The Clinton New Era, 1887-05-27, Page 8r a a her of years in the employ of Harland �✓' �. r ��Q�3 W Wok, left on Tu eddy last for New York, MAY 27, 1887, �$ID4�< b b intends to follow his trade. be LOCAL NATE CES. Ole warrEP -^GOOD, ACTIVE BOY, TO LEARN tote 1?iiut u bustuees NEW ERA OFFICE. Wanted, one hundred orders for harness for $I and warranted good= J. T WITCSELL. 4 targe assortm.nt,of Top Shirts for Boys tiklIti' Nen at CLINTON WOOLLINJtILLS Jteceivrd 10 cans fT boots and ELL. Bring obiyour eggs. Fine new sepcic of Laurence's Celebrated .sable Spectacles, Cheap, at DICKSON'S BRtirtketore. Ralf a Million New 1Vnvelopes just to hand aii-PicxsON'S B000kstore. Close pricesfor • .eppontitice. Large stock Ilichardaon's New Method for .pianoforte just arrived at DIC,1LSON.'$ Book- apre, C�ana'n. • Beautify and decorate your horns by per - 'no the nicest and cheapest Wall Paper in own, at DICItSON'S Bookstore. iIlJ W 140 . + otirIT1 COIINOIL.—Thin august but Etimbersome body will meet for the June session, in Goderich, on the ?ctr The most important matter to come up will be tbe equalization of assessments, - `I)IsI .term.= -On Tuesday afternoon fi son of Mr. Arthur McRae was ridine along William street on horseback, when the animal suadenly stopped, and the boy was thrown over its head. H fell in such' a way that he dislocated bibleft arm' at the elbow. PROPERTY CHANGE. --Mr. John Me - Murray has bought of Mr. J.C. Stevenson two lots situated near the western limit of :Rattenbury street, and running through to Princess street. Be paid $345 for the two and purposes. next year erecting a good house thereon. where e has been an attendant atRatteubury street Sabbath school for fifteen years, and an all that time bas only been once absent; dame rumor says that after awhile be will come back and joyfner. Mr Jas Tretnier, High School teacher of Dutton, spent the 24th with his family' here. On Saturday, while working on the foundation of Mr. 'James Smith's new house, Mr Jos Ryder was prostrated by the beat, and bad to be carried home; Jae recovered soon after. Mr Blackball, sr., is here on a visit to his sop, 'Mrs Walsh, Huron street, is on the sick list. Mr E H Snell, Victoria street, who has been confined to the house for a couple of weeks, is now able to be around, as usual. Mr Thee Holloway an wife spent Sunday with their daughter in xe- ter. Mr S H Davies, M P., ex -Premier of Prince Edward Tallied, passed up to Goderich last week, where he was the guest of Mr M C Cameron. Mayor Seager, of Goderich, was in town on Friday last. A new house is being erected on Queen street, on the Andrews property., Mr fly, B Proudfoot has rented the house just va- cated by Deputy Reeve Manning on Al- bert street. One day last week a young fellow; under the influence of liquor. was taring insulting language at the station, and when remonstrated with threatened to "clean out the crowd;" Constable Ted- ford was telephoned for, and hurried down, but the fellow had in the meantime made tris escape Qn. Tuesday 160 tickets ed,,,,rer,eee ee•e agirth. The wife of Mr J T Lis;rland is co fined to her room by a slight attackl°of quiasey. Mr John Irwin, (son of MrR Irwin) who now holds an important position oe an American railroad, is expected home shortly for bis holidays. Mr George F Briekenden. of the firm of Powell, Brickenden & Co., spent the 24th with his friends and rela- tives in this vicinity. The sidewalk to Stapleton is in a very bad state of repair, and something should be done towards improvi''g it; other sidewaiksin town are pretty had, and will be repaired as soon as the Street%otocaI4.tee_eau..pTOonTe Lep-.. ber. The stone masons have commenced work on the basewent for Dr Dowaley's house. Mrs Adams, of Toronto, sister of Mrs James Scott, who has been here on a visit, returned home on Wednesday. It is reported in the London papers that Mr H J Warner, conductor on the L ,11 & B ,who recently drew $15,000 in a New Orleans lottery, will go into business in London ; he is still following his occupa- tion on the railroad, however. An expert well•driller from Petrolia is coming up to try and bore through the earth that has caved in at the bottom of Stapleton Salt Well. Mrs. Morley leaves on Friday on a trip to Sault Ste Marie; she does not go on account of the boom in that locality, but to look after a farni belonging to her son. The Principal of the Model School asks us to direct the attention ot parents to the irregular attendance of scholars during the present month, and hitherto, during the month ot June; it is very de- sirable that all scholars attend the full term as far as possible, and thus• prevent the breaking up of classes which otherwise takes place. Miss Minnie Hennings, of Goderich, is visiting her sister. Mrs Wm Swatfield, here. Mr John H Elliott, of Goderich township, lett this week for Da- kota. The daughters of Mr. Peter Wil- son left for Chicago on'Tuesday, taking tickets from Thompson's agency. The other day, while working at a rip saw fn a Detroit factory, Bert Walker, son of. Mr H R Walker, Clinton, was struck on the knee by a piece of wood, and severely hurt. AVrnunderstand that Rev A Stewart has