HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-05-13, Page 6. - .__ N k a , ° % " 11 J IRIDA'Y, MAY, 13, 1887, � with reverence. And why does ".inquirer" THAT SCHOOL $ECTION AGAIN. OTS FOR BATrE.-IIINE HI013 WTS, SIIQDF•a - baro those words Why does he diehko to tease all aronnth Rich land for a garden, flao� slto k Tut/le Cd for buie a corner t ich land f r a Ia14rt , fin esite TR, +F,TjrE BOX heat ahcn, the. blessed Berri futghin the itor of Me Clinton Neto Lra. tr sail oho ad olktint; (oL.3S acro each„ sold on blob or• h i '^ work of salvation g Why does he thus try to DEAR Stn, -I saw among the Londesboro separate. Also one-ejg t 16f'4ggcrsi,)art,ot lot IRA'Qu, ` tB.ke away. from Him that glory that ig Ills South Side of Rattpubury Street, orcupfli n b* " I Items In your last number a few words from , MQ, ,tF OF 'HE SAME. by sof%rin�and' 41>umo� that to which is � � � �uq•stoxev shop, 21•aa, aurtystabl�, 41 be r , Y glory scriber with I ' that nvra,ter who seems to be able to write oxchau' ed' or property adjacent to•stopin powdr. sold - .� So dear to ilp of beta the on] Saviour of few words, when they are almost put itltp yt o1;6er; or • the strop sold to be moved ole Cal) be TR, rite ETlitp.t of rice Chilton A'ew Bra. sinners? May Gad open his oyes to see that his month, as regards presenting leather ohnn [dd'into n house. For terms, apply w, J CURTls Clover $1R,_The Latter of "Enquirer" in your it is the hatred of the natural heart of man medals. If the rest of the section would bTJ �>;NSON' I An� qu�n t 4�% o Good lJlov�r `Gl to the grace of God, that he is manifesting, ��,,11 issue of Agril 22nd has reached me, and I (alto in hand to build a school house in PAIN'PING, PAPER HANGING, ETC, -THE n:vR (tend some thoughts in answer. and that he may be led to turn "Way from LoncleBboro, perhaps they might conte in for 1 subscriber tlavlur returned to town; and I$ +'Enquirer's" first !.atter, he stated he +man and Moan's work, to "Behold the Lamb a few of them, instead of that three hundred being a practical Painter and Paper Hanger of ��ii of God which taketh away the sin of the In the most inner.allo des In Timothy r�7Pied We`lntedHighest depicted p�rsonalit es, bat when I hail shown dollar present, as leather medals are much m the most cane experience, mprepar all orders to P P world, is n earnest prayer. e g gold dollars, and perhaps this line. A specialty made of GRAINING, " that he had given a Scripture, he tries to easier of than As to John iii, 3G. Just one word, Eu. Paper Han coyer his defeat by'using the veep personalities that man who contradicted himself so gfteu ging, etc. Orders may be loft at lie go pinch deplored! So much for his Sauer will see that in the revised version ill his letters to the NEW EEA, last winter, Davis' Ilardwaro Store. Rates moderato. J. there is a change in this verse, that is impar i, 1YNE, Clinton. price paid. :14oneety. tante o He that in this v on the Son hath should be honored with one or two. And if On the question of repentance I again re. I were to appear in public, as he says, with ��NTR.ANCE E%AMINATiON.-The Entrance .. • ' peat, the word of God says, the Ninevites eternal life, but he that obedeth not the Sou an elevator engraved on one side, and a tun- E Examivatlou for admission to the High i "P.Gljeved Goi," and their repentance was a shall not dee life, but the wrath of God abid ing fork on the other, I would present a Schools, will be held In Clinton, Seaforth and ,\:_ fruit of faith. " Without faith it is impossible eth on Him. Now this is connected with more respectable appearance than if I had i h "halo, commencing on Monday, 4th July, at -_ to please God" are the express words of the verse preceding, "The Father loveth the assailed a.teaeher's reputation, and hail also ju susLf �ih ojid senate �,rntLuoc Liiu�%uiihtC x> n _ - Snn, and lies t�lveu all things into Isis hand:' BON, B. A., those in Clinton to JAs. Tut,xliu LL, Scripture, and thet� n who repents without a detective behind me. T! I could elevate faith does not please God? Moreover, we are And sc the final result is Riven. There are our friend, and a few Others, into a position BfiA., sari thoan iu IVi11ghan, to W. ,Is. (i a( ,s, - e aj y „ Y diose who believe, sari they get eteructl life, Y g G 4•, or to tho uuderslgn ed. All ipplicat"ots ROBSONs CHINA OALL haSastified �b faith, and to &a that a man sari qct conditional life, but itis that lusts at where the could have a school right at their must bo in Hot later than the 21st of May. D. Bead faith that makes him repent, sari ion S God door, and have little or nothing to pay for Moret'=• BIALLOUII., Insp., P. s. 