HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-04-29, Page 3. ':
. � I . - .
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- I vvvlm_� ,. ,—..--.: %��,;,_ - - 0110 1, I.;. ,_
. , I I ' 1111111 . I - . � ., I � 1. ,111 , ., I _e= .1�.,,!.��'i;;;�.;V-!O,!,��e,;� _. r ! ;; - . ";. `,�s- , ""., oppit!gIP9,,,, - I .� I I - 11 ", - .... _;W,Mq O."'j-1,1, I 11,11;�; "-
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! I NEW$ *wnw. . 9 10 t"1170,11 0.0, that M174- R(Mv, k1lits 1114- A $U-NDIONS. .1 I •. . - I . . ...
. I , � .. 11
. TAI0*V1 APRITA, 92. 1815T.,, . rlotm bank operator of Baotou, a capiod t. - , ----- -- -- - --.--- - . .;
. .
I I I WiRisp�f —niplit-ir-41111410*111, pante of 0suado, with meld Aix tratutlif Thie 001) VUII,DIXQ LOU FOR BALE,- OWING - -
Tolegrapbiq deallat9,4 . . , , 0 No4. 44itild 45, on tile iiu&tb 44is of PrInce-4
, -qA ftow all pal ,_80, .
. ... ..*-" , .... 1. I .. oplao'do causes, the Now Yolk World to tle-Ar -&be oirg.411 Factory, halt acro each, with slew I
a ter ; urive Allow that on ell, rhubarb plants, 1837. 18-87
� - Ma.likitoW and the tit ...
, L . Glc Bartlett, of Cali ' fortia, ptteld a 0 seeding is mute than half rem that the acti of skipping it- Cau"Ju I blarlow fruit Ire berry busho, Ac. I A
, ab ,ad 13 � . I than will becoall, 4nuiab more stylish if I tie ladies 1 IIIII.I. splendid locithith for private realdeucc
I , lic reception'A R . lit ffe, in that .41 aver g I , hOLLQWi,Y. 011utou.
i : . 1, ele I ,. ki ... d by plated. - In sonic poitions the work bus take it in hand. But it is nolhiing view. I HW. ---
, . State! tits other day, and was , I —_ I
I - , .. been done some time. Famale skippers been arriving In ti a: - -�OT FOR BALE --AI UOUSE, ..
I . fifty young ladies. _f;it.si .t. L . I
I I i ..
The river at 11ontr9al, began to rise at an Don ittioll fur yeare. I well-situALeti lit the town of Clinton, Is uttered for '..
- i It ale ,.a reasniable torula. •-Hoose contains sight recalls. ... 11
. I "'
the year was $55,512,98. This Amount joded, the water in game A despatch from the city of Mexico gives - (tat, btlirey,L with - pantry, closets, guodacollar, etc.., .
among 867 IftewillPaPers An uutiouti; of a humble affair commmitted , Lot in balf sure riug fruit' trees, hard and Loft I . I .
was distributed six feet deep. It ill feared . Went stable etc. Apply to W. C.
it with
ea .
1:1K and periodicals, the larger One more digastr?u4 than last In I linive., I
a getting the city of Palzeuro, The wife of Joan I S%Vlak�ANLE,iCcol � s
. .. ;
.. . I
, . ever. $1000 each. ' yeatle. Rainiurtz waa the belle of the town, and a ,
, The amunut paid for advertisl6g during early hour F,i mertilivil, and several parts 'A
, day .
of the city ar. 11
c.las. being V. or -
Ibig tl.,d ,
ill be
11 . . � UUEE , , U L':
.. .
I . The inspection of %yeights and measures Whooping -cough readily yields to West's great favorite. Three policenken intered TLIZET AND CgLLJR PAVING. ETJ.-THEUN. . L,
into a plot to oil 8
, y double 001ighSyrup, the never failing care far trage her, slid went to 'it) DURSIGN161), who ins thoroughly limu-io, workman,
last; ,year coat the country nearly d bus bad considerable experience in paving, is pro- L
�, I L. chiti , consumption, asthma. etc. All drug. Ramiervz'a huti8e one night, which %as in - ..
. the amount which was received in fees, the a pared to undertake all work of this nature. street,
I di- gisto. the anburbs, entered his boartionit and collar or stable paving, with stone, dobe In. tile most WE HAVE JUST RPW4,1VED DIRECT FRONI ENGLANJ), .
L revenue being $34,238, while the exPeu . satisfactory manner and on reasonable terms. j,keols • . . .
, , It in a mistake to suppose that ci;1)1Xs- butchered him with knives, The spouting BEKER, at hir. G Rentgeet's, Clinton. . .jav A BEA ITTIFUL CASE OF
. , , r ' bei
,.qq was 066 405 blood deluged OIL wife As She lay side , __
'410Mr. O'Brien, M.P.,! who comes to Conn. tion is killing out the Indiana in' these her husband, and She fainted. After R * ISERVICE.
— , '*
an, to talk about the evictions on the Irish parts. The Six Notion Tribe, according 'Atill- F111HORO-BRED BULL FOR SERVICE.-, THE
,liscriber keeps fur service, oil lot 27, on t QUEEN's
I now erez was dead they restored the sa he 91tv I
.e -Gaveral, sailed on to the resort Of the SnPerilitandenk, - -- .. w ' ullett, it Thero-bred Durharn Bull, otgood ptlilt. . I LL �� .. - - -
,I, I Sunday, according to a cablegram It is numbers 3,600, an inoreaea of 900 in .fifty consciousness, at�d gree he is about I 5 uninthi- olti, registertli Ill t___ _. . L . - ___ � �
states of the Governor then carried out
. - 1. I I -
� . , � hel I ish plot,,jeaving thapoor woulan- a] mos t I lithueon Hord Book, [to was got by-Crinisoh'Dakiii!T11 - -- — -_ * , --- -,
expected that be - will deliver addrkpa-eli in years. _. � � dead. Via tucti fled to the interior an Tories $1, with privilege of ititturning ifnecessai .
__ julation. - RICHARD CALiTER. ,41 IM -A .
- xilt the centres of population. " Physical training for girls must go, A horseback, but tWo of them were captured, i I SUBTLE", -
;7--- . I I — -------
I . King Huanga, who has been ordering girl in Boston discovered that a niont i'a and tile third will Ive, as the whole o,)untry . I_IUUSE AND LOT4 FOR SAIX. - A FRAISE . . -
around Emin Boy, whom Stapley has now vilvork in a gymnasium increased the siza of was dr,,uscO, an..1 intellso tjx-�ltenlcllt tire* I House, with twu lots ,)it vwturia street, near
�, - gone to rescue, ia,iu one respect, a rdodorn her hand by one size of glove, and she quit vniltd. 11"ant'sold hotel, belonging to khoestato of the late . okra
�. ,At . John Stephenmon, Is ollured for sale. Thu house is .
