HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-06-03, Page 6. ...
FRiDBY, JUNE 3,18$7. By afire In New York on Frtday, 1,300 The Governos•Geaeral returned to SUNABIBS. '� ]' D
r _ _ __ ..-. horaaa were burned to death. Ottawa t to Thuraduy, mt cling with enthu Fi _ r 1SLE
�( 1�T � � �si alio recti tions at the Ca ital and laces ERSEY BULL FOR dERVIUE-Tail, 6UB- J lJ 1 J lL ''L`JX+� %�1�fI
�.-- _ _ It is generally believted in. Ottawa that P P P P JERSEY
keope for service, London Road,
NEWS NOTES. - Mr,Cllapleau will become Lfeuteaant-Gov.• along the route, . Stanley, a well bred ,Jersey Bull, Terula-si at
Mexican women shop in their carriages time of acrvlec, with Drivilt;go of raturninK 1Y 1 113JENSE STOCK OF—
ernor of Quebec. g necessary, CHAS. -AVERY, Stanley. dit
It is said that L. A. Oliver, barrister, Dissatisfaction soon the Iialfbreeda and make the clerk bring out to the curb•
Ottarra, will be appointed Judge of Prea- and Indiana of the.Northweat is again taus- st ,ne the goods they want to see. Only A YRBHIRE BULL FOR SERVICE. —THE �� _ _ � _ � 1
On and Russell, in succession to the late ing grave anxiety. servants and foreigwers buy at the counter, LA subscriber keeps for service at his premie' in
If men cannot work over eight bours as, aurou Rood, Goderit•h Township, near
g Cllntou a well-bred Ayrshire Grade Bull; Has
Judge Daniell. The Connecticut legislature has passed a day without bodily injury and personal proved �himaelf a sure breeder. Taints, $1 at To select fico, all Fresh, Now Goods. Every effort has been exerted to supl�
A bird's nest found on a roof near the laws prohibiting Sunday excursions and sacrifice, how many hours should constit- time of Bervv ce, with the privilege of returning the public. We show this week a special lot of -
IInited States mint in Washington was forbidding saloons to be open between 11 the a day's work for their wives? perti- 1f neceasur . ALBERT lirAY.
beautifully tinted with gold. The parent p.m. and 7 a.m, neatly asks the Detroit Tribune. . LA17IF.Si � CHT.L.DRENS I"iATI�
bird had carried off gold dust iw itg feath- Wfapipeg has not entirely got away from HOROUGHBRED DURHAM BULL FOR
SERVICE. Tho oul,sgriber has for service
era and shaken them out in its tiny home. the effectal of the boom. Last year the cit The writs have been issued for the also- a t SERVICE.-The
Durham bull on tot 28. con. to,
Y At unapproachable prices. See oar CAEAP CORSETS, our' grout Bargains iii
Children playing with fire crackers sold over.$50 000 worth of property for fauna in East and W eat Algoma. Noma- between
The sandal is of dark red color,weighsold. P P y rte has 1,e00 and 1,700 lbs, and is a ears old. HOSIERY and GLOVES. Our fine line of
Wali, n day is June 23rd and pulling day
started a conflagration that destroyed the tales, and this eummor $60,000 worth will He has a rirst-class edtKreo and registered 1n �, '
residence of Mr. Thomas, a farmer living be offered at the tltx sale. July 7th in both constituencies. There is the now Domfuiun erd book. TERMS, $1 with t�
aatatutory provision that the Provincial the Privilege of returning if necessary. A. SWlss EMBROIDERIES slid WHITE LAWN M�sltus
near Tranquility, Brant county. Loss I purify your blood and regulate your liver and heat of summer,elections•--for those constituencies shall JAMIESON. Londeaboro.
;1,000. Aire. Thomas was bali(y burned. and thus arve a dost raras r's bill by the timely use take place in the summer, which is the OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. — A FRAME Our great variety of PARASOLS at selling prices. Our lai-ge assortment of
West's Liver Pills -genuine in blue- I of West's Liver Pills. All druggists. reason why these elections were not hold H House, with two lots on v,utoria street near
ttestandard remedy forhvercompladur,dispop• JERSEYS. These goods are Bar•g..ins in quality and prices.
at the time of the General Eleotiari in Lane's old hotel, belm,g{ng to the estate of trip tato
sla,indiBestion,aud sick headache. All druggists I The first train on the Canadian Paeifio December last. The Liberal candidates John Sterhenson, is offered for sale. The house is ,�_
While a number of citizens were return- i Railroad reached the Vancouver ocean comparat very new with nine rcoms had stone collar.
are Messrs. Lyon for East Algoma and On the lots are ham and soft water, stable, dee: The
ing from prayer meeting near Dexter,Mo. terminus Tuesday. Hitherto trditls atop- Conmae for Weat Algoma -the e8-mem- property is advantageously situated and will bo sold Millinery,'
suwday fight, James L. Butler was struck ped at New tVeatmiuister. There was a bete• ou reasonable Corms. Apply to otth6 J. STEPHEN- � ees l eys ".�. b1'1 po ri �-m.. - .
by ligh ing Sud killed and Robert McCain great celebra' ion over the complete n of 80N, Clinton, or O. SWINSANK, London Road.
