HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-05-13, Page 1. �
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. , . VOL 22 NO. 10 . - --------. _ - - - - __ .- _ - - ___ - .- - --.,-,- = - , - - __ - - - __ - -:__ ____L_-_. .. _____
I ERNS- $1,50 Per Aboluril, n advance I CLINTON, ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 135 1887. iftenmr ., _:�
I . I..b 0 No
---..---------- 11"Ubvtr�. Asl.i
, EX Ir IEJM. I . , - - .----- 1. - _&�_
1 . . - - , _C01flege at Toronto, and i's - " ', A.KILL'Op.
- , _ -, -60ORKAU" -WOAVA14HI'I� . ,the Medleat
BRIEFS -Beautiful spring weather and LEO BROKEN. -A son of Mr. Kepple rusticating at UP. J. Kerninghan's, his MEETING. -A temperance meeting Was ing field with two teams, 'tlie.,, Nk I
L;, I . the trees blinding Picely-sprilig grain be" Disney, aged about ten years, had his leg father -in -I w, he pas can awey, one with the seed drill, and .4o. -,
I . .
__ -
- a Bed a good Px4Pi1_nq,_ held at Winthrop, on Mondav night for and.
I ilo other with. Lha barrows. The. dril-l-lilfsal-
.., ginning to Make an Appearance to the broken the other' day: Ile was moving tion at the end of his second year, taking _ihe purpose of electinga delegate ) at- badly smashed, and"orie of the hors, - , ,
. . . I eye. Mr. Robt. Beaman and wife, of some limbs that had been cut out of the an honorary scholarship arid a prize of $50; tend the convention to be held in Clinton. I eh WA.3
. . , Glencoe, spent Sunday in town with orchard, when one swung around, striking he is a young man of, so badly ,
1 more than ordinary ,a it had to be killed -
I I . if,
" (/� friends. Mr. R. H. Collins, barrister,was him on the leg, resulting as above. e .4 (�f h I . .�,;
l I , ,� INTPRESTING.-Mr. Perrin, formerly Ill cord
. ... ' capacity, of a ovinpatheticolisposition, and is hind legs being. cat,
. . X� married on Monday. teacher. at Winthrop, arid at Present at. through. .
4. ,I .... . . . .•
, I Blitipvs. - Heibisou'a Creamery -will we have no doubt but 'be will make his tending Clinton HigIi School, was out .
, �
r:.- - . —.*.--:- I
..- . I , ARBOR DAY. -On Wednesday last the mark As a physician, when through.. Mr this way on a visit last week Mr. Perrin
t. '.. �_--, - , I. - ' vommence the season on the 16th and 17th 4t4_!p_4, was Arbor day. A great many int,t, it is expected that the milk of it Jas. McClure has just finished a very no doubt still takes an interest in the cached
.., I . KINBUicN.
. 1. . I of ou,r villagers turned out And,, its - much larger number of cows than last DEATH. -N ews r' US on Monday
I - gave I I large residence on his farm- %% hick makeLi ,vell'are of his former pupils, but we might evening last of I he death of Nliss HeEwort ,
sistabbo. -A large grove was plahted out, I year, will be received this,. Diptberia.. , a good appearanc,�. Air N. Baer has sus- venture to say that there ht somethin.
. I I nearly t'W,o hundred trees, hich prevailed in a cert .4in section of the .. �
, .1 which will add Igw ' talned. anoHiA .;1,44';� one of his cows be- b i a formerly of Leadbury, but DOW Qf 8t
�- " ere which ch he finds,81411-more interesting. WqB engagejt, Aa -
, greatly to" We 1 township, had all disappeared � a her hind about five -
. eautifying four village. came parAlyi�d i " . . 1110 . Catharines, where she , .
. have much clujure in thanking those I EXPLOSION OFA GUN. -On Saturday, I weeks ago, she had so far rep Aiti3op. D.iy.-Arbor day was DUrge. ;Miss Alel",wen was a no lie
t uvered I , -
W . - as very gen- - fine, hoaliliz ,
. parties who-rei ered their assistance on used to . as engaged here a short tim�,&
I Mr. Win. l'bruer, who resides near the old t e recused . . voman.and w
i I , . r Ing to I I', Walk. but sh orally observed in the schools tknol the re- � a I 0
. the day above we ioned. I Turner mill property.took a rifle and went eat,
" he
" as forced to shout her, Mr sull, was that a large number of trees were ago -i assistant school teacher. While. "%,
t:. I .
.. ' CoNrIAIIIIATIONSLI t,VICE.-BighOp Bald. I out . to Strom grolundhogs, which are be- I John Snyder has put ,"p -a treat frame planted ' As '..many as fifty trees were I .hier"e,'sill'o ,,,,a,.I,e 'ritind.4,taking �
I I . . e - I t '. I a .many warm f
Will, field confi atioll ry ce " Christ I coining very plentiful thereabouts. While I blacksmith shop, for his own use. - planted in some cases by scholars and in the rev!vat services, and *.
