HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-05-20, Page 8• (114.1-N''ON NEW ERA zDAcoENTs.--Thea Paris. Review thea refers to an accident whereLl ti a eldest FRIDAY, MAY �, 138McDean, of . _ _ _ nearly lust her life :•--.4" Alts; • Parrs Knitting, Mills, who ha . G t 1 of all,the female employees, had a narrow ▪ li'Y WANTED—t:OAD, ACTF'PEBOY, ToLEA`1ts escape from instant death. on �S. aturdaq. the prtnttng buetne�s NEW ERA. OFFIOE. She was passing a belt in motion, when 7. . daughter of Par W Marten'ofOlintou,. 8 on LOCAL STOTJO18. ro. "Wm ted; one hundred orders for harness for 110 and Saar. ranted good. .1 T 1V17'0.HELL. , .gcceired 10 cases T of 1TCHELL. Bring .art your iggs• 'Fine near stock of Laurence's Celebrated Pebble Spectaclee, Cheap, at DICKSON'S 'Baokstor.e. ,Uatra Million New gnvelopes just to hand at..DICKSt,tW N'S B000katore, Close pricesfor ijttantities. Large stock Richardson's New Method for Pictnofortejtut arrived at DICKSON'S Book - stere, Clintc'n. Beautify and decorate your hoanes by pur- chasing the nicest and cheapest Wall Paper to tom, at DICASON'S Bookstore. Plot a pencil ? Then stake a note of this, .1 IEESLBY& co. are showing a Special lot of Childrenand Ladies' ..New York hats this . _ ZIOWtl Zopii(o. ? ORE NEW HOUSES —In addition to tbe list of new houses already published, the following contemplate the erection of houses this year: -11. S. Cuoper, new house on Maple street, F: Rumball, new housej on Mary street ; W. H. Hine, new house on Rattenbury street. Navy WooL.—Mr.W,,Moon, of Hullett, delivered some ot this season's clip of wool at the Clinton Woollen Mills, on • Thursday of last week. This was the first delivered this season, and he "received at the rate of 22 cents per pound. Tbis is higher than wool is expected to average. HIT HIM.—This is the way the Brussels Post trifles with the feelings of Mr Walter Coats, formerly of Clinton :—" Did you notice the, double-barrelled smile on Walter Coats, our new grocer? An 8 - pound baby girl that he calls "my daugh- ter" is the cause. Oh ! it's nice to be a daddy." A PROMISCUOUS ASSORT1 TENT.—A per- son in •town, noticing the other day that one of the pockets of his nephew, who is aged about 5 years,was unduly proportion- ed, emptied it out, and found the follow- ing somewhat miscellaneous collection :- 3 empty cartridges,11 nails,2 elate pencils, 1 broken stove -lifter, a button, spool, 2 blocks" marble, piece of soap, some candy, -"'-"3d`ate stonee, piece"of lead pencil, 3 plum stones, piece of putty, piece of clay, a screw, honk, piece of !tether, piece of a dress fastener, a broken bottle, 3 pictures, orange peel, the.top of a pepper box,piece of tin, some peas, and some dirt. ea. CHANGE IN TIME.TABLE.—A new ,time table went into effect on Monday, by' which'', number of changes are made in the arrival of trail •s at Clinton. The new time table is as follows :—• her dress caught and was drawn into the Pulley in an instant. The woman was hurled violently to the floor, and her dress torn off her. She sustained Bowe ugly bruises, but it is a miracle how she es- caped being killed." GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Going East. Going West. 7.30 a.m. express 10 18 a.m. mixed 1.15 p.m. mix. d 2.20 p.m. express 4,15 p.m. mixed ' 9 20 p.m. express . GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. GoineNorth.I • Going South. 10.18 a.m. express 8.00•a.m. express 0.35 p.m. express 4.10 p. m. express A few day's since Mr. W. Marten met with an accident that came near being seriot,s. While pressing a quantity of rags, be was using overheada heavy crow- bar, when it slipped, striking him on the skull, and inflicting a both ugly and pain- ful wound. Fortunately he has recovered from the effects thereof, and is around transacting his business as usual. BRIEFS.