HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-05-20, Page 6' - . a - .. ,.� .. ` - - -, t -,... u e ]p •fAu b. The Adopted Report on temperance ut PIIIIO"' " r D R17Li. knit SEhVICD^• >" 1 tL B 18 7. • W Yr p r m t° Pve!r•�Yorked women. sut,agrlber ken a fax s> xvtce, on fat 27, on tllp Otb r "" t 'rim pRID�y, D9pY 20, ._..$ est s Cough S onauw "ttonh d a throat the Presbyterian Sy11od, in I3 a . D� For c`worn 11116' ` run•dotvn dHbtlltated son, H"Rctt,a Photo bred Durham Bull,ofi nod peat• q \ `, asthma, b><onclrlts, p •, , .,, F - 't �-;' an fun diMcult,e.H, 23e., 500.; $l. All 4911$- ainoug other tn,pcxttint dalwerengert,, re• school teaehere; Williners, seputstrtisses,Lou@e• gree, ho is about lb mogthe old rogWtered is too Do ;'Ml d g _ W.I.n Herd Boole. fit was go�hy Lrimsth Duke 2nd. a N ,c',, NOTES- gist. ooMmeoded that the T)um.t,.. ion Parltttruentt keepers', -,and oyer•wor6e �vom9q. generally, fetors Sl, with nri.vile o of leturnlp, ,t uocesaqury ` X B ,$1 (7apt, Wt 1+Igrpheton, cf: Medon,, Tann•, kre petitioned to amend the Canadlan'l`em- pr, l'ieroe's j avgrita Preacrttion tQ the beat R1CIiARD CAiITER. I h dd of Mon Mills. is 84' had fasted 50 d,aya. on ]Friday last, Daring peraAGe Act la thO,dLr410.t1pA auught by elle. of P11 restorative tonics. It is ;opt a "cure. ?dr, ,Tolle Iii nearly 25 acres:. -that time', JU,is. eldimed, he has not takeu a Dominion Alliance, and not on any con- all," bat nlimirably fulfills a singleness of DRESSMAKING THE UNDERSIGNED yye�argof age, and ploughed y huR commenced dCORAruaklPlg tit her resi- ihie spring. swallow of either food or drink. He site 1 sideration to allow say emasculation of purpose, being a most potent Specific for all dunce,King Street, directly opposite the Pon u - up and talks freely. the Act by a wine and beer clause, or in those Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases pe• dry where she will be prepared to 1111 all ordure ill you suffer when one bgttla of culiar to women. It is •a powerful, general iu liar line, on chore notice and at reasonable 'IV, Why. Tv Y Gen. Middleton at a luncheon tendered I say other way. as well se uterine, tonin and nervine, and rates Haviug had considerable experience She a +at" 4. ' Weft'.{} R orld s Wonder will relieve, and two feels coufideut that She c,an give satiefac4lon to to'titreebottles•etue snycase of rheumatfsm.25c. him one Thursday night on 1 tvaetthetonl s - If any employee on the farm uses tobac- imparts vigor and strength to the whole Sys• all who favor her with their patrouage DHSS ,And boo. Your duggists sell it. that the 1 Y oo, smoking In barna and other buildings tem, It promptly cures weakness of stomach, L gU01'H, Clinton tl1Va�II��} ���� � �� '��I Institute stance on record in which a British cam- I should be strictly prohibited. More farm Indigestion, bloating, weak book, nervous In ! n g `j Mr. T, C. Dawson, late a merchant of ai u was fought and won without the aS- r i� ilii patharines, has been appointed sheriff P B g buildings burn from the carelessness of .e prostration, debility and sleeplessness, i° uRIDGE CAUTIONge across IS HEREBY '1. -" sistance of Imperial troops. either sex, Favorite Prescription ie sold b 1 • :;ivou that the bridge. across tile River ). 28, P P 1 smokers than from any other cause, and P Y ]and, on concession rand No. 8 9, lot Nu. 2e, LV1`=F'Az.,O, N. '3f"_ of I{inoolP. druggists under our positive guarantee. Sea The following appointments of olive insurance,however large it may seem,never, (known as Natsou'a Bridge) In rho township of tt p wrapper around bottle. Price $1 a bottle, or Hallett, and county of Hurou,is unsafe fur pub• praan]zcd v<rlti, u fall. ✓ Baur or elgh n J fes` :Lord Lansdowne owns 95,000 a crew ie magistrates for Scott Act counties have I in farm bnildings,replacea the lova sustain six bottles for 85. A large treatise of Diseases lie travel, and that all parties travelling over said bi ld a will, after the da of the date of the Experienced sad Skillful YhyalGi,tnR ][ferry and 1$,000 acres in Meath, Da sides been made: Leede 'and Grenville. James ed. An employee careless enough to of Women, profusely illustrated with colored publication of this actino do Bo at their own and f;ni=gcona for Aho trcatneent o$ the La neurran estate in Queen's Uuunty, ;i? plates and namerpus wood• cute, sent for ten risk, Dated at Hullott, the nineteenth du of all cliruaic niseascs. • '.:, gg ' C. Judd, barrister, of Brockville ; Lanark, smoke in >rrns or Sheds among hay or p The evictions from the last-named pro- Dan -can Kippers, of Perth ;Brant, Jaliles straw is ueiiallv_uot trustworthy at other cents in stamps. Addreee World s Dispeaeaxy April, A ll 1887. By ardor of the municipal A -party gave rise to the receLt troubles. Grace, of Brantford; Muskoka, Win•$enry l times or at any other work, Medical Association, 663 Dlaiuetreet, Buffalo, coulloil of the Towushtp of Mullett. JAMES ®nig ����® �� �IIGGESS, . , Y. BRA ITHWAITE, Tow ushlitClark. 