.�*,,I 1. church here onV1hursda1\Y'11"(e1i1',,r I-,t,the I firing at one the gun exploded. His left Mr. .Jug Holdsworth fins taken his depar- teachers alone. We think it would be Jill thc Sunday School. She "'as A veF7
. . "'. titre from Mr. Baer's, and is now with M r beneficial it more of the farmers w consistent christian woman, and wit! be '
I 5thill8t. Somel,thir-try,one, (dandyoung, Land was dislocated at the wrist and . outd I
" � went forWAA to be confirm&k. Avery thrown back against his arm, while a con- Sibbings; we Miss his genial countenance. also avail themselves of an arbor dity'for , greatly missed, but- thitt terrible Munster,
1, I -----*— the purpose of beautifying their homes. death took her away to her long
-----I impressive sermon was preached e a arge � pie of fingers were somewhat shattered. 'she will
, audience. We hope and trust that t grek Mr. Turner at once replaced his hand in 1JIVI,LUTT. where ever be singing the beitutE-
�' NV E ARE SHOWING ALL THE LAT many ofthe peqple who receive or) CROPS.-OWing to the fine weather I fu I HOD O'of'Jesu.9 and his love. - $_
�, , na- its proper place, and then had his wounds ' SPRING WORK.-Aconsiderable area of which we have had during the last week
wheat has been v , 0
� ". '� EST NOVELTIES IN tion have turned from their evilways,; dressed Althougn his hanct.is much lou illp-axid the almost all the farmers have NE a t
51 . finished seed- BRIPP.-Mr. Jas. Snell, sr. ,
. # land seeded with other grain, It is not The outlook for the fall wheat crop IV N r. Riley, of ' ,
, 61 1 ACCIDENT. -Mr. Win. Gould, who , swollen, he will soon be Able to use it.arld recently I Ad a horse' to &I
,- t ing. con y so
I I I was fortunate indeed that his injuries doing nearly so well as was at first - ex- is 'not very fav'orable, although it has ilu- , f
works the edging 8;tw in his brother's saw I I-Londe,iboro, at a handsome I . u re. Mrs
COLORE D STIFF mill, had the misfortune to get his left we no worst-. I pouted. Alost of the seeding is now done proved somewhat lately and will' be better "I cCUI lY is 11-aving, her stable Temoved to
I I , but the land is dry and much needs warm than was before anticipated. That which the block of her lot
I to � ; this is it great im. ,
hand caught in the edging saw, on Satur. CO CIL-Council met the 2nd pur- I showers start the vegetation. ' was sown late seems to be better than proverneut to the looks of the s
day afternoon last, and had the front fin. suitut to djournment. Members all pies ' ILLNESS. -Mrs. Pingle, on the 9th con. I that which was sown early. A few farm- Our sidewalks are beginning. tr ets.- Ir
ger cutoff to the second joint. The bill- eat. Ali,n!qes of last meeting read and. has been under the doctor' to get in bad
I r, , . . . . once of the 'finger had to be amputated, passed ByNi,aw No 3,, confirming s caro, but is ers are Ploughing some up and tire again a rppaire; people out at night are apt to ge, -,
. �..,Pl FELT HATS, MENS - He also had the misfortune to loose two point[Dent �f, RP now better. ' Al r. Little, of the 13th coo., seeding ng the ground. a tumble if they are nut very C .
rd o health, read and . I., careful.
.11 of the adjacent fingers, Under- skilful passed. is now around again. Two children of Very large herds OfC3UlO'are seen on our .
4 ., t, of`,,�evision ap ointed for CK. -A young lion of Mr. Win. Mor- streets daily,
I medical trel4meut he is doing its well as May 30i.., 188"i - _ Yonrigbint's are down - with bron. roSf to
11, A 41, BOYS, S' I * * , P , ar which are very annoyin .
Ing at IV ociocK of the 4th,conn is sufforing froin an our citizen'
TRAW -can be expected. . . a. M. Moved by chitis. Mr. Wm- Snell, who lately lost' ! 8 Our`teacher declares he &I -
. . 88. Laithwaite, See- his wife, tack Of illflammatl %
r ...
1- RUNAWAYS. -On Friday -lest as Air by Thos Churchill, that,no action :)a ,is very Poorly wit;6 on of the lunge and is a good many pupils to, deal with these
. affection of at present in a very critical condition. days. Arbor day was observed by the
HATS ta, the I
S Swartz, of Stephen townshi ken or, the letter of Gabriel Elliott., until heart, occasionally taking fainting Anothor younger soft also experienced a teachers and scholars, and a lot oftreel.4 ,
. � __ - .p. %Yaa coming
I �
_ , spells; bis, physician is in -he Will slight sunstroke while playing outside, arid flowers were planted: our citizens; ,
I o .. to t9wu, when crossing the railway track* the growth of the trees is advanced hopes
�. Boon recover ;'his many friends hope so from ..,. i oil Huron Street, near Gould't, 8ary mill, enough to be inspected and reported upon t . i o[n I , -
condition. Or- day and use it, - I
- properly. Carried. gloved by Thomas condition. TiroUGHTS.-It is now A son of 4Mr. Malone near as our street looks very bare. Mr. John . .
