HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-06-03, Page 3.. M A. Free GM. r ly» Y g g earnestly f 1 ilii ral aLiou & the of iJrCtlaao'a Livor Cure is F1tIAAY JUNE 3, 1887' -. - lits rust Sato the trance she asleep.dto and the uArounmd eaohh ug, receipo boo kcontolninguse• 19aa aopolr AoawevP Qaea4/ooa, for her recover On awakening from# HUMOR„ A goutlerpan who recently and fell quietlyt n g over 200reeeipes,audpronouused JoneA on a railwa traiq re eats art of she walked down to breakfast to the by doctors and druggist" as worth tin times the y p p cost of the medicine. Medicine and book $1, 4 Where is the island of Java situatedf the conversation as follows : great astonishment of the family, and, Sold by all druggiata. I to dil a school teacher of a small boy,ratb- Said I : 'Adam aul Eve were the first has not known a day of illness since. The Pielcan Indians, of Montana, have or forlorn�looking. 41 dunno, sir'- two people on errtb. According -to the ;;he now spends the greater part of her made over 84,000 this aprintc skinning the 'Don't you know where Coffee comes bible they had two sons --Cain and Abel. time in singing and praying. carcasses of cattle which perished in the from.' 'Yes, air, we borrow it from the Cain slew Abel and then fled to the Mrs. John Buchanan, of Waco, Mo., snow. The ladians received 75 cents for ' next door neighbor,' land of Nod and took unto himself a relates in the Religo-Philosophical Jour- every hide they brought in, and they ex- t, hibited such industry that it became 'People are talking &est Cain nal how the spirits cured her l5 -year- necessary to watch the herds to prevent A of gtowilig flax wife. Adam and Eve, the n fled. We under- old danhhter of n terrible attach of ilial- them from every animal in the for fuel. It is a good plan• -a splendid and Abel, next Llai plan. There won't be any tTouble with stand from fled' that he ran and got arial fever. The child lay in bed for territory, dead or alive. " chimney s,tben. Trouble withcbimrtov e, away from his awful cljrno as fast as his three months, safforing terribly, and was 'Ilse Weaker hFX You know hour beautiful a flaxseed pout- legs would carry him. Then, I con- finally given up by the physicitans, who are immensely strenutbenod by the line of (171HIas 7newnstock. tics draws. tinned, excitedly, 'right. in the same said that in the improbable eventof her Di..R.V.Pierco's "Favorite Prescription"sentence the Bible sit s be took unto recover she would be a cri) )le foi life which cures all female derancements, and TS Mother -Now, Jimmie, put on your Y Y I [himself a wife. Where did she come in her back and lower limbs. 'Phe loo- gives tons tot he system. Sold by druggista boots; I'm going to the dentist's to have from V I sank back thinking I had her in her anguish to heaven- c that tooth out., Jimmy -Oh, mother, , t , o , prayed FARMS FOR SALE, can't I wait till after it's dark. Mother given him a poser. for guidance, and the voice of a spit -it �4:AIiM IN 1dcK[LLOP FOR SALE. -LOT 94 Of Colunibus� s His E es twinkled, his lips parted ill responded with instructions fol- treating L • Ccu, a. -Good place, good buildings, and go, -al » -Wby,Jimmie, Jimmie- Cos father a smile y the sufferer, DII s. I3uelaan•,n followed locality. Come lied see It, will he sold cheap, W. Watches. I Raid if you had your teeth taken out by N. Me1IICII4,EL, Coustaitee P. 0� .41 i 'An' nary one of theak preachers could the instructions implicity with the edify- Gt .101 FOR SALE- PART Or LOT 26, ON TIIF. Bee tlleml gas it didn't hurt. tell you 3' lie asked. iug result Cha (to use her own words) 14ttcnn. of the township of riulret/,containing _ One of our most raspeeted citizens says, a ' No, sir, not one,' 'in three days m daughter could turn about 40 acres. Terms to suit purchaser. Apply to 11 would