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The Clinton New Era, 1887-04-29, Page 7
" .rtg-. _,,,.,, ,1.111.,.._. � �.� =� .» m .,,,,. ,-.,, w-, --� �- • ,.- . • q � , , .-.,,. _.. .. - 1.111 . -' - ".- - _ - U I � .. F$IQAY, ArAIL 29, 1887. t On Friday a couple of boys were - , ' a standing on the edge of a drain which i ' is beim dug in front of the Western ho- f Y• eking &C' &c. tel, Stratford when, the earth gave way, : : PielC l>i Piteking, , a _ ' ' landix the boys in the bottom of t _e J H' .,.. ., - q S for Lila I+ew Era by a oanadlaa Ut CgilYorniaJ drain. They did not sustain any injuries t ' --- "" '' NWrttwa f I . to speak of, but ,t took diligent scr�p- T � �T BO a Tht) e: wh+t findthte $rwat lu3ury pale- ! .LIOLV ����Q�o� O - SHOE+ utud o table may possess onrfoatty enough to learn ►ng tg get the ff• the q¢Xictus pruceasys through whioh the Thp elan Lucas vrhp..died suddenly ate., fruit.gassoa ere it reaches its final destina the Queen's hotel, Stratford, Tuesday INE ARE SHOWING Very attractive lines in. A Cruiol� h>nals7i a "' tion, et,, if They will bare with me, 1 will week, attended a ball at Shakespeare, Prints and Gin hams. be as bar. if as l;ossible. Every person Monday evening and seethed to be its � Jf1Iy Stock is now very complete in all depart• knows that the fruit has to grow tirst, but y �' " " A special rine of.. all wool menta, and will still continue to sell S aj! s,,4eepription of the growth wants to be lively as anyone at the brill. He laugh- at 1 "Kong and--rediaus, lat. us .pasa pn to ed and chattec},anrll►s$+a �sl t,itnQ-geR` . t Qwest possible prices. _ _ �. t ..- .•. -he the ' the time when the guldon balls are plucked orally. He returned with Mr. Goetz I�Y'e$S ,G�.� �� in'�t� �irQ lead" ' 1 g p y Oraere� Work as �ns�al Inferior to N���. ' from the tender tree. Lot the reader about half loot two and s o'clock he was in shades at 25e. per yard. -- • imagine bitnsalf staudiu; ac the packing- a corpse. How truly, 'In the tuidst of a ct Li hones-dui r beholdit g ilia preparation fur life we are in death.' Monday he was Full range Ladies Jerseys the start to the field. !here at seven y _--FOR-' --------..-YCHt1hGI; --� ' lock l> ills txturtai a_ +ageuti...J_uulacL in tho full ©n�oyu_1 t9 .11is liIIe$,TuEs -__.. _._ __- - - ... _ - -- j 1.�5.° - - — - _ —.____ is R1 ... EG C ti TAKEN 1 \ EXCHANGE. with boxea awaits the word"ready,"which day afternoon, and,husb twelve hours « 6� LADIES', Itt'ISSES' CIIILI)REIt'S CJSL. 111'E P1.11 C'E?`'T (11`1+' FOR, C1ASH being given, about twenty-five teen scram• ter being at the hall, his retrains were Full lines of Linens, Towel- B ,�Y1' 5}. ble-upon tu17, scale make a jump for the laic! iu Avondale cemetery. e i°,��� tlll�a �ii• t' seat--rwhich, hua'e+erjagenerally reserved 1\Irs. Jolla I-ike, of A%oubank, met Ings, 84irtings, Ducks and d C9 odchsir-ink, file Root Ilaa�ke;r, . for the foru.tntul,—:erne climb tip ever the ' + T ' l^ wheel, whilo .others etful l" ml.ast es with what might bairn