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The Clinton New Era, 1887-05-27, Page 2
, i W . .... .. . ...,.. ���.. .. -.. .... F .+1YY.rQ:,,-!.■il.■O,�ttfaiprJ�t4t=1��• •�}Yi1��.1+YrY.i�--._--._ . ,- 7±LZIQA , ifiAlr2Z, T$S7. Nrwart! manila,' it was a a.rent that when vvo tvolrt tibout ufjfi�vrly betvxoon 'l+ha Attorney General-Didleve ' pp FinGlrlo and o Sc his syntpHtujes iveiro with the prlsUtlor. y d fiiab E ienat 11e cAilad to by elle road he galtted yclu ? �7 G r � U. a T 11, NOT The •^ ' r Ire to sto 1 wttnE•ss.-No Sir.'He Dame back an- L iiUIT AND ORNAMENTAL T13E i .....[�+��,``nD HONORS t + t• t ilii, 1�tto,tney General•-= c�tlr nttFi4e is i • ` , Is one of t1to host fatal -purges which WAY S,PAIJCE, .kOTCH Axl) 1''V1L i 1\ I� S A $, Ittt oorhouse Y The Attorney Goneral---Wore you other way. atillet inaukfna. It k ofb .t inherited, but fAsrRACHAN PINT+;, ' JHIIIEs Al ' - -•• -• I Witine 'S It is, sir. then at the gate, or du front of any l rho Attorney General -As before ? maybe the result of , uti,, ,..rih,uvaccination. THE LATTER, or WHICH WX MAKE A BP,Lfflt The AttorneyGoneral-Were Olt it) bOrlseI Witness -Yes, hit-; as before. mercurial poisouine, uu.! anlhlcac, um -t y ( tAi37ild t. - ) I r various other causes. l hronic ,Botts, LARGE $TOOK Olaf HAND the u'isouer's our ,lo Ment ? Witness -No, fair. We were on the The Attorney General -VS hat time i STRANGE DECISION. t r 1 ) high road find there was no house with- was it then ? Ulcers, Abscesses, Cancerous Hunters, Ga • !Nitres -I es, sir. , , I and, to eomo cases, Emaciation, and Con- The aboyo ornamontal trees and shrubbery will be 'Jrlti3 morning, at that gontral critrlina] In twenty yards U£ 43, Wlcness—,Seven 0 Clock. at very low prices and these wanting uaythjog 1}t g The At1,torney General—In what ca- Y sumption, result front a scrofulous coudi- thta connection will save Money bypurchasing qe- , �oa.rt, Mr. Justice I!enmoro resumed the ,sell' ? The. Attorney General -Are you fa- rheAttorney General -Was it getting , tion of the blood. This disease can be trial. of Edward Layton for the wilful l Witness -As his eoaobnran. Y cured by the use of Ayers Sarsaparilla. Orders by Mail Evill be prmnpEGy attended 61i 'Edward miliar with the loculit ? dark ? AtLxtreBe, wrilyder orhis wife,Agues Layton,on the The Attoruey General -For bow long Witness -No, sir, I aro not. Witness --It teas already dark,sir,, d ( I inherited ascrofulous condition of the . x prising of th:; 26th of March, by the were you so employed ed? the Attorney General- You had hegiuning to drizzle. blood, whiell CRUfi/:d It dert44ngenient of Iny JINN STEWIi11T, Beg1111(ler. aaministr flop OT poisonous n,u�otics ju . \!',trees- For u' matter of three ' I whole system. After tnkiu� less than } , i Y now++r driven your uikstet• theta before ? Che Attorney General -\1 hat were }' ` four bottles of A er's Sarsaparilla I ant such dnantities its to prcduce sleuth. Ex- d•e ri• . Wituess-Novor, sir. the next instructions? } Firs TYl,BLZri=064, e ,l the Atlot'tley Goneral-Would you Witness Tu drive to the Metropoli- I Entirely CUred >r raordinary as awns the er:citeniont caused - The Atternay General—Are )'Oil Y p anti for the past year, hayv trot fouild it A plods of property insured at lowest tariff rnfoN j b yesterday's nOceeduis, the ntblic be able to ,nark the point of stopl,atge .,tan Music Jlall, Edgciw•ere road, First-class companies. ' Y y' Y t 1 teetotaler ? necessary to 11140 1111), medicine +whatever. intprest in this mysterious murder was