not be without B+rkwell's Sure, i r Y b CAMERON,1lOLT&CAMERON, Barristers, Goderieh Corn Care if it cost me $20, and that he Well, he continued, that's funny, herself _ ,azd ; ttnd in two more d.,ys •r--- 1 OT FOR SOLE. -One-eighth of an acre, part of for that's a oil lit easy ut stion.' He 1 J lot 190, on South Side of Ratteubury St., e�cupled know" a man who would walk 20 miles to g y y q she could stand on her feet with a little y, g assistance, and now she is well, and is by subscriber, with two-storop shop, 24.36, and stable, - get it, rather than eutiar'from u corn as he stalled lig,iYl, and sold : 'Why, Cain got will beexchanged forpropertyad %nitosteampower. did.before he used this celebrated prepara• his wile from his father-in-law.' married, ancllb� a swcetlittlle boy; s„ldtogothdr,orthe shop sold to�0moved off. Mn he changed into a hoose. For term4, apply to, J CURTIS tion . All druggists. I was done illi. STEVENSON. 'Mamma,' said Flossie, who had been ' Where is .hell, that you preachers NeverTrled It _ - •+ 'to church for the first. time, where She WhatI Never tliedJoliition's Tonle niticrsl WO FA 1018 FORSALF..-LOT 33. IN13TeCON., talk so much about ? I „sked. Then do so at once, it's positively Clio brat gen. I Coderich township, al good state of cultivation h.ad listened with more or less Attention ' I dunno,' be said. ' I don't want to oral tonic on the market. i've (),toil heard of it snug house just built, `u,d barn, excellent fences and t „,,. .,.r,i<,was to -be placed on til(- list conveniently situated. Also the cast halfof lot 73, ill t0 the sermon, .`I know what the wip.ia- know, I ain't headim that way:. .^ I", ih. r . t;5ri4; W;:,;y trashy proparaton9 that flood our the )JAW -And concession, (ludurich township, %bout 03 ter meant b children's children.' 'Yes' going to let thein fellers as are going arket, bat since yourecomme"a it so hi;hly acres, G acres clearad and seeded down, 20 acres In Y , I'll give It a trial. Do so i 'a Rood for any corn- preparation for clearlag, balance Rood hardwooud bush said mamma. 'Yes, be meant dolls. thaf find out. piulut ill whlehu tonic Is of hone it; and can be rcrmseasy. Apply to iIANNCNO & SCOTT, Barris- ' What's Our idea of backsliders V taken by man woman oi- uhiid. so.c and 01 per ters, Clinton. `Ob, gracious, no,' exclaimed Mrs. J bottle at Worthiugtoa Drug store. _ Ill'Iarrowfab to Mrs. (,luoggs, raising ber ` Well' he said, 'char was a man-•..-- ARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE, LOT 39, CON bands and speaking us though excited. walking along a country lant, in Arkan- The rarme.w and 1teCiprocliy. Fcsseiox 2, L.It.s,'rnaker.niitn, containing 60 aures of which 45 are cleared, well fenced, well undordrah,ed 'She was so ill when he new spring bon- sits once with a pitchfork on bis shoulder, 8» d In n high state of cultivation. There Is a good net came home couldn't she couldn't get up; and a ver vicious dog, jumped over the All the advantages of an open market, frame house, barn pear andstrees. and re 1.3 a never -failing of plum, Y e 1 1 apple, cherry and poor trues. There is a and three of With alXt millions of people,' 19 Within wall. It 1s within tour miles of Clinton, and three of but, dear sakes,Jane, that didn't matter fence and made at him. He iabbed the Y I i I pitchfork,through h the dog and impaled their (the farmers) grasp. All the ad- place. ceaeld, with a goad graver poly leading re mauls nothing, for she just put that bonnet on l �' 0 1 place. For further particulars apply on the premises NEW GOODS EVERY WEEK and lay her head out of the front win- it to the earth. The dog's owner came means vantages of contiguity, of excellent or to Clinton P. 0 J. B. OltOSSON. . dow the whole afternoon.' rennin' out : ' What d'ye mean, sir,' be means of communication, of extreme '� ARAI