HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-06-17, Page 4'""'...'. e..11 I* .. . .. i,„ , • ., I ' . :b - .•'. a :sem,” .. ,A, .s Qi,� .._. I'll. . -' . -,se", , — .. a s >. e. ". . . _ . i.. Is 1 . – .- . by report of the Special Committee, that Wore thaq, olio year in the 6AMePositioi , fu the varfouis bills be iiriAted: inithe,mihates. V TO HER GRA01.0Vs 11ti1JgTty 4UiEEN wurO A, � l 1G , avr�tl� melit , whiles reported iii favor of raising the fee, those seotiops whore there is a Cheing of Itoociromendedthat the application of W,.B, ' A �itionl�l'i OCOPNOWS. ,., council decided otherwise, one reason In teao#ei'a Pvery year the savaucemeilt o 64. lifgholz. of Glrey, for adinissiaTi . to the pn: ""� ' (Wrlttcn by W u GifBa, eunton) !'enders ttanted-sesta L sou articular for this bein that, on then inion uCattot}tyI, mattets la not so satiafact6zy as I tarso Agricultural College, as the CALLAy Fotr Tflt>; OT,D Coit - Y a'Y.-The follow:. Klatorlq, q1,t hQppy Qyeigg. . i.' It -.-a, a:u -11' llalrr„ particular g e p e n , be acne ted . n that. he be recom• ell roeper9us ive k6ye 4lW bfrY' u, of Mr. Crarrow, it was found that the pro- Would wish to see it., The interest ttK&en in, rude t p Strawberrtea, eta --C Hoare • . ' fll ing persona i'r(lm!C'il;intrlt! a&11° for nR+litptj gtl Jlth year9ltave lolled" y., posed by-law went further than the statute ednotlition 3a very'1ve11%shown by Llli3-n:uxtlber rtiendedfcrthe �ioait on. Thijwiid"auiencled , yia G11e ;lite "tar Ljae, tinting iiia pgS1. Since thy great CotoaAA!un.day. + r , •, Lo -k !---J L'obei tpon allowed. of candidates who wrote at the, various - .ex. in`Cotmeil, slid tho name ofFredetick Inane- - \Vo wort d to thea a tribute alta Boy's olothiuG-Jaokeot► liroq - ] : tjlxep eek6;-Mr Ups White, via the Aadsonoour zeal thou WAYbe ttorgirm It vas moved and oorried that in the event ammationa held during the year, For 1886 sold inserted instead:] It was recommended t It $ev A Stew.•rt and wife 4aue thou hast ry mother bean' g y• of any appeal by any municipality from the they were as tollo(vb:.. At Eikfranoe Exami- that the requests of the jailer, turnkey and $1tiC, .1# a t$, a Chou great and good and noble queen, A cod maxim -Geo E Pa R Anepii priced Twitch, It equalization of the assessments for the cur- nations for admission to Sigh Soho01's'ii Icy rpaEron of the county, jail for monthly in via Arabic, July 2nd, and Will Jacksol'i Th ' ' + Wool Shawl -Brealey do rent year, that the final equalization of the inspectorate 328 candidate!' ' wrgte, at this stead of quarterly payments be granted,and via the Brittonic, July 13th. y great empire o now at Oh may the bonds of love Sncrease- Hardware etc -R M Racey assessment rolls shall be left to the decision ]Departmental Expo .einatidn for 2Af1 and 3rd that $10 be given to the Ontario Rifle As- I LAST MINUTE Baws.-•A full account Until all nations this World o'er United ahowe-t: Bark of the countjudge. class' 167 wrote, and about 60 'r the Count saeiation, The Warden and Treasurer Were of the Count Court roceediD which F3ha11 then prypAre tpr war ao ploro. fro erties for sale -J Allausou Y Y y P i On thine empire the sup no eraet, P It was moved and seconded that the Road Model Schools. Of those taho `wrote at the authorized'tR borrow pp to 420,000 for our- i • in session this weelr, will appear next An equal thou but never wet A few prices left -W L Oufinette Commissioner receive $2 per day and mile- Srst said second named, a very good per• rent 'expenses. The committee . ex,preseed wgek•;the principal business is the trying of sat thea drat leve ane hepar sod- Fnrnishing department- selene Brae age, wl1 u attending the oouneil meetings. tentage passed -and of the latter all were surprise t7iat no part of theliDesIevied utgder 1811 sal.caeeaundertheSCottAct,`Wehave Tho aairµv patfkthoµ long hast trod. Silver mounted h&eueFs- TwitcbW1 Moved by Mr. Campbell, sec. by Mr. successful. At the present time, in addi• the Scott Act had been paid into the county PP Lung may you have auto sereno, 4 - For the hot weather-Hitato J ltoogens in type a lung report of the West Huron And May God save ou• noble Queen. l�al. a li, tbat the council memorialize the tion to those engaged in teaching, there are a treasury, and we find that while the License Teaohera'Iustitute,held atExeter ouThura- Bees and Nosey 4or"bale-John Hrno- Lieut. -Governor asking that the law regard- number of young men and women holding Commissioners are very persistent in de- These thy Were a revolt - - _-_ - __ __ - - - _ - ing anew fences he amended, so that each certificates of qualification, but having no mandin from the council certain sums of d w and Friday last, but are compelled to But wp mrpes stn elatle chew halt. _ q g g carr it over till. next week. Now wp b„ast er this opinion- , individual putting up a proper wire fence schools. This renders the granting of per- money to defrayy supposed expenses for -.the , y 0 That It is one vast Dominion. along any public highway will be allowed to mita, extensions and temporary certificates enforcement of. be said Act, they have failed DEATH OF A MiWiSTEft.