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The Clinton New Era, 1887-04-22, Page 6
---,-*",--"",-,,i,"'"""-*--",-"'',,-"-- U1 . ! - - . . t, . , . , . A . • . - S • . le L •. twine loap),ing all, but by daylight wore oUt of grapQe., As I write IMP the thermometer is {an high g thele el an hen then. but calked : � T � � ' - OUR LETTER, 19OX l)olorado, and into New Mexico. At j;hreb at 80 degreee, its warm as yon have It in Ca Armstrong infidel and heaths", but Arm H � �tAstr•..rq/ ..FL•i�.�: a+tnauel which on lila boundary and fright n litter' Lom home, telling ma of your tbrer not look well in print: Armstrong said that ,(Weare not remponetblo for any opiutons expressed n niook in the morning we bad gond through nada lit summer, and I hove just oat and rear; strong reeked to him in r way that would ttnderthieheading.-En New EitA.I the isible did not allow any man to have two rued some o the people who did not know of h•ct of snow. i bhull not be wading throng) ,vin wives at the same time. LETTER. it During the twcuty•funr hours preoedmk, ,the ei;ow this winter, to sea you, Uut, to t,1 Theo the or erose for the vote to be taken - _ we had been steadily going Up hill. Fur ex you the truth, I would rather I have bet• , ion the motion that had been made man The foll,wiag, letter was writ -ten by the late ample, at Kaunas City we wt+re.765 feet above I ti �wu to S tnta Monica L aaadeua Compton,an l y thu.ucean at Dodge we were 2402 feetabnve; have now been four weeks at Oufi,iilo, 0 'lines. The Tories then hied to divide th Any quantity of Good Clover. and T', �V. Swan, to his old scholars in j3A�llatt, at La Uuanta in Colorado. at midnight ; Fri ratio is on one of the railroad ma(is at th dapple, this was A failure where the Grits would eomat,me before his death, aud.1a pub lblied day night 4061, and going through that tun school, between Pomona and Cucamonga 1 "'it sLtr ;they out still when, tbeti had take, by request: Deh we werb 7022 tact about. So that we g„ this week to Murrieta, after visiting C, I p their Beats promiscuously all over th, ONTARIO, CAL., Dec. 14. 1886 were really on a muuutaiu 7000 fact high tun, N+!w, boyo and girls, this will have +• 'ouso,and eoenda,fer the time being, tilt Timothy Seed wanted- Hi�ness t MY DEAR CHILDREN -BOY$ AND GIRL6,- But as it was level loukiug all ruuud, we did ha your Christmas box, and : wish ynu all , liras Bible in school section No. 5, townslti{, I made a Promise to write ynu an acouur t of uoL think We Wrra up In Lhe ail' and felt quite merry Christmas and a happv Now Year, sur f no able 1 had almost forgotten to mak, :.. my trip out hero, and something about the humble ea e,ially when soon after dayugh hat-ynu arewa.ktugbarAatStItmi-1 H7hY+ "iuorable mention of ono,111rCharleaProcte ,ih. country too, did I not, and you have lung be• + P who Burin the melee, kept crying out fur fore this concluded that I bud forgotten u ; the cry wits raised of "snow, euow." \ti's are any questions ynu would like answered id + g P Y g price p a 1 d . 