41 it ]yl il, U. S. Grant heJ ,blpen heat death's . Spencer, of Bracebridge, i West's World's Wonder or Tamil Liniment, N I� All druggists - --- - __ __ __ Y ..._ s v� n1Z'RC .. 'a A reliable citizen 75 sere old -Lie testi- I a'Superior remedy for neuralgia. rheumatism, t,� p A A Tr ti b T 'Chluiule Nasal C.tarrh.Throatans! daorfar; same day'• Y lama back sprains, bruises, cuts, burns or NEW ERA BAKER . Lung Discahes, liver and 10dney Severe attack of diptheria Friday after- mony. He says: -I was persuaded by my G�bea er, goes further, lasts loner SUNDRIES. Blacases. Bladder l,iseases, micascr� noun Mrs. Grant was pronounced out of wits to get a bottle of Bark Well's Bronchial the nanyother.p All druggists. _ _ The Ruhscilber would intimate to the people o[ iB or►teu,tn:roorl lDiselieaz, and Norte fair read to recovery. - Balsam ; I was relieved by the first dose, of - - of Clinton rlutt ht has bought sat Lhc .halting ouu Affo out see wile ati e or at horde - danger and on a with or without ee n • rho an i°ceassnt and exhausting cough, and on The report of the commieeioner of agri ERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE -THE SUB- business ltttefy curried ire by Mr. Dunlop, and e a us, or send ten cents 11 taui a or O ` j candidate ftfr afliaa-in Gbes- fini hie a'l5c bottle I. to surprise, culture, May indicates a decline of the J80111BER keens for service, London Road, will continue the S. at the ole sten lIu aiIInvaIIdst Guide nouli » pp A colored s g , Y rp Y Stanley, a well bred Jersey Bull. Terme-t;1 at h,,s had a tong practical experience, and by giv- all particulars. , which gi a er elf county, Vx has been. dQ&o,Jed be- completely cured of thiaa,inoying and painful condition of winter whealt of two points time of service, with privilege of returning if lug close personal utipmton'to the business in `i , necessar CHAS, AVERY, Stanley. Ort all Its branehea, hopes to merit and receiveFIETE NervottsElebflity IImp ., cause he wore a white shirt. It was affliction, and I unhesitatingly recommend ,t sil.ee April 1st, the general average of the Y• y' a sharp of phbnc patrounge Bread delivered Ackley, Noeturuall i.osser, y, to all w'ho. may suffer likewise as the best whole country being 86, against 95 at the at usual prices. A large stock "of Cakes and - gall) I all All Orbid Conelitioae the Only white shirt in the Count and A Y'USITIRE BULL FOR SERVICE. - THE Confect ulwayb an hunrlr lea Ctrum cup -caused- by 's' oathful FO] his fallow -citizens couldn't stand each im• preparation I ever used. and sure to gine a same date in ]886. The condition of rye A subscriber keeps for service at his grcmiB- Ulis and Forniclous 801 speedy and eevenentd.' a All fru Siete,- ]lett for parties. J R EVANS. splendor. 1 y P - ,•_r is 50.8 against 92 on April 1st, 'and 56.7 at es, IIuron Rotid, Goderich Township, near tory 1Imac ut are s,eedl tthe same date in 1886. The condition of Clinton, a woll•bred Ayrshire. Grade Buhl, Hae •"r,.^'"°,', ilertnanent y crhred by o proved himself a sure breeder. Terme, Stat CLINTONI't1tiLTRY fAR'�S. 5peettflls1Z.`IUok; post pald 1�0 ate. in Stam 7)elic AS females, old people and children are A peculiar occurrence -a death and ' a ,Rrr ,tar® always Pleased with West's Liver Pills. itiild, barley is 87.8 against 96.7 in May, 1886. time of service, with the privilege of returning f , it Breach, ra marriage in the same house at the same if necessary. ALBERT' MAY. tall Cured, without the kn effective, and theyalwaya curt. 30 sugar-coated time -took place at Dover, N. H., on Fir I The proportion of cotton already pleated Y• EGGS FOR HATCHING. Fraan.Thoro'bred White =UPTURE-'without dependance upa� and llruwn Le horns,w. F, B, Spanish, tion sette,•sp.�pills 259. All druggists. da A tw - ear;h]d daughter of D1rs. G. amounts to more than four-6ft}1S the pro- COD BUILDiNGLOTS FOR SALE. - BEING Lurgshan's, D rk Brahamas, Plymouth (Rreks. Mypaju LsBook sent for u eeuta '' Y q- Y posed area and is slightly•greater than the G Nae, 44 and 45, on the north side of Princess St , breeding stock is unsurpassed for laying qualities. E6gS in Stamps, Wedimda-y was the biggest day in im- Moore fell down stairs and caught her dress same da in any of the preceding years. near the Organ Factory, half acre each, with a few for hatching will be fresh and true to name. Now is PIILIC T IU116i1RS and STRIICTURVS migration t.. t Zew York lidd-ever "o -i on a trail which protruded on the stairway. - gearing fruit trees, rhubarb plants;' berry bushes, .tic, the time for formers and others to get poultry cheap. treated with the greatest ahecetiB. Book Beat r Her clothing became entangled around Red Shirt one of the Indians attached thereon. splendid location for private