The Clinton New Era, 1887-05-13, Page 7F1t1DAY, MAY, 13, 1887. PERTH NEWS. T }Y Ir. S. Fraeieigb,druggist, St.Marys, hal; oorineuced the erection of a $7,000 residence. Itlr. Geo. Baxter, a retired farmer, having soldhfs farm in Dagen has moved into Mitchell. Mrs. John Brown, cf Mitchell, met with au accideut last wbek which re- sulted in a-lrroken wrist. West's Liver Pills—genuine wrapped in blue— the standard remedy for liver oompleent;dyspep- Fiia,indieestion,and siok headache. All druggists. Mr. M. Riddell, of Shakespeare, has sold his celebrated carriage stallion, Sorrel Cloud.' The price received was 1800. • Mr. E. F. Davis, Mitchell, ia,C,r\'ner of a Shetland pony which only w,glrs 284 lbs. and st;rnd three feet six inches in height. Mr. H.R. Hay, son of -'Mr. T.E.IIay, reeve of Listowel, has completed his - Ietileat-course in -To vo n beet nclhas taken his degree of M. D. C. M. West's Cough Syrup cares whooping -cough, asthma, bronchitis, consumption and all throat and lung difficulties. 15c., 50c., 81, All drug- gists. Postmaster Blair, of Stratford, has disposed of his well known] trotting stallion `Oscar Wilde,' to .Frank Wesley, of the Albion hotel, Gr•avenhnrst, for $850. The imported stallion ` Clan Fraser' owned by Messrs.Forbes & Easson, died .on Monday week. The proprietors a, short time ago refused an offer of $1,600 for him. Delicate females, old people and children are always pleased with West's Liver Pills. 'Mild, otters and counsel, prosecutiees and de- fences, which would be intensely inter- esting. Some who to -day proudly carry tae reel bag made their maiden speeches there. Many a misspent life had been brought up short with a sentence in the old court -room. The old room, which is to -day so much realigned, was once considered a model of comfort and ele- gence, 36 years hence the ` new court room' may fall undor the same can. West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment, a superior remedy for neuralgia. rhetunatism, lame back, sprains, bruises, cuts, burns or wounds. Cheaper, goes further, lasts longer than any other.- All druggists. Sortie four or five years ago a Mr. Harry Killer, of Manitoba, married a daughter of Mr. Alex. Davidson, Sea. forth, and niece of -Mr. Geo. Davidson, Mitchell. Of late he enjoyed bad health, "a1,1deitiea! ee a nt hast to return home to his frier rlliuritiii'io. Iie,.vr.as;cti>, his way to Waterloo village, says the Stratford Times, when both he and his wife took dangerously ill on the cars be- tween Point Edward and Stratford about ten days ago. Arrived at Strat- ford, doctors were on hand, and they ordered the removal of both travellers to the nearest hotel, where kind friends were soon in attendance, M'•s. Killer being a niece of Mr. Win. Davidson,Co. Clerk, and her illness was not of such a nature as to cause alarm. But quite different was her husband. who suffered intensely until 'the 80th ult.,when death carne to his relief. Personal and Political. Lord Dufferin has promised to reduce rents if his tenants meet with another bad season. It is claimed the Methodists in Canada effective, and they always cure. 30 sugarcoated have more Sabbath schools, teachers and - , pills 25e. All druggists.. scholars than all other. Protestant denomie Wm. Iicnry,+n son of the hotel keeper nations combined, [This may be correct, .but we aro disposed to think it is an error. of that' name, of St. Marys, was ` held up' by some footpads the other day in Toronto and relieved of 8200. Henry was on his way to 11lauitoba at the time. Two respected citizens, of St, Marys, have. left ie. quest of new localities. Dr. McCullough proceeds to_S=utlt Stl'.illaric, where he intends locating, if circum- stances are favorable. 1.Ir. RobL.Moore, one pf the former proprietors of-tlh'e foundry, goes to Chicago, were lie in- tends locating for the present. . Why will you suffer when muni bottle of West's World's Wonder will relieve, and two to three bottles cure any case of rheumatism: 2; c and 50e. Your duggists sell it, Mrs. McAncb, of St. Marys, came very near losing her life from coal gas on Tharsday. The previous evening be, f- ing mild she had closed all the dampers - -, of'the stove before going to bed. Some r—of the neighbors noticing at noon that there was no one moving around the house, broke in and found her insensible and the heart almost cel sed beating. A doctor was immediately called, and she wasebrought round after considerable trouble. \Irs. J\.1cAnch had a similar experience once before. West's Pain Bing should be kept in every house for sudden attacks of cramps, colic, paint-• er's colic, cholera morbus, flux and dysentery. Only 25e. ' All druggists. The death of Mr. 