ti1'ituess-Yes) sir. on it ►nal, of the toad between Finehiey thThe Attorney Genet )- -You drove I tau now ht better health• aiid stronger, ;irate sifted b the stranrro decision ar- and- til ll Barnet ? than ewer before• -U. A. Willard, 218 ri"ICKET3 VIA N. W. T, CO. LINE BOATS V it Y o llle Attorney General—Darin the e 1 ti ., y_ g ,• Tt'uiIIout 5t., Bustou, DIu�.,. WINNIPEG AND ALL LAKE POINTS, A1.30 rived tit by the prisoner- on this the third threw etas yvu +worked for the H'1S011e!' Witlle9Y--1 will try, sit•, brit I li itness--Yes, sit-, and my mastex got r byall rail Iinegoverthe GRAND TRUNK andOAx - ! f 1 i I wus troubled +vith St. .ulcus Soles DA PACIFIC to any point on that line, Whtni day of his trial. were yOil ill the habit Of dl''tving him Ol7t shouldn't Idke t0 be pOSltl+'P, I Ullt, for Glyn y0 F!' ' but, offer n,iln� a 1'ew' Brandon, &c., Dakota, Kansas, or any point reacha ThEatt.••rnsygeneral, I-.J.Protherge, regwivvly I (A ilial, was here handed to the wit The Attorney Ge, era)-S.tving whatl bottles of Aver's Sarsapuri'la: the sale, byes)), -local or foreign. C., ,End AIT. ),landing c'onductcd tbO tallness -Yes sir )tett Wesel ever nese, who, after H cart+fol study Of it, Witness-Aloorbouse,he said: 11 don't in alcd, and 1 have nr"`' e„od health.- • o , 1-l. w . ne -1. _ve y, E izaheth 1Varuoct., 5j,,A1 yWu ,arect, Como and see mo before you buy tickets anywhere case on Iiebalf of the crown. rluy, made a mark upon it with a pencil.) know how lung I shall remain bene. It l.o+scll, Mass. The widely spreitd'rumni• that ani epi- The Attorney Getleral-Wereyou the The Attorney General -You will not may lie an hour or only a few'minutes. Roll, nu,llth;•ngn I frits troubled with f �, ' 1 'r node ofastnrtlingcharacter was impend- only coachman in the'estatili'shment? wear that this is the exact spot ? Keep neat. - . � �`.;�; i1,ttlig swuueu :111d liue�uu,dl uuttiilliu .TAS' j NOMI Oy,Clinton. ipg received oo11fornultion iiun,ediaial' j Witness -No, sir. The Attorne? General—You obeyed C ><n +a y Witnes.-- was, sir. hUreS dirit1I:.it l'lt huge tlu:ultitirs uP oHi u - upon thti entrauct• of tit i11 -U01101. in thi+ Tlta Q ttarney General--liaiug in Lia The Attorney General -But to the , his instruetiuns ? ,ivo wattel. Lvery rt•uH'dv failed, until - - best of ou, knowledge it is? \VULIOSS-Yea t,ir. I kept within I u:rd Ayer', Sarsnpu,iilt L'+' taking dock. He �,tesentud a careworn appear- i E., ,lr. oimop:G _ fP, I suppose, _ Y e 1 ( ttnee ho:11t's oP this n,et;i, ance•,and while the usual feftuallties were j,erfectly famili:u wit. his 41.1 Ile ? Wimess-Yes, sir ; to the test of my hail' and my roaster carne -out at half l,.t+,, .1)een r utirely healed, wi� my ilcalta, hosStevenson knowledge. past nine, i folly rt:,turod. I ,un grateful for the in•probri sit was ohserv'ed that he and Witness -I Hill, sir ; without hetujng r L'uu,l this nwdioine hits done ole. -Dara. I is counsel (Mr.-Dainbridgt-Q. C.) wore his' voice I should know 111111 in the The Attoroty (general -The prisoner -rhe Attorney General-Alone.,liulu'13ruw,15tS5ullivunat:,NewYork. iR earnest Conaulation, ail,] it appeared i dark, called to you to stop. What then ? Witness -No, sir. He was accom leu - T H L as if the learned gentlemen was endoa v- The Attorney Genet al -You tire sure 1 Witness -I drew up immediately and iod by a man• l y G r' S Sarsaparilla) - oring to overcome Some reSolutiot which Of that? v TO BE CONTINUED. Prepared by Pr. J. C. Ayer, cCo.,[owell,Afnes. s�`, ■ 118 ,sot 011•t. suid by all