—Mr. Jas. Steep has bought an acre of land, adjoining Mr. R. M.Racey's residence, from Mr. Thos. Holloway, for which be paid $400 cash ; he intends to build a fine residence there. Dame rumor states that a wedding will take place next week here ; bo(o)th the contracting pairties are residents ' f town; the New ERA ex- tends its best wishes. The addition to the High School, in so far as the brick work is concerned, is nearly completed; Mr. R Hayward has made a good job of it, as he always does. Mr. W. J Paisley lost a pod cow on Friday, by milk fever. Mrs. John •Miller is spending a few weeks with her parents iu Dungannon. The cattle recently bought in this vicinity by Mr. Morgan, of Oshawa, among which are some good animals, will be shipped here today: Several ladies in this vicinity are using side-saddles this year, the reason being that a prize is to be offered at the Clinton Fall Show for the best lady rider. The License Commissioners for the Wes: Riding met at Goderich, on Wednesday, to prepare their estimates for submission to the County Council at its June meet= ing. On Wednesday, Mr. J. P. Tindall, banker, looked "as happy as a king," be- cause of the addition of a junior partner to the firm. One of the Organ Factory building:, which extended a couple el feet on the laud of Mr. Taylor, (owing to a blunder at the time it was erected), and the company not being able to purchase the land at a satisfactory figure, the build- ing, is being moved slightly. Mrs. .f. Campbell is opening out dressmaking over the shore of Geo. E. Pay & Co's store ; particulars next week. Mr, T. R Mit- chell, of St. He!ens, took passage from here on Monday last for Liverpool, sail- ing from New York, in the Brittonic, of the White Star Line, for vyhich W. Jack- son is agent. Miss M. Hessian, gran - daughter, of Mr. W. Martin, has been en- gaged as clerk in the store of J C. Dolor & Co., Goderich. Mr. J. H. Worsell was taken ill on Saturday, with a slight attack of inflammation of the bowels, but has re- covered therefrom. Mr: W. D. Stewart, of Ayr, spent a few days here last week;, he looks well; as ho always does when visiting Clinton.' Quite a number of ap• peals have been lodged with tbe Clerk against the assessment roll this year; the majority. of them, however, are for the Ltd dition of wage-earners, and for changes in property that' have taken place since the assessors were around. There will be preaching in Perrin's hall, on Sunday at 7 p. tn. Mr. C. Cole, brother -l.. -law of Mr. Josh C Cole, is in town, .after spend ing five years' service with the Mounted Police at Battleford ; die took an active part in the rebellion; and loons none the worse of his service, but has no desire to make that section of the country a perma- nent home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Durst, of Sebringville, are visiting friends here. Vice.Chancellor Proud foot, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his son here, Mies K Musgrove returned to Toronto, on Wed- nesday, much improved in health. Master 'Johii Caiitelen,'(son of Mr. Henry Can felon), had the misfortune to brettk.one of his fingers' on Saturday; by striki ng it with an axe. Mr. Hastings last week tound a pocket book containing over $60,' but an owner for it turned up in the person of a young man ofTuckersmith. Mt. Thomas White, (of Palliser & Co.), has in the store window the shell of a star fisb,which is quite a curiosity ; it was caught in the vicinity of Philadelphia. M rs. W. Taylor,, who has been on a visit to Teronto. has returned home Mr. II. Porter is now able to be around, but is still very weak ; ht had a siege of about eight weeks. The wife of Mr. S. Wilson has been for some time In Toronto, undergoing medical treatment. Mr. Hugh McDonald is making considerable Improvement to his house on Albert St. north. . Mr. R Mc- Murray made an offer of $2100 to Mr. Jas Twitchell for his brick' house on Ratten- bury St., but the latter did not accept it ; be also tirade an unsuccessful offer of $1600 for Mr. Urigg's property, near the 'Batten - bury house; if these figures indicate the general value of property in town,real es- tate is a splendid investment here. Hay - wards Carriage Works narrowly escaf ed destruction by fire.onThursdaylast,sparks setting the roof on fire, but it was discov- ered before much headway had been made. On Thursday evening last, Mr. Powell. succeeded in breaking up what bad every appearance of a wheat swindle being per. petrated on \lr. Jamieson, of the Huron Road, Hullett; it is the old story of sign - HAWKERS AND PEDLARS.