,,..-. ________ _ _______
b6a paroling ia, Four others w•eresevorely the linea el Boston sea captain vretled Hawaii in DEES FOR SALE=rWULVE COLONIES OF � ��• � --� - - _-'-�
shocked, , A Bergen Oouny, Now Jersey, ruattc 1420. He'anchured his ship off Honolulu 1 pure itailian Bees and two colonies of Sgrtuu
invited a young man of Now York to spend and had his maete and spars' well varnished Bees, They ore to the Jou d Hive, nn combs _W00' � • WAWTE A Winnipeg photographer recently ex a da with him in Chu counts On Sun- iu honor of aro at visit which was ex- hunt r tun aheete a plentytato a)- --uyo -
lribitQd a Case full of phutograplie of hie Y y Y wtutorad well, and have Plenty stores to spring
_,• day in then• walk through the woods the ported. The King and Queen of the with, Are of a aentlo atratn and Pneyto handle
delitore,each being labelled with the name, cit eau m Trico from gB to s7 fie. occordLI to aft•ength Ut
addrere, and indebtedness of the person Y young an caw what h supposed was 3dndwich Islands swam out to the ship in bees and•numbrrof combs given,—WILLIAM ANY QUANTITY, FOR CASH OR IN TRADE FOR, GOODS
a sandbag, hung there for gymnastic exer- o ,etumea scantier than seemed consistent HARTRY, 5t Arbain, Immediate) north of Dr
tiepresented. Every one of the exhibued else, and rushing •up he struck it a hl
with their high pueitiou. • Wheu 'they Smith's. y
caw -sue him for libel. which kuocked a hole clean th' ough it, rca had the vessel they showed their - - - - Under fresh maramingent w'a are prepared to do better for our customers than ever before. On
Y u _ account of tvorldja,_��: < can
A merino ram'st Middlebury, Vt., pro- He is now to the hands of a nurse. The I agility by climbing to the spars and perch- B giveuEhaL lac bridge �ross ttheSRiivermatt- who ship to rattier placed', and we areal going to do so ff We have a large st price
of all than
f Gort�
duced a weight of 2tJ pounds and 11 ounces sandbag proved to be a lively neat of , wQ thereon. Varnish, however, re no laud, on concession road No. 80, lot No. 28, made by ourselves, exclusively for gour utbce trade, which the guarantee will ,give the highest
of fleece from 37fi days' growth, although hornets, I respeetor of persons, and the Royal pair (kt.owu as Wataou's Bridge) in the township of satisfaction.
the carcase weighed only 100 pr,unda, the o I had difficult in leavIn their loft seats. Huuott, and county of Huron to unsafe far Pnh• We make Yarns of all kinds Tweeds Flannels Blanket-, Sheeting. Shirts
f West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment, Y g Y Ito travel, and that all parties travelling over a g.
wool being nearly 30 per cent. that rt the a superior remedy for neuralgia. rheumatism, I A young lad named Wm $nzacott,abuut said bridge will, after the ,lay of the data of the ' ' '
carcase. Another ram which was sheared lama back, sprains, bruises, cuts, barna or hublieation of this notice, do so at their own and Drawers. Ask for our Knapped Sheeting.
15, who worked for Mr. Jua.' Grandy, near trek, Doted at Iluttott cur+ nineteenth da of •
of his sixth fleece, gave 28_1 pound: of un- wounds. Cheaper, goes further, lasts longer Calloden, was killed by s Dolt the other April, A e 18at Be ruder of the nth day of We have also an excellent stock of FINE WOOLLENS, which we can trade for wool very cheap
than any other. All druggists. council of the Township of nullatt. JAMES and we can give TWO CENTS per lb. more than market price for word. We are prepared to
washed woo;. day, in a very strange and unaccountable P
West's Cou rh Syrup cures t+hoo in -cough, Two little girls who had been terribly BRAITH WAITE, Township Clerk. 4i do CUSTOM WORK better and quicker than ever, and are bound to give satisfaction, as ileal
whoopin manner, He was sent out to the field have a man in charge Of that who understands his business. 6 y°DON'T STOP UNTIL YO
asthma, bronobitia, consumption and all throat burned by the explosion of a lamp were to brio in the cult but &she did not return �T n [�T COME RIGHT TO THE MILL, as we have no branch office elsewhere in town. Our ottIl�
and lung difficulties. 25c., 50o., $1, All„ilrug• taken to theBnffalo General Hospital a see�eh was mads for him and when found •1N E vv ERA BAKERY. authorized representative with waggoti ii NIR. JAMES SCOTT.