been granted leave of absence by 'his congregation, and, in company with Mra Stewart, he will shortly leave on a trip to the old country. —Rev _J S -Fisher, of Holmesville, left here yesterday for Galt, where the Stationing Committee of the Guelph -Conference of the Methodist church meet next week. Mr 0 Tighe, of Hullett, has let the contract for a new frame dwelling, 20x26, storey and a half, to Mr John Dayment, and has also put up a frame kitchen to .the old dwelling, Mr Charles Mason has returned from a visit to his son in Michigau;.it-is rumored that his son has "struck luck" in the shape of iron ore being found on his term. 141r Joseph Allanson lost a colt this week. Mr W Weir has planted 150 young maples along the front of hisfarm on the Bray - field road, and they add much to the beauty of the place; it only took two men two days to get them out of the bush and plant them. 92° in the shade on Saturday, and about 42° yesterday. Clinton kept quiet on the 24th; Sundays excepted, this is about the only time it is quiet. Mr Robert Patterson, of Burns, Perthcounty, formerly a baker in Clinton, died yester- day morning. C Cartwright, dentist, well known to_many-of ouracitizens,-hasrgoae=,,_ to California to reside. Very acceptable showers have fallen this week. The early morning train from London now carries express parcels ; this is a great conveni- ence to our citizens. Everyone has to admit that the NEW ERA is the local pa- per of the county ; the news is always boiled down, set in fine type, and yet we are able to fill over a page weekly with local news, and that without putting in reprint items from all over, and calling, them " local." Capt,Coffin, of the Salva- tion Army here, has gone to headquarters. The wife of Mr. John Wright, of the_base line, Is seriously ill ; we hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr James Millar has returned from Sault Ste Marie, where he reports everything literally booming Spring crops are looking fairly well; fruit promises to be a good crop. Council meets a week from next Moeda, The market gardeners are now hustling them- selves each to keep ahead of the other. A popular Clintonian, who took his in• tended over to Bayfield, on Tuesday, met with a slight. accident on the road, by breaking the buggy. Some miscreants have been doing damage to Mr Searle's. buildings, and he offers S5 reward for their discovery. The men who are oper- ating what is thought to be a wheat swindle? referred to last week, are still in this vicinity, and farmers should be care- ful about %hat they sign with them. Mr Cox, horse buyer, of Detroit, is here again. There are several of our correspondents we should like to hear from ; if their stock of envelopes is exhausted we will give them a- fresh supply, on being in formed of the fact. Quite a number La e signified their intention of writing at tt„ forthcoming entrance examination. Mr HetgyCuolt, of town, has completed ti e repairs to $oltnesville bridge, a`id passai. e can now be made to and from Colborne, with a reasonable degree of comfort and • • Goons !'.Suitable WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS, CONSISTING OF ° • INSPECTOR OF ANATOMY.—Mr. J. C. Stevenson has been appointed by the Ontario Government to the position of • Inspector of Anatomy for the town of Clinton and the' townships of Goderich, BBullett, Tuekeramith and Stanley. This appointmrnt is made under the. stiitute entitled an Act respecting the study of anatomy." To this inspector must be re - we ported the finding of the body of any per - sen in the territory named who has died without relatives or friends, or that re- mains unclaimed by any person entitled to the same. The Inspector takes posses- sion of such body and deals with it as directed by the Act. STOC$ NoTas.—Mr. John Hooper, of Metropolitan, has sold to W. J. Biggins, of Elmhurst Farm, Clinton, the imported Shorthorn " Excelsior", (51233) E. H. B . 33e was bred by Mr. E. Cruickshank, of Lethenty, Inverurie, Scotland, and sired by the old Perfection (37185.) Ex- eelsior's dam is Rose of Switzerland by Knight of St. Patrick (38520,) granddam II. Rose of June by British Hero (30604) and running back through a number of gene- rations toR.CollingraSon of Favorite (252.) Excelsior has been very successful in the prize ring when shown, and took a prize as a calf beforeleaving Scotland. MATRIMONIAL.—,Mr. F. S. Booth and Mies M. R. Kerr were married at the • house of the b'ride's mother, on Wednes- day. Both have been residents of Clinton for a long time, and have earned the good will and esteem of all. By their prospec- tive removal from town the Rattenbury street Methodist Sabbath School loses two teachers and the Young People's Christian Work Association, loses -two of its oldest and most active members. They left on their wedding tour by the morning train. Mr. Booth purposes going to British Columbia, and should he like it,will settle there. We do not think that section bolds out any' better inducements than may be found nearer at band, but our very best wishes nevertheless accompany them. BRIEFS.