HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-05-20, Page 5'®"..,c.`y.'r•--'"'.'.�.^-.'".."'_""rr""'.'+.". "�'°'r►�Mrww".w"`�IIIr. eapside's ■- questions. FIRST—How lolls will it take a man and half -a -dozen clerks selling Embroideries at lc per yal d, and Spools at 3c., to be in a position to build a Big Brick House either on a hill or away down a hollow ? SECOND—Ch eapside's advertisement '(week before last) must have pinched the Great Cash man to the north. If the shoe fits, Cheapside says he can wear it With pleasure. THIID—Cheapside's many friends and well-wishers can- not see why our friend John, to'tl'ie''ri tli ";biiLL it bring in a Big Brick House into the question. FOURTH—Cheapside would inform the Great'Cash Man that the. -Big Brick House on the ' hill was got long before the Big Sale of those 4 -CLASP KID GLOVES at 90c. and THE BEST YARD -WIDE GREY COTTON in the Hub at, 5c., was inaugurated. Come to CI-JEAPSIDE for courteous and kind treatment.— CHEAPSIDE makes every man, woman and child to feel at home. TERMS CASH and one price. Butter and Eggs, or money if you please, all taken in e xchan-e for FANCY AND GENERAL DRY GOODS. SAN.. WILSON CHEAPSIDE NEXT DOOR TO T. COOPER & SON'S GROCERY, ALBERT' STREET, CLINTON. You Can by f6e. Best COPT055 io the Couoly ROBEBTSON See his A 1 WHITE COTTON at 6c. See his '30 in. GREY COTTON at 3c. See his 36 in. GREY COTTON at 5c. --.HIS VALUE IN— ,Irl Astonishing. 1f you have not, as vet, bought anything of them, do so at once ox you'll regret it. Ladies, get your -DRESSES and MANTLES Made up by MISS CLIRRELL, of !ortn: Great cheap Cash Stora, C1intn to PopularDryG�odsiouse, LONDESBORO_ -----SEE OUR GRAND ASSORTMENT OF Prints, Dr?.,s C-oods_t all colors, extra, 17-81.1ue, 13i aided Jerseys, Range of Parasols in Silk and Satin, cheap, GloveS in lisle and Silk, Large variety of Miislins. White and Printed; Embroideries, grand value, Hosiery, white aiid re- gettsk Shirts,Immense range of�ies, Tweed & Worsted Cioating s, Hard and Soft F'e1r,HaLs,FaneyStraws Bonanza Sprit 401othrs Blue Serge for $5, .Boys Suit for $2, OUR STOCK IS VERY COMPLETE, WELL BOUGHT, AND SOLD AT CLOSE PRICES. We want two thousand pounds of WOOL, and. will pay the highest market price in cash or trade. w€ OUIIi'IETT]E, LONDESBORO ILI.INERY ANS THE ------ DRY 000DS PALAGE, CLINTON Our stock in the Millinery Department is Dow very complete, embracing all the latest novelties. In the Mantle Department we are showing a very large and 4 atifu1 stock',of Mail le Materials and Trimmings. Value unsurpassed. FIVE PER 011.\Pr OFF FOR CASH. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. OOL -WANTED ANY QUANTITY, FOR CASH OR IN TRADE FOR GOODS Under fresh management we are prepared to do better for our customers than ever bolero. On account of working up the wool ourselves, wo can afford to pay a higher price in cash than those who ship to other places, and we are going to do so. We have a large stock of all kinds of Goods made by ourselves, exclusively for out office trade, which we guarantee will give the highest • satisfaction. We make Yarns of all kinds, Tweeds, Flannels, Blanket, Sheeting, Shirts and Drawers. Ask for our Knapped Sheeting. We have also an excellent stock of FINE WOOLLENS. which we can trade for wool very cheap and Ave can give TWO CENTS per Ib. more than market price for wool. We are prepared to do CUbTOM WORK better and quicker than ever, and are bound to give satisfaction, as we have ee man in charge of that who understands his business. wZ:c,DON'T STOP UNTIL YOU COME RIGHT TO THE MILL, as we have no branch office elsewhere in town. Our only authorized representative with a waggon is MR. JAMES SCOTT. CLINTON WOOLLEN MILLS. Estate J. ' ODCEN B, WOOL WANTED IN ANY QUANTITY, At Corbett's Woollen Mills Store, C'ooper's Old Stand, opposite'Hodgens' .pry Goods Store; Clinton. FARMERS bring us your wool and you will get the Hi,rhest Prices either in oash or trade. Vi a will give you a few cents more for your wool in exchange for goods, and guar- antee goods at cash prides. Remember, our goods are all of the very best quality, and wo can_ guarantee the beet assortment in- the county to choose from. OUR FINE WOOL. TWEEDS. KNIT GOODS, &c, are obtained direct from the leading' Pine Wool Mills. a „ANY ONE WANTING A FINE SUIT OF CLOTHES, GIVE US A CALL AND YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. F.E. CORAETT, WOOLLEN DILLS AGENT, CLINTON. T. H. GRAHAM, Manager, D. GRAHAM, l'oprietor. 6"11521811/41°9 BUY YOUR GROCERIES. FROM Thomas Cooper & Sono.. BEESLEY & —IMMENSE STOCK OF '1/1 114 1.1 11\T "Y" T T To select from, all Fresh, New Goods. Every effort has been exerted.to supply the public: We show this week a special lot of r.