HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-05-13, Page 4N ,
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1 etv, ViverXist"If. ttf. _ Additional Local Nowa. a
'l;#. I IE&pslde�••-S Wilson M�- �O�C�,�Y OROANI lIuron i'resbytery, lb
'Iis,tters-�r7aoltcon Bros I J
. POZ11 -Zanies Stoop The Presbytery met at IIepsal), on u
GW wanted --Mrs IIOv0y Tuesday, The call of Rev. A Stewart, D
,,Uouetorent ,7 Allttinaon IN THE FRONT AS USUAL }Clinton, occupied a large share of time
WN wanted -F E Corbett
11 3hamaxio-"Bair3 Comedy Co and attention,and is referred to elsewhere. C
Eley tyanted-Now ERA OffiC° The report of the Finance Committee,
Thew Frrw bakery -E J Evans rhe; following is a verbatim report, word P
showing the contributions of the vnrinus h
I ros�ring trade--Jaokaon Bros for word, taken from the London, (Eng.) and congregations to the schemes of the church,
" El 1 014 Woulie n Mills -D Graham Provincial Musio Trades Review, the highest I per family and per member, during the t
'to faxmei'a and others -Palliser & Co authority on musical matters ill England, year ending Dec. 13th, 1880, was presented
robeltson's defence -.John Robertson• - April 15th, 1887:- and adop•ed. Two students, John 04c -
1r - _-__. ------_---- - - Gillivray, M. A,, of Goderich, and James
Dr. Stainer has issued a report upon the I. Orr, of Clinton, were examined and li.
, �" -I � musical instruments exhibited at the Colo-
^- - --- -vial- F,xhibitaom • The report is somewhat.. tensed. Dr. Lrro declined his appoint. s
II• � Mir t
ray late, and it is published at the ,.,cry high merit as commissionef tothe-General-Ta
. e I sembly, the Rev. A. D. McDonald was
price of half aguinea-a price which, -t
FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1857. need hardly say, will place it out of the appointed in his stead A petition from t
. Ir- - -- -. -- - - reach of the ordinary public, for whom it is the congregation of Hensall to be separ- ft
The 1ptest rumor in political circles is that intended. 'this, however, is the fault of the ated from Chiselhurst, and recngnfsed as t
PiI. C. H. Macltiutosh, of the Ottawa Citi- Commissioners and not. of Dr. Stainer. The an independent change, w, preXt to ,and n
reporter pays a very high tribute to the ex• consideration deferred until next meeting
zen, (and who so uumorcifully bled Mr. J. cellona of the Canadian organs, but he is of of Presbytery, Chiselhunit to be cited in
s town is to succeed Mr. opinion that the cheapen qualities of pianos,., b g t' lie o, _a Gar For its fgtexesl.
Whitehead, of the ) 1• ! Ir1a#t.1 U k . RP
t tr6*driey, as Lient-Governor of the North- will not hold their own against the same there. It way aoregd to IIuW Erie next re
igt3st• Ho is n poorspooimen for a Lieut- Jlticed British pianos. He praises the alar meeting at Goderich. a
';, ' Bell' organs, and the excellence of their • :4 *.-- !
Governor, but: is no worse than Dowdnoy. tone and workmanship, declaring their tone 'I,I.o .'all to I.ev. -A. stewaut, 'frons
- e--0 --- - to bo remarkably pure, and the mechanism p:r•alrino t'Unreh, ttamilton.
'Phe mat "Drown," wlxoPttturkod so zeal- strong and sound. The "Doherty" organs41, _
he likewise says have a very clear and Sweet... -The good people of Willis church have,
ously ' on the etamp for Por -ter, in the late tong; and very satisfactory actions. The g P P
election has torose u) in the vieinit of �+ silica this call to A1r. Stewart became
g y Itarn" organs he considers highly meritori- e
where, according to the Post, he ons, their fano being refined and delicate; known, been in a state of intense agita-
Lindsay, t and their mechanism uniformly good, The tion over the possibility of losing their
'yam' 'rite
I minister, fact this t
!toes d min sue in c
eskers ,at of much laelove
inteirrn ted several sp P following • are also mentioned in I +
p follow mo rustruntents
meeting, while under the influence ofliquor, more or loss terms of high praise, viz.:- 1 rest has not confined itself within the
and Woulgl have been thrown outside by the •` Dominion" organs, " Uxbridge" organs, I limits of Willis church, his life and work
Chute" organs, " Gates" organs; and the ! during his many years' residence here
enraged audience, had not the very men be pianofortes of Hexntzman Sc Co., Mason & having won for him the respect of all par -
abused interceded oil his behalf, Risch, Landsowne Co., Newcombe, and ties of the co n inutility; we, therefore, do
-o;�__ Williams & Son. Some of those, however, not wonder that those most interested
Dr. Stainer States ho did not have a fair op,
The Mail, discussing the question of com- should have made a strong and vigorous
portunity of examining. eff,.rt to retain his services. A special
mercial onion, expresses the belief that if Upon a close exaininatioe of the foregoing congregational meeting was bald on Mon-
John thought lie could capture a larger it will be Soon that the Doherty organs are, day eveningr, last, to complete arrange -
Ir OT&tion of the, farmers than he has by ments to esent .the claims of the eon -
adoPing this platfbrm, he would throw over- according to this eminent authority, scally P"
i? in the front. The real valao of the instru- gregation for the retention Pre y Mr. St 113
board the protection cry and,• adopt "Coit)- be fire the meeting of Presbytery at EI e'
ment lies in the action, and Dr. Stainer sees sail, on Tuesday last. The meeting was
mercial Union.'' It would certainly be no- fit to mention ilio action of the Doherty the largest and most enthusiastic which
'thing surprising for him to do, as ha is organs aril} . The tirst.nantc'd were natur- has been known in the congregation for
- cnj)alile of taking the sharpest kind of a turn. y --•-• _ -- � • • - .
