The Clinton New Era, 1887-04-22, Page 7• F$IDAY, APRIL 22, 1887. - The -Ontario Government has instructed provincial detectives ,to ataiiet the New •York police as far as lies in their power in putting down "Sawdust and green goods,' swindlers operating in this province. Mr A, J. Thorn, the temperance candi- date, was elected mayor of St John, N.B., on Friday, by sixty-three majority over Mr George Barker. Seven candidates In all ran. The liquor vote was concentrated on Mr Barker. The alight cold you think so little of may prove the forerunner of a complaint that may b i fatal. Avoidothis resn,t by taking Ayer's Unary Pectoral, the best, remedy for colds, coughs, catarrhs, brouobitin, iucipient con- sumption, and all other throat and lung dm raser. p On Monday morning Mr Frank Holland received a telegram that his brother, for many years a rusidettt of Mitchell, wasac- eldeutly drowned the Saturday before, in Kincardine, where he was employed as a This Is to certify that I have used 1lfodregoi''s 6-teedy cure for I)yarepsui' aodLivoi ('owi1ulut and do honestly say that if it cost me life Oper bottle.I would not be without it, as it has done lite more good than • 611 the m'dloiliea 1 ever ,and, and I flet like a ne-w man,- Yours truly. NEWS NOTES. Perfection is etts•aed in D. Sage's Cat' rh Be53edy. The liquor trade in Kaueaa is being vir- tually killed ut,t by the prohibitory Tawe passed by the State Legislature. Tho dronth throughout Central Illinois with the great and continuous heat 19 un- preceuuu t eel. West's World's Wonder acts like magic in all oases of rhfumnt'am, neurat,,a, burns, cute and wtuads. All diuggists. Along the branch line of the Burlington e4c'111issouri Railroad a Targe number o settlers hate lust everything by prairie Ores. The Michigan House of Assembly has,hy a nlajurtty of 50 to 33, voied down the pro poattiun to extend the power to vote, to women. The Standard. West's Livor Pills. Always reliable,never fail. Cure all liver and stomach diseases. 30 pills 25u All druggists. A Wabash (Ind.) telegram says: There is much alarm in this aecti&m over the pee- aible failure of the wheat Drop, caused by the unprecedyluted dry wo ether, 1VIr. Jelin Culquhutin, of Ktiatohbull, iu Halton County, is 94 years of age and his wife92, and if they live until the let of May they will celebrate the 66th anniver- earyof their wedding. Whooping -cough readily yields to West's esagh Syrup, the never failing cure for brun- thitis, coneumptiou, asthma, eto. All drug- gists, A uegri living near Greenville, Ala, went off at night, leaving five children, the oldest 11 years of age,lucked up in a house. While he was abseu't the house caught fire, and all the children 'were burned to death. Governor' R'as of Texas, has received a letter from r he Medina River district. which states that cattle are starving to death and even bottom lands are bare of grass. The cods of rhe branches el, trt es, are being need for feeding animals, but the.supply of these wilt n„t last long, _. Col ty 1 Goldie, the Britiehl,lro,y t fuser eoruiutssniucd to purchase calvary, horses iu Canada, statue that English horse' deal- ers were so well pleased with the animals bought lust year that he believes if the quality is maintained this year that it will lead to a general horse:trade with Engiand. , When you cannot rest from Asthmatre trou- bles, Southern Asthma cure will at ones to Zieve, ; D•,uhle treatment in each package, - What is said to be the first instuuce uu record in the United Sates of an attempt to prolong the life of a -r„keu-limbed egeitie by menus of amputation is reported from Westchester, Pa, A valuable mare ° fractured her leg a second tittle jut after the limb had been sot. Amputation was advised and the operation•'wus successfully performed As a fracture of the leg of a horse almost always involves the death of the animal,' it will be interesting to observe • the result of this unneual-operation. Even Japan and China dealers keep in stock and selilWest's Liver Pills—"the world's best.” Liv er complaint, dyspepsia; indigestion and. sick headache readily yield to thein. 