VJR SALE - THE UNDERSIGNED -^� T'- -� shouted, ' by st•ickin' yo' pitchfa-wk Prosperity among liberal huyers,without 1' efrtre•forsale hie carni livinslot67,Multiand SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO GETTING- `vVFr`3.1-FANCY Have you a cough? Sleepless nights through dog ' ' He a'as g,oin' t0 rho payment of duty, without tire. sacri- Conoessiou, Godorlch township, containin7J, u , ,,,, �,_. ., �.. .. ._ o. need no lou er.truublo gell. ..The use_ of hro tnh my d 4 Brea: Abaat" aracrcr cleared 'ani," ViMtfy'0, o `" o b .. _-. g Aid ES. tiVE i1IARE A PECIAT�TY IN g ' ` bit.)- ( ilia ' said file othei.'ii n't ftce`bf" a single' I,olitrcal' priucllii'e=x31 from stumps, in Rood state of cultivation. The T• "Ayter'e Cherry Pectoral,befc,te "retiring, will , v t this within a year is possible to the Ca- balance is good hardwood boob, mostly beech Soothe the cl,ngh, allay the i tlaminat.ion, you hit him with the other end then 9 y l and nrapie. On the premLsesare o frame house t t Y ► nadian farmer, it herchooses to exert his nearly now, a bank bats a good supply of wit `all Paper, Ceiling Decorations, choicest Patterns, and allow needed repose. It will moreover Wily didn't he come -tit me with the ter, and ,iso all orchard:' Thi property is vitu- heal the pulmonary organs, and give you other end V was the answer. influence on his representative in Par- ated six miles from Clinton. For fall parriou •STATIONERY,u • ' bealtll. After I had ceased laughing the Rev. liament at Ottawa. It need not be a lar" apply on the promises, or Wm. BAKER, BOOKS tc�L 91'eat VILI if i•y. party question. It is better that it Clinton P.o. , , A little grammar found in an old gar- Mr. Jones said : EVERYTHING AT CLOSEST PRICES. GALL AND EXAMINE. ret in Portsmouth, New Hampshire,has ' Just like the, dog, backsliders are should not be. Farmers may differ AiARKET GARDEN FOR SALE. -NORTH - ret religious matters or on olitics • rli west part or Lot 7, Concession 14, Huron an illustration re resentiu the differ- cin wrong cud to and consequently net g . , P Road, Godurich Township, consisting of ten A- • _WOI�THINaTON, Clinton. P g g ° , q Y b modes of cultivation but there can be acres. it Is within 2 miles of Clinton, and I%a once between the active, - passiv-0 and intu trouble. --Kansas City Times. mlies of Hulntceville, with a good graver road _ neuter verbs. It is a icture of a fath• no difference of opinion as to the benefits .rtadtt,g to oheh place. oil the lot thorA is it of a free and o len market with the new fra" house 20 x 26, with stone cellar no- ---ev awlli{1{►ixlg-1;•ia •boyr The father is ac-Astouisoverg person w1. I , dorneath; also to good tiara and be sol on roc- YOUR Y GROCERIES 0 five, the boy is passive, and the mother It is the duty i evsaw person who has used most progressive nation on the continent. Plenty, of good Iotrol water. awl u buil lu roc- Boschee s German Syrup to lot its wonderful There tali be no difference of opinion as sonabio terns. The p nce is under crop with sitting, b herself on a stool looking oil utilities be known to their friends in cerin 1 small fratts, .oto , this year. Appsy on the pro - BUY O Y 9 g to the advantag,e- resulting from tin ad. nilsea, or to AIRS. C. CARTER, Ctlatoll P.O. but doing nothing, i5 neuter. Consumption, severe Coughs,Croup, Asthma, '? /�• Cooper /]/) At one time there was silence jtl hes- Pneumonia,and in fact all throat and luugdis• vance in price in every bushel Of bat`10y, 1PLENDID PARAI FOR SALE.