HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-04-29, Page 4♦ -.. _" I '; ...1 , _. _ .: . _ e - , t , s • ,1 t e T 1C1U 4�1�E>l tj�BptRt1>�a, Add�ttonat total News.. mlgd were committed ter buil for IQ day 0178 LE7'EI; BQ $e sassy bo right dud he may be wrongig, l • Ai�4.IZRI111a . • . _ for.coutempt of court; constable- Davit• • ,: sincerely hope, he is sight, but I douot.tb;nk HELPS-TO0XZ.-r-Ait the , ' - t4?Phy°Nct--ragkHQn SETTLED IN A.t3T -- $ tRel1•torda k .01� theRl to Gq(iench o Saturda . mirrn. ire are notroepoAn[blotot any optniot}e expressaci so.. The mass of evidence+ is against 1]iia4; Mntbadist 4 0❑ p tae, street .+a 4 A► ... tastier tbls beading x .JElr 11TJcw,19n4.1 P rt .aBa, by t13a l;ed 1S%Sll: $I� . 04*wa1Fe-,- ke$pstde pjy pl�n fitrmer, in'aearch . of a wife, jn , Inside, of t>ao IaBG two mon, liA .IQ- rn ocnolusi0n, I wish W call SOPUM0n to tnb, on the 27th )fist., Mr. W. Helps, to odes •_.., ' .pa Yot� arood_ Pay & Ca dKgpl,gd into. Watford- the •other day, was specter 'aisley hats laid 24 'informatio s BCOT`p AOT IN $I�YTII. theoomnaenGementaf O.,loo$er s letter. He F• B. Tooke,, )pati, of Seafortlt. - 1'4stgirllge-- H,11.[ontgomery igtr4d ,,. to a pretty w5cluw, anal settled and secured a COI1vlCttoq to every case. . _ says • The very idea of Safety and eternal inREID-HEVLrETT.-!p Clinton, on the 26th ' a4amiutat>on--R Adamson aalvatton wtthcut works eoems saran o to st• at the resldenoe of Bfre.Cllark, b file Env, t _ ]Rome #bund -F Ii Powell thn. Whole business ipside of twenty-four 13e laid information against a small gra To the Editor of the 01inton Neto ,gr•a, g E. �. Ru era, Mr. R. T. Reid, to , E., F,,.� ( �•w ; y . most of the People, and many are afraid of • .Qheap hate• Jaokson Bros oars.--Quide. [A marriage occurred in cer named Stni,th, of Goderich, on Friday, Dsea Sxa,--It may not be amiss to offer it as of eorae hovel 'doctrine new to their Hewett, aughter of Mrs. Clark, all of Cliate . ;[Trlxhaoa Bull A Jamieson this neighborhood recently, wherein the but on Saturday Smith was nowhere to a few roulorks in respect to the working of ears." This is simply intentional or unin• DIED )R .Qar!iages-J Twitghell gg'room, popped the question .the second be found ; the ease proceeded to trial and the Aot in 'this burgh, now that the law 19 tentional slander upon the clergymen in our HALL -In Goderich, on the 2 rd inst• F,t t is labdoe-B Foister day afttr becoming acquainted with the a conviction was secured, but as thea seemingly to be enforced and the " loyal" midst. I do not believe there is one Who Hugh Hall, aged 88 Yeats and 6 tong. 'llc! Cl'ail wanted-li A Dtutbar Is(�y •Who is now hi wife, Thep were were no goads upon which to levy, a war• hotel keepers are being broujlht to book for preaches salvation by works. I can vouch, Xew 'York hats -Beesley & Cc married a month to the day from they rant +vas issued for Smith's arrest. The their daring and impudent violation of ou'r at least, for Mr. Craig. For I have heard c _ "Route of Luck's All -T J Bell first meta same day M r Peacock, G'rdericb, pleaded Paws. him repeatedly urge upon his hearers, that QiV r711- i' • � �IilCll- .,,)$oots and Shoes -J Twitelieil rill to. a first offence and was iven When the i4cott Act boemme law a erfeot a man omnnot do an thin to merit salve• '- ''" r C'ent's. Furnishings -G Glasgow RAILWAY MATTERS.