HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-05-27, Page 6_ I __ �,,,, ..._ ,.� . , _ _. r . ........ _ .. _I- I - .. • „, „ ►t„ d i. . . _ �..__„ T �. ___ - _. , - , - .. ^�.... 11 -' r - w-_-• — .. SUNDRIES �,.---�,-�-�--- PERTH NEWS, 8 . ,� .-- -{ N__ NEWS NOTIN. — ._ __ • � j . :. FS1DA, A#AX 27e 1657• o ERSEY BULL FOR t3EFVI0L-TSE SUB- BEESI-411Y !' C ►•... -rRAughs ac, frit. Qatllarinels rot, en-egSecli „ errrtlnitiz keeps far aerviec•, Landon P.oad, " . the otheriiay. Thos. A ndersou, an old resident . SGanioY, o well bred j@rsey soli. Toren - t11 ut . NE, .S NOTES. • I ,the Salvation Arq?Y tome of service, with.privilelfeof•ratur2ligif _-�:[5tME,NSE STOCK OF )Yorkers in qa' ' trades 'in Relgiau h itcllell, died last Week. necessary, gfIAS. AVERY, Stanley, Of ' more to the. number of 18 1300. + late11 _.- Ijiahop.'Walker';'. of Dakota. in New are on strikQ, fs � has jOCatPd atl�ultlt St0 DIaOf �O. t. �Iarvs, YR8 LR1I BULL FOR B.ERVICE. - T8E T'r 'TT. �-1�•'- TT" T '�T 7 ] Y Jun in hie diocese than Tremendous fire$ are rogin in the A subs rib ketot?s for ser It, at.hls pre> its 1VS 11 ..l. i _1...! _I... J,.V � ,.L�+ � r I Elrglend, u Michigan woods, and thousands of dol- On )Monday last )lir. John Linton, Orf I ee Huron itohd, 'Goaaric,h Towna)iat near .Mrs Geeege Marks was instantly killed tars' damages has been done. Hibbprt, sold to lir. J. J. Fee of Tiv- Cduron, a w(iR•brea Ayrshhe Grade BUH. Has ,� proves hiweo,- r sure breeaor. Terms, $1 at To select from, all Fresh, Now Goods. Every effort has been exerted to supply l ghGeorg at fat Joseph, Mo., while 13 a railway accident near Denver, et ton fifreetY head of cattle which tme of servlco, wits tha privilege of returning the public. We show this week a special lot of By y , if ueceasnry. ALBERT DtAY. ing in bar clothes lides.. Grace Lealie, the leading actress rif Sate weighed 22,550 lbs., and, at 5 cts. per _ _ 1. Gladstone mavvisitthiscountry during Caslleton's troupe, was instantly killed. lb realized $1,127. ri�HOROUGUBRED DURHAM BULL FOR LADIES 8z C'.HT i.I7R F.N II.t�1T L"A1. e summer.. Ro prould receive a warm Tbos. Carr, the wi 1, known patriarch l SERVICE. -The subscriber has for service nom millions of atimirersi La$iea , troubled with Pimples, BlotOhos, a thoroughbred Th ea Durham bull re lot 28, coo. 10, iRploorrae f of West Oxford, died at VT10odstCCk On RuuKh hands or Face, or soros of anty dasoripp Hullett. The aulmal is of dura rod oolor,wetghe A unappfoUChablO prices. See Ott= CHE 4 P CORSETS, Our great }3argain6 ill , est'sIeiverPilla-t;enuinewrappadjablue- Friday. Mr. Carr wits one of the oldest, on, shuu,d use McGregor and Parke a Ca rbelio between 1,600 and 1.700 Ibe, and is 2 years old. HOSIERY and GLOVES. f}n, fine lino of W lainr,dispep if not the oldest resident of the county. Cerate it will leave ilia skin in perfect health., Hu has a tirat•olusa ppedtRres and registered in lbs standard remedy for liver comp sutooth, clean and Rood color`. Be aura and et the new Dominion Lera pock, TERMS, 91 with . kin,fndigestion,end sick headache. All druRgi d y get the privilege of returning if ueaeapary. A Swiss EMBROIDERIES and WHITE L&WN MISHas Ilk- I Any case of lamp back cured by a few up ilio genuine, ws e b McGregor & Purlce. JAMIESON, Londeaboro. The $alitiltOn yllnisteriitl Ati6ociatiOD Dations of West's World's Wonder • also cures Price 250. Sold at Worthingtop's Drug Store' _ 'Pednefday resolved to do all in. their po• sprafas. bruisee,cutsand burns. Geheapestantl On Tuesday, D7r. Jas, Plidham, of - ` ' wer to do away with Sunday funerals. beet, All druggists. OUSE AND LOTS FOR BALE. - A FRA Our reat variety of PARASOLS at selling prices. Our large assorthlent o£ E'ullarttin, and brother-in-law of A71's. House, with two lots on Victoria street, near great These goods are Barg .ins in quitlity and plicas. An Ottawa despatch nays : The $5,000 Wm Walktr,_aged thirteen, eldest son Geo. Davidson, Mitchell, fell from a Lane's old hotel, belonging to the estate of the lata — —r express package lust a we6k lies. been '<tf din. Rubt. Walker, Grand Trunk yard barn root, injuring himself eo severe) Conn B tivelyeno, is coated for sale. The house is ;� y comparatively ace•, with nine rgoms and atone cellar. express by the detectives, in .a lumber yard, master at London, waa drt,wned on that it will be at least u month before on the lots are hard and soft water, stable, arc. The /� w� �t�1 ' ]n the vicinity of the Canada Atlantic Thursday, while playing around the river property is advantageously shunted, and will be sold �•��� I ��� w, i I i n e ry "«.. 