� I�iES (CIII LIRi,-ENS urA?I'S At unapproachable prices. See our CHEAP CORSETS, our great Bargains in HOSIERY and GLOVES. Our fine lino of Swiss EMBROIDERIES and WHITE LAWN Mllslias Our great variety of' PARASOLS at selling prices. Our large assortment of JERSEYS. These goods are farg dos in quality and prices. • Beesleys :Millinery Emporium. BROOD MARES. To the, Editor the of Area era. SiR,—Iu cobversatiou with a farrier, a few days ago, I remarked that a great many farm- ers were losiug their brood mares this spring, and I asked him boar laid he account for it. He-sai,t; -" If -they -will' -take my-adviee, they will not lose many of their mares. The sys- tem of feeding is wrong; farmers generally' feed too much hay and not cuough grain. The hay being bulky requires too much room in the rtomach of the mare, and the gas aria ing from digesting the hay, pauses a heat, which too often causes inflammation. Now, take the hay needy all an ay, and feed two quarts of oats, with allouttwo or three quarts of bran, once a day, add 'a tablespoonful of sulphur. Sulphur is a good thing to drive disease from the system. Let farmers adoet this manner of feeding, and my word for it they will not loan many of their mares." This appears to me to bo good, sensible logic, and if it is ,ny benefit to farmers, here it is. Yours, A HORSEMAN. "GRIP'S" PREMIUzt PL.ITR.—Grip, Canada's• Comic Paper, has justissued a very fine li- thographed group of Reform Politicians in Canada. This is a companion group to the Conservative Leaders issued from the same office last year, and is the same size, 18 x 26 inches. When framed the pair make •a• handsome ornament for any library, dining: room or reading -room. The portraits are well executed, and the plates are a credit to Canadian enterprisd'; They are sold separ- ately for 25 cents each, or a copy of either plate is sent .,free to any 'one paying $2 for one year in advance for Grip, or subscribers sending $1.10 will receive Grip for six months and their choice of either Reform or Conser- vative groups. Address, Grip, Toronto,Ont. CLINTON MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday- afternoon. Thursday, May 19, 1887. Wheat, spring 0 75 a 0 77 White and red - • 0 80 a 0 83 Oats 028a 029 Barley - 0 42 a 0.50 Peas0 48 a 0 48 Floor, per Uhl - 4 00 a 4 30 Potatoes • 0 50 a 0 60 Sutter 0 14 a 0 15 Eggs - O 10 a 6 11 Pork 550a600 Hay • Wool iu trade Wool for cash Sheep pelts • Lamb skins • Clover, per bash. 800 a 800 020 a 022 020 a 022 - 050a075 060 a 080 500 a 550 HOUSE TO RENT SUITABLE POR SMALL family. Rent reasonable Apply to THOS COOPER at SON'S Store, Clinton HOUSE TO RENT.—ON VICTORIA ST, CLINTON, with quarter acre lot, nice location and plenty of accommodation for ordinary family Hard and soft water, rent modoto Apply to JOS ALLANSON Ala.) fra Ice for salt and delivered durimg rho summer t 1TORE'TO RENT. — TIIE PREMISES RE- tJ CERTI.Y occupied by Mr Simpson, on the cor- ner of Albert Street is offered to rent. It Is one of the beet stands In town. Apply to JOS WHITEHEAD, Clinton. l 10TTA(4F FOR SALE—THAT COTTAGE AND lJ two 1oty, formerly occupied by Neil Matherson, next, east of the residence of W. Doherty, Esq., con- taining half an aero of land, and the most eligible dwol- 'ling in tilinton. Very liberal terms given and possec. atonjet May nest. W. W, FARReN, A.•. HINT CAUTIOUS BUYERS DON'T WALK 'ALL OVER TOWN Looking for Bargains. 11 it is Shoes yoa nat,, STEP RIGHT IN AT JACKSE SHOE STORE Opposite the Town Hall. You will save time, trouble and money. His MENS CALF SHOES Can't be beat His ENGLISH WAUKENPHAST SHOE is the talk of the. town. And we have heard it said that the Ladies do not hide their pretty little feet when they are encased In a pair of his EXTRA FINE LADIES SHOES 0 NOTE THE LOCATION, OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL, CLINTON, WE HAVE THE LARGEST, CLEANEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF a- TR, 0 Riff s In town. Our prices are as low as the lowest, and we warrant everything . first-class. Si,le agents for the celebrated "COOPER'S BAKING POWDER." • Best brand of CIGARS by the Box or Thousand at Manufacturers Prices: TEAS a specialty. Give us a call.. h�s. Cooper & Son, CLINTOlNT. aid_. _:.ace - Curtains IMPORTED DIRECT FROM THE OLD COUNTRY.' WONDERFUL VALUE. - MILLIN 3&R,Y JUST OPENED SOME VERY STYLISH NEW YORK GOODS. OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF - Fashionable DRESS 000DS IS UNIVERSALLY ADMIRED AND SELLING RAPIDLY. X X X J. C. DETLOR & CO., - Clinton OLIN"TION 8z BIJ 5? T2.3; R BOUTS SHOES Our stock of Boots and Shoes for spring and summer have been selected with great care, and will be found very complete in all lines. We are agents for DACK & SON'S FAR FAMED FINE HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. FIVE PERCENT OFF FOR CASH. It_ TAYLOR -I -IONS, o- Clinton and Blyth. J JACOB TAYLOR, Manager for Blyth. -