l>ruggints. rrico $I; s4z bottles,$5. Leading' Undertaker, the prisoner had formed. At the ter- Witness- sure, air ? The Attorney General -What were •r•he nuwos, witiation of this con veisation Y r. Lain- The Attorney General -Is your eye- his "'ext instr"tjons ? dyspepsia, constipated, should address, with -- ' bridge, turtling to t4',,4ench, said : sigh t, good ? Witness -He told mo to wait for him 10 cents in stampa for treatise, World's Die- ROBERT DOWNS Sigh a, , CLYI�TTQN. ' I have to claim your lordships in- Witness -It is very stroug. I cansee anc� to turn the horses heads. rensary Medical Assgtliation,f}63D1aia Street, dulgence, for a, statement which I find it a longish way, y n Buffdo A. Y. The Attorney GE erul - -Towards CLINTON, inecessary to -make. It is in theromem- The Attorney General -You have London ? erate5stollAt and other (9140.0. I Mrnut—turer and Proprietor fur thebcst Saw 11101Antieeptio Embalming Haid kept D. g in 'wo. Agent for the sale and application of brance of your lordship that on the first been- in the habit of driving the prisoner Witness -Yes, sir. -- -- the sir Ftdatsa PATENT AUTOMATIC POILER CLEANER. On hand■ day -of this trial the prisoner was undo- often at night? The. &ttorney General Did ile say .~v fi/3E'lI1T�T]i11TIi'r. & S�''IPZ•�e a.-) STEAM FITTINGS furor«,sed and applied on short fended, being, its it appears, resolutely W'ituess-Yes, sir. how lung he would be away I I —I— 1 - Hp114•rN. F.IIpiIrPN. R41 t1 RII ki n4114 Of Dia - rletermined to defend himself, 1'estPrduy I The Attorney General--�lnd-•your Witness—About five or ten minutes, Barristers, SoliG,1to rs, I alter"' rcl►RlrPd "(I all Rn4t morniti -that is, upon the second day eyes, therefore, have got trained to itis rte sAd• I lot a satisfactory ■nanncr. My Funeral Director, J. C. Steven - of the trial -I informed our lordshi r figure as it were ? the Attorney General -In point of vorTVEYaricERs c. Eon, has attended the School of tin - of 1 a , — Farm implements manufactured and repaired. Steam balming, in 'Toronto, to make himself that the prisoner had been prevail, d �Vihless-Yes sir. fact, how fon+x NHS it before 110 returned? pomm,smionersfor Ontarir and ,lanttoba. and water Pipes furnished and put in position. Dry, { I ' Witness.—Thirty-two mi dltesb m Kilnsfitteduponapplication. eliargts moderate. pit,flCientiiltho8Ct'Ufembalntiug. 1 >`ipoU by his friends,to intrust his defense The Attorney General-Yotthave had r],.,,_,- Y Y OFFICE NExr DUOII NE EF[A, CLINTON — to me Being satisfiod in my own mind to look out for him on dark nights from watch.' - - ��10 Y L'U LOAM. MORTGAGES BOUGHT. • n that nothjn; vvonld occurto disturb this a distance? - The Attorney C oueral-You' always MQNL' PRIVATE FUNDS. C. RrDVUT, ulnae �,. a �/1�9 t' 4riangemont-which I ve.'titure to say Witness -I have had, to da'tbat; air �u-�r"Plf7 _. over P. Jeua,un'f scum, Alb rt Struot — PLACE, 'REMEMBERREMEMBER'1THE { was an advisatdo One --I ria] not feel The Attorney General--Wben the «' itne ss -Y es,Sir, ill ways; it's a habit. %//'' ARRIAGE LIOENBES.--APPLY TU THE GENERAL DEALER iN TINWARE, U.. called upon to ruention that the, prison- people were coming out Of the theatt'e, The Attorney General -Did he make B;oCltunder,lgnod 3u6t the LibrurJA31ES RoomsSCOTT. s HURON STREET, CLINTON. OPPOSITE THE TOA'N HALL. 1 Dr's consent lo accept legal aid was very for installer? any remark ui,on his return about his -- -- Repairngofall hinds promptly attended to at rcaso THOS. STEVENSON reluctantly gi•vNn. That this WH9 f O,hO-+V... WItnE6$--� PB,SII'j alld at OtheC ,laces beutg away )Dobai than be expected ? ,d ONEY T , Lh1.