HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-04-29, Page 6..f- - __.� ,_ .., a , , .
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4*rsiur ,4 aR�elke`r , 000 14 I OV0
MW .... ,._ ,. A -1f4 colotinent ia, >r f►lly� Ila@ berE cup c.#4
little ycK dsl old AereF, put,. �laipe
t r. �I O CoaoQr, plie xdeet Qf the AttA • h c n lend tb Epglnu 1, ettt[ a ogal '
ID Y A:l-'RIQ "11t.. 18$7• "ai R114@01fat. V � 1ptohet : � � .'�
` ?t ' e ry ,flys Aesoalalion, ]last yeAr xe^ o i or p , ue�tiona u� ItoAlgk'$aatU.*rFaoe 1 Ii g[e, re fybat offs
q►hloh e e a 4mon, Bnniou; Ml; )111140 t Vy�
�..,-. ... Ott a(tp .� ue.tt n 4 ,n
cbm[nercia q
']t'9s>r .etlnPer+"wcq lt'a#Att11� r C�ived"Q9F` •� a al . e 4 ce4F ltlr. + X cure+, namely, :1[o(stipllor and Psi( e'd..0pckollo '
2 000 fxom t DpmialoA
. coive(V0VA. k far "1 g ' n other 'kind. 4N.r 0. IE you tut tri[' 16 tr ]gill Rrf oe you
�--- . t 4f ry •+0---r ><tr .xti kn� aFtc nt vlydowsp . Is• res tor.. .. � ..� _ .
gQtrp11et1for tho 011utonwetr Etna, O'Connor wOpld do lye 1 n0(w to u10:y9• Re : �e Ori YOt1r (uttsd•
T town treasyryy of Port Hope recely- could not make $2,50 per iresek el4ewbere' Dent aIle* a cold in the head toplowly and /^� �t
gei;,in fine# for violation of the Canada ' The Scott9ct is being vigorously et'* out run intoCaGjrrh,alienyoucanbrcured lr n^(T ryuantit�% of 47food k/'�Q %e
° iinperance Act 11,790 during the last forced in the county of Liu4olp., Sia fur 250. feat onlgcure lastpientacatai h -tarrh 1 oto a Constipation 1 J `1
"E14r. Port DalhOttsie hotelkeeperaf qts to St, bozespcuree ordinary catarrh ;'2 to g lapses is Is a universal and must troublesome dla-
I suppose there are not over 40,000 Catharing�s on VC ednesday and paid $50 uaranteed to cure chrouto catarrh. Try, it Order. It causes Ileadache, Mental De- � �
. icjuor dealers in this Dotpiniou. Are each as fines for illegal liquor selling, and Wuly 2tio. and ilure,care_ Sold by alt dtuQgtsts pressit,u, Impairs the Sight and Bearing, imot y See w , e e
g lust ,ant T' h d anted Highest
bjey thbti to dictate forever what laws complaints have been lodged a$ =- =^o}s filo Appetite, and, vrlten lung
• Q shell have, and whether we shall en- twenty people in Niagara for the same only w Drao4wtrdfa wi`e continued, causes Enlargement of the
offence. In a hospital wdtd a woman lay, Liver, luttainmation of the dowels, and price paid.
Ol'1t8 them l What a y You, reader ? g painfully gasping her life away; I'll,,. Cuuatiratien is speedily cared '
The Rev. Samuel Small related his west's �'of rheumatism,
i wonder seta like ma io in
all oases of rheu4latism, neuralgia, burse, 30
brei+ed and beaten you scarce could trace 1,;• 1t -r:'.; rills.
1 derful deliverance from a drunkards outs and wounds. All druggists. wotnaahood's semblance in form or face.
1•'I A r:uurbcr ,pf !•tupnilla I w: --•--*—^ x' __ $ --- Yet the hair chat over the pillow rolled . - - �!
dell upon eart6,into the gloriosa light of The annual meeting of the Brockville •:•or I s t with Custh-pness, in conse-
;t jT a Gospel, to a 6000 Boston audience, In a tangled masa, was like threads of gold ; ,t_t „t. •chlch I nutFered from Loss of
Scott Act Association was held in the And never a sculptor in any land l h .-p -niia, u ttl it disordered
'vi mach unction that hundreds, it Wall street church of that town, on the Moulded daintier foot or hand. t1V,-, a,.0 troubled tile. I wasROBSONI .CHINA HALL
l�tlaal`d;- iv�pt in tl3eii s3*m-paih, eYenin f Tuesda , tile, 19th ln�lt. There 1 ,1 sn tt r err :: shade ot'cr theta, N.,T-- _-
- de who ministered to hor need,
g..�. .___..'Z_-._.... SSLd.9_�.__._.- :::n, t. t uvablu to hear t,x-
"None but a cowar(1 coiiTd do -deed; -deed;- ---- - -
West'e Cough Syrup is now the leading re- port of the Enforcement Domrltheresl?ove tip, t �a. j .rut rntitely •---_--- ----_.,____-._ __ - .-.__. _ _ -
anody for coughs, colds, sore tbroat,brodohitis ed that during the past year there have And what bitter hate roust have nerved the ,
T4gthma, whooping -cough and coueutnption, been forty-nine charges laid for violation arm _: '. � �� `l'e'l�f"
"*1111W. I . I
811 druggists. of the Act+; convictions were secured in That a helpless creature like this could hnrtn:" : , •„•;• , Piils. I have Iw
* -.'4 The Christian Instructor says : A sat forty-four of these. The reports of the Then the dim eyes, hazy with Death's eclip.e, I ” •a t.u•itl;d thi:( nu•dicino
' login ctin no tfa0re by run without using Police,llagistrute go to show that there Slowly unlocked, and the swollen lige. + `;f.:grli ctl,^ n(a•tc.-
has been adecrease of over fifty per cent. Murmured faintly: "He loses mo well- '•::%''•
np boys, that)• A ring mill without bly lltlsbautl-'teras driul-bo sure .you .tall 1 I, Cs. ; ,� ,Ii„11, ant], v -In- 1�Y SrCOCl� IS LAST :YEAR'S CROP AND ALL FRESH.