21111112111111 g IIimaelf. On tits other hand • them gets living faith to be saved is not only , its snppoA, I suppose I cannot appear in the - - • the d sobed!ent one, the one who positively upseriptural, but is also an absurdity. The „ plight he proposes too soon, but would much PRIDGE CAUTIUN-- NOT[(E IS HEREBY /% rejects the Son 'shall not eco life, etc. The r y g, l■an,, 1 en thtuoe• o by idge aorosssthe Rtv eN11Iu28t1 work that saves the sinner fa the„ fi.niehed either fF I could use m tonin fork so ef- •work of Christ. Tjie sinner's acceptation of change of words br re in the Greek is remark festively upon them, as to tune thehl up• to '(known as'Wrrt�r"ir's ]3'tIri' able,.and upsets • Enquirers theory entirely. ae) iu the towuehip of that finished work gives him the full benefit Again, in Jelin xvii, 3, we et the result of such n hi,;h tone that they would never auai,i Hallett, "1141 cu11tlty of 1111"011,(8 unsafe for pub. ' of it. He is saved by faith. Accompanying g g stoop so low as to ask the rest of the sectiola lie travel ,Lnd that all parties trnveljjug uvnr eternal life, knowin • God but. the eternal life• sate] bridge will, utter tbt} da of the 1 ito of 111e r v SE I:Mff S. EDS ' ' faith is an in work in the soul, To seek v f, to bear such an unreasonable share in sup- publie,uiai Of thin n.,?5ct - " ^' D21 Sr0(h IS LAST YEAli'S C`IFUP AND ALL I+ " we receive is the very life Christ .Himself . Mir own LLIaSII. to add to the finished work of,Chris , by mals sorting a school for them, ue they buys rlstt, Dated tit 1fuNr.tt, th8 niuefe�onth defy of ® I , so that He is our life, and so the true be)iever ing man lo have to work, is the doctrine of , utherto clone. Orel:levet!. April, A D 1887. By order oY rho municipal "Evgsirer;" and I stn thankful to God for cannot perish, anises (heist porjshes, for _� _ BRAT t oP t.lte ', Tow io et fork. tt. JA1;ES Red Mover Mammoth or Pea vine Clover Alsiki Christ is His life. BRA[TIiiVAITE, '1'uwnehip Clark. 41 my deliverance -from' such a doctrine. It is 'P,iilrarue Eitsir 7 Trusting that each one will judge all by the ------ [=1' Y the bleed of Jesus Christ that eleanseth from «turd of Uod, and make sure work for iter. Ls not advertised to cora consumption, but it �taiiYiAi� R�l1LTRY YAROSc White Dutch, rass ISeed�i�, Timothy, Orchard all sin, not our repentance. And to make has made some remarkable cures of pere0n8 _ ui.e I remain, Dir.' Editor, your J. Si nt in Grass Italian Rye, Kentucky Blue Red To repentance a saviour, is to detract from the y supposed to be fn the first stages of -that dis EGGS FOR HATCHING• - From Thoro'bred White Y ' �' the truth; J. J. Sass. • glory of the Blessed Son of God, who alone naso. sari Brown Leghorn;, 1y. F. B, Spanish, (nee setters) ! y Y has finished the work, by which " whosoe er _. + L"ngshan's, Dark Brah arras, Plymouth Rorks M a a breedin} f l( ck is unsurpassed for laying qualities. E(�,� Permanentiftsture Mixtures �& Lawn Grass Seed. viii!" may eternally be saved. The man who Don' Speculate, LL .for hatching will lro fresh and true to llama. Now, is truly believes in h,bChrist will have merit, o ache thel�Pa(DED t T ST WE R. the time for dfarmers sari others d get poultry cheap Millet, Hungarian and Mummy Peas Bu Ron no rich n buying mediator, but try Dr Book our orders now. Conte and see mo ns I ani sell: ekwhea , as a result of faith, but not as a merit, on the l'hOli'DED OUT LAST WEE!{, Y +f ground of which God eaves him, great Kidney Liver regulator, made by Dr lug cheap. 1 can be ween at EIartand's store. Orders • ✓ Y „ Liver author l Chasers o f thew. Try Chase's Mr.k A. Al. li McKay, late out t p r in e t by -mail proatptly attended to. JOHN WORSELL MangoldS, Turnips and Carrot Seeds. r As to the two naturae Enquirer stumbles Liver Care for all diseases of the Liver,Kidneys, brook public school, is about to remove t0 - badly, The Lord states definitely "That Stomach and Bowels. Sold by all druggists. Brussels, XECUTOR'S NOTICE, Nortce is hereby - whieh is born of the flesh is flesh" that is, the ,, given to all po•Huus hnviug chdma aguinHE WILL. Divi= 7 ANDS OF GARDEN SEfdDS FOR 2S� flesh nature cannot be changed. Paul says, �'�'�- Miss Jeanie Stacy, of Brusaels, had the the estate of Wro. FOrslie deceased, late of trio t 1' ` g Y • miafoltune to fall and break the small bone township of Colborne, in the ennnty' of Huron, I PUT UP ALL MY OWN GARDEN SEED PACKETS. It is not subject to the law of God, neither REPLY TO >11R. RA\'SFURD, to her right ht arm, who died on or about December 2a, A. D. j8s6, to indesd can be." Th>n when I am born of. r; se. d by post, ouorbefore tile21th day of