+D IN LARUE OIL SMALL ab,o rates., A trial solicited. t 1 dum, ongootl murtbuge decurity, moderate i EVer, is proved by what has Since trail- as well, Witness—No, air., he Seemed to be ate.uf iucerest. ti. HALE, Cliuwu, ' spired. Both in writing and by word of The Attorney General--Therefoic, it occupied with something. DR. APPLETUN.—OFFICE—AT 1tEBIDENCTJ I 1 r rnonth the prisoner new insists alien con- is not likely you could be mistaken in The Attorney General -Occupied ill - on Ontario dcreet,Clintuu,uppositethoHugush ( r1 (� LOAN AT } © Cent. ducting his own care, and lifts distmetl t thiniting Of something ? inion. c ntrance,by uidegate. -- CD�t�C��O��� (J►����I $JO,000 To LUtili al' 6 pUr CUllI- Y hint Wlttless—Yes, ail'. B. PaOUDFUO'r, CIVIL ENGINEER, ipfortuPd me Haat he will not permit mc• A` Itness-It is hardly possible, sir, �. Pe vi aclalaud Do illation Landsurve or, RY STORE, The Attorney, General -When be le y All(I liil�nl,dti -to act for Lith, I-amempowered to say The Attorney General -Yon remetu- Y' Architect and Draw: hcsWau, Ysuuty BLOCK, that his decision is not in an sense ler- o' you, in what direction did he go 7 Clinton. HURON STREET, CLINTON, Wil a others 7 8 9 and 10 per cell' Y I her the nigl►t of the ,.0th of Aiurc17'? Y pay , P t. Witness -He walked on toward High when you can et mono from us d per .. Sona] to tnvself. It is. Simply, and re. Witness -Yes, sir and the da too. VE.—OFFICE RATTENDURY ST y g y ao , Y The subscriber having purchased the bustnesa lately grettably, ihat he his resolved not to be Barnet tijl he can o to Is bend in the MurrayD MBlock, two doors east of, tiodgens' on-, carried on by airs. Broderick, desires to intimate that First-class loans 6!J per Cent, L1rge 10 The Attorney General -Why do you trance. Resi tante, opposite the Temperance Hall, he will c,nditue It at the old stand, in all its branches, per cent, defended or re resented b counsel. In toad. He went around that and I lost 5 P . r, p y include the dxy in your answer ? Baron :,treat, Jlinton. Ulnae boars, 8 a.m. to Bp.m. IID will keep on hand a choice stack of CONFECTION. TERMS made t7i-suit borrower, regardfeg y tbeso circumstances I have nn o ,tionbut sight of Mita. EaY of all kinds, . 7� I Witness -Because it was the hardest SiES BOWSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER iiayment and period of loan. �d place a self in vont lordship's hands. day's work I have done for miny a yea-. The Attoru y General—Did he return JA for the County of Huron. Saledattendod anywhere • BISCUITS, FRUITS AND CIGARS• - PriSOnf'I'—My lord— the same way • in the L`vnnty,ac re suitable rates. Rcaldanco,Albert _— - Apply to The Attorney General -,The hardest Street, Clinton. 31r, Justice Fenmore--8,ilence. Your ,, Witress—No, sir; lie Startled -me a, Ile has also added thereto a first-class assortment of 7 } day'S driving do you mean? bit. I lit. STANBQRY, GLiADUATE OF THE MED- Witness- ED- y! ���;AN Rj ��'I.Sll�i I.II, vOUri'3e1 will speak for on. Witness -•Yes, sir, I was on thb t,ox iJCALcopartmentofVictorlaU¢ivcrsityv,Taronto,for QEliTiERAL GROCERIES. Prisoner—M lord I have no counsel. The Attorney General— )-low ? mart of the ua ,tale and aU versitf, Now York Y ' £ronl I1 o'clock in the morning till ail y n r I am defending myself, and no person I a Witness -I, was looking out for him Coronorforthecountyo: Haron,rJayaela,unt. All of which he will sell at the very' lowest BANKERS, CLINTON. 