all a serious ac- �"'®��®n�deS• Al'�Bl:fit'(' STi,.LL1, BI';IWs ELUt;h, CLINTON . getting up the side. pTilore they are a cidunt tke other day. the Lad item , [6 Ce A fide White Limen happy lou6in!; crowd fora "j�)rial crowd visiting, and ++•Lel she :,torted! Lome, t,y i _ '~i`�31it and City's c t �0 cents t ` are they," 'rlld't! c for -a y •'let .h lr ;u As1 o+e:,ibht'iho lines acre not fu5teued _ Gallsghet" turd , tf th••y ;;':; Of cuurso to the, host,', bit, coir.« rluently slie had! i • tf r�lai�e Shirts in sizes!. r they 1.)ult ltri�'.,t and eluac:, i,u l ore nut do polwe r to :ii,lu is :aid finding it was ' _ " r , very purtioular a': ,tit uial,i'i elle ho(3es t� ' , � not under conical ,,tiu•ted o1F at it puce j 6 FUs� g,�,I��'e Li1r1'U� and Cel- �•l'3USr•3 4'•'aRs"•b �LS '�•iz••.9�a 9�Etl;Q'C. t get a fast move uu t' cm, ,l,,lvuchr they to suit It w1r taking the side c f the r0,:d. lt' ELLE1301' e, (' ,t ttMrttr; Dor PERFUME get to the fiel•l au,t !:o ihr•,nea that ;aeon 111,:5. Lake �w,t, thrown out, Ler little �d'�� � rjolie`�,�'a • t' Zt E'r PLl.i'U1IE routine every d,ly, !rico u1,t11 with a sack CARRIAGE SPONGE,, Fir:c lice of HAND nIERROR3, cheap. i bov ++•ho Avila with her clung to the bug- es cc l i ]rung CP his shonldd r t y a sirup, a parr of , Full range Ties and Silk r-) , - • ' 1, L't:i:'Pl .lsl�s BULIC PERFUME -, P[ 1dL I�SI;C7. 1011 UL d".......�» clipperh and a lung ladder coulmences on j ,y, till the horse gut Lun1e. 11Ir, .Calvo j CAsuuruE Bo(2cr•r SOAK ' one row, At cue time the oranges were immediately started Cor his wife, she Lad ; ��Lle`l�°e"�• A L A.NTA SErl Sri 1.1 D'rAns (ENULtsit) SOAP generally p':Ilud, sumethim, of the tnannor been thrown Out A-aihst the fence, and i c6 r 1 9 FRESH LIME JUICE I ):•, 4 in which apples ere natheri;d, but now it received some •ic•ti0118 in ❑ries. sho wa" I Complete range of ' Ladies 1 L.\Itt1 VIOLET POWDERS J PURE PAYIS G1;1EEN j PLAIL,S 13LUOAi Or NINON. has been fu;n:dl butter to clip thr rhes❑ ju,t recovering front a severo�} btlauk of fine Lace and Button -Shoes clippers ace, nladu after the fashion of a u •of the lour+•. We )•t S leoial attention to TRUSSES, E S, largest y• {pair pf sci;s r , ia.t :l:o blade is not more inflammation and hlcodin� a , e . s c pay J' ! L.' Altd have"tile . tr est stock fu the count s than an itch and! it half lung. In plucking ++•Len this Mishap happened. t Children's Boots a,nd Shoes � licit ;t tent t;ICi.11t in town. _ the oranee it'wusdiscovered that generally in several lines � ��• ����+�� �[. 404DO ��E-3 ' the eel !vas ali'h 1 se uu•ated from the IDunrrr' p g L J t !'iidlc. are anise who ,a but little or an « ec CNLMIST AND DRUGGIST, ONT. core and thus decay alnloot Sn1al,edlatt:Iy ` pay Y CLINTON,, commenced. Well tial s ' 1, they take a•teatiuu t) a cou,:h or c).d,aud any l,-tuaturo Selection Mens ace ®®tS --- ---._. -__— ..1.. - -- - -- - their usual a> xirahis,and at, f r u tree take its concis, !'hi is usttho t!n1c nature 6e e{ p' y� Hats, Stiff p� - in