1. 00. he vilbew Of '-vhich he is in a serious ought to appoirot, aa.arbL
.!, I JUST FROM THE MANUFACTURERS the horse be was got frightened at fill
. . IN NEW YORK. the steam froin the saw mill and bolted11! *
', - Ie by Joseph Whitely, that 8 I Beechwood, who has been attendin"L, Sea- Fowler .
Churchill, s: council be appointed I'll- for the
, 1 � into the ditch, upsetting the vehicle. No. I themembers f the fashion again to take nice little even- forth High 'School, is at pre,tent suQ'i-ring is again buying horses I
� I 1 r 0 1 ing, lient:e walks,have Wolasses and honey Alknito a markets. Alag Jane '
" particular danii;'6 wag done except the Spector of in b Coldwell
fromdip�heria. Mr. Andrew Henderson returned home last Week from a vi,it
" I 1:5 several sub -divisions, talks. acrd a lengthened dialogueg•dit the has been,for some time confined to hig
. i . breaking of some twenty-four dozen of arid report
. I NewCastle and Toronto; glad to have you ,-
I o , t upon the trees so planted When I pirden gate, (dogs tied up,', and a loving room,
. . � %,;S, which were broken so badly that by any person having planted g
I I . good night, later on' in* the evening.
they where unfit for use. -As MrA.Cottle =Itlh" by-law passed, for that purpose. back againdennie, The Sacramentofthe
I .
--B U Y 0 U R-_ and Master Wm. Walters were at Goulds Carried. Surely so Much seed as well harrowed Lord's Supper will be administered in the ;
M 0 ved by Thus Chu I ill, DEATII.-On the 30th of April Mrs.
- . rchill, ,sec. will
.I 'Yin a fano some day. The Elizabeth Frickelton passed over that Sunday next, at -L�_v .
mills after a load of lumber and had all by Jos Whitely that that part of the by- br 9 Aethodist church ere after preachin
Ian' firrahting a bon birdies here are nearly all getting, married river from whence no'eraveller returns., 2 30 o'olock Mrs 1mit-
# - heir lumber oil the waggonexdeptinkone . us to persons for pfant- and going to house -keeping. his should 846'was the relict. of the fate Dr. Prickle ' Cully is at present confined to li-r bed but
C' board, which Mr. Coti,le wA, i
. I I BOYS School ]IRIS 20clii worth 35 I .3 bringing to- Ing trees along the highway be rescinded, .T I eon be all right again. I
- . furnish a hint to Bomb of those incorigible ton, of British Columbia, arid niotfi4r of Mrs. Snowdon, of Winnipeg• daughter of .
wards waggon when the pony arid that no'bonus. be paid fin we hope she will F, .
C which -they they were driving got seared and 0 r ally trees old bachelors who are waited for with Mrs; Thos, Dennison, of the 14th con., at NIP R, Stephenson left 2'.�ua,sda
Childreps Sailor MIS 10c. ,1 Planted after the 2nd (lay f May 1887. ,net] anxiety this lovely springtide. We Whose residence she died. Her disease ! y last
1 25 run away from young - as Carried. Moved by John McCaellgud, Home of thorn "feathering their was cancer, of which her h' for her home; we wish .
walteist who W -
.., (( holding it, and the waggon went over his sec.. by Jas. Laithwaite, that the clerk go notice usband also Our blacksmiths urney.
Fell Hals - . 50c. Vera sarejo
�. . $1 head and shoulders and bruised him coil• t') tli6 reeve and ex -deputy reeve, and get -nests," and preparing for ,something or (lied about three years ago. Soon after ithi are ve busy getting .
. . . other. They likely- know What, and we she was taken ill her doctor told her that kets. .
� . siderably. The pony ran down Huron Harrison's Manual waggonsand buggies rel7v for the mar-
. arid the provincial don't like to say. he could do noth J. It, Murray and R Armstrong
I . street, then back to Mill street where the statutes in their hands, together with the. ing for her and she be- I
, I
Ifimber was till off leaving the pony tripe lines. Carried. _1- came at once perfectly resigned to herfate
I Moved by Thus. I TUCKEHm,TIITIt. Presbyter yat Hensall- oil TuesdAy last; to -
'ClUrWhite Shirts wit" the fall control of the waggon. Churchill, sec. by Jos. Whitely,COUNCIL.-The
never once losing that faith .
� . were the delegar eg appointed to attend the
4`. . I I that Geo I COUNCIL Th-e-6n—Incil mat I which lays find out what call be done in securing a
.1 When turning Mill street the bind wheels' Rumball ' - on the 6th hold ofleA'11.9- On the Friday before hvr .
be appointed rpa�hmaster for I inst. 11 Z m,!mb-.re preso:if departure her daughter said to her, . station
1. I
V . - pony orth','-in room -of f ,:'Y"', of su .