1 hour past midnight. prices for cash, Close pereonvl attention'wilJ ,shal I speak for Inc. p in the di ection he had taken, when I Un g1vLn to the business, and all orders entrust - The At oruev General—Driving, your vj1LS WFIITT, TEACHER OF comer of C. REST• 34ir.Jutstico 1+`enmoro---Prisoner at the a 3 suddenly card him s{,eek at my elbow, nE,cE at sirs. It. lt. Tread's, corner of ]Tatou and ed to him will receive prom)'t attention. rn�1LLrr " � {i� `,t 1 ���)) ��T, to ' bar, it is my duty to trill on that the master, the prisoner ? The Attorney CTeneral-How do you Orange strecti. . ATRIAL RESI'GCTrIiLLr'? OLICITF.D: 1111114" MOLSONS. BXN K 4 Y `V1tne3S-Yes, Slr. account for it ? W. WILLIAMS, D. A.,'M.D., GRADUATE OF i p + Incorporated by Act of Parliament 18r$'' •deci-tion at which oil have arrived is r n , 3• rhe Attorney Ganoral---And no Otter! ��.TorontoUuiyorray;memberottheUollogeotPhy W. ROBERTSON. d�I11lE011 — grave and unwise. Witness -Ile must have takena abort CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. person'? I 4ietaasand surgeons, int. UrFlc>; & L'sslnRaca the Prisoner• -Of that, lily lord, l am lLe' 1 T cut baek.acrosi some fields. If I had houtieformerl$oocupied by Dr. Reeve, Albert rtroet -- -- - i>est judgA, Witness -Not till evening sir. J1 was � 1 about- been on my box I might have seen him, t under. ` �] �j rr� i �� DWAN tiLAD OFFICE, MO�bVZ'REAL. Mr. Justice Foilmore-you rllav not r but I was stindin in the road 'Incl k' VURTHLNUTULi PHYSICIAN, fPhyeiLONLXCUL 0 tl ..' ` , •' aocouehoar,LlcentinirotthoCut.o ,ufPh•eician, 01,6 TfIO2,IAS WORK6fA51 President. , Che Attorney General— will come g U. $�c. It is scarcely I;ecessary for me t0i there was a hedge more than loan hi -b, g t, y • t0 t]1C, al'tlCUlar$presently.YOU• were i 'r,�• an ti4te urd eousof Lo+voresuada,and i'rovinciatlocand J. H• R. MOLSON neral Mann by IDG Olit to yon, a nian Of intN ig ° p cooide nei—Th odor Ing to ntyolliurop. UtL+ Mr. F. WOLFERSTAN TH03I:19, General A[anager • I1' code � g on the side. he camp back to me. •- roeideace—'F-h;ebnildinR former); odor sedb Mr. •• •- — _..+ not d'rI'vxna,alTthe trine? r rY -to+-odtieation,Lhat there are' iolnes Fitness -41 t 'air; the horses couldn't The Attorney General -What clid Ih�attoa' Flnren atrent. 1 y After the severest test at t'ne late fair in Notes discounted, Collections made, Dr 1 , " , d tllfuton,Jan.l0;1a71. in e.vely Case, and e5 Ccially In a case oil d0 w•11eI1 he Tea ,eared? —_ _ Clinton, it was universally admitted that issuer), Sterling and Anter{cart e2^17ige „ p Lave stood it. Y pl bought and sole) at loaves' so momintnusas this, wbich'an un•udj Witness -I prepared to start. /)'LINTON MECHANICS' INTITUTE, LIBR- FOR PERFECT AND EASY ACTION, BEAUTY+ D pial or to I Tile Attorney General -Do p j<J.4.VSudReadingRoums,Pervinbluokdown current rates. s s p more cort.ectl , d mind a ' The Attorna General—Did be tel]- , OF FI-NiSH; 'AND S1i'EETNESS OF inNE, -the- lntevo-t iii --t• pall cent a,iowdd on de oAti. - - --' )> that there were stoppages ? Y etttirs. About 1,700 vu amus iil the Library and EXCELSIOR was awe ahead of all oth- p a tot les,aliy trained, is almost certain to . oil immediate) where to drive to ? all the Leading Newspapers and Periodicals of Y + — overlook. Witness -Yes, Sir. Y T Y the day oil rho table Membership ticket $1 per erg, and destined to be the popular instru• >, f� >K The AttorneyGeneral-Did the pis_ Witness—No, sit•. He,stood consid- annum. Open front 2 to 6 p.m., and