�,_ .. I Salomon. He has 1j000 wives. Ft,rtilu,. .training faster than vu could drop a ltl A youm, man named Robert Mel%or comparatively new, wit-li nine reouis .:lid stolip collar, St R 0 0 k,; .�M ad %. .
I- atelf.for him, spring bonnets are as ye Win., Panton,editor of the Milton Chain- rdade a murderous attack tin f,,rnier John Oil tile lut.4 are hard dild'suft'water, wtab!e, Tile I
. prolxrty Is allyantageously sitoated, and will be wild
•. unknown in the Uganda region and mantle. pion, was sent to jail for four days'for con- Hunt, -near Duncanville, On,: till Thurs. on reasniablu Lurnia. Appip to either J. STEPHEN. .
I I SON, Clinton, o%U. SWINBANK, London Road. * ,
i are a drug on the market. tempt of court ie refusing At ROB, W,
" . 0 g to testify in a day, and was since captitred. McIver was .
. The Standard. West's Liver Pills. Always Satitt Act case. tie complained that the employed as a servant by Hunt. He was '-- _L__� - ___ ___ - ___ _____ . I I Cl AND -GET'
I . clialite, never faih Care all liver and stomach Jug Lo COATS agent,
X I Inspector dragged him in as a witness be. et)gag(,d it) cuttitig wood with all Axe, unit treys all around. itich hold for a garden, ane site
V dhe - 80 pills 25o All druggists. cause of personal -spite. as Hunt was passing into the house, Mo. for bulldintr, corner of Rattenbury and North Streets
1. gas .
The Dominion' costs over $200,- . and one adjoining lot, 1,4/ acre each. Sold ell LIZ or fo I .
I Iver struck at hini wil.�) sthat axe, striking, so te. Also oil e -el g1th of alit sure, part 'of lot I L a 'in I �
O -)U a year. It began to earn the money Robert Morrow, who was found guilty him (,it the ahouldtl,jr, hod cuttim, clear V1.11211 ,,,,, of hattenbury Street, w-cupled to still• r the cole - , I'll RE
. . of having poisoned about 50 head of valu- , y
scriber, with two-sturey shop, 24.36, and stable, tvin be fl I
� on Friday by sitting for four minutes! able stock,includitiat cows,sheep and horses down to -the lung, inflicting a most horrible exchangi-d fur property adjacent to steam power. S..Id I
I . " But then the old fellows h0`6 ill try the Hunt Blink under the blow, and together, or the shot) s,,I:i it) be mired o1r, Call he brated '
I I [ placas vinjist be found for belonging to Dr. Itay, of the township of wound, . - � I
I divorce suits, and I ),Iclver Blood over him with the axe, and cliangedlintoalivusu. F,jrterrhs,a:,pIyto,JCUftTIS ,. . ft
I . Middleton, near Cifurtland, has been 8,,. I . -STEVENSO.N. I - I► THEY ARE
men nominated for seats " ainiod'another blow as he rose, but Haut
q. fenced to four years imprisonment in tit, I
1, in the popular chamber, and have a Lon9 Kingatori Penitentiary. I dodging, his assailant slipped and fell ,and T3R'I-.S FOR SALE.- TW15r,VE (1C%I.ONIF`.18 01.1 C 0 L TJ XBUS 7 I 11 11 .
. Durse about election times. _ he escaped into , the believe. J-Plitiro Itallall Beemund twocolollies oftsyrian . I'll''. - I I '
.. A little bit (-if a woman in Topeka who Bees. Tikiled are Ili Lint Jonoij Ilive, on collihs 1 I All Gone
I . Gladstone writes that he does not desire was in debt $800 and hadn't a second dress ' The cheunists of the IT. S. Depart- built of f sheets of foundation TboYj ... 11 I I , , .
.1. a general election t wintered well, and have pilhonty stores to sp . .
�.- . I wb. Are of I& gentle avid PaF.lytoliat")" WATCH
. to until the to her back, went at it and invented on, melt of Agri,-ulture have t)een investi- rit,ig I
. English mind is ripe on the Irish question, egg -beater and sold her right, title . slid gating the mysteries of what passes tin- Price front $0 to $7 50, according to strength of .
, Was and numbor of voialn; �5tveo.-W LLIAA1
.. me. the Walsh and Sootch minds are, but interest in it for $1,400. Her Brat move der 0"ie name Of spice, and have found HARTRY, S'LAVOltill,lutuiediatply north
of Dr
4., � ,. "Any- was to bay a ten -dollar bonnet. -1 - .
, . . that time is rapidly advancing , . .
,. . got -be ell rio, us-resul-ts in the way of adult 1-sakIth's... I . OBe WWW , OTS, 'Issam CLINTO.No
how," he says, III am prepared to face __ - —,.---.,.
. I
:. anything to defeat coercion. I continue It is significantly said of the gi alit Toxas. teralion. Rare indeed were the gain- RE!�SMAKING - THE UNDERSP"ED - . . ..f.
to hope for much from vigorous action oil drought, which extends across the State has coultuouced dressmaking at her rest- -_ -.am.*= .
i for several hundred miles, that it decreases pipe in some kinds of spice that could dancie, KI,,g Srrttet. directly opposite the Fouu- I ... . . __.. - 1. .6— - .. ____
I the part of the constituencies whose repre- in severity as it � approaelie3 the pineries be pronounced pure. Of eight samples here she will be prepared t.,,) till ill[ ordera . I
Be atives in Parliament have the decisive 1111-1,�
tit " 11. I title, on short till I lee alld lit reasonable
11 This,. notes the Philadelphia Ledger, is it of cayenris pepoer, for example, only one rates iiitvii,gliti(teotisiaei-ablec-.iptL,ri'( U 6
'Have you ever tried McGregor' & Parke's . . S. all will) Mvp bar with their patroplige bliss
turd, ript one wits pure, .Either thoi le F. 4
. !The iasis, . le, ti -he halt, the,lrheumatic, all sing 11 BUM 11, 6lut5ilS , Ocffi�' - Np -`
votes on the issue. " I "". ,I point for "Arbor day." - . � Wits JAIre, While Of ten Salkll)leS 4pf-MUS- feels c0litid0lit that $1104 -Ra give Butighl.10,001.81,1. )
_- .'... _ -Carbolic Cerate for sores of any kill([ Z it is I �llGpGoplo'� HE E'S +iid Gi,, )-t "IjO11440roll;
. - beyond doubt the very best yroparatiork Ili the the raises of West's' World's Wonder. Try sential oil has been extracted" or- what � .. . ill , . I I .