—The Court of Revision sat for the consideration of appeals against the assessment ,roll last night. The officers of the Salvation -Army, and others, at- tended the army services at Seaforth, on Tuesday,' where a welcome e as tendered , Staff -Sergeant Phillpot, who succeeds Mr • Glover.On Saturday night the little daughter of Mr Robert Fox had' a narrow escape from being run over while crossing the street near Dickson's ; the horse was almost on top of it when the driver pulled up. Work on the enlargement of Ontario street church is being pushed forward. The Bay City correspondent of tbe Cana- diareAmerican Says: "The chief clerk- ship of the Moulton House is well filled by 11Ir Ed Tighe, a native of Clinton, Ont.; through bis genial qualities the house has become a popular resort for Ca- nadians and others." Mr David Cantelon, who is home from the ,northwest, reports vegetation well advanced in that region, and the prospects good. Mrs Henry Steep is visiting relatives in the country.• Mr James Young is repairing his house and making it "just as good as new." .Almost a " building mania" appears to have struck Clinton this year, for there is more work going on in the shape of im- provements and new buildings, than for many a year past. Mrs• Will Shipley, who bas been spendingthe winter in the • (southern States, for• the benefit of her health, starts for home on Monday next, accompanied by her mother, Mrs Mills, and is said to be much improved in health. On Saturday night, while Mr. Reynolds Was working -in the tailor shop of Mr 4* Fischer;'up stairs, a lamp exploded, and before it could be put out, had.done con- siderable. damage.... The explosion'of two lamps in the choir of Rattenbury street church, and the falling of the sexton down N a short flight of stairs, rather disturbed for the moment the equanimity of the • ening service, on Sunday. It is report- edthat a boy who has been residiug in town has ran away from home, because his employer was opposed to him joining the Salvation Army. A letter, comment- ing on the actions of one of the Goderich township eouncillord,.cannot be published unless the name of the writer is sent to this office. While it'hailed in one part of the town on Sunday last, it rained in an- other, and in still another part of the town it neither rained or hailed, but remained as hot as blazes." The infant child of Mt John Davin died in convulsions, on Saturday. Wm. Broderick, late of this town, has accepted a situation as traveller for McCaffrey, White & Co., madufactur• erg, Bradford, England ; he may make a good traveller, but he will require to at- tend to business more than he did when here. Says the Expositor :—" Mr Giffin has erected a very.. handsotite-white hronze_ ssu monument in the Harpurbey cemetery, for Miss Smith, of this town, in memory of her father and mother, whose remains a Y MUM arriages' press b .r • W=NIDOW BL2NDS WINDOW :•r ROLLERS all Paper and Borders Jubilee Note Paper and Envelopes. Carpet Felt. Walking Sticks, Baskets, Croquet, &c INSPECTION INVITED MB SU`ITA.BLE WEATiiJu,� FARASOLS, LIGHT PRINKS, -1NGHALMS`, CRAPE, IF R. CAIS, see them. GLOVED and, I-1. COSI E+ ELN , WHITE,-tom0013S. CHRIS. DICKSON, • CLINTON. 9 ;est there." Mr Will Webb,- ('oz 1.t Aum- safety. TIlING FOi1 THE---- • MantleDepartment DON'T FORGET WE HAVE ONE OF THE BEST MANTLE MAXUS IN THE, COUNTY'; NO MISFIT, A SUCCESS EVERY TIME. GET A BROCADE WRAP FOR THE WARM WEATHER NEW - TRIMMINGrS 4USTIN EMBROIDERIES, LACE DRAPING, ORIENTAL LACES, JUBILEE LACES, LACE CUR- TAINS and CII&TAIN NET. WEATHER AT C, RANCE & CO'S WHO HAVE ALWAYS THE RIGHT KIND OF GOODS, SELL THEN AT THE RIGHT PRICES, TRY TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. DO PLEASE AND SATISFY THEIR PATRONS. We will not allow any other house in the trade to ,sell cheaper than we de. We back it up every time. 'We invite comparison. Our Motto GOOD GOODS CHEAP. Any person ie need of a nobby' Spring Suit n,ow is the time to purchase. Stook Full and Assortment Great. Our gabs Fine Merchant Tailoring And as we give our whole time and attention to that alone, wo are enabled to inert the wants of the most fastidious. We also manufacture our own Buttons from the same material as the Suit, And as wo are THE ONLY HOUSE IN THE TRADE who do so, we are better enabled to turn out a more nobby and artistic garment. M1 in need of a Suit will find it to their advantage to look through our stock before purchasing elsewhere. —O— • 0.'0. RANCE , & M FIR.CHA..l r TA-ILa►1t S c;Laavrro s-. GEO. E. PAY & CO. -THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. HERE WE 6 f= AGAIN, A Hot Weather Suit FOR We have placed in our Ready Made Clothing Department, t Hot Weather suit for $4.75, comprising a Seersucker Coat and Vest and Halifax Tweed Pants. We doubt if such value fur la, light suit has ever been ofered in the county, and we would urge an early inspection, as the quantity is limited. The Seersucker goods were purchased in Toronto at half the usual price, and this accounts for our being able to offer such a wonderfully low priced suit. Remember the suit is manufac- tured by ourselves, and equal to ordered work. • _ r , WE ALSO SHOW A LARGE ASSORTMENT OI+ SUITABLE FOR THE HOT SEASON. JACKSON BROS. CLINT&)N.