from 7 to pient of the day. This, along with the fact Mmrcy advanced to farmers on their own notes Vith ] m. Applieatlouii for memuershs metped ..no or more enlor,er,,. No mortgage required as Prisoner -4 understand Soni lord hip, over usuall-v work his horses so hard ? ening Just as be did when ,vvre first silt by -the Librarian fit tri the room. p that a e ectal prize, wasawarded it, Certain t and I thank your brit 4( my acquittal of P P , erity. q " out.' -- ly speaks volumes for the instruments, and H. C. Blas„ r.a Manager, the ter•riblo cr•imo for whichl am now be- , Wit•iess-Not at all, sir. He was a The Attorney'General=•-And then ? I UNION SHAVJd%Ga PARLOR* parties purchasing should see the EXCEL- January lbs Clintou ing tried is to ho brought'about by legal good master to man and beast. Witness -He told me to drive back SIOR before buying elsewhere.— technicalities, I shall proferr-not to owe The Attorney General••=Why do you the w., we bad come but not to drive SHAVING, FAIR CUTTING Am) SHAEI- B j j) P L Et COM $ Ea, my release to tlros� means. I,Uotter, than look so frequently at chip prisoner? Y ' POOING done very neat and to suit GEO. F. OAKES, PROPRIETOII. 1Vitness-I can't tell oil sit, except too quickly, __. every person. any man Hero -unless, indeed,the actual you, I The Attorney General-Yotl slid so? Jttl[N HDBN, - . rlmlth's Block Factory three doors west of Mulloy's Pump i `� '^ 1, j� that I shouldn't like to say anything to -- Shop, P¢tteitbur St. Clinton. Nva. fitC� dnll plod hat rnnrderer be present -know �chethet I Witness -Yes sir. P. Y + hurt him. ' BIBLES AND TESTAMELN TS AT COST. am innocent or guilty, and in the course The Attorney General -But you are The Attorney General—Where did J EWFI,I,El%, tea, I bave determined to pursuol am acting you next stop ? The Clinton- Branch Bible Society have for sale at Eta•apsa�: a a: 'e z, >c .:e a IcrT L's, t r.nr'ruiv Lei•e t0 speak the truth. Y DR. woltrlitNGTON's DREG BrORE, Albert St. , in wh t I believe to by my best interests. I Witness -Midway between Finchley a fine assortment of Bibles and Testaments. ,(� �, ( o Witness -I intend to speak it, Sir. + A A• _Bei ll e / t % heft; be koetr3 a Feioct aseortmeut of •iOliC lordship has 1'EFUI'!'Cd t0 tile tiS a l' and GI'OUCh Lt'ud• TEtiTA9IBNT� from Seta. UPIVAIiD' 1111���� 111..��1 (/i l/f!'//(( than of intolligenco and gcod education The Attorney General -For reasons The Attorney General -At a house? BIBLES Irani •Bete. UPWARDS. ? 42'AFCN£S, CLOCKS, JFWFLLENY, S^ILY.rA- Theso qualifications will sufficient,) which you have given,your remembrance co,IF Asb ssE. DTE. w0I{CITINGt'ON, Dcposttary Y of what occurred on the 25th of Match Witness No, sir;at h part of the -TUE 1•i•:: IAN't, -• WAR. _ verve mei, but I do not rely upon them road where there were no houses. - lvhir•'a we'wiii seb at reasonablerates• alone. I have real) had somasort of is likelyto be exce tionall faithful? The Attorney General -Ho called to r MONEY. MONEY. 3' p + Y Y �Z a can make a few good loans from PRIVATE legal tra-ininID)iv acid as 1 a5snrodly-]rrsoW IYitnoss- Forthoseand otherreasons, yon, as before, to stop ? Nems, at low ratesandmoderoto e�penae. MIMI. �$ rtnpairwg t„ Every desertptiou promptly _that :I' shall conduct m own defense in .Witness -Yes sir. He of out and Terms made to suit borrowera. ���i,� j tendr<i til, an.t M1ll wr rh r:arraated.A nlatlncv whioh will ecommend itself The Attorney General -Now, Com- ,' g 1 �I�#`1r. monde on the mornin of that da AVhat said, A[ovi•honse,meet meheroin about .111\YYINi. d: �:COTT, )'),oleo O ie hcartr and my se to eiice, so do I Y g Y an hour or an Lour u d a nailer.' I„n : _.: 1�}I �' THE FRONT believe that if T choose to eXPI•ci3e it- were oil first instructions ? said Yes sir' and I asked him whether J. T. WII'RIT. I F 1 r i Witness—To'-be read with the car- ' tiQve right V DENounty f 4 and I suppose most ,nen in my positionY F should bait the horses at at inn we Hold the exclusive right for the county fortbu Hurd would SO Choa.0-.