-Rev Mr Hill- Our eohoolmandfactories%so grand, f� �• t "� n �t Orai, And m ual those of any Ignd C11�into11� fi enclose six feet of said highways, in lieu of unnecessary, and-yI have considered it my to pay the fines to the county Trasurer, or yard, who formerly resided at Auburn, Our ralways,and our churches, too, - Rq bonus. Action deferred until December duty to refuse all such applications: The to account for said fines in any estimate died at Ridgetown, on Tuesday, and on Du honor both to us and you. FlUDAY, JUNE 17, 1887. 1 meeting. number of trees planted in my inspectorate made to the council. A number of accounts , Wednesday his remaini were brought - Through thy wisdom all these have been. A petition,from R. M. Racey and others, this year was 809. The accompariying state- j we're ordered to be paid, Iii refereuce.Ao a here`and interred in Ball's Cemetery, base Andm..sy God save our.nohlequeen. `-" -- - —� _..-. - asking that a pedlars' license be granted to meats are based upon the annual r,gports of I communication of R. Ransford. Clinton,aek- -line, by the aide of those of his fiNt wife. — P'AIILTAIlifiN 1'i#4',,,� --- =-!IE W, Marten, of Clinton, free of charge, was the trustees of each municipality, and I sub. ing for settlement for land used as road, we He was a B•kptist, well and favorably There fa a runlet that n his �lant•Go office is SCOTT ACT. read, and the prityerof the petition granted. mit them fbr your favorable Consideration. recommend that no action be taken at pre - : known but has pot -beau 1D the active Atkins of Manitoba, when his terra of office is To remove the possibility of fish pedlars D. MACG. MALLOCn. sent,butthattheroadcommissionerberequtr a�mpleted, will take up his residence again in The debate on Prohibition was resumed in coming within the general provisions of the NORTH ltakoN SCHOOL sTATISTics, ed to report to the counoil at its next meet ministry for sometime. He,:has a 4on•re- .Toronto and wiit be made a Senator And that siding at Rid etown, and "aiiother at To Vila House on Monde and seated until lata Hawkers' aper Pedlars' by -late, they were -­ _` ing-' The estimated expenditure for• the g g Senator Schultz will succeed him in the Lieu• y' Specially exempted b motion of council.current year amounting to $54,858.05, ex. ronto, and was, we are informed, re -mar- tenon t• Governorship. in the evening, qui e a number of membeis p Y p Y Z�Y7.7 HH -- - (, q A€ter, the passage of a few by ws, and o to a o o o elusive of the equivalent of the Legislative tied a short time age, _ - taking part: from the Mail report we take other minor business, the council ad. ; o� M o Q �, School grant, requires a rate of 1 3-5 mills LEFT TOWN. -A Gorrie correspondent I BORN _ jonrued to meet again the first Thursday Pu m m W on the $ on the equalized assessment of the thus refers to a former ClintoniaD :-,!lies the following extracts:- December, n motion to meet on \Wednesday m 00 o c `+ o corm The estimated expenditure this GARROTT.-On the 11th lust., on lot 26, oast 6, by «, b n°j Y p Map Rogers, who has taught music and Hallett, the wife of Mr Jos Garrett, of a daughter x;r. McMillan (Huron) said that to insure bein;; defeated. n � w `eo, '" a'(a year is over $6 000 less thanlast year. *� ., p c+ , , ed a 0 "R y'_ + Y painting' 1D our village for nearly three KIDD-At Goderich, on the 7th lust, the wife of Mr. the successful operation of the Scutt Act the lILPOHI'S. m =: ' R; e' yearn left on Wednesday for London Jos Kidd, jr, of a sou , Otliciala who were appointed to Ste to its en- a. 61-: : =.°0, g o c OUR L FTT£� i, BOX where she intends to remain a few weeks' rftI(1K-In Godarieh township, on the sat just, its. forcement should be favorable to it. fn the nlsrolrr or ixlc currlTY coi:uio- ioxER, „ . : w ., _---_ wits of Me Lev! TPI•ek, of adaughter m when she will go to-Windipeg' Miss Couutv of Huron this was not the case. The Mr. "Ainsley reported that the spring : IP : . b C, m A SCHOOL HOLIDAY. JOHNSTON-In Tuckersmith, on the 7th'inat, the I Q) • lb Rogers is not only agood stager and play- wlieof Mr JasJohnetgn, of twins, bo and girl warden of the county was so bitterly opposed freshet had destroyed entirely Helps' bridge, : w 2'. ., i:r' Y to the Act that he vetoed a resolution of the Last Wawanosh, which is being replaced at : m : : m m w To the Editor• of the Ulinton New Era, er, but also an efficient teacher, Her am- GROv! s -At Norval, Halton Co, on the 7th cost, county couiicil memorializing the Ontario a cost of $2270 ; Holmefiville