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The Clinton New Era, 1887-05-13, Page 3
.0 - n +p, _ at, - 0 f� . . - , . to ,. '.' _ .- .... -/„�+M',�ItNfr�MlSwvyWiSy�.Niyl.y, ,,,,_ 0 F,viv NEW4 N TES - - - --. ,.b..,.,..,,...._....._.. ,.,,. _. ,, ' Q 11lslap�fug n llltite. - ..,,�,... .... .«' ,j� Lizcte Tawny a respectable yAting aver11 j 'ste roan employed ' °11 I ..1101You Nebuchadnezzar, whoa sahIn the cotton mills at • $etweeu November and April Inst $136' Wharis o v .;rT tea,. FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1887. 003 was spent in tire distribution of seed Y a trytn to go, sah , iiamt!ton, while proceeding Mone the s�►y ;p' � ` _-__ to the, suffering settlers in the Northwest. Pas a•holdia ab de lines, street early Wednesday night wasstruck 183 i . � - ,-- T « You better stop that p�rancin ; a severe blow on the head with a club � . '' 1887 • Will nownt Retire? New York city has discovered that for Yep s powerful fond o? daneiu ; — aolue time $50,000,000 worth of property But I'll bet my yeah's advancia' in the hands of some unknown person, r -,--- I F '.l.'he Toronto News, of Mondays has au in that city has been untaxed. Dat I'll cure you ob your shines. The object of her assailant is mysterious, ... g, t; Ayt r s Suras Iarilta the first blood medi- Took heap mule ! One arrest has been made. + -'a ~~ article v lth ills above heading, and starting 1 Better oris out, - with the assumption that Mr-Mowat'shealth c! a t„ prove a real success, still bolds the first b'ue' 'ting you know you'll fin' out The United States Treasury Department is failing, it goes on to state that lie is likely PI Co 'n pabli:: estuu•ttir,n, both at bobte and flow quick I'll wear did line out has decided that Canadian c ntraeturs to retire before long, and will be succeeded abroad. Its mita, ulo: s cures sea :mmunao Or' y, or ugly stubboin back; must pay duty on the pl,l,t tltey tract, i„ `,o .UPEE S 1 ,t,r+'�..;I . I ea'ed, nlr.w this, sun r.cttln'L' a to steal'u, the Stares, even thvugu illi• u,n• I_ w 11 ..' ' by He1 n, 1, r. Pnrdee. \','e doubt both the file tillaJPBILEE' ge of Thornbury, Grey Cu., has An' lit' dtll ptcciond heel up; basic to C.tuada us anon aA thcirL'ub id _..:,, . premises and tile conclusioll. Mr. Mow" bl' ss ,w, el tufo a town, and cl ray its first You's got to plow die Bbl' up ; cou,pleted. Such Plaut, it ,is esll'au,o is may not be possessed of the physiealactivlty Tow,, C„uncil by rccLuomidon. Such har- You Lns, doh, for a filo', dune 11"t c-ou under the pr"vieiou, to he Which he had ten years ago, but there is no muuy uill not cw,tinne when the ward r.p- Uar, ciaVa de luny to do it ; I found in herb Canadian and United it;it/cps �ti'b: II,I E'h JUST 11 hf'C1 l+:n T) , " +' ' , , eI vidence whatever that he is growing wen- Proprialious wino to be discussed. He's comin' right down to do it ; I l'1tvs, tt)liell t;, mpts n workman'e "tolTs t V Iltl.(1 ] 1t0 . 1.V(i LA Y y._ add br ken,ao McKee, so Cf -hijr Trunk, was -. snugger ain't no iron tt- . n.f L=ul{=. � 1-x.•1 AU11I` 1-F; -(4A-% ��i� .._ . � _ _. _ .____. and - ' - tali tivexker: -'Eitr the eontrax he' never George 11Iclfee sell of De+:eottvu ltificl�oc t - pis nigger ain't no fool ' � ----- - a.