will be well �_ heeded, and that i A Jas err .Ind. de�patch says; All the p ( } y , the day she was married, and who now repre- Bents Logan's old district in congress, says the fireproof hotels and safely lighted and reporte heretofore publielied of the Perry United States knew Logan no better than heaters railroad - county lynching have been grossly exae old .Judea did Jesus Christ. Ile was only trains will be the gerated and untrue. The"'child'' reported gruff and morose at times and lie was in - 1 t goner- '� result ' to have been -outraged is a big, strapping realit one of the kindest of men Thomas over Y• t ll . y' ° ' woman of 23 years of o e weighing 16i1 y g , g g knew, Said lie: "Gen. Logan could not bear see hurt the feelings of even a clog; and The hotel fire at ' pounds or more. The man Clay Davis,to p y Buffalo placed the f�� charged with the crime' is a small man. tshen the family would drive rho dogs orf t.hC porch he would say: name of one man z ��, The woman wcs not seriously injured. John Davie who was hanged was innocent "Let them alone. They are doing uo hurt, high on the roll of the world's heroes. + of any particip]bion in the reported out atlrl why dell fi if ou disturb them'? "The peopllfirf Illinois feel that they hurl Who shall say -after }' �% i �� rage. The men wlro did the hangin were g banging aproperty rightAn Joh A• Logan. He was refining of the Reif- sacriflco made by a ten i0 number, trashed, assn had their 1]eculiarly tut Illinoisttu, and the peopte 04 my Henry B. Rumsoy, coots turned inside out. district loved him as one of their own family. whose picture is HENRY B. Rt srsFv. A Jonesboro, Ce., telegram says: A The always called him John. He would Y Y• iioro given, that the lBarrows photo, Ft: singular series of marriages has furnished shake hands with them and chat with them, clays of high and Wayne, Bid.j amuBment far many of the people of rind there were few of them that he could not uohlo bravery aro t1ASt? 1vL•. Romsey, ;!Fayette County in the last two yens.-. Thor, remember. i r'ry an old woman in a sun it will be remembered, was a guest were -five Ilamber boys and the same num- bonnet and n , dico dress who came up to shake Bands lvi li him during the last time at the \ . Richmond the night of he ber of Starnes girls. •lis the Halder boys began mairying Mr. Starpes daughters in he`spoko in my district, She had gray hair She destruction. He was awakened b the y fire and sought to save himself. But audeessiort,1�,;protested,;but in wain, the and many irriuides, was poorly clad and she came forward timidly. As soon as w oslie ran for sweet life to saw a little girl whose mother had fainters and who was in 4onple elopmg'to be finarlried bore batur. iia Mr. Starnes seeinghimself thus y■' ` Logan saw, her 1 jumped ,toward her and grasped her b • the band and sai(1: 'Why, � P y y' imminent danger. Diel he stop to think of , ' 6utwittefl't°,tvtint ,tib tiles hoiUse:of Mrs, slum- .how do,,yoa do, Aunt Nandy?, J ani so glad himself/ No. He ran back into the terrible flames and rescued the little one, but at the bi r'the irrotber, and Y IMJDt,t by' 'Norte put to see you!?