111•po ri I I I . at the foot of Mai, land street. he is all right again. on reasonable terms. Apply N ,Lon J. STEPRE i - railway station ! SbN, Clinton, or G. SWINBANK, London Road. • - J - - .,, _, L- r sc nal years Wednesday Milton Huff. near Chatham Mr. A. I+'iley, cue"of Stratford s beat NIES OF_ _ s V vast has been engaged In a"misaiO11Rry a boy 12 years old, nos akipningori the known citizens, hoe been suffering for BErei alianBeesa dttwoc lWELVE ouiesofSyr n -.I.. 1. pork in Japan, fi-r the Methodist c road in front of his father's farm, arid be- some time with a tamor on the under- Bees, They aro in the Jones tin on combo • WANTED nada is on her way to her home in coming dizzy, it is supposed'he fell, and a ,ride of his atv. This was the cause hunt of [u11 sheets of foundation They kayoWo'�{/��$ m ID Ca , J wintered well, and have plenty stores to sprlug V • Hamilton, to recruit be health. hickory whipstock which he held in the Monday of the bursting of an artery. with. Are of a uentlo strain and eaeyto handle West's Con. Syrup cures who( g-eougb, band pierced his eye, penetrating the Price [nom $6 to 7 60, acenrding to strength of ia [ optic -frame and touching the braip. In- Three medical then succeeded in stepping bees and number of combs giver.-WiLLIAD= ANY QUANTITY, FOR CASH OR IN TRADE FOR GOODS , .. VAhma, bronchitis..cansumption and all throat the flow after working for some hours. IIARTRY, S1 Aluu1R, imwcrllats] north of Dr titadlungdifficulties ".fie•, 500., $I. 1111 drug- Stant deal h was the result. Srnith's. gists. West's Pain King should Le kept in ' every rJto latest remedy for Coughs, Colds, t'rou P — -r-•- Under fresh management we are prepared to do better for our customers than ever before. Ott Charles Abraham, Of Safina, whooping Cough. Btouehltle, oto., is McGra RIDGE CAUTION-NOTIt E IS HEREBY accot}nt of working up the wool ourselves, we can afford to pay a higher price in cash than those A eon Of Cha house for sudden attacks of cramps, colic, paint- gar's Luug , nipuund. ' here is u, remedy in given that the bridge across the River Maht- who ship to other daces, and we aro cin' to du so. We have'a large stock of all kinds of Goods aged about 6 yearn, iPhile playing about er's colic, cholera morbus, flux and dysentery, existence containing any of the ae.ivo iui:redl )arid, on concession road No. 8 9, lot No. 29, 1 I g S that's .she years felt accidentally foto Only 25c. All druggists, entscomposiog MuGregur's Lunl;t'•owpound, sit (known as Watson's Bridge) to the township of made by ourselves, exclusively for our uthcu traria, which the guarantee' will give the highest his fa du not say you have taken everythlug until you Hallett. and county of Aurou,ls nusmfe for pub• satisfaction. a cauldron of iye, some of which entered A most hideous industry in the United have tried thisfor your cough or cold,.andTout, lie travel, Arid that all parties travelling over ,,Sheetinq. Shirts Lia throat, cau$ing death on the following States is a snake farm near Galton, Ill opiuio , will be the a wo as all who have ised salol b.Idge will, after the ,lay of the d,rlo of the We make Yarns of all kinds, Tweeds, Flannels, Blanket day The proprietor raises snakes of various it, viz., that it is the best. Sold in Goo and $1 ptt,,lleatieu of tilts notice, do so at their own and Drawers. Ask for our Knapped Sheeting. P P bottles bye. Worthington, druggist. risk. Dated at fIullett, the nJueteeuth day of A little boy saved his drunken mother kinds, but makes specialty of raiven The grand jury at the Perth assizes, April, A D 1987. By order of the wunfetpal-%ve-hav'galso an exc@llent stock of FINE WOOLLENS, which we can trade for wool vetycheal) from bele run over by .an rUnengine at Pitta- snakes, A firm in Philadelphia h g et J y council of the Tew 11 p of Hullett. JAMES and we can give '►'WO CENTS. per lb. more than market price for wool. e s yrs prepared e other da , by catching her dress a standing order fur all the rattlesnakes in dealing with the indictment of the BRAITHWAITE, Towuehip Clerk. ii do CUbTOM WORK better and quicker than ever, and are bond to give satisfaction, as we berg, the y P y case of the Queen vs. Hallock-the Lis- have a man in charge of that who understands his business O•DON'T STOP UNTIL YOU and dragging her,off the trach, where alit, the farm can reduce. The aro worth towel conspiracy case -found a true NEW. ERA BAKERY. COD1E RIGHT TO THE MILL, as v have no branch office elsewhere in town. Our only lied Iain down to sleep oft She