30 pills is 25n, All druggists the world over. The citizen of Avondale, Ohio,.a subur- ban town,have started a prohibition move- ment that is of extraordinary interest to ----temperarrce-people arid'--nosliquor-men as well, because it is not made by prohibit- ionists and is not even basted upon hostility to the drinking of intoxicating lienors. It aims not to stop drinkiug but to abolish the saloons and it attacks the aal000s for the simple business -like reason that they diminish the attractiveness of a suburb de• voted to. residences and thus diminish the value of real estate. Perfect soundness of body and mind is pos Bible only with pure blood. Laing medical authorities indorse Ayer's.Sarsaparilla as the best blood -purifying medicine in existent. It vastly increases the working and prodnotive powers of both hand and brain. . Lax- il'r Ei, OarI°tun Plant•, Ont. This uredl- e1ee is fur bale at 50o aur $1,00 per bottle tit. Worthington's Drug Store. A scene of wile couf,sion occurred in, the British House of Commons un Friday swing to some uffeusive remarks on the Parntillitea• trade by Sa'an erson. VIr Healy called the Major a liar and was sus peoded. Mr Sexton th.reateued'to thrash Sauudereuu, and another ntemSer after- wards called him a liar again. The ea.cite- went was tremendous. • The debate inlife•-Inrcul-I:egi'etatnte; 'tit T. root°on Thursday, brought out the fact that the new Parliament Buildings will cost about one wiliest dollars. That is a good round sow, but the P'ovtuce can stand it, (half a dollar a head,) and the people will be glad if the 'coat dues not run away front the estimates altogether, as was the case with the Parliament build- ings at Ottawa. A. singular sensation has just been van- elated in L•unbten county. A widow of advanced age is charged with poisoning seven or eight relatives by blood or mar riage,in order to benefit by property which she could not reach while they were alive. Circumstantial evidence is strung against her, gird should the charges he made good he case will rank with the causes eelebres of the history "f crime. The wunian's mimeos Martha Ryckulan, acid her resi- dence is iu Thedferd township,uear Sarnia, Have you or your friend a Corn, Wart or Bunion? If so Barkwoll's Sure Corn Cure has cured thousands • and will mire you. A sure; safe, painless and permauen, cure for corn old warts of every description. This preparatiou has proved an .unfailing remedy for the immediate relief and permanent eu e of the t e,mmou but distressing ailment known as cures, also bunions and wane. This com- pound not only removes the corn but protects the surface, thus enabling it to bear any reas- onable amount of pressure. Read vory care- fully a few of the mane hundreds of testi menials received for this excellent preparation, T., 1 your friend about it, and b,- sure you get the genuine. Sold by all druggists. Says the Toronto News :—In British Columbia 2,316 votes elected six Couserv• ativo representatives to the Dominion House of Cotnlnous, while in West Toronto the unsuccesefill candidate pulled 3,400 votes,•ora tliorieand more than all of those in 13eitisli C iluinFifa,?twd did notget-ther-e by a noticeable majority. 