' -Wheat, or a Baty -mill with to -s. The in the number of convictiotia for drunken-
o ness compared with tho year previous, A t1'hcn he comes to himself -that I forgive; ; ws: It :, .,t J%., l,uli,;,•.,tino,
only, question is, Whose boyfi-your unanimous vote of thanks was passed w A shudder,
teller -fur himas would lino to live.'' . t , , I, is I'iowl, lift 'i Red Clover Mammoth or Pea vine Clover, Alsikr
!” boys or mine, old• boys or our neigh- :he Inspector, Air. R. X. Phillipa,,. for A shudder, a mond, as the words wore chid, ''"' • , '-1-;,' I i.tnumi live t t
1lors? his zeal in the enforcement of the Act. And the drut:Lard's wife et' the couch lay , "I . ,,.�-(V ,, , ,II,t.1,.A.at_;u,alal
There has been a very marked decrease (lead. t [�, t or ,tlt,tttiuu, til(• re,- White Dutch, Grass Seeds, Timothy.,..Qrch .Orchard-
It is scarcely necessary for the news" n all crimes and oftencea during the past Ob, fathers, who hold your daughters clear, ":s •, tt "„ ulbur Grass Italian Rye, $entueky Blue, Red Top, &
IDapeta�tq make such a fuss because illi- l err in this section, sa much so in Bruck aomebcidy's daughter is living here, `` .•;,:,••,I''• hurt Rr.•ally iur-
1. .:a h. -- \1 , heeler,
. cit.distillers are killing people clown in vine that the Town Council at its regular Ob, brothers of sisters come and erecious sfate o, Permanent Pasture .Mixtures &"Lawn Grass Seed.
4... Georgia. Regnlar,distillers up Ibis way meeting in the month of 1VT iviln as their OL, mohat n, how'eve�weur ll you love your home,' : C',.•t r!I•aion, tvllich
Are doing thesametbingright along,every the pelice force to five men, giving Beit palace or cottage, 'ucath heaven's blue 1 , I r.',•:,:1-:t'r• It,r' a that > �liillet Hun urian and Mummy Deas, Buckwheat,
o day,ana yet nobody over dreams of cal- reason that there was not enough for more dome, ,I Iplt 'r ut tho
to do, the town having become so orderly This demon of or cad enter in, " '' ' ' '' ''''' ', t ill°' catutl Marigolds, Turnips and .Carrot Seeds.
ling it murder. during the past few months. Inspe(,tor For law strikes hands and bargains with sin. • •. • , 1. ]::t: k+, :'a`'O, Diu
Aman w90
1 ho had recently reformed un- Phillips states that he has secured eighty you have legalized crime you have the gold. �,' •. ' -•. r•+' W 9 1 WILL. GIVE T KINDS �F GARDEN SEEDS FOR Z
or remarkable cit`cumstAnces, and is seven convictions out of one hundred and Now hand them over -the sous you sold- L MY OWN GARDEN SEED PACKETS. o
unts coY g Keep pushing them furviard. Drink, buys ... I •':1"•t•I'• ,• .r&c•o.l.ow•cn,ltalle• I PUT UP ALL1.
resisting the temptations of the tasty ear.arlehia is as in llarge percentt,ge, and drink, -- i,.c•:•a ie, Medicine.
3Dar.rooln, on being asked by an old gill, e believe, compare favorably lvith your fatho,rs aril Laid fol your souls they OATS, PEAS, BAf2LY AND POTAT�1`ES TAKEN AS PAF.
panion to renew his convivial habits, ri- that of any in the Province. think; .J A �. �TEF.F, C i..INTON.
gorously replica, 'No, sit:, salvation and _ �. e.� r And in the great martt►whera mammon att'i�e9 NI'Mio6u;ReSt�'aIl�
_ whiskey aoni mix. When a ,nun's TI►unlas t arla➢e Cheapest of all things are bumn� liree. -
half full of solvation he (lOn't w want the Bret $cotoh uutL'or,sufferudlallihis lifefrom l atnrrd. _ �1.t r v �� ST. T130i12AS
to fill up on whiskey. dyspepsia which made his ov{u life •miserable - 18lsgf,.lu,tlltK And- {�i'RV,,pilii STORES 14 i_�+. ,
April showers bring forth &1a flowers ;also and caused his best and truest friends not a A gentleinati from Moatieal w•t`ltos:-Fol - P
Y little pain because ut his fietfulness. Dyspep• years I have. been greatly atnloyed by Cutarrh HURON STREET, CLINTON.-•,,.;;r.6� 2
bfing;'on rheumatism Cure, World's 1Voudar stn gedera]ly arises from riiseaae of the liver It caused severe pato ie, the head, continual .r= 0' + *'z' ; Us "v"� �- I Bron'll molma� ��
i'' 1,11 druggists. and as Dr, Pictoe's -Golden Medical Discov discharge into toy throat and vary unpleasant The subscriber having purchased the business lately ii 9
g brualh. ]i a tboroa h use of Nttsal Balm I serried un by Mrs. Broderick, desires to Intimate that i
cry" cures all diseases of thir great land, it y g he wilt c„nthlue it at the old stand, in all its branches. ,, , rA�
The laws Cllaete(1 TU lllalUO effectual follow I that ryhfle all canngt be Carlylee, sten Was completely oared. lIo will keep un hand u choice stock of COVI ECTIO V- f 1) !�� �, r ,
tY0111bit10i1 in 1lausas have intereste(1 with dyspepsia, all can Le ee flow rho ma. ._ ---v.--- .1:1i]t.aflt kinds, 1 'f Y ` -+`'c' • �v r
the people, ane era disettssed Olotp by the 1 Indy, vvhilo emulating; ilia virtues. SCFNt1 Iv A CLIaruN T.utolt SFror.-_ �5��® ;�, J!;etfr 7'r. rIIOIIAS, �N'1'AIiIO.