May, OATS, -PEAS BARLY AND POTATOES TAKEN AS PAY. ♦ To the Editor o Air. Samuel lIolmam, of Stephen township, 1887, to A. Furater, Markham P. O., secretary ter y the Spirit I reaeivo a spirit nature, that sen- j the Clinton Arelu Er,t has sold hie farm to Dir. Richard Davis, of Executors of the said Win. Foreter.their names, J A►' �� -�FFp r I N� ,_ not eta. So every beliievbrhas the two natures, DEAR SIR, -I observe in your issue of April Exeter, for the neat sum of $5, 000, addresses. and description and full articulare S ",1 � . and the roan who claims to be a (;hristian,and 20th a letter from John Raneford, purporting David Clark, 14th oboe of Grey, recently themelr immediately' al-wi the security ec reit y (iia "Y) bola be does not know something of the conflict b:•- to be a reply to the communication of "On. S'•ld'two fat cattle to Thos. Goveulock which Executors will proceed to, dlstribn o the said thveen these two natures, that man is deeeiv laoher," which appeared in your issue of April weighed 3,950 pounds. The price was four "'stare, having rpiarti only to such maims of ��l E B 00)VZ ST. THOMAS ..ing himself, even if be thinks he knows as 22nd. Thoeo- of your readers possessed of cents per Ib. which they shall have had notice. All persons �r.:�„� mach aspoor -"Enquirer." ordinaryintellirenouwould onFeadin seothat P Indebtedtothesaid estate,arerequstedtosettle But although "Enquirer" is not quite euro the extrcts iveu h '" Onlooker" from 'the Dir. Killellai, a pensioner, resident in C;gde, the some before tho arb,we date. Dated thlm 15th . g Y day of A.pi it A. D. isA MONUMENTS about his knowledge. of new bitth, be is sure pamphlet written by the Bishop of this Dio- r oh, has jest received the ell,e'riug naw+ thar ' HARBA RA FORSTER, 1�j' shout his Greek, and English grammar. He nese clearly show that in hisiopinion, as life hihas fallen heir to a hnud8on:e fortune FIon,eeville, Executrix.reminds me of a school b -y, who has learned to the bitten Israelite was the immediate re• in n:o ley and lauds in the U. S. N. B. FORS IER, 1 �_." Humesville. I Executors. �I ..••. - rnles, bat has not ente- - red upon the praatioal salt 'of a look at the brazen serpent, so the J. W. Kelly, formerly of 'ingham, who A. FO1tsTER, IAVI 0Q.") , ' __y application of those rules. He evidently was act of pimply looking unto Christ, the great has just completed his studi a at McAlaacet blarkhain.� 90 G p -- not _ quite himself when he wrote, for he autitype, communicated eternal life to the Hall, Toronto,bas received calls from "nam- oOQtS (C}p . ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. --' proves my imperfect knowledge of the rang• sinner, 9, life that b? can never logo. From her of churches brit has decided Eo'settlo ii COUNTY OF HURON EX7kMINATfONSc 1887 - �,� .. ish tt,rsmmar,hy mei speaking of theimp"rfa.ct this view Mr. Ransford ho in the Bishop is Feuelon Falls, Out, Second class nonprofessional examination at the ,` �� ior'jltC� in Eugliah,w 1preae 1 spoke of the imperfect in right, dissents, at the�sa a time of&rmina Hjgh Schools in theevunty An Alonday,4th July, 9a.m. e f - While Ja,Oes (umminge, Of Lower R'fng• ]'hiedclassnbl,professsional exarifinn�jum.nt.the IItgh C` �`� ff "� ;t ' The, but ne3et mentioned the English at that "the mass of evidence is against him.,,ham, leas wutkiuq at one of (tie cardio • nia- S.hool.s In the County on Tuesday, 12th July, 0 ai m. �a $10 (illll� Bronze �1011i1d1¢ all! ' Against him fO what? Not is the statement chines in Inglis & Artnstrotlq's wonleubibill, (Asa, graFirst deAand de B,Tu sd y..19thJ IHill y,Uu.m. GFirst .. �,,\�� +j i, /p And why has he not accepted roychallenge, that a look at the serpent was God's antidote iu eoroo way his hand gut caught in the w I wanted a single translation that would didates who wish to write at either ( inion nr Reaforth �`a�v !'i1i ��8��' in the a DOm 1111011, g against the effects of its deadly eti0g, that is machinery, the con se< uence beim three or must notify D. Ill. MALLOCH, P. S. Inspector, Clinton 1- �� a ,,iir� n oonntenance his barefaced pelvereion of the not called in question ; what then ? Sim 1 l g u, not Tater than the 21st nay, stnLit,g which of rho v g Y li 9 four fingers badly mangled, .educts they wish to write at, and those who wish to ��"` ■ �6 Word of God, and he mentions Alford, Tre- this, that the set of lookiu b faith unto Iles, Tichendorf, and Dr, Steele. Now, I Christ does not impart to the sinner a life Dir. John Modeland, of Tucker'smitb, re- write at Goderich tru•tnotifyi E. TonS, P,S I„ Exeter, A QS'06 �4�,,,; . g at the same date. The notice must ho necompaafQd 't)� (� '; leave