HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-05-27, Page 4__...-.-,_ ._ ;- __ . _ .. _ ., . w - - 1.. ,r v , y - ar -. . f , e „ .r L - .- �. . � . ,3 t„ - - - - a �' .. ,-., - p .. _,. ;. . _� . F,ioitgaaeoy In WinuipeR;. Addltl0 sal Local NawS.e The Cat_V.e Bualineaa. 4pirited'tearn of horses in a covered buggy, he perjod of dry flays and fcoety nighter and i' ,4 � nv �1•c�u Ttiormen-z , --- _ met with rather an, unpleasant miehap, He where the lance were not ver strop ani The people of Winnipeg, baacked by the Ten car load o splendid cattle were bad in the baggy with him a hive of beee,and healthy, ibey aacoumb9d. Iujy y from this ', �, " Notige-.•v Ram: �ort Provincial Government, are determined too RAILWAY MATTERS• abs ped from •Minton station last Friday when out about tcgomiles e• methtng disturbed source was suffered in all. the counties ,a¢7 - ' ,' `T;zanrriipn�W JacksOa build a line of xailway to the boundary, and - woo cars being for Mr. W. McLean and ,the hgueymakereand they: merged from their oat exception, and in a number of teem it &trax, V , J0bWlK,nuking aha n outlet other than tUat furnish- Biiuton'a l•roepcote for a a- P, A, the remainder for Mr Norpan, of Oshawa hc�te to a cloud, and attacking Mr.Govenloolt hoe left the crop to a poor Condittoo, gverpg• p thus have a _ -.r:d hie horses the I ? traW lists- Jaoitson'$tos Connection constdored pecan. All the animals were stall fed, and tbeir y Succeeded an making it a ing from one-half to three-fourths of what it fou$ deal more lives or that gentleman remised In the faUr There hike not been Q cent table--� Robertson ed by the C. P. R. The authorities of the weights, given blow, show that they had y a P New ggodar-A.i?Yorth nggton • C. P. R. have notified the people of Winni• The correspondence that has 1Ately oc- been well looked after. Mr. Jas. Fair'.• he antiSoots have yet been able to do The nearly so large an arep plowed up ppe was 1wU 11 I ,horihorn�buTl "Rl J Biggins peg, through Mr. Norquay, that if this cured between the R.R. Committee of the lot of 22 were a particularly Sae lot, and horses becoming lrantio under the attacks of spring, however, and man, of�the reports p p town and se oral L1. Ps at Ottawa gives P Y their assailants, Mr. Govenlock was unable speak hopefully of chances for improvemegt. 17hea aide s replies ---S Wilson a done, the will remove their y g 8 sold by Mr. McCabe, of West Wawa• to control them and fight the bees at the The drouth has been sever in the western evidence that our interests are not being nosh avers io over 1700 each could same time and the of into fhb ditch upset- e Dress making -Mrs J Campbell Y g part of the Province, Hot weather suits -Jackson Bros workshops to Fort William or Port overlooked. In fact our advantages, as a ' g g y g P 11 i Top shirts -Clinton Woollen Mills scarcely be equalled in the county. The ting the buggy and leaving Mr. Govenlock Arthur, and carry a greater portion of their railway sod maoufaeGuring centre, tom- fol lowing is the list sold :- and the bees on the road -aide. made for town. wrxx8a 8YE _ r -- trade through Selkirk, thus side-tracking biped with our e6ntral position, praotically Mr. Rion, Hallett, 8 head ........ 44601bs is in fairly good condition; but while the yield w "r U `{,�• laces us first among competing points for A Henson correspondent writes :-The old ��j��9 �� �j/ l Winnipeg. if Sir George Stephen's object P g P g P James Hearn, Clinton, 1... , , .....1600 Haying "The course of true love 'never runs per acro promisee to b9 as least. equal to tie t Outwit r ��7J� • connection with the C.P.R. The latest W. Higgins,.Stanley,8............4220 smooth" has been beautifully average of former years, the total yield will �J in sending bis first telegram to Mr. Norquay news is that the branch line from Wood- W. Kitchen, Stanley,7............9790 y i' one, in beo under in consequence of a reduced acre. FRIDAY MAY 27, chin vicinity in more ways than one, lately. 1887. was to step the agitation against C. P. R. stock northwest to some point on the lake John Marquis, Colborne, 4...... , .5270 age aster crop. A short time ago a couple of girls, living at monopoly, he certainly did not display that is to be pushed at once. It is euntem John Harvey, 8 ..................3850 one of our first class hotels, in this place, were ctovEa 1-1 EDITORIAL NOTES. plated that it will be com Tete to at John Gilmour, Stanley, 9:.......13110 has suffered in the western peninsula from 'amount of astuteness for which he ba boon P P d Joseph Lyon, Hallett taken to task by the landlady for spending, P receivingcredit. On the contrary he ex- most three years. In view of this, and of P Y, , , 4 ..........5390 too mach time with atieir'•loved ones "where- winter exposure and spring frosts, more cape• ' I'4dtSiament has resumed its alliin s, but y John McKinley, Stanley, 5 ......6870 ones,"where- m the counties slop t g posed some of the weak points of leis case by the further fact that the scheme