-BWs for theincor- g Y g = P y g ANTED JUMEDIATELY, FOUR COAT, Queen's Jubilee -Rob W Coats. potation of the branch lines frotrm Wood. 10 days in which to pay his fine. Me Jae. howl of indignation arose from the hotel tion, for it is the free gift of God in Christ r� two vest, and two aut makers A l' ScUt barrister a eared for the rose- lkeeepers and their poor deluded victims, ae- Jesus. This statement, of "Onlooker's" is just to R. D. DUN8AR, B►ytb ant. p 2I" _,.1tertainmeut-St lPaul's'Guild Jtt(u kto lake,ti un slid .frm - Ninghllm _ , ► PP p -. it Gu ie, - avt b eft a Ud ed-wtu.11 curfon' in sl% cases at Exeter, on Tuesday, pani4al. wit>Ithe most vita and barba;ons on a .par will] the ver evident desire - the • threats of Sven eanee m lnstali-hudstmi-tr Bret&rn eneral] o ecoi]sidere "iist�ie Af;-t`tiltat3E'r6L:Lr'?1.=Tiissutisor3be`r6 -.-rlerc��ve a agaiu�Taaksalt Ba na t der h h o t tr +rc - _ .A Route ofir Edward,-HBeadle House, Mr Porter seeufs to ba the epeoial (parttculara of whiCli a00eitir'in tial Fester who sympathised withthe Aot, or favored special res plants of certain trntha. They p' to taut fur taturae a 130 acres, aloe t0 Y Q a items and secured a Cor to ton ]n five it in anv wa and articular) those who hold nothin new. All these uestions have the town of Goderleb, Well watered,(the elver g advoc to of Ilio fntQreets of Goderich, and y, p y q running through it) plena peoxal for Saturda -J lteberte ii Cnsts. The Ins (e,ton in the raOuth rend � 9 of shade, uud well �j Relit of Honest Jim -Howson Bros bis Cliutou frieoda should see to it that he P" spoke out for its enforcement. However, been disputed over and over again. • But it fenced. Will be req ted furtheleeaaouon reoaon- � Route of Baron Scott -J Washington does not . slight Clinton altogether. Iu WestRiding appear to bedisobarging the r the tavern keepers contented themselves for makes one indignant to re.id such a slur cast able toema. Apply to lI A10NTGOM)rRY,Rtdg- Entrance Examinatlon-D M Malloch ! the meantime the petitioue asked for by duty faithfully, but the limpect(r In the a time by chaining ap their pumps and upon ministers we all sout-icli respect. Who d Farm, Goderich. . Auction sale of Farm -Manning & Scott the Brantford people are being pushed, East hiding seems to be a little slow, or closing up their sheds and stables against is it that preaches sah.ition by works? r �iIOROUrJIIt3RED UL'RBAht BULL FOR 1 Route of Gallant Graeme -F MODonagli and so far as this section is euncerLeci the else the law is well observed. the public, and, I beheve, kept the law, at Which is the congregation ...in our midst I aJROUGE, -•Pale auttaeriber liasforaerviao Route of Pride of Avon -Innis &lkleLaughliu - - . -� }east openly, for several mouths, until it is to whom salvation without works seems a thoroughbred Durhaut bull, on lot 28. eon, to, J 17, Route of Sing of tl}e Cam bells -J Waeh• feeling is favorable to the Suut`hern routs. g P • B said they received ' encouragement from strange? Let "Onlooker" reply, He has not HullOtt. The aehuat to of duck rod cotor,weighe ington Our cid friend Perrin will not alduN our !��'�✓� �+� �� �+� cu■ an im portant nonunion official, who, signed his name, so he cannot }lave all nea- He hili$ a iro lard edi ee. and r 2 Bare old, _- _-.---_,_ _ __-_-_. townspeople to sleep while anything is to l a Y ' �unite tiflrat nion pedt>boo and registered to be done to securb bettor railt,a facilities. �Vmris Cxt•rc a.