ally expected to rank high, as the Comliany ~nine earn
_mss--- The following resolution was put to the
had made a spacial effort for exhibition, and meeting, and carried unanimously, by a
;lornmoetiug ou Lho Queen"s County' alae- g+
had a pavillion of their own, most tastefull}t standing vote:—" That this meeting of
tion outrage, the Hamilton Times very point. arranged for the purpose of attraction. Be- the congregation of Willis church learns
ecl:remarlta that "If Sir John Macdonald can sides this, they have a warcroom in London, with regret of the attempts being made to
mlako a Parliament to suit himself by in. Eeg., where a large'stock is constantly on secure the trans'ation of our respected
gtructing returning to declare elected lined', from which they could make a picked and beloved pastor, and we hereby record
W3 0onservativo candidates who gab the mi- the deep obligation under which the eon-
selection from time to time. The exhibit of gregation rests to him, for his unremitting
�" ribrlty of votes, lie !Wight as -golf abolish a lot W Doherty & Co. was from the ordinary and valuable labors in our midst, the of
of costly election machinery, such as revis• stock, and no external aids, such as adorn- faction we entertain for him personally,
1. Iing officers; v6tare' lists and ballot boxes.- menta, etc., wore used to bring their organs and the admiration we entertain for his
This country t demoralized; or it would not attainments and high Christian character,
into prominence. They -Wore content to and wet expre4s the sincere hope that the
fmbmit to Such d -potisni." rely entirely upon the real merits of their tie which has happily bound us in 'the
y_ Pp . Y
instruments, being confident that upon the past Dine years may not be severed, and
If parliament does anything at sal towards closest .scrutiny they were bound to Vvin. that the Presbytery, if left to decide, will
amending the Dominion Franchise Act this They have had no waroroom in London, and refuse the translation.')
session, it shoulel do away altogether with consequently the some exhibit had to aerv- _Messrs Turnbull and' Scott from the
the non-resident vote. To adopt the Provin- Cesssion, and Messrs. McMurchie, Forres-
during the ,entire time of the Exhibition. ter, Tedford, Innes and Wm, Broadfoot
tial system of requiting the elector to vote In the comparison made by Dr. Stainer it from - the -congregation, were named as
11 . only in the electoral district in which he is will be noticed that, though named Second, commissioners to present the case of the
a resident, would be much better than the the DOHERTY ORGAN is mentioned as congregation before the Presbytery.