- .,. QT77,1w"waNgs�•'.. displayed greater mental force than of late. thruu a fr, � Some folks dev would 'a' heat him ; Itoty %Vontett WtIold F'c;te ,.:Wh should he retire? There has been m a bugp;y Srturday afteruovi, Now dot ooultl only }teat him ; w0l'b women allowed to vola every Olio in Y near S;tndHictt by his hvrbe ruunitt, away, ! [ I;now j,•s' hon to treat hint; tiro laral nhn t,ae u cd 1)r. 1'iarcu's "Ftvorite1552111111011 nothing in his long tenure of office that has and fatten' hurt. Ili+ skull n ns fractured, i Y011 u,ubt leash with a u,ule, , Nr+: stip tion” would veto it to be all uufuiling i shaken confidence ill hint, and as a result of an i t.hero are no lin t+s fur Lis rec"ver HO Illinois mo like a nig, „ � 1 � P v. renteUy f„r til', di,=eases n enlist tubers •; . II his straightforward and manly course he He is abort ?,1 years old. s� r�� It he was only bi r l mer, tiro �,•.ts, t y ! rt, y giw F„ en o theses aeGt and a eeiii of a lar •e byte- 1 t $icl+ Lroob.lod whit Pimples, Edt}tpl,ns ; , 11-°,1 . J 3 1. . a e 34 �? RoyKuloaotl8or , •' ,ws,fktuv t) }C,• � � ah,:high:y BIS„cr; 1:i1.\l� 1�OR SAL!:. ,<, ) rx�.,�.rrra _ ! M1111191111 . 1, tion of the Peggie of iltia Provnrce, t0•�1 11uj,, elluuitTtlBy;wlClb�,n":;n zx}ai,tSCati,ulit a tvi;ttltl, I toll you ! 1'e.•, Eal, ; TiAFttl /V DIc1;lI,I,01 FOR G.1LE.-I.O'1' 3d, t Prato.' It will leave the skt„iu porlect houlth, I See how Le keeps a clickeu' , tl t`on, t;.-Uoud pace, good hnildings, and gond � greater degree than ever before; If he were Ela unFh, bleflll 0.Ud ,Olid Col„!', Be ! nl'Ottlld kgete, ltt;L lid gentle at; A OhrC1CCD� ' ,unapt.” (')ma and seer. Will hu suldcheal,. W , ri-•„. rc;'. . ` � the good: 10, iliudo by McGregor L Yorke. Au ueLbcr tiults of kiukiu',- =�• �IcM CRaEl , Constance P, u, di M""'M to retire on accottut df failing health, the I Price Za;. sold at Worthington's Drug Store Whop, doh ! Nubuchadurrzar' I G1+R11 FUR S+t.h: -PnNT OF LUT 46, UY THE A,� - same reason would prevent him resuming 100 :roruutu blah received from he ;, i' ` ��' gt'ft, ” lint eon. of Lilo township of ifullett,euntaining tL4e v� the practise of law, and thus file would be D,uniwon rovornntetit last year, $2,207-,11 Is did beak mo', ut• not orb? about id acres. Torutsto suit purchaser, ,Apply to Q 1 goo of Franchiell net printing, 1' I r VIMERUN,11OLT&CAMERON, Barri+ters,doderich I COATS .a 6iS� ���I�� AND GET thrown back on his own resources, which p $;1,L-11 Or is da dubbilgct ma? i ____-_.-_ Ll, •e said to be nolle too plentiful, for the bas- for advert ising, e5,632 for pr.uting the torr Was dat A cannon shot me, r� tv0 FA RMS FOR.S.tLE.-LOT IN 13TH CON., migration depnrrwent, nod,o*G31 for oilier Flub I 1 id bosh utore'u a ttc:k " Godurich toivnsht}), ut 000d state of cu,tivatieli, I fr{7� i _ Li,ICe Of Illd (lavS, DIr. DIOw'At i9 likely t0 sertiets, or -X9,801 altoget hu, ; and yet I Pat male do kick amaztll,' snug house Just built, gu,,rl bard, eXcellun6 fuuce9 and Vd the " Dc, beast was E Cou+•eaiontly situated, Also the east half of tot 78, ie �w- remain wl>ereihe is, as Premier of Ontario, soma people aro Foolish e:nuuuh to assort pil'd in ruisin :' C)1VI; IDEFOP.E l i x ,. ills al:ntlaad catccssiun, Gudcrfch township, about 68 t`( f t , , 1', now I a ect be until the people show that they have' un hit rho ylAil is not working in the interest � P t; graZln `crepe-, 6 acres ciceu•t,l and sucded down, 10 acres in bra+t2d' � I i of the rt • 0 i de udd,Pr side de creek. Preparation forcleario�•, babioce nod hardw000d bu,b ':Cf confidence in him. He has shown a speual party. Termsenay, Apply cu UA15t, O & SCOTT, Barris. 9'° The nun women of -Newark, N. J. legs, Clinton. r$- I3IFY ARE fitness far the position, it apparently suits young , y -- a COLU31BU his inclinations, and we hoe al d believe lie hate f meed an t ,anti -vice" society, hav- HUMOR. f+t w� P � lug for its object lila rel;eneratiuu of uttn,", i,ARlt FOR SALE.—holt SALE, LOT 39, CON' >+ g� CESSION 2, L.It.S,'ruckersmith, containing fib acres �ijj will not relinquish It ilntil "ills llSefttlllCSS men. All members bind thotliseles to re. i Rut11 slakes human blossoms grow, but of which 45 are cleared, well fenced, well underdrained t7 EI GGIl� is On ." and In a high •h state of cultivation. There is a%�(� g g fuse Any a! tentiou� from gentlemen uain ,r other crops adore t0 fegU;t'0 avatar. frame housciDarn andstables, and an orchard of Pham a/r w.