HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-05-27, Page 3„ _ I ,., t _ -• T• t” ( • a i M' R '' I 11 •* . v �, ,r -. p .. a ,?' they are stn @xoeedlnIy Lien• 33IDA.'X, A 27.18 7 tl}oserbooltr. Sud the rola he ori •Leser int me n inn olio scan world t among dtttve ppeeoplee, and their feelings should be .. ° t F .., -• - 8etical oorpmentartee, ops ul; t.. tt R t n . h . „ lr F1' . will ohne, a It ►'% _ „:,.: in ai? .gDbiysred w(►yt kat ;stiles tkaertea of 6a,;odntiuust "the rano_ ngd;eYao eltrt,A; L, respected, bet ere4?ts who t, g.8 ! • (^�QQ ' MOTS. FROM MCI TOM ea a n n a such texts as be oould. see as Food , Would. JA be. too mNea.toBay that ie in that, declaration to "salvation . wtthotrt' 1. �88 ♦ R TBQ4E ERT say. _ upon all Y •--- staples to hang Mot speotal tonnets upon, es, pesrlble"those mor't emiuept metu"aad the"re. scripture warrant for it do not deserve much . T, fhe Sailor of Oe Ol]7tGon Neto Era. pecially a literal inoorporstion into the per• Downed evangelist" mirsht understand Scrip. nonslderation. '111x. Sims hoe r'.peated' so M " son of the i l+rilied 0hrial t}n¢ imputed Dolt• turn quits as well as Dr Steely? Surely it much that has been. fully, met ts( previous . :.. _. Dgs1t S><a,-In yonraiesue of the 6th Inst•, p is not uncharitable to soup lettere y F E r„ Il; „ nags through, standing to Him, while ersoiral one no, and it is to , that I will not trouble you further, I gbserve a few extracts from Nutea on S g but urge g pt erre, oD¢ent who inwrought holiness is continually ignored or be hoped that the ayes of the learned Prufee ge all to seek light from the word of �:r dJUBENumbers, given by n 4 R dented.” It Dr Steele had nus tubw us he spr ,pay. yet be o eued to sen that the extract, God and from above to guide in toe, way of ^"siggs himself "Ono who reads both sides," k-'a4d by him taken from a work entitled •' Di• had •'diligently read thcee books; I would be hue given from '`Notes' on Numbers", ill all truth. Ix4ornEn.>; 000elndn from th0 closing words of the above his work3 on "Divine Light," when taken i .'+ ' d e life," written by Dr, Steele, Professor of The foregoing letters must clove this IL idactic Theology, to Burton University, and extract which I have it thctsed, that he hssd th+ it true ceuuuotion, and judged not by the , I T! not done se, He certviul hall riot diligently Did totio theology of 'Boston Uui: arsity,`,b,,Q controversy, as it has been already pro RUEENS a.l „# , D1,+tp Y rot who reads b,tb side« •btiteved to justly e longed n ore than IvaS'ut. first an icipnted, ItonScripturalanswertoDr,Baldwin' go ex with'ahwillul peiversiutnsof the teachingofdutugimwoaotma`ut.f, Arettimpirtin, ai h + � • � 2 L at, "Life in a look. In ruadiuo t this well-known and distill -dished author. I bleseitin to many suutOn many lauds. Both sides have bgd a fair hearing, and WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM ls'N$e,,LAND, .mote I was not a little surprised, on referring rp y' its we do not see that anything will bo r F CASE v know of no writer on scripture, w110 more nm our ubtdieot aarvuut Aaltct 5. 1 C,ASL+ OF to Mr, McIntosh', "Notes on Numbers, to Strongly insists on " er+•onal mwrought holt 3 6 A I31$.11T PI N [ I, Aad the afbled manner in which those ex- >! Y P Wined b cantinui0 the discussion, thio traata are Riven. The first extract is taken ness," on the part of the children of God g Y g QVIMIT"s ' :� L:\ST V4012D FOR ENQUIRER. Ilom page re give the 'Notea," Frum page 32 to than Mr, Moiutosh. A few extracts will — Q must now be considered final. --ED. NEW suffice to .atisf the Christian reader as to ERA, 37, f ,cluetve, Mr,M is showing that the saws this, In his notes cu Numbers, page 379, To the Editor of the Clintoit New E'ra. —__._- ___ -._ -_____ W- , ' of Israel in the desert was in striking type of (the page immediately preceding that which Stn, -Will you permit me to o.cupy a lit- A Free (sift. - • 1148 Church of Cod passing through this world, of Israel was literally, , Dr. Steele quotes from as to the question of tie of your valuahlespace for a parting word Around each l�tle of DrChase's Li-er Cure is JUBILEE that what the ga,n.p , Lite believer's standing,) Mr. D1. says, Should . the church is moral and spiritually, and this lorious truth ad t� iho erfactiou of our or two with Mr. J. J. Sims? 1 shall have a medical