—The follow- ing circular addressed to ali the merchants of the county, speaks for itself:—At a meeting of the merchants of Seaforth,held on, the evening of May lath, it was re- solved to call a meeting of the merchants and all others interested, from all the towns and villages in the county, to' be held at the Cou,tnercial hotel, in the town of Clinton, on Friday, May 2i th, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of taking steps to induce the county council to put a stop to the hawking and peddling ot goods -throughout the county. Will the mer. -chants of your 'place 'please hold a meeting at once, and appoint delegates .to attend - the 'abeVe meeting. We deem this step' necessary, and in the interest of the mer- chants of the county. THE WAY OF TIIE 1RANSORESSOR.—A week or so since a young boy named August Larsoom accompanied by another boy, ran away from their homes in this town, causing considerable anxiety to their friends, Who failed to learn of their whereabouts until Saturday last, when a letter was received by a party in tows from the McLarey Manuta#cturing Co., of Lon- don, saying that an. elevator hoist had broken_in (heir workshops, dropping forty feet, and a boy named Larsoom, who was. •oa the hoist, and olaimed to have a widow ed mother in Clinton, bad his leg broken. He was taken to the hospital for treatment, the firm looking after his comfort and welfare. His mother went down to see .him on Saturday. P GOODS Suitable Gooc -FOR WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS, CONSISTING OF FARMERS' CLUB.—The Granton Farm era' Club met on the evening of the 2nd inet; Mr James Young, Vice -President, occupiedthe chair. After some prelimi• nary business, the committee, composed of the following members, John Hunter, 3. Avery, Donald Ross, Harrison \Viltse, and Franklin Grant, gave in their esti- mate of the value of a 100 -acre stock farm, including stock, building and implements, for which the united thanks of the club were voted. • The calculation was made on farms in the vicinity of Granton. The by • arriages press amons Ti DOW B2.JI1\1-3DS WINDOW •::• ROLLERS all Paper and Borders Jubilee Note Paper and Envelopes. total amount was $10,245, for an average ing a document apparently, to become an farm, sttielr, etc., and the chairman, after `agent,in reality an order for a large quan- a lengthy discussion, decided that the tity of wheat. According to the Alsessor's i'igures were correct. Mr. 'James Young returns. the popelation of Seafortli is row Was appointed to write a paper to be read about 300 less t • an that of Clinton ; had at the next meeting, on the most profitable the figures been the other way round, tho way of working a grain farm. voices of our f-eaforth ca•tems would be Soon. ACT CASES.—Mr. Knox, of heard about as tar away as Lake Superior. Hotmesville, was tried before Messrs. Wanless and Govenloek, at Varna, on Saturday, for alleged violation of tbe Scott Act; he was -defended by Mr. Powell, of Clinton, Mr. Scott appearing for the pro- secution ; bad the magistrates been dis- posed to strain a point they could have made a conviction, and they claimed that they would be justified but did not con- sider the evidence sufficiently satisfactory' and gave Mr. Knox the benefit of the doubt by dismissing the case. The case against Kellard,of Drvon,twico adjourned, come up again at Exeter, on Friday, but was again adjourned, as he cannot be found: A use egaiust Me.