� .3 11 (I
Cuts, Pimples, Blotches, and is the only proper , '. . I .. .
i -1 .7 - ...,.,--Eaarket--for--lioal�ing--aud-otit- market -sores. Burns, one praises
and you will never use any oirlier genuine mustard ihito was was i ix d FAMNIS FOlt SALE.
. '. . method of uplVing oarbolle Acid. h;old at liniment. I 25L. and 50o. All druggists.
with a large I)CATenta-0 Of rubbish. Of I I I . .,r, .
I r -LOT
. ,.. Sir Charles Topper was a luxurious , gi*u C ftvir , '64V 011 I
. Wortlatligton's rug Store for 250. par box. ARM IN 51clZILLOP FOIL SALE. a4,
� . I . The Canadian Pacific has doalileA it,, twenty l;,tuIl)lcg Of ' till 'luvea only OF (,oil. it. - Cood place, good buildings, and good 11 . icy enlarged my .,,]low iooni and girit in n t�rst-clmss stock (if" I
. ('ffi - freight rates front Winnipeg it) the Pacij`IL two Nvole plite. On tile other hand of locitlity. Voinu 4nid see it. Will be sold cheap. W. V IlLOVAl'"(1 to firnisli the'
tial while High -Commissioner in London. coast, owing, it is said-, to ilia inter -state .. .N. M01 Milk E I,, Cvii,L,.Ijcu 11. 0. 4i in connection with my O'her lin" i I' ii-,iness. I'lill, 110,
He not only obt�ined 810,000 a year as catunial-co IBM. Passel ger rates to till) I ten' specitnens of all.4pi-ce, eight %veri) �
. In F -k 11, 11 � Fou $ILE PART OF LOT 20, -UN THE public with all kinds of Stgjfla ni-,l F,Inoy Grocarles, CallijoiJ Goods avid -
salary, but $`2,000 its "personal expenses at, � inure, ,tiid four, of cassia wein all Iture. l4th c. it. of Lloi tuml-hil, of IIUIlttt, culitallillig
. east will ,tit;,, ba rai �d. � lilOnt,16a,!ro.i. TLroli,to stilt 1111IThaSer. Appil, to Candies, t1l)(1 ,111 kit'll' cf S01100 800kc; anti h.1 ' ATE'S, Illso fitlILA, al-ticies I
I (whatever that may riveati), ,0%303 for paro. Tho clionlix(s concludo that. tit(, 111111lic ' I .1 (I( 1, �.Z. 7 ,',1.-). If0t7i'll 0110ANS,PIPES, '
chial taxes, and ,:,�333 for income tax upon"d,
A great iusany forineis in PLISEVC11 11-0 lich in their own c i.XIEItu.N,IIoI, - T& (.,A_%Ivjto_N, IlnrrI.tl.r,,, (.udLrI,:h i Huch ,is VA' -',ES an(l .< N I V E1:4, P E , \'( 'I -'
� 0 big salary. -No wonder that Sir Charles " down in thu mouth" over the I ss of ' ll't'tl ill(,' nl:ktt"�r'v('r'-' In l,o,i, 'I WO FAIC.MS �'oli.q�%1,1:.-[,OT�j3.l.Nl:i,rii CONT., I t�l(;A ", 1l1OLDE'!',S, Lkc. .k"lq,l it is,oek of Pat',!nt .Ileclieii;vs kept on band. I
� . refuses tolet go his hold on the Olice till their 1,itiibs. Tho lambs appear'Le"'A.d � latild:L If they clI*0o.,:(I to pay eno r, ywleri(h t-A%n,Itij,, In .,,-,,.kl state ,,f ellitl%%al'.11, I I .
hearty tit birth, 6irt, succumb ill a fu%v days, ! for the pure spic('s they Can got t1j(,,,jjI, $1111" butim- jii,t biol-, -_,,-, .it hirti, ,-x!-?IIu, t t,ncv. tont I Zly narne rmz; wi'otzoh: i, nwrl� ,()o,j)itIt(,. it, ilii its tiranow,s. I -
L, it is seittled whether or not he shall be ad- to . . C avenhit'viv iltuawil. . Aho Lite eu,t hitif ,f lul V., I 11 .
TITO CMISO iS unknown. ' A t, I L. , -;ch towl , , , . I .- -' V, - !it I BE i, I.S which will I � , nkp.
Vanced to the leadership. If he is riot, wo , loo;4 thot wa,; tlwik, experwiloo Ill . ;: M - Itllok U. -tit -t -I.,11, (;odut I'llip. .01out I'fJ have it foo of tiltIsk, 111"A N' 1Z, il..,t 'K, Holli elle I luake -
I . may expoet to see him if,-turo to his Lou- Partictilar.4 huve b(:eil ruceived at Wini.i I Iti,tting'satilt)h s, It soi�,,,,,. tiolt till' 1�-- I tivre,,., iwr �� t I, -;.r, a �o!.: f;!vilva dw.t It, ,w twimi lit I v COLLA I'S hild Iv_-rratit ILLL-io ti,_��Lvti ,,itiA1',1w;ion. jILPAIRINU promptly
I 0 1 1 ),,�.-,J�jarai i..n t,,r,-I,-ari:.Lr. I) 1;.m.-.. - ... .... I h,nA%V ...... d hu'i, -till In , ' '
, , - , r:,,- � litten -aLv. -k of' . h ,. -
befit uin:Ly Tivii)t1is p -r ( tail, dv;dor fim's Ille (ppiliti, Lit' tile artit-1 , --t,t T J,Aj �y A.4, ' is :If 6 coniplotL All .
. don lox,iriousness be ,f Lilt, wreck of ilia 's'chooner Arctic 0 ii�, . .,q.:.': E.).il�k.\.Nlm, & ,,aura', ua, tv4 1110ilci �It, .,�tm
I . '! I. ; ;,., 01. I d( -d to mol chktlg� . C
the -los.3 of 10 lives, off VAII . I " -ned, ! kinds of piodlict; taken iii i-x-drin.to for : �l kii,ds ut' goods.' Timiliking my custo- *
. Isbell have. elapsed. . I it-, ,fill. its the ,"I itilipt. i,l concoi (fe : llr,�, � - I - __ I - . 0
I . .
" Tho report Cf ilia Inspector of PLIMIM_ I 11'v`1i;,.d: Tfw- vessel belonged to Viet-o6p, � nielitiorls th( .1 'i Itt, will jilly. Tho , jjj,L101 ['-Ill 8AI.E. FOIZ ",ALL, Lo"', i;11, C9N lo,,r_ffor pit,t 1),Ltrun'tu"o ;irl.1 �';Iicit',tjg it continkianou of thu satne.