• • - alcoholic liquors or tobacco )til any furor apple, cherry and pear trees, There io a never -failing Y We have noticed n good crop of spring well. It is within four miles of Clinton, and three of A dlaoh-Needed Amendment. and over 0fiy marriageable young women pgetc this ear- but what lila people want Y Y , poetry. p Brucefkld, with a good gravel load In the pro each ROBw COATSff ,have, signed s.ich a pledge. The met, i3 inure spring and 1 83 oetr Placa, Fur further particulars 119p0N on the remises Mr. Jamieson has introduced into the generally rbfuso to eul',mit to what they, or toCttntonP.O J. B. CRO 1190N., m ' CLINTON House of Commons a Bill to amend the consider an arbitrary rule, and are seeking The coat-tail flirtation id the latest, A Canada Temperance Act, one provision of social enjoyment in the neighboring vil- wrinkled coat- tail, dusty ton -marks j1AR.d FOR SALE. - THAT WELL-KNOwly - - -_ _ - - --- _ _ _ :a �., .• mesad I have spoken to your fatht r _-' ---.._ __ _ lager, the action uf,the women ss the rt- �' whitely farm, being tat 13, con, les r o Clin- " .._., which, fit any cage, should become law,-taw,,ehip, Base tine, Smnmerhill, four miles from elan- duit of the temperance gneatiun, and is .No one knows how dangerous a liver is ton, on good gravel toad. The farm contains 90 acres, 1'LATE - - - I['- J Though Provincial .officers aro called upon creating a sucia'1 j'ttrOie never hafure a paid until ho (nada the pointed warniu +e on ,0 cleared and in good statbo, cultivation, the remain- +' 1. ' �� t0 administer the Act, though t110 expense Of iu this pLia•, q der good hardwood bush;thereare16acresof fall wheat fences devoted to medicine ad vertisemeuts, and all. fall ploughing dune; there are two wells and an I --POE carrying out its provisions is much greater This is to certify that I have used bicGrogor'A A woman called at the doctor's.office a ' esbleIll f1ow1s 36P spring, food o hoose lame am 3t X 5.51 than the amount of fines and penalties re- n d rdiu hm,4-sg yLay thpattif irtta n viueo @ o0 i�i few days ag", and discoursing about her rooms upstairs slid 4 rooms'down stairs, anda kitchen _ �Hlt'i i 1 1 bot Ile I would not bo without it, as it has duan ailments, said: "I think I'd be all right if 14x23; there are two churchest� school and grocery, all — coyered in the average Constituency adopt. & within five minutes walk.. K8110 .9ien given at any Oar natural modesty has b0d t0 yield tQ- til;) elltroatie, :Of 1 to We more Koos than au the m,,you l+s I ever 1 took nn epidemic.,, Majesty tit© ing the message, the late at present leaves it ALE a d I f• el like a rely man, --Yours troty p time to suit purchaser For particulate enquire at Queen, for tis to mak0 known to the public Ile,, 01). n10 ntwx, liTaF,L. Carleton Place, Ont. Th -la euFdi- Life is fall of disappuintlueut and a man rirw ERA Ofilce or of ,NrEBsiis.MANNINO &.SCOTT, l17 Of 011), thorn b the following , Y publishing t0 the Dominion Government to Ray what rfi,r a fur dale at 600 nod i.CO or of the proprietor, ua the premL es, L. )[A�NINO, a jubilee poem composed. by the l,oet laureate ilii her comro,ind and Worthington's Urua store. t per bottle at realizes ft R while aftt r he has planted some Clinton P 0. shall be done "with the ev. Th derived bird seed with the idea that he was going ___.- ._.._ transmitted to us by Special cable despatch METRP5 PAYENTED A .,ou,.,.'t•,,, was created at th0 Hennepin = ATg Ottawnringementaofthel vv. The present P to raise canaries. [�ARM1iFORSALE•-T}I PLENDIDFAR, �VHULE TILING COPYRIC�Ii'1'LL), ��\D AL.L I?.I0,IT, , from 1 pfd THE Avenue .."