•I have legal knowledge riage at 11 o'clock, had passed half a mile dew the road. process of administering chemically pure Nitrogen Tho Attorney General -You were Monoxide, which Is the safest and bostsystomyet dis- CIIOICF; !TILED OATS and01,0VER and 'mfl'1Cimlt for niy ) needs, The learned Y He did not answer me,but walked quick- covered for the painless extraction of tccth• Charges EMBALMER .!IAI0TIIIi SEBD FOIL SAi.E. eonnsel who hats ar dressed your•lordship ready ? ly away. moderate, satisfaction uaranteed. OFFICE, EL- Witness --Yes 611, LIOfT'S BLOCK, over Rance's Tsilor Shop, Huron Parties wanting such should call early I am bass t bas PI. t the Matter °mq st fairly. My con- ' , The Attorney ,General --Can yon say street, Clinton. _ _____ _ prepared to pay h,ghnst market price iu cash for ND_ -3ent that lie should def -rid mR war, re- The Attorney General -In wh3 t way why he did not answer you ? - - 4r�$�- �i 1H it t(_) itA ,Blocs. lie i> situ to be lnm,a at the ora alalia, luctantl ,von and I re3srved to did you fix lite time? By guessing? Witness -No air except that he dill O E r1f �T; S T° N ST. CLINTON.�{ Y given, y , s p t!0ATS HLOUR 1 { -self the right to withdraw it. I:Ie has Witness -By my wateb,sir�the best not hear me. 1 ., With afull line of mentioned tbatthiswithdrawal isnot per- p The Attorney ,General -Yon spoke � ~r rMr�.,r� .zct rr<+�mrr�aa- The B1'ST of EGYPTIAN timepiece in London. stinal to bim3elF. It is t'tte. 'ro him, The Attorney (�etieral-At 11 o'clock, distinctly? 5 p 1 :K13DI1 j FLUIDS used in'EMRAL]4II1\'Cl FLOUR, FEED & VEGETABLES - above till others, would I intrust niv do- then, you were on the box, waiting for • Witness -Yes, sir. A large aSS01•ttllent of eve) thin re the beatryuarices which o will Boll at the lowest a'onsc, were it not that I have cogent and your muster ? The Attoretoy frau©Tal--Iluvo yon tib- � C'iIARREd neOWRATF: O Y ft' remuooratiro prices to all who may favor him uritb imperative reasons for trusting no roan. Witness -Yes, sir. served, tit tiny time during your employ- C L I N TO IV . in the Undertaking line. Bll. Ill stock includes (FLOUR,EN CHOP, HORTS, I shall not displease one so earnest find rile Attorney General-IIe Came out ment that lie w•as at all deaf ? I -- - `- -"" --`-- --' F,I.OUR,CRkCKED WHEAT. GRANULATED RIOJ� - )iigh-rninded as he when I shite that he to Yo'l ? Witness—NO 'sit•' but he seemed the lint n LER, and STANDARD OATMEAL and , all of Etli,; ' ' ' Rod Rocker Store Clinton all kinds of Vegetables, BARREL SALT all of w once gnvo ado his friendship, and that I Witness-- Ye -4, sir. whole of that day, to hay O somethin on WALL,PAPER I Ile will sell for cash or coarse grains. BRAN,sHOR a The Attorney Genet al -Did' }lE tell g , r and P14OUR by the ton or cwt., and everything4a felt honored by it. Your lordship will Y his mind which kept him from thinking RESIDENCE, ORANGE ST., within the` corporation. Ills limotto aria be "Oda. ardon we fof• this fitatement the admin- you immediately vvbero to�drive to ? of