HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-04-29, Page 5FROM 9 A. bI TO 9 P. M., WE WILL OFFER A LINE OF DpEss 0-00ID8 Fop, 1O C, Wo>ath_tclieethe rnnney,. call and„i:nspect then this offer will only hold good for • the time specified. We will not'be undersold in any tlepnrtutrn4, but ine1ln, itr ', the future, as we have in the past, to keep the lead in all. We order goods fresh Front the markets•every Monday. We don't allow any old stuff to accumulate on our shelves. \Ve are still selling Cottons at 3 ctst. ai 5 ots. Towels at 5 cent .„,,;'• Stylish, and S°netttio= Corsets' 50 c. Twinings at 5 cents. Lace Curtains $1 per pair WE ALSO HAVE A NICE ASSORTMENT QF CARPETS WHICH 'WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. HOUSEKEEPERS, FOR BARGAINS GO TO ROBERT.SONS 417411 IE A71 CA.; L ^�'�'()MtIE. :,-GtiffoIN L.,___7:.,,_ _LeadingGents Furnishing Douse JUST ,RECEIVED A CONSIGNMENT OF English and American itard & Soi't•Feit Hats, also a Fine line of Straw goods, - Direct f,oin the manufacturer. I havo also in stock a fine selection of Summer UNDERWEAR.. In White and Colored SHIRTS, 1 shc}.)s a great variety, • all of which will be sold at reasonable prices, and will no:,_ be undersold by any house in the trade. 4A. • GLASGOW, Smiths Block, Clinton. Our many readers will be pained to learn of the death of Mrs. Arch,Taylor, of Belgrave, which sacl event ocourred in Hamilton on Wednesday night, Deceased had been troubled with her 'lungs for some time past and went to Hamilton_for treatment. Everything was done for her but to no avail and finally she spccumbed to the malady, consumption. De• cealsed, before she was married, was head mil - )16..‘ liner in Miss Murphy's establishment in this town, and loaves a large number of friends "'in this vicinity who sympathize with. Mr. Taylor in his sad bereavement.—Wingham Times.. • While Acla, the youngest daughter of Jas. " Al Cline, Wingbam, was seated pear the stove, on. Wednesday morning, in some unac- countable way the coffee *pot, which was filled with boiling coffee on tho stove, fell over unto her, scalding ono of her legs badly from the knee down. On Thursday a calf was dropped by -a cow belonging to. Thos.Sallows, lot 5, con. 9, W. D. Colborne, Which weighed 104 lbs. on the day of its birth. Montreal Live Stock Mar lie(. About 375 cattle, 70 calves and 2spring latubs but no sheep, •ollered at the East End battoir, • on I/ihaday. ii'rade slow ilrovors asking higher prices all round especially for common .and in iarlor beeves,. A Mw choice cattle slid at about ee. and prettgood stock at 46. to 4N• e., lettnish beast at from 3c.to 3%c. per lb. Calves brought higher prices, although thore.wer'e none of good --.quality and sales at from $2 to $5 each. Fat hogs slams at about 63ac: per lb. . CLINTON MARKETS.., • C'urreetcd ot'cry Thursday nfterunun. 'Thursday, April 28, 1887. 'Wheat, spring. - • 0 75 a 0 77 '_ White and rod - - 0, 77 a 0 80 •Oats • 0 28 a 0 29 Barley - )s 0'42 a 0 50 Peas - - 0 48 a 0 48' Floor, per lb. - - 4 00 a 4 30 (Potatoes • - - 0 50 .a, 0 60 Butter • • 0 15 a 0 16 Eggs 0 10 a 0 U- rea- 1Pork ., - 5 50 a 6 00 Hay . • 8 00 a 8 00 Wool in trade "' - 0 20 a 0 22 Wool for cash 0 18 a 0 18 Sheep pelts • • 0 50 a 0 75 Lamb skins - • 0 60 a 0 80 •Clover, per bush. - - 5 00 a. 5 50 Londeshero, and;' proceed north to Blyth, to Milne's Hotel, for noon ; teen to Stewart's Hotel, $elgrave, for the eight. `TUESDAY, will proceed east to \ eeler'o Corners, thence South by way of Snnahine to John Wallace's for noon • thence south to the Hallett boundary, thence to Young's Corner, thence to Win, Herrington's, lot 13, con. 13, Hullett. for the night. WEDNESDAY, will proceed west along con. 12 and 13 to the Gravel Road, then south to Londeshoro, to his own stable, where he will remain for the night. THURSDAY, will