-Rev,DIr.Dlarrav preach. by the way, it' is said, holcjs a colas- son for refusing to ens\v2r'. Let' us hope file ueN Denilutou hail honk. TEItA�S, 81 Nith • Y issiou of the peace, and keeps an office that the. Brethren, having so far advanced the priviWgo of returnilig if uecessary. A. •_ �' + , , ed in this church on Sundety lost. -Rev. DIF, JAAIIESON, Loudesboro, �������1 dt(j►,�• GItANTUN FARAIE1t S CLUB. —Tile Fit r- Stetaart, who has hoer indisposed, is now in cue of the hotels, that the law was so do- lately, as to hold a meeting in a Tn\vas Hall, `, SCJ/ mer s Club met uu the 18th, there utas a i]iuch better. -Ilia tui it on. Sunday nest fictive they might Boll\vit21 impunity, license, tc observe, Good Triday by holding a special + �= l P or uo license. .Phus enepuraged• the , NTRAN('E EXA.11, tOV.-VheEutranoo gbud attendance of members. After the will liket be occu pied b Prof. •Gro+++ a Y, fora service on that day, and lastly, by qu0tirlk �` a„ of g I:xuminatou for admisatou .to the High RIll.1 Y, AI'1t1L 29, 1887, reliminar business ryas finished, Me W Toronto. Y 1 Y Leugtlt of time, somewhat privately, but la£ fronh the writings rif m bishop, when Schools, will bit 1104) tin Cih,tou, Seaforth and _ _ P y tali ics o enl whon under a license, -- -- ___ _ __ ___— 'A. Grrant read a very valuable and inter- 1;•1T1'EsnrRY STREET, - Sacramental ser- y P • y die- next all oo a adlvfn conies . preach, they i;8o ti�tnri�'rAllrcanitirljteus niLo uten(itouivriEo CD1'COR'IA'L NOTES elfin tt er uu file most rafitable breed ptuhaed, thea pe, bus ander variona names', will all + onne and hear him. Surely, it a 1 . g p p p vices in connection with this church will be such as, "white," "soft," "clear," "vinegar," man's writings may be read and quoteil as !s,jN, B. A., boto ill Clintonito JAS. Tu'(ruoeai of horses t0 raise in this section, for which. held a weak From nest Sabbath.-ltev. 11r, •,blackstrap," "straight," "egg and vine„ar," authority, it cannot be a {•cry great sin to 13. q., and those iu AVInghinll to W. E. Ga(whs, -. Tit: Senate has acdjoureocd until the 11th t!]e, ttnated thanks of thO club was voted. <Sparhng occupied this pulpit last Sunday etc., the old, funiiliar names, such as "forty go and lleay him preach! Tgcopv Mr.tiinl. rrR•, or to the uudersig,'ed, Allapplications of Ma If it would adjourn for all tints to Then a very lengthy discussion tookTtaee evening, .Nr,„Rupert taking his work in Oil- roc}," " tau le le ," " snifter," etc., bein I might advise them to " coins early anal must - in not later than the 2. uP. AJay, D. . Y• J on the same sub est and a reat man of tario street,-Those'who have been ou ro- g k' g „ 1.1100, MALLOCH„ lusp., P. S. 2i come,' the people' would be ust as well ' g y $ toile away elan. r'e, such ae extent )las secure, good seats, and \t}re Solna reason, __ _. T-�-___ _� 1 L J thA members thought that lOr fainting bation for saute, time will be receivod taste,' this defiauae of our laws (;ono, bhat, wattle for in all probability, there will riot bo pleased, and ever so much better off. purposes something cn the style of a Coach full uiombershlpon,��ednesday ocenung next, you believe it, three now• landlords have fit• standing roouh. Due notice will be given of VAT,I'ABLE FARM FOR SXLE BY PUBLrc horse was the best, but on account of the S'T.15AVL'd Cirtnuu.-11t. Rev. Bishop Bald- ted up and re -fitted hotels. for the, open Salo his coming, i remain, your ObedieuU ser- AUCTION.