is beiOg y' upon they became very indi',+naut and decid«d Y g he shore of Lake `" so far ver little of general interest has intimdtin that the construction of a com taken hold of b the C.P. R most of ybe W Hiles, Hullett, 10............12650 to chane their lace of ab,lo. Accordingly, Bete. In the eastern counties, where, how. y g etin line to 'Winnie would depress the other western schemes are like) to fall John Hardy, Goderich t'p, i, ... , .1600 in "dead of night' they raised the window of aver, clover is not so generally grown, very . ' transpired. Matters are likely to be lively, Pa1ue of his company's stock, and to the round Speaking of these mat John Washington, E.Wawanosh, 1 1300 their bedroom, dropped out their Sarstogas, little damage to reported, saving to the old however, b t,r-�yt - n %-over, as seNr- g P g Thos. Match, 6 .. 8130 meadows, - kL • that the C. P. R. company are afraid of ters general the Globe sa S:— and, whispering bpi a,es of their d8ar ones Y W. Mair Hullett 8 ...:........ . .4090 al things of importance are to Como up. competition in the railway traffic of the '• "Some of hese schemes are likes to be j ret loud enough to be heard in $elven,threw axuiT. Y J. Fotheringham, 4 .......... ...5270 , _�.. -� Northwest. Sir George has 'in fact "shown affected, however, by the Niagara &Wood Mr. McCabe, W.Wawanoeh 8..... , 5120 tuemerlvrs out into the darkness. As might' The unusually fine weather of the first part ''s'' Lieutenant -Governor' Masson, of Quebec, his hand, in such a way as to encourage aleck refect, upon which the promoters John Munin e, 3 ..... . ... . ..:...8950 be expected they were somewhat ekaken up, of May turned a seemingly late spring into a has ant in his resignation owing to 'ill. the business rivals of his company to re- of theHamiltonCentral and the Brant- W B Munings, l ..,,-1300 blit their courage never failed ,them, They a dll vegetard season. Pastures look green, double their efforts to break down the North- g , , , • • , ' , started on font for Exeter, to which place and 1ve6:etatlon generally is away ahead of ex. balth. Thia will he a fat berth for some ford, Waterloo and Lake Erie schemes J White, 6' . . . . . .... . . .:.. ."- .... .68ti0 the arrived about three o'cleak west monopoly. It cannot be denied that H Radford, Hullett, 7 ... , . , ......9860 d ,feeling in pent" is r e. to acid not show of fruit bl deo _politician. P.umor states that a member of Sir Charles Tupper, speaking as minister of have united, and which is to be as Pow good trim for breakfa"t. acme i reported, f a nice s t storm ening the ry, �• - b the Canadian Pacific Company. Power Jaihes Fair, Clinton, 22. , ... , ... ,35030 railways and on behalf of the government, Y P Y• et active effect 1 of an ice storm in February, the Dominion Government will be his sue• Y g is taken b this company to extend their W Graham, Stanley, 1............1500 f•arttnn.«nu.r Notvs. and the made a distinct and solemn promise to par- Y. P Y R McGowan, 3 .... .. ........4280 y girdling of valuable trees by mine, ,' . eessor,but this is hardly likely, liament and the country, that the C. P. R. line "to a couvenieut point on Lake Hu- James Cornish, Hallett, 7 ... , ....9420 Messrs, E. King Dodds, Joseph Seagram, particularly in the east, the orchards have. monopoly would be abandoned' as Spon as roc," and it is stated to be the present C Elsley, Colborne, 1 ......,.1490 J. B. Carlile, John Leys and Jos. Hodgson, 1 on the whole, come through the winter in ' CANADA has the best educational system in the road around the north shore of Lake intention of the Company to seek a fermi J Fisher, Colborne, 5 ..............6870 of Toronto, are seeking incorporation as the , Rood condi,ion. The reports are generally of Superior from Salisbury to • ort Arthur was nus in the vicinity of Kincardine, Thci2..:Canadian Horse Insurance Company, a hopeful character. the -world, more oliurohes and ministers in P rY 1' Y H Hill, Hullett, . . . . . . . . .....2590 1 finished, Three years have passed, the harbor of Inverhuron is nine miles north power to effect contracts of insurancei J Aver Stanley, 1 ..............1310 I THE so plc proportion to population than any other section referred to b Sir Charles has been Y+ Y• 'P+ cause of in urd mage se accident tle -or other other In .Western Ontario plowing and seedjn _ Y of Kincardine, and the Canadian Pacific W Robinson, Goderich t 5. , :...7020 horses "., country, a large numbor of well -edited news- in operation for some time, but instead of authorities will doubtless select for their A McAllister, Goderich t'p, I.... , .1410 live stock initrane orbation bylandor wet operations were commenced about the 15th R papers, all together spreading light and li- giving up the monopoly the president of the terminus the one of these two harbors _o�_— er, b fire or other casualty. Y April, and owing to the excellent condition of Pacific company Ithreatena to abandon the y y. The capital berty of thought. Still, in