proceed north to coo. 12 and 13, then west to Jos. Webster's. lot 37, con. 12, for nooc ; then wont to Base Line, theu south to Wt.,. Ball's, for the night. FRIDAY, will proceed south along the Base Line to eon. 8 and 9, theu east' to sldoroad 30 and 31, then south to con. 6 and 7, then east to the Gravel Road to Thos. Corbett's, lo. 25, cum. 6. Inc noon, then east nlm,g con: 6 and 71r Chris. Dale's corner, then north to eon. 0 and 9 to E. Tvrcmen's, con. 8; Inc the night. SATURDAY, will proceed' north to con. 16 and 11, then ,vest along the concession tn,Londesbnro, where he will retw,ia till the following .Monday morning. , YOUNG SIR EDWARD. JIENRY BEADLE, Proprietor. MONDA\', April 25—Will leave his own steide, and pro- ceed dow•u the gravel rend to Milne's Hotel, Elyth, 11m the night. 'TUESDAY, will ytnreod down the gravel to James Nethery's, for noon; then to Stewart's Hotel, Belgrave, for the night. WEDNESDAY, will proceed down the 8th nod 9th concessions of East Wawanoah to Mr \Vhitentan's for noon.; then to James Dew•'s, 1015 concession, for the night. THURSDAY, wilt proceed to the beuudnr,' line to John Stenn's for noon; then p^odeed to the 6th aud7th couceesinns to Mr Vent's for the night. FRIDAY, will proceed down the siden)ad to the 1th cunre,siun,•to array -Bell's for noon ; then to his own stable fur the night. .SAIURD.1Y, will pro• coed 11110,3 the 1st, co messinn of Bast \Vasranosl) to John Blackbrough's ter nonL ' then to his own stable, 0 here he will remain until the following Mnudar moruiuv. HONEST JIM. IHOWSON BROS. Proprietors. MONDA1-,April 25—Will leave his own elahlc, lot 34, con, 12, Hullett, and proceed down the 19th to Gavin Hamilton's for noon ; then to Oth con., and proceed to S. SlrCool'a, for the night. TUESDAY, bill proceed to the Base Line, and across to the 1611, on, Goderirh township, to 11. Carter's, 1'ur noon; thea down 16th con. to the Huron Road, then Yip the Heron Road to l0oox's Hotel, Iinmesville, for the night. WEDNESDAY will proceed aerm30 Homesville bridge into Colborne, to Wm, Hill's, for noon; then to John Holliday's for the night. TIIURSDAYewill prriceed to his own stnhle,, and remnln until Friday morning. FRIDAY, will proceed' by ,ray of sideroad to G. SieGowon s Enst wawonosh, for noon ; then to John Greenan's, boundary line, for the night. SATURDAY, will proceed to \Vo;. Neeve's for neon; theu to his own stable, where he will remnln until theu the following Monday morning. BARON SCOTT. JOHN WASHINGTON, Proprietor. MONDAY, April 25—Wil1 leave his'own stable. lit 25, eon ;t, Wort wawonosh and proceed to`L, Moore's Bane Line, Inc noon; then to J.J. Fisher's for the night. TUESDAY,. will proceed to Huron Road, to Wm. Lampreys. for noon; then to John McCartney's, Goderlrh township, Inc the night, WEDNESDAY, will proceed to Wm. Wise's, air noon ; then through Clinton to Wm. Tipledc's, for the night, THU'RS- DAY, will proceed to H. Snell's Mullett, for noon; then to Londesbore, nod stay from 4 to 5 o'oln'ck, then to John Ciuvin$s' for the eight, FRIDAY, 'not tilled nut." SATURDAY, will proceed to S, Mershnll's, for noon' then to hie own stable, where he will remain until the billowing Monday morning. HOUSE TO RENT—SUITABLE FOR SMALL •1'iIIDL' OI' Ati OTS , family. Rent reasonable Apply to THOS COOPER .0 SON'S Store,.Clinton BOARDING}' — ONE OR TWO LADIES CAN he accommodated with board at MRS (4. 'SHARMAN'S, Rattenbury Street, Clinton. JERSEY BULL FOR SERVICE—THE Wil - SCRIBER keeps for servieo, London Road, Stanley, a well bred Jersey Buli. Terms—EE ab time of service, with privilege of returning if necessary, CHAS. AVERY, Stanley, '01 f'TORR TO RENT. —THE PREMESEn RE - 1.7 CENTI.Y occupied by lilt' Simpson, on the eur- nor of Albert Street is offered .to rent. it 15 ono of the best stands in town. Apply to JOS. WHIITEHEAD, Clinton. HOUSE TO RC\'l'.