'Milner Tlti.rrison,of Se. Marys, which took place Sabbath morning, was a sudden shock -to the town. -- The- gentleman had. beeueailing.. lately end. his- demise was nob wholly unexpected. Mr. Harrison has been a re3ident• of.St. Marys for many years, need was very 'highly esteemed and re- spected by all who had the privelego of his acgoaintanee. A leading member of Knox church,_,from the time it was or- ganized, from his ample menus he con- tributed largely to further its temporal prosperity. Any case of,lame back cured by a few appli- cations of West's World's Wonder ; also cures sprains, bruises, cuts and 'burns, Cheapest and best. All druggists. A Fullerton correspondent says: Dur- ing the past week death• has visited us three times. On Thursday we followed the remains of Mrs. John R, Geetler to the grave. She had been ill fora long time and suffered much, but on Tuesday evening her spirt strddanly took its Sight. On Friday 'evening Mrs.Stacey, who for some time had been very ill, passed away, aged 88 years, and her re• mains were interred in the Fullerton cemetery on Sunday. On Tuesdays of last week Dr.Burns,died, aged 88 years. He came to the village about 29 years ago. Thus end the lives of two of the oldest residents of this place. Purify your blood and regulate your liver and digestive orgarns before the heat of summer, and thus save a doctor's hill by the timely use of --West's Liver Pills. All druggists. A small frame house on Douro street, Stratford, owned by George Brazier and occupied by George Collins, was almost totally destroyed by fire on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Collins had both gone to Sebringville, leaving three children, one aped six, one four and the other a mere baby, locked in the house. Mrs. George Brazier, who lives next door, noticed the place to bo on fire, and rushing over burst open the door and re- moved the children -at ithe risk of her own life. The furniture was all lost but *ono table and chair ; uninsured. [Wo- men who lock their children in houses , fter this fashion have very little sense, f or there is no telling what mayhappen.] West's Pain King—the house remedy; Always useful. -Never fails to cure cholera morbus, pains in stomach or bowels, cramp, colic, chills or summer complaint. g,5c. All druggists. The Perth assizes, which opened on ' >+4 Monde)," were held in the now Perth court house. The old court iroorn,which since 18:x2 has done duty, will at last fall into disuse. The walls of the old room, could they speak, conld toll us many reminiscences- of judges and law- yers, grand juries and petit jnriks, prix IIa)•c you ever tried McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate for sores of any kind t It is beyond doubt the very hest preparation In the Market for hetrhug and curing Sores, Burns, Cuts, Pimples, Blotches, suit is the only proper method. or- a-pplying_ Carbolic. Acid. sold at Worthington's Drug Store for ilk. per 'box. ',Mr. Drayton Hoiconib recently diuci at his home in Pelliatne. County Welland, at tiro age of 05. It was he who sheltered Will.ia,n Lyoe Mackenzie and saw him safe over the frontier alien there wns $50,000 on iris head. The poor overworked MitiisLers at Ottawa aro going to take life mgrs easily.. They are arranging for the creation of two new depart- ments ; a Solicitor General at $$G,000 will help the Minister of Justice, and part of the duties of the Ministers of Customs and Inter- nal Revenue will 'be performed by a new Minister of Trade and Commerce. Seven heads of departments do the business for the 58,000,000 of people in the United States, but Canada's 5,000,000 need 15 Departments with high -salaried heads. Mr. Mills will ask for a copy of the letter of resignation by Sir Charles Tupper of�the office of High. Commissioner, the date of such , re- signation, the date at which the High Com- missioner's residence iu London was vacated,a Dopy of the commission now in force and the -fdst!uctions given to the present Commission- ers, alsoof all correspondence between Sir Charles while High Commissioner and the Government relating to his visit to this country to his resignation of the office of High Cor- miesiocer, to his re -appointment, and relating to his acceptance, for the present, of an office in the Administration. Mr. W. S. Barkwell Chemist, Dear, Sir•—I wish to say that I like the