present method of allowing them to vote At the Presbytery Rev, Mr. Goldsmith,
equal to the first named in tone,'- ANv ITS of Hamilton, on behalf of the Presbytery
wherever they hcvve property. Such au ani- ACTION -TAS SO EXTIRELY's.vristACTors, TUAT of Hamilton, and Messrs, Smellie; II\'ew-
endment slxoulcl be acceptable toUoth politi• OCT lir TnE nittoLis LrsT rr Is Tr1ts oNLx lands and Ames, on behalf' of Z:rskine
ctrl parties, being as fair for one as the other. ONE DEEntI n norxtlt of sr> tear, s1EN- church congregation, appeared in support
- `*' " TION. . It must also be observed that of the call, and ably presented the various
The annual expenditure is growing at an points er their case. Besides the com-
enormous rate, In 1$78 Sir Leonard Tilley the comparison oracle between English and missioners from Clinton, about •twenty
said the country could and should be run for Canadian pianos and organs is exceedingly from the congregation attended, so deep
fintterin totho latter. We are glad to have way the interest in the reault of the Pres-
abodt $p22,000,000 annually, though he rats it 'tlie confirmation of so distinguished a judge byte y'sdecision and this in itself appeared
up to thirty millions before lye left office, but all Dr. Stainer of the statement frequently a sufficient answer to the whole of Ham-,
Sir Clharles Tuppor's estimate for next year- made in these columns, 'that the Dohe -ty ilton's case. After all parties had been,
puts the figures at over 0;;5,000,000, an in. organs occupy a pre-eminent place, and call heard, Mr Stewart, when called upon to
e successfully hold their own against any stat8 his position, said that he felt the re-
. crease crease of nearly One million dollars over t11 competition.�lieiQsult-of-their exhibit -at -sponsihnity-of the -position_ wasxery-great,
expenditure for the current year, It is an the Colonial has been to wonderfully increase so great that he could not assume to de-
enormottsly large amount,but as the Country the foreign trade of the Company, and to Itide, he then shortly reviewed the circum -
- --- — --ell cbirfactticoul.-th�sreaent Rd -give-their:instrument-s-evee-0,-firmer position- -stances leading up -to the call, and left the
tuts e1~ptese 1 to the world's market than they had alreacl
ministration-knowin it to be all. extrnWa- Y matter in the hands g the decision,
g arta-fried. asking them, in coming to a decision, not
gent otic -it is no nso taking ascepil I to Wo saw the Medal and Diploma awarded to allow any personal consideration to
the auto tilt. Cvcn if it were five times as b3' t$o Couitnisafoners; they aro very hued• weigh, but to decide for the best interests
t . - - somely designed. The Modal is about the
large, size of a penny; on the obverse side is a pro- of the cense of Christ: After a full ex-
- � 0.a. ! file portait of the Prince of Wales, -While on pression of the opinion of the members of
The Dominion Gbcernmeut is lost to every the reverse are the words " Colonial and the Presbytery, it was decided that Mr.
sense of honor and decency f£ it appoints J. India Exhibition, 1886," surrounded by a StOwart's translation to Hamilton be re
cluster of oak leaves, fused.
Q. Rykert Deputy-Spoaker, as is proposed to The Diploma is large Sized and of exqui• • We extend our congratulations 'to• our
be clone. While the believe the office to be site design and finish, being artistically col- friends of Willis church upon their good
a•ri.entirely unnecessary one, so long aS it is ored. Britannia is represented, trident in fortune, in being permitted to retain Mr.
hand, seated on a throne guarded by the Stewart,. -and upon the prosppect before
retained it might be filled by men on the Dritish Lion. Behind her stance two figures, them of profit and ehristian ac6vaneement
Conservative side of the house infinitely the one with torch in. band, the other spinning under his ministration,
. superior -of Rykert. -He has scarcely a re- cotton, both rept°esenting, according to the _ - _�
deeming -feature about him, and his record is interpretation, the march of progress and Clinton 1Heehunies' Institute.
speed of enlightenment in the British Em
SO unsavory that the St. Catharines Journal, pine. Directly in `front of Britannia, who The annual meeting of this Institute
the Conservative organ of Rykert's constitu- extends her hand in friendly welcon)e, are was held in the library rooms, ofi Tuesday
encu, would not openly support •him•at the groups of individuals attired in charactoris• evening, the President in the chair.
to costumes ,of the various colonies. Isere There was not a large attendance of mom -
late election. [Since this was in typatho the noble red man, with uplifted head, pre $
Government- has . iolded' A* the pressure sents his contribution to the wealth of the bars present. The report of the Treasurer
w -,Y:., • P was road b J H Combe total receipts
broughtto. irnktiiui-it'v$4, I ;vii Support• Empire, -While his more thinly .clad fellow y +
.t• subject from the burning plaina.of India, for the year were X702.61, and the total
res, and bttU,StElbeLt'..t,"ttl$y'for Rykert.' the lordly Zulu or under sized nel;ro, laden expenditure was $719.80.
with the product of his clime, seemingly vie Dor McGarva presented the auditor's le-
-- —1-1111111016-1111, -•-- •- - x .'l " ) _ oR x irofand, with_one another in their amiesbTe glances port, which certified- that the b6oke had
' O b ' ` fir Q H in the dir•eotilon oif-i eloomllig Britannia. been exatriined' a"hh?l t olitfpared with t$
lecturo(l ibM+iriti'eatOnWednegday, concern- Without an open window is seen a purple vouchers, and found correct.
ing the evictignsbn LordLandsowne'a estate- sea, on which is calmly floating a British Messrs Lough and Perry, who bad been
The Orangonten of Kirigston threaten trot- man-of-war, reminding the colonists of their appointed to examine into the state of th
blo !fire lectares there, in which they are security at all times. library, reported that having esatnined
,0.---,— the books the found them to be in th
)mwi�c, as such a course would only strength. r
A NnW PERtaDIn.tL.-Tho Grip Publishing following condition :-=Good, 1,300 ; fair,
en tlu! cause tic advocates. It is a little Sin• Company, of Toronto, has commenced the 40 ` bad 51 " balance out.
guess that the rrine of Wales visited publication of a new monthly periodical en• The Librarian's report contained th
Catlarta twenty-four years ar+o, lie -vas not titled GRIT s Owx LrHnnnW. The first num• following statistics. There are at present
Allowed to i, ud at Kiri stop, Owingto a her is made up of "Good Things from Gri}�" entered on the catalo ue 1848 volumes,
F' being comic pictures and comic reading se- g
_ stubborn notion of the Orangemen of that lected from the pages of Grip. It is printed during the year just closed there has been
,!it•y. 'Mr. O'Brien has just as much right on- the finest calendered futper, and at the added to the Library 14`3 volumes, con
In lecture on learnt L{rile ny 117cesrs. Stniih price of ten cents is a credit to the ptil)lish• silting of biography, fiction, history and
ers, and will no doubt Inectwith a�,ei large voyagges and travels. The following i.