+I. E Church, 11lin.neapolls, on •' - (if 100 acres, being Lot 37, cort.•2, L. R: B.,. U a Government, contrary, we feel as. , Theiecent marriages of fire news a er Tuckemmnith.Is oftered fur stile on reasonable IfES1,RVBD. -. Friday„ by ' be R iv. Sint Sni,ll s (litter- r P P terms, with good buildings, frame barn, 40xoo sttred, to the wishes of the people at large, at ask on 9imde. Sar til 13eruh r•It [;e men in Philadelphia is cited as an omen stable t4xs6, sheep and 0arriaas horde, 16x41 q� has invariably directed that the fees shall be said that coelia"n decency should keep ,that the buoln hoe at, tick P.he City of Bro. .900'1 lth 6tory,•24x36 frattae house and kitchen, wetter �OOC1S ila�'C yUll 1104V thtlll ever before therl y 70 acres uuder cultivation, 20 acres cleared but given to the municipal councils, and shall everybody away from the Opera House , Y Love. L' the wu thou;h its not broken; 10 acres good hardwood bush, frmo seem a w"Iran wlt''su ons notoria• s mother, sort of love in these cases. well w+tiered, having hree of the best wells In AEndless in Variety IV11ile prices are loiVer. not be devoted t0 the expense of administer- g Huron county, Gaud befu•iugorchitro, situated - Wg the Act. This is lin injustice to the Scott y `+s Ci'cltu, s ,mid why fl{ante the spirit A little fellow between throe and four 2% miles from the Village of Y,rueefteld, and 'n fully iii Luo fitoas of decent people, years of agediving ill town, Was asked what 6 troop the Towns of Clfutou and Seaforth re- F,, Hat t1�at you rizahe is a lovely creation, Act constituencies, for it falces from t•he coil- Th ro 'rvalist's diatribe do"s nt,t prevent ilia kitty did, in a tight between tier and a tLoil i oui'toi ilio a sl'10utlid gravel road pawed Gr --••--trolof the law officers fluids that should l'or,hardt fr„ui havina enormous houses, dog. " Ve11," said he, `'she humped up the font r ap lPromises. APPLETOs an gi Such beauti(ill Wares is ills one eYelamationl, clearly be placed in' 'their hands with the . !'hree tram a, ab int a month ago 'in- her back, ae high as aha could, aha made COAT, Tlruceiieill P. O., m sA!<IVEL ORIrII, object of paying the necessary expense of docrd a 1.1- p tier tail as b) Cti ton, P. u„ or i. O. Cali glia. DAVID Look 1101 they're trillltlled! SO cliasto an(1 SO t•ft9t P yearuld boy, named 'Jame gels,,, able could and then ribs Tli too. Ontario N W Ek.A OFFICE, y carrying out the law. The Scott Act should Lar,,ford, t', leave his employment in I blew her noso iu his face."=_-.,_--------__.______ _ __ _ , be enforced -by the constituencies which see Tor,,iao and t.;. with them •o Detroit. `tSay, grandma, do pe„pia always paint IPENNYROYAL WAFERS. �_ \'CI' thitl r ht to adopt it, and the fund for providing tr RS, i Y b good and 11Otllino, Clolle 112Sty. ' P g \Vhio away hay, ! +feta 1 ilia it it o that the devil with red clothes on because he I Prescription life long n e>'o. Otlr lill)bpp,11 , the he IILWesboul clearly co theobservanceh•s irahltiun world excite the pity of the I S 1Thportelt--n011e lilac }las the eC i1Q1 of the law should clearly come frons the is wicked and has evil e,irits near, him'A!1treating female diseases. IE ub+d , #.ionalties inflicted on the law -beakers, sup- chariruhle, and caused him to beg t0 saris- the time ?” "Yes, dearie, rod is the color i-7 monthly with perfect success try - 4 ' n fy their craving for drink. The ereecuted. monthly th pe. Pt s�c t, sa't', r plemeA s from the Provincial treasury In r of wickudnesd and din." "Wall, then, is it j.effectual. Ladies ask oururug_ �1)C1 yOUr artistes are s1ii1led-to ry• • . case of shortage. is proposition is so lad finally escaped. Ilia late custodians, because grandpa has bad$hits near hien t Pennyroyal ,Your and 1bC )1111'U11S t11C' ,yeClllel, manifestly fair that we cannot see how any however, were after him and found him a� _g P p gist far Penn ro 1 a y that hie nosy has got so red ?