residence, Book your orders now. Coeuo and ace me ns I am sell• for ten cents in stamps. Address Wontnn;,�R Ove 10,000 people being landed at raBt10 , THUS. HOLLOWAY, Clinton. in cheap. I can we seen at Hnrmnd's atom. Urders DiaPENSARY MEDICAL ASsocLATION; 803 I' Garden. _. Yet the population of the old her neck and choked her to death. At to rho •Wild West Show, now iu England, by mail promptly attencied tu. JUAN WORSELL Street, Buffalo, N. Y. world from which all these new Settlers the same time Mrs. Moore's sister was be- was presented to the Queen on Friday,and TREET AND CELLAR PAVING, ETC. -THE UN- - The treatment of manyy, S DERRtaNED, who is a tbu ought practical workman EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, -Notice is hereby thousands of eases of tboab come, does�not decrease. - ing married in the parlor below. During after the introduction to her Majesty he and has had considerable ea odencto given to all pereoue httv,ng chtime Against DISEASES OF diseases peculiar to the marriage ceremon the child strayed said hat ha and hie one - mon sat u all paving, is pre - A Sandwich (Mass.) telegram says the I' t Y g P pared to undertake all wort of this nature. 8trect, the estate of iVm. Forster, deceased, late oY,he `'jjT p M7�N' from the"room u stairs, ni ht talkie about the real White Mn- caner or stable paving, with stone, done lir the ,Bost township of Colborne, in the county of Huron, Cp forest fire that started W edneeday after- P g g g satisfactory manner and on reasonable terms, JACOB alto died on or about December 20, A. D. 1880 to �O�Ln" at the Invalids' Hotel a4d noon is largest and most disastrous If you are suffering from a sense of extreme they, All the Indians would eek on his re- IyExER, at Mr. G Rentgen's, Clinton, ; •tm so, d by post, on or before the 25th day of May, Surgical Institute, has ever known on the cape. 'Phe 'fire i twenty weakness try one bottle of A er's Sarsa Sarsaparilla, torn if he had seen this great vvomaQ. It 1887, to A. Forster, Markham P. O., secretary of . ford8d large experleace in adapting remedt0s , ' Y Y P leased their hearts that the Queen came r7�IIOROUGHBREi DURHADI BULL FOR Executors of the said wm, h orstor,their names, for their caro, and `i " miles in length. It is estimated that 50,- It will cost you but one dollar, and do you p Q 1 SERVICE. -The Subscriber Las far service uddrossea. and description and ful I particulars 000 acres have already been burned, incalculable good. It will do away with that to them as a mother and not with warriors a thaSERVICE. Durham bun, on tot 28, con, 1e, of their clams and the security (if any) held by D R . iP-I E R C U t A - West's Pain Sing should be kept in every tired feeling, and give you new life and energy. around her, Her face was kind and Hallett. The animal is of dark red cotor,weigbe them. Imnill pr proceed after the eatd date rho leased them and his ours men had re- between 1,000 and 1,700 lbs, and is 2 years old. E tate, ra will proceed to dto an a the said �� Orli • • house for sudden attacks of cramps colic, Paint- P i young estate, having regard only to eueh claims of Favorite Prescription tion The steamer City of Rio Janeiro, which Htl has a first-class pedigree, and registered in salved that she should be their great which they Shall have had notice. All pesetas n er's colic, cholera morbus, flux and' dysentery, I . the new privilege o un Lord book. TERMS, $l with iudobted to the Said estate, aro requstod to eettlt) . Only 256. All druggists. arrived at San Francisco, from China and White Mother, the privilege oY returning if ueceeSary. A. the same before the above date. Luted this 15th is the result of this vast experience. Japan brings news of a terrible 'marine 1 JAMIESON, Londesboro. day of April, A. ll, 1887. -11 The thirteen hotel -keepers of St.Thoroas disaster in the Strai•s Settlem<Ats. The Emigration to Canada is assuming large BARBARA FORSTER, It 1e a powerful arts vigor and Ton y OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. - A FRAME Homeeville, Executrlx• and Nervine imparts g who were to have appeared before the 1'11- steamer Benton• plying between Singapore dimensions. On r left the Dominion H to the system, and cures, aviP V meglet Le t 1.lice' Magistrate, on Thursday, .charged Penang and Malacca was run into. about steamer Vancouver left Liverpool under House, with two lots on victoria street, hoar 1V. B. FORSTER, a rrhea, or ccsvltites excessi With violation Of the Canada Teta �erance Lane'aold hotel, belonging to tho estate of the late Hontesvillt.I c! exec dorsal circumstances, She took 175 Execntol flbwfnig, painful niens'truation, u .