` " ' cost of his own life. To make the story more bar into his buggy, and, : riding off to "The old woman was so delighted at being recognized that she wept. She siiid. ,It's pathetic, the child herself died afterward. Fa' ett©iville ma'tried her, thus completing y , r P g the circle of a family llpian. twenty years surae I saw you, John, and you Fort Wayne, Ind., which had the diatin• guished honor of being Mr. Rumsey's place of remember mei You know I used to dance residence, did well to place its flags at hall A London telogrsm says-�•-A very uneasy you on my knee when you ,wap a babyll in on the day of his burial. feeling pravails bero concerning the Queen's 'Yes, .Mint Nancy, I remember it, and I am progress in state from Buckingham Palace'to gibed to see you again.' And the woman A Stinging Rebuke. Westminster Abbey on the 21st of June, An went away the happiest person In Illinois, A celebr lied roan riot Tong "since received p impression has somehow got abroad that an attempt will be made on the Queen's life; Washington Letter. .---_ _ _ . just, rebuke. A lecturer stated that the either on her way to or from the Abbey, and ' f ervantq' Peculiar Qualifications. aforesaid celebrated mn.n know how to mak( a most excellent cup of coffee. Arespectribl( the minora on the subjsetbavo•been Btrepgtb- efi jd.by'tlie•lait of the series of the artieleh df An English gentleman not long ago ad. vertised,foit Arriel•Al servant, "who must be minister wrote to him asking for the recipe •'1'arnet�ietii mitt Urimbt' in the'Timos, w1t6t<e� in It is nisi'#iilotly stated that We aro an sift a, good plain cook and . earnest defst.11 His request was granted, but at the bottom a1 theletter was the following manifestation of I?Vo of some Pgreat catastrophe: Of Course p 1 its an ktiglish paper there recently ap- ( , pbarod the arlverti's&Tient of a coachman who stupendous conceit: I hope that this is r request, and not asurre surreptitious mod( P every prbcatition will be taken to guard the .-.-assn from danger, but rho route is.. aces - .declared hiihself to bean "advanced Catholic in t+ho management, of horses. „_ gen g` „ of s6curing my autograph; to which the "Accept Ill what long, and it is impossible to deny that any intending assasaain would haus many O1i'1 slcillCul New Yoric Tribune. _ minister replied: my tbanks for reel o far makingcoffee. I wrote in ids g' opportunities of accomplishing his designs. _ _,Y Arldren' Lanz rn119 his nt•ty sof l faith, and, in order to convince you vi the fact, allow to return tvhrt you obvi110t( Her Majesty is, fully r3ware of the rumors i, 11. idesork He," fu respectful perversion of ] L hider infinitti'ly prize, but which is of no veils tr i ptirrent on tie sttb'Pct, 1' I'laggnrd's story of "She," roe, your autograph.'' -Christian Aiit oeate. ORIUT WNST,1CRN"'$141.WAY, -■ ■s i Going North; (airing $oath,. 10.18 S.M. express 8.60 a,m. express To select from, all Freo, Now Goads, Every effort has been exerted to super 6.35 p.m. express 4.19 p.m. express the public. We show this week a special lot of SUNDRIES, LA17I�-t S Az CHT Y.I1R EW'•1e FT A.Tt4 AYRSHLRE BULL FOR SERVICE. - THE oubeor]bor keeps for service at his Propels - 8 Huron Road, Goderloh, Towneh) near At unapproachable prices. Seeslnr CHEAP CORSETS, our great Bat gains in Clinton, hiwell-bred re breeddet�r. Te �e, $1 a, HOSIERY and GLOVES. Our fine line of . time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. SSIC TEACHING T• -THE U$DERBIGNF.D 'hiss EMBROIDERIES and WHITE LAWN Moslins MUSIC to intimate to tine People of Clinton Uur roar variety of pAR9Ll nit. ttoll_illg. price.