-•lhrra will b p sold byP.Wbllo Auctiolt,ou Saturday•,Api•1130, at2o'clockO.m„ TuF Conservative papers •are taut as keen great demand and good -prices which can {vin will hold a confirmation service In St. of their eboi :o' drink, iu this little town, want, - Jun-, Rk-isroa;'• tit the 011100 or Mauull'A .v. Scott• lu tho Towu of after news as they were some tinro ago, for be obtained at present for heavy draught Paul's church, on Tuesday evening. May -while, it is freely stated that one individual,---�---► •.----�- Clintou, the following valuable farm property; horses, the rea,dent decided that the, 3rd. Guild Ent'ertainnient-Mr. Stoneman, und0r tale blind ofr� a grocery, dispenses A «'ORl) FOR OB6Islf1't,lt \o. ?, Tile west half of lot I 18. in the 2nd coneea- none of them, apparently, )lave heard of the P y who is to tape ,art in this entertainment, egg stun, and rho ea,t tlalf,of lot No. las, in the 3rd {Vere the most profitable in this section. 1 and \iuemat, and \anions other concession of the, township of Fiullett,eacheon• appointmeut of a " rebel Rielite" to the po- this (Friday) evening, the 29th inst., is soft drinks, while the young moil of To the. Editor of )lie Clinton: R'eiv Era. tafLlug 6e, acres. On the former nhere Is a now sition of Speaker of the house of Commons. LrAI°ING Tow:c.-The many friends well known u] Hamilton for lyra abilities as the town are initiated fn the games of three DEAR �iis,�-i wonitl Fifty for the infOrnta- two story brick house, with all modern improve. .. all over the count , Of fife iir(n'of Palli au elocutionist, and overybod en oys DIF, a p, taker, etc., in the back Rho t ni *ht or Marts, also barn+, drivtup shed, &c. There are _-.---•0•«e.+.- -..., p /� $ y J L 1- 1 > b tion of Observer," that iw•u w,xks a�,(O la -.t also I2 acres of fall wheat, 6 acres ready for ' .` ll 1 Gazett0 -a t.:al(i11g Af tl]e .ser ll, l)e,-, Of', \c,h.. .;<IC Tll1); `y{lite i)ata l,Ial(:O1naU11'k, i'C,Cil.dlila'.t}<_—�. -la QP11t0i]lplatecd Clay, 5llrtdtiy' WL' r5'atl]L'diiy. -•- + bath 'evCdtlirig, R'he[l 1't'eaClllil� tip m'j• (•rUp; find t110 1)alitllCO a00(ied llUNn. Ou th0 - - TIIL .l•.IO tl t -a , l " been the active mAnager. l(,r• some time, to make 1. ilportant additions and improve. Row, .AIr. Editor, you will imagine that it co gregation I esamirmll the word - " V'0 i'it"r the'r'e aro n lira house, ly acres of fall - proposition to increase the salaries of judges, will re ret to knotv.that they have dee}dad meets to this church, and a committee were must be deplorably bad ]m Blyth, when a colla a , Nlleat and uhnut :ll aures seeded leWn, There puts in a word it favor of increasing also oil ivinr a business here, aw AIr White examining it with that end fn view, rill citizon.of ^Blyth writes yon details of such are not under the law but under grace,' sO .aro good hearing orchards cu both lots, Terms :r- _...1 l.. , - h"� b._p- ;- _. _._ _ _ _ ori` that occasion I tiuishad nly' say mh the and coud[tiuns miulo kunq•n ou rlihy of sale, or Wednesday. .._._... .-.--- _. . viltiany a; -exists -here, -but don't you for et, . Fray he Incl ❑tion itpBl1vatiun to maunin the salaries 0f t?la llouliuion Gabiuet 1. is- purposes leaving town. They have en- f laW meantfnio: Chi r,Sa'blinth eventnt, first Scott. John Metfullen, tin tile, fi s. n ed the confidence of the ublic durin ONTA1110 STREET. - Sacrauiontill service- nor do y+. t pass hasty jved, he a e l for, Prusig es, or Jas. tars. When it is keotvn that tlh0 editor of I Y P g will be hold ou Sunda nest, commencing if repo}t; pile to be believecd, the same loose, my sub)ect will be `Grace or C litist -the, liow.iuu, Aust„ \Y. J. I'Iltsutl, asstguoo. their 14 years' residence here, and esaa- Y Sinner's refuge." 