+pp midnight March 29, by the steamer Fair P John Stephenson, Is offered for sale. The house is A. FORSTER, 1 p Aot, held a meeting, as which they ili cided of Penang, shortly after leaving Malacca, Persons of good character, selected by the comparatively now, with nine rooms and stone cellar, Markham. falling ottt t1to snioiiie,pwealcsbneki' On the lots are hard and soft water, stable, hc. The anteversion, toil ov° -slon, beftring&# to, plead guilty and pay their fines, there -h and sank within half an hour. Of 200 Society for the Promotion of Christian property is advantageously situated,, and will be sold ddwll sellsatrictr Chronic con eM b saviu costa. Tile total fines inflicted Knowledge - also `l2 oung gentleman Sent on reasonable terms. A 0 NTY OF HURON EXAMINATIONS, 1887 - g ersoes aboard only fifty thus fair are c s Y Apply either J. STEPHEN- (� �._ 11011 Inflammation and ulCeratl0u w 11 amount to. X650. p y y from Blanchester, and 70 Norwegians, w -ho .SON, Clinton, or O. SWINBANR, London Road. . v Second clans nonprofessional examination at the of the tvombl inflA nmatfon, paidl' known to have been saved. Most of those , High Schools in theCuunty on bldnday,4th July, Oa,m• and tenderness in ovaries, internal' intend to establish a farthing and fishing PATR'rf\G, PAPER HANGING, ETC. -THE Third class nouprofesssional examination at the high cc „ A Paris cabman �lho committed Syieide lost are natives, colony at Iiromax, British Colombia, in S:hools in the Count on Tuesday, 12th July, a a. m, heat and fotnalo woaktiese. subscriber having returned to town, and y S It prpmpAly relieves and cures Nausea the other day left the following es plana- First class grade C., nlonday, 11th July, 1 p.m. First and Weakness of Stomach IIndil�e The. S ria Assizes for Brttce, closed at addition to a number of German ami- being a practical Painter and Paget. Hanger of ClaaP, me e n and B, Tuesdn , tOthJnl , Oa.m. Can ' for note :- I leairh this world because it P g many years' experience, is prepared to execute K i y 1 tion, liloa essn Nervous Cher s x. Y Walkerton, on Friday, before his Lord- grants. Before the Vancouver sailed the lit the most satisfactory manner, all ordore iu dtdates who wish to write at either Clinton or Clintonh and Sleeplessness, int either sex. > leases me to,do so, I have had euough of P p 1 this, line. A specialty made of GRAINING, must notify D. M. Mnicotn, P. S. his actor, linton P p ship Judge Robertson, of Hamilton, This Bicho of Liver o0 offered words of in o., not later than the 21st Dlay, stat n •which of the driving other people about in this' world, was Judge Robertson's first court, and it is structi a and ad ice wished thein Paper Hanging, etc. Orders may be left at 0 ( n FOR a BOTTLES.4040. I aro going to see if in the other world poo• R Ychools they wish to write at, and those who wish to PRICE ,$'1 ,Yo FOIi S.f��� " Davis'' Hardware -$tart _ltates moderate, J. t ',, pie would drive differently. All I ask is rather remarkable that every person tried God -speed. He praised tem for going to d1AYNE, Clinton. write at GoderiehmuctnotifyJ E. TOUR, P.S.I„ Exeter at the same date. The notice trust be acetmpaniaa Sold by Druggists everywhere. SeII „ before him has been convicted. Magdalena Canada; where, ho said, there utas roam by a fee of 82, or $4 if the candidate applies fora 3rd as ten cents • in stamps for Dr. Plereeis• to e . _ that no fuse may be made about me' Woingardt, for concealment of child birth, 'for et'erybtftty;"'utfd�plcrrty� tff=w'oTk=!f01=ENTR,tN'GE-E?iAA]Ii�n1iON,-Tha Entrance well as a 2nd close examination, Nn,namo will be for. Treatise on Uiseasee of Women, us 1`4 • Examination for admission to the High warded to the Department unless Elie fee accompanies An case of lame back cured h a few a ,li- rot 23 months in the Mercer Reformatory. willing hands. schools, will be held in Clinton,SeaYorth and it, Forms of application may be had from rite accre- Y Y PI '" 1 I y World's Dispensary Medical Association eatione of West's World's Wonder ; also cures Louis Sandford got six months in the Cen- Ladies troubled with Pimples, Blotches, wtngham, commencing oil Monday, 4th July, at cretary. The head masters of the High Schools will P t sprains, bruises, cuts and burns. Cheapest and tral Prisotl for etealin �''>0 from a man 1:30 p. m. All candidates who intend to wr,to plc.;tse sir d the applications of their candidates• to` i" 683 Main Street BUFFALO. N.Y. g s Rough hands or Face, or sores of any dsscrlp• c rn , blast. All druggists. L u, should use McGregor Bud Parke'S Carbone in SeaYorth will Send their names J to C. CLARNBULL- County Inspector of the division nt which the their oS who writes pretty for the Dewspapere, Wil- Ip SON, B. A., thorn iu Clutton to JAe. TunsnC[.r., 6ohndl is shunted. I',rsG c1a�k candidates send their Cerate. It will leave the skitin perfect health, 13 A., and those in Wiugham to W. E: GitovEP a l,ea'ions to the Secretary Educatlon Department,. SICK HEADACHC In Some arts of the Western States, son Griffin got one month in gaol For so smooth, clean and good color, Be Bureand get pp y■spring pionLing has been auapended, to cidentall killin a man in foolin• with a tile genuine, made by McGregor S Parke. FsQ., or to rho undersigned, All appticat' D. Turmtto. PF,TEIL ADA�ISOM, Secy. B, ENnmines, Y g 6 $rice 259. Sold at NOrthhlgtun's llru Store' must be in not later than the 21St of limy, D. GoJerich, April2Gth, 1887. 