Mid ]�aue had to lechire against it, but only Sale. The second nun)ber will be entitled tine ela�sitfcadon of the books in the cats
l)osii i -•o justification of circumstances Should "Jubilee Jollities", to he issued June It t,and log;ue : History `360, voyages, els. rM fou
R verylargo edition is being prepnred in an- bio ra )b I85 Science and art 210 fiction
warrant ally reference Pn the Gelvernnr- g' 1 Y )
ticipation of ort enornlniis sale, 530, poetry, etc., 75, periodical literature
(teneral.. C.IXADA,, kND e111ER POECtr , - : Mr. i', A. 520, reference,:)0, religious 50, miscellane
.-'"`•s•r Youtig, of Port Albert ti for•mm• contributor,
111 ,p, heartily al)prove. of the seleuticnt of ons he There were 323 names enters
to the Nl;w Et:.t,haa issued a neat work bear• Ou the roll from May est, 1886, to Ma
Dr3 illiame, of till$ town, as a Suitable per- ing this title, and f5 pcl•Fonally dispotiing of I.st, ISS7. The books and periodicals is
4011 for ate position of Police Alagistratc, the sauna Referring to the work the To- stied -luring the year were as follows:
wad hope that llierc will be no obstacles ronto flail says:-,, Mr.Young has contribtt• biography 522, history, 460, poetry an
toll his quota to Canadian literature by pub• dramatic works 217, voyages and travel
, in, the way of the Government's ratifying the lish ing a book Of porins, many of which are ;b9, periodieal$ 1845, fiction 1269, miscel
a.ppoititinerctatotice, Sines he has occupied very meritorion4. in his preface the author lancous 700, reference 115, And, religion
the ' Mgor'+t chair he lens shown himself a asenmes a modest tone, but with pardonable works 166.
. - Bride asserts his lovalty to Callada, and a
good juallmal o'fiicow, ttnd�we'lreliove that 1114 desire to see hisfellow-Countrymen instruct. The reading morn is supplied with tree
•arpoilifriirnf, Rotivitlistaad)ng; the source of ed and devoted. The book is produced in illustrated paper's,, two dailies, r w1k to
ht's. nOit�ivativ)-; "would inset. with the rip• creditable style." The Hamilton Spectator 16 magazines, geven periodicals and re
referring;' to the sauce work, says "stile prin- views. There has been a very steady, attend
proval of all c1aSi4ew, as lie ii a gentleman in nipal and most, ambitious piece is entitled ance in the reading room dux! T the year:
wltoui iinplieit• confidence -nay bo 1,laced Cauacla. It tolls of the atiugglesof the early The avoragc monthly atteudance durin
1t,it1 Due tvhn taeulcl date im1)nrtially with all settler, +u)d tete glorious change he i)as the year was l9 per day, exclusive of thos
arnngill in Cite appearance of the country, who came to Change books.
oaseSeonving biofdrohim. Should he,, lie np- ,End .d+v tho r'nultftion of hiv family. The The report of the Direct yr Contaige
pointed, it will be 60c,09sary for hint to reg langvagm. •if bandy and mlpretentirms, fs no matter of rub}ic interest'uot appe:irtn
sign teras A7ayor'$ ahruir, ance -hie will notes• pgotic, Snit evinces that ,llr. Young has the in rho Preece ing ropoirts, other than tit
4ftatc a new election for that position.-- trite instinct of the 1-oEt. 31nuv of the ai fact that the institute docs ,not receiv
Chore nre not a great anally available trial) nnrpierc, are ciccu•1v written. and crnitain from the people that loyal Support tett
'-villing to aoc(+Pt the Office, but we pr_
l equillo ital)le Rl`ntt well tnpplihat ed �Ttlt 1,j1,Il,•�c�son, t of encouragetnetit which it deservas.
that --fiot.l rho time atzive4 FOme -.;,.11 wortli rowling,• The reports as pre,lcntpd were revoivcr
pprkon trill ho fnitnrl to Stop inin hi,; 01
• C ,; .