guide a d receipe book containing use- • #nrther, whet the wilderness was ItteSairyt�o standing make us careless r. Pto our practical very little to say theologically or doctrinally. fnlinfi+>mationover`lQQrect ipos uucipronuunced Isrthero h the. world is mural y and p P 3fr.5ims leas ro ea e.l a gain his little sound, by ductora and druggista as worth ten times tea. qtly to the Church of God. The commence state? Par e,wssy be the monstrous thoa�h •. narrated his little tale, I may say, sung his cost of the medicine. Alodicine and boult 51 Na rho knowledge of oar ailsulutely Bt tcled sung again but has not broadened hfa argu Suid by all druggists. ,- W. ^° . = 11 I spent of the paragraph truld which the extract and effect position to Christ is the -vet'y ment or increased the strength of his poli- ---'-- ..:.r m _$ ,m D,.St•ele'. wo k is taken (page 38)read, P. 1 . thing tvhicn "tile [iaiy Ghuar, makes us"of �AI2\Iy IrO1t�3,�LL'. 1 4q ,`, thus. '1 There ie a bndy now on the earth to raise the standard of TAciise. Hearken "like There is y need to say that bB writes ARM IN Mcl(ILLCF FOR SALE. -LOT 33, A T. A t( S�% .. ' irodwelt b God Ehe Spirit, and united to P "like a school boy,' I leave those who read P (7m1. c. -Gaud Isco. good utldings, a td gond �iV lvio/. YY + '!"�� Christ th6yHead. This churoh-this body- ,to these powerful words from the pen of th" him to •ud =e, but the who sa 11e knows p � 1 ]•ie 'trcd apostle, +` If ! e then lie rises w'th 1 1. Y �' locality. (:owe and see It. tyill he sold cheep. W. r �1 �Ai.,-$_, 11ND GES is composed of those who truly believe in the Cillist Seek thOP,0 things which are, above Greek it English -"like l school buy,either. -twill N. Mou1eH tEi, Constance P. O. - 4i_ C04T, amen 2 ""' Sou of God, Sad -who are united by the grand- discredit their own ltuowledga of either. I where Christaitteth at Lite right hand of G A. did not write thaf I "de lored personalities" i11'RFI FOR SELF, -PART OF L(YT 20, ON 7cHE + fact of the resence of the Holy Ghost. And P P 1 it, 4 c• r" s' the township I ChasHallctt containing to for the cele P Set your affectu,us on things ab lve not en yet it is quite true that I do. but is it t'aaa• about 48 acres. Terms to suit puTchasm?>' Apply to Q lie it observed this is not a matter of opinion, things on thepearth, for yo are dead, and your 11 a certain thing which we may take up or jay life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ enable that I should be shat clown without C,afERON,HOLrt CAI+tERON,BurrlBters,.I...I - ONS ORE down at pleasure. It is a divine fact. It is a our life shall appear, then shall yo sten appear drawing a bead on my opponent. I leave LOTS FOR stLE.-FINE TIIC,LI LOTS, SHADE g with fes in lar Mortify therefore also Dur trees all around, Rich land for a garden, ane site rand truth, whether we will hear,or wh• ther others to judge t is maies to cover his defeat" 1 brate�, we will forbear. The church is au existing F y' Y when complaint is made of the weapons used for building, na corners, 4 sets ea and North bloc or members, etc." -Col. iii, l u. On page 350 thou li similar to his own. 1 do not see and ono. Alsotnglot, t acre ea i. Hold on bloc or TiiF•.ir ARE thing, and we, if believers, are members rot the "uutus," Air. M., speaking of what how I am to reach Mr. Sims, which art cf separate. Also onetterib hot an acre, pats of lutls0, on thereof. We eanuot avoid this. We cannot P Scarth Side of -storebury Street, onupled stab by -sub• ' i Wore it. VVe are actually in the relat[onship, Christ is in the presence of Gerd for the be- him I am to censure. Hu has, I suppose, in scriber, with two-storey shop, 21•80, and stable, tvtn be C. O g liever, remarks, Now, then, Chri,tiau read• him two natures, one bad and one good, or exchanged for property ad jaeeut to steam pnwor. S.dd P 1l11 bapti+ed°iuto it by the jloly Ghost. It fs a9 er, what shoul'1 be the practical affeot of all one old and one new. \\'Bich is to bo blamed to=ether, or the Shop sold to be moved 0 Can be AIP GOIle caul and as positive.3 thing, as the birth of a this grace u p. n our hearts and lives ? When changed into a house. For terms, apply to, J CCItT1S WATCH child into a family, and we have only to re l for the "dishonesty" of stating that I wrote STEVE\SON. cognize it, and walk in the sense of it from we think of the atoning