. . AT C AND $1, ARR THE CHEAP ran clear to the station road with the front I -I-ces's. I
. got free from thAe fiont, ones. The pot road vision No. 45� n J -las, molt ng re id and c.)nfi m, d. ,Nl,)v,,d by
I 60c 75 di Niflutew of of here; we bespeak for ,diern the best
. H ST GOODS EVER SOLD IN CLINTON . wheel it Wro Council, Carried. Moved by Jas. -1 Won J. Broa-Ifoot, see by Wm. EI ie that find the Saviour precious to you now, and .
f, "I - -, when it was caught there. she said " Ye4, oil, yes." Her remains
. No Laithwaite, see. by John McClellana, the f0lI()win4 J -)b -j of gravelling be let by tea- � I
l, I . I .� . . damage wits done to the waggon except that the reeve and treasurer be authorized d-- at Ity le'a - hotel, a in. 8, on Mon lay, the were interred in the Brussels cemetery, oil TEACHERtS-1- Li It r. 13 0 at 4. -
,�' the breaking of the reach. to borrow one thousand dollarB for town. 23 d d y of M,,y, 'tenders to be opened at I 111011day, klay 2nd, and followed by a i IRRTMOTlreleachi�r-s of
4. . 1) purposes on as reasonable interdst, as o'clock, P. In., and that the clerk advertise arge concourse of friends and relativ�;. I the Presbyterian Sabbath School intend
illif the cam b __ . I holding a meeting at the house of Mr.
�' e. a le next,14th Dec. Carried. Gravel, Seaforth to I
I I HORSE STOLEN. -Mr. James White, of" 1; I'll Is ,pay L b
, Rodgerville, the noted horse buyer, had Th .1, hand bill.
.. a valuable gray horse and a single sett of I Carried. . The following accounts were Eilmondville, 50 cords ; Hill road west of MANCHESTER. McDonald, Superintoodetit, on Tuesday
. . J Eigmandrilln. 80 cmis ; Slill raid near Char. evening.
'I, m9 harness stolen from his stable on Thurs. paid through the clerk's check book. J. ters, 15 co�da; M 11 road near Blocks, DrIErs.-The youngest ,son of. D. E'.
I � day i Saunders repairing assessor's tin box. 50
I. � 'RS AND FURNISHERS, CLINTO.N. evening last. -Air. White and son Ord ; Hill ro ad near B neetioid, 15 ",4; sic with crou,g,and ,bron- 1;
� 19ATTL , 15 Munroe is very sick SEEDING. -Tho fine weather of ]as
01 cents Jag 1-mrie.. stationary for clerk, c chiLk. Alf Morton and 'r,;T) White are week has been very favorable for the '
- - went to the stable at nine o'clock on the Hippen road, con, Band 4, H R. 8 15 cords t u
16ONEIRSBuirtio. night above, mentioned arid fed their $1.60. Dr Gardner, gravely - on the pick list. timeofseeding, and miTgtorth
account for Kippen road, con. 5 and 6 H R. S 15 cordq' Rev Ali Somerville of e fil, r in Ie971 ;
. - horses and then locked the .5 85 and 86, W 50. On ; the Presbyterian church, preached in 'the are through for this spring,
,... ,Lowr,; 116ii DELIGHTFUL. -That, was a table door, . to R'chird, an indi- Kipp, n road, 0,)n. 7 and 8, 11. R S., 15 0. but some will -
day . "is' Me bodivi church on Sunday night, arid be a few days more. .
* , long tramp for that couple on oFun ,When, they went to the stable on Pride. gent, was granted $15. Coll icil adjourn. Kippen road, coil. 9 and 10, EI.R.S, 15ai)rdd- t; .,
f , . evening last, and furnished a delightful morning they found the lock broken M ed to meet again oil the 80th of May..' KiplTen road, col. 3 and 4, -•
L ILS.. 15 cords; o gave an excellent sermon; Mr Somerville - P1,RST Timm-Onir host of the .Point .
-Wonder ---- --- I --- - I thloaninimi�,-me,--bl-r--WhirL%--i-iff-m-ed�gf.61y ,----- - -- J`A-NtrS-PATTO',1, Kippen-road, con. I ani 2 , L. ". -or f -
Ying some -nice t iings clerk. -1'& &-&- _ 'arr
. n -1 is very- liberal, and al-thorougril--u-nioiftist -F m,raised-the- -bright --filig--fol-tire-fir-st- ----
Wonder what time he got home again. ' * drove to Exeter and procured the assis- . — e.- Hensall road, con. I ani 2, L. R S. 15 cords'• we think our Presbyterian friends will d(; time on Friday last,'In order to salute the
, tartee of chief constable Gill,,Who Fw*urcd CHURCH. -The quarterly n-yeeting ser. of-Emoindville, con, 2, H. 11, S.. 20 cord ; n d' Ruipire, which pas -ed on her . .