wliieh•thusy�lwdged ihQir ladder, ascend should been as_[;tanca, J• t'llelvng.arotbreat• I a I3o�;t & �b�e11s dZaW,�`i, tJ 141 C9t, f� enr,l, • Assist tht•ut +citlt'1'am,u'aa 7aixir. �+ to the tup at:d proceefl to till td:oii saaTta, -�— I Soft in English & American ®Val .IRV OV .0 or rather,'`c !e'a'sel," I shonl,l say. Tile A 1t4grieu ri Yalittenec. ! ' word "ca.eli'"ont Isere 1,a3 abont as nlauy """'7'llorc is nu hylt,u;in?tho lan„iinga clearer Large-stock``s o Wall Papers nleanin -i as tilt, word "fix.” .If the fore_ , 5 ' Nearer, I p, 7� �e Y c` b t) inar.ti hrarta 1 hire 1.,.::.!,:. e CarJ'�k 9f 9f tour'AAoiL'e�idiet�`9Ali'oG°C�ii'it°,a8g . man wants to htiow +shat s�z� uran;as y0t1 Hoalo. rhe' f ,l! t„tug t.iuclii7r: , ,:cidunt j 1, are picking, he v, ill s;,y 'ic+ll,st aro vols it, connects u1 +aitll tha sin'_ing of it is Ire. j - De• %yurthil"Itml novo!" 6D117,lit nut the 1,alsill_','s lute!ly •carried oil 1)y !1'p:�l 1. tiiulp- catching, itdn c• !!tabes t., bean what hated iu a letter of lli3s Crilry's to ler j I gnu, pnrprl:;eM r.nlu+ina it to'd,7, Inlildtu, hotly o.culiii'rl by Thoml,ou dG-,Switzer �' 1 ': W!'; INV II I'” i(1l P !' SPla"I'1ON, „another is dein; I,uwvi.l s y 11•h,tt al,:• you mothor ul which she sa -s :' i t •� r' +1 Lcro hs: inti•,•rl, t0 cline up a Uatchinq , 11, f: ct this one word is a „ c.p f K• J uncle. the hyuti; at'.i stuly .n• yrui', whole d1c!i; t:,ity' it: ItSd:t. TLe frust is j udt bac:tt,so I uw vain of the ❑+,'ice, 11111' `W T �'pret!y hittly ++hon last pie:<dd1, su .tibunt btccncc 1 tLun�ht r•n waald feel a uu- a °,� i i a r 0oks, Stationery and °� h. y .-'-•.•-`pour rettytY1 )t il'�;a �`f Ili-e-siidk en i!1 till it 41,'x1 . !• , i i...;'?.81�63 ® �j l t J li>,r in.c:aa, iu tl•vtn 1+l:e'1 yen .,u 'wtt'li,it I / I . �• 0 U M At first thunght %�i:C ,riit, it ;1111:1, it rc1 avi �. ,5 J' tl:i: ilyvat, writ, written ea;htcci; veal's a7 easy.aiA ligLt .++w.L, Ulf 1v11eu ill tau (18.1.3,) eluting my visit in %--ur hotiso in ONEBO®® j �9pel'•��+*, hours aro np, y,:u wr;o't rill any of t'.1u West P' rirteet,th street. I co.uu':sed it tlb 1t mem,eonil,luin itbuut the shurtneas ui the ill the little Lark at Bond story bed -room - - -- - -- --- --_ ---- _ .._ ---._ - - - _,- i • r day; nor hilt you lrn':l any of thy"' (!into nett to yours or,a I_nnduy morning sif'et i 11"Lich Will i)c y1.c0ua to 1,u1;e ill .thy county. II0 'Al,e intrndls' rclu0+ins .Ilia , so free from clust tts !n the L•e;;inning• On cooling from church, slid nlrkes m:e very , �'" DR I. U STOLE to these l;remis:;s. As Le has taken ad+•autal;0 Of the tunes '+nd the seedliu trees are a great ninny thoiva, happy to thh.k t!,at any ward I could say �'� '', << bought at +•cry ]0••• prices,' lip can give You good value, for yAr monwy. Please which are about three inches in length And has done a little good in the world,'.' cdl and inspect Lis stock. sharp as a needle, so glovos have to he The following, is acopy of this ]1yun) as A CHANGI! used,or eLe ore's hands wcu:d be severely 11Diss Cniry wrote it, thelast,, threo verses • - scratched and 'extretnely ,ore, In fact; of nhick differ considerable from those *For tho nest thirty (lays we will sell any articlo in our immense stock of CII. WI' - j ' the scratches would c.)mpare favorably to printed in some of the hymn -books. The ERY and (1LAS'SN1�:. ME, iii; a discount of 10 !lel• cent. Just tbillk Sf it, • -�A�-!