4 rushed to the platforms and there quite close n letter, write me and I shall do my heat A. • hoar mother Bible." But, r seven odiva well, boys and girls, I did not forget, but you P g answer them. I kepi) some of ynu will writ. L1r Charles Procter, aUa six or seven Turier knew, or did you ever find unto that I had a appeared a range of hills, we thought whoa, ,f this same crowd, are members or adbe tope were cover with snow. It was very and let me hear fruw you, for i have heart into of the Episcopalian Uhurela at Bolgrave d. —•Y, I bad h bit of putting off thinge that had to h+' Pretty with the rising sun oat rlintui r th, nothing r ,+f Nu. 7 aince I left, except what 1 g , 'done. I hope none of yon ever do that, jest t ' Y K l b b R who attend sometimes to hoar u Mr Turk _ a take warning by me, and bever do in future,,just tops anti it alm.,aL dazzled our oyes. A num :oi. from BI) th. lit wt mtl,i Ina kindly to all a for them nuL of a prayer book, mad, lir t{ NowjustSuttle yum'sely s ih your desks, slid bar of.tile passengers wale drsappomted, the) your pusu[s, and f •r tUe present titre, lino, Y P Y ®B®N 1111 C H A. • HALI„� f Scripture selections, and if Suri tare 6elee listen, and I hope whoever made it may b were nr.t high , n•,ugh they sail, tint we were little friuids, ftu'ewell. Ever vdnir fri,•nd, P P �- V - - u1d the were 501tU Ir t lino beau to top aur T. W, SLOAN. onus aro good in churches, they skoald al Ne 1 r .able to make out the writing. As you know, t that ailyed'to the 6000 feet which we wart. . •--....— be good in echoOla, and if had in schools hot- __� ' I left Huron'on the morning of the lith of Uu u m ,de t hem over 11000 feet above the level Marvelous. can they be good it. cbufch,•s ? But consi . 91112613 Ed= toiler, in a, snow storm. T Caune4 tell yu], P h„ ocsuo Thtn suwo Of us thengi t we One dose of Dr Chase's Liver Cure will cure 'oocp is out Tories the f Behon with Lhasa Epi- what -I thought as I rattled caress the 13: (,p would walk to th, m it) three lir four hours,ano Pick Headache, and Dizziness,turd 'lire will cur. cnpol:in Lt of of est)ool section No. 5, Ln it con, in the train. At Londeebnro I got oti, wo appeal, d o a brake4iau. His •auswor, 1 1 to 2 bottles are warranted to cure Liver Cum- J9orria, ” Corn - and took a last look aurt.si the cuautry at tilt NP NEDAT. w !S F= vm D S Sbig hill, and iwagiued yew gathering at the lauve u,.t ho swear words, tuna "I Hour ai.d Alai gists. i;sstiun and Biliousness. Sold by u, March 21, 1887• ' old school house, where ,we had eu often start for iht•u, without u purr of blankuta nod tiragsiats. )lent of rob" ''What do you want aha �•p•� �e--_ I41i'' STOCK IS LAST YEAR'S U11UP AND AZL FRESH. h gathered ua our three and a half yours '" plenty for ?" was our next question. "'1' S�'RIPTURE READINUS I\ MOI{P1S, Be on Your Guard. �` more. If I ever get back I shall tell you feel) Out all night." ••Whv, how far is it?" __- Don't allow a cold in the head to Blowly an I how I felt that eight. W'e left London at llt tuil. s or ov.er•" Wa held our brua 1,. -urely ran into l,atarrh, when you can Uecure,l Red glover. Mammoth or Pea vine Clover A1Si1€, dark, so I cannot tell'you anathiug of the k Y Tu tier• h.'rlilur u%tkr Ulintuu :\'v a) lira. f •r'25c. by using Dr Chase's Catarrh Cure. .� f f country between there and Detroit ;.Perhaps !r dtrl ntuake w only v few . ths,bu. we Ira+,• Si[ _1Vill yon uHuw me spaoc in your p:d few applications cure insipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 White Dutch Grass /y� journey to make over. irk+ that d into our )e1, to utdish a report lit the pr•ooeediuga "I •oxer cures ordinary catarrh; 2 to 5boxes is I r• ,, 17f1aSnS Seeds,` limo�hy, Orchard 1t makealittle• differ"once. \Verattled the uRi ,,i+roe waw over. Ou we rolled Tutu Lha I p uu•aureect. to care chronic catarrh. T it. �(j Itomoka, Glencoe, Chatham and L\'indeol; 1 Y a Public meeting ht4d in soh, h eattuu fur 5, g t druggists A Grass, Italian Rye, Kentucky Blue, Red Lop, little ,Mexican