effeFts of $2.25 each when they 'att+in a )ental of authorized representative with a waggon is gilt, JAb1ES SCOTT. her debauch. • four, feet, They are stewed into- oil which bill, but when the matter came before Tl,o limonsubscriberat would intimate to the People CLINTON WOOLLEN "MILLS: i Delicate females, old people and children it[e .is advertised to cure rheumatism. his Lordship there was an pnol:pected of Clinton ,lint ar has bought out the baking ,.sin "- • lwaya pleased with ]'Pest's Liver Pills, Mild, W hen the Prince of Wales was leavyng business lately carried ori by Mr. Dunhtp,aua Manchester the other dap, a member of hitch in the proceeditgs. The crown Rio continuo the same at the old stand. 'lie T. H. GRAHAbI, bianaget Proprietor. $act re, and they always cure. 30 sugar-coated + l i fr mind an in- h s had a long practical experience, and by civ- 1.-_ D GRAHAM. or 4- a All druggists. ~"` :' the Town Council pushed himself foryvard prosecutor's -difficulty. > _b . , $tilt i1o. a.:_ .-Ing personal attention to the bueiaeas in K g and in of loyalty said :-O'Bring dietment was -Tuude apparent by lir. uu its brunches, hopes to merit aua receive �, Dors. Aurelit► Tazer, of Malahide. aged �� r aehuroet phblio patronage. Bread delivered '%Q, while crossing a field to a neighbors the old woman with thea next time 0110 081 r, Q. C., who took e'ECP.ptjOn t0 the at usual Prices. A large stock:of Cakes and 2' • •t` on Friday placed her pipe in her pocket. Prince looked surprised, not ixactly un- indictment, and' said the statute on Confectionery always ori baud. lee Cream sup- Trr. - - $er dr,as caught fire,and when found her derstandin to whom the civic dignitary lied for parties. J R EVANS, WOOL . W'A �I JL i _% D. n which it was founded hsd no existence, _ clothes and hair were burned'' off and her was referring. Observing this, th'e latter IIis Litrdshi expressed the view that I� tiEOUroR'S NOTICE,-Notlec is hereby a $ash burned to a crisp. said, "I mean your mrotber," for in this P; 1 LI` "-given to all persons having ch,ims against IAr ANY QLbANTITY, An American crispagrieltural journal has familiar and local ftibion had lie alluded the law was intended to cover such a the estate of writ. Forster, deceased, late of the _ . coke , Prof. Broultt. of the Guelph Agri. to Her Majesty. case as this, but admitted at the sante township n or about Decetit mbee+rr29,tA.D. Huron,86. t ■ enitnral College, upon what condition it West's World's Wonder or Family Liuiatent, time that -his Iniad was by no means so, d by post, on orbefore the 25th day of Dilly, Lw 1 five from dOtlbt. Tho Ca80 that CfOI'Ei 1887, to A. Forster, MuYkham P. O.. secretary Of At Corbett s, Woollen M i I I s Store, Can have from fifteen to twenty thousand lame ebackrior re sprains, bruises bruiaes� tufa rheumatism, or Executors of the said Wm. Forster,their names, Copies of the 188G annual report of the wounds. Cheaper, goes further, lasts longer stands adjourned till next assizes. addresses, and description and full particulat•s college for distribution among Its patrons' than any �thce. All druggists. of theireharms mud the security (if any) held by Cooper's Okl Stand, opposite Hodgens' Dry 0oocds Store, Clintoa. This to a r distribution testimonial it the most -- ++-- them. Immediately after the said date the Particulars of the explosion of four Y.oumfut Indulgence, Executors will proceed to distriba o the said telling description. tuna Cf nitro gl Cerins eight miles from iii ernicious raetices pursued fu solitude is Cstatc, having regard only to such claims of FARMERS, being us.y0nr wool and you will l;et the Highest Prices either fa cash j } p p , which they alta)) have had uotioe. All person's or trade. Ade will give you a fsw cents more for your wont in esohnnge fur goods, and eDaC- A peculiar case of death by fright Cc- Duluth on Thursday, showed that nine a most startling cause of nervous and general indebted to the said estate, arerequstedtosettle y, carred at East Saginaw,on Tuesday. Sells residences and as ma other buildings debility, lack of self-confidence and will tlosame before the ab„vedate. Dutedthisl5th antee goods at cash prices, tsmembor, our goods are all of the very boat quality, and we Y g Y day of April, A. D. 1887. can guarantee the best assortment in the county to choose from. OUR FINE WOOL Bros. circus wawparadjn� the streets, And were totally or partially wrecked, and the power, impeirecn memory, despondency, and BARBARA FORSTER, TWEEDS. KNIT GOODS. Re, are obt+fined direct from the leading Fin- Wool &I 1118. (tightened a valuable' horse ownRA by trees in the vicinity were torn into shreds. other attandante of wreaked lunnhood. Homesville, Executrix. (,:,,ANY ONE WANTING A FINTE SUIT 01? CLOTHES; GIVE US A CALL AND James Stewart. He stood the.