Alford, and Alford's translation does 'that cannot be forfeited, that the Bishop is cently sold to Messrs. Govenlock Bi Winter, bye fee of Vis, or 4 if thecandalate al>plles for 3rd a8 Our material is endiirsed by leading sei�p- not agree with.. his, and it is dishonest for mistaken, when he represents salvation as a fourteen mo0thg Old steer, wt}ieh weighed ell as to n a Department ant urnlers the fee will llmbe for. �Oo ' -- ,t.; it. %Ir, tists as being, practically imperishable, ' Lim to say so. I will also have to inform not merely the pardon of our sins, and the, 1Ci10 pounds. It was a monster for its age pantes eQ 4gy her - cannot absorb moisture, and " Encptiirel'=-that-Tivhendorf was n Garman promise of'1nEuite blessings in the future, Mr' Modeland last year sold one two month, cretaryrmfhe s of �ire�sdamnst may oFiie had fro schootawrtit �V 4�{v` t +t' I r�C04.��'" is not "fie consequently editor, who discovered the "Smiaticus" mann• " alder which went the same weight:• tx g. `• C r affected by the frost, • but far more being the eternal remission of plra a Bund the applications of their eundidates tri the ^ce? eC I fj. et Script, and did not translate juin-Euglieh et our sins by virtue of the sacrifice of Christ. Johnson's A}1 Healing white Ointment has I k' tom' �ti i f' -�� „ Uounty Inspector of the division in which rho Ili •h 0G 1 ;,it •+� Qt,y e, all. ADd Lo note him as a wituese for a been used with rho most astonlshiu• ly School is situated. First cru,; candhlates surto Hi , ? • { • { gond ro k,, q . Mr. Raneford s contention is that sterna! life sults msaltrbeutn,soree,Chaltbngs, bnru8sealde aDPlica ions to the Secrotnry Education Department•, �s�,yi�_ "i.•� up,. ° Rand for Designs and Terms to translation in English', -simply proves that is conditional on continuance in well doing, chapped hands, etc., as many who have used i• Toronto. ,PETER AD.t\ISO\I, Secy. B, hxn11,i11crw, , ?i1 "Enquirer" cannot give -a single translation and still in his reply to "Onlooker" be indig can prove. Try it I A trial is Fill that is notes- Goc,vrich, April2rth, 1887, - r. 1_ t 0i� vrK, �@ -� , that supports his perversion of the Nord of nantly repudiates the idea that salvation fe spry to convince you that what we claim for it i fix' � . Q�z g �F1 �� God, and his simplicity le 'certainly refresh is deserved 2:,cents per Lox at Worthington drug• i , -� y.} . , P Y by works, and endorses the doctrine allotted store.) � r,•, , CLINTON. tag, when he can admit so fully, a I Simply by him as held by the local clergy, "that a n {+ ffm S gffi� g_;. added a word. That was all. He wasn't man cannot doanytbim;G to crit salvation, 'Phe Guelph bile aril 21atiou whioh was A Slu ish Li (b _ • h _: content to leave the Nord of God as -i is. It it fusing the free gift of God in Jesus Christ," held at Unelph on April 21st and Sand was a g'g _ ' did not suit his doctrine, and so he j'ast add- but at the same time be maintains that a very bard one, A great many f rho stung Causes the Stomach and Bowels to ho- -- _ - ed a word• I must ask him to read the solemn man may lose this salvation that he is the men who took first mase cars thi tee last year mills, Warning. in Rev. xxii, 18, were Cut down to low sebonds this year, DSr, ct,lue disordered, and the whole system 11 h r lrn} I (: theto t a it only while ft remains faithful;. $such to ynffer from debilit In all such �OfI��SIJUI Oh " 11 ��II�C 1 Now I will take up the question of the the �ct ofl...t only nonce of this mein that u a . , y'• of Henpall, is reported a tirst plass ; y. � Greek. In the first lace, I stated that the g g !v " Patton, of 1161mesville, a second class ; ' ;:;''s Ayer's Pill:; give prompt relief. P man loses stain ten throe h his unfaithful All. D1eKibhiD, f Dungannon, waH taken Al -y.mucli suffering from Liver and , 1 ��rreeent in Greek was the same as in English, nese, lib certainly retains it by his faithful - I did not know anyone would deny'it. For sick at the examination and could voi jintsh. r t"IMIeh troubles, I have finally been After being thorounlil}• oi,erhntticd'and rc-fitted with - proof of what I said, I refer to Anthon s'new mess, in other words, by his works, and to a rlred •by taking A NFw ,,10i"F NEhY of the nest approw<d kinds these ' assert that there i no merit attachingto man He will finish his examiva.ion, writing t;net r yer b Cathartio- YiIIH. " Greek grammar, pagb-480, to Dr. L. Schmitz' his superiutr'ndrrnt lit Dunranpon, sur�etiu,8 1 uhways lied thein prompt sari thormigli mills are now in splendid running order, And will not 1 • grammar, and to Da Farrar's "Greek Syn under each about ithfuln is simply nonaenso. before Dietriut meeting, in their a<aien, and theft OCCasthor use be surpassed iD the quality of rho tvoric done, by any „ Y But what about faithfulness. I know of but 1 -reeks life in a perfectly healthy condi- mitt iH the country. -_ tax, pp. 120125. Ili English sari Greek one standard recognized by scripture for the Airs, W. T. Cox, wife Of a formorproprietor ti -n,, - Ralph Weemarn, Annapolis, Md. the present florist is wanting, so the present believer -the man ChristJesu as man oil the of,the Signal, died at hor re.