Ill. (). 0 I . 11 , . y.,sn;,� --,, I.. its, 'rni,%,nint uh, v,)ot.L;ln'iq.1,0ncr1., .1 , 7, - .
� 'fl -11 it ill 11131111t, of Ili 1-0 t-Ilice I I
uiriber of idt'l I "L I , , 1 of 10.1"11 I-. Ivo 4'�-I�Lld, well fencud, -.v01 undur.,ri-iijed '
. 1. tiaries fur 1886 allows that the it I i., ' . tit illi .11 I I t DESBORd '
ick of opci air' 1-xerei.)e, and t.'!-- ' , j 1'. I . I f - .
a , the year fr6m By L. , It(- think-, he vall afford 1,01. thab 111011m. � 1�wd In a lii-,-Ik "IA t,.f (1011vath.n. . .v Is .6 W, 4 lit . Q E 0. N EWTO Wit
.. onyiets increased during - LON
I . 1,112 to 3,200, almost wholly 'attributable waut, - of stifililient care in the: vilatter of I L, ; fralne W,t;,C' , I'a I'll: � I., I ,I:,Y,-., 1,!ol it, -,; ,,%-Ir,I,.l 1011111, , . 1_,_,-_;
to the increased coturnituients i I i.nuchurilsin hccotn�a : "I"I t1l`11 filih lit) tl;n Nv(.i;fllt 'ill t1w 1w,"i � .,,!-.C,,T,--I.r-�-7�-�,,��---l'�-- -:77Zrl!:�'-47,=':--:r,v;�,--'---�.--==,:-"�%-'z7,a77L!'�"r -270 -
I) Ontario, diva, tLe whula physica M .. . , "i ;,:v, t-:,,ro w. I I, m- Lrvt,, 'I,:, ,,,- , - , i.,%(r-vtiln,,� - I '�-- 'e� -",4� I . .
.. . . . - %%1111111 1�.to 1111'es "t UPIII-,�,, 4" ;I1%Io',-�1 cr . . . .. -
which witribered 41, Thera ,,ire 41 feinalo inipaiied dtiring till, winter. Ayer'u Salpailar ' NVO}' 1111 CID. . 1.01, I i k , ' , , .
. convictilin Kingsom Porliteii - ti -try. In ti -e y to talus ill ill-.- year it) I .. i 1II'oLt'M N, V,;ik �t .p.wl irl...vol I;..t,t I.I;"j!+i ttwf, . I .
ilia is the proper reLnuil, . - -!Q-0 V_, - � plav -. I -',,r i,it;:.,r •i;trflen%ir.i;q,pIy wi dic prtna,c, I - 9
I . . 1* pinify the blood, excito the.livcr to actioa�,grl,l ! I I � ovto I'lint.-II 11. Q . Ii. clivt�sux, I I I fg. C.1 I %_ •
. .
§lk, penitentiaries in OPiebee Ne-.-., Brunswic al I, struck a tree forty feet fcoin I IIitt:s�n�"r,,.--_N(,kt, is the thiie to tliiyjl; I -, , 0 U'o, -3 gow s
. ', rvjtove health aud ytgor. I -_ --- -_ I It d�da
prisoners are confined, ' .1n -doillino vvi'll i ill); now v, livii their .1 ear is ill[) ; in loony , 6 ix -,'r farin ,.( 13.1 anti., being lots I; , F a do
Ili) fL,ro, -
Manitoba and British Coluilabill, ,,( . . I . 11bolit n1lihill1�1 l)rLS0Iit8 for Willi.3tFI-8 leav . 1111,IiNDID 1�,�ItvFOR SALE.-TILIT FXCEL. ;,
� Lightnin,, . ,4,70 alit[ 71, j 14IN o , lb
. . I on tile 'IlAti,knd vollo...doll, (hiderich tuAloillip, I I
the prison labor question, this Dominion the houso of Mr Martin Grady, D6;%ijiv, 1i grnph quilts, I AboutI35itereselearol undinailoa statcofculti�a- '
phice, thoy are toaking atilo,
official takes the ground that it is a g'juer. near Stratford. In addition to tile troo I th. .. h vary g,lod wily f --r IniniatcIrli to tion. t lit the prLtAiS(?4 is 11 gijotl ljt-!,-k house, with all . . .
I ,
. I oF I 13 I = I , " A.
all admitted principle that tile Govern- heist' q le , the . 0 � watered,.lc., = r " . 's 1,11r.liv-dier, Clinton,
I . complutely suiaA d I windolvil i fella ui',��r th�ir menibcrs by beving their c ...... 0 ......... e, "i'tabling, 1, itill barn, Nvoli watered -ve - j'-"' .1 ,ea d i n py (" ell I
. good b�.mitig,,rvhar,l, cinirch oil ,the f trip and W -ti, �d .. , 11w .1 � I , ,.f
meat can vitilimi convict lAb:)r upori over tile bollse and several articles of furniture 1111,11li! till it I'lock in the quilt, Evety lady not far tosav, ab tit I; ttiilt-, front the t -own .of Clintr-ri. . I•-
. .
. - I tot
, 11
I description of work rdqnired for the public were broken to atouls. The inniateq werod Itiomber to tualto it block, tivi,kry "bl,)ck it) This farai 14 one ," to h"t in tile t'NIFI1.1lip of Gode. ; " FO I! "' f I I,' LATI�>IT 8TYLE8 ENT ME'N't+ IlOY's' J;,\(-,LISH'
service, which convietacan perform., riot injured. I I !(!It. 11,,,4c�,n jvc-li atnny thati. Fullartleul-Irs - 1 - 1. I
I I bo the bill,)(- siza and made of t%lrl�cul-,rs, ` I I W10tUr jollN I DD, Glin. - " % I . ANN) AMERICAIN HUD and SOT HATS.
, ' -)pinion, While Androw Illichan was woik On 11111,��,!,!,-:Itl.ull to the pro) `6 1".
.. ino,with I widto for tin(', to havo a place fur I he name, �01 ),,urufthv..NEN1 1',11A F11C(.1hit".. . �
. without being amenable to outrido t . I . 1. .
- no matter where or by whom expressed. Fred. Warni glut ff.'Hewitt'.1, (setl)farm, lw�r it) be of somo standim, color, red I - I 1, 1��-�7 Il I E . KEEPS THE LATENT �641,1-[APE'S,. AND THE' PUBLIC
� . . t" P 1, 11 .
. . .
Some 00 ronvicts in Kiraston are now ell- near Bright", i t Fle u I. � .