town of Las \'egos. Hare we ma 2)c. and scar Cure, Solt. by all den r tats there our train ran right on a large ferry boat raw our tie t Adobe house. Adubt, is a black tow' orf .11orii-, oil 1l to ch l0 h, fur the Y ,;_ and we crossed the Detroit river, to out soirclay'ey, whiah, when wet, is very sticky. t'a t si- of gto ki excuse t th,• col era of A WORD Lr'Ul% 1\l 11 G11.1Y. Permanent Pasture Mixtures & Lawn Grass Seed. That s�etinu w kick cue of the ticho,,I (;is th' way they examined all oar Ida gages, t„ see it This they nuke tut , biieks a foot square still -- M Vva,hati_-urny artwlQ._� which we should pa 'ru,aus an ) the 1{„s, Bible wale by Bishu{ . Ntx.inehi•s th;ck,dry there m the -uu and tion G Y R /'u tie,, lirlilor u( the Clinton 1\'e'to Era. Millet, Hungarian and Mummy Peas, Buckwheat, duty; aaI was, honest 1n4'ing they never mild their houses. They make the walla vuch. his wit t ani erlrrhs:- t,u• emptied my truck. Then ou wb went ill th' very thick and it makes a nice wwl ho Al n, a Lees of this s„ctnou wit as follows: -Jou i,t 111; ELrratt.-Year lust issue contained a lYtangolds, Turnips and Carrot Seed. 11 dnrkness, and on through a number of places them a G,it S�•atchmau, 1tf gelid edueatinD ; „once of serulubs being_ preaoly+d by Rev Jno. warm c,•uut,y, At Las Vegas the had n pin the aecuu,l one au I• tshmu6, curl o Tor un, I Hover heard. Of, Adrilu, • Butler, Auburn Hie, and eau ap o n the tram t y the Las Veen Y Gray u) "Is the moral law a Info of life fru junction, Garret, and so „n, but at 3 o'cloclle Hilt S lin •s whr:re we stayed till day. tI overburdeue.d wits, .the: leaiiong he got at o0, the. Bi-liever?" In the last debate in the � V:��.� CA(�t� � KIM )$ �F (a�a.i�li)EI1� ��a:®rs FOR �� our engin, broke down, and we had to eta) P R + f th,,se miserable satptural schools in Int•• ,own hall ho said that the line -of a hymn. I I�- Up A. on the Lraek four buses, Lill ahother.nue caw,; was the first time I ever saw hot wefar tom twirl, of forty -live year- ago; hu third one, a "Grace hath hid are safe in thee," was wrong ALL 111Y OWN GARDEN SEED PACKETS. lag out of the grougd, but there were 20 w then iD threw hours we wore in Chicago. It 3U springs all hot, e,r boa you Could not b, ui L. `ti''diau' Tory ala,,, who acted us chairm ", ,nd erreneotm Will Ile explain to us more OATS, PEAS, BA RLY AND POTATOES TAKEN E� S PA'I. started to ruin o the morning, and au I can -,t this meeting, but, a bit, of a Painted suck fully the error of it, and alai) ibe words, "ye your 'Vaud in it. It is sulphur Witter, ail,, would ju•t have &,Ile as well. ,ire not under the law but undrir grace." J tt ` �rrF F:Y�S �a . -l"C iv. _, not tell you anything of C hrcaKo, beyond dues not taste (,cry nice, but, people come her,' ft a r )liar+ about sixteen mourhs•s o thes, large butlAiugs, lots of carriages, and •muddy to drink it, and bulbi) in'it. lG is a it broth, I 1 g - You &a., o -_ _ _ _ - .._.` _ `__ Yours, B:reeta. OF course w, saw lake Michigan, , but you hay, to Put cold avatar al to co,91 O, trustees urtroducod the seh ctnns of Scrip OBSERVER NO. a • but in the driving rain it looked very dii,ty' as the water will send a Lbeenihmeter dp t„ t+teal Readingseinto the s�ho •1. tin no Clinton, April 14. ��®�, bh91,1 ST THOMAS and cold.' .I was glad I was not asail'or. The ....0 to have found any fault with them • s • ` , 140 degrees. They have a large, beautiful until the Provincial ectious came on, 'rhea /-' =1 - last part of our journey had been through stone bath house, and