some parts of Lake Superior road if his monopoly is in- which may be found mostsuitable to their QUEEN VICTORIA,— On Tuesday last stock of the company to be $50,000, divided the lend an nth. Inlly large area was sown purpose. The present intention favors into 2,000 shares of $25 each. during that month. In the extreme eastern this enlightened and unprejudiced land,men terfered with. Sir George ought certainly Queen Victoria was 68 years old. She counties snow la on the are mobbed for expressing their opinions. to have known, if he did not know; that his Kincardine. It is expected .that the Ni- was born on May 24, 1819, and succeeded Speaking of the tariff debate,, an Ottawa field work did not fairly b kound so late that threat to remove the workshops from Win- agara and Woodstock road will be com- to the throne on June 20, 1837 Sixty- correspondent writes:—Mr. McMillian, of May. Oats peas, barley, and a fair exteat gin before the first Mr. O'Brien will Derry back to Ireland pain" leted within two ears, and with this . (Huron) who speaks with abroad Scotch so y' P Y. t wo ld haveand othe effeoleave b of city nkin on a the Manside i fact assured it will years, be 'found ad• eight years old and nearly 60 years a cent, made a brief speech showing how fn• of spring wheat have been sown, and at the r ial recollections of his visit, and it is to be g probably queen I The world will never witness date of their reports their- general appearance " 3io ed'than Iia. i13 not jut Canada b kis tobaztif Wgra' eterl??iAea, t an ever to secure visable in some quarters to promote con- furious the National Policy had been to the P g' IS Y one stiffen- rovided th'e `were' 9 P such s record again. farmers of. Dominion. The money for `i pe satlQiaotQry,-the dronth alone giving lea„ -, c 1 p ' y possessed• ne6tion with the new road, instead of pro- .•-• to a feeling of a sae •- .p Z°orAnto and Kingetou oxperienc0s• of any spirit at all ;but possibly Sir George, testing under the charters which Perlia SCOTT t1Gi CesES.-On Friday four building up these iron industries was ez- g . n„-__lease.1­1. + v- ' judging from past, experience, believed lie went is now asked to grant.” cases were called for trial at Exeter, be- tracted from the pockets of the farmers of LIVE STOCK. SOMEBODY has tabulated the points made could intimidate Mr. Norquay and that Mr. There has been some inquiries made of titre stiessrA. Wanless and GnvenlOck. The the Dominion and nothing was given them Though the long sedere winter and bask. q in return. He refuted the Statements of the ward spring have affected the oondition of in his each on the Budget U Sir Richard Norquay was the whole of Manitoba. us concerningMr Porter's stand upon thrice add turned case of Kelland came p g P 6 Y For several days past excitement has been P up again, but he having left the country, honorable gentlemen opposite who main- live stock unfavorably in some cases, the out- Cartwri ht with -'regard to the growth and railroad matters affecting our interests, tained that a ricultural implements were look for them is eneoura m Except where !; g g very high in Winnipeg, and the Manitobians the case was dismissed, as was also the g P g' e p and we gladly give pace o the following not increased by the duty, and showod'con- disease has reventeil, horses have wintered progress in various directions of the Domin- seem determined at all hazards to go ahead one against Mr. Williard, there not being P ion of Canada during the last twelve years: with the rival line. Ata mass meeting held in .letter received by the secretary of :he R evidence to sustain—the charge. The elusively that this tax was a most oppressive well, while the prices obtainable, especially Y Winnie Wednesday, resolutions favoring R. Coron,ittee :- one to the agricultural classes. for light harness and saddle horses ,have been .1 Increase of debt.......... ,.x.,.300 0. .Winnipeg y' g charges against Messrs. Piney, of Zurich, It is now stated that Mr. Baird, the usur- more than ordinarily satisfactory, Cattle, P the proposed road,were moved by members of Ottawa, May 9, s of t and Mitchell of Exeter, were fur- ad - Increase f expenditure., , ...,300 p.the Local Legislature, The mayors and reeves DEAR Sosing am in receipt of yours of the per of Queen's, will return es the he Ocm- though for the moat part thrifty and free fines Increase of interest on debt.. P.O.o7th, enclosing resolution of Railway Com- journed. While a constable for the prose- blingof the Commons and resume the occu- disease, have one out upon the rase in ons of municipalities throughout the Province,--. , g p g Increase of taxation.... , .......215 p.c. mittee of our town. I desire ou to inform Cation was giving his evidence, a most panty of Mr. King's neat. When it was y Increase of o Nation........ 