•id_.nco In Chicago Twentc-11S -en ra.a o Lsuflered.Sr _ C t_.f _ (P_'_ __{ _ (�pjQ� Vii(+__ _��DR �j jet, _ tones ill -Greek has the same-force-Mr1nEno: - Onttiw20t1rOf-.4�1i l�hadur.en 111htr "I���Idl ��`Q����� ����� t� `11LI1JIING - �� �7LL' g79J�OR b earth, the believer being called upon to walk A torpid Iiver, whichg was restored Oto " from a ool,itmon Blotch, or Graptlo liab, and the proof of .this we have in the even as he walked and whit cherneteri ell accustomed good health until about a weeli 1.'althy action by taking Ayer's PillS• «, LEO worst Scrotiulri. Balt -rhea . looking_ at the brazen serpent. i most con• his walk? Unswerving obedience to the *ill betoe, when shP tt ns talism down with a Niuce that timo`I have never been with- Foyer-soi;es,19 Scaly or Rough Ski fees, I was rather amused to see 11 Enquirer" malady that linaliy exhibited evi'!enee of • ont them. They regulate the bowels, CHOI1 INC DONE O` ST1011T NOTICF, Ili ahOrt, all cliscascs caused by bad blood q of lite Father, ever doing the things that,,, I coniluered by this povet•tul, stating that "any scholar knows that it is pleased Him. Where is the chriptiaii who blood poisnninn, iter rr,dv ryas taken to tasist digestion, and increase the apps- ,qutkfaeti, n gg•uarantecd, Parti s invi or Purifying, not the lookf8g and br•lioving that are in con- Sycamore, Ill. fur interment beeidO• her ;e;te rite, more surely than any other meds- Q "ranting tteiestito I g sing mwil inn. rcae D;aifitg U can lay claim t0 Such A walk? Verily no hush ' > , rue. -]'ani( hurchlll Haverhill Masa. Ullatet•er in lhi, liuc.uil] final it !o their inters.=t to •"o+'M;1y1 ijdly howl under its benign in us : toast," and then to notice in the„preceding_-.�;:hetes-- Ilenoelt Such aftsrbein cud. Mrs: Go Waa weN known trttlp. - ulC - "chi_, _. - hill,__-_ ._ . _ ire u,acnlL-_.. _. a_ -._L eel li _Iles �,t iunnjtestod-.-its- cs� co]mm� the Bishop of Fluron em hasiz:u , 1 N Vl G O R'AT E D. miring lr'ettor, holo Jigasla IioilenCa ,:that very point. p P b through faith, in possespion of salvation he old residents of Goderich, having been "eared' F. Ht;BER, Prop,ictar• bttiicies, Soro ]Lyes Sero aloil sd „ loses it, he never can regain it on the rim find married there. Amoot five years ago pile I know of no remedy egiial to Ayer's - _. and Sw, Sor �IGlE IIIf1a..Ioint Bitten Of course Enquirer will claim ihat-.he P removed t.o C'hicagn, where she resirled until Pills for Stomach an<I•Ltvar disorders, - Awliite tSavelllrigs, Goitre, or. cal �o010 of lois faithfulness, for of the .beat be .4 stiffened from a Torpid Liver, a.nd Dys- H' E,A .LTH .18 WEAL T H ; .Neck., and 1,nlarged, G,lan'ds. Send (Enquirer) is the scholar, mut_ it.is_a piLy,.lie`,..eemea�ehort of the glory of:GOd, "for ive a"ro -Ler dsal-h. �... **tee so much like a school boy, Ir ow, in all become as cue that to unclean and all are ` -•• pepsin, for eighteen months. Aly skin cents to stamps for a large treatise, with o the Septuagent, in the illustration used b , „ Ava.,o1;hllov, and my tongue con, I NEaV afU1N ored plates, on Skin DiseaWb, or the 1 McGregor •f•. R•.arke•s C:%rb;)1ie •Cern( , Y righteousnesses are as fllthy rags, As the C.,Ir� ni�mintfOrntrentise on ScrofuloiisAjfeCtlo Our Lord of the brazen ser serpent, the ori •inal Y;, __�-. - appetite, suffered from Head- aE• F�+ 7CYIF, 16LOO.D IS B'1HE LIFE P g fig leaf aprons, the product of the first mune Htaveyon a n old Sore, Cut, Bnrn, Ilruise - ache, was pale and emaciated. A.-fery O' Thoroughly cleanaA it by using Dr. pi'orce is the same tense, and the same form of verb dffln't do for God, so the filth rt a Of" hu- Corn, Bunion, Salt Rheum, Pimple, .ElotcheB. boxes of Ayer's Pills, taken in moderate + Golden 161edleal Discovery and goo as is "sod in John iii, i4, tha't is the article Y g Rough Hands or Facet If so, there fe but one doses, restored me to porfeet health.