--•••— 1'uilur, (lneaatrrin;; emideu£ Scott Act roan) P,ISUUITS, FRUITS A CD CIGARS. ,.,N, - �,�;r)asses titan all the othet laws ie, the tvomee tt'u'thteo -- .. W - Growing Scott1. statute Pi
unys ��
and it is no longer regarded ns probi . A Rahatie,ttsetts w,uulau, havius an be,+pf S,:ott Act man--(;luriollq. my friend, g;!nri ;"dal . - ceir, r�r�91' C' hOlilliil'�
atical. Tho sulo.orn is fast r.iisapll�ariug I or two each da to spare from honsewurk CrtEt RA1. �iROL:lc call S. ' -:t < s`s., A,
Y pr • ods , The et:uso is ever muvsng forward.” ° a`. t` If,, " ti■
Ie State Irdcticall ' it is gone, I and wlahlllg to caro a little muney, decirlia] failu,•-"1'w gtlad t,) h •err it, sir. V011 A11 of whit]. he will sell fit the Very' lowost �Q - , ``l I hr;/ • 111 h&lC �(31101111011,
from tile , i > "7
r to try rising; strawberries for market. wr.11t two hip prckt:t„, 1 ful,pusl. prirca for cn»L, ('le,»r. ptraouul attention will (,S\10, `•'"rky �i•
Attorney Lufo1 1. hu given to rho bll,IdeRn, and all Olde» rntrusb k {+y .6 64.1-
llrr pies of laud was fifty » 'von ft t;t fun„ Scutt let m n,--• I uR, t wc,• (.41 to him ,will rett'n a 1,rulnpt ssttcutiuu. ;;or t a
There have.hden thirty-sevmr egnt(etiuus I dud ateritged fifty suvad feet with. The Tailot--' 1 tut or quart a'%, : .."T A. I tft
in Oxford for tlolatiuiI of the Scutt Act, )]nuts were cell tmkeu caro of through the o•.•a..Q .._- A Titim, ttl:411ECTFULLr suLtr ort n. I>i ,. •� � :.,• , ,
' ..- i:; Our mnteriul is endorsed Ly larding scisu-
airce the first of May last, Of these 13 I 1 sun ural the last 14 0et"bt•t: the het' re, ?r.%wxl: y IN 1,l, l:l:l)i N f.} (.�')t)t> I T ► ;+ I� + ,~ ' „ 4- -, _ =_ny 1`°'- , lists ns heing praot.ieally itnperishablo. It
were brought by InspeAtur IlUeN1ly, of the I cteirecl�a final hooiug•, haul a little, later Ilio HUHSliS, �- . -ti��� g� - ''�� , -gill _014 c,{, � �" •:.`-^ "t;. cannot absorb moisture ui,d ennsrgnenfly
North Rifling ; 15 by ,)Ir. G. Il • Qook, Til_ I !plants wt re, rl,ulcheJ ubottt two inches deep 'rhe bent biases ill Ilio- world t'ur lig;l,t _...._ _ __T__. ___ kj, ..' .)t-r,tl 1tl,: ! ( �`"?�� '' is not affuoted h the float,
apectur of the, bough ]tiding ; b by the Ir' with pine needles. L'tfuru the vickiva cortices are brrti' in ll:n I Iliu'd :u ' ; ��ID� Si- AVI1•�t�6�,�tB'$I,.t?if8 , t,., G. , rn1 It �'. t L,;.. -JY
g;ersull Chief of i uhcu, dud .one by the I season cumin{ iced. silo burgaivcd with a ilia Countr +•'1-1
".- :: 't` r1,';.^ 11i A ' a't ' `'
' sunburn. c I iruleed, it limy be said thn: t } -_ -,s
Chief at 7.11 Three ", tilt cud- IIIA\'IN(.:. IIAIIi ('li'fTl\G A�u tiltAM 11 `
. , • market nla,, 11 nlile.aud a half distaut, tin yield, a bettc'r'c,ans td hor=e; 1',,r all %•Grit puU1N(; dune Vcty urn, fluff to •nit ;:�tt,,.,f s� Suncl for Designs ant] r
victed ie, it:e,Suuth Ivulint spent terme iu_I ntke all her berries, by allotviarly hint, as than does nnv other on Ihr ?„h, ; bn!, el r,1 per,o,,. , ''� i .T ' '-�''` :`
the connty jtil; two aro nppeuliu, to high I hi, share,fonrceuts 11 baeketfor nil berries beyon(1 all qu(ation, aur :o;u] n 1'-ui sot• .fOHN NA1DES, sollith's l;luclr ;: g;flCt+ �°bV, ., �'�• �j-�����
�..v , i �,
er courts. and, will two esclalptions, flys ;sold fur riveuty cents, and over, ar.d three ,ignaily sulteriul to, -p „I' any u,l:,r __._--- -_ .-...-_.._.-__. ,r ! y,,.:. -.. - s
feet have paid their fines. u,, ,,1 yt:b; rrrti:tl CLINTON Pflt9LTBY . YAMS. ��' c>r - �'�”. �
I cents for thuep l rrngtng leas.. 111 ptokiug' inr,d. There N nl011C)r .`' ` "`!`:
So grnat line been the harm dr ns by file silo ,vas careful to put ie, uufy sound fruit , nunu., bol' that in :•mull lgupt.ntit}, i.n l:uc:s 1'uit mvrcinNG,- From;rhorribred \Ch!te Q) r'.ta�"'• , t
abuse of • the liquor permit systen, ie, the I to Lave as lmrge harries nt filo b( ttunr I-uFedi1) hor,rs Itch, with a fixed emhin lud lir",+u Leghorn,, `,. C.Is,84,11611, Anon%utter,) _. _.--__
district of Calvary', N:W:1', that the city flu basket as uu top, null to have them view. livery ferrule• hills, or Olay ll:tvr, ,11 Loug;,h:u,':+, 1);nk BralmnlaN, i I)n,outil Rucks„ fly. -
eouneil of thuj, place .liras requettted tho heaped as high as the crate would allow, rood Mare ; it tray Oat lie Ones of g real in hrcedu,g stock 1, unsurpun;tdfur lay lugyuAticie,. rs s
d .r od a value, 1)llt a mare of fur hntclling will be fres11 and true to nnn[c. Now Is 1 i( 0 1
Lieutenant-Guverno.r of the territoritis ,tu It heing rt poor yenr for sit owiu• gaud jiuiut»' the time fur fatales•,; and others to get poultry cheap.