-TIIAT F10EL- Thomas V oope & Son. eases, Nn•persoo can use without immediate Query horst+ that is Fol• stile over the S Cr:N•r farm of 151 acres, being lots 08, 70 and 71, L - p Yen for half a bour, which some men relief. Three does will relieve any case, andeveryon the Maitland concession, Ooderich township, Y - - takefor "proof that there was no worsen border, fur lamb that bleats for _ we consider it the duty of all Drnggists to ret• About 1 it acres cleared and to ¢cod state a with all tihiCkell, Or even for every dozen" tion. On rho premises iv "soots brick house, with oil vI) I3l'ST :1�50RT!' Acre. But there; was. This accidental ommend it to the poor, dying consumptive at conveniences of stabling, bank barn, well watdred, dlc., }: l'T: a 1II: I,.\1tG1;ST, CLEANEST A, silence was caused by talo wDmou all least to try one bottle, as 80,000 dozen battles eggs that the far•merr's wife gathers- gond bcariiig orchard, church on the farm and s:huol STOCK OF were sold last ear, and no one case where it and last eat the United States receicetl )int far away, abort 0 miles from the town of Clinton. 7, happeningto be arras iug, their toilets y ' y rhia farm is one of the best in the tm,11Iip of Code - el failed was reported. Such a medicine as the front Canada fourteen million dozen eggs! tieh. rossesslun given at any time. Full particulars at the same time, and each had a roll of German Syrup cannot be too widely knowns on 'lip' to the proprietor, JUIN Pl'DD, Cli,i- fGF 7 This 19 fi gllestlOtl of economics, not Of „n P. 0., or of the NEN EIIA OFFICL, Clinton. hair in her nloutli. Ask year druggist about it. Sample bottle, politics :+lid helico can be discussed in to try„sold at 10 cents. Regular siz-, Tai ets, l , When the blood is so"le"d with impurities Sold by all Druggists sad dealers in the d'ilit• Fou mere Institutes with perfect propri- Fai'''r rt)ft sAl,e. -THAT WELL-x�oiA's I 1 n town. tint prices are as low as file lowest, and we warrant everything and tuoaes sluggtably ill the veins, an al- R'httcl•y farm, being lot 15, con, 17, Oodurtch ed States and Canada. ety,-L'obcayaeon Independent, tnwnsbip, Baso line, Summerhll, four miles frurn Clin- ' first -clash. X010 apOnt> for the celebrated "COOPF.11'.S FAKING POWDER." terative is needed. This condition of tho -� tnn, on good gravel lead. The farm contains so acres, ( Best brand of CIC ARS b the Box 'or Thoutialld at 3lanufatcturers Prices. ------@ate+b---'--- 0 clmmd and ill gond state o cultivation the remain• Y 1* MAI vital fluid cannot last lot g with(), t serious Cured by FatWa. results. There is nothing botier than -- Ayer's Sarsaparilla to purify the blood,and \Ir;s. i•lerm in, of Kokonia, Ind., who impart energy to the system. had been paralyzed for several ye,ars, ie - The question 'Does getting (bunk came., interested in a series of revival over -advance .one's happiness 1' would meetings and Induced )ter son -t0 carry neem to be put to rest by the Irishman leer to the church in which they were who event courting when drunk, acid conducted. 'While she was there the when asked what pit asure Ile found in congregation prayed for her, and, to the wbiaky, replied, 'Oh, Nelly, it's a trate great Sul prise of all she arose and walk - entirely to see two of your swate party ed from her seat to the pulpit. Shelis face, instead of on.' now said to be ublo to wall: as well at; ---�-*-W -1- she rivet• wrists. Advice to convuinl►tivrw. Ilia. Louisa Scribner, an advocate of -.. .0A..the appea,aoce.of the bCstsymp.t0-nis the Christian Scienceoffaith healing, is -4s; general debility, -lora of appetite, said to have effected sonlo remarkable pallor, chilly seusa'ions followed by night- sweats and cough -prompt measures for re- cures in. different parts -of Missouri. lief should be taken. Consualptiod is The host r,otewort4iy case is that of'Jas scrofulous disease of the lug s: -therefore Donovan, an aged resident .of Missouri uie the great_aiAi1seriifnda,_orgblood. purilier City. Inflaniaiiitory rheumatism Ilan and strength-restorer,--Dr,Pierce's "Gold- kept him in bed for more than a score en Medical discovery." Superior to cod of years, but, he