data, , few days age and were brought out to have was lying urn ,trsclous on the ground with
One of the hi hest-aalariedskilled work- their wounds dressed at a clinic, The The subscriber ihot would intimate to the people CLINTON WOOLLEN MI4' LS►. -
g his face terribly cut and bleeding profuse- of Clintontutou ,hat he has bought out the baking
men in Chicago is an expert safe -opener Doctor told the students that unless he 1y, the colt having; kicked him on the aide buslness lately carried on by Mr. Dunlup, and
employed by a large safe and lock oompapy, could graft the skin, one of the girls would of the"head and fare, The ono lad was gilt continue the some at the old stand. He T, H. GRAHAM, Manager, D. GRAHAM, Proprietor.
there. He was once a well-known burglar, die, as her back was a mass of ulcers and young h s had a long Practical ionexpto
a and by gtv-
earried to the house and medical aid sent luQclose personal attention to the'bueinesa to _,_ __ ____.____-_ _
but reformed when released from the-peue proud flesh; Thirteen of the students for, but be died in a few minutes after all its branches, hopes to merit and receive
tentiery s few years apo. He then secured promptly hared their arms, and the ,i)netoP a share of phblio patronage. Bread delivered
reaching the house. Mr. Grandy lost a at usual prices. A large stock•of Cakes and
" employmout with the firm and has been shaved off the skin with an extra sharp oon.a few years ago in a similar way, Confectionery alwuvt• on hand, Ifoe_(;Leam sup- _ s _ - ,,�, ..
with thear ever since, ' _ razor. He then scraped the child's back, lied for parties. J 1 EVA' ( T � '
Wm. Schaefer, living at Campbell Sta. W �• �r, L.LJI- • g A �
A Boston broker lost a package of X14,- and grafted 9n the foreign euticulo,proroie- r —
000 on the street and a newsboy • who iug recovery du six weeks, tion, five miles front Tilbnry Centre, has rxECUTOR'S NOTICE, -Notice is hereby -- ,
picked it up and chased him three blocks The authorities of the City of Atlanta Udell arreated on a 3harge of murdering his he given t, altForst Persons ,ehaving o1„i ms against the
the estate of Wm. Forster, deceased, tate of,he XN ANY (,1t7ANTTPI,
to return it was rewarded with the magni• Ga., arp determined to enforce the prohi- wife. Schaefer claims that on.,voinq._h.ome township of Colborne, in the county of Huron, _ ”
ficeat aft of, L0 cents. He would have bition law in that lace.” A romiuent Tuesday night; --he-found his wife dead on who died on or about December29, A. D. 1886, to
g P P aeb.-lo A. so ster.M Markham
mF..O day of May, At Corbetts Woollen Milk Store,
given the lad 15, but be and h quarter and citizen who had been convicted of selling the floor at the foot of the bed, with her 1887, ut A. Fureter, Dlarttham P. O., secretary or
couldn't make change. The boy is doing liquor was sentenced to pay a fine of $500 head crushed, and a broken lamp near her. Executors of the said Nm. Forstr,thelr names,
well under the circumstances. and to work; thin. days on the rock -pile. Ilia theory was that his wife had gond up- uddreircl and description se and full y) held by Coo er's Old Stand o. osmle Soflrens' Dr; Goods ,Score Clinton.
y y p of their el;uma uud the security (if any) hold by P 1'P ✓ l ,
Jennie Andereou, daughter of a weathy He has already begun brooking rock for claire with a ]amp, struck her head against them. Immediately It
the said date the
_ farmer' and the belle of Rockville, 11fo., the benefit of the city. When he is set at t e culling, which is lower where the stairs Executors will proceed to d6tribu c the said
"tato, having regard oelp to su,•h claims of FARMERS, bring us your wool and you will get the Hi_hest Prices eitherin.casli
was criminally assaulted a week ago by liberty he will probably exercise more care ter the room above, unci' had fallen wbteh they shall have bad notice. All persons or trade. «a will give you a few cents more for yonr wool in exchange fur goods, sad chat.
John V anally nrgb. Vabderburgh was in hie method of violating the law. At- downstairs. Neighbors claim that Schae indebted to the said estate,aro requsted to softie antes goods at cash prrops:,dRemember, our -goods are all of the very best quality, and we`"�'
for has often severe] beat his wife and tho arae befpre tho above dote. Dated this 15th can guarantee the beat assortment in the county' to choose from, OUR FINE WOOL
committed for trial Tuesday, during lawns is a dry town now, trod the Prohibi- Y ' day of April, A. D. 1887.
which three shots were fired�all taking tioniste aro determined to keep it so as discredit his story. BARBARA FOk51'ER, , TWEEDS, KNIT GOODS, rbc. are oht,ined direct from the leading Fine Wool Mills.
effect on the risoner. He was instantly long as they can. That's business. The English con3ul at Cadiz Buys the Hotucatllte, Executrix. telt ANY ONE IVANTING A FINE SUIT OF CLOTHES, GIVE tTS,A CALL AAD
killed. A .brother of the victim was at•- West's Pain King -the house renledy,Always Canadian salt Bali trade with Spain has for lIumesville. Exocutns. I '
ears been heavily handicapped. The A. FOltMarki. F E COR4ETT WOOLLEN MILLS AGENT CLINTON
rested on suspicion of firing the allots, useful. Never fails to cure cholera morbus, Y Y Pp __ s,rER,nt.