° Grandma Ia�eforreu$t substitute, box. Address est fair-minded legislator should refuse to sup• a York street I"dging, where they heat. hila particulars. Sold by sn l,ienly commenecd to knit and said she , nlldrugsts,al perbos. Address B�(%ver ill all t1JO 1013x, years Of lily reign port Mr. Jamieson's bill. Yet, for reasons cruelly. The boarders ra.kiuK the boy's c, , „ Ygt"EUItEKACHE2ITJCAL CO., DertioiT, H,cII, n best known to themselves, the Ottawa Minis- p "didn't know. . art the fellows disappeared and note the =old in Clinton by J. H. COIIBE and Dru gists i11 1 eVCl' l)e11O1C1 ° ' , ters are said to favor the defeat of the meas- police are on their trail. I often tell my husband," smiled i<irs, everywhere. g' ' ! , oil tile land 0l' t13C i1.Qi11, ore sold we shall be agreeably surprised if A air'ngient liquor license act has est Jones to llumle. n'how Junes 6mught " - - • i . - the proposed amendment is allonvetl to be- J home ane"spectodly to dinner, "that if he' • <?� "r% (p ELEGRATED = I% come late. beeuiutr ",he Michigan legislature. , . w. 1 tt "� �O111C11C1' V✓aI'CS t,11aR I fi£t\V 111 y011l' Stt)I'C; ^ Tho prop"sed law is to epi.ly to nil the stat, will bring gentlemen•' to dinner without = D, CHASE'S I • --��t•a- -_ letting me know a little 4er"urlt hand, he •" ".��M J . and levies a uniform tax of 4;^00 a on all P moat not be disappointed if ever thing (:'''.. ? x f Flli° t�i'�� :: y ry el, i�Ol' 1T101'e. The rotontu Aihrlr:aa{ty. I gnor sal, ons, fixes bonds which liquor , everything Qhs AQiy®�1.1®i� Oil when this Hat 1Vear� '011t I'll rrQ St!'tZltl'llt t 1l^ ''' ,alers must file at from ,f.,,",000 to $6;000, Iso t just as it should ba," "Oh, I beg of 1, t. a"'w I , At the eainest'requo,st of a lathe ticicgtl-res in you, my dear madame not to think of "`�6 -- •tion of IleforinArs (among whoul were leve. advance. The receipts fromill be the tax are to apologising," •• responded Dumley, with , Sr'. , ® -- _ -. profuse ulatenets " 1 hove eaten worse •; �(r �� ? , '�?a.:• gal possible applicants for the position) the be pail] into the county treasuries, and ora ldlwirts than this [ " ri !,- I s Ontario.Government Las appointed a son o£ to be divided equaliy between the..ccu.nty__st __l assnre,aod, •ha-atl,d.rd,_ ,ax.•g; ' ,, (� - _. __._ , , and-the-cit-y-or-villa-d-biiedeaed with the I have eatdn same purr dinners, too." ;w'� ra+s-,t -. cial_-tit �� --- -- - �,/ - - - DLr•-1io�atfly [�lrt� iff ctf7,i� co,iilty oiYoilt. liquor traffic A seperato bill Id t0 bo intro- The business lilte way that children have- �.'`�A. ire e The lesson urged for his appointment was duced, apulying the '0^al option principle, of considering the must sacred things is F 0I LIVER MM 'MONEY DISEASES that they thought the sacrifices and service,; under which any oorninunity can raieo the oftea.' little .startling t0 the elders, A •• ;I',4<n alt in!rllir�rnt anan..uaJ1ts to parr - of Hon; Dir. Dlowat should be recognzied-in t,x t" any limit it choust•s, or clan prohibit litit; Lynn",Irl came home frons Sunday c1P t `' . l•c b,t,is,"r;,,:a N;m[,cserhose Standing in • some Way, and• they knew of none better allselling whatever.' school one day iucpressed with her need of t'' !t1c,'t't t"`f",tt�s xs rt pit°ran.tee,f'or the - divine a<aktance to enable her to be a bet- ,r :) .hrl,• u•:u et"" '!'his sterling nl.,itto id than the appointment of his son to the poli- A