sacrifice, and the in I "deplored personalities," when neither the tereeding Priest and Adv. c.tte, who infln• words nor their import are to be found fu any wo FARMS FOR SALE. -LOT 33. IN13Tn CON., day to day." Then follows the extract given ence should it exert on our 'souls? How P Goderich township, of good state of cultivation, by "One who reads both sides," as follows, v previous letter Si mine. There is fix much ,nog house just built, gu..d brn, excellent fences and COATStNo-go s fi CL T®should it act Up rn our oousoiences . Should evasion in A1r. Sime Lotter, that tofix him 1 R0N "The very moment in the which a eoti$ ie it lead us to think little of +in? Sh"u%d it conveniently situated Also the easthnh pclot78, in , , , 0 born again and sealed by the holy Ghoet, lie cause us to walk eatelesSl auud itidifferaut; v is like--catchingtableH a flea, more annoying than the st 5 acrel,ind concession, d seeded township. about e3 is incorporated into the god of Christ. fin Y Y ' profitable. Here are Mr. Sin's words, acres, 6'acroa cloned and seeded down, 20 acme in N Y Should it have the effect of making as light ,.The resent tense in Greel� is th0 nano qs Tormn easy, for pplycleaIlg balance good hardwouud bush � o,� • eau no longer view himself as a solitary indi and frivolrius in onr ways? Also, for the in English, is what the ammer tells usi Ter,aBeasy, apply to ttaNNixO dt scoTr, Barris. — heart that can think so, 1We rdn rest assuredtors Clinton. v}dunt, as independent person, an isolated y g" R R'®C ER.� 0• stom • he iss member of a bod ust ns a The aorfst in Greek fs in contrnat with the B Y YOUR y, j of this, that the man who can draw a plea Imperfect, not «with the present, as En uirARM- hand or foot fa grloember of the human body. . q FUESSI FOR RALE, -FOR FACE, to i R9, CON ro — ere Do Steele stn a. The araaraph'Yurther M ' from the rich provisions of divine grans for er puts it." If this sentence does not mean 1' csch 4 2, clear T, wull. a ice , well ide d acres . H P P lip, btneea of conduct or levity of spirit, knows thtlt the aorfst in. Greek is in contrast with of which 46 are cleared, well fenced, well anderdratned L . reads, "iia is a member of the Church of ver little, if indeed anything at all, of the sed hi n high state of cultivation. There is a ,rod _ .. ..,_.._ �. s _...,. _._ ... _,-.._....._ _ • �•irod, and cannot property or truly be a mem• y. the Imperfect in some other -language, find 'frame house, barn and stables, and an orchard of plan, P P Y Y true nature or proper er infinenco of race and Thomas Cooper & Son . Der of anything else. How could my arm be P N R that then anyth by plaid inference, ft s e . apple, cherry and poor treee. There L b ander-fn hag • Y 1;, its provisions. not mean anything and when he says he well. It is within four miles of Clinton, and throe of. � a member of an other bodyv And on the Eruccil0d, with a good gravel fond leading to each same principle we may ask, how could a mem Dr. Steele alleges that these "nAes" weak- "poke of the "Impar act in Greek" he fe fl place. For further particulars appply 4n the premises ber'of the body of Christ be a member of any en the motives. a Holy life, and encourage o gmbbl0. or to Canton P. o J. R. CRO N. `VIS IIAVE THE LARGEST , CLEANEST A N1) B3 ',' ' 'lh`tOR`I'EgD other bogy ?" Immediately at the close of vain trust ill an imaginary standin;; in The authorities that I mentioned were for r.. this partial extract, and given as apparently - Christ, instead of the application of Hiwblood tense interpretationsand thetruemeaning of T(�aWif FoR SALE - TIIE UNDERSIGNED ,,,„„ STOCK OF I t ,drmr6 for Hale his farut. being lot 67. Mattland forming part of it, an extrnot is taken from for the cleansing of the Heart from all sid and the passages. I''rou1, not a line that I wrote Concession, Goderich township, coutafuintr 73 a e 380. and relates to the standing of the then he says of this hmagi0ary' standing, could it h' inferred that any ono of theta or acres. About Cs n.re cleared and Densly fr, o G � O C believer. On pages 382 3 Balsam is made to that it'" effectually tears down all those safe- all combined, had written a translation of from stumps, in good state of cultivation. The wards against final and eternal a oslao the Scriptures. Air. Sims says "I have balance is good hardwood buah, mostly beech tell