refrain from ranting licenses to take liquor I to drouth, which did not alive her low Ivell spirited, gfort(I on the road, [tell- tiuok y mr ortter, now. Coll gild sec me ns t am sed- 11T 1111! �(\t�'111t1 �1111I1�11l1111111i1 1I1 Palk
�' IIIAfQldy I11r\\c�11'I. bond prices Nolle h,r u:r :1 r ' 1 can be ,sen .at llArland y store, GfdCrd LOIA��Ct'I� V 1 V U �l / ltl�i
'into the town, for, three mouths, A large gr ) . t she received 1 moau,e(I a5 a clam, with room to carr}' and by 111161},rumptlyuttended to. JOHN wuRSFLL I
dumber of the, people in that neiglihorhood, j were bold ft,r less that' fifteen cents a bas- ability to nnnrish her foal. This mare is .. . , -_- ,_.—._-.._.. 1 ` -
1. it seems, would, rather holo a stringent I ket. The entire crop sold was 31;0 basket,;, capable ut'doitig g,wtl service in breeding, _
license law than a system such as that for which she received flftp•two dollars equally with tlut� slip render in ntltrt
which has been inaugurated by Dewdney and eighty cculs• I.xpenses were twenty- labars of flet utvu• Che far"ltrer'a nim
for the benefit of- -his political friends,' one dollars and fifty-five ei+ntd, leaving; fl should be the producttou of the best foul - a
'Cliey sal( for a trial of total prohibition ;net profit of thirty-unpd�llars add twenty' pos4ibl,e, bt:eau+p it oasis uu mord to rai,e.
first. I five cents.- Amrricpu A,,ricultrist, fur a good than it flour Coit, trod there, i, uu �, Pk F o
It was an unluck.v illntitration use(] Diay, economy in rising
:t cheap or convenient tiii{{f\+� A_\' l
_�.*.�-__._ __ stallion, ahem] first clai,s one,, of (it blue(.- trr _ - i -
1►y Dr. }Iolvar(l Crosby at the r;retlt' Nove•Tried It lines and high quality, Can be hall too :I tY' �• . __� r bad.: Fl
,. ,: w 1 arts _ _. .. _ , .. - t u lie •fila ;=; - j X11
Tern mance S, -- .�runi in Ne ,nt! :�(:Y(,.rtriedJu11llaonaT671 731tIb1a• 'little extra t10 1 :t -little- mare '0 i _ r., ,i
P I 111 + . 'z y r
n , ` ,le,
t beat t t
h 1(v
s 1 . ) o sit. once, It'sposirtvel.V e r t cur reader, e. Umatu :, -,
other ev roil ul which all sot t o 1 Then d( moue Let _ .,i „
the oth 4 , 3 1i i� - s i
n beard etlt t
v Otte h _
L'I(C r
tau ,a
• nu t.hu l
on l(. 1❑ t $� 1
George �' tl t ofw4 QT u
I 1
tit I d ti,
tem )eraucn leo )le-ancl 1l:enl'y George ; houg tt thrit it won. to be plauut.,o❑ tau It -At of care in breeding; by c g i : ,9t ._ _ . a. yt , _.. IV i �"
1 l . I oft t tiooQ our •r d ;:tock Uin'rs even when Wil'', t a' �,
ttb(+nl;m (rushy ;lrepyrauou,Lh:tt rICu3 which g,m n ,;r' s �Ei. ,
it say. Dr. Crrosb' all u Y.. -. - ,,, • F I ”- . � •
besides -had the \ y, I ,,Irhot, hilt since you rcconnneud St oo 'y�.� h '
uud.Eur.;ul °r6b,>- 9oung;, :uul the condition at tho miulcet, . ,\e,-�� P I. 1 4a,
*ocatinn his hi<'h-liceusc theor' vvant(1��,.,, y
r, c y, t'i1 g(itr, it a. triol, llu Ro 1-a R J n , , I L: , u rola -
` w 'If a tine] <Vyca'e loose itI t•lr U , Pl:dttt le, which n tuuie 1» of beue it, null rad be in cities and large town. ,lv1lC • ,root] veil- I
to kno , g I tltken by loon wmlAull of child, nu.c stud &1 .per 100k1Iig ht. rses, haying od, ar.'tion, -5-1C, l dt" -'
streets of Nrety York, Ivould it 11ot be I bottiu at lvurtil! igtuu Drug; Store. all( substltt:ce, always ire ie, d4luland, and � — XAU1 ua;1.1; t�=- '
-._""'-`� - they Ivill conclude that it t ,, i(1D �g
better to try to confine flim to•c�rtann I ,nys to br(t 1 .
streets, f•aithe•'tban ]pave bins to roti, I I'RUI. GUL33WIN 5311'1'6, Lyell. 'There is t'O use'irl trying to brvc(1 J. TRUNSDc• , ONDZ'1 UD.
all over tho cit}' ?" 'Shoot him,' cried a I; -- l valuable stock,. it the Dire itiselceted at
Drollitlition voice from the gallery,'Shoot i .I LLT'TEII ON TILE (jVs.;TIO\ or CoNt,4RP.1•I.1h' llilp.[la% rd ; breeding 1:+ sl 5Cletlee, anll Will carry 1caVia• wt�lgbt than ..u':
him.' 1ti'btlreat Dr. Chosby did hot ea- UNION. -- there can be no sure outconlu from cit Igr w•agron made.