=TILE SUDSCIIIBER OFFERS to rent a largo frame house ou ,Mary street, It contains plenty of room for large family, all enuven- ieneies, and is one of the most comfortable houses in tOWn. Possession given on 1.4 of April. ALEX. OORRELL, Clinton. POTTAGE FOR SALE: TiIAT COTTAGE ANI) lJ two lots, formerly occupied by Neil Matheroon, next, east of the residence of W. Roberts', F.s(., con- taining half nn acro of land, and the most eligibi dwel- ling in Clinton, Very liberal terms given and posses• Mon at May nont. W. W. FARRAN, POPULAR STALLIONS, The 10110 'hl¢ Slnllionn will stand Inc the Tmpi.',, ue n1 Stork tide Season no Nino A: .LUCK'S-AI,I.,. T. J. DELL, Proprietor, , - DIONDAI•, April Z5 -1V01 Ir•aw• hi' ew,1 strode, I,NNES S-MGLA. =GIILIN, Proprietors. . Oil NDAY, April 25—W1l1 Imre his own stable. 2tel eon., 6tauley,and proceed darn t the Barfield road,then to for vont; then 1;1 Swarts' hotel. Hayfield, tirr the night. TUESDAY, will proceed into Goderieh township, to T. Welsh's, 5th eon., for noon; then to W. Tiehbourne's, 5th eon„ 1'o' the night. WEDNESDAY, will proceed across to the 7th eon., then eolith. to Anthony Elliott's, fn' noun ; then moth to .Tnlln Elliott's for one hour, then neroon to the 911, con. to J. C, Steep's for the night. THURSDAY, witl-pro• bed to the Bayfield line, then to tV.,tl ise's, I'or noon ; then Horth to linmeslllle for the night. FRIDAY, will proceed down the Heron Road to the 16th con., (ioderirh township, to T.•Chur«hilt's, for noun; then north one Dile and moss hr ,ray of Base line to (,wen Flynn's, 5th eon„ Itullett, for the night. SA'rUR•DAY, 09'11 proceed to the Rntteubnrm House, l'Imto), for noon ; then to his own slahle, where Iib will rl main moil the folhm io!• hlote ny morning, TIII: (xALLA1NT' KAIE. FRANK SIPION;\v 3. Proprietor. MONDAY, May 2—Will leave 1110 own stable. ('n,9u,c nt 11000, end l;reeved to Miller's Hotel, Beemtller, for the l'rliSDAl', will proceed not to the Huron Road, to .11c Lend Bros, for uuon; then to Rapt. 6114.11111.g, Sub eon., Oodertr•h township, for the night. R'EDNES UA 1, ,110 pro reed to G. Caute wt's, ith rnn..(:nderirh township, f.r noon; then to Ruuz's Hotel Itonesvllle, for the night. THURS- DAY, will prorerd across the new bridge into Colborne, in W. Baer's, for noon; then to W. Hill's. for the night, FR t• DAY, will proceed to his 00'0 }ruble, for nam : then to the Nile for the night. SATURDAY, will proceed to 1114 nwu stable. where ho will r, -amain until the felleeieg MLanlny mm71,inu. KING oli Tllr. CAAI1)BELLS. • JOAN WASHIN(OTON, Proprietor, MONDAY,Apl25—Will leave his own +tat le,tV,W0nnneah vett reeved 111J. Fhilg'in't, for noon ; then through Dun. galleon, to Thos, Anderson's, for the meat. TUESDAY, '1111 proceed by way of (llee»o Hill along the 6th (mew f Ash6rhh to hfe Armstrong's, kir un00: then through Riess - bridge to Gen. Carrel's, for the night. WEDNESDAY, will proceed down the Lake Shore Rond thraneb Port Albert, to Mr McBride's, (J. Seett'o old place) Inc notnt 1 Bien pro. reed through Shepbrrdtan, along the bomdary to d. Eelin's, for the mgglt. TIII'RSDAI', will proceed 10515 to John \niters , ('olho'ne, for noon ; then proceed east along the CM con„ to A. Million's, and remain one hnnr, then pfnceeir to Oarrloi Young's, for the night. FRIDAY, ,rill prorerd t0 Mnnncester, then north to nton Campbell's. Inc noon: then proceed east to .1 nld's sulernnd, then north to Henry wigQhtmnu's, for the night. SATURDAY, hill proceed mirth to Mnrnnrl,, then to Donn'yhrnoh, Inc noon ; then proceed ivestto Si Aegnvttur, then smith to his 0.111 sIn1,1, 011.rr he he will remote 1111111th, fellun ne' \londn Unrrcir;, , —..AT THE ..— DRY GOODS PALACE, CLINTON Our stock in the Millinery Department is now very complete, embracing ltlie latestnovelties. In the Mantle Department we are showing a very large And beautiful stock of Mantle Materials .and Trimmings. Value unsurpassed. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. JOHN WISEMAN Manager. - . Estate J O1)CENB' . . lY" C2Ca1ff TQJ f , t 33?_,YTI3, HOW W BUIL1132121:11111111111/1=1031 EitiE111117MIESIIIIIIIMMINT6111Mgm T — AND MAINTAIN---- ,SITCCI�JSSIP-VL T3BOOTS�JSI1�T1 ' `DEDICATED TO THOUGHTFUL. BUYERS OF . Hoots Shoes Sli- ors lubbers &a. Quality summer have been selected with " ' great care, and will Uri rf'ouud very complete in all lines. We are H • Our stock of Boots and Shoes for spring and sun agents for DACK & SON'S FAR FAIIIED FINE • HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. EGOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE' FIVE PERCENT OFF FOR CASH. TAYLOR SONS, JACOB TAYLOR, Manager for Blyth. ntl Lace Curtains IMPORTED DIRECT FROM THE OLD COUNTRY. WONDER FITL VALUE. MIL la JUST OPENET) SOME VERY STYLISH NEW YOI;R. GOODS. OUR IMMENSE STOCK. (1F' Fashionable DRESS GOODS TS UNIVERSALLY ADMI1REI) AND SELLING RAPID -LY. 1 a a �']B'TL0R & CO., —Clinton. TENN1 ON LATET JBILE POEI Our natural modesty has had to yield to the entreaties of • I [et' Majesty the Queen, for us to make known to the public her opinion of our store, by publishing the following jubilee poem, composed by the poet laureate at her command, and transmitted -to us by special cable despatch. METRE PATENTED, THE WHOLE THING COPYRIGHTED, AND ALL EIGHTS RESERVED, 0 Better goods haN e you now than ever before, Endless in variety --while prices are lower. Each I-Iat that you snake is a lovely creation, "Such beautiful- wares" is the one exclamation; Look how they're trimmed! so, chaste and so tasty; Everything good and nothing done hasty. ° Your Ribbons imported -none else has the equal,• And your artistes are skilled to give patrons the sequel. Never 111 all the long years of lay reign Did I ever 1?ehold, on the land or the main, ( oinelier wares than I saw in your store; , 011 ,v]Idn this IIat wear; out f'tl go straight there for more. Neat comes Late Styles. Then best variety within 100 miles. Acid popular selections, • pleasing people well, No untruthful statements; for honesty will tell. Followed' by politeness, and desire to please. Backed by push and energy, and other traits like these.' Straight, fair business ,principles, which 'good intentions show, I AND THE FOUNDATION OF IT IS t PRICES VERY LOW. RESTING ON THE. ROOK�i�1"OF o PERPET l./ AL S,V CCESS. E ASI\. 13TJT ONE TRIAGIVE I TO DEMONSTRATE OUR ABILITY TO BARGAINS. Y.-rIN L"40I a,1rlc1. 1-.®1NI)ES33014 Co IDE AWAKE NEXT DOOR TO T. COOPER tC SON'S GROCERY, ALBERT STREET, C'LINTON. UHEA.PSIUI'; WAS COMPELLED TO GO TO THE MARKETS' AGAIN • TO SECURE SOME MORE NEW GOODS. I C.A-'fit TA) L) J'LTSIP kriro 11AIN1=1 ANJ) MARKED OFI+' IDE wants the Ladies es of Clinton and '-vicinityY .to come at once and see the nicest Patterns of New PRINTS in the Hub. Lovely New Shades of 6Grey in DRESS GOODS. Ladies' getting their dresses every day at Cheapside, before they all go. CHEAPSIDE has added a fine stock of TAPES- TRY and HEMP CARPETS tot, his many de- partments• - CHEAPSIDE wishes to inform his young gentlemen friends that his stock of FINE NEW YORK HATS has arrived and is marked off. Come and get one before the selection gets broken. CHEAPSIDE secured tl fine lot of NEW YORK'S SCAI1F i and4fIES while away to the markets last week. Just the newest goods out for young gents. CHEAPSIDE will startle the people on Saturday night by showing something entirely new in this section of rho Dominion., to be seen in ('heapside's win-, dow on Saturday alight. DON'T MISS T'I', YO1T WILL BE PLEASED. ('I-IEAPS1DE welcomes everybody to come and see what we have got, Op, position friends made welcome. Yours respectfully, S. WLL4eoN '. c I1 i'r Tia