30 c. in reply to the circular sent out, were uy to Y„ Y 1 moderately good condition, Sheep appear to P P P• imous in their expressions of hostility to this committee that I shall, to the best of my disgraceful thing occurred. An unused learned that Mr. King bad decided not to have done well, the lambing season baying ability, co-operate with them in an work or ,stovepipe ran throw h the ceiling imme- appeal to the Courts for the seat stolen by been in most localities exceptionally produet- There is food for thought in this table. monopoly, Mr. Leacock, a Conservative Y, P Yg g the Government's. Returning -officer, officer sterol Everyone can preach to himself from this member of the Legislature, said that be undertaking that is deemed beneficial to diately .above where the constable stood. g eve. Pigs are folly op to the average in point text, but the trouble is•hardl one in a bun would never vote for a Dominion Govern Clinton and vicinity. The Bills which I This had been previously filled by some- of the Ministers became alarmed at the pro- of condition. Y ment candidate until disallowance was done enclose have not yet come before the Railway one, with allies, mature eggs, add ether battle effect upon public opinion, and insist- STOCKS IN HAND, dred cares to follow out the train of thought away with. Attorney -General Hamilton Committee, and I -can say. nothing as to the rubbish and was so arranged that b ul- ed on Mr. Baird resigning the seat at once. . which these figures suggest. Follow it out said Sir Goo Stephen's threats will have no proposed details of route, . but should any g R g Y P Under pressure Mr. Baird loft for home,but Throughout the Province generally the effect with the Provincial Government. Plan be proposed whereby Clinton would be lin a strip the whole lot was intended it appears he has not decided to relinquish quantity of wheat held by farmers will barely and see where 'it leadato. Tho cit of Winnie hoe saddled itself with ignored or out off from -participating in 'the . to fall on the unsuspecting witness. The his stolen property. It is said to be his suffice for Home consumption, and in the St. . -. ••oro Y Winnipeg advantages of railway competition, I shall, arrangement was partially successful, the . resent intention to hold the seat through Lawrence and Ottawa valleys many have had - a capital expenditure of $440,000, and is at g Y P constable being coyered with the ashes P g to buy flour. In some cases farmers have ' IT recently came. out 'in evidence that an annual c *Q JL?..:Q(l_,-.6J �trld the C. P, as soon as it is known to me, inform yon at g + the session, and then submit his case to the y nearly all Conservative members of arils• w once. I am, dear sir, yours tail but,- fortunately for him, the eggs fell on Conservative ,Association of Queen's, of held wheat for s prospective rise in price, bat Y p R: carry out Sir eoige'°13 eptift'•s threats Y, they are now selling. In the western conn- • ' ment had been anted asses over the C. P. an injunction will•be applied for in view of _ ROBERT PORTER. the floor, where they -were smashed. which Mr. Dunn is a prominent member. gr p ] Pl Sir Charles Tupper left the Capital ties hay and oats are rather scarce, while „ the obligations entered into by the company. --—�'�-" — THE MAYORALTY.—Da Williams, we PP pial on ylnn the St. Lawrence h R. to Ottawa, and the squealing of some Commenting on the position of affairs the understand will no longer fill the position Thursday, ostensibly for New York, and is g the supply is abund. dissatisfied Reformers led to a remise that , P LOS'iAL ,CHURCH CHIMES. g P not expected back until the re -assembling ant. A small number of fat cattle are kept p Mail says :— The Government (Dominion) of mayor, though he has not formally re g !or shipment and local see, but the supply of of Parliament. It was learned Saturday P Pp Y They should lx+ similarly treated next year. will in the end be compelled to yield, per Rev. Mr Craig exchanged pulpits with signed. The question of a susses- that he had left New York for Boston. It store cattle is large, t haps somewhat undignifiedly, It is impos- Rev. Mr. Hod ens of Ba field Sunda sor to him Das so far only brought out 1. Seeing that every member of parliament g Y , Y•. y R i pretty generally believed that his business LAaox. ' sible to suppose that a region located in the , the name of Mr Joseph Whitehead. The supply of farm laborers a draws mileage, as well as his sessional sl- air so far as old Canada is concerned can Tile Women's Christian Temperance P has to do with the Fishery negotiations. Pp y appears to be Union will meet at Mrs, Washin�rton's Whether be would accept" the position or This suspicion is strengthened by the care- fully equal to the demand, and the rate. of lowance, it is a mighty cheeky thing to tra• prosper under existing conditions ; tied as it Y not we cannot say, bt t we believe it will fol reticence of other members of the Cabi- wages for•'the working season is ver nears vel• on a ass. We notice also that Senator is by the tariff to markets from twelve hue- next Tuesday afternoon, at three o clock, > Y+ 7 Y P be tendered flim by the