- I dlgosttoiy a fair slan, bit' spit man ri hteouenesa will not avail' ua in his Care, namely, McGregor and Parke's t .Lrrolic ±ts, Ital rltrongtlas and souudnes>•" , with the present participle. Aced so, ff ft is presance, but he has provided a covering, and Cerate. tP you buttry it -,'Is will oonrinec you Waldo Mlles, Oberlin, Ohio.r. dc1", vii ll Rtre will , rid otished. true that a man can cease to have everlasting that covering is Christ Himself, who of God It costa but 25c, at worthiu gton'e Urng Store. A er's Pills are a superior family life, after he has once had it then it is true yy y • is made unto ins wisdom and righteousness• -----•--,-- maiicine. They Strengthen and ilovid- = �,, the mea who was once healed would have the and sanctification and redemption, Ist Cor. I, SUNDRIES. orate the digestive Organs, create an TRE',TM,EivT..­, .. CONSUMPTION come back, if he looked away from the set 30. Here we learn tbat Cbrist fs made unto __ appetite, and remove the horrible dc- which is Scrofulous Disease ofI pent, The anal is ``'1 OOD BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. - BCING Pression and despondency resulting ed a fi West's Nerve and 8rnrq Treatment, a gearra■ Lungs, is promptly and certainly are �Y perfect, divinely eo, the believer all these four things. We have l7f Nos. 44 and 45, on the north side of Princess St , from Liver Complaint, I have use(( feed species for hysteria, nonvulalons, its, nervous ■earalgla and cured r this God-given i incases used by our Lord, The Greek words near the Or Lt1eS0 Pills tri ID f headache, nervous prostratk,n caused b the use of nlcoho Y omedyr if in the Se tun ant'are them all in l,brist as the risen and giber fled gen Factory, half acre each, with a taw y family, for years, and or tobacco, wakefulness, septal cause dePy t softening of the fore the last stages of the disease are res P g pets AO idOrt. man, .not by our faithfulness but by His bearing fruit trees, rhubarb plants, berry bushes, rita. they never fail to give entire satisfac. ursine reaulting ib mannite, leading ss mssoftery, decay and From its wonderful power over this tRi In John cif, 14, leo pi8tettora Moreover, thereon, Splendid location for private residence; tion, -Otto Montgomery, Oshkosh, Wis. death, presatare old age, barrerwAss, loss of power in either fatal disease, when fleet offering this now if a man has everlaetmg In faithfulness, s, believers being oris with Christ. THOS. HOLLOWAY, Clinton. sex, iuvoluutary losses and spermat.,rrbma caused by over . ebrated remedy to the public, Dr, rr life he Could not lose In giving us Christ God gave us all that is in _ 1 exertion of the brain, self abtse or over indulgence. Each ' thought seriously of calling it his f 'C it, for if he 000ld lose it, it would not be Christ. :Che fullness of. Christ ie ours, and OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -A FRAME HOUSE, Ayer s P J. ! I s box onntains one tnouth'streabnent. $l a box, ersix►oxen anmptlon Cure," but abandoned that everlasting. Co plain is this, that I am as- Christ is the fullness of God. In Acte xxvi, ra: 9t5seaLlp,nasi"pnennidou reQcfrtofarice N as too limited for a medicine which, fro i1 well-sitaated in the town uP Clinton,Chutnn, is offered for Pre arod by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, bice.. 1vE GBARRANTEE six BOXES ivanderful combination of tonic, or etreng tonished to see people so blinded by their lg, the converted Gentiles are spoken of fle sale -6h reasonable term,;. House contains eight rooms, Nol� by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. T zcure any case. With eneb order received by as Por six .ing, alterative, or blood -clean doctrine that they will not 'aces t the sin le P Ivo storey), tt ith pantry, ClOgeta, geed Cellar,OCC. b0 e6, aaaompauted with �5, we will Beed Lho purahaaer our Bingt a�nti. P P receiving• forgivenees of sine, and an inheri. tot is half acre with bearinl,• fruit trees, hard and poft n'Tltien gnaranLee tP TQfand {hP mOA�T, tf the treatment doespeetorAl,andnutrltivopro[iertie9, i6 unegword of God, but, like "Enc vire"," add n a g Y water, with convenient Atm ply `*- not only as n remedy Por oonsumi E nee amon tli m whioh are sanctified b bis eta A it to W. C. net a9Qct a care. Sold by al)dlvggrsts or J.C. west & cn., piton o word, ae as to support their belief. How faith. "Here faith is the instrument by which SEAitLE, Clinton. w. Toronto lain. .but for all mach better to bow to God's word, and tak we are said to be sanctified, beenuae it con. MONEY TC LOAN CHRGNIC DISEASES ing it jnot as it reads, own His wonderful nets no with Christ. The moment a sinner -- - -� -- am - 1 -- t P o P TREFTANDCELhtR PAVING, ETC.