oat not merely the negative but the poli• g N y' p and maple. oIl tlto premises ere a fraine house five cooditioi, of the people, as follows, "And which are raised up in the scriptures, appeal \lforal, and Alford S translation does not it early tiew, n bank bat n, a good supply of wn � � In town. Our prices are as low its the lowest, and the warvant ever thing iii to our fear of falling awn from Christ a ee with his, and it is dishonest for to ter, and -Iso all oreliard. Th, property Is sltu- he took up his parable and said, Itis, up, g g y first-class. Sulo ngentr4 for the celebrated "COOPER'S BAKING POWDER." and of riot attaining unto everlasting life. Say so." Of course I did not say so. I have ated six miles from Clairton. or full part tell - Dalak, and bear: .hearken unto me thou Son g tars apply on the premises, 0r wi11. B_1T;;ER, of Zipper; God is nota man that he should Hero we have everlasting life contingent a, made enquiry and I have not ye mat with Clinton P.O. .--- Best btiuld of CIGARS by the I3us or Thousand at llanttf;leturors rices. lie neither the Sat of Alan that he Should the fear the believer hoe of the possibility of a person who have loan Alford'" translation TEAS a specialty. Five ns tt Call. repent: bath he said and shall he not do it? his "falling away from Christ," and being of the Scripture. I did not write a word vPLENDID FARM FOR SALE.—THAT F.%CEL- -- Y or.hath he spoken and shall ha not make it found among the finally apostate. Apply that implied that Tieliendorf translated into LaxT farm of 154 acres, being lots Od, 70 Deal 71, this rinci le p �+ y on the, Maitland concession, Goderich township, good ? Behold I have received command p p ,�. to the rel between pa, " lfsh. iVhare • 19 ilia dlaheriCat Com• Abottt 135 acres cleared and In (food state of caltiva- spent to bless, and he bath blessed, and I rent anti child; hixaban �a�d wife, and we'd«• plained Of '?' It is not necessary for me to tion. -Au the premises is a good brick house, with nu candor reverse n IIe hath not beheld ini. grade t io bond love hht formed, inasmuch as say to those who has roa3 these letters, That WTI.enICOeeB of stabling, bunk barn, well watered, sec„ gnity in Jacob,naitherhath ho Seeu perverse- the duties arising out of the relationship, in. I have said that a new translation was un- {food bearing oieltn,d, church on the farm and s.h of Thos � Cooper���stead of bei, erformed lovin l would be necessar tltati, the old Bible, as authorized nut far awn}•, ab,.ut 0 mites from the tow•ii of Clint,,a. nese in Isreal ; tite Lord his God is with him, g N 6 Yt y'+ This tarm is aIle of he best In the township of Gode• and the shout of a kink is among them. God disebarged from a•fear of punishment. The by Bing James, is quite right; and my en- ,.jell, Possession given at any time, Full particulars - , ht them out ,of Egypt )t he hath as it fear that script ore speaks of as actuating the d0ator was to make plain a few points with an application to Lha proprietor, IOEIN RUUU, Cltn• ryT m T• liroug B 1 ' . believer fe one that "hath not torment," but respect to the rose of• the tense fu the Greelt. oro P. A, ar of iho Nlay „ERA OFFICE, Clinton. V 1J l ��l II 1-�J - were the strength of an unicorn. Surely - - - - there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither one that eprin� s from love,t He obeys God not• Mr, Sims knows that I did not sold a «word I Alt d Full SALE. - TII tT WELL-HNOwN - - - — �I is there an divirintion against Israel. Ac• from fear of not attaining everlasting life, to the original,and it was scarcely n..co,ssary K Nviotely farm, being 1,+t 15, con, 17; Goderlcb Y fo- tbttt would be pure seldshne+e but b - to relltind me of the warning, fu Itev: exit, 18, to :,,,hip, t3 sc line, Summerhill, sour m l Ctin- ' cording to thio time, it shall b a said of ( 1 ) tan, au gond uracel tuna. 