. ,, .,
-.--_------------� _ _ _ _ .—� �— — —
ado to°d. fug with Eire closest aGtenliou hia_nppra. te.ablo to epvak both French and lupe;eh, ri-
order to accommoda a men from all the pr
The following officers were elected for .ciative audience. Spe,tkitlg in- Lfa own vucee,
e ensuing year :-A McKenzie, Pres tongue he would sway soy all, from I
H Combs Treas; J Scott, Sec. 'Direct- from his natural -bora oratory and the A correspondent soya; -Sir John is noll
A Armstrong, Rev W Craig, D R+rbb streogth of his convict! as. He explain. only in the ver, best of spirits, but is in mss• ;
C Carr, W Mauning, J N eGarva, E ed his reason for having Left the Church velloualy flue health, His robustness is the I
A McNlurchie, A H Nlauning, W of Rome, and dwelt on- his present work. astooishmeot of all. Many who saw !tiro
during the campaign, when depressed by 4
oats. A
A meeting of the new -board will be written,
large number bought the books be bay
and a considerable number of the heavy cold and the wear and tear of his rAis�Ct
halls and foul air, were
er. �'
aid on Monde evening for organization. "The
Monday g g
pries:, the .voman and the confes.
that .be was a ^
that he was declining. He has, however,,
believe a vigorous effort is to be made atonal"
and tracks he gave way. He said
happily deceived them, and is in the House
add largely to the list of subscribers. that
since coming to Blyth he had receiv-
daily as chipper and bright as he was twenty
_.- ed
information of the. burning of one of
years ago,,,
Tesupetuneo Convention. his
churches in the U. S.
It is learned that Mr. Baird, the Queen's
A thoroughly representative meeting of
g P lI has
BRIEFS. -Alex Murdock, of Hensall,
been spending a Ow days in Blyth
county usurper, packed his a.ationery box
and left for home on Saturday. There is •
upporters of the Scott Act was held in this
week. The inspectors of the several
rumor that he will resign, and that the Gov.
-ton, .o.n.Tuesday .last.. Mr D. .U, insurance
conapaulea. ha.xe been iA L(twg _
ernment will alders now electicLn for Q leen'a.
Vilson explained that the chief object of this
week, making Settlements with those
A rumor to this name effdet gained- currency -.."
he convention was to select a candidate who
bad losses in the late fire; some of
a few days ago, bat it was thea proved to be
)r the position of Police Magistrate, after the
the following were nomi
settlements are not very satisfactory,
i,aceurate. The auspicions then current have
been revived by Mr. Daird e- retreat in the
persons and
ated :-Dr. Williami, of Clinton ; Geo. will
the result will bo those eompamea
get a wide berth in future, in fllvth-
heat of the fight.
of Wingham; Thos. Strachan, of John
Mcl\iel, recrently with R J McGill,
Parliament will likely take a holiday from
; A. Goyeolock, of McKillop ; Jas. has
Vanless, ot'Stanley and R. H.Collins• of on,
accepted a position in Eaton's store,
street, Tt+ron.to; we ore very
Wednesday, May OW, till the Wednesday.
following. The Senate has been holidaying -
Ptve th nutes eticti: tV"ie a'lf 4'4' sorry
Il whh wiified to advocate the claims of
to lose John 'from our town The
and members of Blvtb A.F.&A. M,
for some time back, will assemble on the
10th inst. It seems scarcely worth while for
of these candidates, and a general
resented Mr Ouimette P M. of Londes-
that Chamber to meet for thoughit -Indeed,
o0 one would be hurt thoutih it never mot.
's s4ion followed in. which the merits
cu boro,
demerits of the candidates were re- jewel,
with an address and Past Masters For all practical purposes, the Senate seems,'
at their regular meeting, on Tues- to be oo more necessary to the good govern-
with more or less earnestness. day
evening. J S McKinnon is home
mcnt of Canada thou a fifth wheel would be
Messrs. Govenlock. Wanless and Nle- from
Toronto Business College, a full-
to a waggon.
spoke of the great difficulties that had fledged
encountered by them in their efforts giving
boukeeper. Charles Hamilton is
his store a fresh coat of paint, as
It is understood the resolution to be intro•
(laced by the Probibitiouists will declare that
magistrates without remuneration, to the
old one was much abused at the recent
in the opinion of the House it is expedient tq
the Atit enforced, and the Association
fire ; C Adley has the contract. Thomas
prohibit the manufacture, krifiortation and
placed on record its high
Bowden is putting a new engine and boiler
sale of intoxicating liquors, except for sacra-
of the services of these ill
his planing mi Il. School closed during
mental, medicinal, scientific and mechanical
Thursday and Friday, the teachers being
purposes ; and that the enforcement of such
Ballotthia for the candidates was then
away at the convention at' Wingham•
Prohibition, and the regulation of the manu-
proceeded with, J. P. Clarke, Exeter; W.