Sure Corn Cure manufactured liy you better then any I ever used as it does not dry if kept corked,as others do, and it is really a Sure Corn Caere Mrs. Robert Gardner, Hill Street', London, Poi"' 'sale by all druggists. At a meeting of the Toronto Presbytery on, Wednesday afternoon. the following ocerLure, from the session of Cooke's Church was presented: -"Whereas we be- lieve asession cannot, upon auy . principle of justice, deal with cases of drunkenness amongst the members with a view to dis- cipline, while other members sell that which will intoxicate, hereafter no person be ad- mitted to membership in thisChurch who is in any way engaged in the liquor traffic, either as manufacturer of intoxicating quer, or dealer,or salesman in any establish- ment where intoxicating liquors are sold." After discussion, the overture was with- drawn. Many ladies admire gray hair—on some other parson—but few care to try its effects on their own cli$trms. Nor need they, ainoe Ayer's Hair Vigor restores gray hair to its original color. It cleanses the- scalp, prevents dandruff, and stimulates the growth of the hair as in youth. Gladstone is the most obliging statesman iu public life at the present day. It is said he is one of the few politicians who have never re- fused the request of a persistent autograph hunter, and lie has been known to send post- card replies to information huntera by the hundred even while he was considering the gravest of problems. The Liberal leader's latest condescension has been to send to a Presbyterian congregation in Bo'ness,Scotland a tree cut down by himself. • The people of the town are great admirers of tiro honorable gentleman, and the canny managers of the church bazar struck upon the novel request as a weans of adding to,their funds. They bad the timber from the tree made up into rale. cellaneonslartieles,and sold theta as mementoes of the great statesman. Large as the national debt of Great Britain is, it is now $150,000,000 less than it was ten years ago. Two centuries ago it was not mach over $3,000,000. At the close of the American war, a century later it had been increased to $1,215,000,000,and when the Napoleonio wars were concluded it exceeded 84,300,000,000. The -Crimean war was a costly affair;but at its close the aggregate debt bad fallen to $4,040,• 000,000, and the process of reduction has since been continuous. In 1875, under Sir Stafford Northcote's regime,theannual charge of the debt was fixed at $L40,000,000,aprocess of reduction under easy conditions was arrang- ed. In 1883 the system was revised and tho rate of reduction quickened. The Chancellor of the Exchequer then estimated that in twenty years $865,000,000 would bo paid off by the operation of the now oinking fund. Thodobt at present amounts to $3,710,000,000. It would be pleasant to bo able to record some redaction of our own pnblioindebtednoss, no matter how slight. To Coltet11111111Ves. or those with weak lenge, spitting of blood, bronchitis, or kindred affections of throat or lungs Send 10 cents in stamps for i)r. lt. Vr t'ierce's treetiso nn these nialadies Address the doctor, lin Erato, N. V. he Popular- House, ZO1\TIS2E3OPO_ WE ARE SHOWING Very attractive lines in Prints and Ginghaxns. A special ane of all wool Dress Goods in all the lead- ing shades at 25c. per yard. Full range Ladies Jerseys, from $1.25. Full lines of Linens, Towel- ings, Shirtings, Ducks and Cottonades. ii ii ee A fine White Shirt, Linen Front and Cuffs at 50 cents White Shirts in Boys sizes. Full range Linen and Cel- luloid Collars. Full range Ties and Silk Squares. Complete range of Ladies fine Lace and Button. Shoes Children's Boots and Shoes in several lines Selection Mens Laced Boots Boys & Mens Hats, Stiff & Soft in English & American Large stock of Wall Papers Stock choiceFreshGxoceries WE INVITE,: YOUR INSPECTION. L. OUIIVI LON®ESBORO A CHANC For the next thirty days -we will sell any article in our immense stock of Cii1;UCP- ERY and GLASSWARE, at a discount of 10'per cent. Just think of it, China Tea Sets,- 44 pieces for $13 50 Cash. 720 11 $15 00. 8 00 G 00 15 00 11 00 . 8 00 G 00 j 0 .2 25 >'00 4 00 2 50 11 1i 11 11 cc " 5 40 Diener •" 119 " , 13 50 104 " 9 90 ombination " 85 " 7 10 ecoratell stone tea 44 5 40 Irony Tea Sets, 44 3 15 Stone " " 44 `: 2 03 Decorated chamber 10 . 1i .4 50 f1 n" 10 " 3 60 Stone chamber sets :) t1 ; 2 25 Tine Hanging Lamps for 2 50 10 per 0e:it of GLASSWARE, LAMPS, FANCYWTAUE, ETI. Remember the sale just lasts THIRTY 'DAYS. 