'Che turni cion , sties; Far--'-ers& ��� Jacob and of Israel, `Khat hath God wrought,' usuae he locos Him, and he lovas Him because and I will call t0 his mind with quite Itis• 70 cleared un,� in good sterno cuttivacioni- mnia* T ON - (not'What bath lsfael wrought!') Behold, he was first loved by him. To present foarm Lunch justice, the terrible judgment fn Ilei'• der good hardwood bush;thereare15scresoffalfwheat the people shall rico up as a great lion, and a safeguard against "final and eternal~ apos• xxi, B, fromAho the ITticldle to the and of the and all fall ploughing dune; there are two wells and an lift up himself as a young lion ; ho shall not tacy" is unscriptural. The idea that a trite terse. eve -flowing spnog, good orchard, frame barn it ' 55; believer ma "fall awn from Christ" it not I would like :,orate One in axpktilt the fol- stable 16 x 3,;, new frame• house I3 x 28 with tido lie down until die eat of the prey and drink of Y y rooms up stairs sn,l 4 rooms dawn Blairs, and n kitchen . the lend of the Slain "-Gha . xxiii, 18 24, sanctioned by the word of Gad. The passage towing, 'Tn English aril Greek th0 present I4x2ft; there are td's' hutches, school and grocery, all IT .1.5 �Tt) YOUR INTE EST WH+',N '1 ) CT `E'p A�) l' Mr. M. proceeds, "Iiero we find ourselves on quoted by Dr. Steele, John xv., as crushingdn aorfst is wanting, se the presq'ilt tense ill within five tiliou,cs walk.. PusseSslun given at any , the ver bud the' error of an inaliable and 'Greek has the sante force a" in English," timetu suit purchaser For particulars enquire at (ADDS. OF Ewe]UT] truly elevated ground, and as solid nS it i6 Y \EIV ERA Ultluo of of 1f E•: RH.iIA\VItG BtSCOTC, ` elevated,!' This to in truth "The top of the eternal standing ill Christ;" does not 'prove .lir. Sims «•roto it, It brought to Troy mind or of the proprietor, oil the praxises, L. MANNING, °� rg i • it. There the Lord Jesus is speaking of Him- the story of the fox and mash. A fox en- t•linton P 0. TEASolooliBUCK, G iJ �lji, y Ii IX ED m, JAPAN j•\ rocks -the pure air and wide range of ' the - - hills," whore {hero follows the esfrart from self, in contrast with Israel; as the true vine, tared the house of all actor, seri rummaaiva �AR1i FOR S.%LE•-TI'IAT SPLENDID FARM Dr. Stwhe'e work, ` The people of God aro It was impossible for our blessed fiord to lose through all his properties, came upon a 1' of 100 acres, being Lot 37, con. 2, L. R. S., of , only in the vision of the Almighty -seer the favor of His Father, or cease to be loved mask, an admirable imitation of a human Tuckerstnith, is offered fur sale on reasOnnblo seen y g S. PATI ISI':ft S lJO'S. �Ve will Bite you t'fc1 t. "O t:+n 1'ecotnmen f aeoQ thein without spot or wrinkle, or by Him, and Yet He says "I have kept my head. lie placed ]pis pates upon it, and said, routs, with gonia -buildings, framo barn, 40x00. To call at i'' as ha p athsris commandments and abide to Lis ,NVhat a, beautiful head, yet it N of no value at,tbla t4x3u, Slirep and enrruteu Twnaf•, 10x40, for )iowerful dril«'ina C111t111t1P5 at $°2.25p f 0" S ii9, lot$, t'rlticl+ etc' will S tmplC any such tiring -all their deformities hidden F , good 1J;;t story, 2Jx36 frame house and ktteheu, I' from view=sll his comeliness seen upon sham love." It «.as'by doing the will of his father as it entirely wants bruins. " the boldness ;o acres raider cultivation, 20 acres cleare(1•but against any, GQC. Toil botl�ht from A,7f tIt _ e "" In this very sublime parable, Iern up blessed that Ha enjoyed His love -`the question is with which AIr. Sims displays his learning rout broken; lu acres good hardwood hush. , I not entered on here whether a caul believer and his knowledge, 19 i'Cally "ttl'pl'lslllg. well w,ttered, having hrr0 of the best wells ° less and sedulity are made tq depend, not on ' fluruu oounty, Gout imtring urehari-, situated , ,' ; ; _- can be separated from Gold, because the'L'rd Let us see, bow accurate lie is. I will not z?,, miles form the Village of Bruc•eaeld,,and.:;fax IGIIEIL PIt PAID FOR 7311 C'i•- AND h.lxfi`i. I thettseelves, but on the trixtlrand fmtltfulaosa P- _ ._ h • ,> , makes oliodicucei the means of abiding in lI a need to write that h0 docs not ki4ow it "like t'° " ' � - - -- Lison the Towns of Clinton anti Seafnrtli re-- -'" —vim & of Jehovah. Dr. Steele's comments uponr ' this are ill direct ants onism to the seriptnrea love.' I cannot accept Dr. Steels's construe- a school boy." When a man will thrust epeericely,thern IF, itsplen4ld gravel rood sussed R ,, i tion of this 'issa P 'as it is ill direct opposi aside, with the drill Of his pen, an author- the Proof of rho premises. Particulars and above quoted. He. writes, . ,Sew this (los- P` g , torms given on application to, APPLETON EL- cion to find a ositive deuial of, ninny pass- ity like Goldwiu,whose Creek text books are (,O,t.r, Brueetieid P. O.; or S:IatUEL CRIf IT, S.]L, bine broadCaa_.in the church composed of p g (lt tun: 1 u„ or Nt:ty Ei.n �>FFr4E._.I)-1FID __ __ _ multitudes of unreflective minds, who take ages of scripture bearing directly on the secu- used in the Universities and Iii hSchools .,,a - _ ._ . their theology largely at second, hand, from rity as the believer. In .John x, 27 29, it is ' of the country, he ought certainly himself 1 LCOAP, Out:trio P, o., California. C,ddINTON' :........ ,. the theology of the word, and not from the distinctly stated the sheep hear the voice of to bo very correct. •Ile says, "Now in the — -- the he herd -that Lha she he, d I noir., them Septuageut, ill the illustration used by our 77� l7 �T ....�I wdrd itself, and we may well exclaim, "What � N p WED D CjOR � • shall the hastiest be?" If, in using the wont =that they fulluto Him -that He Rives unto Lord of the brazed "eipent,.th0 original is in 1 shurnh, Dr. Steele menus the aggregated them eternal life, and thattheyshall nerer the same tense, and the same form of the , e true Christians, I answer it I ba�ttt too tl'ue perdsli. In Heb. xiii, 5, R,V ., the Lord Says ' verb as is used, in John iii, 1,1, that is the ar• ' Per Bush 11 I , truehat multitudes s. of the Lord's oliiedren aro to his own, "I will in pro raise fail thee, neither tiele tvitlt the present participle." This is HORSE TOOTII 61111 q I 00 looking to than, instead of tothtGroat Teach will I in. any tr,ac forsake tbee. Ill Philli I not tine fact, the tenses aro not the same. MAMMOTH SWEET CORN 1 a0 „ iaus I G, R V., we read Being ron trlerrf In the -Se )tea int " as No dedegmmos ) Itinds SiANGOLD SEIsDS to choose foam at "_3c per Ib GLASC�ow - - or, Unlike the BerennS of old, who searched P , , B f e g P Seven kinks of TURNIP SEEDS at • 26c per lb _ J , the Scriptures daily, wit +ther those things of this very thing, that Ile which beg a idod," idotr is the 2 aoriat participle act — wore Be." I ask not " What shall the bar• good work in you will 'perfect. it Lentil the clad , In John iii, lu,, not 11, pas• No pestull4iii TON 1T0 and CiBBAC); PL NT.9, grown by ff. v. • vert be?" but what has it been? Let the of Jests Ghr ist." In Epb. iv, 30 R V., it is ; the present participle, as Mr. Sims says. r ' , do err, gardner, at la Cents per ttuzon• Leading GentsFurn"h Louse . discordant voices of the professing church, written, t' Grieve not the Holy of God, lust as I said in my last I could not trust y f i p the numerous rival sects of Christendom, and in whom ye were sealed tanto the dale of re- his knowledge of Greek. AIr. Sim's Greelt OIL CAKE :, 00 per Lha t the varied forme of infidelity which have demplion, Ill Matt. vii, 22-23, RX., we read has downed him again. The fable of the OAT MEAL, STANDARD $2 26 per Cwt ,. ° grown out of the departure from the faith de- " Many will say to me in that day, Lord, monkey and the dolphin illustrates his posi- CHOICE ROLLER FLOUR 82 2y per, ('wt JUST RFCEIVD+ D A GON�TGN I EN2 Off ' livered to the he de bear Witnesst f to Dr, Lord, did wb not prophecy by thy name, and tion nicely. "A sailor, bound on a long ENQUIRE FOR ' English sh and America HiLI'd � f�OYt Feld 11e`if4191 !Li$O 4L Steele', o the lain that "positive assurance .by thy name cast out dovila, etc., then will' I voyage, took with him a monkey to amuse Fine line UY �trilW g�iltiS, S eternal life removes a main Safeguard profess unto them f never hnewyox ; depart him while on shipboard. As he Sailed off JAS, STEEPS SEED STORE against the grossest eine and most' heinous from me , admits of iniquity." Mark the the coast t Greece, a violent tempest arose, - a 6 O O co O Direct from the manufacturer. I have also in .stock a fine soh ctioa of Summer crimes," there is nothing in scripture to ane- language, it admits of no ambiguity. How I fn avltich the ship was wrecked and be And Lain it, aotoniy scripture but facts eco against could the Loraa ray to any of -the persons ad" his monkey, and all the crew were obliged UNDERWE_Ait. In White and Colored SHIFoTS, 1 show a ;teat a ariotj, him. Has the Dr, found that tboir tvho en- dressed.,' " F ^iiever knew you," if they had to Swim for their lives, A dolphin saw the all of which, will be sold at reahonable prices, and will not bo 1111del',"Ad shy any 1. contending with--iho .:waves, and house lit the trade. awn moults c0 . • n- d had fallen g , his ehildie anY once beenY oy this "positive seaarauco are lees morel or ' him to be a mein; whom lie is at. O i . o I • from Him ? Impossible. This entire theory supposing ( ur circumspect in their lives than those Chris PU UGA� O 1,>!