unanimous C 1n- net on the subject of Sir Charles' mission. the same as fast year. McInnes has introduced a bill providing dred to two thousand miles distant, and left Revs. Messrs. Sparling and Rupert P g at the mercy of a, single carrier, whose rates leave next' week to attend the annual sent of the townspeople. It is not neees- It n known that for weeks past the Govern . that railways shall convey legislators and render the distance intolerable. ' ' ' ' stiry t0 say anything concerning his quasi- meat have been industriougly collecting MARRIED Guelph Conference to be held at Galt in fications for the osition, as it is well statistics bearing on the old. Reciprocity judges, free of charge. Why legislators and We shall be told, no doubt, by the friends of P Y BOOTH—KFd, on the the residence y h the bride's . Jun@' known that 118 is In ever C Treat and ahOWin 'the Volume of trade be- mother, Clintoti', on the 25th lust.•, by the Rev, C. F. judges an more than hod -carriers or any Suppression; that we have no right to pre• y expect well- y• g Salton Mr.' F. S. Booth, to Miss M. Rebecca Aerr, Y Y Mr Trewin tween the two countries, and that the com- Other member of the community ? Good Sent facts thus bluntly—that the press of Kinburn, a candidate ,fitted for it; and has what very few others both o1 Clinton, . y should simply record pleasant things the for the ministr reached a trial sermon have, lent of time to attend to the duties Pilar of the statistics has gone fishing P Y P g Y, P P y with the Minister. The officials of the Fi- KNIGHT—DREW.—In Exeter, on the 25th inst:, P ness'knows the wealthy have altogether too North-West, and either gild the unpleasant in Rattenbury street Methodist church, required of bne holding the office, and we by the Rev. Fr S. Robinson, Mr. Frank Knight, of many privileges now -that are not shared by ones or else leave them alone. Our answer on Wednesday evening. bate pleasure in bringing his name before nonce. Department profess to know'nothing A xeter, to Miss Louise E. Draw, of Los Angelos, Cal. of Sir Charles business. There is little We wish them much happiness and prosperity. is that this one eyed policy is responsible Jor the public. We only ho doubt but that his absence has to. do'with FOREST—wOOLFE—At the residence of the bride's the loiter classes of society. At the Stratford district meetin Messrs P y pe that if he sc two_,half breed outbreaks in that region', and g cepts the position he will never find it the fisher negotiations and Reci rocit father, Brucefleld, b Rev Mr Sim that'it is full time for Ministers to abandon LeGear and Dyke, formerly of Clinton „ >, Y g • p y. y peon, on the 19th , SEVERAL years_a O when the cpustruotion_ At -in the'iT-dealingss-with the white ment" - -and Hensall' circuits-respe@tivel •'were re- Decessa..ry. to._• .cit down? .On any member It is nine. since h0--pro>vleed the bfart- dist., ter W L Ferenc, bf_Stanley,_t0 Lena, fennl,+ee`u -' g ., ,... g n, y'r daiighterof Mr Jacob Woolfo.: f --.►F— commended for ordination; of the Council, for there would rot be time Provinces Reciprocityi it rintwo years, MONK—RALLIDAY—At the residence of the bride's - of the C. P. 11., around the north of Lake , much left of the unfortunate councillor and the whole country will rejoice if even mother, Min Road, Tuckersmith,on the 18th lost., by The TariLT and Great Britaip 1 Superior, was first proposed, the Naw ERA Mr. J J Cruickshanit, a student from after he got up again. _ at this.late.date he is -able tp-redeem his ,Rev JMoCoy;MrRobb Monk. of IIullett,toJnnaeldost _: -...._ _.. knowing something of the climatic and geo- AN unexpected result of the new Canadian Victoria College, has been engaged -as an -�-- -- - pledge. But •should the Government sue- daughter of the late Samuel Halliday, Esq. 'assibt ul .t0 Rev W `W Sparling, during teed in negotiating a treaty, what about the DIED -_ - graphical difTioulties-that would-be encolm, duties on iron has arisen in connection with OUR LETTE Ft BOX the col ge holidays, and will fill the pal- discrimination against England on the WALKER—.In Londesboro, on the 24th lust., Eliza- - iered, expressed the opinion that that por- the Imperial Parliament. The Dominion pit Of Ontar' street church, on Sunday NOT THE COLLECTOR'S FAULT. strength of which Commercial Union is beth Ann, wife of Mr Jos walker, aged 30 years G i now opposed b the Government and a largo months and 8 days, tion of the road would never be a permanent Government had asked the home authorities next. I pp y g To the Editor of the Clinton New TLra, section of its anpporters in the Bounty. ♦ WEIR—Iii Exeter, oh the 6th inst., Ann, relict of success. This view was personally endorsed for a subsidy to a line of Steamers running Messrs. J C Stev8n4.on, Clinton, and D An Ottawa correspondent writes as fol- the late Thos Weir, aged 61 years. - by one of the beat railroad builders then in in connestio rs th the C. P. R., 11ri Van D Wilson, Sea.ortb, ti�lve been appointed