1 will also alto�v that it is _ ..— the Gazette is also a Cabinet Minister, tills bl.ished a trod business, b1r White has. at 10 a.m.-There was a large attencdance system is praetisea ?n your own town. Now, the dut of every -litelit sinner to enter ''' at this church oil Sunda mornin }est, on to listen to the views es ressed by both men y l 1givi,tCOR' Nr -lis havingic t is hereby will not bo wvucl©red at. The salaries tiro been Doe tri the most active members of y g said refuge that,( -race has pvoviderl for hint. �' the occasion of Mr. Sparling preaching the and women, respecting he Suott Act sed its / Ivcn to ell persons IlAvtng 01,tlms against High ninon (h na it is, Lver Cabinet Minis- the UddfelloWs Lod a Burin his so Duro I will also show that the lice of that famous the estate (:r Nal. Forster, decreased, late of the a b Y i"+ J . funeral sermon of the late Mrs. Snell of abuses, cue \yho.canuot see farther than the, hymn, Rock of Ages, " Let me hide myself tow+letlti'[+ ui ''nthuruo, in the e( nary of Huroy, for receives, X13,000 a year, •Sud also x1,000 it totvn,lieing now Llatrict Deputy C?rand Hatllett,. lie' chose for his text the tt11 spectacles of drunkenness on one streets, who dial on t:;• about Docomber29, A. D. 1886, to ser sac l allotvatlee and if this is not encu h Master, he is also an official member of verse of the 30th chapter of Luke, and dwelt would probably say'w-ith the many, that the iu thee, altered Sell •wit ti the P,rethreu, so,.cl by purr, v.. or before the 2sth day of Alar, g the Methodist church, and {will be very at considerable length oil the future -state of Scott Flet "wtis nothing but a fraud," but is in perfect keeping with filo teachings of 1387, to :>. oftil - r, id Win. F rs O•, secretary of .: j ' to satisf their \rants tine • sboul(l uit and general) missed in town.. It is ex acted existence, its tau lith the bible, closin lookiu + , little further now; Whose fault is it the Nord. Their ren<ioring Of the lino is, 'EriacloseA, of the c8 ci wm, Frisian par names, Y . J q y p g y g g of their l Sul + id the se u and fall y) hold by G'raco has hid ll1C slLf' iu Thee, thus de- of their otnuna nae the seeurit if an go at Something else. TI38 Globe llso inti. that AIr Palliser will remain here. with a pathotic reference to deceased, A that our laws have been and are so unbtu5h- stroying the sinner's act}vify, elaltillg him them. Itunw(tiately after the( said ,date the mates that the'salaries of the Ontario Min• M=J -ICIPAI ' UALIFICATt6Ns:-Durin Your- Peoples' Aid Association has been 4ngly violated here? My opinion is, that it passive instead Of active. 'i.'he teaching ,of Execatora wld proceed to distriba,o the said A Q g formed m connection with this church. is greatly the fault of out councils, who, had isters are louver than tfley should be. We are the session that has just closed several at- the, Nord is as fo110tvs, " Lo Ic uiitix.al•(c, .loci estate, have,,; ll lav only to such l Pers na wfllin to (ive ever member of the Cabinet tem to were mads to the a falature to • ••�" they clone their duty as loyal men, and seen wide)) they shall gave }raid notice. Au persona g Y P 1' g 1'xrfiameut..ry Jottiu;y®. to the late being enforced £Foul the outset, be y'o saved, all the cases 0f le ceath, for I indebted to the said estate, arerer1ustel tooettin credit fora faithful and zealous discharge abolish or consideralaly lower thii clualid- -- no