'Supposing there are.ten times as many people as there are voters in British Colombia, which is not true,thore would be 23,000,and to epnnect Eastern Canada with the population t.1 an ordinary township much of the Canadian Pacific Rail.way.wasbuilt, at our expense; and British Columbia hie as much voice in tlie governinet 1,f,this country as have Ter - onto, Hamilton, and London combined,tho popullttion of those cities being ten times greater. The U. S. Government report for April says of winter wheat "The covering of during.the early portion'uf the win- ter:Vine better 'than' Usual Over a large -peat of the wheat area, but thst'e aro from many sections complaints of scanty protection during very trying weather since February 15. The month of March was the most severe for a srriesofyears,the temperature being below the average over the whole wheat area east the Mississippi rit'ar, and alternate freezing and thawing wrought serious damage to bare fields, es- pecia'ly in bottem and poorlydrainedlands. Pennsylvania, Virginia and Ohio suffered severely from this inclemency. The gen- erai average nf'Cendition is 88. the Balite as in 1881, and higher than in 1883 and'I385, when it was 80 nnd••70, respectively. In the last forty-sik years the consump- tion of wines amyl .spirits in the United States has not kept ,pace with the popula- tion, but the consumption of peer has in- creased twenty-eight times. Tho drinking population is estimated at fifteen millions, and the amount consumed by each of these is in rouu8 numbers forty-three gallons of malt liquors, a gallon and a half of wine end ucarly five gr ins of spirits,. The annual direct waste of .money on these beverages is seven hn•ndred million dollars, h••sides, probably, an equal amount of ir1- jury through waste of valuehle be man life and strength, and the c,st of gaola and Asylums. Fourteen hundred million dol. runt ia""`"fi'ti'e lnistiserr-sniroti It"-eirf rf`sl""nf- twenty eight thousand million dollars, the inuuult to which the nation could be en- riched by effective prohibition. An -interesting -table in •the repott of • vital statistics for Outltrin just issued, re. specting•the cententarians who died in 1885 shows that, of the whole number of 23, elevenor nearly one half, were of Irish nation:, dity. One of these had reached the extra,,rdinary age of 112. The next tinnier- ous class are the Scotch, five in number. The traditional longevity of th,e African race is confirmed by the fact that two out of the three American centenarians on the list were colored. John Hogan, of Rockford, Ill,, met his .. ileathein-a-hor-riblestru•►n-neP--on--Saterdlay: He was at Westfield Corners with a stallion, and while exhibiting the horse it struck him • with its forefeet and• knocked him down. While down the horse lay:down on the lean with .its knees. Another man who was present stabbed the stallion in the neck !i with a knife, and as the horsel-tro=e from Hogan's body it grabbed th,,nreslrate man by the nape of the neck anti shook him so that he died iu eight minutes.. Tho lame, the halt, the rheumatic, all sing the praises of \Vest's World's Wonder. Try one 'Atli+ anti yon ivill never'use any "other liniment. 25.•. and 50c. All druggists, It may'ef'ly be, sail lumbering camps are not tlkpted for their morality. We gel. 0ecait„ual glimpses of the loose life which many in such plea live. A British Co- -ltt lrhiR j•ttrreel-is-•atrshority- for- the •stilts-' went that girls are purchased from their parents in China and sent to camps there, The Goverment is said to have a hand in the nefarious traffic, and when the girls are shipped to British Columbia, demand their share of the gain. The department is said to regard $50 as afair share for each girl The systematic decoying of Canadian girls to the Michi;an woods is uo secret. It is impossible that the Canadian public will take a partnership in this brutaltra0ic. As significant of the growth of Temper- ance sentiment in a city which has not hitherto been remarkable for any such thing look at the following;—"A plebiscite on the question of the liquor traffic was taken in Glasgow and the suburbs, the result of which was made known last night. _TPhere were 77,2.45 house -holders in favor of the people having complete control of the liquor traflls by their votes, and 8,535 against ; 57,704 wore in favor ,.1 entire prohibition, and 19,411 against; 71,427 wore favorable to a reduction in the present number of licensed houses, and 9.591 against; 68,302 S were opposed and 11,235 not opposed to all 'new licenses." "Men must work and women weep, So runs the world away" 1 v,,,, But they need not weep co mach if they,use Dr. Pieretes "Favorite Prescription," which oures all the painful maladies peculiar to women. S. Id by druggists. Ne ver Tried It What ! Neter tried Johnson's Tonlc Bitters ! Then do so at ones, 11'8 pos11Ivo1v th'e brat gin 'rat tonin on the earlrot. 