the water cotnes lir to lnvielbre but instnntnncon, they fraud nut, by the Mail lit- paper, that All liable lir achos will be insbautl , _ •Northern Indiana, -and it -is not so -nice as y • rlanovad pipes, to every room. We clitubud the hills these sc)i' lural s,•I,•ctiune were all Wrong, by a few drops of Fluid Lightning applied livor 1 it Outarioby n long way, It is low and Sat ;the and lunged at the mountains, and went riding t' f" tit6 affected 1"119. Nntimelost;uo11"Aellus ONU Il'v✓cud wtru made by B,rh , r L itch. fur the pro BrOM Moment Co '- - forme look badly kept, cattle poor, no barna, on burros. A burro ie a sort of dwarf donkey, 1 Y P medfoiuus .lou+Bed; - na...iutultiaittg .lits. ttaittl ...._..._.�_, _, �_ and the straw stlicks scattered through the p+gamnu .if p•,p ry, Bot the enlightened _rens• liuinienrs. it will not buster ordiscolor W� " but it oar kick like ti large donkey. Nea Tories of this school section did not d)seover y A •11 , fields as though it was,," good. We left 'here was a Mexican town, with the hlaok the aklo. 5Sufilld Sutitfferers rs r bottle by gra assure U �ir� Chicago at noun, on Weduesday, and after how to du away a i, h thein until school sec Uruggiat. Sufferers lrnm Neuralgia assure us e� '0,... `� a•ti eyed little Mexican boys and girls chattering tioua in o -her art-, had called ,nee,iti s for 'hut they never fear it when their house Coll- %pF an hour's ride we noticed an improvement in away in Spanish. The air was delightful, r„ P g talus a bottlo of Fluid Lightning,. Qj�f� � ``� ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO. the land. Then we entered a aide valley, the purpose of pit Ling Lha selections oat of lot Agri') . breathe, it was so light and pare. I h nit I their schools. Aecor•ingla this meetie + wag `� `P and for several honrs ran along beside ab3nal. have told ynu that in ascending r mountains 6 OF IN'TERLS L' 'l'U FARMERS. i►ikjl 7t was amueinK to Bee a canal boat with thee, b welled in chis s+,awn. and kick •d the ILo•, -_ `'�S4p�t°v or four mules Stena out in a row, walking the air becomes rarer, or thinner, and he.re"I Bible out of this school alid wow:these Tut les S i� y , r too T�= ;' The only Bronze Foundry � experienced that. Besides, as the hard) etre ha , iii receivi'u a email rain of co u1. To the Editor of Wee Clinton Aciv Era. along a tow path towing the boat. It was a over have rain, and Dever have dew, the air l PY g t S `` ` peculiar way of Bailin This valley wad fort ftir having been it in the Provw SIR,—As Vou ars ever willing Lo give the �yy� t 111 !� P Y g is very dry, and this, in addition, to its purity, ,;ial elections. a rod headed cattle bi)yei use• of yu r valuable columns, fur thu discus- cs i'I;I . ���� in the Dominion. pretty. All the hollow, for four or flue miles, makes it very good for people who have weak ddrurnmud the eocticn round, oo pre of sion of matters of importance to the farmer, Q I;. perhaps more, was in corn, and then was s lungs. We left Las Vegas at dark, and went hn)ing fat cattle, but did nut seem to discover still as the Lim,+ of nurse shows is at hand, I Cki��%I Of 6% steep hail, or rather range of hills, with trees through a number of Spanish villages. or a+ `` �7 d on the top. But bye and bye I became tired g P that the Grits +v re fairing cattle also, there wish your permissio , to sty a word or two uu %V l.t ,, 4 ,ft steep e leaetwillages with Spanish or MrxtcaD names fore he did not cull on any of them, but tie importance of , rocuriug for this,aonnty ,+(+\�Qr (4 ', Otir material in endorsed by leadiug'scie - of taH� corn, with nothing ,lee to see, We that I can neither s )ell lir pronounce. .Ahont 11 passed several pretty towns, Joliet. Seneca, t P brought the futtj�tf r nut, Lua maw, from oven- cue e. the ileal stallOas that lir re w can I lir- lista as. being, practically iinperi4li ble, midnight we were at Albuquerque, and again t can to fou,-sc'tue .vearo old. The hue h sit. Now Jl r. E liter, ,you aro well aware p©w b �' •. Ottawa, La Salle, and several others. These turped west, and starters uphill. Before ursued b the Grits was to leave the matter th it we havr�an imtuenge national debt upon �Bt g` , ., Ar;'�aF� cannot abanrb moisture, and > nnseeltietntlyr were all largo planes, although yon,may not morning we were at the C,,ntineutal Divide, in the hands of the trustees, as the Law di- us, tin,] that moire,, moat be tuadu from the E I xV r Oee F is not affected by the Erect, End them in the Geography ; Ottawa has as it is called, 7306 feet above the o.:rao, and ,t+ots, nevertheless a large number of then, ru.lac lit the farms of this comity in order to 4lb rs. i �• I �%r r -v 11&F __ 12,000 populatldu: TCi F E. +n -tile road are a•ta-r-ted owe--the•cnountains at a terrible rate. g t y �5i� t' , } ,I'i, �G9t3 / at ended, sod brought one of the revere lid' Ili- a their shore of our national obhgatioas " r / six glass factories. By dark, 'we wore, out of This day was Sundav, and it, was a (1, eery vines from Bebrrtve with thi-rn. They na i bet n a,. 1 t . p„y the expense (if 'working thnpe Nr ' le' .,",, ' Send for Desigp& and Terms to ,A,f the valley, and at 7 o'clock were crossing the b ' Mississippi river. I wanted to see the river, Sunday. LOokoo out at rocks, reomng ie,l. to believe that he wag to favor of the tirRns, and, if po<sible, of giving 4 to G per ) ,,6"X ' a % �� y�� through little oa.nons; :hen a. stretch of nand. seri ptural selections, but lo+ was Ilia ther' enIlt, on the capit, I invested. flow to ace an `� " ' - . ., �V -L� ■ �„ g �� I . 4 but was dented thri, satisfaction, so shall have ver anything green. In all the little 1 _ .T__ .r"— _,6 _._ 1.....__...= Lr, ,�•. -' _'"" ---'-... but lie y g B Long until he showed the white feather. H,• pl,h this to a awl ject'tif"grove trnporiiiuce fo i �k'�. I it Bee the great river some other time. At 4 laces 'wo passed through. stores saloons and ° t1 Z[y- - s \.;iCLINTON.a, m. next morning (Thursday) day was break P P g + wits the first spruher, hu+ aeuui;;• hs earn.. every Fu, mer nu,l business maw of our noble,, ^• , a r :.'a ���A,tl �bi itl a%crything were open. They never have any with a GrtL, the fury of rhe To ies wuut oil I, t'ou' of Huron, Agriculturists mast um, F- f� tt r+ t' "z n s `,.. ing, and I l►oked out on a Dew coup ry,.for undo out hero. Doris a art of the fore- " ' a' I was in Missouri. \tri had tun through a s Y g p. and as hu was about to step upon the platbom m than ever use their thiokinp, powers, as " noon *a ran along a. b•aneh of Ilia Colorado old Mr. Arulstron:) (To,,) crr,•ti ort. "I• tha+ ,.lie land inquires wurlcing, anti enriching to •- . _ - - -- ------_ _ of Iowa m tht+darkness. I cannot say n " rr�' ^1.,.