St.. Piml, Alinn , deapatch says: The =`, ; i trot, in . aI'd'toPatent medicines, buy - • ' ter girl. Isar mother encouraged her and l"' _ ' "''t:e nruiu b;: praciitmi professional men. \Vo ale not giviwg tt ,Cosines ;tv st; 'r tion alluded to. As Reformers -Lave hither• moat designs; ice hails urtn over known in explained hots she could seek aid bat 1,: t 'i'+`s' "' to'+vcllandfavolablyknotvn by F I , ttc 1 l;ts;t war ,., but intend t this vicinity psssed 'rater St.. Paul tills „ . she r, ,tit i odhs w raquiro any rocommenda• I t Cali; t1 ith ypn. 11'e heartily thank ring atony enstouters for (heir 1, o stay, to taken strong grounds aguiust AIinistors said ;- Nn, rnolher, yon slieak to him the in the st,,griLl trust that'0 t liberal patron, afternoon. The wrat•lter was exceedingly. nbo ' " fir'. r',ta:=t:•s T,:ver Cure has a receipt boot: f1 fi t t raston,et„ will be non© the less lib of the Cruvvn appointing their onurela.tions sultry until shout 0 o'clock,when a tornado ut it I duo t like tu. , A few day® af- i .,;;;;,,.,1 ;t;.,,,,nd clary bottle which is worth its 011 have trade our business liberal in future. to offices at their disposal, we think that as P p. For A few hrinutes rain fell it, terve tit oho suddenly to inquired : "Did '';' t+r +•+Ko!'1.,• a (1eCldeCl 8IICCQS9, and WO believe yOF{ \i'lll COnt1IIa sprang, tt , " t;•°•,';+q:,;TA"CrCureisguaranteedtocure to tl0 SO fol your Steady ltronn,Te convinces m; that good ^•o r ' e a matter of public policy it would have been torrents, incl was succeeded by a remark• you ask horn, mamma ? Yea, my dear, r. ,,• . y!t,;,;inh from a t.orptd or lnnctiv© deal'inR is t i >feeiatOd, p +� , o lh a,1c1 straight I did. Well he doeedt attend to, his 1 . • I .�,c•� +� ) I 'more prudent had this Appointment not able fall of hailstones for about .thirty business very well,then; I hhyoo t behaved •t t,:i Liver coinlcialnt' Dyspepsia, minutes. Sameoftheetuneswere abouththirty „ ' sr;,a?,.;•.,ei1m; lrilion„ness,.lnnrndic-e, stead- - - _.- ..... R bit bettor, . t•Se'c'r tipa10, Sallow, Complexion, etc., been made. Of course eircumstapees alter inches in circumference, and weighed from Cases, andthe argument putforth is that f,wrto five ounces. 'One of them went Til KiDN,EYS THE KIDNEYS -,, .._,.e Ila litdn't 1Vnnt Ana i►Iore ' Steterr,, ,:;� "' l'crn:.�'3 }"•' nr rare is n touch caro for PA I. the circumstances in this instance justified thronoh the thick plate•glasein therotanda ;,,:..:1 alnl'nla of Ilio lddnrys,auch as pn,in to L�R & n the appointment. Opinions on this Dint oFthel`yan.Iintel shivering it to pieces, , t• ''"'• r•''i'ti::l wcrparti0noftheabdomen, LG�i �O• t Slie wasp t VFry_young but she had ` •.'•,t ''.'"';•.`, t" y -is urine, rell and white differ- At any rate the 111011th P About nue han, red and fifty to two han- o, ill:, •;,r.,::r:n ;pains iii ass, e sof Liberals dred panes of glass were broken in esoh money. He didn't want the earth, r. - ; u"o:ht•:•, It uirl ours ou. G iii • epotism," and black,. luri,ber piles were scattered and ' Dearest,' lie began, but She stopped L, s :;:tt:.;,•sill .hv.:,t•1,,.,ttt,, 3 SO tchtit has been regaaded as wrong when done several frame houses on the outskirts lyses him. _ � overturned. There is an unconfirmed re- ' I anticipate what you aro about to _ i,a> s��i3��~� a,v., by our opponents, now becomes right, OL' at 'ueZ A"CO7S FOd CAN DA. , BAAD►ORQ least ,permissaVle, because our own party Port that a woman was killed by falling say, Mr. Sampson,' silo said, c and I i'ar ® Q � ® t� timbers. A remarkable featere of the I. p1u811Ca the dAn1e COUi'SC, Iiefell'127g.to the etnrm is that tyle mercury did not fail would. spare your feelings, for it call �j appoultmeut ilio DT. says, :-- after the..ctssat,ion _.aE,. the--r�1+n:-. 