1[IDilio is Heada°heenable the settlers to provide a bountiful gun. James Keyes, the Burgoyne hotel- g' MACG. MALLOCU., Insp„ P. S, 2i _supply ofpits in which to take refuge from keeper, who had charge of Webster, the A miner in Leadville, Cul., who can ----- boll gas,. ige stipa:r.0rot three ears in the EESrr^OR RALE-TR'ELVE COI.ONiI3S OF tion, Indigestion, g , g y neither road nor write, is worth today at Pj sand >dilicue At y D r; the c clones. Farmers in those afflicted Chita n millionaire Duroitaliau Bees and two colonies of Syrian „�rom tly cured b Dr.regions correctly 'argue that• -the lives of penitentiaryfor being assessury to Web- least83,000,000. 1+'our years ago he hada t Bees, They are iu tho Jones Iiive, oil combs Pei f set Hairieree9s PleasantIi built of full sheets of foundation They ha 1themselves and families should be saved, alar s death. His hired man, Hehry Ray- a "penny except what ha Carnett from day Vc Purgative Pellet, 2fiiI winteredicon,andhaveplenty easy to sprint; Ln,lirstns :t uau,ral curl hunitL} rtuai-cents a vial, by Drug - even at the risk of losing their crops. mond, who was engaged°to assist to the I to day as'a miner. His nasus is John L, with. Aro of a gentle and t)aeyfa Lundie ' y' Morrissey. lie is a young man, not over Pe1CO from Sd to 7 50, according to strength of tion of the scamp; and of the . glands care of Webster was sentenced to two years � ••J John Robinson, of Creek Center, N. Y., in the penitentiary, ' - . 32 or 3S, The Crown Point Aline, like ]tees and number of combs give u,-WILLIA51 through which nourislunent is obtained. „ - • went to church recently, wearing a air ofTom, IIARTRY, SesA1 nein, immediately north of Ur NVhen, in rouser pence of age and dis- Y, g P paying expo s G. Iffe a; .teas just about $mIW'B, 1 10HhS600911 Roller Mills ••new boote,which squeaked frf htfull lie -.By land. or ataea, out onthp_prairie,or in.___ ruse, the hair hecoutes weak, thin, and frightfully. ex eases, Ear Morrissey Offered to ULLF.TT COURT OF REVISION. -NOTICE IS ray, Ayer's Hair Figur will stretr•then - was late and not wishingto disturb the the crowded city, Ayers Cathartic Pills areY g c �1 ' the best for purgative purposes, everywhere sell her for 840,000. Dlorrisse went, to H — congregation, left his bouts in the vest i- hereby glean that the Court of Revision for the convenient, efficacious, ani safe, For slog- Chicago and in Diamond Joe Rey- Township of Hullett, in the County of Huron, will be it, resrt,re it, original cairn, ],;tinurne its After being thoroughly overhauled and re -fitted with bale and entered in his stoekined feet. t 'ver, indigestion, bad nolda in the matter. Reynolds knew that `held in the village of Londesboro, in the said township rapid an,l v 1gorous growth, aurl inipart NEW MACHINERY fthe most a, rot edktnds,these giah bowels, torpid h g After church he walked home barefooted, breath flatulency, and- sick--headache-the Morrissey was an _authority on mining, of o'clett, onThurPday, rho 29th day ofMay, 1e87, at to it the lu,;trr� an 1 mills are now in spJeff e did running order, and will not Y ten o'clock ,i.tn., for the ur ose of hearin„ a 1 froom nI .5 of vr,utli. - ..• ' , p P PPenis - be surpassed In the yuality.of the work done, by pay r Y, because someone stole his boots during the are a sore remedy: even if he cohldri t write his name, He against the Assessment Ron of the said townsbip for I liavv itso-1 Ayrr',, Ira±r vigor for a mill in the country. Service. - finallypurchased the Crown. Point agree- A. D, 1,$87, and for revising the said roll, JAMES A Pittsburg,a. despatch says. -Mrs. P ' BRAITHiFAITE,Townsh,p Cttrkof Hallett. Iiullett, linin 'int,•. aril sun onueiucod r,(' itS 7 Purify yonrblood and regulate your liver and B, , P Y ing to give Morrissey a half interest after Mil -4,1887 v:llnr. �1'iu•li I tv,t; 1i yra:n of n.,. my 1 1 digestive orgarns before the heat of sumther, Atkinson, of Alleghany, entered her our- the original aura was repaid. Within 30 -------- ------•-_..- .._ _— hair ! .;_au to ruin gray. 1 c•r,lutuvnr'r,l S�CGiZI ��tl�t1011 �I�''��' 6� GftlaTltiG, and thus save a uoctor's bill b the timet use ser yesterday and was horrified at what - it..in :1'11 • l i't„t•, all l r: rr.. surprised at _ y Y Y Y Y days they struck a vein of high class. BNe l7LINTON 'C''OL; RT OF REViBION -- 'L'A1tE ilii; _,,�,��1 c!":'r,, t; it ;tro,hu•u 1. It n�,t • --_. of West's Liver -Pills. All -druggists,._. - she saw.