=i':_a' e .;•rc;TMl_ 11 corner river, and in tire afternoon -we reached Wine. ,1111 da.,he'l Broacher. But Jlr Law,was no t reateir ala gee Ili n' forrnerl to ,ro,lco • .,J ' l I fell very much in love with Missouri, pet,* low. The country here fol; 160 miles long 1,)o._ u )on the krform, until lie the ,bun,lantly,aKtrb;thepricea of graiiiind Cattle I • t I 'sl,!"' "( � i haps I was homesick, but I do not think sit. v { 1l and GO miles to width belonged to One Cattle c,,,ven lent, ami the Tn,iea gat raconctled Lo a�,• sit I, w there is vt•ry little money in ih nig I 1 'I ,hI i1 �, � 7L -��-`' It is flat and uninteresting looking, and corn, corn )an but I could not see anything for ? It I Y• him n 1 vcuim , nod ht ,u n H �nid'tlurt \V hat is h fanner to floor what ah,rll he r;tiae , ��OIh�II��then corn, and more corn, after that soma g g g° jIj lmore Corn, and then tar a chranGe comes a them to oat,' I wris told that after rain thio rhe sehutwus wore v ry iundo hal th y nOght .to a r ar ,lase of a bare L.vutg only, an I wha, j[,6114,d)1,111004 f „ G`I sand would be all green, but that it dried up v l•' 1 mile or two of corn. So I got tired of it, lint have gleet batter. He salol that thorn wluid _ bi lh . t roti a e if the ft i the cannot I a (thcr 'I _ `ill f ill sitwmeh, and they had to take the cattle: things ]eft nuG that should hay.< been w. incl hrL's, At the pr,•aenL time thyro �t�•ma nC• after four hours of this we caught sight of the back in the motititams, where pasturage was After heing thoronahl y overhauled oral re.-f+tte•ei with • Joliasouri river. Now, I thought, I shall see he mra1, th,•in they t wan * blit+ hw•u d,1I•tro- •hong to ill yiel itself to Lhe large idler of the soil NI,W 1aACIIINF,hN' of the mostapprortd kinds these t, q� i' ; t, 8 good. I�(lid not believe that the stand would eat. A voice said it wit,'a pity hp laid our avhteh will yield him so large a return for miller art now it, eph ndid running order, and will not something, but alt, how dreary it looked. It ever row anything, but do now, for I have g ) the nuaka'ng of them, then tbeV would hive ,I ,bar and capitrtl iuvasted, as to an• into lite be surtinssed in tbc.qunlity of the lentil done, by any tuns a dirty, muddy Color, and looks"us if Bseu it Here in California. From Winslow we been ail richt He plated away in, Iii, man. raisin-, of fist class hors".. Mauitnha and I ❑tin in the country. _ � �� j _ it was spread all overthe country. It is very could look straialit across the desert and. the ,ler., fast and lit a , o acute roue, I ,'st ,s w Norrll.vestern An;b ica ,will require many iu ' ��r {i + (tj�jQr ,(r te`•'_'"'-_-- ehallow, ane}, like prairie rivers, when it over trach 'ran straight as a line, Looking down l p(t Ill tAfio� given to U161NNG I __. ...... I It Over, butI ann _ nil! _wo%113• w,rh a lit ruse, au,l in,,n ki" it, the inrut N.)o% whu. ant torn the t:ounty , 1 ;1 lP t , a r R $owe, spreads aecmnlg y a the truck I saw s tnnuutaft5'poak In ilia blue The Tories ap{,luuled, laud tb+ GriL• 'oo od "f FInron into 'illi) gr(tDdest hnr9e-r,nstns I � __- b _._ - a a3_. p e -- - not tell you how ntuddy leaking it was ;your haze, and usked.an engineer with whom I +was — ( �,1 �� °. . I .1 rgiea� J.qStet0te little -cheol creek sometimes looks muddy talking, what it was. He said it was Sul aahlr•8 at ht• dls,imulration, Ht, r„v, c w•` o+,n yin Anmric,a if there, is mnoey ill it toll I U • a. + after a heavy rain, but is clean then, com>ar• -L:ft the platf"tm adil went intu.A.he cr"uc! Sud ❑I1 ,y,ricurned, Wh,y n,ap not a Dona•+ be I C#IOPMNC DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. - Y 1 Francisco peak, 60 miles away. I suppo,e took pati in the boisterous rowdy's -u, guu,g giv,•u by tit(, County Uonneil, assisted by 3BT_TF:'_1'��Oa :N_T_ •�_ ed to the Missouri, I did not goo lip to a e you think I