DEAR SIR, -Will yon Jia kind enough to let lows :-Despite the boastings of the Govern Canada, now deceased, and who looked .couver tU -$ n to represent the County ora��on Sabbath me know if it is lawful for a Custom House ernment r ' �qng, and the home author- ��i1 officer to keep an parcel ,that comes to his P esu, the situation here" is full of 1`i i� U T [�1 �t through different political spectacles to our • School Association , at the Tilteirnational P Y P uncertainties. The Maritime Provinces are TUPPER tJ :-: 1 �LL,L l' Lir ' "' ,ties -hod eased their approval of the Convention which opens in Chita about charge four months without Bending them a P deeply agitated over -,--the enormous new 1. ``�wii:" " Hee6ned"'ilial However"patriotic scheme, but since the new duties have been the 1st of June. notice. Your Clinton officer kept a parcel of taxes that are being imposed, 'arid' already mine four months before he sant me word. it might seem to have an "all -rail Canadian announced -and especially the duties on iron, At a vestry meeting Of St. Paul's church could make something out of my business opinion is making itself felt upon Some of The new tariff' largely increases. the cost route," it was not commeroially prudent, a member of the Salisbury Government has I the Conservative members for these Pro- of producing 13hotoryra lis but on Monday evening it was decided to i�asn t for him • he charged me more for P g a P i expressed the opinion, in reply to a question versed. The loyalty of the Manitoba mem- and he emphatically declared that no rail• raise $2000, and at once proceed with the duty hqn my commission would come to. .� in the House, that the putting on of the Yoli trul bora, in tick of the popular clamor in that way, run on business principles, would con• iron duties, will likely have the effect of al- enlar ement 'and improvement of the y, JOHN BANxER�crl,. g severely strained by the Our Prices remain r same p Province, is being tering their decision concerning the aubsid eburs . Other im irovements to the Drysdale, Ma ,19th. tinne to run in what he termed "such an g. g y. 1 , Government's determination to adhere to Rector &c. will also be made. [The Collector he�ro stateethat he did send the This ma turn out to be serious mat. Y+ , posit of disallowance. The same ues- inhospitable region." Now that the C.P.R. Y y notice to. Mr. Bannei'man, and showed us an tion combined with the inevitable large in And the quality of our work is highOr ter for Canada. Of course it tray be said The Synod of I3uron will meet at the acknowled ment of the-skme. As the duty g than it ever was before. .has been built at an enormous expense, its that if England is not prepared to grant ChapterSHouse;Landon,on tbej28th ofJune to be collected is fixed by Government, the cress a the cost t agricultural implements. managers propose, as a means of fighting a 'the aubidy, the line of steamers may still A special jubilee service +till be held in Collector has no alternative but o collect it in consequence of the tariff changes is tis- ���� page CNN. - rival line, to bring their traffic through go on,and Canada will paddle its own canoe, St, Paul's London,on Wednesday evening and while the amount in Some fauces, Curbing the Northwest, British Columbia 1' UB l-1'Jl Bever Block CNN - regardless of British likes or dislikes. It i , is beginning to feel pressure from the same 1 ; f , American territory• via Sault Ste, Marie. has been doing this in so far as its tariff is June 29th, on which occasion the sermon may seem excessive, it is one of the fe res direction. The rumor that the English 1 will be preached by the Very Rev. Dean of onr revenue system that must be endo k Government will resent the imposition of This virtually means the abandonment of concerned for some time, but England has until people, getting their eyes opened, vote P not hitherto manifested any opposition be. Carmichael, of Montreal. Rev. W. Craig P P + g g Y P ih new taxes on goods from Great BritainlflU `�1t1uC�t#l�CutlEllt�i the Lake Superior section and and Mr. J. Ransford will represent St. for. lower taxation. -ED. Naw ERA.] by�i �ssibl retaliator measures and the p proves the cause of our trade policy. 'Now they seem P Y Y correctness of those who were not carried disposed to take a different attitude. The Paul's church, Clinton, on the ocgasion. with.1014 g of the expected grants to the ANTED —GOOD GENERAL SEitpANT refusal of a subsidy is a direct intimation The annual meeting Around the County. Canadian eifie steamsbip lines to Austro yY for a ematt family. To m capable person away by enthusiasm and party feeling to en• g of the County of highest wages wKll be Riven. Apply to Mlifi. that they do not approve of our course. Mr. B. S. Cook, the popular deputy -reeve lis and China, as created a positive pubic I 11 Huron S S Association will be held in Pin the Ministeria ranks and amongthe SEEFER, Rattenbury St., Clinton. deavor to forco commerce out of its natural How far