I i', ozi..Motffty, a pecithar RCCI- I or ornot;a is geticrally pri.ferred,and white. I L-j.&Ijil pull SAt,l-'TItAT i'lloICL FAIIII THE ' ,. �' LY ,7F * ' *Tl1j,, ll.E.13"r VALUL FOR
. gaged in loelirriatking,caild ilia ren-t-tindeir dent bappened,which resulted in Buchat)'ll I to bo in tile ceutru of every block to write X estate ,of 1,110 Into johil Thovill'soll, built" west . I
. I haIfofIvt40,cui 1, Last Wawanush, ewitalitinglOO 1. I in ?"S
are employed in various other bratiches of doath, The steel face (if Wurtjing't; ham- I the naniti '(.it with indelible ipk. Cutne, � acres inore oV It -sib.; ,0 act" cleared and lit good state ,
. . industry. . I niar flew (ill' and struck Iluelia i, breaking ! ladies, till I.Iuw is the suitable time. I ..f otiltr%,i,tiutt,,A,clltl,ritit)"Lt stild free front obnoxi-nij .: Ij . I n'eed. - Fie died till TuvAdwywithoot I ., 1, ,el.L'S h,j,1.l and rutwdudi!r Tan,ture, 13'llerlii I . POKJ.' OPI1(1s, ('LTNT0_N. , . 1. !� gn L G 0 W
. Even Japau and C�iina dealers keep in steak his "I'll wag. - -I-I%x'h1',' (I`nu- On the farnt ISLit, is b . I .., .11 .1. _ I -----yrs
� and-stslilliVeWs Liver Pills- "tile world's best." regaining conzeimisnesti. DeegaRed w . I Tur Lk-rfs,r Sivisi)i.r o -N ,j'jlf V A R.vf, fnilwhe"I'41111 flill I
I Illiq, barn 45,N.'-,;. mtab!v, 62,,12e, and , � I- I ... . —
. indigestion and 17111yried two weeks a:!o. I I min. -A brace ofrwwak are going round I ,L,',',,!"','�','�,'b,',',"i'�,"il)"..* �, %% I'll", ,'11FIBI, erpek it,, T.
Liver complaint, dyspepsia,indige . , , � I,.,. 9� I.
1 the coutitry operating rt.rjew and higenioU14 Imailngurcintrd. The fal-Ill is rItoatvd oil goo L ro 01 .
. .-W sick beadache readily yield to the'n, 10 Pills -A Grah(l Trunk freight train of 13 cars , 'fhey read 5� 1;rcal netv,spapers I rent. i ini!e froinjilyih, 10 inilLs front Clinton,l
... ., '. - . 26c, All drugglits the wor:d over. ,,It ilia bridge over ,�,rl,g I swindle. ,)d, ' mlics front Ctith rich; Is'wtill fenvull will, bt1'li!,I,'nraiIs -
I I I - I i's h es -1 and it ire. ',)L ,vlltho PIT-Ilil- ,
. . . - .. . -It, In cr i - ' iAT- ' I . -1. t, 4 1 1 h Fri-_ I . ,It tll(,. I ,,i,s,,,rtI)�Stti,,..jo5N -i-nomi-sos, Coidt-'stioru .n
Queen Kipiolarii of the ,( eak, near- . orris lure, a , U c oc i I , 4. '.ftlJIJJI�1*1);it,tiu,il;tr.,,:il)i,l� , .,
. �a It d r. W I ; ,Ili cstray liodee, No 1 -sank to I )ok I . .. %.O 0 ,
I , '�ewlllt nod tilt? ! finillial.. . T!,o ritrinershows Lite bim,it, iind ' '11ilt'l FOR SA I vilEFIT, KNOW)", . I I 1U.L;_f..- -
I -plunged throo, � carefully, .aud when., a- faxiner I el" " It" " 4`9 E-4 -
lands, who arrived ill Son Francisco on day inoriiing, Eoigince"S 5. PAL I �; I
, .
.. . . 'Wednesday oil her way to E,tigland to be fireman I%t re instantly Idiled. Tbo D'drs-1-the rellow dt!crileli it i.; 11(it his, ; "thell lip. I I 'Whitwiv farci, L!h,g-,I,T'I','con. 17. (i,,derivii I . .
. , w i j r t. iwo,hi i ., iiasv liar, suin ini-rh it 1, four tit ilv�, , i -,in Chu- I .
present at luivN�e- c-iffebratitcri- __"a�' to of the bridge have Zeell examined aud I
returns to his partiller 'and jdc.scr&.4 ,,;,,,,,vv, iomi. ,I'll, n vowitin, ,,) acres, I I I , , I .
I have startEd some months ago, her inten• found sound. Tile cans!i of the collap-o 111i,julely to him. 'No, 21, es t0 the larni- 1 ton,
1� I' ,),Pk,•.,g� �'(' a!, �'-, I, gtoti s L.k t c 'tot
v I i I I i v a t I v I), t I I e r�n I it I It - I U." I If V 2 I A 1-11 _11-t1- 21 Air
."kill �[_:;4_ �
, tion tbeu being to spend some Lima in of the bridge is a mystery. - � 1-1 1� I -4
. . -iftor proving, by a Lhorough des- dor',iold l�al-tlk�-t-,�tll)tt,li:tiiurearL� 11avre.-i-f till whuit I �
. 4'imeriert. At the last moment. linwexcls, ' i er alit], , . . . aunt all raiiiiiutighiog vi,ioo: itio ry one t%iti well, itnd;m
I I I-Viven a col,1 or other cause chook.., t110 i cription tl,:.tl lie i's the Owner of tit@, ani- evo-lim, im, �j)rii�w, ,,00d orchard, frantel),11,11 :'5 x 55, 1
t the royal .exchequer gavd out, and the secretary Organs, their natural ficafthy tiction ' ni,l,. says lie cannot take it away, and ,,tawo it; x ;i,,,, naw frame house 18 X ,-III \vith live -a"C'8%. - I_ a n
I I offi'l's to it at -a bargain. Tim, ffirtiner th0Ie,Lr4tN%'V t4llll'.�IIC-P, VAIGIII till'-' ,,rve I A-!& I
. necessary funds could not be raised. At should be. restore -1 by the use of Ayer Villp, . rwills Ito ilair,; and t rofifm down stitirs,m d it kitcholi
the Raine time trouble had arisen between and inflammatory vin;tterial 'thereby removed I- `LIX23; vv, all I
I l)ljy4 it, and in it few days tile rightfulwithin jiveplilinte. N'�,flk, Po-sc%�Iml StIvell nt a0v
I I the Hawaiian c,�uit and-Ciatis Sprechela, from the ,Ystew., Much Puffering way be tire- I and el'aims tile. anjin,il. It till, c t0L -1: t)III-tirt-1111-1. - V_r I.i,rtIIflrs eneluire at.