*,`e{fhants The shock and concussion were lain) World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 W. I3. FORS lesvi N. Humoeville.•IExecuGirs• YOU 1VILLSAVE1410NEY. - all right, but when the sacred bull came felt ill. ]luluth, and many panes of glass )lain Street, Buffalo, A FbRSTER, . and stared him in the face, he shuddered were broken in Oneota, five miles distant. '--" -' Dtnrkh1 F. E. CpR°SETT, WOOLLEN MILt.S AGENT, CLINTON.convulsively and dropped de d'. I'he loss ie estimated at $30,000. Ono day ]sat weal: C. Brnd'y, a.tarmer --- - - - liyin On the Sydenham road, near Itlt)g- COUNTY OF IIURu'1 ES.ADIINAT(ONS, 1887 - Why will you suffer when one bottle of Mrs. Bake:, lin English emigrant, who g second class nonprofessional examination at'the _ hy'vill s Wonder will relieve, and two NS bound .for Derwent, ill Middlesex, stop, went fishing on Lou&hboro Lake. Hi„^hSchoolsintheCountyonylonday,�thJuly,9a.m. a- :y. IryK ELEBRIITgD rIRESS9lAKING - THE UNDERSIGNED - �9e o- M IID has not been seen siUCO and It 19, 'Third class nonprofesSsionnl oxnminaWon at the High , g�jJ A r hats commenced dressmaking at her reel- totbreebotttescureanycaseo(rheumatism. ac. mistook he[ train at Toronto and started S:hoolsin the County on Tuesday, 12th July, 9 a, ill. �ta,�la1._- .: ;� � �JiRfi�E� donco,Kt gSrrwet,directlyupposlte Gho Foun and 500 Your duggieta sail it. nn the Credit Valle road. On, reaching t110Ught hE tt A9 drowned. Tho slI{ff 111 First class, gradiv C., Dionday, lith Julyy, I p.m. First y,7M_ ��K t rlry, where she will be prepared t r fill all orders Walter Wells, of Montreal, commit I'i Prsnll she was tc11d to take the t►ain fir which he was, and the coat Kaye „been class, gradeAandB, Tuesday. lothJuly,9a.Ill. can /+ _ , plpe:�® in her due,ou short notice arid at remaonaDlO J t Mishawaka, near South g fOl1Ud. didntcs who wish to write at either t,lb,ton or Seaforth nyet v" �,�a�D lr Li Ott rates IfnvluG has considerable experience she ted suieido a London; but got oil board No. 54. going must notify D.111.31ALLOCII, P. S. Inspector. Clinton P N, feels co. flrleut that• o emu give satisfaction to Bend, Ind., by slip •ting himself through 0., not later than the 21st May, stating which of the s ,. Z,.,, Q, all who favor her tvi li their Patronage MI - He went there a taw weeks ago east. Discovering her second mistake ?'ivaba'nd-"lly dear, there's only one schools they wish to write at, and those who Wish to ,4 a a ' . ® L BOOTH, CJ r n the (read. .she attempted to ge"t off while the train thin that 'his an el cake nceds.'r Wife e'ritoatGoderichmu•t»atifyJ E.Tolte,P.S I„Exeter, ,t ri: to get the body pf Ills t,fatel, who had poi -was mnvjnn and was thrown tit the ground, g g at the same date. The notice must be accompanied . ' y t,"tt '' %,"$ 11. ! coned herself, and found she had been b -(who Las offered him the result of her by� fee of as, or$i if thecandldate apoiesfor a 3rd as 1 - 'A t clad r a medical society there. This sustaining such serious injuries that on first attempt) 'ii' hat's that, John ?I' Hu_- wall as a 2nd class examination, No'. au,e will be for- ,�11 '� R � dissected y arriving at Woodstock she lead to be re- band -•']Vin s." w'ardod to the Department unless the fee accompanies .. . „,, . 6 fact and a sight of the remains unsettled g it. Forms of application may be had from the secrc- er a• �,, t,. ?v moved to the hospital, fir lila mind. .l3efore.he committed the as Baldness may be avoided by the Use of cretary. The head masters of the high Schools will �,,,, ,,, �Tn other nre a•at on ed et leel)trates and please sand the applications of theta candidates the to the �-al 11 ER AD KIDNEY D,BSEASES I he tried to find and kill the doctor who combines l ll,d-puiifoinp,, vit 1 zing,snriching Hall's Hair Renewer, which prevents the fal• county Inspector of the division m which the Hi i, , i dissected the body, but failed. .ling out of the hair, and stimulates it to r'o• School is situated, First cta•s candidates send their I `-lint• an dn.felligent „lair. tectnts d g in our )icer and awl invigor ging q,:alnies as A. er's Sarsapar ngw0d growth and luxuriance. It restores »plica ions to the Secretary Education Department, ret tsar, l:; bit?,q,i'r'gna POW lica ¢C/nose Sf['GrtdiIt(J i.it Purify your blood and regulatey ills, quality should be consrdorod