-. Our larze assortment 4f. w that she is pre{eared to repeli ROBIN'S NEW g AMERICAN METHOD OF MTiSio, either for JERSEYS. These goods etre Bargains in (Illithty and pIiCP.S. Organ or Piano. A limited number of Puppis tuught, either at their own homes or otherwise ---- a` Terme modera5e. Further particulars on ap- plication. U-168JOYNER, Victoria St., scuta, I3ees�eys Millinery, Emporium. um. Hto,th.Y - TOROUGHBRED DURHi�M BULL FOR11111111111111116 SERVICE. -The subscribe , has for sentlee IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII- 1— __ alboroustfibred Durbam bull, on kgt28, 001 -NEW. 10, � Hullett. The animal Is of dark red color,weighe between 1,600 and 1,700 ole, sad is' years old. j�T He has a first plass prldtgreo and ret[lstered In N■ 1 1 �' r F STOCK the new Domiulon herd book. TER 8, 91 wlth 1 �r� r icypriVilwqe of returning; if uecessary. A. iAMIESON. Loudesboro. . • a. .o m ,,vwnrau. Awe..,.-u.,vo avnayc� and Nervine, imparts vigat, and strength to the tfE bfy Lou.. Cpeszad out i= ELLIQTT6 $L4C$. „ ltrlten an intelligent marl. scants to pur- OUBFi AND" LOTS FOR SALE. - A FRAME H House, with two lots oil viotoria street, near NEXT DOOR TO TBE CLiY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. ono'sold hotel, belonging to the estate of the late loha Stephenson, is o 7ered for sale. The house is •omnarstively now with nine rooms and stone cellar. BED'Ri00M SETS, PARLOR do the lots aro harts and soft water, arable, kc. The agooApp situated, and will be sold property is le tor Wane. Apply to either J. BTEPHEN- ♦S�E��TS,QQ��gqLOUNGES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAMS1 Qt C., ro reasonable SON, Clinton, or 4. SWINBANK, London Road. . eloubly ally those mndo by practical professional men.Tremont ANA A GENERAL ABsoRTmENT OF TAF VPRY BEST MADE FURNITURE AT St., Boston, Nfllss. NEW ERA BAKERY. . RBASONABLH PRICES' .. rhe subscriber would intimate to the People - T -- . . "S. ICH.Z • rest /Ia V,'V. of ellaton`ihat he has bought out the baking business lately carried oil by Mr. Dunlop and will continuo the same at the old stand � He___ , — , What TheyM Say. It ,a had a long praottoal experience, and by giv- in receive ve all its bf lichfie i>atronag merit add rooelve all else personal hoper�eion to it and a share of phblto patronage. Bread delivered "of (Takes at usual Prices. A laige stock and Confectionery always o:hund. No Crel►m sup - J R, EVANS., iM_-(int i , Liver Cure isguaranteod tdcuro - lied for parties. Lowell, Mass. CSOUNTY OF HURON EXAMINATIONS, 1887 - the Twenty-eight Thousand Dollars paid at auction for the renowned trotting horaa Second class nonprofessional examination at High Schools in the Cuunty on Monday, 4th July, 9a.m. Third class nonproteassional exami�atioi at the Hlgh Pancoast, proved bis exelence, and .so the S:hoolsin the County on Tuesday, 12th July, 9 a. m. First class, Jurirst grade c., Monday; lith J e A and B, Tuesday. 19th Ju y 1 p.m. Fy, 6 a.m. Ca -i t CHEi IS Leadine Clothing House of FIS alas¢, grade didates who wish to write at either Clinton or Seafort.i . must notify D. M. MALLOCII, P. S. lrignoctor, Clinton P O., not later than the 21st May, stating which of ate Opposite the Post Office, truly proves its superiority over all ;opposition, in Style schools they'8'ish to write at, and those who wish to write at Godeiiieh mu -t nutifyJ.E. Toys, P.S.1•, Exete., and Flt it beats them all, and at the same date. The notice must be accompaala•i by a fee of 82, or 84 if the candidate applies for a 3rd as well as a 2nd class examination, No' ,name