- The family cat had attacked hair the , has ielded them a monthly income Vv ,toti<u that itis, roast of RtelAian for the • villy ,r.,tore,l tho ,1111.1• to tut' buil', hill . • __.._ _,.,... -, Y _ row,t of Cliutan _will hold its.iirst sitting at tile ._ C'f[OPPI\G DUNE O;( S1fORT NOTICE. G ear old child who was ] to atck,o.nbhe: I "`" °” ver Since. Ther is said to be Cin ileal Chaiul,cr. Ti�wu ltafl, on PRIDA'f, tli.6 s" '1I1r1u1stlr',i re t"I'mr-plt--rtl;it- i-- I-n+r - -- _ -.- __.__- Y , Y g Oft t ,vvio e q ___ Last Thursday night rho house of Angus , Satisfactir,t ..ua,antccd Par f . a tfu t tbi __ . bed.,' The cat Nal sitting ou the breast of "$5,000,,000 worth of.ure. in ei'ht.. iVIcrrts ?7th. of I1Ia1 _art 8p-nt, for rho purpose of hear umv It ui,• hair Than rv, i t ul. i,•. - . , ; _ _ tea mita - _sty ttg, " McKay,.license inspector for the east rid- t o its fore aws vv s firml b ni.4 ai,d ieutifytug elf complaints against or er- J. •\V . I dw,anlr ,. t'uld•,t rt vr. \hiss, whatever in this line will find it :o their interest to ing of Simcoe, was raided by lialf a.dozen he boy. tach f p a Y say cannot even tell the time of day.. It i•as un rho assessment roll of this present year.. , give 113 acall, fixed on the child's cheek and its mouth is a stoc,i oke amon the bo s if ou ask Pereons interested are requested to take neticn roughs, who pelted the house and front J g Y Y and govern themselves accurdingl wILL[ADI A 81 �s "air, Id l o' rl was glued to that of the boy. He was Morrissey what o'clock it is, for him to y s E. HUBER, Proprietor. door with stones, sense of which were well Y , COATS. Glerk -._-- - _ .- , .-..._� straggling as much as he could, and with pull from his fob a live -hundred dollar ;a t y ::n 1',',: c;�:r a ,d P; rr,,,:a •r• • - directed and smashed the window and en- P j - one hand was trying t° push the cat away, 'watch and, with a coudcscendi❑ air tell -'" "' tered the roomy.damaging and 'disfiguring g ." HEA -LTH -I'S WEALTH t As rood as the animal saw the lady it you to "Ink for erself, and then all Read This and be ''Vise. 1 YOU Arc'' ':`''''''nc'•": fron, .,i, 1,i:E:.y the walls and furni.,ure. Inspector Mc- showed fight. It scratched the child's face ' 3 ' " Y :11„1 tu:=s of a', , t'a+; if yonr st,uwt.•i, ,s &AQ Kay's activity in bringing offenders against g know I m no:t.lying to yez. t i •' ' is a terrible manner' and S kin tD upon oat of r�rde,. r:: +:ren: mind rnu±la;•tl; s the Scott Act to justice is supposed to be the Another it bit her shoulder. g She fin-' Dicgregor .L• Parkes Carbolic Cerate I have opened in Blyth, a f„•.,t-cla3s taliv A ,'i's Sarsa.lniiilla, This iw-;:i, in';the cause of this midnight attack.ally beat it off by stabbing it with a pair Haveyad an old Sore. Cut, Burn, Bruise 'ill n•, tutu ;,,iysiral i', a,, ;tirl c;a.;i,: y i f BOOT, - �I30� -andJ. T. Simpson, an caginess in Adams o£ shears. The mother cued” the child Corn, Bunion, Salt Rheum, Pimple, Blotches., to rh, s;: stout, n,o:r; su:.';;r nasi-l:ce;!il.1Expreds Building, Broadway, met with a unconscious.. Her cries brought assistance Rough Hands or Face 1, If so, there is but one .curt), namely, McGregor and Parke's Car73�olie ! ' B���S' S S'�O� than at:y tunc yet riiseutr.,•,l.. very sudden death un Thursdaynight , He and after restoratives bad been administer- Cerate. It you but try it, it will convince you For six in,ai:lt-4 T suffer?, : fir„tl liver ' was employed in the basement running the ed the child was able to talk. He knew It costs but25t. at Worthlagion'@,Drug Store. and •r•ton,t, 11 t:•ra,hjos. My frvd eli,l trot uutirH-Kh . vm I berante tvr ale wA Dr. B. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment,a•gaarmn engine that furnished power to the dynamos nothing except that the cat had wakened ••�•! I Make and Mend all kinds of Boots and Shoes, and teed specific for hyeteria,convulsions. its, nervous searalgis t” y Fresh Tem erance Point". p t•orynlurha,narialot, It„ok:,ixlrotil,•A that run the electric lights in the building. him rop, trying,as he said to take m p llentstockonBaud. First-class work. be, nervous rretrat ed, by lila p of alooh• „of :'v[•r'v Sar-apatilia, a.nd w'aq rtti•erl, hoadee n vows�y bncane a� .,._. m -r,....-,...,,,.-.,...,,...,,„•..._.,- -,...., -.- _.._ or tobacco, wakefa nese, aentbl a reeeto�, wftebi ortlte keep an j d He began to explain to some friends the breath. The little fellow tam a precast • -- 11'ayou .vans anything•,•in this -Julius M. I!al,ner, Springr:c Id, \las>, brain, reeultMg io iseanfty, leadippg h mteei , coney ane workings of the apparatus, and in doing so Otis condition Compiled for the Clinton New Era. II A IAN ESQ e it will pay you to come and f deatti, premature old,age, barrenness, loss ofvewer in sliher incautiously laid his hand on a naked wire Mauston, Wig., elected a prohibition see me. I keep from a hams strap to a No. l set of A e i s S a r f� a n a r -i I l a sex, ion of tarthe looses and s.se or ever r ins caged by ores Ail English paper directs attention 'to SINGLE or DOUBLE HARNESS, 'best of stock and +- 1 exertion of the brain, self abase or ever indulgers i Rich . oxer carrying S strong current Of electricity mayor. . .. I Prepared by Dr, J. C. Ayer R (o., Lowell, Mass box contatn6 one iu•ntw'streattaent. ®1 a box, er stxbotes the fact that Queen Victoria is the second workmanshsp may always be expected. Please give Sold by Lruggi.