-TFIEti\• t ,,, „ Implement �i� �''C11G . or TAE love in rovidino us Dor sinners such a wap• believes on the Lord Jesus Christ be becomes S m". ,oxsD, whn is a thoroughly practical workman, =F t L�� Il I;'.'T R<I 7 /:',5'„ ' ]VI DIIEST. } v derfnl Saviour, and live im the power and e11• mid haw had considerable experience iu paving, is pre- _ Z7 J linked to 13im. He is made one with Flim, pared to undertake all work of this nature. Street, Live Blood, _, }oI am of it _ _._ 4, _ ... - ,.._ . - - acoi•ptgd_ibrI im. This is true sanctification cellar or stable paving, with Mono, done in ilio most °p r Q v G lid Lun �� I and aware that stretch forth toy hand a'nil justificatiOu. It is nota process. It is sati4 Actory manner and on reasonable terms. JACOB I'ci su d� nes E lec,te(� ''.. .�1 �°Ll'. is in the florist imperative, and also that the .e BFI{FR, at Dlr. C. Rentgmt'w, Clinton. , +Illi not w rtdnal work, It is ,not progressive. _ .. _.- -_-._ I ;,Y cceptedtheageneyfertheA3 , anufacturfug 1 ye�ui o Elslcii oi�wS debilitated, [IAV I Il•T,• Il If y wet; at one ttmo. a distinction maintain h The word is veep explicit. It says "them -� - Co., (lvatsnn'w) will upon bussu efflce iu the premise, Sallow lfnco or roily, fee 01' Ye lh chemo wn app such as tnentioned in. GoOdwit) a rammar, rlllfOBO-BRF;D BULL FOIL SERVICE. - THF, 1' I LLS ]' CLASS CO11 L'.ANII-ES. late,y occupied by D[r. Gainey, AtbertStrcot, Clinton, ne9a, bad tneLn iu m0nh.r or dl g which arc sanctified by faith. which is in me." 1 subscriber keeps for service, en lot 27, on the Ath nearly opposite Fair's !till, when lee will be pleased tn' IteiilatiH interni] Beat or, ohiI but "Enquirer" shovld know that even in .I It does not say which shall be or are being con. Hill'Ott, a Thorn -bred Durham Dull of cod crit- S "'seal wood ]'mune eve F.a'.e Apply resects orders for the fI q g i tt� Ent flushes ioW Spirlte� classical (;rich, the distinction is not alwa •s I gree, he isabo11t la monilia old g P t 1 ly to ,e celebra,"d I g9oomy borebonhlgs, irregular appetite, a 3 Sanet.ified. Would that this great truth were registered is the Do coated ton nee you aro Suffering from Ind maintaiuod,(•eeSpencerAruo]d'sBrptGreek.,n,n1e £reel n mInlonHardBoo),, ilewnsgntbi,CrimSnnDakc•tnd. wEFtyrlj`�OD� `��,, 'a ���� STEE`.. TINE ^ BIIVDER book) and searesly at all so, in Hellenistic I Y ppreheud Td, ae it couldQbut re. Terms 81, with pra•ilegc of eetnrniiq ,f nccewwsary. I gesti 1�o�iesiieHe lA' and mnnp id Live pair in pro a deeper- depire to row in RICHARD CART} H. And the NEW HLIAMER MOIVERand DAISYRAKE, y aces on 11 Greek, in whioh dialect rho Now Teatamenb ,•I1 REAL ESTATE A(;LNT-, I;stifr•.r:, Gsr. A full title of repairs will also be Rept in, stock. pair of these Symptoms aro experlenced. Wne written. But we will apply this rule I Personal holiness, the cultivation of an ale• ----------_. -_ 1?rowpt nttcittlnn will be given to all order.:, whether n remedy i'0� all Such Oases, Dr. ]Pierce and see how it acoords with 'En uirer'e' '•vated line Of pral!ical Sanctity, and a whole. TIIS TQHBlMD DURHAIi BULL. FOR -" -_ by mail orotherwise. Also I Golden lKeellcal Discovery has q hearted sepnratirn from moral evil in nil ire SERN'1?, -The subscriber has forservice, �� "]2143 1Q1e°�® �rti Ud✓E PL O�Va aqn�al. doctrine..,, He admits " stretch forth tb a lhorou ilbred Durham bun, on lot2s. sou. t0, , . , : STRAW :: CUTTERS ' For ,%%" ., k I,n,i s S titin 0 Y I different forms; I Dm your obedient servant, Hilllett. Th8 animal ie of dark red eolor,welghB , And all o!her Fnean Implement,. kept stock, Siiortnes z op ;ren ti, ,)tg5 pj BT j if band tt'as-Ono sot, and his bund was healed. r a 1f He did not need to continuously stretch it' A-uTc•cs. between 1,600 and 1,700 Ihs, and is2yyearsold; Lf)il11 and llijTir!o, Yl1(!i1t, {tet) - Severe (7ouglas, Consutuyrilon, T He has a first-class rodtgree and retri,SiRred iii •� �. ,� �"i �T�'Lii, C�INIi''ON. kindred afrectlois, it fe a sovereiggna rem forth. -Now, when Paul said to the jpiler, '-"" ��� the new Dominion herd book. TERMS, $1 with •.t Send be cents in stem ,e for Dr. plate Believe on the Lord Jeans Christ, and thou ( "llow Carol ',,Ile Ever Love lltna?1, the inlyilege of returning if necessary, A. Thi Compuay i.q Loaning Afow,.y of lawn book onConaumptiou. 9o�aT wy Druggi, Sbelt be eaved," the anristimperative is used JAMIESON, Londesboro. Sc'Clfr;ty at LotcFst Ratr•v of Rite;."'t. ' -• - - -_ • - � - _.