will be for- to the Deppartmeat unless the fee aceompanios "s I S C'H E R S L E A D I N G S U' LEADING S warded it. Forme of (}pplication may be had from the sec e- ■T I' cretary. Tbo head masters of the High Schools will pleas'sand the applications of their candldates to the County Inspector of the tliviston in w•hieli the itigh Are worn fro a one end of the county to the other. The Spring Stoelf has arriv- Sehoolissituated. First class candidates send their applica ions to the Secretary Education Departmert, ed, and is one of the finest in the town and viciril 'A discount of. 10 por cent Toronto. PETER ADAI(IS011, Secy. B. Examiners, from the 15th of Feb, till the 15th of Mhrch, will be given for cash. Prices low aoMoaon, April26th, 1e87. and workmanship unsurpassed. Terms Cash. 13p, I_DKA'.%SOIV Ac Co., S c rof u i a FISHERS LEADING CLOTHING HOUSE, Clinto0. Is one o1 the most fatal scourgeswhleh aSllet mankind. It is often inherited, but maybe the result of improper vaccination, mercurial poisoning, unclean lines$, and various other causes. Chronic Sores, Ulcers, Abscesses, Cancerous 1I111iors, and, in some cases, Emaciation, and Con- sumption, result from a scrofulous condi- tion of the blood. This disease can be cured by the use of. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I inherited a scrofulous condition of the blood, which caused a derangement of my whole cm.- After taking less than URESSAAKI[NG - TRE UNDEWM(ihl,`O hug commenced dressmaking at her reiai- lence, Ki -,t; Street, directly opposito the Foun, try, where she will be prepared to fill all orderav011, n her line, oil Short notice and at reasonablst Utes llaviug had considerable experience she 'Cole coctlileut that she can give satisfaction to ill who favor_ her with their patronage MISS. four bottles of Dyer's Sarsaparilla 1 cru FOR LIVER AND KiDNEY DISEASES a. .o m ,,vwnrau. Awe..,.-u.,vo avnayc� and Nervine, imparts vigat, and strength to the tfE bfy Lou.. Entirely Cured „ ltrlten an intelligent marl. scants to pur- 11and, for the post Year, Lave not found it cha:vc, he bre1/s.front parties whose standing inttheirseveraL_t•rttlilttis is a for the flowiltR , pailltul melistruntfols, up. natural supl►ressious, prolapsus or. e 'cine whatever. Ill 'dr to tr9 i ]}' t airs now it] better health, and stronger, guarantee t 'sLl L A rneeCSaarV r[uutilUof th.cir wares." Thi9 aterlinf� m0I true in regard to patent medicines, buy Iliel than ever before.—O. A. Willard, 218 eloubly ally those mndo by practical professional men.Tremont dowlt s011940blls, Chronill,c toll . es.. boll inflammation and ulecration St., Boston, Nfllss. 1)r. ('irAsl+, is toowellandfavorablyknown byI `.i'' reocipt books to require any recommend". of the tvolnb inflansimation aint f r p assn LetldOrllOs[l' int OVar10s, 1lltern8t was troubled with Scrofulous Sores for rive years; but, after n.in, a few von. Lilt. Crf.asx's Liver Cure leas a receipt book ' ■A� battles of Aver's Sarsaparillit, the sores health,- � '•,tpl)ed around every botLic which is worth its ei ht ni 6011( , p�} Q�1Y A��l ■ j� Invalid rtJl7! �IItTtIt110 healed, and I have lu,w Hoots r litrzabeth-tV;trnoc6;i Spirletotr street, iM_-(int i , Liver Cure isguaranteod tdcuro - -ll`a� -�ilai _._. Lowell, Mass. "Il di:;uaaos arising frmn "torpid or inactive liver such ins 1,tver Complaint, Ilyspepyiu, $Z.TFFALO, MZ_ -�_ Some months ago i was troubled with Sure, le". 