isgnow as active as a liver 41 as anutritive, and unsurpassed as man of 40. sirs. Scribner cures her a p-etoral. For weak lungs, spitting of blo.id,, and kindred affections, it has no patients b simply reading, the Bible p Y 1 J' o equal. Sill by tlrii sistsAhe world over. to them and praying for their recovery. For Dr Pierce's treatise on consumption, R. Prendergast, a well-known mer - send 10 cents in°'atarnpsto World's Dispen- chant'of Bellevue, Ky., was given up by nary Medical Association, 603 Blain Street, his physicians a month ago and left to Buffalo, N.Y. die. He had been afflicted with an nn - known disease which baffled their keen- IF >slearty, Eobu"t oar. Iciiteti by ,. l.faard, est diagnosis, and the medicine a.dmin- - ministered to hint seemed to make his Fratik Dishler, a young man living condition worse. After the physicians at Bolesville., Pa., died Rlonday night had left hien three ladies went to his as the result of swallowing a lizard two bedside and prayed that be might ae weeks ago. Dishler war, .a hearty ro- healed. The tick man grow better at bust man, with. a magnificent physique. once, the visits and prayers were Contin - May b, which was an exceedingly hot ued, with increasing success, and' to -day ddy, be was at work in the field and, he is well, Before his recovery Pren- overheating himself, lie drank all units- dergast had not been inside a church for ual amount of water which was procur- fifteen years, but ho is now a regular oil from a darkened spring house,and lie attondant. imagined, when too late, however, that Father Rounard, the priest in charge something else had gone down with the at the Convent of the Ursuline Nuns, in water.. In ap hour he was taken death- New Orleans, has caused considerable ly sick with cramps and pains in the re- agitation among, the Creole portion of gion of the -stomach. His condition the city by leis reported miraculous grew w6i for two days, during which cure's. It is reported that several wo- ke was Eelzed with the most violent con- rnen who had lost confidence in the abil- vulsions, in which it was thought he ity of their physicians to euro their ail- tivould die. A vigorous treatment was rnenes, applied to, the reverend father decided upon, and for four or five days and were directed to observe a c-,urso of he vras denied all food except a moutll• religious meditation and prayer, This ful of hot water twice a day. His agony was followed by the, application of a daring•this ordeal ryas pitiful in the ex- certain miraculous water at the hands treme. Finally a powerful emetic was of the priest,wbo at the same.time made ftdministered, and after thirty minutes passes with a holy relic. The treatment of terrible retching, Disbler expelled an is said to stare been efficacious in A num- ugly lizard about two Liehes long that ber of instances, but because of the ex - emitted a detectable ordor. The reptile citement created thereby,tbe Archbishop was exceedingly lively after being forced has ordered Father Boudard to cease Ilia Into daylight, but died in an hour. healing practices. ' ' .. Dishler who had been reduced from A remarkable instance ofan invalid's nearly two hundred pounds to scarcely recovery tbrough faith is reported from 00 began to improve at once, and his Pueblo county, 0. Bliss Sarah Fouble, recovery was deemed certain until yes. the daughter of a respectable farmer terday, when he was agate attacked living near Sonora, had been bed -ridden Frith violent vomiting spells and (lied in for thirty one years because of an affee. a short time. tion of the spino, and for nearly a year Asthn►n. she had, been speechless and blind. She Persons who have suffered for years with is now entirely cured. Miss Foublt Asthma will find a quick relief and cure in says that about the middle of March qht file double