2 . dv -III, : Owner CoIll0i a Nv1w ., 1, & ( c or(,f,�ll-',,,'.�;llq.�IA,N\'I'%'(',t SCQTT,
-so slight r. ge. I ,
� S the San Franci.sco V sugar king, ' who vented by tlnaiiI correcting live settled : will sfwn be unsafe tior it farryier to allow of the Tie-qn-10or, i. -Il the prelfilsefl, L. MANNING, k driall GROCERS I
bad theretofore found all the merribera of ments which, otli6rwise, dovecot)
lot) into st, .it straviger oil 10i premises, lest he Unfold clot
I! 1, o'
1. the -royal family in palaces as well as dif�ca-,o- I I, swindling scherne by which (lie
, . .sonic ow . iTtNI MR SALE� .1 IIAT SPLEMAD FARM I
I Pocket money. *Xing Xalakaua had al- " Coal Oil Johnny,". %'jilo Was tRail.11ARl' 1 unsopbiaticated granger i -i it victim: Pof Int) aert.e., being Lot 37, con. �, L. R. S., of � 0 X. i IT T. C) mq - . I - I
lowed, a-syndictite hostile to Spreckels to inotisely rich by the diacovory of petroleum, I 0 . . Tuiiker�inith, Is oftered fol' indo oil ITAII011able I . .1
? l undertake to float a 19tin of $1"000.000 and who scAttered his wealth with such MTit(, coming girl will walk five miles a terms, with good buildings, fritine barn, 4000, I __ . .. .
. stable 20<30 . .
I " SIIVV14 aw elirria,ve, bouse, 10,46,
. . without giving the latter a ,chance to lavish hauld, 1,;i.s. duscoll"Ied step by step, day, says a Householder. If the editor " story, 24X:SG I'Vilit Itcher'. - - - * . - . I .- . . vril��
I good 1,1%; lie 1101180 and It —
, make anothing out of it. Mf. Spreckels until he -now has no place to lay Ilia head, will name the starting time and distance ,,o,jcrvtj tiukier cuitivittionj 20 acres cleared but ,' - I I
. aty cell ill the Mount Holly perhaps the fellow she is coming after can not broken; 10 acres good bardwootl bush, . I
, , therefore, became.lAglily incensed, flung save in a dre I well. w,ttered, liavine, three of like best wells Ill �., . . 0 a a cp . 40-0
. Away. his insignia Of Hafflitilan knight- (N.J) jail. 'file quondam poisessor (If get out of the way. . Iluroneounty. Good lwari ng orchart', situatedFEIFIRS. �
b Withdrew big presende and his millions is now a co - - . 23i lullue froul tile viiiagelo; linwetioti, and ,
cod, and innion tramp. 0 Prager tion of a pliysician who ' -
. ATNTIN'(4, PAPER ITANGING, ETC.-TITE o'?roni the Towus or ClLfitt n find searorth re- -_ � rl ')
the result being 111illor. a piano maker, killed p -I- iiitviug ri,turlied to town, and Al)eetjv�el. has had me long experienen !.I I � .1 LL. WS11 ,. �, ji��14
, . ,
� , I credit from the. court, , v,thern Ili it Rpleudid gravel I'Ond flafilled . I treatingfernalo direases. Iski"A C, ;' , " ly A�.,� `� V.4, I -
George alihseribe 10 If*
, that the Queen was obliged to postpone beInA it practical I,aItjtvr and papp.r Flinger of t to front of tile, prelillseg. Particulars and 1, rn6utbl3r with poiftet sllrWeb'54 11�'
iw York, in all extraordinary X 1. I , ,J b-_ M=- a
her little, tri-p.-.--Her-.vrrival now iDdicates himself at NL. 1;:� I - j " V�_
manner. tie lived in a basenient (in 24'.h 1111111Y 311,11'8' PNI10'10110�, is Pr"PnrC(I to C- (!Ctlt(' I tprint; gj,�,plk oil appliention to, APPLETON El -
� I i - lit the TiluSt PtItI.-Ifactory IIIIIIIII011, all ordfwr,; in I co,vr, Boteetiew I,, O., or SANIImr, CRICU, I I orerlO,0001adu-s'. Vloa--Lz lit, Set:', .
3 ol. N,HN%, 1,1,,,%, ()rj.,Icu.. JI)AVID effectual. Ladies ask yaurdrtw' . . - I - -1 �* m"' I '. , I for an7
, that the royal exchequer has once more street, and, being confined to his bad fot this In A islievialtY Inallo tit GRAINING, Clinton. P. 0,, . - _': " _11):'. �
.. street - - .. - - . - � for Pennyroyal NVafers an'l - W- ' 1;;.;
" " �%.- C'!I.Ilaillt,
--'-- -------- - - t6flt ii jj`lj67d- - -- - - - __ _' - -- ' be-dedidgil'. VilPer-In. ()rd0I* allay loo. I ilk"ll 1, 11 '. - 4�� � .- - __ � _ - - -
� iii6n 16 some weeks with pneumonia, - Ith"tring, -eW. - * oft,at r,,M__,(),%,1r, C)IjL4jrl4j". -0, -callforzia. - __ - - *_ - . t9. no substilt-utle, or intilo$0 post--- - '; "- .
I . 411�. _.,�: -...,o _V�.11-i-i ?
Ire. Hates 6ioderatc. J. , ---. -- I'll, - , *
1. ,
A Berlin cable says •: A book tills just to qui� this.ivorl,), tie slashed both wrists I Davis' 1111111WHIC St( . I . � I a ,a for sealed particulars. Sold by Q:,W',c 7., i., . :. . . Incli.-.1 , - ,%-_>.41 c.l. lJ..o,s,,',vancsl3
� , ar
I ,N,AYNE, Clinton. I dru jsts,$Iptrbox- AJilt'(111.9 " �; LTIVEF. ,
appeared here, entitled the "Courts of with a k nife, a it d then plunged the weapon ____ _ . , Tillie Gre,nt Fv'nall%li 113re-ti-Olvillon. 2, lvo vi"'. ., cilin VdUi V,_�'l
, I � . ,,,, ME EURE cHEm cAL Co., Dvllrh'�IT D1101.