. C H E IsC9 V. Hen -all road, coo. 3, L. It. S., 10 c I "well o, d, ; Nest well to secure ditch a man. The vacancy Unite
FREE COMMON -ERS.- Hogs here are the country for miles around, on Saturday ,-,i,() a I Div Mr. way up the lakes for the first time thir,
f, considered and trfated as British subjects, the Methodist church, caiiscol
, I - - last. - Chief Gill got trace of the animal of the Methodist church, Cliedley, near to J. W,,rds, con. 5, H R. S 15 cords; Turner's death, is to be filled b AIr. .Medd season, being a few -da- hater
1, and allowed to roam at. will through the in this village on Gidley street in last ,of
morning way well attended; b t,A een. lo"s y 1� than last
- - 1 5 and 6, co:i. 4, H. R. S , 15 of I
1-- � .streets-- They have undert the cord-. I Hallett, ,I young student, until alter year. I .
, undertaken. a .thor. orchard of Mrs. Carley,wbere it was found one adult received the ordinance of bap.- 'coil. 2, at conterence. �
. Grading and gravoll:ng . I
.1, Ougb inspection of most of the gardens tied to air tipple tete. Lism. Five n B oldifoot's, 3,) rods; 91-av Ilinq nwar Cl'a'riv's I Holm. -Rev. J_Akitaillivray, who is .
' 3, lots 5 and 6 10 ; npa� P McCt,nnells, I)EATri's TRAIL. -On home.on a week's visit, before" taking up' .
I pleted their probation, were, received into con. P.
Friday morning his appointment in Montreal, preached .
�, . .1111retilittinj in their efforts to introduce formed his mother ti 'en.the animal and in- full membership. Tile pastor rvad a con. 7, 11. R. S., 41 ; near Wise con., 2- L-.- last Rev. Mr. Turner Methodist, mi ,
and yards in the vicinity, and are most son Leonard li&d tak It -Appears that her new members who had cpm-
,,, I I s
li their noses into Most people's b i I Lha' he had purchased I R 13 , 20 ;rear of Elenat,A ,i8tep here on Sunday. He received many a � I .
. , coD,V--1G--_nQar in this circuit, suold'only departed to the .
�, ,
*-., usinees. the horse as be had driven it all day Friday statement showingthe striking progress WaltAr's;coa. 2,40-1 near o,4n. 4, world beyond. heart handshake from old friends
I What they don't nose, nobody does. through otic town and brick as far AS the of Alethodimm, in United State8-and Caif- '25. The Council,will RlY for all gravel on For years back he has y here, -
. while we are sure he will be welcome
e lake with it and returned Friday evening - i6be 1-t b,v vild-6ord, and will employ a mill to ere e should he ever again have An opportunity
� � - S r -Certain partik are ada,and )reported an increase in all con not been in good health, and for a and '
� in the habit of putting 'horses in ,,,ion,l Furfols and the membersh' for Aump'ind spread and the contractor will pay mming here he had to rest aside from of visiting us. Play prosperity follow him. ill
" I the with the horse and harness and stood it in Cbesley. Instead.ofa sermon be UrCd , .ane half (%I his wag
I church shed and going home -we won't his mothei'agarden,wh . ereitwasfound. The _9s. On jobs lot by the his active labor, but while here he was
Z� some well-timed remarks A able to carry on t
, -
98Y Wbon-too late for the caretaker tosbut young man,as far as we can learn,fis not -in oldregsid to the rod, gravel to 66 laid on 7 feet wide and 7 he work, alth(,ugh hat INSTALLATION. -The IOHOWing officers '
the church gate and the yard is left to a a very sound state of mind. On S' Youthful members -of, times it Was evident his will ", were installed in Leeburn lodge No. 213, .
� aturday duties of the- November. contractor will be requited to give hard winter G- H. Clutton, C. T.;
' .-tilib chord and the inibea deep, payments to ll� made nn the 1st as much
10 Commons. It is as little as they can do to last Chief Gill went to Dyer At Elowa - e---,ol-cTcrs in relation to them stronger than his body. The on Friday ]Pat':
, Shut the gate when they lea I lease, a.9 the coil. planing mill, rels H r -P ched. the funeral sermon of security for the c()mplet,ion of con? ract by let which has lately gone tried h Martha McManus, V. T. ; S. B. Willia'ms
" he is strength
11 - where young Carley was lip -p ea .
1. I -gregation went to the expem6 of making a working and arrested him and put him . I late Win. Shouldice in the of September. The clerk was instructedas his zeal for th
in evening,. to an advertise to 0 cause ,often exposed See.; Eilith Horton, A. 19,; J. Horton"
P. n . the cooler here until g,e-case can be fully I d rtise for tenders for the ding�nf two, him to severe storms, in the fulfilment of Treas.; W H Clutton, F. T.; F, Linfield
011rised up. -a to acir,,;s t his appointments. His life, as a minister, oil ..
fence to protect the yard, a'd want it overflowing congregation. During the bridges about 59 feet bail
�:. A hint to gentlemen will be investigated. jj year $700 debt or, the church has been field river, between * he B y Marsh.; R. Good i ,, I.q.; W. Carter, O.G.