one could have it in their ower to find am GOd, a'lr[ there is nolo else." 7,':Ix U t;\,, tate same ril, A. aha 1687. lute. llutecl this IGth of his duties, but we think $4,000 a year and cation for munici al office, but with little, P lay of Aprll, A. D. ia8•r. p AIr. DIeCarthy has given notice of a bill to fSult with or )smart the, iufractiou of the ('OIti,I•;C;T.IO>]: � I B:IRBARA FOFf'STEP, sessional allowance is a very fair salary. success. One proposal was to abolish a'tl amend the Scott Act. It will not be fur its Temperance Act. I IIomesville, Executrix. . The are not com elled to remain in the e I W. B. FORS•rER, Y P property gnalil c itfon altogether, but this improvement. ,, We read of teiiiltle corrnpti0il existing in GoaEStcrt, April 3S, ls•ti7. 7lamosvillo. position if rho salary i tuisatisfaatory, and was defeated by an overwhelming vote. Among the current rulnld�Ar 'is one that the large cities, and there is abundant evidence A. FORSTER, Executor t, _ we do not suppose the peoplb of Ontario aro To the Editor the of Nety I ra• I A compromise was at last made by -which National Conservatives intend to ask that the that almost everywhere jobbery rind crook• I}E::n SIH,, -Permit me, through your col- I hlarkl]a'u•j disposed to pay any higher. There are any the ualification was reduced to $600 free- Government pay a pension to Riel's widow, edness in municipal affairs exists in our n her of men who dischmr erdutiea, •ter- fl + n umns, to correct ti mistake, Which was ina(1- "'-�' r tips► g 1 At the oonolading.Session of the Dominion country, but why it ]s allowed to go on year ha s not. uite so res onsible,• but full as hold And X1,200 leasehold in towns. One vertantly made by your correspondent,, t. OLNTY OF T1I;TTON ESAAIINATIONS, 188;. p fl P Y of the s eakers in the rind al debate on Alliance it {vaa decided that a hilt bo intro• after year, this Feasor is not far to seek. `his remarks anent the Higli School coi:0ert. C second class eCoun fcsaional examination at the arduous, who are compelled to accept much P P $ duoed in the House rovidin fbr total. Prohf• In Blyth party spirit goes to such a length Nigh Schools iil tiff Cgunna on Aaminat ith July, S limp less in Salar •, and while we are uite the subject acknowledged' that he had th certainly ate misinformed, when ie, said Shire sass no Counesa on T examination at rite .. m, y q bition, P g that it is reported many on one assessment willing to see Cabinet Ministers well paid been furnished his beat .ar uments in the Darin the debate on the re eal resolutions g P Y a ,while, that the defeated aide . Thy q d marl the First cl ss, gr County on day, day, 12th July, 0 a. m, g roll et off scot free from a ing tacos Ave do Riot think it should lie out of ll ro uestion b a De ut Reeve of a. flourish- g P justice of the decision, They had more re- First class, grade C., A uesda, lath JuuTy 1 pm N'lrat u P (1 Y P y` in the nova Scotia IIonse a member gave others, so it is said, can run livery or hill• sect for the) jud es and for themselves, class, grade, ish t B, it eat ei her Cli •v, or S Can portion with'•other members of the con]- ing western town. The reference was to aotioe Of an amendment favorin annexation lards, without having tpa licenses ; this, P g didatca eho wish to writs at althor Cllntou or Seaforth g than to do maything' of the kine); hvlditng, as tueist aotifrEjrAI;-AI*l,LOar, P, S, Inspector, Clinton-•-- , . munity, Deputy -Reeve Manning, who has taken a to the States. of course, entails a loss to t ©,77r"1lleipal-ityr,. 