1', o n"tel heard of it buJ Iboevbt that it wee to be placed on the list. of the nrtr•y trashy pr'.paratone that flood our nrI, 1 'but since you recommend 11 oe highly 1'11 riot It a trial. 1)o no 1 is hood fur any com- plaint in which a tonic le of bene 1t, and ran be taken by man woman or child. 60.e and $1 per bottle at Worthington.. Drug store. ADVICE To MOTHERS,—Are you disturbed at night, and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting 'Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of " Mrs. '1Vinslow's Soothing Syrup" for Child• ren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the -poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers"; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrho r regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Infl•ammatior and gives tone and energy to the whole system. " M,s. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," for child ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is tor sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. i3e sure and ask for " MRS. WINSLotv'S SOOTHING SITUP," nd take no other kind.• 20 y -n, THIS PAPER p site Lonna t nee.on nae e +. well & COWe're Newsea , r! aavertialntr• ereaneeserneen..), r.have ndvrt3 hoc T. contracts may Po made for It 1111 MEW 1E0 -A: W. IC T DMSLPO. •• WE iiiRE SHOWING Very attractive lines in . Prints and Ginghams, A special.ine of all wool Dress Goods in all the lead- ing shades at 25c. per yard. Full range Ladies Jerseys, from $1.25. Full lines of Linens, Towel- ings, Shirtings, Ducks and Cottonades. • A fine White Linen Front and Cuffs at 50cents White Shirts in Boys sizes. ' Full range Linen and Cel- luloid Collars. Full range Ties and Silk Squares. Complete range of' Ladies fine Lace and Button Shoes Children's Boots and Shoes = in several lines Selection Mens LacedlBoots Boys & Mens Hats, Stiff & Soft in English & American Large stock of Wall Papers Stock choiceFreshGroceries if CC ii it i1 CI it CC it it ci ti it i. it ti 7f, w� iC ii is ff 17. WE INVITE: YOUR INSPECTION. , L. OUIiYLETTE, LONDE ORO o. A CHANC For the next thirty days we will sell any article in our immense,sfock of CROCK- ERY and GLASSWARE, ata discount of l0,por cent. Just thick of it, $15 00 8 00 6 00 15 00 11 00 -.8 00 6 00 3 50 2 25 5„00 4 00 2 50 China Tea Sets, 44 pieces for $13 50 Cash. ii ll ll 7 20 li CC 5 40 13 50 990 _,.40 - 5 44)- 3 15 203 4 50 3. 60 225 250 Dinner, cl l/ 11 11 119 104 ---Combination ” - 85 - Decorated stone tea 44 Irony Tqa Sets, 44 Stone " " 44 Decorated chamber 10 " 10 Stone chamber sets 9 Fine Hanging Lamps for r1 li u 11 is CC ei is cc li (1. CC ii ii 10 per cent ofl' GLASSWARE) LAMPS, FANCY «TARE, 1 Tc'.. •.Reruomber • the sale just lasts THIRTY DAYS. CHRISTMAS GROCERIES. In .Groceries, our stock was never morn complete. All our new RAISINS, CURRANTS, PEELS, WALNUTS, AL= MONDS, FILBERTS, CONFECTIONERY, &c., Are in and will bo sold as cheap as the cheapest. Call and see the3hatndsome presents we are giving with • COOPER'S BAKING . POWDER Alki D3 JONAS' FLAVOR/NG EXTRACTS To every purchaser at our store on Dec. 2 -lith, we will give a decorated cup and saucer,,, We want any quantity of good Bettor, Eggs, Poultry, Potatoes, and Wood in eXchange for groceries. Give us a call, it will pry you. Thos. Cooper & Son, c;zaNrroN. DO' NOT RUN THE RISK. OF PURCHASING INFERIOR SEEDS WHEN YOU CAN d'LT JOAN A. BRUCE S FROM S. DA_ VIS' AND DO NOT FORGET TIIAT WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF Uardware, ,tinware, Stoves, Lamps,paints & Garden hoots . I DA:v-1r , - - THE MAMMOTH HARDWARE AND TO VE IIOUSE. OE Ordered Work as owl Inferior to Not OLI— H EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE.•, FOR - SEW S111110 �d;QEA�ER BOOTS &SHOE5j. My Stuck is now very complete in all depa- Monts, and will still continue to sell at the lowest possible prices. aDIES', M1SS',S' 8 CHILDREN'S VSE. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH[. way ria. NH On C. Cruickshank, the Root - Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON O3331\TT ).Ara DIZITG- STOI01m3. FRtS'lr'1 ARIA ALS THIS WEEK. - ° • • I-IELLEBORE P.1.?NG 13 • PU • SECTPOWDER ATLANTA SEA SALT , FRESH LIME JUICE PURE PARIS GREEN CASHMERE BOQUET PERFUME 1?'ltie line of HAND- MERRORS, cheep. BJORTRANDS BULK PERFUME UAsuME-E Boqua'r 'SOAP PEARS (ENGLISH) SOAP PEARS VIOLET POWDERS PEARS BLOOM OF NINOl We pay special attention to TRUSSES, and have the largest stock in the county.. Best 5 cent CIGAR in town. - t -i: S ty . COM $ F:, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, ' CLINTON, ONT. Remova1 S Rerno-val! Dr. 1Vurthington having bought out the busitiess lately carried on by W.H. Sleep - purposes removing it to the imildtnv, laioly occupied. by Thompson Jo Switzllr where 11e intends to open up a large stock of., .hooks, Stationery and Christmas Novelties Which will be second to none in the county. He also intends removing Iix9t DRUG STORE to these premises. As he bas taken advantage of the times mil bought at very 1or° prices, he can give you good value for your mon y. PleasA•. call and inspect his stock. A. WORTHINGTON, Clinton',i.t. what -§ They _ say. Twenty orb tt-Thonsand Dollars paid at- auction. -for--the--rennwued .trr.tti.ng_korsa_,. _. Pancoast, proved his exelence, and so the Leading' Clothing House of F.ISCHER'S' Opposite the Post Office, truly proves its superiority over all opposition, in Stjo and Fit it 'beats thein all, and FISCHERS LEADING SUITS Are worn from one end of the county to -the other. The Spring Stock has arris'- - ed, and is one of the finest in the town mid vicinity. A discount of 10 per cent from the 15th of Feb till the 15th of March, will be given -for -cash.- Prices1 r- and work'inariihip unsurpassed. Terms Cask. • FISHERS LEADING CLOTHING HOUSE, Clinton. NEW • ®p®az®tl out in ELL'®TT..a. FLOG'.. NEX.fl' DOOR TO THE CITY BOOK. STORE, 'CLINTON, BEDROOM SETS, PARLOR SETS, LOUNGES, SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &c., Awli A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Tits: VERY BEST MADE FURNITURE :AT REASONABLE PRICES., ..T(YPS. C FII DILA ETV-. ' t C'entraiGrocery 9 P. C'ESI3':tra €10 Id Stwalcl. The sulisc"'r""i�er'ltts tlongliT cul the—F•tock; iir-'P:'It 51, dBliV'S It G1 '"'" GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &c. Which, being bonght at lc(w rates, he is enabled to offer at the very closest prices Patronage respectfnlly'solicited. All orders promptly filled. Rooms to let, H. R. WALKER, CLINTON. Change of Business I ItlIllltt 1111111111 II ll l 1 ll list I111 The undersigned begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried ell by W. L Newton•, And that ito is prepared to furnish Harness, .Collars, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets. And everything usually kept in a first°class Harness Shop, at the lowest prions. Spools attention is directed to my stock of LIGHT Hansmss, which I will make a specialty. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED T.Q. By strict attention to busineas, and carefully studying the wants of my customer a, I hope merit a fair share of patronage. Clive me a call adore purchasing elsewhere. • REMEMBER THE STP' iD—OPPOSITE TFIE MARKET. a --EO- At t.AR'3 A. -`