11 s far ., i . and 16, con, 3 H was marktd- by devotednesi-to, � and an , We have had more Members join ,during .
, a "ipffe-ars that you:ng Carley completely wiped out,and a lot purchased R S. Plans and Specificittinns can boense,n at ardent 'desire to work for the the last quarter than it, any a good
. aufficient. lots 15
Our b h right mind as hen and paid for with a view to further erten- &-residence of David
� - , FALL IN Ec.0S.-A span of horses be- "Eked on Sunday last�-iu bid mother's Master, .
- -
I meeting � , I longing to Air D D. Wilson . garden. and piled up some apply tree sion. The buBin ss quarterly -meeting -Walker, reeve, near and truly he was taken down in "the bar- while previoui, which shows that the in -
h, ee Brucefield. T'�.nders will be rP,caivq4 no to hess," for on the pre
I � �. ofort, limbiland burotthern whilst P was held the precedin'g Saturday,and was Thu vious Sabbath he tercet in t,emperance is increasing. The
,�:T ran off with a load h 0 raday, the 26f,b inst., PA 2 o'clock 'p. - ; conducted quarterly services at Westfield members intends 'holding their annual
, . just as anogler-bo-x was being put the . !laic
�,' � wa 111 -i -They made a shnit, trip, and .
"f est Saturday, ay' hors where at church. the n igh- very harmonious, and the Pastor, Rev. J. at Ves. Knox, Harpu,-h(y. The follow DR and preached here, in the evening i MAY 24th, of which further par- I
' r on Kenrer, received a unanhoolus invitation changes were made in road divi to a, J.
a ser. picnic or
I lidZ with some farming instruments . .
. DAYFIELD. to remain a third tear. F1 in man specially' young men. 0" .
,I a Mnn- ticular will given next week. ---,-...--,- ,
- li - White and J. Walters to be taken from Robt, day he attended a meeting at the former -
i. 1.� BRIF�rs.--Jas. ,Fowlie has - p ,
Mr. Ertit'nsden's shop. 0 fa .
� . .1 h . rch4gpd " , .— F�I-wee and placed in I. John's divisions. Geo
-_-,in 6fr-ilkilid- ivfil.- --.-- . Ae,_0fAbe boxes I .. , I
I , . w- �d b -_ Jas, ' _ - -'----W-E-8T-W-AWA.p1g,5H; -- - . ,_ 11 a 0L.,11 fic
k, - at 40 dozen eggs arid an tb`e_tVi5_f6l;B_ 6 ne % Y Jag. Armstrong, of - Ciiah-to-be-twken-fram-1,.-;Y,nh-lis 4nd-Iflia-de-4- -place _and fatigued- very -mu -0-h- -- r3VA-L-L9.-- --- --- - . ----- -
'- 099 box were involved in the ruina,besides Stanley, And is making improvements ,mare(). King, of the first con., has a brood in F. lAyton's divisions. Herbert Crich was the few days prior to his death, no special From a casual correwridont, I
1� thereon Miss Duncanmare that gave birth a few days ago to a appointed pathmoutter in ill alarm was taken, and in the en FORESTERS. -The foll,lowing is & ,list of I
Some damages dima to Mr. Brunsden)s house and lot from has purchased a ace of C. Rout d he passed - .
� implements. The John, Cowan and filly that weigned 155 pound whoa I ledge resigned. J. Patterson, in place nfj away somewhat unexpectedly t the officers of Court Selwood No. 87,0,0. .
boys any eggs never moves into town at once. r -" w en It Alkenbead. Wm. o the fami- I
, was One day old ; i X"gh in Place of Thomas 1Y. Ile was 42 years old, and leaves a F-, for the present terrh:"W. C. R., . .
�' . came down so fast here before. Owing to his it measured three feet Devereux and Win, Elder to be allowed to do wife and five small children, who received �.; . growing business John Wbiddon, grocer, round the heart; who is next with a big all his statute labor near his own place for the di6ep sympathy of the whole circuit,
- ngbispremises, Weare colt ; it wag sired by J. P. Fisher's LOA C.
Ed. Lavis; F S., J IV. Phipps; Tread..
� RIZIJOVE IT. -There is a pile of rotting is enlai Theis Murcb; V. 0 R,, Sarn Sturdy; R.
1. . .
refuse lying at the cider mill. and every to hear Jag. Thompson has returned her of signatures was presented to the coun- tions, at the funeral services which Attend- Win. Stan- I
�. time the wind blows from the gi at or the Manor. A Petition with the reolnisite num, and the ministers of tile neighboring sta. C- W- Williams; Chap., John Trewartha;
1. that one year.