pains in stomach or bowels, cramp, colic, chills anticipation the Dominion would secure a - , f
Delicate females, old people and children are or summer complaint. 25c. All druggists. fair u„rtinn of the trade as a result of the ((7OUNTY OF IIUI1ON EXAMINATIONS. 1887 —
lJ Second class nlprufcssional examination at the���
'hlways pleased with West's Liver Pills. Mild, The St, Paul Pioneer Press of the 21st • ommercial convention between Great High Schools in tbecuunty off :londay,4th Ju y, 9a,m. .,i?'a;. 7(jE HLEBRl4TED nRI SSAIAKING - THE UNDERSIC3N1vlb
effective, and they always cure. 30 su;ar•coated contains a letter from its Bottinoau., Dak„ B ., ain and Spain roved fallacious The" Third class nonprufus3sional exatninntiun at Z�be High ti' V R ft' 'r� iJ has commenced dressmaking at her rest;
uggia Shouts lu the County un TuosdAy, 12th July', 9 a, In. ,D . aiASE J 1 Bence, Ki, ¢.Slreet. direct) o ,poato the Foun-
pike 2uc. All dr ts. P P . z ;..; 1� 5 y i
correspondent,•ii t
tubo 'ie a (shade n, in, Government bounty snablea the French. FirstclasA, rias a, Monday, lira July, 1 ,n. First Naittl�fi�
The residents of Custicook in theEasternI p• %Irk: dry, where she will be prepared to till all orders
i.have been teat] disturbed re which it is stated that no fewer than 60 colonies to undersell ours the difference in stash, grade Aand B, Tuesday. 19th July, 9a.m. C;tii to her tine, on short notice and at roasonable
Townships ha greatly ' didaten w•ho wish to u•ritu nt either d;llnton or Senfurth. l•+?t, V" iDp%0 E Lli� , rates Having had coustQerable exPorienoo• bH
• P settlers from Manitoba have moved into rice amoulitinr to eight or trine shillings y
cantly by outrages committed by opponents his district, ,alone since April 1 bringing per City ]tilos. The state of affairs is pvcu- o.`, not lnnottternhai titeLLl tlIlav' tatin gwhictlr. �tofetilO 1_ , 1.1 all who eels lfavorthe�r twith theirpatronageattotna a MWS
n P
of the Scutt Act. A few nights ago the P ' � school. the uixh to write at, :and those w.ho wish to �o�' ' ' ";�'• lid 1 R >�
1Vadleia with them•1JS horses and cattle, together liarly hard to the colonies, for while talc y' r;; �/1' r,, L BUOTFI, Clinton
Te8ldenCCe of Messrs. McKee, h write at Godorich tnu�t nutIfyJ E.T(Ius, P.9 I,, Exeter; .P, • `� , ('•;; I; t I; - .
with farm mach;nery and household goods Ing no an average 150 cargoes of salt year- at tbo same date. Tae notice must be nccomponiW ?t 1'
and Moultod; three active work -era frir the u, b,
alCrlttACt iu the cuunty,were atoned. Such
valued at $22,400, all of which, Of course, Iv from Cadiz, we du nut sell a single cargo ti ji tie a 21�d'class#examination. if at\n'uamc for
be for- i!'; 'h ® _ .i ,' iu't' .121. `^� •
occurrences have extended over several
were admitted dory free, The correspon- o. fish, warded to tlto Department unless the fee accompanies " r �: �' ' f "�
dent adds that " all almost unbroken 1" ' It 5�:
A Mail cable ram says :—CiladatOttiAno it. 1•'ornts of apphcatum may be had from the serer- f} d
mlotltha, and the Scott Act people are sub- sirens]" of emigrants From Manitoba, is q Y cretary, The Head masters of the lligh Schoolsiviil °a d 1' ..
g admit have-- lost, and- Il.ist heavily, please sand the applications of their candidates to the f 1' _. i
octad CO & systematic roaecution. I� fj .r � N�lg �/ pyy a� E ES
3 Y P crossing the boundary into Dakota and s nee the session began. -Flume Rule is countyl»Apeccoruf the division m which the High L ;.ri LVER Otti8iaE1 �IS�ASES t:? �` _"
A travelling sleight-of-hand man visited iViintlesota, I f ether , ff Coercion neuter. Glndstunians school i:.,tuataa. F1r,t cht•A candidate-, send their ~ 11 , a as in!ruigertt +nan wants to par ,'..
an Indian encampment in Idaho the other Amnug the a3sengers on the westbound I k n nppliewtons it) the a,•cretary Education Department, r•, rn:,;sJ'r•o>%n7,arlieswhose standing in j
do He tack one of the cam doffs in P sive wee er, L'ninnists, stronor'r. The 7•o,•ont.,. PL•'Tb:R AUA.113U31, Secy. J3, Examiners, tl+ 1• cul et.lin:8 is a quarantee for the ,
y P Michigan Central train, which arrived at •country is far morea•,xious t" save Parlia. Go.crml. April_r•th, 18,+7, 1 • •' +njtlf-irv-a7 ,,.4." This sterling motto is
>hand and Bonn drew a large number of, Detroit over the ConadaSonthern division --- ri truuin red�;rdtopatent medicines, buy
coins froth his tail,to the intense astonish• trent than to protect Ireland from such an t :• c,,, ,n; amine by im4dical professional men.