when Toronto. PETF.It ADAIiSO\I, Secy. B. Examiners, t1, turrE crrlhrtps ix ct Q,Kti'crrrtee fol• the digestive orgarns before the beat of summer, making comparisons, _ faded or gray hair to its original dark color, Go,'crichA Aprill6t�, i887. j-1 o�t7r�ft a rr, s. This sterirng tactic is and -thus save a Doctor s hell by the timely use - - and cures nearly every djseaso of the seal{ . - (,•,•,ic true :n rc and to patent medicines, buy ' ` of West's Liter pills. X111 druggists. t,:John McCarthy, an undertaker, of Syra- u:,';: , h •sc.,,,ist by practical professional men. CURES t ALL H OR cuse, who is somethin of a character A Lassen er'trainonthe International s d;.t,r:::.iatr,owcllnndfavorablyknown by A wealthy brewer of Liverpool hat•jng g ' l g out, t, � a � o � { aid far the insertion ill the papers on Sc Great Northern railroad was stopped hl . , bo•,:c:s to rcriuira any recommends• 1 offered $50;000 towards a fund for a cattle P y 'McNeil station „a t I from a common Etlotcl, or Eruption Fridav of an announcement that in Case last Thursday nicht at y I,.1, C',, :: t: r; Liiar CurO has n receipt book 5 hp ► _.__ I- anuCh Wtn _ - 1 idly urs Sc9� t its w � o'ula. alts colo - offers Anglican) In Liverpool mil” O'Brien is in uteri in Canada, Texas, by fifteen, ar twenty robbers, who Is ;n,Im ; i c ,,i - - ersorei?, scaly or 1liouglit S1ci l t rr,. ,r r, +l:u .•,n,•, ,;:.- t r ,,uad c'; i ry hottic_}chich is wort ment.was exci=ted• The Christian suggest uaranteo to ive the slayer of robbed the express car of an unknown m.'I, I ' 1, , :.ms i f= ,,!.•,''I .. . 11',11 l r. • in nittrt, l y this caused by pari blood ave he will , ]n•.• •'_'=l.i:ir('»:^ishuarmnteedtocure conquered by 'ilia powerful, purifying, and ed that Bishop Ryle reuse it, as every g g Y 1;..,.,1,;,,;,• ;,;It,;;;;, i;;.,'r•;�hr :u,.l lir,uL.:. s:,;,:u ; fru,„ a T'orlrid or inactive uvigorutin medicine. Great Eating UL•. d miser and dears Lord Lanadutvne X100 a year fn► 10 years. amount. Some fift shots were fired and j;.;•.:', i •h el e.;t,, a'ot,►pla=uta Dyspupsfa, pound of it repre5ente y The moue likewise to be transferred to one ,man was sli htl wounded in the ,,.,, ., ;.,, ,, ,: I;t.. ;tlld, t, i„ ;, 1, ':.r corn rapid heal under Its benign influent, en lo. Canon Wilberforce 3 g Y t i I e; ;.,; ,ci:,a- ILt.ii,!rsness, 9:uindicc; )least' Especial) hna It mnnife:sted its poteucy III . , . dation of the p P his heirs In ease the slay.e.r died before hand. Another revo rt says two men (.,,;,;111,,, ,, ,.;t.,s I n: ,r• .'u1. ,It ,.r ::1.' i curing 'Iettol, noso magln Moils, car. " see Cathedrals int 1 a :ro, f iv. r r: t rr eiiohv !'oct,plexwn,Ctt Y . said he would cooper j HcCartb, also sa s he viii) were )tilled and OfE w6linde<. !, {� �ei t the 5hrn1id that t me y y Li, -or. in tin.,. )•0 •l rf tl:r 1;"::virl?. ell,i cf N!DN-Elf s - `T•-IJ-F-1tl_DXCYS- �_._bni;ticlesi_5oro_k _e%SetO tai©ue Sors� _ upon the ground, than the y sit a ac sirxile of the rant cofffn to liexican \ a I'il~ r' it,ll" + ; t 'tilt' rata I . c •., •:, 1.,,,; c ❑re .s a certatin cure for YNttolt© s4voii ii s SGoytre' of IhtClk P furnt ,f bs rebuilt'by the colossal fortunes that A week ago. a,tt ain Oil the ;,,, •t,,;,,,,, c,nc,.1. , t.: t,.c kutneys,aucit as pain ill a 9 n the drinking idiot lay Lansdowne in in ease of bis death. tions) railway ran over and killed a )Iasi• - t it' t'.' • 1,,• 1n In go,1 enofther,bt7omen, NCck, nod Enlarges GIIancls. Sena .ten 11 .lime been raised fret g y The fellow i, a fool.) cents l Sts, on or n largo treatise, with eu t Ie." ( can neat Patzrsuaro. The friends of the tlr>;;, ,': , !!,'Inca red and wl,t's English C, a ran.!. f uu,uc:. J t' r" a, ri:oo,in;; pains in passage, Dright's Aced ]flutes, on Skin nisease„ or the hams of the E people." ,, I:..,-'.14•, 'ut: mmount fora treatise on SctofulousAffectiontR tin of l�Isin Star, in Barkwell's Ptrfect Hair'Vitalizer ramdve's dead undertook to retaliate, and .put a Uig �....;1.'.',I ,, i, e••+ti,,'nr,<, ill ,-+tit•,•• tl;,... ,;,•,dna ,,:,n f,'11INen, et.•. caTIIIE' BLOOD IS, WHIP 1LiFE:! Near the little town $ m , u'„•c...• ..i i •,:IT •:•.',l Iry Ul L„s. all.I Teras a CUriouy BQCret dandruff, restores gray hair to its original rock on a curve. ,the engine of a passen-• I�'` i a dignrda•ru•l t I'r 11-'c•t'n r, it Uv)tt tion Su,t. `old Thoroughlyolennseit b ueingDr.