'I,he limb Indlg"1lon, Biliousness. Jiaundice, Dead- it div, Ulve'rSpot,, Sndow ConlPleXton,etc-, Organized Serofnlow, on, w}• ]t'as iiadly slt'ullcu and inlbuueLnnd the THE KIDNEYS THE KIDNEYS vvltlr n tali fvtntr of eighteen Experienced and skillful Physician.- sures diseheu•ged lnrge qu;nitlies of offer- ]•:very, 1';1 lud. until f)R. CnASt13 Liver Corr•, is a cerUtin cure for nindC,sL'1;ementsoftllukiduoys,suellaspainiit I and Surgeons for the treatineut of o-ive niatloi•. nni•dv 1 n•, d :1 )'ri'� Sar ap,u'illa, 13y taking tele hack min in lower portion of the ah onion, and white all Chronic Il[ecases. thl•el• I,,00l's of this illedioine. ole sores hm'r heeh (rutirek• hruled, :old Inv health ( 111Sr a(Rt dc,hlro to pass Urine, reel . linicuty, iihootinr; pains in passage, Bright's troubles, etc•. pr-. ®AIR F�p. U ELL OF SUCCESS. is hilly rest,wed. L hill grateful for the dfs,n(so and all urinary •rr�, it. take no other, it will euro you. Sold _ t;ned i.11i< urcdiPiue has dune nie.—Mrs, by 61denlersat$1.00per boWc. Chronic Natial Cntnrrh.Throatail \ildU'flri;ui,Li•iSullivaust.,NewYork• 13p, I_DKA'.%SOIV Ac Co., Lnng Dise oi:} Liver and ICidne 1Dincases, IZdeter` IliBeases, iDiscasto sof tR y e 1' s Sarsaparilla, 60LE AGENTS FOR CANADA. BRADFORD . _--.. 1Vomely loud Diseases and Nertt: Ous Affeerl one, here home Prepared by nr, d. C. :oyer $I; I,obott,Mas5. '1; _ _ cured or at with or without seeing the patient. Come anti sea us, or Bond ten cents id stamps for Sold h •ail ))rugFiste. Price six bottles, $5. i1006401001 P1011a �Il s oqr "Invnlldst Guide IISOoh, ! which givels rall - MANABE. Goderic 1 August 5t.h 1888 l - particulars. NervoasDebillty Imps. leucy, Nocturnal �onseRF THE MERCHANTS' — DELICATE and all niorbid.Cpitditioottr Protective and Calfde ing Association Astor bei,, thoroughly olerbauled and re -fitted with NEW MAt 111NEkY of rho most npproced kinds thea` in order, and will not caused by Yout still F.F. D]SE�SES� I1tSb nd l'orgicioug �olp. terry Practicei are speedily mills ore now splendid running done,. by any and p rmanentty cured by our, be surnasse(1 in the quality of the work in 6pecialisti,".A$aok, post-paid, 70 Ctsa4n $tum — O F CANADA -- Head Office, linmilton, Ont. mill the country, +^I 4{ 4 p { t Spe�ld Attntin gim to GETING. . Rupture, or ITreach, ra wi I cured, without the sur , RUPTOAE. wittlout depstill eo up trusses IsTARLisuaD 1884. add with very ]itis♦ Pala. Book sent foe ten cents Is nn Association of business and professional men, having for its object the — DONE ON SMO11T NOTICE. ) in stumps, PILE TODIOUS and STIRI I - UI fa COLLECTION OF DEBTS; 1 ,C110PPING Satisfaction guaranteed. Parties wantlig anything i treated with thU greatest eucc•rsr,. hook scot for ten cents in stamps. Addrocg WORLD DISPENSARtt MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 66,3 bI� And to prevent its members maliing ba(1 debts sly whatever in this line will find it to their interest to a call. Street, Buffalo, N. Y. furnishing them with lists of parties who do not pay, give ua The treatment Of i$unp ■p thousands of cases of those Merchants and others slaving accotitts to collect and HUBER, Pmsteles. E. _ _ __p__ _ DISE11N,JES �F diseases peculiar to wishm wishing to become members, by remitting $7 to out Managern, llannilton, Ont., will receive by return mail _ — HEALTH IS WEALTH. '��]•� M- T 1%T , WOMER. the Invalids' hotel and full particulars, certifleate of nicmbership, &c. .