Wednesday evening was a toddling little I invasion of its liberties as Mr. Plorley bo- - s ... t n.dst: i:, tw; ellandfavorablyknownby I
meat of. the Indians. When he left the girl, scarcely thKee years old, c ha had Heves the Crimes pct will enable Cho Gov- ? ro•%+,t Luka to requira.uuq recommends• _
1. :. v
Indiana promptly kill9d the dog and dis' been put abroad the train at 4Vendigo, 1 ornment to carry on. Thero is no expects- Pimples, Boils, >. C,r+:c:',: Liver Cure has n•rbceipt boot:
y.. �. A ,oto secure] attached to her dress ae.t . ,,ur•d every bottle trhfcliis worth its ,c
• aectud hrm.._.They, wgrE.;r."end to_I nth the
.e-_Q,mt,.-.- n . Y tion of iasolutron a d no belief that the
ma leash when the found no mono ill r �"_'__
g Y Y ata ed that filer nameivas L7TUt s-VPcrnda; reagnt f}ufntlist=nt'tt m it eau-be�lis }aced _, ull,CarbuAcles tesuttjrom p„dchilitute,Q,. ;_, ;::.=1 - gp ey li lei, ., e o i _ - �'t� j�(1 t p
P 7 Y P C t...,-T.tcererte'ls„nararltcentoei)se 1'11y36�.1@tl ��� Ai� S E Ic9Gl-IlBstitate -- ...-.
him. and that site was on her way to her moth- The Liberal embarrassments pl•ovuka cries impoverished, or impure condition of the f,r;,:n;; frn:u a torpid or inactlta.
Why will you suffer when one bottle Of er's home at Jackson. The note was writ- of despair from the.Liberal organs, They blood. Ayer's Sarsapal•illa prevents and ' , I :,s 9.1Aer Complaint, Dyspepsia. �•_.�,F,�M,0 � -�- j
SNeat'a Worlds WoaJe>o will relieve, anti two 1 ri I";nn, lt)Nun,;w-s4, .ladtrillee, head. ;
ten in a feminine hand and'requested con- flatly rebuke their d rtsh allies, and implore I cures these eruptions and painful .tumors, ,; ., tri, r,r !=•,n, ,, ;nitatr tamplcxron, a/c.,
” %three bottles cin a any case of rheumatism, 258, - --- - ---
doctors and trainmen generally to be good them to ado t a clic lesaoffaneiveto the by removing their muse; the only efl'ect- ►'{?= K? DhEY3 TiIE KIDNt=rS QrQst'izscl r''itls a: Qrril 6tu:Y ar ofg➢rices
and 50c. Your duggists sell it. P policy
- The Toronto Mail Ba s :-Tho low price to the little traveller, and to be partica- English people. Already they are demand- ual tvay of treating them. 1,.:. ('ua"•I:'.1,:, or Core i9 a certain cure for Experienced antl Sklllful H'l:ystclatas
Y larl careful of her in crossing the river. ing th it, obstruction should be ahandr.ned , , ,.li:rul,:,I, of thu I.i,lneys,such as purn in I rad F r,;eo.ns for Elia treatment of
of Agricul.tur6l'products, and the fact that Y g P Ayer's Sarsaparilla has prevented the I , ; ,;_ „ti,, in lute„ pm•t,on of the abdomen,
Special Officer Batton kept the little one after Whitsuntide or so modifiad as to de• list'tit course of Boils which have taine,l all Chronic Lplseas.