-� y� y f y ase from a pet cat. Sometimes a Udder nstory' to w!1+ch 11Iiss Cary alludes follows':�. V i' V•1 v 111L,V G _L 0�, Clllit01�'••. i the pi andker sone tbi.som."ur earth receives + 1� 0 China Tea Sets 41. l)iec(''; for $1 50 ��tlgl9. the pinker to her'ousotn. `Then there are xr.uu:a no>tr. One sweat! solemn thought cc cc it cc is c mutual toirs awou st the comrades, for J' g, k Comes to me, o'er and o ca , 1 they fall well know that he has scars that cc cc a cc cc 5 40 tc �} I nm nearer my liamu to -day O OO would du honor to a veteran soldier, let Than 1 ever have been before. E �.7 ®They ®Smysit would bi most pleasant wort: except for 1.) UU Dinner � (r' 119 " 1) J4)" the intense heat which about uoon in 'the -Nearer mJ father's hoose, 11 (1O cc cc le,+ tt (� 90 c.r sun is about IOU°. -Whore the many u)ansions to ; Let us -leave the pickers aur! pay A s,iort Nearer the great white throne, ti O(► (�Ulll�lllat1U11 " `�a " 7 1 �' " I al'aeuty-cighf'I'h0uatuul Dollars paid at auction -fur the rehownad trottia., hora6 visit to the packers, The )ackin house Nearer the crystal sea ! cr cc . Pancoast, pl•Qv'edl his oxelence, and so tho : L r g G 00 Dneoratetl Stolle, tea •4-E 5 40 _ i;f'arcr tlie_boutref'of life is largo, roomy cad airy, and clung one \There we lay our burdens down ; jO Iron}' r1'CiL SCtS, l " a 15. a side ruins a lona coanter before which ' , I 4i� � 4e• t d ¢ (� A r about six fellows wrap the luxuries in lino Nearerleaviu the cross, ;;; 25 Stone c( cr J. 4 " N ®�; Nearer gaiuing tl c erol+u! tissue paper. Tile oranges are of different . L'nt thaE.1 to ,unknown sircara r �) (1(I ��fCUl'21tCll Chili l)t'I' lU• " y� �9� `t ' 1 4'1 +. v I Opposite tilt, Puri, Office, truly !,moos its superiority over :ill ^op;-oiition, ill Style sizes froin•9v to the box: to 500. After ; Itch dark i,cfero wy frit ht, the, packer becomea acrl,laintea with the' '-t 00 " " 11) `r :1 60 " way in which the dill's rent sirs ora placed r NV;,°ae +cave'•' r,n the otbFr hi,l�• furl 1 it h i , then ind L on a shnrc .Ef Ii,^.,ht, _ ill ""5t 11C C11111'liJCl' SCtS rl in the box be w ill do from .,U td 75 bo�,c•s I �� 0 �;r) - --- - l. z 11 �.9 1175 for _ ..___ ) i .fit ../" tt . eA. i t„ tttfn trtl €:et 1�111A 1 f Lllcr 1 n. - (for each of ++ !,tell lie rr voices -1c j pi;t day . , t ;, 1 t7� 1' H � °a �► IT � !lore ahnnst ;ntnert tl.c bank e 0 a -R® i There is a ulacllin;r Per sepal, tit ,;; t!ac I t , , �r t ] f i., br 1 am nearer home � J 0 1 . t cr>nt e•;1' 1.1 I, ,. �11'.A 1,1:, T..\ 1.iP�. I' :1 \ (' 1 11'.11,! , I:r,'. 