anything else Or attending to it. , I am now reoeiviu a stock -of Paper and ' T: , Y g , g g p NEAR bIETH011[ST CHi7RC1A goods, soon of which I feel to he unusual in Witness -Not immediately, air. Ile The AttorneyGeneral -After be p g I THOS. WATSON, BORDERS for the Tin tradti which f ,such a case. I havo trade it onlyfor Stood with his hand on the cat iiago door, walked quickly awe wh.tt did .. you do is WFI L SELECTED nrehssed from the Huron Street,Cuntt,n q Y Y, Y SELECTED, P OLIN TUN 01lie 5nrposu of emphasizing his correct and seemed to be considering. Witness -As I had more than an beat Canadian and American Factories. Don't The Attorney General -Did be re- hour to spare I drove back to the inn I A oleo. con lord, ll stand upon e.' rights., p' buy Wali) you neo my splendid variety. PLANING M ' LL i i '"SIM 88E Y will conduct tiro own defense.' main long considering ? spolie of and baited my hohses, and had The trial was then proceeded with. Witness-Vor three or four minutes, abite of broad and cheese myself. W=.sir which seemed a longish time. The Attorno General -An thing to Ci0OOK ST' v� Q�yy C31IAPTIIR II. The Attorney Genetal-And than? Y J' I3LrIVtat BLOCK BOOK STORE. nND-- r QATAR. i'txL HVIDPrvCC OF JAMES ntooRlrot'sF Witness—Then he tolyl inn to drive drink? I Witness—A bottle of_g]nger babe. A R Y iI X L 1� 1 OLtI•INT ENEAb d '• I COACTFMAN, to Finchley. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. o y ImmediaalilM� The Attorney General- The Attorney General -Timing your- PresertPtoojt of a physician who n�1HBSUBSCRIBERiLAVING JUST COMPLETED.. ��' The first witness called was dames Y self as usual, were yon back on tido spotrNc hashnda ilfe long experdeneerri 1 � 1t)S and furnished his now Planing Mill with machin- 4r ■ IiLl did he ice you ? • treating tem le diseases. Is used o of rho latest im ,rowed attern9, is now ire need p� ,■,� 'X'inorhonac, Whoso examination was g Y you left the risener at the end of tin ry l P 1 P Cold In Neal, �V1tnPS8 - OnC ]n pal'tlCilldl, Bir. H0 p monthly wit perfect au0cess by to attend to all orders in hia line in, the most prompt over 1 000ladies. Pleasant, safe, looked forward to with fnent interost,a3 hour and n quartet ? K_ and satistaotery manner, and at iehkinnbie rates. nio MAY FEVER elf0ctual. Lndics ask yourdru A A ., s ■ lilfOly to t011 itcavily ether for or against said, ' i)C1y0 to l iucliley, on the rood Witness --To the npitl,tte, gftkt, for Pennyroyal Watere and would ale), return thanks tv nll,who patronized thetoHiebIi a to I ole tell you when take n0 substitute, or 1u01oso no,it old firm before they wore burned vat, and now being HASY TO r8E. the pAsone.r. IIe js a Htutdy inanof a The Attorney Gencral--Was IIe wail -n efn substit te.orincl Soldby in a better pwition to execute ordemexpnditionsly, 1; taSnaff,PowderorIrritatingLignFa. Pdb + fools confident he Dan iv„ satisfnction to all.)riddle agp,witb an expression of intense to stop. itig+ fol. yoila. drusggists,$1perbox. Address g Gt)cts. and$t.00. If not obtainable atyour drty�r• earnestness in his face and altbou r The Attorno Goneral-•-Well 2 EILURI I��CREM CAL CO., DamnOrr, blrcrl. r PAG'TORY-11 ea, the Grand Trunk Pail F h he r, Y Wil uess�- NU, sir; .l saw nothing o£ Sold in Clinton by J. it, tt mpr nutl Druggists' avay, Clintolt, t glace, gent prepaid on receipt of prlco. dddreed gave his evidoncedln a perfectly straight �j itness--I drove its die; oted, and him for another two horn's, 1 everywhere. TrlOMAa HeMBNYfT FULFORD & CO., Brookviiier <11ft: f