- "Piney, of Zurich, was called at Varna, on Saturday, but he failed to answer, and a warrant was issued for bis arrest, returnable at Exeter to -a.... n...^'it:33 vin• """ ;',"`� `- '".` "s We have a couple of communications en Atie`t i :..... fin,. n se- - cond offence tris e,..,.^�f aggainst W. Mitch- 1;anderersl ext play willncppcam oat Godoriehrpe ell, at Crediton, on Tuesday, but be failed Tuesday next. There will he no celebra• to answer n>ad z su�itnoes was issued for liie arrest; tion in re on the,QpesA'a WON -Stye Mr. Lu Appleton is home on thesick list. The Baird Comedy Crave having a pretty successful week here, playing to large houses nightly. A meeting of the com- missioned officers of the 33rd Battalion, Was held at the Rattenbury House, on Wednesday afternoon, to co,sider matters p rtaining to the force. Mr. J E Davis, of tlse Mitchell Advocate, after a seven weeks' illness, is able to be around again. S. Andrews shipped a car of 17 cattle to Buffalo this week. Wm. Cudmoreshipped a car of 18 cattle to Montreal for export. Mr. J. Fair made a shipmontof 1000 sacks of flour to Glasgow, Scotland, last week. liar. Wortla'intoots-change--o€--advertise-f ment received too. late for this week ; he announces the,. arrival of a lot of new goods. Mr. 1?. Mulligan left here for Portage la Prairie, on Wednesday.. - Carpet Felt. Walking Sticks, Baskets, Croquet, &c - INSPECTION INVITED CHDIS. DICKSON, CLINTON. MIA SUITABLE ° WEATHER CLOTHINO. I 1 I _ 'OT WEATHER 17?ARA.S S,C4LII-I! FEINTS, C3-INGil A LS, C3IEL AI* FRA. CAISe, see them. CA, wand HOSIUTUir , WHI'T'E-O.4DS. AT C. RANCE & CO'S WHO' 'HAVE ALWAYS THE RIGHT KIND OF GOODS, SELL THEM :\'P THE RIGHT PRICES, TRY TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. DO PLEASE AND SATISFY THEIR PATRONS. -.. ` ' Mant1eDepartment DON'T FORGET WE HAVE ONE OF THE BEST MANTLE MAH1S . IN THE COUNTY; NO MISFIT, A SUCCESS EVERY TIME. GET A BROCADE WRAP FOR TIIE WARM WEATHER, Any person in need of a nobby Spring Suit now is the time to purchase. Stocir Full and ..sscrtment Creat. OuC Hobby is rine Merchant Tailoring And of we givrt our whole time and attention to that • alone, we are enabled to meet the wants of the most fastidious. We also manufacture our own Buttons from the same material as the Suit, NEW TRIMMINGS JUST IN EBROIDERIES, LACE DRAPING, ORIENTAL LACES, JUBILEE LACES, LACE CUR- TAINS and CURTAIN. NET. And as we are THE ONLY HOUSE IN THE TRADE who do so, we are better enabled to tnrn ont a more nobby and artistic garment. All in need of a Snit will find it to their advantage to look through onr stock before purchasing elsewhere. 0 C. C. RANCE & 00., 1411E 12.N. h: M EIS EE N'1` ILO fl 0 11T T CYN We will not allow any other house in the trade to sell cheaper than we db. We back it up every time. We invite comparison. Our Motto GOOD GOODS CHEAP. GEO. E. PAY &,CO. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON.. ITs - No - UsE Those $7 SUIS Again Its no use in saying that it can't be much for $7. The suitsspaak for them- selves, and the great quantity we aro turning over every week is a sufficient guarantee that we have just struck the thing the people want. Evo:ybody ought to have a knock about suit, and the area line we are offering for 87 is svorth $11 in the regular way. We are completely surprised the way the public have taken hold of thiis line, and we are now making arrangements to have Mr. Jackson, sr., who 1 at present in England, to send us otlt a large stock of • English .TWEEDS TO MANUFACTURE INTO THIS LINE OF cii s We aro fortunately placed in a position to take cash discounts, and being undtr very low expenses in proportion to our large turnover, we can place 'upon the market the cheapest clothing that is to be found in the county. 000 JACKSON BROS., CJLINT()N.