•Piercevs , 4 aRtman county. , i _< f t.;',,,F d " :a < t , > r ,,,tt_ y ger train struck it, and an.meriean 'eh• I l Golden DIeslcai I/itccovory, and good society has been formed, The object of color, In haproduces elit M.hnufactaredabyllV I,, t .. ., , � • D alar'.) I:,r. I :,; e � X,Zlr r,_ «,� s o., _ •gostiont, a fair. skin, buoyant spiv* society is .to suppress idleness and n gineer was injured, and a Mexican fire ,; illr:p ,t,,l r„ vr•I:r r_ -.i wl• - m -vv tbr•n, 'a., ... the S Y S. Earkwell Chemist. Ah druF6ista, aot.t n.a ., e r t o can DA. eRAe10RD LQ, Vital iou, liar and eolip.d. se, o! make everybody work. When an able- ►non killed. The Joife Politico sent a ti,., b1,• r.1 l„;1r , _ _. us u o e ea a ,a . . co tit t= u, w 1 b t bl' hr d man of Mexican gendarmes, with in f., Iht ;;,_:, , I ,,as vlltirr-I•,• �e �s, ® bodies: man -is found to he habitually ides, The heroism of John Vorbanck of Chi- ' CONSUMPT10H .be is warned by a committee to go to work cabo, in saving his infant child from car- stiuctions to bring in every person sus- CU c D OY .USIieJ{'a ( oI i(jjj ��II� 07 Ii- ® 6699P.y pected of any complicjty whatever, or any „ 1%: , ,,;• •r'. 1`i'l,. i 11;,, , I, , �0���8S�U�U11 h Rol lUl which is Scrofulous Disease or tLh or leave the community. This society is fain death, near] coat him his own life, said to have converted the southern part Srturday afternoon. His 18 -months -old information. Thirty-three arrests were ;. ;, ., i.,,,, I,,,;,,,.;,,,, t talo ,u• + ••i:1.1 Longs, is promptly and certainly arrester! count into a perfect hive of babe had toddled down to the railroad made. The investigation resulted in a . 1, 1:oItic i r re::.1, -•• _ beforeand he as this God-given remedy, r taken 11 Of Eastman Y before the lastetages of t1iP disease are reached; indust rt. It is an unlawful organization, track, near his house, and sat down be- selection of three victims, and sentence !!:,t„•; 1:c •I.•:. I'•+1c,:tA. rrr`,in• Atter boiu� thoroughly overhauled and re-fittedwith From its wonderful power over this tett! be dein some good in the tween the rails to play. The whistle from was immediately passed. Shortly after r ;,.,.,,,,.,1 fr.,I,: e-„-„,'+il,;,ci.m, ,In:1..•u;:• NEW SIACIIINEHY of the mist approved kinds these fatal disease, when fleet Offering this now but it seems to g an approaching switch engine attractdd milts are now in splendid running order, and will not ebratsd remedy to the public, Dr. Pr$R� world. sunrise onTuesdav the three were marched s,•.;,:I !” � . ir..:u i i :1'41``1"' Indir;r;arli,.r• be surpassed in the quality of the won•" done, by any thought seriously of catling it hie { Co Siu�-the house remedy,Always the attention of the father, wbo was at to the scene of the dieaater, stood up be• ••,:.1 t'itt'•:, fu,•> car., a,rnr's i ill:, w.ii„1i min in the country. tr,ttlriptlon Cune,»butnbandonedthatuam9 We8ts Pain 1 tt•nlc at ;h.• an;{ o;titrh.nr ;I tri: aria lin:„ es too limited for u medicine which; Prom 1 useful. Never fails to cure cholera murhus, work in the yard, and glancing up he was fare an adobe wall, and a file of soldiers Fit,'11 Int, ,•1_,'r curl roiir•f.• i r,»nuit".1i. I wonderful combination of tonie;orstrength sine in stomach or bowels, cr nip. colic, chills horrified to see the Child sitting on the at ten aces' distance fired a volley at Special ,A�ICntl�il gjg11 to GRISTING Ing, alterative, or blood-cleanefng anti -b llo p tic. Alldruggista. P m•,:r;; v t,- r, n ..l t:tr. u,ontbG :r:n, tn!d C 11 or summer complaint.track watching the swift approach of the them. The men tell at the first fire A ;arra ,,,,,t• n, , l,•„!,i t'„nstipatiun, the r, - b peotorN,nnanutrfttve propertica,iaunequale ' During ,a marrifige ceremony in Texas locomotive. After an ipstant of mute sergeant stepped forward to the -bodies, nx,c•al ,.f vrhir•h 1;:1•, ctth;rtl nay uthvr _ not only as a remedy or consumption of hinge, but for all the other day, the guests became invoiced terror the father rushed toward the track, put a revolver close to each head and trouble ; to tijsu.np'14". sari ;:rattly im- in .general fight. Revolvers veno being and, throwing himself in f Ont of the en- ],r„vi'd to ,o r,••::,! t,. ,: t,.- `i'. [i, .:,u, c itorPlNG DONE ON SHORT aoTlcE. CHRONIC DISEASES blew out their brains: The corpses lay Arnh• rs; 'ill .,, drawn, and the bride had, crawled under gine, seized the child with both panda for some time where they fell, a warning whaSatitever h +•his Iiieew. ratites wantinglei :tyliono os Inn g gy and threw it safely to one side. He had against train wrecking, and were buried i .,nfforod frn,.t ;istin il,attun, tthi,t, whatever h, This ]tae will sad it :o their interest to A ��nn n c the piano, when the officiating clan man n:...1une,I sur!t n:, ul,srinttru rori.t that t g;vetraacau, Livor Blood,(1l1� tun M saw how matters were going, and reached no time to save himself, but was caught near the scene of the wreck. f, mr A it tw.n61 calr�e n St,•ppage,, of till' down into his surplice and began blazing by one of the wheels, and thrown across shop it. 1,,,,•t,.