cannot see 60 miles, but, as I write ,oil at the time, lie was called tit Order by , vidy lcadi w breede•r,to the enterprising rnan i 'Satisfacti n gmirt teed. Partjcs wanting anything Kansas city ; I Was too „tired ti) travel far this I raise my bead, and out of the window ] whatever in this line will find it to their interest to ' arganizetl iviEh a fall AtarP of eighteen. away from the depot to Bee it. I see old "Giavback,” with the snow on his o°e;r hal (erica, and t" r that he teasaeniug m.00lo' wiv, tuba shall import anti travel i❑ c teen. e We 'left Ksneas Cit on the Thursday a very bad example Mr haw was the first Ila on n•n+ .lit tht vary 1st draught horst • . vire ns a Dull. E>Cjpei•ienteil iteatl +altillfni 1nlhyslelnIDr Y Y top, as plainly .as yon can see any hill. two sold only speaker the T,+rtu, h,ui to go ,upuu .uhrrainuLly, iustyad of allowing the American a I:, F1ti1j1 R, Proprietor,. and Surgeons far the treatment oT ,,p,r� night and during the night passed through mtlea away. .It is 45 miles or more to, it. , . ' e. P Tho air is so clear, that 10 miles look's just n the lattorm, uxc, pt Mr elbrahum Procter, w pick thntn lip as fast as the bait are ion , f xrl 'lar,arlc 651seaaes. Topeka. Ever hear of it ? But by five next P _ -_____ murning•I was tip taking my first lookat'tfie whose only gnaltiaAGiuu s„cros to be�a mania ported, I wwil,l like to lit. informed hmv i _•'" - 4 nice walk. ,Every day we see the -trail) smol[e fdr religion. -'tic roa oil ont at rhe top of his Union is t, keep vv -,n equal Iwith America IWEALTH.®� �� prairie. "` A prairie is a large tract of land, as it comes out of Colton 22 utiles away, and b H E A L T H IS .• i 9Or. 9UNESSo Oovered with IonK, coarse grass." Is not that ' voice that they moat"'av• hunl B hl„ and the if sniuethink is ant duns to ;eI and keep sloes what I used to t�, a you? Well it fs not that I can now see the orchards in'Rivers:de, 20 hold Bible." Anti further roared our ''Buil and mares at leant tqual t•r thpirs, Tit,- p■av oRALht' Chrouie Nanal Catrarrlr,Titroatand - milea away, at the end of the valley. Lung DI9oaa*:e■, Liver and Uldney in October. • The grass was dried up, and Leaving Wioalo. wo ran for an.hnur, and ilif hurry mail shall' haway from the AmenCaus will have t.huybe,t, ragardltss , f QE,C.Wf� DlFeanesq sifadtilCr tI►fseases, 1fDiseaeeel withrrsd and did not look very loi.g. All g �+ words hof the book hof this wophecv, God mousy, and so. mo9r the Canadians, either by Q Of Wornenq Gloom Dincases and New then baited at a canon, call -d Canon Diablo, 'ane Affeeaioare cured here or at hem ' shall take I,away his part hoot hof the book Company or individual or knots ,L-si+rmnou, - along the railway were villages and towns or in English, Devil's Canon, and it was hof life," and for Ilia s Ivilw this Psi-sa re to atter the ra+ltways. H pin that m letter is with or without seeing tho patient. Come au through where five or sox years ago vole no horrible just a great gorge ,;ot not of the. PP P ) ping Y �Yo us, or stand ten cents ie etiunppa for o thing but cattle herds. Of course. there' was a groaad, 365 feet deep, -and stretching awoy the Casa m (location, is apblime ignorance not too lung I Rnbsc,iht mvs,•lf, Invalids .Guido 1800k,�� which gi little turn, 'list a little "you know, till we unparalleled. The Grit party_had pl-.ot•y of A WELLWISHFR or HU,ReY. particniare. .Ise J y + both ways from the railroad brill e. I was .