0 �.e.;,Jnl 3I,.djViIW tls�,,l ,,,,%,,.r,,, -c4 ,1.11L,gl- . strictly
"y , r ,I File. ,;tg , p ,, �,-.,, %,.!_1 t1jo :C)jvcctjp1Aa arc,
v.qate of the Into , " , 13) Ni,qwt; ,it 1;1, tmo.)I,* I,arge Boy -00, containing
". 4J t )"It 116 e-Neelitn"4 of ill(" 0 I-;- �,IIN ,., .;� jj ** everywhere. � . IT , " "
� - , — I ,
� Europe." � The author's name is not on twico into Ilia breast, it) the rogion of the g'IAPD oF TUANKS Tills IS TO CERT111 � - 6. ta - " ""',"'dw.h".,.. , , 3�1 , suill Ili ClintonClintou I)y J. H. COMBE anil I l I . �ornnpiica v,!i,..jl.
-a-4 slow�y dying from loss of , I -
the title page. It gives it formal history lietirt.,. Ile vii , 4 it i rr, i,�,!"".!;i'o. . __ - .. - __ q, 23 Cents; 5 330xcs $1.00. sold
N" j,0,,4,.,I':i.0;. ---:7_;;- =-:-Z;�.�_�_:;:�: 30 ]?ill. ,P
" .011 �_#
- - blood,witich %vas gughitig'from the wounds 't1inj"ll .1'111rer' N"n "(�e('"'(.(t $11'"') froln I'llo " - , , d,
0 mat ol ' ,vratioo r.ire. in.m.vaiwo coot luny, through I 4 " � un.! :,u - 1, , 11 :T - , ... I ., A , N . ...1. �. I I -,i. TllT(1`F.1XEPATEr) 1, by all liggists.
of all the royal families, with much into , � .. - 1 Dr
resting infbrmation concerning them.. Tho but tit (,xpodit tors he imbed a laid Its olill-nng agent, INTI' It 51111111ing. otra )ife poll- , InEvoill..." I'Ai.k. ,I." .. -, ..%,.I, , �!;�,,),),,;Ari'rml ;..�. , -1, - --- -_ -_ -_ .. --
_ —
--_�, article relating to thp English court gives der running outside the building, art(], on ('y o"lo(lo- on which lie Imil 1);iid rive preininno; I 1. , , - '' �, I 1'', " I "fl - I �
, '�� ' "' ".. I ,,_. ih� (,,,-I,t I:r..IINlt I ,� _ . -� - ".�
11,110 (,1ojlIljnIj v Nvill; pronipt, ill I)ALVIII(Int, and WC ! NLV :LC r,�,� . :".'i! 'I, : ..
. - -ersion of the differencos reaching the second storey, throw himself hav, tile grv;itf,41 pleasure In I ).,(I it. . , � . , . - , ..z .. .1 11 I -r% 1-1 ell
�41'- 1 .44n)IIIIIII-Ilding, It, I g", , I I.; �,i� U ?i Mi 1'6 J-� " � - t S ,
an entirely new -,r ..C.1-11011lon.iA.- t" '...".. 1:01(,. 01., tcknge . .-Ii.., . ',�J, .. ,,,, .
-ill Iniblic Al. S;x S.) 1,; I .1 - 11 �,� ", ;.��', .. �_) .
t t - JOHN IIALL, ROBERT . 0 N- " - - ' wpl,l,q. Adilrpss. w,4., ti W 141, N-1 01 0 E L I CIPI .
-which are generally reported to exist be- into the y -rd. The fall caviaed a fracturo I it) ill(' geln' � I, , WEST
TURNBULL. lIxecuturs' Eurelin C?&l-;l?,;i1 .i 1�"O:. sairoll, ,vilell. I , * ` " .. " an U
Sween tile Marquis of Lorne ant] ibe Prin- of the skull and instant death, I . - ,,,, 1, ,.? . - I V. ,�_ .1M ..�
. . --- , , --- - - i 'I) ru I., .
. I soill Inc:111toll by J. 11. COMBE anil ,gi.4ts ��. , .." .
case "Louise. Hitherto it has always been This lit to certify that T line t1sed Irc('regor's RIDGE CAUTION- NOTIcY IS TIERR.13Y ,•(_,�-* ' M ,W ,
. I Buid tlint the Princess was fond of flirting, SP(,�f.(Iyt.ul,(�r4)1'1)Ysllel�silI all (11A verColliplaill t I I Alve'll, that tit(, brid.to avross the 1-tiverAllot- I everywilf're. . . I 1-1 0 it a, 11 U
. Oil C011COSsIon road No. 81 - � . _ . - -.--- I ,
I allyl (.10.11oliestly say that If It cost. ilia $"Opper lit .), lot No. 2?k 1 . �V - �N- I A . . .
and that it was the Marquis who was jell- ; n(I, � e) In tile townsillp (if . * ,
. bottle I would lint bNwithout it, ag it has (tone In w watsoll's Bridg , . �.* 11 - 0"Y r I
. iver rill - sf 11 I I
Wcull(ItIt."Ittarld county of Iltiron'ta Ungar - ell , . D
. one. It is stated that she carries her con- ino more good tbrin 411 the 1114M]116111-8 f ( 11 ter pub* '.1 , I .
it new inan.-Youpi truly. Ills travi!
I . I ALII,X.F4TI-.L'L,('arit)tonPlitce,Oyit. Thl,4mac lt- I said litridge will, Amir own � .. I � ", I z ,
is happy nowhere. ellie I s for stilt- at 50o and $1.09 per bottle at I nIvilffleation of tills notion, (10 (30 at t . �, ,: 11. I - T/_ E _R '
- she used, and I feel like . I, and thtit it][ parties travel Vj : � 'i P "I' ,
after tho glay of the it to of tile ^by .: a "..., " - .
jugal suspicions to such an extent that 11111glalet. B e n n e, t Vs nod '. I
She is reported to have ,
said one day to the Duchess of Albany : Wor ' rink, Datnd fit. nunett, the nineteenth (lay of �. , , I L J 9 ,
I I thingtould Drug ��tore. . d- - April, A 1) 1887. By order of tile municipal CARRIAGES. FOR LIVER AND KIDNEY MUSES I
"Oh ! if.I only knew of sonic place where A disgustitig story of morbidly inor I ,ollocil of the Township of Hallett. JAMES, -
Noti-s for the baby' News for tit. child! I- ill,lizrb an infr1liuent Inati. wants t() 7)?Ir-
I 41 ch -(-.,. Ivi bit alreolt, pa ,qies whosestandinu iyb
I coul&'conceal my husband, so as to be Data affection comes from Chicago. A BRAITH WAITE, Township Cleric, ' 11 L 0 0 D I
'sure of him. I am so unfortunate!" .— Kowa for the Ntlriic-girl; witil joy site's nearly wild. y ,e for I'lle
man determined to have photographs taken � mothers aware to Albert Strect,'givo our store a call, til, ir.�rvcra rail is a lluarartc
Some timeivubseonentl# the Princess went of his little son who bad been dead for a I : Bussirri's got a Baby,Carriago for them all.