1Tea,lp -neves' b0. __r.E`i0efn_y-O.0 ]il},TWy Ind -w,1-1.1- - _ F1' f _ _ _ _ _ _ f, -- - "Fair"minde$ lileii RiI] see anthill ' ever nblic boildin<_• in the city suffered be a sister to-' •i Pp?t - f - 1i" - a G . . tionable, however, in the a i obiec more , r less. The State ea itol log, ' I have four sisters alt a � � l � ll ppoi11tment of p ks as early, he re- � Mr. Mowat's son to the Toronto shrievalty, thont-h a Gatl:ng gun had been turned on plied bitterly, four grown sista s, acid WB ```ill 1•:,-, iho Ll;ove _+:c,+. :: tiny e SwIr.llIowathasboeuPremierofEheProvinco it blanyhxpenrlv0 mercurial w)ndowsin._lifo.it.n_liideousbnrden. But, oh Clara,' eaSO "` %''o=r•lr., hiv r r:..,',;.1•._;t,:�j���,n GenUs� n �' since 1872. The dutie.. s of his office are so churches ora broken, The load hill aggro- lla went on passionately, ° iF you cannot we cannot Cure with �'i'ST' L�'J Tti l�rnlshln Iffouse Ionerous as to render it impossible for him to t sick 7deadathe, Tnuigcstinn ur r rs - gate fully $iJ,000. I JUST R.FC'FIVEI> :l ll p, g[(aN3f h;N7' O1' � topursue Ilia profession. The salary attached bG. my wife will you .xtot give m0 a PiLL9, when the Directions r.i a ssictly I� 1 er the office is not a large one, and a consid- ulr. n .' r.CaigersAdvertising Airentyfor the i mother's protecting love; I'm till orphrin.'=ompliod with, Large Boxes, cont„inirlg E11,,01is�I ,'Ul(j Allis@ll'ift,iltl 1,p811,(� tR+. arable portion of it fs no doubt absorbed by To Onto 1\Tiwe, says- was induced to try 30 Pills, 25 Cents; B Boxes $1,00. Bold �. i U�•b FLIi�, �l�ti,l.Y9 11iS0 fid, - the machine, which constantly requires Enol NT B; lm for a severe and troublesome Cold by n,,, l lne f 11ID <l�' �i%l'& �011tI� in the shape of funds. It happens, too, that in the Head. Once using it literally washed I The nttrober of fanners who have left BBists. , ' the modest sum wlliclr DIr, ibIownt has inti out the clogged soeretions, and left 'my head the districts about Ott: wa this springDR-IRG-WESTtS _ - — Dil°Pct frog, the in;ulufacturer, I have ah,o in stock a fine selection of SummerT away Las Leen sadly reduced by losses, so 01oAi as a bell, for Manitoba and the Na thwestis larger L NDf 1Z�VFAR, In \Villin and Colorcrl SHIP�Tfi, f show a great t ariety, that •he is entering upon old n +e Icor in }than any previous year since rho lllani all of which will 1.,c SOId nt reaionable prices, and will riot h l tin+lrnsOL1 by any I 1 -An- inei lent occurred at ills :lrknnA • parse and in provision for his TamilThese y, k Mr. Presbyterian church on ,Sunday afternoon toba boom, and fully one-third larger n� hoose in tilt trade. are the simpple facts, though we ask D7 r. than an other year for the last ten. t �• �LAoIJf� F1 iblowat'spnrdon for stating them so nakedly; of last week, that will not soon Ito forgot- Y. F 0 P :C lI E h e - dl<1i1Qj1S l�s(bG�, �ilitiiA��illl. and, keepingg them in view, we think thoso t ” by those who witnessed the pct iorin, lIt. J, W. L'ell, Conservative M. P, friends of leis who insisted that Ilia son 010 t• In the intorval that elapsed bo- �� -- - for Addington, has become violently in- Tdcoplo'� y `--`s atb bo given the shrievalty d:d right ; twren the dismissal of the Sunday school % TT -` -- -"--- ---.___- app his colleagues! did right iu making the and the commencement of the regular ser- sane, and has Geen placed in Rockwood - Y itappointment,'and not the sli htest stigma , the 'tall form of Gil -McPherson, sr,, Y .! C O pg vieP As lam for treatment. The doctors fear jjjj11�SS�11� atbac}les to the Premier hiER mself." "'a wall known Wnraiclr farmer, wasseen lids case is almost hopeless, Grom" Pool -•---+.4.