treatment of Southern Asthma wont into a trance, during which an an C/Iiro, l el appeared to her anal hide her Arai 1 Dtesttoveo The 4'ntase. dergoodhardwou<I bush; there are 15acresoffall wheat I TEAS a specialty, Give us a spill. mrd all fall pl-twlling dune; there are two wells and Dlany persons suffer frons it symptom of ever-flowtug spring, good orchard, frame barn 35 x55, Catarrh that c iusea rlausea,moru espvci illy stable 10 s7315, now frame house As X 20 with ave after eating in the morning. Nasal Bark, rooms opstmri and 4 room" down stairs,anda I..Itchen 14x23; there are two :hurche-, school aryl grocery, all will cure by removing the cdllae- within a1•c rnlnllteb walk. Pussesslon gaveu at ally rum time to suit pnrebaser ror particulars enquire at A Douanz,a Itonauce. I There is probably nn elan in Montana as sad as Tommy Cruise. - Only a short year ago he led a bride to the altar, and she has now passed away, leaving ism alone and childless. Not many ybars ago, he could be found at the bottom of Ilia claim with pick and shovel, working for, Lilo treasure he never lost hope of fining. He hats paused .the middle lige, but was healthy and robust, and up to a week, bt•- fore he made his big oiscovt:xy he was as poor as when lie first- lifted shovel as a i -miner: --He was -delving awit-y-tuany. feet; below the surface in a vein of rich ore. A week after he sold his claim for $3,- 000,000. Tommy's first tbought was of marriage, and lie proposed to a sweet girl named Carter, whom be had long admired but never hoped to possess. ' The wedding was a gala da, for Uelena. Courts were adjourned, business places were closed, and men from all parts of Montana flocked to the city to attend the ceremony. Tommy Cruise was well known and well liked, and Helena intended giv- ing him a send-ofr that he would never forget. The invitation be extended was general. Everyone was invited. Banners were flying gayly with the winds, and arches were erected along the streets. Tommy°Cruise chartered the Cnsmopoli- tan Hotel, which was filled with flowers and floral decorations. Wine flowed like (cater. Everything was free. Beggars were treated like kings. Even John Chinaman was not forgotten, In the gentleman's reception rooms stood dark n sentinel" ready to da the bidding of those assembled. If it happened that anyone was missed in the distribution and edibles it was through their sheer mo(lesty, and not the fault of Tommy Cruiae, The day of festivities lengthened to a week, and during that time the pioneers of the terri- tory new riot whether they were in Helena or at home. It seems only a day since that time. Tommy, unlike his guests, 'did not drink to excess, and lvas not intoxicated fora single moment dur- iffig the week. When he asked the amount or his bill be was told it tvas $20,000. Ile paid it as though it was a mere item. Including all expenses Tom- my Cruise's wedding cost him about ,36,000. Now all is over, The past month lifts made a big change in him, and lie said that if he had passed to the grave with her he loved lie would have been Happy. t)o Not Think for a Morue.nt that catarrh will in time wear out. The theory is false. Men try to believe it be- cause it would be pleasant if true, but it is not, as all know. Do not lot an acute attack of cold in the head remain unsubdu- ed. It is li'iAblo to devolop all chance of catarrh by Osina Dr,Sago's Catarrh Remedy, If already sfllicted rid yourself of tbis troublesome disease speedily by the same means. At all druvista. The youngest son of W. J, Beacock, Cartwright, while in a field, was followed by a horse which struck him with his front feet and killed him instantly. NEW EIIAO!hceorMME. 