'they. do, that they the defeated side) were O., not tater than the 21st Alay, stating which of the reat interest in such uestions for.. some Gossi s have it t}lat Sir John and Lad but w hat is that to trite great loss of morals sehools the wish to write at; and those ,rho wisli to ,- g _ q P Y a incompetent to ju Le, inastnuoli Ss_ -they y CUNsmEr.&DLL• interest bl now being devoted time. Alaedouald are going to England at the close our place sustains, by the systole of home heard onl one-half of the progranlnle.:. write at Go'derichmuetnotifyJ.E. Totis, RS.T„ Exeter, dr - of the session and the announcement tbattheir iasis such as we hale here. Xon will likely' r y 1 n at the same date, The notice must be accompanied . throughout the Dominion to a -.bill inntro- NE1v LIJIERAL PAPER IN ExETER.- save turn therm ant and ut in better men. Those, howeyer, on their side, who hacd tin bya fop of 82, or'84 If thecand,date applies for a 3rd apt summer home at Rivor du houp may be rent: p o portunit of hearin part of both sides well as a 2nd class examination. No:name will be for- clueed in the Quebec Le Wature, b a DI'. Mr, Passmore, publisher of the recett•tly Pl Y to 1 (, g' y t ed, is held to be proof of this theory. All ve'y \veil, :lir, Editor, that will not bo ac( uiessed in the decision. The onl • oh,jec- warded m the, p natio nt ay be the fee, accompanies Lemieux troyitdiug that m crucifix ahS1T be defunct Blyth Advocate, has decided on Tho galiaries of the, 13ouse of Cummoue \verq until ,tile" great body of reputtible citizens 1 i J it. forms of appticatinn Wray bo had Prom rho secre- , 1 a tions. taken to the decir ion- were macdo by m•etary. Tho head nlnstors of the ign Schools will moving his plant to Exeter, where he will wall crowded last Frida evening, it bein diop their wretched political differences and „ Y 8 dirainterestod pa:rtie- ft] the audience, \\'lto please sand tho'applicatiou; of thou calyciidates to rho . placed fn a conspicuous place b fore every commence the. -publication of a Liberal cnetall well known that Mr. )slake was to Party feelings, all(( conic together a- a unit, county tnspector(if tiro di+dstou in which the Higtk ' g' Y \vera not directly concocted with either _ids. witnees box in that Province, and that every paper. There is an opening in Exeter for speak on the anti coercion resolutions. ;l'ho \Pith the determination to use their power I make this correction in defence of the side "17Ii , * ns toed. Secr ary candidates sons then• person administering oaths shall re uire a ood live man as the Liberal interest s eech of the leader'of the U for the Benefit, .:ot of a part or nren]bers o£ 'T, . rioao ions to the, Secretarg J:dncntion Do part,ncnt, T q g , p ppositiOu leas an 1 J' in rluestioe, as they, lila the other side, Sre. T(,rnatn, PF.TRR ADA:,1SOAt, Racy. B, Examiner,, every witness nota Quaker' to'lift )lis right has been neglected there, and we hake no able effort, and drew forth the applause of a plerty,gbnt the \\11010 community, not destitute of the iinor fceliu-, of ladies Go.crieh, April260, lss7, doubt but that Mr. Passmore will fill the both skies of the 116use. Ife (lid not desire A magigaratc court «•as bold here on Fri• and ontlemen. liv giving the above publi- hand fn front of the crucifix, Siud.to place bill." He is'a steady, reliable young man, to move an amendment which: mi,pht have flay, the .'2u(1 inst., gybe,, three hotel