� -, e, riding up the aisle. When ' he reached The Stratford Central school is so much I 11"H11640m, the pow occupied by Dlichael Morningstar, overcrowded that for the ,rest of this term �3 1� U U L I atADVICE TO MOTHERS. -Are 9.—Are ,you disturbed lie deliberately reached over and squirted part of the junior olase, will have a half ch11 I night, and broken of your rest b a siclr ► rr(��Z �CH child suffering senand crying with pain of Cutting a stream of tobacco juice direct in Morn- holiday in the morning and the other part TeethY If so send at once and get a bottle of ingstar s face. After relievim? himself he in the afternoon. Having enlarged Illy show room and got in a first-class stock of GROCERIES " "Mrs. thing. It value Syrup" for Child• cooly walked 011t of the church. The r in connection with my othel' lines of business. I am now c:k of to furnish will Teething, Its value is incalculable It enngroggation was almost pai'hlyzed with A in ticket•sellar' Darns his -AND' public with all kinds oftho ab'�uwill relieve the poor little sufferer immediately, aelonislimont at ills sacrilegious Hanle and reputation. At Phi!a 1 ilia St8n19 and Fancy Groceries, @AIil9@sl Bonds and L pend upon ft, mothers ; there d no mi8talro gious and die. �p Candies and all kinds of RCh001 BOOk3 and SLATES, also fyney artielets t it. It cares Dysentery and Diarrhoea, gusting offence, Dlorningatar left the the other night the ability of the rlight- such as VASES and JUGS, KNIVES, PENCILS, 11O1;iTII ORgA rreeggnlateatheStomachandBowela, cures Wind ehurrh, and on the following morning ping ticket -seller' for acircuawaa amply KIDNE�'Se cI(IAPa IiOLDT'; S NS,PIPES, . and W softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, made a complaint against 1IcPh9reoo who shown in tits fifty minutes during which HOLDERS, &C• Also a stock of Patent Medleirea lrept on hani. and Mrs, tone and ensign to the whole a stem, a �'�` 9' t�arb,0��i StCC1'e Mra. Winslow'a Soothing „ y appeared before Squire w on Tueaen the ticket wagon doors were open. Of ,syrup, for child admitted the charge And was fined twenty ilio 10,000 people inside it visa estimated DANDELION" is more complete in tell itri branches. 1T ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the have a few of those BLANK NITS and $b:LLS which will bo sold el►ea I maks u Prescription of one of the oldest and best female dollars and costa, and bound over t0 keep that at ]east 10,000 had urchased tickets p pttgdica le and druggursonists in the United Statesiv and the peace for ane p o ffallie i Blood Purifier Ohio, Diurectle,Loss all my COLLARS find warrant them to give satisfaction. REPAIRING rs for sale by all dnlggists throughout the world. Year. Thera has boon pi0mptly' • I yd blood between the parties for some at the wagon within those fifty minutes, vp t e ndi ©swan b e epsta, Bttflouaness attended to slid charges moderato. My stock of TINWARE is -18o nom >let Pike twit •five cents a bottle. Be sure and years, which.may account for the ori teal JattndIce,L!ver tlotnplalnt,,R iaumntlsm,,t„ x, d• kinds of produce taken in exchungo for all kinds of 1 e• Aii c T1tis would involve the handling of tick. soy Diseases, Serofulu, Diseases Peculiar to �m it, take nn other kind �v''s BeSoorzrl cry grlttrr," method adopted by the defendant in get. ors and looney for them , t110 erste of a goods, Thanking m c lots•. malt a, Nalt Iihoun,, Ex zPma and all akin Dia- niers for past patronage and soliciting a C0T_1 rittaneti _0T tT_o ya _T __ 4 Y-9. ting oven with hill enemy, oases• Headache, Palpitation of the Heart Sour �r I.Y. 2t10 ticltets or x100 per minutr. 4temnek and Heart }turn. Purely \-ogetWe, .Tans C. WneT di Co., Toronto, GEO, NEWTON, - . . 1,ONDES30RO " ,c M . a