1'ruf.Guldwin Snaith has written a letter, its still -y or application, tlrrlcnh have
pro' CUT RS, SLEIGHS, & C•
m silt' recover from his visible embarrass ,which appears in the.New_York'Times, �,n g[enitor of the stuck �hitll hate been la!U dtr
inent. That voice in the gallery is, the attitude of Great Britain in regard tO thoruugbl} brell. it is Nell to uAv a well- I -•w=--- --
one that is gaining pr(:valency all over the question of a possible commercial bred mare, whenever this is possible; bol+ 144URtf N At1�A�D BRUCE ~
the country. uniun,betweeu the United States and Can- a strongly bred sire will' unfailingly im- I COSY.
Wett'spain 1i.ing, a speedy' cure for colic, atlas as foreshadowed in the Butterworth prove upon the most ordinarily bred ciao) �i�llli 111{(- 11yC�1>1,11ACllt (,0 y.
-- 1 eragrps, diarrhoea, dysentery and all bowel Bill. The letter is in response to a ques- will more than makegood her deficieuui , , ----
. di@icult[ets. 2Sc. All druggists. ", - tibii' V-tTt'tan�rhts=l -ss,ov b- rraat,u - nd._Q9C,P sate for the investme - This Companyis Leaning 117of I on Fttrnl
A• tempergnce worker from the '`Pacifiu ��r►man. It is as follows :•- American Agriculturist for Alay. Sveta 11y nt Lowest hates ui' Lltrrest.
Coast writes :=" British Columbia hss April 12, 1887. ----
14T dear Wiman,-The question is , ,'They have alar el 811110 in my strlet,"8nys
great need of Organized temperance effort, Y Y g''
•,her pill On r ,
tither p , '
•n drn 1st J tCTTASED'
it -knelt n C: PUI
awe DS
er the con- 1'C It 1L+ 1
• t ser whether 1 0
naturally asked as of -
ior the majority of our public mon are On, 3. Y the, nitukor, bud t ve'tho be autgsracliou for
sent of Great Britain could bo obtained tO the side of the saloon. Our represents- .foil head:u�he, b1111ousoes» utligestion, eta.. ,
. ' t y w't. f a tneaanre of complete reciprocity which )11t1ti lvhru eoruhilied vrlw ohhsoh's Tolle Ilit• �cZ1A�7IDJ(�iS .I3 c1i<TI ...BRANCH.•.
laees�tna naglslra a ,._ L 1a e1+r ex�epliontg, _ - p... 1? .
. both by precept and example; sustain the tV011111 illvnlVp an adal ill ilatlen OF tariffs be• wha, 110 otn,ils olecli re I, l,1 onj"be o pr`rf sur.
what uo uthrr m(!dicin . has duu0 uforc for Suf• 3, � and � 1)rr C'c»E, Interest dllorcerl o»
liquor traffic. When we ask for proteet.iran I tween Canada and the United States* fe,.il)x humnuitv,^ ' is Riot; •pec bottle. lilt• I Deposits, according to antattnl
from its evil influence.-,, the munici sale'taiuly the Canadians, as loyal colonists fursauuts. art r1 p bottle. :iukl by A. u'urth• 1 Y
iugtos, drub n»t, ttpad lime lrft.
councillors send us to the Legislature, and who have every reason to felgratefill and' —
the legislators sena uq ball[ to the, cnun- i att»shed to their A'lother Country, would Where art x,tv 128,761 fudianI ill Cnnadn OMC F.. -Corns of )[arks s oareACE fiORTON. $Lr00
cillors. It seems useless to protest 'or not act in defiance, of her wishes. For E➢URACE liUltl'OA
p 01,341 r1F whrun lice nu reserves. The sum AtANA6RR
. petition against an increase of licensed illy own part, being British to the core, I of ,$1,1•"ii1,;)68 uas expender] on th(llli by the Goderieb Aw-mgt an, l`m
houses or for the proper refiulation uC would Clever vote for anything which I lluuliuion (1 ,t aruu11ent last your. How -- g ��j
' P p I r at variance N
! p east degree �Q,�
ion ht u, the 1 utv g,�t•
w . t 1e,, till h � H
€( •d 1 e 1
' u (.. the
(. It 1 ��
' o r Ihr I 6 e
:tu. the men 1 (. ruauh d r. 1
sial o:I.s bee »e mach of this I
' sacred duty it is to protect Our citizens I with t1w intcrr.at or honor of Great much was spent ort utficinla, uunnot, be '
from everytlunghurtful and (lemoralizing• � Britain; but (,°uinda hits already been stated till the, Futl returua are receii:,vJ,- At LO11'T,';T 1f,,lTI:,Sof .IXTEREV'.
are so given over to a spirit of -greed ane{ I trucen fornlnlly ns Trull an prnotically out of rhe l�nebt c Government hast ri deficit
. selfish ambition aq M be incapable of be- 1 the commercial unity <rf the empire by I Ilasa1o.aallees o Effected
•ing influenced by any other inotive than fan• John Macri -bald, will) lips declared OC ently3,OOit ,Tito tt,te (later a NUIT )cl••
One of f(anr lest (lrunkards said drunkard that he is for li. ill hums rule tri the hilt siatentty clmime(1 that they infill n surl)ll1N, _1 N_
makers should be offended." I Fiscal indepewl, Oce was fnrnrally conceded but thria in of oli; y 4s_ of their successors
, to rho Colonies 1,ome time aLn, when the show that not Duly -is-titer-e-t-t,ia..lx-r-ggeahur- FI1tSt• CLASS COMPANIES.