there is no sign of anAimprovement, are , + d :,t a .,l.e to p.t,; i;r,ne, red nal white
under his watchful eye for two hours and rive the Government of all excuse for and distressed me every season for several r:,, 'b'60iing wk -1114 ,1, Irnsaage, Bright's s. SUCCESS. i without doubt Beriuusly affecting .the p0sf- P years. -Geo. Scales Plainville Bich. i' :. • r,n,11,11 r:•inory 1'rouble_, err. I �' FIELD �® a�� ����
then saw her safely on the train for the saying time is wasted over unessential ' ' 1 ;;. t,,nr „•,o'l,Or. it 14•ill clll•C 3*OU. cold s
tion and con-dation of the Ontario farmer. Y g
west. details. I was badly troubled with Pimples on b; x,,11 tie,,;.a-.a:It,CIXJ pe,+bnttic,
Mr. John Frothergtil, of Burlington, who the face • also, tvilh a discoloration of the t7➢ig Dioe7as s, Liv rr avid rKidney
West's Pain Icing should be kept in every 2•, lr;DllA4 DA. Fk it O„ Lung ®,sea dd Liver seed Kidney
farms 400 sores, unencumbered, and has D. R. 11lallard writes as follows from skin, wliicli showed itself in ugly.dark;RA( 1Dlsoasotq
house for sudden attacks of cramps colic, paint- 4ot ncwls rca calx »c., orotlu , Bladder Uitrea;eg, 1fDiaeas
probably route capital and bettor facilities er's colic, cholera morbus, flux and dysentery. Sirup Ste. Marie : There is work here fur. p:uches. No external treatment did moreor IVoinon, Blood Diseases rend Nor
�w .-
p g majority Only 2:5c, All druggists, p than temporary good. Ayers Sarsapa mills
OusAffee'Ioris, em•ed here ton• at homat hes dis oral than the teat ma crit of a few ear enters and a few Stonemasons aa,,farmers, tells us that his rofits for the last and brickla ars but for ]shoran men it is rills effected with or without seeing the patietrt. ComeanA
pi Y , € e us, or send ton cents in stains for our
A sad accident occurred on Wednesday overrun. I see dozens here 1n one da i` 1 ll 1 4YlnvalIds' Guide hook s+ pthree or four years have been nil. y A Perfact Cure, �U�� s Vi Oil " 1] Rot11 C ' relrieh givi
in the township of Dalton, about 27 miles looking for work and I. baileys that I I all particulars.
A man named Leggett was sentenced to from Orillia which resulted in the death g ' and I have not been troubled sauce.- t1 Norvoue Nocturnal
kang at Reidsville, Tirnall'county,Georgia of Dr. Johnston A. Ards h of that town, would be safe in Baying that hundreds T. W. Roddy, River st., Lowell, :bass. — DELICATE and all'niorbld Coura.. a
dFriday for murder. The Governer res it- g ' wish they were back home again, but have I was troubled with Boils, and toy After bel» thoroughly olerbaulcd old re•b'tted with caused by Y'oTnhtul Foil*
" ed him Thursday'- Reidsville is fort ml es The deceased, in comp�Dy with Mr. Geo, no money to take them, and the boarding health was much impaired. I began NEW NIACIIINEBY of the most approved kinds tbcso DISEASES. Iles and Pernicious sol
Y• Y Thomson, of Longford mills, drove out to and lodging houses are all full. When using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, to clue mllls are now in splendid running order, and will not tary Practices are speedily
from a railroad or telegraph station. Leg- the Black River. Air. Thomson left de- time the eruptions all dlsa eared ,and be surpassed tit the quality of the work done, by any slid permanent)y cured by o
ett'slaw el, left afternoon arriv. the boat strikes the wharf -here they coon PP + nail in country. 6peciulists. Book, poet paid, to cta. in stem
g Y Y • reseed to drive down the road while my Itealth was completely restored. -
in at Reidsville after the noose ]tad been iticluire how times are and say how disap- John R. Elkins, Editor Stanley Observer, Rupture, or Breach, ra
g he went along the river bank or)d upon elated the are to find themselves in a e , r { �i �� eau cures, Ivtthout the kni
placed about Leggett's neck and the black corrin out u on the road where he in• P Y AlbemarYe, N. C. S cdal Attention ttd en to GRiJTIIIG. RUPTURE. without dependence up "
ca drawn over his faro. The bheriff was g P strange place with neither money or work. g , b truseee and with ver !top
P etructed deceased to wait for him, he found I was troubled for a loft time with a y t8
to all the tea when the lawyer Then they are told that if they do not g0 (tumor which appeared on my,tace In ugly — - 1 in stamps, Pain. Hook sent for -ten ren
- preparing P P Y the team had passed. He followed, and on the railroad they won't get a day's Pimples and Blotches. Ayer's Sarsapa- PILE TUMORS, and STRICTURES
arrived, and waving the -papers in the air CROPPING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE.
found at intervals the buggy, cushion and t�ork in a wiontb, they have Come too rills cured me. I consider it the best treated with the greatest sucrase. Book sent
stopped the execution and saved his clients whip, and a little further the horses quietly 90n. Then about one in ten will start blood purifier in the world. -Charles H. sett>rnctlo„ g»arantcad. Parties wanting auythigg - for ten cents in stamps, Address woRtmo
neck. oro iw� saes at Cho roadside but no sin Smith, North Craftsbury, Vt. whatever in this line Mill find it to their interest t DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, 063 MaaM
PP r, t� g for the railroad. They have to walk „0 give Ili a call, Streets Buffalo, N. Y:
Hire. Annie Boyd, wife of the man who of the deceased. He then drove rapidly miles to the of arest work, and when they Ayer's Sarsaparilla g The treatment of many
shot and killed Wm. B. Johnson at hock- bactc, and about two hundred yards from get 51,.75 a day and pay $4 a week for T E. lit:BER, Proprietor. tdhieenses pccuuiu {Seel those
ford, Aiich..last summer,sued Christopher the place where Ire loft theldeeeased,he was board, but they tell me it is a bard place Is sold by all druggists and dealers 1n mad- - .- _ . - - DISEASES ��
, Poet, a Bnlooniat of that place, -claiming fonnd on the road face downwards with a iciue, Ask for'Ayers Sarsaparilla, and Nnr0MAXEN
for men. I would advise one and all to HEALTH I S. WEALTH • °WOMEN.