- I PRICE I.00, FODlb4 $TO ds and re one act of faith lv ti o part of the jailer ti a groom ie tree vi tim saidwhenu Catarrh. be p."How r OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. - A FitAME -- 0tretC shim eternal Salvation, just as the one . can she bear snob a breatb?" "How resolve I� House, with two lots on victoria street, nem• • healichi 9 forth of the hand gave perpetual to link her destiny with that of one with a Lano'sold hotel, beloiging to the estate of the tato XORTGAGE5 1)'UlWIIASED Word's 0ispelisary Medical Association, healing, B0 the once believingIves eternal John Stephenson, is offered for sale. The house is _ Propri•,tors, f&];Maio St., BOSSALO, N.7i. F disease, that unless attested, 'will end in eon• comparatively now with nine rooms and stone colla. salvation from wrath, and notice, it says sump or perhaps insanity?" Let trio bus On the tot; aro hod and soft water, atnble, hc. The SAVINGS EA BANK BYA �'CIi. I thea shalt be saved." The solvation n band that is or is to bo get Dr. Sage's Catarrh Property is advantageously situated, and will be sold 1 -'^ - _-'~- from faturo wrath, sari by one believing on Remedy, and cure himself before it is too ]ate, on reasonable tern Apply to either J. STEPHEN• 3, 4r and 5 per Cent. Intcrest Alloarcl on V. \�lV(,' ®"i§ LITTLE the Lord Jesus Christ he bad assured to him By druggists. SON, Clinton, or G. SIVINBANK,London Road. Deposits, acrorrlrnp to a.vnonfttAmz Salvation from that coming wrath. And so ctltd tinaP left. lea%% LIVER --....- '1� FFS FOR SALE-TWEhVE COT,ONIF,S OF v�tO tae a VO you never get in Scripture that n man can be Tho chief ornithologist Of the United i✓liars Italian BeoB and twn colonies of Syrian -` c " V kaAV P I L L born again twice, and yoa.never get the ex- Bene. The are in the Jones Hive, on oombS OFFICE. -Carne of 1}arke quare andNorthStreo F {, � hortation to believe twice. When o man be. Stntea Department Of Agriculture is trying Built oP full sheets Of YoundaLton Thoy Bayo 1I011ACE HORTON, - to secure the services of a European trainer wintered well, and have plenty stores to spring MANAGER . ..1 F '' a rl I ANTi-BiLIIOu4i; n/ad CA'l'IiARTIt. lievoe once, he believes forever , for the life he p e Underteli August 5th 148:, 1 Sold by Drugglste. 25 cents a vial. gets by believing +s dreHizating. of falcons. He wants Hiro }o train hawks with. Aro of a gentle strain unci easy handle I _� _�- Mr. Editor, I re ret to Stio the irreverent I to drive away the r"tco birds from the fields Price from t6 to S7 50, according to strength of . ' _-- ' regret bees and number of CmnbB riven.--WTLLIA1I The Great k,liUlialt 1;,,-Casrtlat.l0n. r, � ��ln® 9016■�Li1R� and almost . blasplleroous Iva " „ Of South Carolina. RARTRY, S"Arunin, immediately north of Dr A snvcr•;,I ..i. .aril over I Et In Y Enquirer Smith's. speaks of the "huethren Berea Ming , lie calls _.-«..-_ __ Cl yr:ars ,n "i:••::•�aw1' tr ea,.s. is nr seed by tine prOlsMotets it) the notable words of our blessed yaviour, Be On Your Gfuard. RESSMAKING - THE UNDERBTGNED (Ates ,;t,••, r...•r, .1,,.,;,; "'"'runs i of Dr: Rage's Catarrh RemoO>r "It fs finished." 1Vheu we ball t,o mind that Don't -allow a chid in the Ectal to alnlvl and }t cot""'.p' t•.''"''., °" ",p''re"c•U - ~LADE ONLY RY- of Dr. Rage's Catarrh y hag connneuced dressmaking at leer ygsi- and all di„nrt.+,•„ r ,! n•• rims•. ,� forst t store. their He Cried out these bleeped Lvordg tipon the purely run into Catarrh, when you can be cured donee, Rl,,g street, directly opposite the FOun• InBronul •tndir.•-,•i;.,.., •• .�N''ti•,n• fAmrRn] If tot erJss, where lie was giving up His life's for 21 nsinglh (haso'sC.ata-rh Cure, A Sixpackaltn.N."r-',•,,•• %„;. t3raoROthers J � ^hawendteohargetrollt it y, where She will re prnpnreci t, fill all ordora Xrsf, Ask your I_,• ;i -t r..+•:'"• t..„t P"trlt.h BRUNSDON, I,OND�SBORO, ; ,�.` fir'• I,e•e, OfTP118iPe Or 0th Ill,od•, in order that poor sinners could tie few applications chre insipient catarrh • l LO fn her lint, nn $110TL nOlirR and at rnnFOH"L1C 1'reac►1pt.lnn, rp;;,• ;,a,,r,,;,, Une paekng0 wi6�,pertteil in90OfTimCl] tog ., rates Having ha11 ronsiderriblo experience Bite 1. Six QS by mail, t1 , u•• tnr P..n'phlrt. Address (1911 curry n heavier weight t°, r»'hearilly"weak eyes dul_lpafp yf Saved ; when we remember they were His hoses cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to ii � oxos is feels contideut that she can give pntiafar•1jOn to b . an vet nr pressure )it 1H bend, yeti tiuwe Cntatrli. Thou. Owl) word -7, sarfIt, 11.4 , hollld ppeali of t11e}n flc:ti'anteerl to cur0 cilrnntC oatarlh. Try it all who favor her with dwir patrwin2r ;i}Iw tiroka fliens,ionl (,•r•, 1Srrroit� .'11fek, waggmi msdo. I or pr ss19 Of re )i trrminnte in vecrirtptl1. nlc ;. •, and snro Burr, Solt by nil den exist+. 1, Il00.TiT, Clihtoll 5oJd t f 1Sntnn he ,f. TT. CO1LB!: a ;I Drug2lsts ' 7 Dr. frogs s L.AT,lpft la REn!i:nv eurpil thew ' i eVel•1'trl1E1•e. VIITTrDe Ci Ciptie o-t%I Oaten nP CinRta %r_6iel-1.ttt...Y.•.-,.-- i "! ` " ... . ..... - .