The public sentiment of Kansas is imperial Government determined not to tage ill the operation of the, Inst year, butt
eve-whelmin l 11ryainst the l[ uor•trafiic I • a gating debt of about three million and
several good Frtrins far side, Apply to
Y 1. � q interfere with the adoption by on Alis g , �Qr (�'�1/y/� r,�
niousarids of niers, who a fCw years ago tralian Colony of a protective tariff. Can- n half, which must shorn met.. • The A,I E T COT Y & SANDERS,
opposed probibition,for doubted whether a,la already levies duties avowedly pro. only resource which sugrges s itself to the RF,AL EN'rATD Ac ENTS, Exit'rmi, ONT. -
it was the best nietbod of dealing with tvctive on British goods, and her adoption Provincial Treasurer is a new loan of four _
million dollars. The usual raid on the - r.
the l' tror-traft3c have seen and frank] g Ilio American scalp would t make no �,esild r�'11i. aii �e 1V arse
r(I , Y Dominion Treasury will no doubt be made ,
acknowledged its' beneficent result and 'rent tally or i as n n ears to t ither
Or in paint r f pri0ciple. � �It is spoiler or later, to mnl(e good the deficien-
its practical success. The temptations c p
urrt a matter, 1 imagmO, about which the Y I have opened In Blyth, a a' class
With which the open saloon allured the commercial chests of England, who. t,ok ADvlCra T(V*MOTHERS.-Are you disturbed
youth of the land to disgrace and des- thb ehan"ge in the Oubadinill tariff cooly at njght and broken of your rest by a sick 13®'�T, - SZ0IC - and
trnetion; the appetite for liquor bred ( enou'gh, would feel very strong!; or call child snff'ermg and crying -,vitt isain of Cutting
Teeth? If so send at once an get a bottle of ����'Pt:�,j' ,��Qg
witbin its walls by the treating enstotrl; ,loudly un their Government to intorfpre, r, hirs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Child -
the vice, crime, poverty, suffering and 'That the one great interest.of England ren 'Teething Its value is incalculable, It ---
sorrow of which it is Rlwa 's the ffuitful ou this side of the Atlantio-is the friend- will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately.
y "hip of the English- speak communities I Make and Mend All kinds of Bents And slices, and
source -all these evils result of the p g P a Legend upon it, mothers ;there is no mistake keopan6Rcellentstock onhnnd, First-class work.
of thiscontinent, boa long been my firfli bbrfut it. It cures Dysentery and--IliarrhoDA __ .
• open saloon havo been abolialled in near- belief Wild thou it I Of course seal( with rcgulnte8 the, Ntomnch and Bowels, cures Wind jt i( yen leant n»ythlug in this
I ' g ' ' p Colic, softens the (tnnw, reduces Inflammation, H ARN ESS € Ilno it will poky you to come and
ly every town and city of Kansas. There no aothority,I feel n sanguine expectation p
I Anrl•gives tone. and energy to the whole system. so, mo. I keg from a hams strap to a No. t set of
FI 't:as
04 stock
• or DOI. HL ,
a h »e ,. n
SINGLE pressed h those Syrup," for child.
thi•1 argumentsv n r T
is not nn oE�1o1'ving luau in the f3tnte that p ;\f rs. Winslmv'» Soothing } i ,
who does not know that it g;rent refortn attichrnont to Grent Bri'.nifl cannot be rentcethin is lemant to the taste anti is the w•orkmmtahapinny alw•m'v be expected. please glue
g p nue a call;
has been accomplished in Kansas by questioned, willpreviiilwilTiR"r.il51-14CdFcN= I,ru. iltTrfmrenft}wt,ldIT W(lbestfumald
luso, dud that the c•snsent of the Imperial physichuls And nurses in the, l?nitud States, Wild
p.obihitipn.-- l,•tst trtrtltlnl mess,lg,) of (1„vernntmnt to frim trade between Canaria Ia is by all druggists throng;holittile world. , 0. V A T E S ,
Gov, Price twenl,yfive cents n hott!e. Be sere mvl
Gov, Martin. d St,itta will ho ohtainetl,
an,i tlup•1-Wile n=t: fur"3[m•t, Wr>:stow'» N"•,TrnNn titan,"� 11LXT11i
r The v, ire of Ottla,lll ill the c, nr.cils of Itor ud take m, other kin,l. '_) Y'0•
L1:cq;a.ler.-1)I. ,agr.a l.'luntlh 1Tcmc•iy ...
... .... ......
After betngthoremxthly overhaul d l re -tilt cd with.