bridge had also m . . o w : w DEAR SIR,- You will oblige me b " saying table• dispositipn and excellent social the -bite of Mr W E Groves, of R'in$ham, of a son, o g y Y g still -born Government for the appointment of •a police been injured, and Manchester bridge also. . .p, m : � in your paper whether the 21st of -this month qualWeA won for her many friends, who magistrate to enforce the Act. Since the The foundation of Bayfield bridge will need m - : is a school holiday. There is a doubt in the were exceedingly sorry to part with her. .YOUNG -Io East Wf a sons, on the 6th ,hst, the as V , d Y• wife of bur S Young, of a son. Local GovcrnmotA had undertaken the en- to be renewed. North, abutment of Brussels � M: a minds of many as to whether the Schoolq CHURCH BRIEFs.-Communion services MARRIED forcemout, the temperance organization in bridge will need to be extended, and quite a . . . CD 0 , shall be kept open: Yours, d n • were held in Willia Church, on Friday HYDE--STRAITH-1 t the residence of the bride's Huron had been improved, an the act was number of other bridges wilt require repairs. . . ,., June 14. A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER. g y q ao [The 21st will be a aortal school holida and Saturday, and Rev Mr Simpson. of !other, on the 16th foal, by the Rev P Straits, of Hot - now as well observed in two of the ridings The total amount of more required for • W g y' Brucefield preached there Sunday even stein, assisted by Rev A Stewart, He G N Hyde of that county, as auy\other law upon'the ata- roads acid bridges, and repairs to county . . " w but will not be observed by the Clinton Pub- W carton, to Nellie, second daugeter of Me P Strafth, Lute book. *The people were giving it a large buildings, for 1886, trill be about $14000. `: lie School, as'it will break the work up too ing.—The picnic of the Baptist Sabbatb of Clinton support, and .they tvislied it to have a fair 1 OCNTY THEA.IIitEk'6 1t1:PORT. j - .. much. School will be held at Stapleto on Tues- WEf.LS-.FRAzFR-In Blyth, on tbellitb Inst, at trial. He believed the Ottawa Government r w W Ci --- - day next —The lades of SG. Paul's the residence of the bride's father, by the Rev D K had done everything,, in its polwer to make 1 submit herewith stateinent of collections = c W Tuckersmith A CHALLENGE. Church contemplRte bolding a garden Ramsey, Miss Lizzie Frazer, to air Jae Wells, of HuiMt from non.resident lands between Jan. let w w -i-BALDWIN-RILEY-On Sugar Island, on May 6th. ghat Act it dead letter, by the appointment I s. r $! o r w party sometime next week.--Rsv_. r ," birOeq Baldwin, to Etlzabmth, eldest daughter o! Mr CI officials !ilio were not in a m atli with and April 80, 1887, also, a etatemcit of Cash w m m o ar I r Ru .art ao� famll leave for a weeks hol- Geo Riley, all of Lard township, Algoma, and formerly y p y — _. 1'atice Erltor oftlae t,lhato�t mew Kra.' - - it. He believed the itabreduction of a bees on Band available to meet current exl en li= �, oma, II P Y of Huron county and wino clause would kill the act, and he, tune.' Since Januar meeting there has been a,c• ns f Bot -ha I am informed that Mr. John May on Monday y next. -- The Young January o Hallett. I Beacom has purchased a right for Goderich People of Ontario St. Church intend to ELOtEde's auk Miss the 8th flat, at the residence bRev therefore, would 'oppose Mr. • Girourard's invested on real estate mortgages the sum of o o w a of the hridu's aunt. Aiiss art A Bell, of Klppen, by Ret $16,750. It will be necessary to borrow I �' o m w N Township of a patent fence, which he is re- hold a garden party at the house of Mr8 S Acheson, Air KobtT Elgie, to Miss Maggie E slair, e,mendmcnt. The loss to the revenue would f !� = a w m w -a os gg be counter•ba'anced b the benefit that money to meet expenditure before the taxes - 4-,- 'presenting as a very superior one, Idesire to. Shipley, on the evening of the 28th. oldest dentis+cr DP the lute Skeen Blair, Esq, alt of y are paid, and you will pass a by-law grant- I — to o to ! give the public an opportunity of examining Tucker,mith. would accrue from the sum that is note spent ing power for that to the extent of $20,000. c � 0 Est.Wawanosh' I the merits of that fence and the one recently RETURNED. -Mr H B Ker, who a she A DIED . ,n drink being diverted to legitimate eban I understand that a consiTlerable sum of � �' �' patented b me. The fence he has bought J p y g time ago went to Kansas city to work,hRR SALLOwS-I❑ 1'nlhorn0, On the nth fast, R Sa110W,, cels of trade. money has been recovered throughout the �' = s' G' -4 to -' to was patented about four years ago; about returned to town and -concluded to remain aged 48 ye as and 4 months Mr. Porter (Huron) said file members op- count through infractions of the Temper. P F, � that time I also patented a fence