11cu1em )or oranges according to that sizy c:lle,l a c'• jF h 1'.rin to -day lean 1 think• 1 the S;tldS ju,>t !oats '1'11111'1'1 DAYS, AI +1 urn front 0119 cu1i of the coup' b.t the otlwr, 'i"11u S Mg Stock has arriv. "grader," A greict many of the tourists I ' ' a CaTher ,e, feet nlrtrust. 1 crl, aud,js amp of.thc finest ill til town cad ricini,� 901ua, of 10 per cent } have a ad es lty to visa the, place wii housca, 1 F •. Even Indies hrit;flten the place .wish tlrr:ir I,t•t t .I et r c. feel in dan.h, � � frena ill(, 1:5ta of h'ub, till tho lith of llurel; will 1i ;rt+',�n for bush,. Prices low 4 bewitching; smile-, cud as the hatch tl,e That my fart arc lirnily set I vo,`"lf T e �.� • „•. '. oranges seeming to exclaim dl ,ppiuh into on the rode of a livirg faith. and workmanship illW. rha<' , . 'I'crn,; lash. 'their proper holes, "now, ou 1,eu the and ' `A •-euticluan visitims China had bocm i In ; G ruceries oto• stook was nc r:r tu:;i a cuniplvb,' 111 etur ne••r p C „, S hitrnat^d with mckat-A-4 for a vuuun lean , 1 _ r l T:^fY- ' r, T' �T l y now you dnm't, they go almost tufa rap- ! l{ p p _ {, ` j ( HOU i tures. In fact thoss�of the ftirsex I)coulr c frucm his frieuus in the t''nited' Itatcs and 1t�����"1, !`�al� U V 13 tri I.J�at ��111�®� �pp'�7 r��.t CURRANTS, /� ps`�r�,w �+�v �t WALNUTS, yt�g� g so hilarious over tho ornuges playinq after itcriniry learned that I,o might pro- RAISINS, C U Rgi,19,1q 1 S, PEELi:S, VCf ALltl CJTS, AL- "peek•a-boo" that they become excited, baby be found in ac::rtaw llambl;ng bouse. Y �vdL�, FILBERTS, CONFECTIONERY O�T Ly , &�,., - and than the packera ryet excited and then Ire trent thither, but, not seeing him, da- 9 ND a 1`d �lri+ dil AL �� fFURNITUff" f trrminurlto++cit in tbeex])cctation that; �'// �rj�� —wen! PrGvideuco ioterveo-es and all be• vjjj���JJJ ���JJJ lcome calm add gentle. The impression he tuight collie in. file phaco was it bed- j Apc iu and will be sold as eLeap ;us ih0 cheapest. ('ell ant! ser, th0�hand onto ,d i lies upon people who are fill, distant fr )lh lain of noise, teen getting an€;ty over their l presents +re aro giving' with k the orange belt that the Mcst. #coif is al• cards, lord frc,lnently coming to blows. ; was used for home c•nisum Ilion, rn int- ;dear hill) ,sat two 111011 -one young, the ,, Opened oUt in MLLMOTTF =00M, _ Y , I other ubnut forty Years of ago. They were (�'�D��" i� AHI+Trl1~r La(iWDE sR AN DP pression very false anr, crrnncnus. 11'1 fact y f 2 n , Till-,' • „' , r it is the very opposite of what is rho case, betti0 and dr.inWag ion a terrible way, the TI N S 3 °YrA ®DTid ��, Cc�(;'�t',S �I�\ C I>(ll)I. lU . l]iL GdFi BOOK STORE, Gi�ItiTO\. for the very best 'fruit is shipped while Gilder one riving utfcratiecl outitinnes to y 1 J, 1 B, EDRO® SETS PARLOR ETT LOUNGES �'. the "culls" are left behind. Tho truth, ie rho foulest paufanity.a C11e ^an/es had 7b every )ur0'haser at esu sloru on Doc. Luh, ac will rri3O a d,;corated cut , D , i that the best oranges tiro constimed in a. been finished, the young innn lasing each and saucer. 