NGIy 11AC11INEhY of rho moyt ntglrot•cd kinds these -
,ills aro now In splendid ry+filing order, wAd will .not
u surpassed in the cnnll yooe the, work done, by any CURES
� �� ��� �p ®e®®w�
( will ' the country. HC U trS�t7L R
SpeCl(11' tin loll viyen to GRiSTIIG, from, a eornlnon totett, or Ern➢nt➢ol
., fl) the wolret.Scrorulsr. Britt-rltenll
t' i ftf'ever.ascresm,�7 Scaly ®t• LII:013glit SIt:fl
�� • •---- ill ahott, sit dnxtsta cum3i-d by bud blood a
rNil nrlf in al
,...'Je ..._. _. et3tl!lnelt;(1 1� tills I)U11 , I, p 3_�$,
Great 1 -U
, f. niedu•In( G re 1�a R
CttUPi [\G UUNF; 0\ S1101:T �OT[C I °nrlgornhnq B
eels topplcllyheul undo ,ts bwllgn influent
F.nti•facli• n guarnnttcd. ' Parties w•ant1, 1lvthilg Espeelnlly tills It num Tested itn potency
whatever in ills line,, ill find It to -their in West 'to I ollrh,le'sette•l•, Ill ONO"�± ''• 0,01111, a
;list t:anr:Ill, I 1prtneg,,,, aion•e L,'yeslg,,-'-. u➢oua Sort
sartat isaI, I11grr, Ulp-,chit tDiseas
1.: 111:1111It,Prulrlutil•. 1 VVIIAlto 1wPaliltlrt, ,:(titve,, of- �rthPC
1 Neck, unit E111argsed Gtlands. Send t
' - cents Jit stitlnp» for a large treatise, with Ill
.' - , I sired plates, nit 1 kin Disenset,, or the eat
atEynttnt turutrcat� c en Srir(>fulul4AfPcctipl
WEALTH- �. i aL Br'„➢.➢'9D dfi it INE LF>Fk,
_ i'.10 oghtyy cluansc [t'lly ttainI &Dr. Pierce
Har+: g '-( pnALu I Q,. Id lit Rl0 Wal It�fscov,: rVil and go(
CXzNI dlgestioit, it fstfr 1, C fia, 1)I1431. lit Bpi
C ,a �• `OTT I it.i I Vitt tstr•etagt➢l, and rtOun(tliess
O'. t- y CA 0111 iola,V;i11 be ectut,lichud,
Y .
. -
- 1
sox rontahu, one montirntreaunent, is1 . „e:, e. •.••... pectoral, and nutritive 1prope•tlea Ia unequaieu,
orR, scat by moll pre lull fns receipt of price. not only nil a remedy for consuiinption of the .
re, cure any ease. with encb oder received by as for six lungg, blit for fill
file ntcha,er oar
with ' 5 we will send p �Y AS
nixes nccwn anted , (y'g� �-t y/y
eat d C
' r trenln ��r�•••tt��vt
t t
ear it lh, d:.rt�7
n•tnnd the 11 �Jtt•7iJS1FJ
rrtt lliol nr lite. t y, 'Vdkt.�V ,LV
ioE-iiIIertnenre.`Jaldbraildns@ys„tsor,i,6'.3tt•Rt-SvCa., - - .y�0g�6''ftiu. �p .. .�pp .. _ ... -.- -
Ibranl" - ___
.-.-----._-_---- Live Bloo alld Lun ser
lm D�el�� fit -•,'-. 1'S►t►'lCiacy,
� If you feel dull, drowsy, ctebllltnted, have
! sallow color of skin, err yellowish -brown spotB
. I on face or body, fre(ptmlt headache or dizzf.
_ ri, • H- i' F,LL ilpsq, bud tilste le, month, internal hent or chills
alternnting with hot flasht:,l low spirits anti
ttar!n:t nccapted tilt acewn fur the Ayr llanufacturinu I gloomy borebodings, Irrcgulur appetite, fid
Co., (Iyatwm's) will open out a, ,,met to the premises I coated ionggue,.gou urn suffering from Ind1w"
latelypeolupitd by Jlr. (lauley. Albert Street, Clinton, ges+t➢ongqII9. epsin, mill Forpid L➢verg.
nearly opposite Fall,', hill, when be will be pdemed to I "or "Bilioatwil.e.•te.” in rntuly Cusco onll�yf
receive orders fol'the euNbr ted part of thesu symptoms are c e•lenced. 1T[i
it reniody for utl mach cases, Ur. Pterce9a
STEEL - TWINE - BINDER Gioldell Pllfedical ltDisco,cry bus no
Alta tile NEW Ili"atblls'R MOWER and DAISY RAKE, at�dal.
A fall line of repairs will also bo kept in suck. I T'or3ArCttte Har+rtl�, ^v1p➢ttlrlllg3�of Blood')
I',mupt nttenlian will ht+ given to all order,,, whethfr I Severe a,Conalim�Itentli,f7onsilIll ptiolll,rl4,.-
by mail or rmherwise. Also kindred glTeetions, it is a Sovcrei n rem
PLOWS, :: STRAW * : : CUTTER 3, Erdd ten c�°rtte hI 8tauui ithOr D re, Pf tAnd all other Farm Implements kertin stock, book
oponQlCouawnl Consumption. .Soldy $g
3. X. r"N3,,Ji,T, aLlNennT. I f von, !O n.®(o.
--I----- _. — - - - ' -- - ; World's Dispensary Mfiilical Association,
'T'1'lE 1'I�ERCtIARIis' i Proprietors, 063Main St.,BUFFALO, N.Y.
Protective and colidcting Association; 52` r I tQ S LITTLE
'®`o v,� � Ivo LIVER
Heu(1 office, Ift11mli[on, out. ; ®®� ® �B F j L L 8 .