o o do not be persuaded to take any other. »t the I Instil' Hotel a t-
�0,000 damages, alleging, in her bill that blow upon hie.temple and quite dead, It silly away fror�T here until somg time in tr[nv at4Aux surgical Institute, has at
previous to that date her husband was a is supposed the, doctor was seized with a t ks start." Prep[redbyDr. J.0.Ayer &Co.,Lowell, Mass. c3y ,r • forded large experience in adapting tame
p PP June, when the public ver j price 81; six bottles, Yr;. a�' `re for their cure, 'and.
good provider, a loving partner -of her fit, to which he was subject, and fell out Q•
goys, and that their trouble was dtie•to of the buggy, the blow proving fatal. A story is, told in the Washington cor- I * HD It. H°H1s•iiaCiErtS
Boyd having been sold liquor in this aa- A Wilmington, Del,, despatch says :- respoudence of the ,Baltimore Sun of a , - --
loon. The case has been hotly conteated Charlea Blake, a once hard criminal, was young lady, the daughter of a dead army ®� -�� �`� ���� ; f p• t
in the Cilcnit Court at Grand Rapids, ro , released from Newcastle jail recently, after ufllcar, who, to assist in supporting her _ ;1..t i Fav®rite Preset ip lion
aultin in the jury rendering a verdict in finiahin g a three mother and sister, applied for an appoint- -''
g J Y 6 Years sentence for bur- P ;it. L-0 WEST R,I %'/•$u/' ]�•TL:RES1', •�• TREATMENT;:;,;._'
favor of the plaintiff for 180,500. The re- glary. '.ti hen •h, hogan his term of im. .me at to the TreasuryDepartment. The -- ""' -' is the result of this vast experience.
cult is looked upon as a righteous one b risonment he was required to stand in writer says ,-John Sherman was then 7a p may Dr. F. r•, Went's Nerve and Braun Trenhneut, n gnarrrcn It is a Powerful Restorative Tonle
P g Y P q m �lill'�B EC%e �( sVti • teed speclUefor hysteria,murulsions. fits, nervous neurnigln and Nervine, imparts vi or and strength
'man leading citizens while it was a our the 11100 an h, ur, and] was t0 have re ' aecrctary, The courageous little girl Called 11, i` 1 /■`lie�ed headache, uerrons prontratfon canard bg rhe use of alcoho g
y g pillory to tate system, and curse, tie if big magic, Leu.
risenevertheless. The casewill bo a eeived thin hi�hes• but. through the upon the secretary awd stated her ca+o. I _t V_ or tobacco, wakealluess,mentaldepew6s,on,sefteuingofthe eorrlio o. 16whites,+ excesolvp
p P- Y , a brain, resulting in inannity, lending to misery, decay and 001,101 /willful menstruntloil
pealed to Cho Supremo Court.
pleading' of Blako's sister, Governor Stock- She said she was willing to do almost any- death, premature old age, barrenness, loss of po,ver inettber i uatura rsuppressious rolapetsuo
"See that woman?"said a maw pointing Ie remitted the lashing. Heesca ed from thing that would enable her to provide for FI125f CLASS COMPANIES. tie:, iavomntar9 losses and epermntorrhtla caused by over falling of ilio aterue p%week bac
' P g ay g P liar mother. The secretary said he .had Sccernl rntd F,ums for .Sale, fii, I t, exertion of the brain, self ahtse or over indulgence. Fneft anteversion retroversion bearin*
to a certain canal boat sa •s the Buffalo jail three tithes whileservin his sentence for$ 5, senannemosth'Mtreatment. $1 nhor,ors,xboree r r
' Y g nothing for h0r to do, bat aseurod her that t 1 y ler ts, sent h mall preppald ou receipt orprtce. down sensations, chronic eonRee.