9I1a,­ , ®� �U gViL lir of tilt proprietor, un the premisus, L.MA JL ® 9 Clinton 1' 0. -r- -pAR'1I VOI: S.AI„r.: TIIAT t;PLE4D[D rARA1 i j `i�TT Ly I1 ...cinn n 1rh... 1-t1-t9'."no-2. L. R. 9.. of t/NTON• Tuchcrstnith, is otterrd fur mile on'reasonablo I --- - - - --- "-' terms, with rood buildings, fratue barn, 40x00, stable 2.1X36, sheep and carriage house. 16x40, {I ¢nod 1'§ story, 24X:10 frame house aild idt'ller,, I .O acres.undcr cultivation. 20 Werra errnrefl but �o Far err h4W not broken ; 10 nervy !rood hardwood bush, \Evill Well watered, havtug • hero of the best wells ill , Huron county.. Good hearin.oreharu, situated ,x , 23h nines front the Village of tlrucettotd, and 6 Froin tho Towns of C'lii too and Beaforth re- speatively,tbere is atsplendid gravel road passed tote front of the premisea. Particulars anti I'1' Iti ('+) YOUIt INTEREST��'I31.N Y(111 N4Aidi .\ terins given on application to, APPLETON EL- (ADDY OF GOOD COAT, llrvkeetlonl I'. O., or SAMUEL CRICH, Cli. ton, I'. O or Nt:%v' El.A OFFIM ,DAVID • n ; vin^ Y: Eh t'mB fo-rnia...-.- - -•---° "I ,: 'a -RUCK, ,.__ .. _ . -__ EAS[ UCK GRLFLV AUXIED �� .l A.PAN , To call at S. PALLISER d; CO'S. We will give you "'Pea eve call recommenial Par Basta Itonsu TOOTH CORN 1 OQ MAMMOTH SWEET COJIN = 13fl kinds , IANGOLD sEEDs to choose from at 255 per !b Soven kinks of TURNIP SEEDS at - 25c per lb TOM iTO "nil 011111AGE PL ITS, Grown by IL Joyner, Gardner, at 15 Cents per dozon, OIL CAKE . . •,2 00 per Cwt OAT :HEAL, STANDARD 82 25 per Cwt vylolCE ROLLER FLOUR 42 25 per Cwt, ENQUIRE Foil JAS. STEEP'S SEED STONE a�soo.oao► � - ; Fh 1 1� E � b t1`` WE wi11 ;1rtJ,,,, nlic,ve tc t. • a:xiy i case o" ••u io�c:., I,' V(r trick Headwlhe, Indi.grstion tn• C:r•.. a we cannot Cure with Z'71;::,;:'13 1...1VIf n PILLS, when the Dirootio: s of :1 sti ictly :oulplied witli. Large Boxes, containing 30 Pill&, 25 Cents; tl Boxes ,^01.00. Sold by all Druggists. DREGWEST'S Felt TH E IVER BLOODI i1r V fC10lW -A.40141 -A N D -- KIDNEYS. DAlNDRE10W Infallible B1,64d PuriRer Tonic, Diurectle, Loss of Apppotito,l'ttdfgqe9tnpn byslipiepsia, Billionaness Taundico,l.irer Co,nplaut,Rliournatism.all Kid- ney Disease", scrofula►, Diseases pecullar to, I e - males, Halt Rheltm, six zeme, and all Skin Dis- rnsoai, Ilea daehe, Palpitation of the Beart, Sour Pi•omnell and Heart Burn. Puroly\rogetabla, .Tong C. Wr%,4,r A Co., Torento for p0.wr•.rful drawing qualities at $2,20 f07 5 illi 1013, width we will sampir against any GOc. Tea bought from agont!:. , Ivi-11IGHEST °PRICK PAID FOR BUTTER AND F:UGS. St# PALLISER & C®. CLINTON. .GLAS-60W FurhishingLeadingGents JUST.' RFC'EIVFD A CONSIGNMENT OF English, and .American Hard & Soft Felt lfaiq, also Fine line of straw goodq, Direct from the manufacturer. I have; also in stock a fine solectiou of Summer' UNDERWEAR. In White and Colored SHIRTS, l allow a great variety, all of which will 1)e sold it reasonable prices, and. will not t)il nndor•;olfi by any house in the trade. G. GLASGOW, ISmithS Block, Clinton. ' '� i o oil • �io�deshoro, TuePeo le � HARNESS �o� C�oc�r D Having enlarged illy allow room and got in a first-class stock of R ll Q B E R l E$ in connection with my other lines of business. I am now prepare(! to furnish the. public with all kinds of $faele and Fancy Greceries Caed Goods and Candies and all kinds of Sehool Book$ "and SLATES, also fancy articles Buell as VASES and JUGS, KNIVES, PENCILS, MOUTH ORG1ANS,PIPE9,, CIGAR HOLDERS, &r. Also it stock. of -Patent Medicines kept on hand. ZX9' T3ar3%Q0Z StOCk is more eoiuploto in all its branches. I have a few of those BLANKETS and 13ELLS which will be sold cheap. I make all my COLLAR'S and warrant them to givo-Satisfacti0l). REPAMG promptly attended to and charges moderate. My stock of TINWARE is also complete. All kinds of produce taken in exchango for all kinds of goods. Thanking my Oust*- nlers for past patrensgo and soliciting a continuanco of the same. OLEO. NEWTON, - - LON0E88090 .r+