_ �m1tIL$ i�loCrC, tp�In�O>1. tians who ever and anon are troubled with of "falling away from Christ" ifi based upon ways said to befriend), came and placed bite• r e donbta and fears as to their ealvatioro. When the hypothesis of salvation by works, and in self under him, to convey him on his back WE wi 1 1.av t t p agova ]'stir:. .t rcny __..__._-_1 _ _ _ m T — a roan is born again be becomes the possessor the bclieves a of masterpiece he'Of of fs to rob ill divino ar }veal with ty to the shore. his burden fusight hen tile of laud lin ent Sick HeOasedaclteof yItndi.ge^�tlor o. Ci �sa of divine lite. his body becomes the eloped birtbii ht, in which he joy constituted an far tom Athens, 110 demanded of the men- we cannot Cure with WE a^-"`: L1 VER T11CPCOPIC's of the Holy Ghost," the things e, once loved g S �oU G��CeC' �V O11 1,o�hioro.lie hetes and iho things he once? Barad he he's o[ God and a ,joint heir with Christ. lceyhe weie an Athenian,who replied that _PILLS, when the Ilirectiona aro st.ictlYn ���ESjjjj11 UIJ 1ploves. The very idea that a Christian will When Dr. S. tells us that believers ate in he tv s dgscmided from one of the most noble :omplied with. Large Bosos, containing jj(At, pglive in cin is tnonetrone. Says the inspired Christ only in the sense that Christ LS in the m f11 i itis" ill that'City, IIe then inquired if 30 Pills, 2b Cents; 8 Boxes $1,00,Sold apostle, "Shall we continuo in sin th',t grace repreFentively by the holy Ghost, the Lopo 11Lr -dew the Lireaus, (the famous harbor of by all Drugglatti. • , may abound? God forbid. We who died to of glory, it being his office to sanctify believ. Athens). The monkey, supposing that a sin, bow Sba11 we any longer live therein."- Ors iron all sine, actual and original," ho man was tnettut, answered that he knew hint DREGWEST'SRem. +i, 1 l P.ev.n. Birt farther we have gives us no scripture, and the opinion of a very well, and that he was nu intimate Having enlarged illy show. room and got in a f 'St•Class dock Of G h 0 0 E R I E s this "positive assurance" made good to the professor of theology, unsustained by Scrip. friend The dOlphip,indinnant at such fcelye• believer, by the pen of inspiration. The ture, is no better tban that of any other man, ]goods, dripped-tlie monkey under water,and P. in connection with my other linea Of business. I o now prepared to furnish and . Apostle Jelin le pe ,of cniapter of his Iat when it is a question of authority. \Mint is drowned him." So Mi::�itts, -astride his 17 4 [' T H E public with all kinds of $IaOI• and Fancy Groceries, Carso fl fancy coir and epistle, and 13th .tree, writer, "These things .Hooded is a "thus saith the Lord," ``otbing knowledge of Greek, is drowned. My State- Candies and all kinds of SCif10ol R00kS and SLATES, also fancy nrtiela9• Dave I written auto you, that yo may kpioro ]s more foreign from Scripture than'the state- meat was mado on the authorities nained, such as VASES and JUGS, KNIVES, PENCILS, 1VIOUTII ORGIANS,PIPEs, that yo have eternal lift, even auto you that ment of Dr. y., that it is the work of the that when tdleconditionS of final sulcation are believe on the Hams of the Son n God, R.V. Holy Ghost to sanctify believers from all stated, the present tense is almost invariably % - CIGAR HOLDERS, d'r'. Also a stock of Patent af[e(licinet3 kept on hand. )< cannot,=the the theology of Ur. Steele, sins actual and original.." Dr. S. speaks of used, and not the aoriat. AIr. Sims has L 4, ��trnege StOC IC is more complete in all its branches. T for the following reasons : It strikes at the the teed of the application of the blood of pointed.out one supposed exception to this root of the principle of jaetifiention b3 faith Christ for the cleansing .of the heart from all use of the, aorist, De Steele says, "this is no T Have a femf.,df those BLANK LTS and BELLS which will be sol(if cl\cap. I make " alone. `Now to bio that worketh, the re- sin to ensure holiness of life. Now, ennctifi• exception to lite general Ilse of the tenses. B L O O Jl s all m COLLARS and warrant them to give satisfaction. REPAIRING promptly ward is not reckoned as of grace, but as of cation by blood and sanctification by the The jailer wislied immediate deliverance y is also tom late. AR debt. But to him that worketh not, but of it are quite different: Christ sanotlfies tom his guilt and was directed to a definite attended to and charges moderate. 