CourillW A head hidden in a checked sur)- but was as often recaptured, A glamor of t�E GUARRANTEF SIX 110X138 tion 1liflainmation and ulcerattolu
bon'rtet protruded from the cabin hatchway romance surrmtnded Blake during his on- he would cheerfully assist her whenever '�IiTESTCOTT & SANDERS, To care any cast. With each order received by us for six of tie womb, ]inflammation, palls
"That woo&n,eir, has not been out of that tire torm at Newcastle. Women adtnirera an opportunity presented itself, The Ii tl r bares, accampamad With 0, we will Maud the purehmwr our and.teude«iess in ovaries, internal
' girl instated that there tune leaf of work I Re.tt. EXPATC Ar;r••-,T.,, Extsri:p, ONT. written pgAranteetorefnndtbemoney,u'thetreannentdoea heat, and fezale aveakness.+y
cabin in twenty years. Fact. So stout site kept him suppliod with flowers, fruits and g plenty _ ___ _--_.._ not affeet a cnn•. Sold by alldruggints or J. C. west & Co., It promptly rel eves and cures Nausea
can't get aothin but her head out, Last dainty trappings for his cell and in Se
around the department which ought to be Toronto and promptly
ness of stomach, Iudlg e�r
' ' Y PP , P- P g oleo, gloating, Nervous ProettnntlotC�
tember, done and she expressed herself willing to " HURON AND BRUCE
time she came up on deck was when Grant , 1884, Sheriff Martiq permitted t P - and Sleeplessness, in elther sex.
was inaugurated, The captain and the him to be married to the woman of his tarn her hand to any grade of employme ,t. ' • Agency.,
g P Loan and Invegtnient LO X111 l�elnellt e c ro Q fpm, ESI
two mule d`fivers helped. Had an awful choice. The bride was allies Guasio Turner, She becameso persistent that the secret»ry y — • b PRICG $ 100
runs at a lose for retort to of rid of her. -- 1 FOR 8.00
time. Then they got her back again nod of Pbiladelphia, and the wedding took P q flogs Company is Loaner, Jloney on Farm Sola byDruggists everyavhore. Send
She surveyed him from head to foot, slid 1 J 9
she hasn't been oat sauce. Last fall a place in his cell. She hes since been very � Srr;trrih al I,nrce.vE Rules of luleresd, �%• H. SNELL ten cents in stamps for Dr. Fleece's la
observing that )lie boots were not well ✓ Treatise on Diseases of women, illustra e'
dune museum man came down here end assiduous in-1t0r attentions to him, and IiavingncceptedtheagoncyfortbeAyrllfnnutnetw•ing
shined remarked with much earnestness : Co.,wntson's will o p
. offered her big pay to exhibit Herself, but was at the jail when lie was released, so , t -- ) pen clic an office lit Cho rontises r
when lie learned that he'd have to take theep left Newcastle together. Blake re- Mr. Sherman, I think there is something lately occupied by Sir. Gaddey, Albert Street, Clinton, Worlds Dispensary Medical Association,
I can do for off if off will permit me �IOII'CCi:�f;F,S - P UPCHASED nearly npponitc Fair's 11111, when he will be pleased to 088 Main Street, HhTE'L'ALO, lel. Y.
caws] boat and ail, ho refused to alga a Gently signed a pledge to abstain from all you, ' y P ' - receive orders for the celchrntdd
eintraet." intoxicating liquors, and declared to the and that is to give your boots efirst-daea t , STEEL TWINE - BINDER
.,.._- Sheriff and others at the ail Ilia Intention shine. illy case is mare desperate thou SAVINGS BANK BItAVGH. SICK -HEADACHE
jail And the NEW ill':d }I EF.1[OR' FR a nd DAISY RAKE, !
Be on Your Guard. of leadinga respectable life. It will not you imagine, and I will accept a positiow r Nil pp
p P „ q, / tart] u per (,rnf. Itrtrrrat Ain-fcal Ort Prompt alttoltion villbetvgiivcn►to n�llorlergiehethci,a
iallOns headache,
Don't allow n cold in the bend to slowly and he the fault of ]lie devoted wife if ire failB as departmental bootblack. The boere- Dero;gYtq, aocorrlir,g to ontot<nt I by matt orothiveii t. Aor ' Dizziltess, conselp
surely run into Catarrh, when yon can be cured tary was so astonished that ib woe several tion Iudi estio'�
to ndhcto to this laudable determination. sail tine, left. g
__- for 2Tic. by using hr Chase's Catarrh Cure. A w seconds befoto tie recovered euftdeient'y to — FLOWS, STRAW Uli'1 TI':RS, ,uud Ailtovs Attackef,
few applications enre insipient catarrh • 1.. to 2 A-rry antic of lame bnelc eared by a few appli• direct hiq elark to have the young lady orrie r.-Cvrne .,f limlie Srinare nndNorlh Strte Aud all o'ller Farm Tmplemeuts'liopt in stock, promptly� cured by Or.
boxes cures ordinary catarrh; 2 to,5{coxes is cations of West's World's Wonder: also cures 4 , 1IOEACP IIORTON, IiPleree s Pleasant
guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh, Try it sprains, bruises,entsand bltrnq. Chenpr'gtand pPP!,fntod to a,,J00 cletksliip. She htis AtAN'Aasn t ,. - -.pq�� *aPurgative Pellets.9�Only 21e, nil,] ante om •, S=,1,' by all drugists, heat, A11,9rlygias•, since ntarri•-,J anI is rl',ing well, Godcrich Aga]+t u;h lib•`. E;• .-n' f�iNYE:,zo� CrAINTon Icents a vial, by Drugglou
- M...1 , .