+w, TW(I b,•xoS of Avr•r':; fills eurc,l _ ^ E. IIUBER, Proprietor. ' 1 away will, his six-shooter from his pocket. the rail. His loft leg was horribly roan- Continual hawking and spitting caused by , , 111TIlm'.1y. -- 1,. JIn11w, Saco, Alit, H E A L T W i WEALTH. If you feel dun, drowsyy, debilitated, Its” Bled, and it was afterwards necessary to Catarrh is permanently removed by Nasal • sallow color of skin, Ti yellowish -brown o veral of the guests made a break. for the A t ,, e �, - Gs �3 E' i s 9 ne Pace t body, fru4h, i t headache or ebil door, but the clergyman winged them as amputate it, Ile also received injuries Balm, jl Ns v crinin neaR,bndtaetoinmouth,futernalheatorahllltG the went out. The groom tuns shot a about rho hips and heart. Vorbanck is a oar�C,Wfs altornnting with =tot flashes tow petite, an y A London cable says :-The Financial 1':'••'.'.'•.••I1�y 1+:..I. C..t •: r, . 1 o rn, Ufa«. gloomy borebodings, irreggular apppetite, anti couple of tinges through tho back, and young, hard working man, and has been Secretary of India has advised the Gov_ bnld.l,y a,i nr:,t:;;1u, ,,:,,, 1 ,,. h, iledlcine• ` Coated tonggue, you are SO fering from Ind# luring the remain of theceremnpy was married about three ,years, gem 0 yspepsin, and Torpta Liver, ernment of the discovery of an immense y� ora 111 usness.» In many cases only supported by a brother. The local paper The Quebec Legislature has adjourned, amount oftreasure, estimated tit over X25,- MONEY T� �BJA� part of these symptoms such are experienced. Pled.' Ab referred to the wedding as being "a little and the terrible: threats of the Conserve 000 000, which had beer) secreted in the _ __ a remedy for all such cases, Dr. P has no informal affair, at which there were none Live press, that the Legislative. Council Palace of Gwatior by the late Maharajah. _Medicalp vo t Colaou Di co ry has no -:. • ,_..„...:, a unl.. but near and dear fliends, and was one of would stop the supplies, and thus defeat The treasure had been sunk in pits under ,It T,O11,E8T R.I TFS or I NTERE.�T. -•-,. . ...,::''s- . 1, .. TRttATMENT,_F • i,or WoNt Ln�tg iv, SpittiiIa of Blood, the most quiet, but none the less merry, the Mercier Ministry, have not been car- Bev r o C of , C0118 Broull, am the vaults beneath the zenana, and the Dr. E. r. West's Rene and Brain Treatment, a gnarls» severe Coughs, Cousu>tnptioiy weddings Over Celebrated in Texas. FU- tied Out .A,A floc a very gond reason. 4pCret was entreated to a few confidential ��Sl�l•�dt��+eis _ Effected teed speciecfor hy0eria,ronrnlxton4ARR,nervous nenrniRta kindred affections, it is it sovereign remedy, neral of the trmotn Sunday afternoon, at When the Queaec Liberal leader Iook hold headache, ner!'ous prostratten caused by the use of ateai,o send ten cents in stamps for i. PICr eDakota Bell., of the affairs of the 'sister Province, he servants. The Secretary was present when ortobaeco,wakefolness,meutal'depresamn, softoningoftbo book on Consumption. sold byDruggistil. 3 o'clock.”- the treasure was unearthed. After remov- —1 x— brain, resulting to 4nnanity, lending to ,nmery, decay and Tlie result of Scott Act prosecutions in found the tro,aury bankrupt, though the in the earth to a depth of six fent the aeatU,premrtturenldagr.Uarrenncas,loseofpnwerineither p r Oeff' on a BOTTLEd o ire Wellington, doling the pnstten Conservative Government had for years g FIRST CLASS COl1PANIES. exec tovalnotary)asses ■nd eperorovrhea ilgenc Uyornr PRICE $I;YQ FOIL si.00►■ Gen g workmen uncovered great fla>~stones, and box con of rho one rain, self alit so or over indnigeoce, Earn t Several Berl Fnrnts for Bale, Apply to flex rentnlns one menth'strentme»t, f$1 n box, or eixUozce World's Dispensary Medical Assfieiatloe, months, is as follows : Cases, 23 ; convic- been .alleging that there was a surplus. beneath thesestones were several pits filled s' for $5, sent by mall propald on receipt ofpprice. . tions, 10.. Of those one cage was appPaled He decided that whatever else the Pro to the brim with silver, chiefly freshly tYE GUAa[IANTER arpx 11 XEa and the conviction quashed, on the grot nd Vince did it should pay its way; but when WESTCOTT & SANDERS, To cure any case. with each order recelved I,y ns for six Proprietors, 6118 Drain