keepers g ■ Y ,. city yon Will c0nfcr a filyut•. Atu,n JasTllrat,• :'� , 1 leas left haticd on the book of the Evangelists, and will do his best to merit the su Dort the semblanco of detracting -from any l!onor and h grocer were asp for infractaol- Of the ' „ + t• a tI,9 s, lar i 1 d ,old to cause him to swear before the crucifix and confidence of our Liberal friends in which the InOver wanted to obtain for having Temperance ?)cit, void I alas informed that lip [A pun;ent eopuntunicatiun •on Glandered . r aped n ton the IIoI Evtin el.ists iO tell the that lace. Since he has decided On Ieav-. taken the initial step in the matter, but be great deal of alae 'evideiMe given by most Horses" but which means a good deal more, I •�-• -- I — 1 J g P o£ t?no w itnesses, \vas of such a doubtful nS- and -other articles of intore t aro unavoidably VLOST$0 EN rERTAINMrNT, in Bl th an advertisement a en a in would ask across the floor of the House that held of or nutil nest wuuk, j . ttntli and the \:'holt truth in the case in g Y ; „ pP r the language of the resolutions should be so Lure as to prevent a line bash, inflicted in _ _____ _,..... ..._.__ . _� �'%3I77---)L , AP14SL 29, _... ..... . .. - - t'he d�Iltes:a'nnouncltlg-a •first-e}aI open-- •- r • one -al+ two cases althor h these tery hotel ' • v, bleb lm i� tv be heard as a witness." .,, molltied as tO be the lahguago Of rerlltst . k _ " -' -tT B O'l'r,acr. r: ar,,;1�- _, _ _ ;. _ _..__. peculation i, ' ib' as to 1\hat coarse regrnr(1- Ing for a paper in Blyth. There may rather than that of p(otest and condemnatrcn, keepers had adlniite(1 the charge, and'offored .nrdunt� th0 cfiuryty' 1 r bg, but We doubt it, Mr. Alicehell did Tl]oy had the right to appeal to the Alotber to pay the lino of ?:,0: some clays before the Win. DI. 1 ayne, who for the past year has ®®ss gg��� pp I !., �+ iptg ii will Le pursued by the Legislature, not find the ublication of a paper there country, but not to condemn. court. Two of the hotel koepers, and the run a grocery sacro in ti Ingham, sold out• t0 C d�ldll. SCH��L H�EJJ�. ui]d, tlo Piot.estants O£ `the PrOvuwe Sro sufficiently profitable tq warrant him In The C,lobe'sOttawa correspondenoeuf Tues- groco•, were committed to jail ten days each, W. T. Yates, of C;uderich. � --- .� - --- . loucllvlirotesting against even- the idea of . sta •ing tend we resume this is the only da = oonGained the followin Dr,Alaccional for refusing to givee\tidence on a plea of want Tho Wingbain Advance has again changed Itl,,CITATIO:rS Ai: D READINGS such a bill bec6niing laic-, 'Of course, so far, reasongwhy AIr, I nssmore ceased the issue the, moniber for Jlast Huron made, his first of "jurisdictiol of. the court,'d and at *this its proprietorebip, Jas, )t'lauty,,tliFold ow•iher, _ni.^ n only AIr. of then is responsible for t11e lit. of the Advocate. No doubt some one else• speech in the 11ol:6-to-clay in favor of AIr. writing they are boarding at Her Majesty's having bought the oflice4WiWi`1;i&_-Nbw�Oil. fore, too , of floe measure, and o ts, there•. may be found who,. will. attempt the task Curran's home hula resolution, and showed g• ' y; Artlinr Hersey, said to be the oldost man T fore, too w0on £ t] sone of oft eontem porn- lintel, in Crgderichr Tlna evidence r\ en b % . ._ ® iy? , ., 1 himself an exceedin } clevor debater •well in• some of:the \�ituesses was of a most laugh iii' (;auada, is 103 years of age, and took a , ITA,.l11130N, , ries to pont to it as'a . pecimeu of the. a;