'CC 11 1, 11 11 11 11 11 11 1f CHRISTMAS GROCERIES. In ,Groceries, our stock was never more complete. All our new RAISINS, CURRANTS, PEELS, WALNUTS, AL- MONDS, FILBERTS, CONFECTIONERY, &c., Are in and will bo sold as cheap as the cheapest. Call and see tlle2handsome presents we are giving with COOPER'S BAKXNGEPOWDER ANDI 17CNAS' FLAVVORIE1W EXTRACTS To every purchaser at our store on Dec. 24th, we will give a decorated cup and saucer. We want any quantity of good Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Potatoes, and Wood in exchange for groceries. Give us a call, ilwill pay you. Thos. Cooper & Son CLINTOIST. DST DO NOT RUN THE RISK OF PURCHASING INFERIOR SEEDS WHEN YOU CAN GET JOHN A. BRUCE'S FROM S. DAV'2s' AND DO NOT FORGET THAT WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF Uardware, 7inivare, Stoves, Lamps, paints & Garden I"ools S. D.A.VIS, - (-11.11:N rr CsINT, TIIE MAMMOTH 1IA11DWA11E AN I) feroVE 111)USE. �E�SPB�@acd BOOT'S & SHOES, At C. Cruicksb.anks. My Stock is now very complete in ali depart.. menta, and will still continue to.sell . at the lowest possible prices. • OH Orderei1 Work as anal IllfEll'!O to NI®�� EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. FOR LADIES', HISSES' & CHILDREN'S'JSE. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CAM. 'rem ET. Call am C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON Min\TT IIRJ-AT., TDBA er SWOI EI. FRESH ASM: ALS THIS WEEK. HELLEBORE CARRIAGE SPONGES PURE INSECT POWDER ATLANTA SEA SALT FRESH LIM\lE JUICE PURE PARIS GREEN \ CASHMERE BOQUET PERFUME Fine line Of HAND MERRORS, cheap. BERTRANDS BULK PERFUME CASHMERE BOQUET SOAP . PEARS ENGLISH) SOAP PEARS VIOLET POwDEli$ PEARS BLOOM OF NIXON. We pay special attention to TRUSSES, and have the largest stock in the county. Best 5 cent CIGAR, in town. OVA -1‘1.1971S H. C I Th11311 , CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, ' .. CLINTON, ONT. Removal! Removal!' • Dr. Worthington having bought out the business lately carried on by W.H. Simp- son, .purposes removing it to the building lately occupied by'1'lr$rnpson &Switzer where he intfnds.ia_open a4?, a large stock of r3ooks, Stationery and Christmas Novelties Which willibe second to none in tlic county. 1 -Io €also intends !eemoving Iris DRUG STORE to these premises. As he has taken advantage of the times unit bought at very low prices, he can give you good value for your money. Please call and inspect his stock. A. WOR3,THIN•GTON, Clinton.. What Es Say. Twenty-eight Thousand Dollars paid at auction for the renowned trotting horse Pancoast, proved his exelence, and so the Leading Clothing House of FISC.IHER,'S Opposite the Post C)t`licc, truly proves its superiority over all 'opposition, in Style and Fit it • beats them all, and • FJSCHERS LEADING SUITS Are worn from ono end of the county to the other__ The Spring Stock has arriy- ed, and is one of the finest in the town and vicinity. A discount of 10 per ccdt from the 15th of Feb. till the 15th of March, will he given for cash. Prices leer and workmanship unsurpassed. • Terms Cash. FISIIERS LENDING CLOTHING MOUSE, Clinton NEW FURNITURE STOCI£ Opened out in ELLIOTTS BLOOD. ,NEXT DOOR TO .THE CITY BOOK STORE, CLINTON. BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS, LOUNGES, SIDEBOARDS,. CHAIRS, &c., AND A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF. 'THE VERY BEST MADE FURNITURE REASONABLE PRICES.; JOS. CI Ir IA1EIC. Central Grocery, p.: o:gs's ®id Stand. The subscriber has bought out the Stock of P. Robb, consisting of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &e. Which, being bought at low rates, he is enabled to offer at the very closest prices Patronage respectfully solicited. All orders promptly filled. Rooms to let. M. R. WALKER, CLINTON. Change of Business 111111111 tIt 11111111551111111151111 The undersigned begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bonght the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried on by W. L New;t0, And that he is prepared to furnish Harness, Collars, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets. And everything usually kept in a first•elass Harness Shop, at the lowest prioo9. Spools attention is directed to my stook of Lieu HAR5Ese, which I will make a specialty. REP.Aia ]RG -P OM-PrLv A,TTEWDED TO. By strict attention to business, and carefully studying the wants of my customers, I hcpe merit a fair sharp of patronage. Give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. REMEMBER THE ST, ID—OPPOSITE THE MARKET, G IO. .A.c SIA.R•] A.lr