and sold in Canada. He believes that single men ECHLIN -In Asllfleld, on the 8rd Inst, Jane wife of posits were trying to make capital against ante Act ; no portion of Chia money has been � W o Morris some rights for erecting the same, but as I might do well there, but mart ed ones Goo Echlin, Aged am years and 8 months the Dominica Government for the conduct c ,sa o+o subse uentl d' covered that the fence was GRAHAM ---At Sheppardton, on the 7th inst Francis paid over to me, although by an order in ,r:-n,c q Y will not do any better than here. In the ' of officials whom.they did not appoint. The council it was ordered that all fines, penalties, rn. - al o � rn not going to answer as well as I anticipated, Graham, aged 84 years and 1 month onforcemenft of the Scott Act was a duty etc„ recovered under this Acb shabe paid — I returned every dollar I had taken for it. large cities working men are compelled to CROOKS -At Belgrave, on the 8th inst, weatber- •which devolved upon the Local Government. et the cow treasurer of the city, town ll bounty T m a = I then commenced to work out a new fence,. live so far from their w-rk, on account of aid creeks, aged 72 years and 9 muntbs. He believed the time was not far distant as the case may be. W. HOLDIEa, Co. Trees. Im W 00 c-wi Grey and put up 40 rods of it on my farm, in high rents, that they have either to walk SQUIER-In Brighton, on the 9th Inst, w RSquier, when a total prohibitory measure would not CA a, barrister, formers Jud be required, because of the growth of tem- STATEMENT. ' �-' W. w -4 e" O 00 April, 1884, to prove it. It is standing the several miles to and from their work, or 45th year of his age Judge Squicr, of Goderich, m the i-' & i., =-3 0D s' cn same now as the day it was built. It is so pay car fare, which eats up the difference CO K -In Hullett, 2nd con., on the 13th fast, Ma- e'' peranve sentiment among the people. He Of collections from non-resident lands,be- ' w,P. w constructed that it cannot get out of order, In wages. Besides this be bad "chili tilda, daughter of the late Rohl Cook; aged 18 years believed the Scott Act should not be allowed tween Jan. 1st and April 30th, 1887. Ash- �w m w,°'•• and as a farm fence is, I believe, unequalled. fever" pretty bad; which is enough to and 5 months to come into force unless there was a large field 017.86; Goderich township,$12,95 ; s- o n0 TurnHerry w w Mr. Beacom claims that the fence he has make anyone dislike a Country. and pronounced majority for it. By moral Grev, $275.31; Ha $740.25 ; Howick, $6.05; '-"-' •d 1i'''-' W o °' _ Y+ o c„ r- o c w 8 -1 purchased is better, and so I think it right n D 7 T\ suasion, the teaching of the press, the pulpit Morris, $38.25; McKillop, $158.13 ; Stanley, that an opportunity should be given to the HOLIDAY on No HOLIDAY, WHICH?- TUPj Ell 8 x TIM H leo and the platform, men could only he made $55.46 ; Stephen, $20.32 ; Tuckersmith, o farmers to see for themselves. Now if Mr. Although the 21st has been proclaimed a. sober and temperate, and not by coercion.- $27.b8; Turnberry, $45.37 ; Usborne, $3.99 ; 4 , + N e' r'o+,, Howick Beacom will agree, we will ick out 3 or 5 of holiday b the Governor-General, it iy 33e looked upon the' Scott Act, however, as East Wawanosh, $19; Blyth ; $5.76 ; Brus- a w 0Duo 9 o o W the besb farmers in the township to examine questionable whether it wil! be generally The new tariff largely increases the cost an educational measure, and would, there- `' 00—' OD-`� o `D `s' -- the two fences, and if the decide that Mr. „ _ of producing PhotoQra hs .but eels, $27.17 ;Exeter; $2.08 ;Wroxeter, $22.52; y observed throughout the Province, as the P a e P + Sore, vote against its repeal. Total, $1478.05, W. � w Beacom's is the best, I will never try! to sell announcement is too short to let farmers A vote was taken, first on Cargill's amend- --- nEPORT OF THE COUNTY AUDITOR6. � 4 co„ 0 McKillop a single right in the township. I am told know of it, and Dominion Day, a general- ORC Yrieeq 1'C1111i111 - same -.._.anent to. repeal the Scott Act, which was lost, µ � in to that Mr. Beacom says that his fence can be ly observed holiday, follows too Close. - yeas, 38; nays, 146. Among the yeas were The committee reported that they had ox- ,, m a, a w o na -_ _ put up faster than mine. Well, I am satis- We have asked several business men here 4 four Cabinet Ministers, Sir John being one amined• the•books and vouchers of the trea- w w T fied to have a test of that also. Let Mr. of the number. Mr. •Girouard's wine and surer and found them correct. They showed .. o, � whether they intetided to close up or keep And the quality of our Work is hiphez o Beacom come along and will put up a lfi weer amendment was thea put and lost.