Messrs Andersou & Elder bought the stock
.facture, importation and sale as prescribed or
H. Kerr, Brussels, and R. Holmes acting
as scrutineers. Three ballots were taken,
of R J McGill, on Tuesday, in London,
at 72'. cents on the dollar; they have got
allowed,shall be by the D,iminion Government
through specially appointed officers. I.
only properly appointed delegates being
a bargain, ,
There are important questions to come up I
allowedto vote. Dr.Williams led on each
soon, The Opposition have given notice of
ballot, Mr. 'McKay hying; second. On the
an extended attack on the Franchise Act, se
third ballot Nlr. Williams was so much
that Mr. BI like may be able to bring forward
ahead that it was evident he was the
lution, passed at the last meeting of the
hit, long list of charges against returning of$, -
choice of the convention, and his nomina-
official board of the Methodist church,
cera and their deputies at the recent elections.
tion was. then made unanimous by a stand-
ing vote, everyone firesent rising.
speaks for itself: -Whereas, the time has
almost come according to the rules of our
Thie will be sure to cause a long debate, if
something does not occur to nip it in the bad.
A resolution was passed, recommending ,chu•rc.lt,
-as.w:ell as in .the Providence of
Mr. Mille is.alt,o anxious to open up the ques-
tion 6f Senate changes. The temporaries
that the rintafiri Government pay rbason-
able travrllin expenses to Inspectors in
gC P p
Crud, for the Rev. A E, Smith to sever his
connection with us our pastor, the
gnestion alrea dy appears on the notice papet ,
r art
in a of forma, and while it seems pro-
bable that nothing very important will occur i
carred in the discharge of their duty.
board cannot at this our last board meet-
in this relation to change the present law, or
Votes of thanks were passed to the In•
ing under his pastorate, close without
affect mat:•rially the question of prohibition, ,
specters in the West and youth Ridings
bearing testimony to the earnestuess,clear-
it is eoarorly possible that all the Bills and -
for the faithful discharge of their duties,
ness and soundness of his preaching, to his
motions can bo otren over without one ,or
and the East Riding; Inspector was hauled
zeal for the salvation of souls, and to his
two Straight' f�ivisious, The Committee --
over the coals for failing; to perform leis,,
general efficiency as a watchman on the
appointed by the Dominion Temperance Alli- -
the eon closed.
after which-vulls
'o W would
of our beloved Zion. e
ance are said to be ready with their,resolu-
earnestly pray that the blessing of the
Lord, " which maketh rich and addeth no
tions to,teat the standing of the new Parlia-
ment, and on the other hand Mr. Cargill has .
brought in a bill to practically destroy the
Rev. W. Sparling and Rev. Mr. Fisher,
sorrow" may attend him and Mrs. Smith
upon all their future fields of labor, and
Scott Act. Between the two there is sura to
be a vote, but with what result it cannot now+
of Holmesville, exchange pulpits on Sun-
that when their labors in the vineyard of
be even guessed.
day next.
the Lord close, many stars, not only from
Mr. Orr, (son-in-law of AIr.J.Dempsey)
this, but his other and future fields of
The Liberals made,a grand fight on Monday
preached in the Presbyterian church, on
their labors, may deck their diadems on
for an investigation into the conluct of the I
Sunday evening last.
High. Signed,
Retaining officers at the recent election and i
The Baptis s of t )wn,finding their preF-
the action of the Clerk of the Crown in Chan•
eery, in re•erence to the gazetting-of mem- .
ant church much too small to aecommo-
date their congregations', have decided on
bore. Liberal after Liberal rose in his place, --
and proved by indubitable evidence that the
enlarging the same this year, the exact
his return had been deliberately j
nature of which has not yet been decided
Members of the quarterly board.
delayed by the Clerk of the Grown. Mr. Mills I
delayed b t
on. Itis a good sign `-When a town finds
its Cllurcites too Small, and three of them
— .
went thoroughly into the whole question,
allowing the wide extent of the
are contemplating improvement.
g • p
Mr. Joseph Higgins is ministering
sixty main-
against the Liberals, proving that eisty mem• ret i
It is commonly reported and currently
with much acceptance to Mr. Russ' con-
bars of the Opposition had not been gazetted
believed that immediately after confer-
gregation. He will remain here during
as the law required, and pointing out the dif.
ence, Rev. J. T. LeGear will assume mat-
I the summer.
ferPnt practice pursued by the Mackenzie
Administration. Dr. Platt proved by the
rimonial relations with a popular young
lady of Goderich, the daughter ofa,fdsher-
,---•--- -. -------
evidence of the Postofftee Department and by l i
a letter from the Clerk himself, acknowledg• f
mau. And it is also believed that another
BRZcrs.-Rey. Mr, Chinequy lectured
ing the receipt of his return, that there had. !
popular young minister, well-known to
nians,will assume similiar relations
hero on Friday night ; a goodly Number
availed themselves of the privelege of
been deliberate action to prevent its appear• I
ance in the Gazette at the proper time. Mr.'
ere long.