St., BUt>rAro, N.Y. that the police magistrate, A. Taylor, had he announced this resolve, the, Conserva- Coined rupees. In each pit was a plate �+ wren, accompanied with efu I$5 tvowill esend the purchaser ons reenrdlnlr, the amount Of the treasure find BEAT. ESTATE AfrEN'f5, L` sE•rER, ONT: n'r,lten gnnrantce to refund lire money, If Enotren:mont docs not afrret a cure. Bold by nndrngg,sta or J. C. west & Co., no jurisdiction to try Scott Act cases, and tive managers, not being able to defeat the names of a Officials who had asaiated -- Toronto V4U0t6VXZaR_JS8PILL9. \Q�(`�',®"5LITTLE two cases were withdrawn, for the sante liim by intrigue, advised the Council toin secreting it. The Indian Government HURON AND BRUCE - m gantLIVERreason, by the prosecutor, Amount. of refuse the necessary funds with which to has taken tht hoard as a loan from the cofinespaid, $300; outstanding fino9, $150 - conduct the Government. Very well, P Loan and Inve'sirment Co'y Implement -:- A0 441ey, onun ):slats ah. 'Che native pa era refunded to defendant on too quashed said Mr. Mercier, You need not grant protest a ainstJthis action of the Govern- - conviction, X50; total $500; thus leaving the money; but if you don't, the subsidies meat. They say that had the Maharajah This Company is Loanirir� Noricy ora I'ur»a ANTI -BILI OU7 and CAT]IAItTIC. 11 cases ,650;dismissed. There was no organ- for railways, voted by my predecessors, E. H. SHELL acid by Drnggista. x5 comp n veal. ,*. ized assistance given by the temperance will not be pard, and you will have to set- been an adult instead of being undeea Security at Lowest Rates of Inteicat. Raving aecoptedtireagencyfortheAyrManufacturing ip7ed a of Centre Wellington, in the en- tle with the electors, if I am forced to go rpgeney controlled by the Government, h0 Co., (Watson's) will open out an office !it the promises $500 REWARD !'orcole of of Centre tbe:Ott Act, and in private never would have invested his whole lately occupied by Mr, Gctoley. Albert Street, Clinton, L 'Mi is p to the country on the issue. It is needless wealth in Indian securities. A question _ nearly opposite Fate's Milt, whon ho will be pleased to cTet .. .. were employed, .tbcrt�fore the to sa that rho conspirators once more will be raised fn Parliament as to whether MORTGAGES PURCHASED receive orders Por the celebrated o Ducted 's the propemede y u4 Dr. Sage's Catm•rh Remedy hmount s; erewotaccomplished is not so wilted, and that Mercier remains master who "investment" be not another name , STEEL- TWINE - 8110ADER for aessoofcatarrhwhlohthey large •as it otherwise might; have boen. of the situation.1. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. . And the NEW 1IUi,llIE1tMOWrRarid�AiSYRAKE. cannot curs. �.._ _ for seizure. I f yon have a aIsehargo from _ "" - -- - ��O�s - -- TAD%AttAC, ------ + -, / (Lxri 5 pet` G','rrt. I11tci est Allowed t» -y1 tutl_.Boo_ of ropnira will also ba keppt in steel(. ` the post,._g1la+isivo or otliet• tohnson' 1 All U0411ug White Olntment Prompt attention will o given e. aAlgo Sts, whothct odic rant i oak a emelt 19A nnasrfulhomlinganrl sootluur prQpor Itl an 1'aixir carefully prepared by an eaperi• oleilreAor do P•.rke'q CnrIP01C Cerate Dr'posila, according to mrtat<f1t hyaiailorotneraise. Alva wheming,wotrkeyes dfih Tho w and time left. p I es of the above nam -M oxc0„ent salvo, have OaCCd Chemist, with tho well-known Tamarac rTaysyou a n Ola SOim CPiinBnttrtTii� o�i�s PLOWS, ; : STRAW : CU'PT);RS, ort ds of a in lend, yell n co Cumptf . Tho 1 Corn, Bunion, Salt. Rha sande of casae terminate in consumption. been found by many who havo used it to be most, t q And all other Farm Implements i;eptlu stocic, Dr. Sage's CATATann RYtiatk:ny cares the worgE e:ileaelous In tho treatutent of Ralt t.hrtun, p� �, as the fundamental principle,composition mstia naaroh'of the I;"usth Honda or Face 1 it s0, thnra' is bat one OFFICi?rCerno of afarkTIOR ACF. HORTON• goEi< ,�y T --- / cases of Catarrh, "Cold iii ffeo IIieadii• pins, hlotOhoR,Uolls, alerts, scalds, bmma, .1 h er ingredients in it p caro, namely. Dfuflrcgor and Parka's (larbolie 3I.ty. ea .• " 'i��Q�f ma t Catarrhal Lxtoadac•Iic, i•0 ccnt8. pgs, oto. One trial will be sufllcient to prove trust and host paleulared to rrlicvo all cases Cerrito if yotl but try it., It will eolivince yon M. �, tv„�,f t„elJr1! \/r2Z. that wbat wO claim for It Is nrrect. For sato 1> E Colda and tun Groublea. it costs but 2r,0, at \VortTtin gtou'. Drul Mee. Godericll .\uGust 6th iS85 . 45 cents Per box by \Vortlhi ton Drnf(gist. of Con h, R ' v