- a balance on hand of $1915.50. The state- ,� o„t, �. Clinton year old boy against him, and if he does not open, on that day, but no concerted action than it ever was before. Yeas, 48; nays, 158. meat of liabilities and assets of the county rn c+, , • � o rn � - put .0 more fence in the same time than having been decided upon, it is altogether Mr. S roule then moved in amendment allow its liabilities to be $282,799.64, and its 0D 1,'P' n w o-- ='',- P p likes that while some of the business t p In Mr. Beacom, I will give way. Let us have Y', ' FOSTER, BeaVcr Block, Clinton, that in the opinion of the House, when it is assets to be $93,864.79, of which $71,850 is cw. a fair test, that is all T want. Xoure, places will be closed, the most of them r t "Ound expedient to prohibit the manufacture invested, leaving a balance avmilable for in. w e G c Seaforth JOHN, b. ELLIOTT. will be open as usual. �_ importation and sale of intoxicating liquors, vestment on the 31st Dec. of,$22,014.79. The w w rn _ 00 it should be accompanied by a reasonable treasurer's books were foetid to be well and co rn 10 w cam+', o OD.A t IN HYMEN'S BONDS. -A quiet wedding *1V c`�, duel: tio1311 onto measure of compensation to those who have neatly kept, bo w w WINNI i'E6 HATTEI took place in town early on Wednesday, invested their mousy tin the trade n oder SPECIAL COMMITTEE. IM W N n 1Vfnghani - when Miss Nellie 5traith, second dough- WANTED, A COMPETENT GENERAL SER vanotion of the law. The committee recommended that the 'A W W rs, cn bD w (Special correspondence of the Naty ORA.) ter of Mr' Peter Straitb, was married to, V ,NT"' Apply to MRS. DOWSLEY, Ratten Me. Fisher moved in amendment that the pedlars' and Hawkers' license by-law be as J, ia-- u—S -4 o rn � „ „ Mr Geo N Hyde, of Wfarton; the bride is bury Surest, Clinton, - _ . E question of compensation, being a detail of amended by fixing the fee at $200. [This - Tu be or not to be, that is the quos- well known in town, and universally es- YOhlbition, the right time t0 discuss it will I"' . N tion. Is it to be another rebellion in ENDERS•WANTED.--SEALED TENDER$ WILL . p g was lost in council by a majority of 3, and m w w teemed and she was the recipient of a The received by the undersigned up to July End. be when thedetails of a prohibitory measure an amendment to fix the fee at $100 was also ,ter.. r to w en �'� Brussels Manitoba and the Northwest, or is it not, number of handsome presents Ph -e teach. for furnishing mntertat and erecting a double brick are before the House. lost, by 2 of a majority,] Tne committee c& o w 8 v,.4 because just as sure as there is a God in ars of the Presbyter Sabbath School dweutni to cue ;fry ot'London. Plans sold specieca• Me, Fisher's amendment ,was carried, recommended that the council memorialize "� !` `° Israel there is going to be trouble here over Y tions may be seen at my office or that of 9.he l Peters, Yeas 91; Days, 88,' the Dominion Governirient in accordance i+r� this disallowance bilsinesa'. Iv don't mat (with which she. has. been connected _ft�r coy Eetidarchite erihtihaccepteT`un dsa satlstne ore soHli The House then divided on Mr. Jamiesou's with'the circular sent out b the Ontario w °�' Bl tL some time) especially recogntztng her past Y w rr rn w Y ter whether John Norquay . stands fast or Erroll._ $ay td„tune.-",laa7� _____._._ services. A brother oftbe bride; assisted--- Prohibition resolution, as amended by Mr county council, which -is as follows : That, o � r- n; to -not; if he don't he will only go down with b Rev A Stewart performed the Gere• -- Fisher's amendment postponing considers- the Government be asked that the appro- G' c,, o' g e c, the rent. The Dominion autborities aePro Y P EES -AND 130NEY'FOR SALE:-SU13cJCFYBE13 tion of the' -question of compensation. The priation for the clothing and equipment of ,.. �: near, and after a sumptuous breakfa4t B having a very large number Dt Colonies for sale. motion was lost- ens 70; nays, 112. m o N to have made up their minds that the C.Y. the took the earl train• east. ODed honey producers, and gentle to handle win y the Iain the force be made sufficient to T W m y y We had no other expectation than that all maintain the force in a proper state of tom• v, ,A• w QVroaeter their monopoly moat be upheld, and that . . sold ol at them to any parties f Clinton, and win be fort and efficiency, and relieve the officers �, c c ?' their majority is large enough to do it ; LOST x16 lI4MNAL_-A a Dotyonnman who s immense quantity of first-class honey, both linden. of Hurons representatives would stand by and municipalities alities from the necessity oY well, let me whisper, the Red, River Val- strolls after church and does not bear patient- and clover, at the very lowest prices. J, HINCHLLrY„ p Y � le railroad is going to be • built b the ly all inouinbran6es•that may be heaped upon Cunstanco P. o. •4t the Scott Aot, and we are pleased to ase supplementing the supplies now furnishedby a cn Y g e Y him b the weaker sex, is likened unto a - --- -- - the Government; also requesting that the -400Provincial Government; and the Dominion Y those expectations realized. In three of the q g ,., c a, 00 Totals youth, who, finding a hymnal rather but 1� AGs, BONES CLD RUBBERS, IRON ETC.