hearing this distinguished man. The
Make, Dr, Wilson, NIr, Barddtt, Dr-McDou-
The quartet 1y meeting services orRat-
tenbury St. Alethodist church were held
salt block is in full blast now, and large
quantities of salt are being turned out
ald, Mr. Campbell, of Kent, Dr. Mallory,
NIr: Bowman, 'Mr. Trow, AIr. Lister and
on Sunday last, and were, possibly, the
daily, Mrs. Jas Parker, of Brucefield, is
other members of the Opposition proved a
StQt@-Offacts, establishing; the outrage --.--
l.arges,t . attended of any
friends:in-this vieinitT.- --, -- -
- ��mr
by overwhelming evidence, and leaving no 1.I
nature, that have been held for sometime.
loophole of escape for theaccasecl and tainted
The fellowship meeting,aheld prior to the
official. I
morning service, was one of gracious
spiritual frifruence, and' was largely 'par=
Agricultural College is this spring sending
-6-i� to farmers i -u' diffe=rent porta of the-
Tapper and--Dlakcc- t down to business in • -- ---.�,
tieipated to by many of those present. At
province samples of imported grains, with
the House on Friday anti went for one an -
the close of the morning service fully two
a request to sow the same under general
other hammer and tongs. Tupper has any
amount of fight in hire, and be has so proved .
hundred received sacrament. At the
official meeting, on Tuesdary,evening, the
conditions, and' keel) a record of the re
d' r
turns. Iver. H. Snell received a parcel
on ,any occasions, but he has been gniet this °
finances were found to be In a generally
embracing English and Scotch oats, bar-
session until now. He was twitted f. liter.
Blake with having bribed the people of Nova
ood and encouraging condition. . Mr.
g g g �
Rupert the
ley and wheat, all magnificent samples.
Scotia to vote thC'Cory t CL•et by promises of I
gave a report of church s pro-
PitoGRESSING.-By a recent issue of the
costly public works. He retorted that Mr.
grecs during the year, showing an increase
in membership of 66; during the year 45
Aberdeen, Dak. Pioneer, we see that Dr.
M. R. Elliott, formerly with Dr. Dowsley,
Anglin had gnno to the Maritime Provinces, t
before the elections, and Fluid given out that
members bad removed from towu-an
unusually large number -one death oc-
has taken a partner in the person of Dr.
Welsh, late of Williamsburg, Iowa, and
the Reformers would spend mole money in
that region tban the Tories. Ile also ehsrged
curred among the members and several
names had been dropped, leaving Still a
the new firm appear to be doing a rushing,
,• 11r. Blake with h:fving gone buck on his eco•
uomic.principlea bi the celebrated Malvern i
of 283, an increase over last
business. We presume that the next an-
nouncement to be, made will be that Dr.
speech, in which the Reform leader said that �
lie not the coal and flour duties,
year; with one Single exception(the mission
ary collection,full returns of which are not
Elliott has taken instill another partner,
could abolisb
nor greatly reduce the genera( tariff. On a
yet in) all the connexional funds of the-
but of another persuasion.
motion for adjournment Mr. Blake defended
church were in excess of previous years.
Cnl(!KVT CLUB --The "Wanderers" have
been ro-organized for the season with the
himself, pointing out that htr had not express- .I
ad any opinion that a high tariff was advan-
The superintendent of the Sabbath School
reported an average, attendance of nearly
following officers: -Hou. -Pres„ NG. Do-
tageous to the country, but had merely coo- I
fessed that lie could not, in the face of au
300 and increasinginterest in Sahbath
School work,all of which Showa good pro-
herty; Hon. -Vice Pres,, D. A. Forrester;
Pres., W. Jackson; eat vice, Geo, E. Pay,
enormous deficit and'a hue public debt im-
mediately dispense with any ievonue•produa '
seas and prosperity, and is very gratify-
g P P Yo Y'
Ing to all concerned. Dr. Williams was
2nd vice G. D. McTas art. Committee -
' g`
W. Harland, J. Spooner, Jno. Barge, lI.
ing tax. Neither Tupper nor Blake has the
'coaxing ability of Sir John Macdonald, but
appointed delegate to the district meeting.
--- -- -----
E. Tudor, J. Johnston, L-1.Kenned ;use W.
McGee, Sec.- Treas. A ma oh, pro
either of them eon discount "the old man"
y it speech making. Of oourso Tupper got his
announced for the 2•it.h at Seaford), will
million dollar bribe through all right, The
-Laws -.;; X-wetlting-wits-h-eld
not -be -played; as,-the-grouadcannot-hose.---.solid-Tony-_majority.--made..that
oasy...It -_ -
in the rooms adjoining the bank, on Sat-
eured,but it will likely be played at Gode-
would be lucky for the taxpayers if that car•
urday last, for the purpose of o►ganising
a lawn tennis club, when the following
rich the same day, and another match
is being arrauged with St. 'Thomas, for the
Bred the whole price of the Tory victory.