TI Illity Of1heir Iva? j�iq. Th a sterling motto is
. I - -III)i N, true lit regare, to patent medicines, buy I I
.I,, men
month. He engaged a photographer, who .- rejoicings rinf through th'o town; . 0 n1v Lim- practical profetsioi ; I fi4 r 17,( --k 1N I[ -z*, U
with her sister-in-law to pray at the tomb .. infantile re . w mail(! by 1 "6,.I 1, _ _
of the Duke of Albany. According to this got the cot Corpse lifted,and secured negatives New Baby Currifiges, Nv I It prices lowered down; Ill.. (,Ij,l,,j,: Is too welinnaravorably K
Baby makes it Inevital note, be will squall no more, hit rv�,411)L books to rjtililro any rocommanda- I
� book, the Princess said to the Duollegs : in two positions. When he prcsented the NETT'S Store. t! 111. I
. N01W he's got Q Carriage, bought at BEN. , T.. book I I -A N I)' --
woman whose husband lies bnried completed pictures to the bereaved parent, 1 14�_ I .. )'q. ('flAM', R Liter Cure bas a receipt .
� . there is happier than I am." BENNSTV8 got of Babies'CarriageR a lot, )A ...".;'ped 1111,1117111 every bottle which is,worth its . , �� . .1 I .
the latter was so shocked at what the , , ., t mo breiti, it gently, he has it pretty cot- 'w. jAlit ill It'llil. ' '
_.— .� photographer very naturally urged was FLORAL __ ,Akn,',',,t'e1Qr tile baby, a crib for tile child; olt� c.l.%,41;"A Liver curn is guaranteed tocilre
. inactive I ,
, arance.that . �� � Nlothers nkorsol; biiiiiest with joy are nearly wild. . vs arl-ing from a torpid or inactl KIDNEYS. .."'
Wm. Devoy, on corner of Piccadilly find their unavoidably fill Insf, Vs ,,
horrible appe I . GUIDE: ` ' I!.(-r."II-h its ..Iver Conlivialut, Inyspellivida.
.its ago he refused to pay for tl,.,. Tljq final to- .. - kpildice, Illead-
William Streets, toldme nearly two ye, - For 1887 , BEXI�'rTT ALSO KEEPS A FIRST 1:011$r?41114011, 1111110111"Ine"'Ili '11 'Jon, ete., 4 I
of the virtues of 13arkwell'sk'Bronellial Balsam. stilt is an linsoemly litigation. 'No doubt lii.."I". j,jiiL4,rF,IjofA, $J111101 . IV ('ojaIjPIe% .
I had been working in a drain and caught a Now ready, contains 3 clr,loreill Plates, limiareas of n, . . CLA,'48 UP1[0L8TBRB.Pl . . KIDNEYS I
� the photographer had a good claint for the lustranons, end npnrly 24,0 lin2,P412 perialvilint; to Gjtr- THE KIDNEYS THE , _NT1
t very tWvere cold. Igot a bottle of that cele- . of big piclureR. dening and FI1-x%,(.r Colture anit over ire containig, an .4 L I Vi 1 1178 0 X JrA IV r) -1, I. (,t,,%( -,,:*h hirer curn Is a certain cure for DAN"D1E1L110__`l.
S in in
I .
I I II'l
brated Balsam, and complettly oared me of price Illustritted LIqt (.f nertriv fill Illo FLOWZRS and V GE- i, 1,,I -r,-igonwIItA o+ ilia kidneyR,Allch
ifouiers! If your daughters are )it ill health. TABLES grown, witli Alredlong 11MV to nn/1
theil), of the a inr elitic, 1,039
that ucuta attack,thilkit'l It live nevei whore the best SEEMS, PLANTS, niq I1U1,II:j( PAIU,011 "E 4, ETC., ,',' .' � ',L ,1,.,."! ...... of All e.tite'llidl-gestion, hyallepsht, 111111011131110
. rbeein with. I . � I ,❑ inlox.l."rPol-flon 1112(f)'t-nell. Infallil)10 Bloo(I Purifier Tonle, D
or troubled with apaleness tilat sopulivipitturable i-anl,el)roeiii,�d,i%,Itltl,i,lcesofenell- I his book link lim ,, ,TS, LOUNGE.' 1; . ,, I ,,,.44 pritiv, re(I und whil�o .
I out it since. I bave'recornmr-rided it to a great at, if thtty sufler from goneral debility, liervolls ge, Bright a .1 ,,,, P, [Iiint,111111131tv ttI4111.311 10 .
fore on receipt Ipt of 10 Pent A, Avid the 10 l,plits mal, be tie, 14 . I "it 4. F", ''O"I., palt's Ill p -IR -1 it, iep,i,ivor coilivii
, HADI, 114D 0 -111 -Dr -R -r- -04A) ONES—- �Ic'l '1111", (I.. 1,
� many and they all agree witla me that it is uess,. languor, weakness. or loss Of aptiotitfl, ducteA-6nin tile lint littler sent ns, very one Inter it: . - :1101 a' I ,.,.. .,. I .t, . . F,i,1,1 1p`1y,.DI8('R.90A, SCrO!"In' I)li;(,aqim ponallar to k
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re. x,,,i!-y�,(":,,,,,, ls:,,,i�q-, yon. 'x z inutt and all Skin Dig
Ig equally good for ainits and children, pleastint proeuro at onert a iyottie of Jolinson's Tonle Blt- evivii fit a govien, or %%ho deq, 9 REPAIRED. ". , 0- , ,1,lr,,-r,,,j X%11 c.l'o 3 . . ! InInleA, 'knit 1111611111, V
1111111. I and you will not reoret the outlay. The should have thp; w6rlf, we veritty In the ininjonq who thn Flmrr, 901te
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I . , to take and naver known to, fail no matter Tonle, anit generally strengthening PireCt of this I have used ouriteeds. Boy only VIOV4 �iecdq At Head- I T , rt. Horn. 11411,01Y VA1406
-I por quartora. JA.%ans VI(,jj, S ,11-IMSMAN, ?A'. 2.,y2,.vX_%V"01-z a C0.9 qtonineh and,1 """C� Wj.sj & (,4)., Toronto, 0 1 .
' IV 11 I iiie(licino,isti,iilyinarvelintis- ritlets,finax ,r .1 )I 1 .,4
how severe the co1J. JOIIN AMTE11A, . r.• I RED ROCKER STORE, CLINTON ll%!F. 441,iti,'. p.S,AN OA, - - 13FADVORD
I Bathurst Street, Liliviclor. bottle, at W ortbingtovi%i T)rniz -4tilve. I It 001-FiTen-N,
11 - I . . I . .
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