- amounts paid during last year and the pre- . ,r, v, 0 CA vi r authorities may go, to Jericho beyond, Jor• some, hid it bmbiod the f, nes and proceeded To all stirs concerns. Those due subscriberlast votes taken seven members of the Ministry sent ear, by -the various municipalities in 1: � r T o O o .dial if the like. We are not wing to year's accounts, aro r ay aped to prepare chair track y + Y p + Y g On his long tramp, Lipc,n returning home after this notic0,to pay up when he calls, without' toted against temperance principles, though the Province for the purpose aforesaid, be 00' `O 00 2 b7 c,S,�--1 stand any more fooling, and don't you for- ward he groped for the boost, but, alab ! no. need all dues having o i ebieni under athea doctor's ail soars many of their supporters went the other refunded to them by the Government. JATL,AND COURT HOUSE COMMITTEE• get it. The Conservatives and a great thing came within his grasp save a meauder- • AIR. OARROWS LEGAL OPINION. The committee reported that they had many of the Liberals, have said this arida ing toad. The alarm did its work nNxi-morn• of truck to settle, as well d nu Clinton, for man and way. £Sir Chas. Tupper was absent during horse. Wbh MARTIN, Pedlar, Clinton, Jono14 1887 bhe vote, but Sir John was consistent in that Having considered the question submitted Visited the jail and hound everything clean great deal more, you ra d of get the ill too tog at four r, the , and after two hours of to me concerning the Hawkers' and Pedlars' and in order. They found 12 prisoners in !twee and don't be afraid of rutting in ton trnitlesa labor, the bop returned ltolme s)ur- pROPERTIES FOR SALE, - he voted with the liquor interest every time. by-law, I consider the proposed resolutions jail, 8 males and 4 females; of the 8 males many of them or pitching them toostrong, rowful and heavy, but with a splendid appe- _ The vote on Cargill's amendment is a pigni- go too far. The by-law might• be amended 5 are insane, of the remaining 3 one is a and yet the question ie, still, just as I put ho a bad beafor n abandoned anst. A few dsthecthnueht at workIs all eaudsoffers for saler is7 everyus easonatgite !erne rho scant evidence of the growth of temperance 'so as to require the holder' to produce his vagrant; ons under sentence for attempting it, not ,With regard to the rebellion, but p ' 6 following excellent properties ill the town of Clinton. license to any constable or other peace officer suicide, and the third is waiting trial for -(,ire doing away of disallowance. However, the expense of a new hymnal weighed Heavily Five and one-half acres un VictoriaTerrace,atl plant sentiment, and-should-dO a long Way to ais- whenever required to do. so. A refusal to horse stealing. Of the 4 females, one is'in• there is'uo doubt that there is a terrible upon the young man's mind, the lost friedeasure ed out stable, a market garaou, in splendid order. Goon abuse the minds of those who think that comply with this- would be an offence punish- sane, one a vagrant, one awaiting trial for amount of excitement hero at present,anent was restored, (by our late Demented friend house, three catlars, Sec., an excellent placa,Yor z,Om nerauco i not becoming _a prominent is. 'able under the by-law. 1t would not. I•think, concealment of birth, and one for aiding and thio matterand when the news ofSearthS de• drowned at Bayfield) It is needless to esy Jost across from the above, one and one-half acres, 1 be great addition to the labors of .Lacier, abetting the same. The committee-r-ecom- 'faction to the Watson resolution reached that the youth was surprised and delighted with fruit tress, house, barn, arc., thereon. Sao with the public. mended certain slight improvements to the and has profited by his experience and now Also•two-fifths of an acre on Victoria St., with house __ _--,r•a+�- to require him to inform the clerks of the Court Iloftse and .ail. The a- ,kis report bere the were the sickest lot of Tories in and ,table thereon. muntcipalfties from time to time, Of licenses Y bears His burdens like a little man. Also small house• and one•quarter acre lot on Ma- . HURON COUNTY COUNCIL, issued, It could be done by circular; say was practically a repetition of the above re- �'Viniliper; that it ever was my lot to gaze up tilda Street. _ once a month. In my opinion the by-law port, and therefore it i9 not necessary to re• on; however,whether they are in earnest or. THE SEED WHEAT SWINDLE - Our Full particulars on.application 3 