1\•e want any quantity of good Rutter, .Eggs. Poultry, lOtatoes.:ind � SIDEBOARDS, ��� CHA��1,S �+�'. closer market while flinso of 'secondary • time. The third game, with fres!) bottles I S1'ood in cschango for groceries.' (give tis n call. it will pay yon. S OA , , duality Tare sent on to the regions of the of brandy, had just begun, aqd the young ANN A r:rvr.rt.t1, :1��r,t:rMrsT Or THE vrhY BEST At,km, FURNITURE 'AT • ' already in Canada men sat lazily back in the chair while the " . M.:ASONAPIX, I'RT(TS." _ f; north. The idea also is a .. - and rt leu on ilio re • ckorl- wltiie' greien other ahnldi id tie cards, anal ;t11ci yttumg. that the -o] artgt~a' arc 13iC •pl ), n ilea quite a$ man, loukitig care'.asily about until at ® ® ®��� ' incorrect as,the first error, 'for the fruit length ho began to sine the beautiful lines ' rippens in January well the lust is packed of Plir; bo Cary, as quoted above ; the ! 7 =' el4er-sto reel-•d-ewli* •!-lie cards stared at C 1111-`i' T 0 1=, to May, 'Phe reason that raango9 aro se Ht g Central tart in Canada is because saldum anything the singer a moment; And throivin;; the cards. on the floor exclaimed: 'Marr "----------------------Gr(Awwowy, but seedlings are bonf;ht while the budded y+ fruit i, sweater and most dolicinus, and all where (ilia ,you learn that hymn ?' `\That sold in the nearer Iarge cities. The best hyazn ?' 'i1'Ly, the 0110 thatyou've been i D 9 - . . 1 consolation I. call r,ll'er t0 9atlsfy the imagi- stn€frog.' The young man avid he dud not j - �'°���� �a�lt� �1 i#,IIAC�, nation—about the p.11:stability of ora ages know what lie had been aintrin„ when f11a l'he subscrib0i l --of the reader ++hn Itas isart patienceto tilde• repeated the wotda, withscars in his 1 J Los !rung tt ant tLu ,.tool: of 1 , !lobe, consistinb of peruse this description;is' il•1 c;rotunt with eyes, cud' the yon❑€t tuna ssitd lift !tail - ✓ 1 iff �+y / (tp{)�•rttr+ it+what is "given, learned it• in a Sunday School in Antet•ioa, •--- �.-J -_ ._J ; i!f11�l�iJ14",R.1l`ii'1, f)J��{��,KE11111, (.X i�1�.►�t�91�L1 RE, �`C. `Came,' said the elder, getting up ; `Gua ie,go I 1Vhic]1, beiu•r bought at low rates, hi: is enablod to offer at the ver+' closest pricers i harry, here's what, I won front yon ; Go . is b , and neo it for n,me gnod pnrposo. As for Poti•orage respectfully solicited. All ordois promptly filler]. ltu0ins to let. / 1 Marvelous. me, as Card ares ale, i have played my last - p �r --- -- - -- One dwieof Jar Lhasa':: Liver (•ere will c•m•e I gamo and drank my Inst bottle. I have � H. R. WALKER, 0Li PJTON. Sick liearlacbc, Dirzinesa, and Sonr 5tonmeh. misled vnu, Ilarry, rill(] I nn) sorry, Give 1 1to2bottlesare warranted tovire i.iver (.'nal• movclurhanQ,nlybny, and say ihnt for 7>l) Ni>'I' )t1\ '1'.111; 111�1< (11 Pl'll(.'11.1;�1.\(: T;v1. tlOI% �I:I?ihj`----_- _1__111- -----_ ..__— r,laintiIndit cstiml and llilinnsnes�. huh! by all old America's sake, if for no ether, you druggists, will r idt this, infernal business.' The WillSN Y(W CAN lll;l' JOIEN .