that non -approval will o, or how of Howiek is around again after a serione � - - --- far-reachin" it mayPP g �'irOderlCh, On the 14:h and 16th of June. ' g i friends of the Can ran Pacific Tho OTICE,—THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPOR• course. Sooner or later all such attempts g `-be in its results, is dif• illness. �T flcult to determine but it could easy be much Amon gg those who are to introduce papers At the last quarterly meeting of the Hensall breach between the Catholic and Orange l� wrrox of the County of Huron, will moot in the mast Ue futile; Y are S `'V Perr CPntda, on " S S or ani- q y fl win s is widening dais an eitive mutiny Court House in the town of Goderleh, on TUESDAY, more serious in its ultimate consequences y' „ g South Circuit, the Rev. Mr, Godfrey �reeeived, g g Y� y JUNE 7Ta. PETER ADAMSON Count Clerk. 11 •!`o'• than appears on the surface. Canada has Lation and discipline; Rev W ,Craig, a m st heart invitation to return to -the may show itself at any moment -,,They are May 23rd, 1887. y DR. WILLIAMS, of Clinton, will likely enter committed itself more fully to the system Clinton, "Methods of teaching the Bible circuit another year, murmurings and protests from ma�rxquar- upon his duties as Polito Magistrate, as soon of protection than ever bafo�O, and it may in the S S; G F Oakes, Clinton, "Sing- The Corrie sawmill had a narrow escape fere, which do hot reach the ear of the un- �TAAY PIG.—STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES - ' after, he is gazbtted, which will be on Satu'r- 'be, unless -our- legislators go slowly, that the ing in -t -he -primary class," and an address- from being d ,rdroyorl by fire on Friday of last try,but are heard more distinctly every da whitet9uttolk Bon ned, on8 months Oldor about e 5 Any th of May, ver system which the think will build ti is to be delivered b Rev John Gra Mr. creek. The tiro caught from a spark from the and threaten very serious comphcatrons st r t ruin Suffolk rvia r information which will leas person i Y, Y Y P y y 8 P t3 i i day, as hie services aro required. While his our industries and make its part of a great Manning also trlkes the affirmative itis smoke stook, but was discovered before any no distant date. The Government wopld ret, will be suitably rewarded,' JNO: HUNKINGt a1.ppointmeli! originates with the Scott Act nation will have an entirely different result discussion, damage was done. probably give a good deal for the confidence Lot 35, y i2, Hullett. eo le it,.MVO lief; bO sR osed that his to what is anticipated. At the Perth Co. Assizes last week the case of their friends in the country. . P P t PP At the close of the mornin sBiVltB last Russ t[h�ING.—MR9 CAMPBELL, OF LON ++• g of Dobson vs. Dodson an action brought by �'+'�" • D DON, hes apetled Dress Making Rooms over the duties will•.al6n@Ipertmiri to the enforcement Sabbath the Rev, Mr. Stewart, in making Ruth Dobson against her son ONTARIO CROPS. DR. WILD, of Toronto 'is aUlo to draw a ,both parties live Dry Goons store of Gam, E. Pay 3c Co., with first-class Of that act, A0,110U&B power to try all kinds reference to the call recently extended to in the townshipof Grey came u The suit , smtetants. she isin a po'aidion to turn outwork rquat large crowd and preach a pretty good ser. him, stated to the congregation,b w to an in the city. She respaotJall asks a trialorderOf oases that call for magisterial opinion and mon occasionally, but he has also all the Y ay was brought or maintenance P during her bIAY REPORT GY THE BUREAU OF INDUSTRIES. R00118 eVER Gso. E, Pet & C8' DAT GOODS DraRR. Y, of explanation, that the opportunity to natural life, and she was given a general judgment. Still, it is probable that, for a elements for makinga fool of himself, if a reach to the congregation of Erskine verdict to that effect. The following is a summary of the report of HEI (612 ED SHORTHORN BUL "EBCEL• time at toast Stott Act cases will constitute recent sermon of his may be fairly judged. Church was entirely unsolicited, and his Another of Huron's stalwart piosesre has the Bureaa. of Indaetries for May. The re. T £ crop" 5[238) E.H.B, wits be nt the R horst the principal ones upon which he will be „ reason for preaching there was not be. passed to his long home. We refer to Mr. port is based on information furnished by 660 Stables fora limited number of Cows. Terme, 'r oia. While denouncing Billy O'Brien," as be Cauae`he was in any way dissatisfied with Robert Doig,1who died at the residence of his correspondents, under date of the 16th inst., breds $10, Grades $3. for insurance payable Deo lbt engaged. Messrs. Wanless and Govenlock Y y to 111 r, A. Bine, Secretor 1887. Also the young Matchless bull, Feld liersbal, termed him, with all the bitterness at his the Clinton congregation, but because he son-in-law, Mr. Archibald Bishop, M.P. P.,in y:- D,s H B., will be at the eamo place till sold. Terris are yet acting in cases not disposed of that Usborne, on Monday last, having reached the THE PALL WHEAT CROP Thorobred cows, 67 grades E2,pnyable as above. Piet command, he urged that he should be mob- feared.. at the time that he would not be is far from fulfillin the romise it ave of a Marshall won first prise both at the South Huron sail }lad been placed with thorn before Mr. Wil• able to fulfil thedutiea of his office among repo sae of 81 years. He was s native of g P g Clinton shows. Any further Information given bed, offering to help if necessary, using lan- g Stirliva,Seotiaod,and came to Canada in 1842 Rood crop wUen the snow came on Inst fall.