- Nsnv BRAIN► _ _ . __.. at ,nirgical Institute, ling of- J. B. MALS St CO. Managers, Hamilton, + C.W,,f $ forded large experience In adopting remedies for their• cure, and OAS Or to JAs. Tunmj,sox, Agent, Clinton. i DR. PIC.4CE+s9 MONEY TO LOAN -- _ -.f I Favorite Prescription P 1stroilr,�rRATES ofINT REST. -; - _ F!EAYMENT.`--= :" is the result of this vast experience. 1■ ■/�� �1 wi nSur auceS Effeeted Dr, E. C. west'.- Nerve and Brain Treatment, a gunrraal tmlapttificfor hysteTln,eonvulsions,fits,neT9enanon,alRifs a. .o m ,,vwnrau. Awe..,.-u.,vo avnayc� and Nervine, imparts vigat, and strength to the tfE bfy Lou.. headache, nervmia prostration caused by tin°use of alcoUe or tobneco,wakefnliless, ment-0 depreaaron. noftenh,orthe system, and tures, its magic, Corrllea, or 6twhitcs,9 exeesnlvo —1 N— FIRST' CLASS COMPANIES. bvaSn, resulti,g in iunanity, leading to nimry, decay and dcnth, premntnreold ago, barrenness, loss otpewer,neither flowiltR , pailltul melistruntfols, up. natural supl►ressious, prolapsus or. ----- sex, involuntary losaeN and sperrnatorrbma cmwcd by eros exertion of the brain, self abs so or over indulgence. L`¢rh falling of thhe uterus, wealks back,, antevers1011, rOtroverstobearing.. Sacral good Farms for Sale. Apply to box routnine onymonth' 9trentment. $1e.box, or slxbexca for $5, sent b moil mr p 13 nn recimt of price. dowlt s011940blls, Chronill,c toll . es.. boll inflammation and ulecration SANDERS, WESTCOTT & SANDERS icas . WltbANTEE SIX BOXES euro any case. with cash enter teed by nn for six of the tvolnb inflansimation aint f r p assn LetldOrllOs[l' int OVar10s, 1lltern8t RF,ALL''ST.1TE AGENTS, EXETER, ONT. — hexon, accompanied ,with $5, we will aeon rho erchattor our bo cud writtengnaranteetorefundMemoney, ifthotreanuentdoes not atlect a care. Sold by nil druggfats or J. C. west k Co., heat, and ttfewale %voal ilsess.J91 It pPn_��ompt y relieves and cures NatYben HURC3N AND BRUCE Toronto and' Wda t�tons got Stomaell, Indl�itto�. tionrBlloating,Nervous Prostrat oeir,i Imiplennent -:- A gelney, Loan ,rid Investment Coly Slid Sleeplessness, in either sex. PRICE $ I.00,. on �s TL This Corttpany is Loans ig Money .on' Farm�,� SNELL Sold by Druggists everywhere, l'd . Security at Lawes, Rates of Interest.ten acute in stamps for Dr. Yiete9'fr lat" . Having accepted the ageney for the Ayr Manufacturing Treatise on DisetrAbs of Women; illustratteebd,r] _ Co., (Watson's) will open out an office In the promises !in, ocoupied by Mr. Gainey. Albert Street, Clh]t01b °early opposito Fair's Still, when lie will be to VlrQtldts Dispensary lMadleal Assoet010, MORTGA GES - . - PURCHASED pleased receive orders for tho celebrated 663 Main Street. BUPPALO, N. Y. STEEL - TWINE - BINDER _ SAVINGS MANIC BRANCH, And the NEN HUMMER. 1101VER and DA19Y RAKE, kelt Si V ny K'H EA DAVE, 3, /� esus G per Grnt. Iutetwyl ff 1%Orris<l On A full line of repairn will also be in stock. Prompt nttention will be given to all orilo n, whother J Illltoue Iieades0lie, eposit•s, acrording to amount _ by mall or otherwise. Also Dizzinoes, ColtRtipa- and tine lift. PLOWS : STRAW :: CMTLR,S r i tion tonsAttac n, and >Fiilious Attscl[s, OFFiC E.—Corue M Stark' Squnre nn(INortli Streo HORACE IIORTON, And all other Farm inlplenients koptin stock, — F.promptly cured by Dr. Plell I'lOasant - MANABE. Goderic 1 August 5t.h 1888 �+rT* Z"1T - rr1 *T I M.:_, tJITM.-1�, 0 =N i �yv . Purgative Pellets. 25 I ceAts b vial, by Druggistd. 1 -..,-1♦ -,