1kly stoat of,TIN1NARE P debt. h on him that justifieth the ungodly, his and cleanser the churoh with rho washing of a t of reliance on Christ. But in Rom, 1,10 �rr(� 1 AAD H kinds of produeo taken irr exchange for all kinds of goods. 'Phanking" my etisto• faith is reckoned for r]ghth the righteousness. "-Rom. watot• by the word, the disciples wers clean where future and eternal salvation is spoken mere for past patronage and soliciting a continualice of I lie tilme. iv, 4•5 R. V. It robs the believer of his by the word spoken, In iiobrewe which treats of ft is promised to every one who m. iii, er• . LONDESBORO blood .purchased birthright, in that it makes of the blood and work of Christ, it tplwhen ingly believes (pros). So also ill Isom. iii, 23; -AND- GEOI . NEWTON, eternal life ((he gift of God) dependent upon Ise had by Himself purged our sins, He eat iv, 24; ix, II3; s, 4.11; Eph, 1, ma19. Are you br8at(tl hOli97d88, which at tfie best in the down on the right hand of the Majorty in the quitgsuro Mr. Sims, that he al yn with the Tt, , yesof lholi es whose eight the heavoroa are heavens "and the worshippers once purged withered litind was " or otuall healed? 1 Y The Great efull{��y tedic a uCftCMpt1611. not glean, who "charges Di" angels with bravo no more conscience n Biros," There is Was thero•no possibility of the hand ever be. o Rep Basi ul thfousands oe eaesve el CLINTON POULTRY YARDS. folly," is but Gs "Slthy rags." Job realised no anch thought in scripture, no a renewed coming withered again ? Could not the Is• ,���.e,� 4l Curer spermatorrhea Pervous r when he ave utterance -to the following, nppltclition of the blood of cleansing, Aa to raelite be bitten a second time? Did the liveak"esc, ''miasions. 1ntpoteitcl/ EGGS FOR IIATCIIiNG, - kiontpThoro'brod Nhtto . the g n th'ie, Soripture tells us that witbont the abed• once looking at the brazen serpent prevent q 1 T T TON and •all cliseasas caused by abuse, and Brown Leghorn;, w. F. D, Spanish, (non setters) If I wash myself 'with snow water, and fission otherwise the flee serpents in the grass from stinging D L IE s J_ri nxaonn] indiscretion, or over-evertion. APTERI 1.angshan's, Dsrk Brabamas,. Plymouth Roeks My make m hands never so clean ; yet shall ding of blood there is no reit pp breedtnyy�� stock iBuneurpnasedforlaymgqunllttos: Eg Y ri t mart have often them main? The looking diel riot- kill the Infallible Blood Purifier elirDfug'illouai ens �rfail,a Ask your lfr'tggist fortTo`e`tor� t 6ntt� s for hatching win bo fresh and trno to nitato- Now a the A otlLle tells Ua, Gh 9 of Appetite ndfg thou plunge Isla in rho ditch. and miae_own _ P 1 „ Ltd But.. .ono offerin .Ile has er anal IIs, dcitlter does Onec beliovinndestroy ,iauncieO,LlvorCum Iafut,Rpou,natlem.nlllt)d' r'reaetlptlon,Latae nh s,tb iru�e. Ona-pttckag the am so , clothes shall abhor me." -Job ix IIO3I. eotic y g P_-. 44 y p " footed forever them that ere tfalctfted." Dr. ' t e'1Ttllltart`rpf inn "rrul,� t-UnL would tleprtte Trey Diseases scrofula, Minnees eculiar sole- I $1. Siz $6. by mail. \Crito for t amphlrt, Address Boole ovr orders now. Como sad nes s as . dm sntl• ,k, . Again Dr. Steele remarks, Having been P Lenin assigns na his reason far giving•rnoh sof heaven. males, F:alt T'{Ti"e'inii, Ex zrma and all Skin ')IS- IEnroteu (•ltrirttrsal t`e., Di'trelt° ,r11rU. Ing cheap. I ern be Boon at TTnrland'B BtoTo, Ordorz Sold inclint6ri i Yy T. -'Tr- COrt-BE and Drtlgglatsl by,11.111 ,r6rnntly attrndeci to. •Tolle 1VORHELT. triyeelf engaged in the preparation of a eon• S g --•------ - •- oxt ended quo,ationS from McIntosh, that his AIr. Editor, pc•ihaps I ought not to bete casts, ITcadaetfi, rt Bo attoU of the Heart., Hoar �._..- montary upon Leviticus nncl Numbers, I have l?P.'omach and TlcarL kuru. PixrelyVogetnbto, (vOrvtrher diligently read those Of Mr. McIntoshbeers, on commentaries are doinn, "immense inischinf, tnl,l the truth (if tile. br(•therr, ,, —( :a i"p 1 •Tour C. ` mT & (Jo„ Toronto. 1