- on application to W. J. BIGGINS, Elmhurst,Farm, Hams' appointment. In this connection we gunge towards him and others that was en- them as he had been doing, The con- He came direct to Huron and settled on 'the The winter was not so- unfavorable to the Clinton, one. believe that these gentlemen deserve, and no gregation knew how the call had followed London road near Kip en. • crops as the preceedibg one, as the reports - . tirely unbecoming a minister of the gospel, and how it was disposed of b the Pres- I p indicate that there -teas no ouch general for dohbt receive, the hearty thanks of all tem.. P y A large, dark comp eaihisk faand moos. g Grad EXCURSION to ENGLAND a and stating that a good many citizens of To. bytery. He had to say that he was en- ins man with full-sized whiskers and mons- motion of lee sheets, and in only a few loculi• perance supporters, because of their zealous ties was there-eitber any injury b either too Tonto who hold different religions views to tirely satisfied to remain among them, and tache, called of the banking office of Cameron Y � j Y Y and disinterested efforts to see the sat en- be looked upon the demonstration made and Campbell at Lucknow, on Friday after- heavy a e6vering of snow or bare ground, In ..+pl ``^-• forced. The have at his own, were only "tolerated" by the grace Bruce, 'Gro and Simone there was a limited ' y , groat personal in• by the Congnegation to retain his services, noon, and offered for discount s batch of Y ,convenience, slid sometimes at consi erabb of men like himself and others. There was as a second call under much more favor- about a dozen notes purporting to be signed amount of smothering by snow, chiefly by drifts aloe the fenoea and on the leeward � 1 ''' °- altogether too much personal bias and poli- able circumstances than the first Wino by Ashfield farmers. Mr Cameron to whom R expense, talion hold of cases that others less the,notes were offered had doubts as to the side 6f ridges. Scattering reports from all tical prejudice in his sermon. The Toronto years ago, inasmuch as the Gongs as , e;ourageous wOtdld have dropped, and shown genuineness Ot the signatures, and openly' ex over the Province mention patches killed out . News gives the eccentric divine a aharp rap was now acquainted with his faults as well a g b the snow blowing off the higher round. their fidelityto the cause just at its most as with that which the ms have found pressed such doubts, whereupon the stranger Y l g g g SATURDAY I JULY Z 1887 l over the knuckles whop it Says: y Y evinced great nervousness and alarm, hurried. A mild spell about the middle of February The trabio,ofthe White star Line,will leave 1.critical time. .F or so doing they have re „ go�d,in biro, He felt confident that the caused some ice formation but only to a lim- p r 1 curd6l, Rev. Dr; Wild Ought to be the very lash ly gathered up the notes and left the office. Now York on the above sato a.9 a special ex .�• cc ivied little or no remuneration, and if there man in this city to rain the question as to relations of pastor and people would be A few minutes afterwards he drove rapidly ited extent. Sirocco, Brant, Perth, and:somo - stofiner,and a party from S.hie._p?ace is now beingar• —__ is any way in which fitting recognition of 'What we should tolerate?' A good man Marked with sueceas and much happiness, Out of town, and has not been since. It was of the St. Lawrence River counties, were the ranged to take this trip. All parties contomDladug A - e people, it the were consulted, would be dis and to insure Such in the conduct of his undoubted) a bare,faa6itattem t to ass,for ed worst sufferers from this cause. The most 'trip to England should arrange their affairs Sud take their services can be shown, it should U P P Y YI P P g in urious of -all the agencies was the unfavor• this excursion. For full pnrtloulnre apply to, peed to draw the lino at buffoonery and work be asked the congregation to romem- notes, j B I . do no. These romarks will also apply to the monntobank antics on Sunday, in a building ber hint in their prayers, and otherwise A few evening ago as her. Andrew Goven- able weather of March and April. After the • W. JACKtiOK, Servi ees of 11�r. George McKay, of3Winglram. • called a church." assist him. lock, of Winthrop, was driving home with a wheat had been left bare, there was a sang AGENT, •-- CLINTON. . . t P