1,an Association of business and professional men, Sold] by Druggists. 25 cents a VIRL
having for its object the I ---- ..,. -
111 )0QARD
And to prevent Its memhrrsnrsnkhtg bad darts by ilit „ffer+rl by the pron•fetot,p
tarnishing then' with list, of parties, who lea not pay. I of I)t•, snge'» Catarrh �iemedy
1. sand others having anenants to collect and ' . d 11 for:teusc of catarrh which they
Merchant, / ' cannot cure,
wgshla to become mgtnbers, by renitlli V to our I ., I is yoll Eve a disebart;e from
g he turn waif I , ensh• or other -
Managers, PComvo gq till, n+. (, ofI e
,Il on lhN„ t "i+
tans c
ra ]inn t
, � � t
ec. moll. a
' nt , C
ember I � r r1I I IcEa t o
m v
I c � n
aro 04 1, . �^•
' rrtRlo .1
•9 C �"r`
full , � M � •,
1 or hc•arblµ, w silk oyes /11;11 `lafn
J. B, bh1.Ls tit Co,, AJanag urs, Hamilton. , ,or pressure ht bond, you hr.Ve (atarrll. 'Pilton-
; eunda of cmaes tr.r::,inllie in ool.9mnption.
lir. Fairo's ('A:.t,+rel '.1r•.atta•v orn•cc the wprst,
Or to ,1 AS. Tiltimpsopt, Agent, ClintOrt• ; eases of eolstrrla+f' Cole fa lite "On 11!!•
t writ Calarrlral Ili-adnc➢ac. ;.0 cents.
. -
- 1
sox rontahu, one montirntreaunent, is1 . „e:, e. •.••... pectoral, and nutritive 1prope•tlea Ia unequaieu,
orR, scat by moll pre lull fns receipt of price. not only nil a remedy for consuiinption of the .
re, cure any ease. with encb oder received by as for six lungg, blit for fill
file ntcha,er oar
with ' 5 we will send p �Y AS
nixes nccwn anted , (y'g� �-t y/y
eat d C
' r trenln ��r�•••tt��vt
t t
ear it lh, d:.rt�7
n•tnnd the 11 �Jtt•7iJS1FJ
rrtt lliol nr lite. t y, 'Vdkt.�V ,LV
ioE-iiIIertnenre.`Jaldbraildns@ys„tsor,i,6'.3tt•Rt-SvCa., - - .y�0g�6''ftiu. �p .. .�pp .. _ ... -.- -
Ibranl" - ___
.-.-----._-_---- Live Bloo alld Lun ser
lm D�el�� fit -•,'-. 1'S►t►'lCiacy,
� If you feel dull, drowsy, ctebllltnted, have
! sallow color of skin, err yellowish -brown spotB
. I on face or body, fre(ptmlt headache or dizzf.
_ ri, • H- i' F,LL ilpsq, bud tilste le, month, internal hent or chills
alternnting with hot flasht:,l low spirits anti
ttar!n:t nccapted tilt acewn fur the Ayr llanufacturinu I gloomy borebodings, Irrcgulur appetite, fid
Co., (Iyatwm's) will open out a, ,,met to the premises I coated ionggue,.gou urn suffering from Ind1w"
latelypeolupitd by Jlr. (lauley. Albert Street, Clinton, ges+t➢ongqII9. epsin, mill Forpid L➢verg.
nearly opposite Fall,', hill, when be will be pdemed to I "or "Bilioatwil.e.•te.” in rntuly Cusco onll�yf
receive orders fol'the euNbr ted part of thesu symptoms are c e•lenced. 1T[i
it reniody for utl mach cases, Ur. Pterce9a
STEEL - TWINE - BINDER Gioldell Pllfedical ltDisco,cry bus no
Alta tile NEW Ili"atblls'R MOWER and DAISY RAKE, at�dal.
A fall line of repairs will also bo kept in suck. I T'or3ArCttte Har+rtl�, ^v1p➢ttlrlllg3�of Blood')
I',mupt nttenlian will ht+ given to all order,,, whethfr I Severe a,Conalim�Itentli,f7onsilIll ptiolll,rl4,.-
by mail or rmherwise. Also kindred glTeetions, it is a Sovcrei n rem
PLOWS, :: STRAW * : : CUTTER 3, Erdd ten c�°rtte hI 8tauui ithOr D re, Pf tAnd all other Farm Implements kertin stock, book
oponQlCouawnl Consumption. .Soldy $g
3. X. r"N3,,Ji,T, aLlNennT. I f von, !O n.®(o.
--I----- _. — - - - ' -- - ; World's Dispensary Mfiilical Association,
'T'1'lE 1'I�ERCtIARIis' i Proprietors, 063Main St.,BUFFALO, N.Y.
Protective and colidcting Association; 52` r I tQ S LITTLE
'®`o v,� � Ivo LIVER
Heu(1 office, Ift11mli[on, out. ; ®®� ® �B F j L L 8 .
1,an Association of business and professional men, Sold] by Druggists. 25 cents a VIRL
having for its object the I ---- ..,. -
111 )0QARD
And to prevent Its memhrrsnrsnkhtg bad darts by ilit „ffer+rl by the pron•fetot,p
tarnishing then' with list, of parties, who lea not pay. I of I)t•, snge'» Catarrh �iemedy
1. sand others having anenants to collect and ' . d 11 for:teusc of catarrh which they
Merchant, / ' cannot cure,
wgshla to become mgtnbers, by renitlli V to our I ., I is yoll Eve a disebart;e from
g he turn waif I , ensh• or other -
Managers, PComvo gq till, n+. (, ofI e
,Il on lhN„ t "i+
tans c
ra ]inn t
, � � t
ec. moll. a
' nt , C
ember I � r r1I I IcEa t o
m v
I c � n
aro 04 1, . �^•
' rrtRlo .1
•9 C �"r`
full , � M � •,
1 or hc•arblµ, w silk oyes /11;11 `lafn
J. B, bh1.Ls tit Co,, AJanag urs, Hamilton. , ,or pressure ht bond, you hr.Ve (atarrll. 'Pilton-
; eunda of cmaes tr.r::,inllie in ool.9mnption.
lir. Fairo's ('A:.t,+rel '.1r•.atta•v orn•cc the wprst,
Or to ,1 AS. Tiltimpsopt, Agent, ClintOrt• ; eases of eolstrrla+f' Cole fa lite "On 11!!•
t writ Calarrlral Ili-adnc➢ac. ;.0 cents.