%ta. Price $I ; six Looks, $5, for $5, sent b well preppofd on receipt of Price. Before his friends could realize what hap- woman that has- ever been'permitted to Of 110 graduates of Deleware College, rue a calf. tie ouARRANTEE SIX BOXES pened he lay dead at their feet, enter the precincts of La Grand Chartreuse, Ohio, 97 are prohibitionists. 7'o es, a say caw, 'With each order -stud received uv as er six E write, accompanied wii ¢5, we wuAy,I the purchaser our es Lecturing in New York last Friday night the famous monastery of St. Bruno, which Tan of the Montreal churches have'ju- C. Y A T S, �O� Cv �� ���w# not writt affect acure. to Sold bydthem gists ori, 0. titaneut West&do., MONEY 1ei nqt affect a cure. 8rld wy all druggists or J, 0. weal & Co., on the subject of "Canad'a Firat," Pririci•pal is perched 3,250 feet above the sea, on the venile temperance associations in connee- - Toronto Grant, of Kingston, gave utterance to the- mountains near the picturesque French tion with their respective Sunday schools. _- BLYTRA At L 0WEST RATES iii INTEREST. - sentiment that unrestricted intercourse be- Alpine town of Grenoble. It is•a rule of Through the efforts of the Manchester, THE MERCHANTS' tween the United States and Canada must the Order of St. Bruno, who, seven hun. England, police court mission,nearly 1,900 Implement •'i- Abeney, be of unspeakable benefit to both sides. Bred years ago, hid himself from the world, pledges have been taken during the past Protecti�o and 'Collecting Association I��S�><riioice, �i�'eeted — That is an undoubted truth;but to be logical in a cave not far from the site where the twelve months. �.- —I N— E. H. SNEL'� odr friends who favor reciprocity with the convent was soon afterwards built, t'bat Sam Jones has been engaged by the pro- FIRSr CLASS COMPANIES. g g — 0 F CANADA — I Having accepted thea envy fur o Ayr Mthe promises , r x States should carry the principle Further; no Women shall ever enter its ptecinots, hibftionists of Tennessee to take part in _ __ C"o., (wntson's) will open out an office fu the promieos the less reatnietion there is in the inter- The Empress Eugene was once permitted four months' campaign About to commence "end Office", ilamilt-on, flint. I Several goad Paries for Sale. Apply to lately occupied by Mr, Gauley. Albert Street, Clinton, - change of products between countries, to view the interior of the famous convent, i° that Stnto. " EsTaalytattxp 1884. nearfy opposite l'air's Mill, when he will be pleased to g Y �!�i$�'�'i��r� tat i'�®N��'R.�, receive orders for the celebrated whether they be near or remote the greater but some ears ago Queen Victoria was , The Bishop of Winchester and the lata 15 an As,ociation of business and profe4Nional men, will be the prosperity of those who trade, refused admission. On tile occasion of her ha.in for Its object the STEEL - TWINE - BINDER • 1Vo business will take. place unless the dick- blajeaty's' recent-visit--tri-South eastern Bishop of London have both officially g i Re:ii );creTE ARE\Tri EXE'fEP, Osx, sanctioned the sacramental use of non -in- And ll line f repairselvi10also be . kept RAxk. erintt parties find it to be to their mutual France, the rule was relaxed, and her Ma. COLLECTION OF DEBTS; A fan ]too tf repairs wnl also be kc t In soak, p tuxicating wine,' Prompt nttm,tion wilt be given to all orders, In. ` advantage. jestyaccompanier) by the Princess Beatrice And to prevent it. members making bad debts by HUFi04�1 AND BRUCE by mail or otherwise. Also West's Pain Kin -the house remedy, Always and suite were Shown over the. Monastery, Tho logic which would repeal prohibi- tarnishing them with nets of parties who do,not pay. PLOWS : STRAW : : CUTTER g y+ tion because it is often violated would re- u4eful. Never fails to cure cholera morbus, which at present is occupied by about sev- Merchants and others aecoantsto collect and LUlhl! lied InvCgt><uCll� CO'y ' -' Pell the morel law and the sermon On the s And all ulher Farm Implements keptiu stock, sins in stomach or bowels, cramp, colic, chills eery monks, who spend the time not set P n•ishing to become members, by remitting $7 to our -`-- or Plummer complaint. 