ALLANSON, Clinton applies to every one,whether resident within peat it. i Only whistling to keep their _ courage up, rently will remember that Mr Powell re - The June session was opened Tuesday of or withoat the county, who carries on in the SCHOOL COMMITTEE REPORT. ' the Conservative association waited on slit ceotly succeeded in breaking up an ar. a ��T It week. After approval of the minutes county the trades covered by the by-law. The committee appointed Judge Tome, J. I Norquay to -day, and got from him renewed fan en a that had been catered into be- A Grand A7�.Y�dW b rcy t. of January's session, the warden addressed But it does not apply to persons who per- Tom, West Riding Inspector, and P. Adam- 1 assurances that the road would be built twerp a couple of strangers, and Mr. Ja• She council stating that the congratulatory maneutly live in the county and tlrho sell by eon, as abitrators to consider the petition of and that -the money for the+Province s de- mieson, of the Huron road, which was MUSICAL and FLORAL FEAST acidross to Her Majesty lied been duly for-mple,}gt iso lvliaslolotipasa.irnm.houae,..D_avid Cain and others, relating to S col entures wo �^^��igi[r8 at good supposed b$,g swindle of some derarbp- \v1I.L BF. GIVEN AT HOARE's GaRDP1vs, 'b S a,rded ; also the petition to lite -Ontario to House carr in witL them the coda rho Sectionin ie tO•wnship oiColliotYie. T it+' s y tion, iilthuu �' the agreement s nC Sovarnmeitt praying that no portion of ter- carrying g Y recommended that the report of Mr. D. M. Prices. T6 Bann Iia o: jiave oiferPd g 8 y GRAVEL li0AD1 ON - iter be, fatten from the count of Huron to Ball. There is nothing to prevent any mer- Malloch be printed in the. minutes. The a free grant of twenty acres of land within Mr. Jamieson did not, even on close acru� r formya new count Y Chant in the county sending out bis clerks committee accepted the resignation of Mr, the city limits foe "Kation purpnaea, and it tiny, appear to be in any wap a catch. FRIDAY Eti Ely ING, 24TH OF JDIKE; Y• with Sam les to et orders,which ma after. g certainly looks Reif everybody meant l)tiei- SDbatquent circumatancPs indicate how - Several letters and petitions, of an unim. P g Y Bayle , as High School trustee for Clinton, y p Y Commencing at as0 P. bf. The noted DONE&TY + trent nature were sired acid referred to \yards be lawfully filled. An outsider can- and the coupes appointed Mr. G. E. Pa to Hees. The Knights of Lanor here, held a ever, that this agreement was only the BAND has been secured for the occasion. A geed: not do this in the Case of tea, dry goods or pp Y combined meeting of all the assemblies in bait by which to lead the ifrtended victim programme will be rendered. various committees. jewellery, but if a person resident in the fill the vacancy. intatrouble, On'Thursday last Constable Applications from the Boards of License jeweils the cit last night at which reaulationa y A alrttusE ic>n, inclnd5n 4 t�3tnrucvberr-ieN. Ill county sends out pedlars or goes with goods REPORT OF TuE EQUALIZATTON C091MITTEE. were ant promisingthe support Of that Gill, of 9xeter, arreRted two young men 1C, 4Uelntts. 0%nmissionors for West, East and South from house to houae, he must take a license. ' Your committee have examined the differ- bed to thGovernment sops nt sa they, giving the Dames of Steinmetz ane Rub - hidings were read, the former asking for I understand a case of hardship to local mer- ant rolls and find them correct in the ma- y y arta (the latter being a falintoDian w, ll --i` $1172.6•P, rho East for $1381.42 and the chants is caused by outside tea merchants g , were true to their pledges. fir George jority of oases, except as to the acreage We � P g K known under another t "met on a charge South for $1276,33, to assist in enforcing the who formerly $old through pedlara or by recommend that the reaves of the various Stevens telegram done the Busiir eis;wbew, whomg 3 T R A W B E R R E $ Scott Act, were referred to Finance Com- sample, now arranging with parties resident municipalities instruct their assessors in what fine esploaions of profanity, DO one of n sell swindling farmers to farmer they Zur-had mittec. within the county, whereby snob persons be. future to take more pains in making the Ad- who has never been west can realize; it set been rel ed Zimmhitat.erman, A farther Dear rim. For sate by the BASKET, se ,thRiliTE, Or SON. !Jell Applications from W. Russell Bishop, of come the purchasers and can therefore law- ditions of the various columns, We have every one up on, their ear, even the par ich, named L.immermaif, was the victim. Grey, and F. B. Litlfield, of Colborne, for. fully, as resiaenta of the county, sell by no cause for ohaaging the ualized values, sous, Mr. Silcox, of the Con re ational Aecerding to what Mr Gill acid they first, PANSIES A SPECIALTY, SEEDS AND. PLAN" admission to the Ontario Agricultural Col sample, so long as they don't peddle the tea. except in the case of the ton of Clinton, church, preached a specisl•eerm n denouna sold him three bushels of seed wheat at - FOR BAB&, lege, were read and referred to the Finance That is an ingenious evasion of the s.It te, which has been raised $20,000 on its per- tog monnpoly.laatSunday evesing,it is den- $4 Per bushel, for which he signed the C. 110A' RIR, OOmmittee, and amendment of it, not amendment of sonal property. We reconsimend that the cribed as aometbing wenderfgl. 