The indications that Tapper means to practicer
officers were elected: lion President, Rey
22nd of June.
economy aro rather faint.
.J F Parke; President, C Tanner ; Vice ` ratrllame ary Notes.
President, J W Shaw; Sec- Treasurer, F ;
—- -M..--
Tanner. CommittEe, h' Metcalf, G Elliot
W Milne, D McKellar, JHamilton all
1 Tion. Peter Mitchell gives notice of a reso
lution declaring for suffrage its the
Around the County,
•1'he Wing
annual district meeting of the -
J S McKinnon, The club will have their
+ qualification of Dominion electors.
ham District will be held in- the Methodist
grounds on the new town parte, and have
let the pontrcct of soddiug a plot 90 feet
I Mr. 1 refoataine will ask if the Government
will grant full protection to Gabriel Printout
chnrch there, on May 13th and 10th. ,
One of the '1'nrnberry schools, -which, in
square, this will give them three courts.
The club has now a membership of over
in case of his return to Canada,
S(`r JOhn Macdonald ompbatically denies
the beat of election times, throw out tho .
Scripture Readings, has rc•instutod the"same.1.
$a, and is in a prosperrus condition.
the report that he is about to be raised to the
Peerage. He says lin prefers to continue his
The Postofliao Department is considering
TRIPLta.--Between here ^rid Loa+lits•
,'resent relations with tbo Canadian people.
the advisability of cancelling the mail routo
boro there are two or three very bad holes
, Members in the confidence of the Govern-
between Brnssela and Seaforth by stage.
in the road; where is the pathmaster.-
,vent now admit that Mr. Baird will attempt
One day last week Gillespie & McConnell,
;`Near the cemetery there are some large
to resign Mr. Kings se it for Queen's, k, D.,
egg merchants, of Wingham, got from one
piles of cord wood, some of which have
and that the (luternment will under 3 e
o store alone, Win. Sohneider'a, of Mildmay,
fallen towards the road, almost blocking.order
anew election.
17,000 dozen bf eggs, which represented Dna
it tip. In almost any part of the county,
It is stated that a resolution in favor of un-•
week's gathering.
this would not be tolerated, but we bear
restricted Reciprocity with the United States
The Rev. Geo. A. Francis, formerly of Vie -
almost anything. - For instance on the
road between here and Win ham there is
will be introduced at an early date and will be
supported by the whole delegation from the
toric street church, Goderich, late student of .
Knox College, has accepted a call to lLodeay
a traction engine drawiu sawlogs, and
timber to a mill, -where it la almost im
Maritime Provinces.
The house rejected on Thursday, by a vote
and New Glas ow. He was inducted by the
Proebytery of London, on Tuesday.
Possible to get a horse to sass; a fele days
of IOcJ to GG, a motion but N1r. Fisher of
Brome, to abolish the Deputy Speakership.
The 50 store farm situated on the 2nd eon.
ago we are told two ladies were thrown
out of their buggy by their horsebecomfng
Forty members were absent from their places
when ilio vote was taken, a majority of them
of Taokeramith, belonging to the Shanahan
estate, was sold by public auction on Tues.
' unmanageable at t lie sight of this nuis-
being Liberals.
Mr. George Moffat, brother of Mr. Moffat
day, tinder a decree from the Conrt of Chan-
eery. It was purchased by Mr. Francis
l''A-rllEtt VIII\UtfUY.-In Vit. .`,udrew's
late member for Restig;ouche, bas accepted-
Shanahan for 10,8.10, it is a Cheap place At .
church-ott Sunday morning and evening,
the Conservative nomination for the eonstitu•
eney. If Mr. Moffat sneceeds, he will be tbe•
this figure.
Two little boyo, aged .1 and 7, eons of NIr.
r preached to ver largo
o It•ev, U. C•ltino fay p oat Y g
third member of leis fhmily who has sat for
McKay, tailor, of Nowhridge, while fishing on-
andiCUCCS atld Otl NlOnda • CvenlU IeC•
lured on the Errors of Rome. To many
the county. it thought that ho Evill, as
Restigouehe is the preserve of the Afotint
d o 1 .
fell into t at the tvashow in- Nawbn g
fell into oho river and were enrried away by
people the speaker was astranger and they
the swift Current, A search party was formed,
e -were surprisOd that one so old (nearly 78
'It is et•tted that two bundred applications
but no trace of the bodies could be found till- y4 1
til a temporary clam was built across the ,
e year.), and so conversant with only
I the hrench language, should speak in
are in for lila position of superintendent of
the exporimeutal farm. Tile position, which
washout, and the river belo5v the dam trent
h:nglieh so Clear and forcible. .it tithes
is -worth between 51,500 andl,ta00, requires
down, thea the bndin4 were found some dis
I lie rose to lofty flight; of elo;luertce hold-
a twin who, hesirles being n practice) former,
tango d�wii rivrr.