25e, All druggists, apart for religious duty in manufacturing Mount. -Rev. Mr. Vibbert. Managers, Hamilton, Ont., will receive by return mar Tki,i Company is Loaning Money on Farm T *TtP� 8 P g Y g „ full particulars, certificate of membership, &c. M' ' X. 13112"•ILIFQzall y ONs Replying to the statements of the sub• the famous Chartreuse liqueur, the secret Four-fifths, if not nine -tenths, of the Security at Lolvest Rates of Interest. .. __ _ - _ _, _— of which is strictly erserved. 6 000 paupers and criminals are in their J. B. DULLS & Managers, Hamilton, airjised, end unreliable organs of the pre- y P P P Co., 1; + ---- sent Dominion overnroent in regard to the present condition through intoxicating li- fi , The Chicago Tribune puts its foot down „ Or to JAfi. Taolm-sox, Agent, Clinton. progress of Settlement in the Northwest, on the idea of any proposition for altera- gnors. -The grand jury of Philadelphian _ . • --- �TORTCIAGEB - . PURCHASPD terrRories during the past few years the tion of the commercial relations between There is a great deal of drinking in the LAN LINE 1 Manitoba Free Press points out that in Canada and the United States short of ab- northern part of California. In the lum- SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 1877 the entries for Northwest lands num- gotuto free trade, It wants no more half boring districts the saloons cluster around 8, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allotted on bored 2,283, and in 1878, 4,065, and not a way or one-sided reciprocity treaties. If every saw mill, and in one little town of -TO- Deposits, according to amount single entry was cancelled. In 1883,under the Canadians want the question settled forty houses there are sixteen places where and time left. - Macdonald rule, 375 entries were cancelled it Saye, "lot them say so and open negotiR- liquor is sold, and men earning from, W i in 1884 2,366 were caneellesl,• and in 1885, tions with the United States to pool extor•• to X60 per month have often not enough �lQo 0 0l1111,1111:7,&cOFFICE.-Corso of Clarke SquareRACE ORTO Lh Strce t 2,236 cancellations were made. The wbol9 .nal tariff revenue with us and pull down money left at the end of the month to pay HORACE IiOR MANAoaa number of-entries.for 1885 was 2,317, lose the barriers along the whole frontier from their board. Goderich August Sib 1885 .. . 2,236 cancelled, or net entries' 811 What the Atlantic to the Pacific. This is the Riverside, California,hao only one saloon parties going to the old counts this summer should lxli il'retieri tion. o I a y �'ho Great F.n„1 p11 a magnifieiel,t showing, ..A grin of eighty- only way left of settling the present diffi- and no liquor is sold at the hotels. The take this popular line. The boats are the most com- A successful Medicine. used over one Settlors in return for an expenditure of eulties. Any other sebeme. will only lead license fee paid by this one saloon is $2,900 plete cn the Atlantic, had accommodation unsurpassed ,� 80 years 'io thousands of cases. 1ppilltotia. _�, to fresh troubles and dangerous ombroll• per year. The W. C. T. Li. of that place Ciir'es pc r„trrtoxrtr rr, ,n'crt•ops _.._ A L ivenlniesr. herissions lropotenc`jj )i' DF ONLY DY -- 8® oil Your Guard ments. If the{fanadiana are wioa, if they has recently presented a petition to their CABIN ]l' A112ItFS VfaRR LOW and all dirrn.es esus. d bti shape, A - T7tliTtallowacold-iathe head-to_slosvl�ancL 4r�daSirous_to_eeilault-desirous-pt!ospex council.. -asking -that thiaaaloon--be--plaoed CHEAT EXCIIa91oN RATEq, t(�n$,ronr�_mdiscrelinn...ur.-O-rcr.-t",erijoll.I.�A rTgr4 - (\tjT, N �jjj�( (� surely run into Catarrh, when you can be cured it and find a way vitt of their financial amon the 'nuisances' and abolished all STEERAGE POM RI IF E Glx aekages n,cnrvf.,ygist fn Cr,n (-'ry ahothara $�� iJj,JO11 i �� L'L' iJ�o V. �, y y y g Fail. Ask ytnr' !'rrggira fat •l he Great hngtleh far 2:5c. by using Dr Chase's Catarrh Cure. A a ROT'roli FIiIURE Straits and if the want to remove ever together, and a law in accordance with rroetrlpitrn, ,sire no r+ubslitute. One package Will carr n heavier wet ht than anP few applications cure insipient catarrh • 1 to 2 ' Y Y g ' 1, Six $5, by man, Write for Pamphlet, Address S g boxes cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5'boxes is pretext of astral with this cotters the this request will short) be enacted. Pas• Call and get all particulars of waggon made. P q Y, Y 9 Y 136r kill Chenrfwrl (:o., lbctrofh Mich. guaranteed to cure ahroait catarrh. Try it will foll,iw the,eourse which prudence and eadena council has already parsed a similar I A. 0. PATTISON 'CLINTON• Sald•Incanton V J, H, COMBE and Druggists f)uly me Putt cure cure, is by all drnggsts, goad sense ought to suggest to them. enactment. AGENT G, ff. R. everywher CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, &C. ,t. . r . , . � � . I I I I � I � I . . I I . . � , . 1. - ­ �, , , , , . ­ . I - ,� � - . I . � I I I I � .