1,did_not harmless agreement; thea, notieiag his CLINTON BTRAwf3F28RY QROUfIf1S J petition from residents of Morris, Gray your by-law, is required to meet that Case. Warden and Clerk take the necessary steps hear it, so will not attempt to describe it. fine barn, Steinmetz wanted to lease it to £nail MoKillop;' pkaying that a.hawkere and J. T. GABRow. procure from the Crown Lands depart- This will rnbabl ive ou a taint idea of : store the large quantity of seed grain he p W11ors' iicentle be granted free t0 WHl• 'REPORT OF NORTH HURON SCHOOL INSPECTOR. meat and the Canada Colrapa11y's 01900, the p Y B y heel would the farmer sign A lease for it Glall� GOR ION t0 �HGLA�I� Stawart, who was unable to work, was correct acreage of every township in the how u feel on this loaner, and there is > g . , To the Warden and members of the g he would eta cod commisalon, and as granted. Count Council of Huron. -Gentlemen. -I county. [A motion that no change should no doubt it is a grate state o[ affairs, and he would not want to use the barn until Roved by Mr. Cox, sec. by Mr, Whitely, Y be made in the acreage, was lost on a divi- it behooves'earnest tbinking men who wish the fall, it would b0 earning something. that ermission be venthemtinioi al conn• have the honor to submit my annual report well to their county to "use and cooaid- p � P sten, and the report adopted. y' P Thie is oat where the catch is staid to have cil of the township of Goderich to open a of the Public Schools in the Inspectorate of North Huron; for 188ti, and in doing so tom- nEPORT of THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. er where the party blindness of both our ,occurred. The farmer consented, and a Toad from the Maitland ooiioesaion, through fine myself chiefly to a detailed statement political parties is hnrrpi»g ne to. lot 88 in. said concession, to .he road leading Y Y The committee rscommeaaod that Charles yenta, aLvc., W. SMALL. fes” daya afterwards he found that instead -76 AA12 +•n the bridge over the Maitland river to the showing the total receipts and expenditures Lingard, of Centralia, in the village of . Wmnl a June let. Of putting his name to the lease, he had �wnsltip of Colborne, at a uniform width of of each municipality, the amount paid dar- Stephen, be accepted as want Of the Conn ty, , P ff, _,_ #.-- signed a note for $240. After the sorest SATURtyAY, JULY �� 188i ';"f feet, pursuant to statute. Carried. ing the year for teacher's salaries, the num, and the Stephen members be empowered, to both were taken to Exeter for examina- Tho steamship Arable,ofthe \vhitestar Line,wlutenvo .+� bei• of teachers entered on the various re is- MEntcos.-Ar the meeting of the On• tion but as there was nothingto show on A petition of Some 2,160 names was 11rC• g make provision for his noxi tario Medirld'Aasociation at 'Toronto, last r etoamer,aud athaity from this Afiaceisn wObbeeingar �fnted nHlting that isle ilaWkOr. Gild pedlars' tern, the average cost per pupil for salaries, session of the Council. Tho License Com. , , thin Roberts so called bad an other 1 O aended by raisin the license the number of teachers employed. Rc. It missionere for the East, West and South week, Dr. l'RVior, of Goderieh,waR elect« d ( ) Y ranged intake tits trip. All pathics affairs In to e h law ;f afford. mO pleasure to report that the pro• Riding having int in a croien for expenses one of the •Vice•Presidents and Drs. connection with the matter than appear- trlptojexc excursion, should- fall particulars affairs and takD i Y' to $LQO. mit wa. then moved by Pit•. g g l thin oxeuralon. For roll pnrticulsrs apply to. Ive toing, sem by 11'ir. Camet•on, that the grecs in a large number of schools is pretty of onforeing the Scott Act, amounting in all Worthington, of Clinton. and Scott, of ing as a witness to the agreement slana• satisfactory and creditable. This i. more I tures, he was discharged and the other W. JACKSON. bylaw b,. 90 amended, which wa. referred { to $3829.40, it Wa. recommended that the Seaforth, members of the Executive Com eomnnitted for trial, I AGENT, - CLINTON. t,O the Sp( ".ial ('oiumif.t.ce. i Tt twill be seen particularly the case where teachers remain demands be not paid. anti that the items Of mittee.