�., e east, the to the village again, from Kincardine. the
Met on April aoth; all til, asking them S. W. Rich.'Gladdon ; J. W.,
to submit a by-law ed the departure-ofa ley.; 8
� stench is awfully nauseating, and in the Mrs. Peck of Stanley, has left the farm the membnro present. "James Trimble asked to the ratepayers. of tile township loved pits
1� 'imililledia,te vicinity is almost unbearatile. And moved into town much tor S. 9., D, W. Bu rns; J. B., Goo. Levis.
�.` improvements ' be relieved from the of Pathmaster for the repeal of the VL_IaW � Rev Mr Howell, Of Seafortb, PRO-1PEROJT.9.-.JIr. John Jarvis, of the a
- Very board exists, And that the as as- is said to -be prospering
e in Dungannon, teolnest granted and D Sproal township school b Dolor which the I an t brother,
Z . When the very hot weather comes i,t will made by Swarts in his hotel are a great took re0harg f -the services, and W Maitland . con.,
* The ' db h
i - . u
aoip�,ifited instead. The trail
I - 7 likely cause an epidemic. It cer- benefit thousands of guests will share his trustees of U, s S. said by -low be anlimitted to the vote of tll,, sisted by Revs Messrs
. . somebody No. 7 asked the Rup srs Campbell, scilla wonderful this spring, under the N. P.
` . faintly should be removed before sorn y hoslf�ltality befor4 the summer ends; he e council to recover for them ratepayers on Saturday, tfie ort, eisher Sperling, Cameron His hens are reported as laying double
I . .
6pay a X a sub -di I Pres-
? cider millre
i. will not like to foot'. to es paid on lots N.D. 27, con. 8 and S.D.8Dvisions, viz. -No. 1. school N.o. 8 others, who laid the body to rest in Ball's said to be having three lambs each. PCOWS I
heavy doctor's bill June, 1887. in the respective polling byteriRn minister of Dungannon And yelked eggs. and fast at that. Shoe bas to suffer by it, and perhaps has bought several, R$easul'ie boats for the from the trustees of the Separate school the 11th day of , .
which the cid use of his guests. Ja% ,Whitton has built �7, con. 7, said l0ts being leased by Protestant Win. Mc-� , ,
i Protestant 0onnoll. Deputy RetnrbinR officer; No. 2 cemetery.
respectfully submit this M, - school No 6, Jos 13-adfoot. Depnty R. 0 ' casket. What is our loss is big . ; we the old gander commenced to lay, and is
., Smoeboolp, said we himself a very exceVent pleasure host for tenants. The clerk was instructed to corres r e strown upon the two calves,and after his geese were etti g
: had a Board of Health. �IT.,so we would his own use or for hire. Our sanitary pond with the Minister of Education O F S n
7 cArliest Attention. atter to their c6mmissioners are looking Around, 'we matter. The reeve was n the No. 3, school Nn. 2, Jae. tdray, Dep. it. O' weep, but also rejoice that be, tallangone now wanting to set; at least they say so.
o . . empowered to let job No. 4, achool 1Tn. 9, jag. Contorting, Dep. R. home. A few years ago while stationed
:. . ITEALS.-Wril. Bro hope they will do their duty. Dr. Stan. of cutting -ditch and Putting in a box drain, in (f- Poll open from 9 a. m. to p, ' 0 WITH GOOD INTENTION. - One of the -
again to ., t tied
,tderf .is back ag bury has treated himself to a ver 5 m 0 be at Parkhill, he attempted tom had some many respectable and enterprising young
this place; be finds there
y hand. Dungannon. COmmllnication asking the Open vote. The following accounts were chickens in his garden, that had caused farmers of this vicing,whose front name
� L� ere are worse places some new biter�7- Mrs. Cameron, store. council to empower the reeve# and clerk to Porsead for payment :-S. carnoehan, repair- him some annoyance, but bad the misfor. is Jim, is charged wit
, than this to live in. Rev.E Aledd had just keeper, is in d health ; we regret this sign petition askini! the Government to grant ins sidewalk $1 50. Hy Mason. culvert con. a I
lI Commenced his vacation here,after attend- very much as she lives alone and has no. charter to the 13.,W &L.H. railw tune t hit a spending consid.
. flY, wail laid 4, 81 J. Butt, culvert between 10 and I I woman whom he had not erable time down the 18th con., at the
the Methodist Tbeol6gical College In one to look after her shop. Mr.G.Thom. over. The deputy -tea noticed.aud although she recovered there. house Of 8 most highly esteemed yoting
9 vO was anthoriaed to con,,2..!4. E. Comber was allowed $10, and from, the shock to him was so great that lady. As the game is worth the time, he
, P N
1, as notified by the a let the job building between lots . i 84 in obarity. The council then ad.
LU09 treat, when be w son has gone to Wingbarn for a few day 18 and 19, con. G. The follow, . 111RAllecounts a � again at Ryle's hotel,
ebairmian of the District to supply to visit his son, the deputy -reeve of Turn. journed to meet a , he never fully got over it.