\, I1111'('h,'ti FHWI t e -- .•••••'- _— gontleman who tells the story saw those ». � � ® Ru siness 1. TF; ITIf. Ni';11'S. !two men leave the gambling hoose to- gether, and walk away arm in arm." y We regret to have to record that Nr. I - �`••'----- S. _D 11. Rirkhuxl was buried atllilverton ( rgiov ,trace. ; ^ What a truly boautifiil world we live in. The undersigned begs to notify the people of Chilton and vicinity that he has bought the *188 ay. IFe died.in 1lfielligall aft the Nature Fires its imndour of mountain lana ^ ' : ,` a , R fi AND II(1 \iil' 1(tl,t.l•1 TIiAT 1VI•: 11:11'1? A I,AI,(rl, S'IVH l� Ui I funeral was one of (lir Lu•neSt ever -wit and oceans, and thousands of n)oans of enjoy. HARNESS �j �j�j f p pppj �p p n h j NOW101 ti tressed in 00, villain, ment. \b',e can desire no better whon in per. HARNESS BUSINESS formerly Ctll lriod �ll U➢ W. L lyU��pYr foot health : but how often do the majority of /y/y�L, •/�/� /�/'�y�ya/� p ^ Diphtlici has al,peared lit �cvaral people feel like piviug it up disheartened, dis• flardwa V Yi (jWa V Stoves And that ha Is lmt,parect to furnish couraked and worn out with disoase, when > > places in the en of %:. C of l,l,all,, 'el' 4ldrnass, 0311ars, Whips, Trunks, Valises, 80010 lobes, PIenketS; ' there is nn occasion for this feeling, as Qvery � i 1 1'Lroe children of .11 r. l'ha�. t,angford sufi'erer can easily obtain sntisfaetnry proof, ry/�/� /� �j1 Garden �a died this week, and tl'n'oe others of I,+s !hat Green's August Flower, will maks thorn Lamps, Paints SIV GW/?C•(iC- n Yool I A -ml ervrJ thing a;nilly ko 1: i;i a first-class fIu•nn,as She b� tl we down with t1Le fatal disease.Dyspepsia 1 is at iii • !wake i,rio ci Spetrist y �treo from disease as when -born. nttontfnu is directed t.) my stock of Giaxr ILllt\1•:-:+, which I +vi11 waka a epooinity• and I,ivor Viin)plaint are the direct causes of �tntlier we.t tO+vnrci3 Prospect Hill tilt` seventy five )or cent. of such maladies as disease. i•• also doing its work, l I 2,1F:'�AI��.IN' P%�® lil�Z'�'i> ATTENDED '�U,i ++ Iii usnass, InliLe�tinn, Birk Headache, l 'Corpid liver the cause of untrll(l nnllering. ('oetivencsa, eevotls l'i -os on, Diiitiinoss of t By strict attention to easiness, and uarefnlly study iuG the wants of any onstomera, I hope and misery r(vlo?'r,d to its nnlnlnl onl,di0on 1) Iho Bend, Palpitation of the IFeart, and otherr ��• merit a fair share of patronage. (tiro the a call bn per'.: nforbusing olsawhoro. the use of \Vest's Liver fill.., Al'An caro rlistrew4n.gsymF:trau•r, 'I'hTPA rloVI;(f,1m;n�t(' p�3 - `,1' 11x'\11.:J111FAITHE ST? lit--Ul'PUti19'h,THX Nl.LlthMT, cosii+er:e's, , an;tip tion and All hlnwcr wilt prnye its wond•,rf;d rivet, /� •-��• druggists. sample bottles, In cents. Try i:. C! 11; .11.\ 11 N1( )'I'I I I i A I; 1111 A 111', :1 N 1 t iN t V I,, I I .-... .. ",,1111 ::1111. ,• 11:1,1,. ,,.. .• . ,•_..,...,,_..... , _ _ ^ ... .... ... ........ .. _, •1111.. - 11,,:11 _.. •1111. ,..,• W..,.... _1111....... .-..._ _ . _... ,