Auburn apcintments vacated by the berry. The Sacrament of tae were ordered t on came well of ford o be paid : John Glen, repair Mond* .
1. e Lord's Sup- • - Y, the 23rd of May, at the hour of 10 Another old r6sioeut, Alfred Kniglit, of . .
� death of Rev. Mr. Turner. Mr. per Was dispened in the Presbyterian ing rood.$2.50, Peter Fisher, 50 rods gravel o'clock 11.1n, War. MCCONNTELL, Clerk. W Vilawanosh, at the advanced age of 78,
r Newton is building an addition to eb6rch, ling, lot 24 and'25, con 8 $22 50; J. E, NO SLIGIIT INTENDED,--
----"� departed on Friday night last, and was fauciv they are slighted if the d see
Geo 0 y now members Tome, servievs an arbitrator ;o soh RIPPEN buried non
cemetery. -He has
I (
. . Weigh scales are being overhauled, and a Sterling still continues in very ill health ,. ehools' "'90' hthe would like to see in the . I
! , �#e hoh�e occupied' Mrs. Brown, The were added to the church. Mrs. George A grant of $50 was voted to Mr. Gordon, for BRIErS.-The Women's Foreign Mis. Me I t with several. misfortunes of late, by ovpe, wry fE R A. To y don a .1
now foundation put under them. ivi r. she has been a great sufferer for years, the Purpose Of Paying indebtnehs of Mrs. Bionary meeting wail held at Mrs. Win. k6ce 9 n . red hot chase after news, abd We g ed. I
I Welsh, and to defray, expenge of 11ving: falls, which, at hi age, i - 1`1 01), we arib AlWays in ir �
having her Cooper's last week ; they are bay atter our;
Thos, Crisp has made some improvements -------&— removed to the Rome for Incurables. great him more or less severely, but on Vvled- selves that we find considerable -but it is I
I in front of hie shop. Mr. James litbob. SUMMEIM11ILL. oil adjourned Conn- success and are still adding to their mem- ne
to meet as a Cofirt of Revision, bership roil. pday last, while going to Blvth with Simply Impossible to got it all. now.in
I brook's horse -ran away with *hlis buggy DEBATE. -A lively debate took pidee at on ritarday, Affly 28th, at 10 a.m. Air. Weismiller is having.a his daughter, he receivedt I .
last week, and made considerable depre MILLER, township clerk. R- K- foundation a ebill which, he World do they expect us to find out �
fie quer P and his no doubt, hastened his end. fie was =hing ? If you want some, personal
I _*_ ed Mr. Win. Cudmore'
effiflon in the appearancb of the article. 0011 of which has done built under his houR
Summerhill, on Friday night, on t I
' wi " '
I 0 I
dressed M
' e
' e4e
"� 0
' T
e 0 1
"''. 11E ' e 7
14,7 _ . _"" -
CL I ,\-TTO I N_ E 11
I ,. c
�rc. le r ",
I .In
'N 82(
Is law "AS fortunate
h - 11 left
ft We , 0 vile
Jr, ' .." r-. su4ifft to d
in "
T , t . A, . ,
It - bill- e I I or
amputated, . P'..q d . .1
Dude 0 point. e. t
. " -t,� I _ ..." ".
",_ I
, !
" I I
" 14
t ..
- I
�` 19
the most injuri , is chip_ known in life for boneatyand cobscien. your friends or your own firrifly, or
aby Comlolt"%F. ng large quantities of bay. Air. B ticusness-nO less also' for Peculiarities. OW a good local 'It6mjq�t hail
Rev. Mt. Ramsay was pt the Pre % lot drain
. War or Intern erance. Mr. Murray, route agent of the A . B. He leaves a wife and one daughter, who us on the I
I.. s11tW10`1l People here are advising tth"eriyr had char o War debate, !�d'vNryr'!rV wondering what merican Ex-
. .. N chargee
tri BRIErS.-Folks were won V it you Jim
I neigbbora to " keep cool,l) but with the
Baker, o I made M press Company, visited our office here and street or call at the oilloo and it I
otemperance; both sides were a smile All found everything O. IC. R W -w"16— 1 wise newspaper man Who knon, everything
norocter . I f r�Jacob Allen wear are comfortably provided for. I
. latter know now -, .
I impossible. at 95 degrees, It is simply well handled, but the 1. er carried the over his rh-ao; they -its a young Barker, I will be all right. It would be a terrible �
I meeting. son ; he don't intend to let the name run Post Office Inspector, called at the offico STANLEY ,
out, Air- W- J. Armstrong is
home from and W29 well Pleased with the Manner In BAD ON TnF, HORSES. - without I ut being told, ,
. I I which
. . - while INTr John Stewart's boys were work.' - 7 C—o n t —o I ,,,, i —&i i i, 9, I
I I ch busin"s waq conducted h3re. Last week � I- ediforfal page.) "
I . n I
* "