--„ sY9ebility,Inti shut wile oyes to rest them from looking at d y off g material Lo.gu upon the platform and argue all glad when the train Rot o the bridge. Then TREATMENT?:—.. tea cygoo(bti t•nal I.oase. cornstalks. Then everytime you look in any on we went up this mountain, twistingand the cane, but like h was lost to aha din, 7 he 1 r. n(+ber�e Dllau►Ic« " w DELi�iA�pL 'an n y d th fu lt17,060 besides it was like throwing water upon a -' Illesed by Y !Pernicious Folie direction, the whole atlrfaCe, not in cora, was turnip around it. To show you how we a ed i R. C, West's Nerve nnd-Bral■ its. nervous ons a gnRnR• t� p Al ae and IPea•a m argils a dil g Y rock, t0 use argument upon these Tut'i09, SredR eciecfwrhreterin,annvntelo■R,61.,eervovnnears) 4 ISEASE3. dotted with little stacks of hay, Away on twisted, we would see the snow out of one 'Like so called Ross Bible, made b Bishop r What's become o' Parson Jenks,who hesdach,•, nervone pro.trati.n caused by the time of aleuho tory rma entlyB are eppeedil each side 10 to 15 or 20 miles away; --were window, and in one minute it would be on Y 1 and permanently awed by ofi�} L,yDCh, h) brute forte had t0 go.. Mr y1C- CrthlE'. out lll!rP t0 preach 1' a6kP.fl a friend hraini,arwNuhing ntneanicy Ileal ngetoir.imerv� densyfaod ' f3P,Clallets. Book, post-paid; IU eta. in stamUB► • farm houses each one having a wind mill. By the other Bide of the oar. It was dark •rind ddlf�k ,tile time we had travelled six hours we were Leland, of BOlgrave; w s the u,•xt speak• r of 2l D kola map. dent+ prrtamrnre w �.ge. barrenness, ream of entined Byer I Rupture, or ut the ni we could nbt ate +he frigUtftil precipicoe OD un the Grit aide but enuld and be heard by , 9em_, n olu„tnry IomRNm lid mprnnet, rrhren rnnaed hy.ror tally cured, without the knifillr, tiled of aorn,hayatecks, wind milia, eft., but ' Y ".li you fire lie rnude a Sort of a + e=art"'++ „f the brain, Reif sla me or over fndalgence".. EaA RUPTUA without dependence upotlraa the sides. of. which the train ran along., About thososittin .on.thH. fi.rsy row .oJ_eeate.. He + ' no=,•„wta;nm'onemench'Rtrrah➢enc, et ti or sixboxex trttesea, and wit►t veto lit € •'re was no -n -o- -T t vtrintlwae'biuwing tea o'clock we had reaohtd the summit, and g 1f/id---brpifk; -nnd- we jiust ffenTIV pussivii + f.iy-,s5-rent•Iry-mnH• re{,aidwtrreeeintarfrrrice.... __ _ au strongly that we had to hold on skull cape said that he wag satisfied with the ,5'u, iptnre WF GUAR ANTFE SIX BOXES tri 13fkimpe, Palter- hook sent •1'or ten can - _ . _ rho on th8 car platforms, but ahs went tearing down the side of the mountain selections, even if Bishop Lynch had nuide hila „long to 9onrt• othi•r• coultminity. 1'o. rare any cane. tyitL a ell wade, received by us for mix I PILE TUTMORS and STRIC-TURE4 wh_n star K P \Xo could hear the •brakes ,screeching, site' them, it shows that the Boman• d'ntholtc linxrm, xnrnmpnnluA with $S, we will Bead the purchamer our,treated with the greatest suceess. Boole sent brnkeemen told us that ,was nothing, that in sometimes the eare.vyoultlr�ck as they turned Wr did” t like inti Btvlo, sonwho.v.' Priest hoodwuratvrllln that the Ser to a wntoleciacute.etwldby ihemwsrtulfthwL.WesthBeen' for tinCentH•lnetiatn )darehftwouldblewyour hair off. Idont aahsr corns quickly. But we slept cum• fi P ,1 Why, I ata atn'pris",i lot th•t; he note@rctncure. SwldbyelldruggtetmerJ,C.wee114Co., Ps. AddresN,00MDfl} wa'rc to be in Kansas iourh eh. All day,wo P q y' P shnald bo. read ]Il eCho,,la.' Then ruin til -be , Tornutn DISPENSARY MIiDIOAL ASSOCIATION, Qti3 MAiis P Street, Buffalo, N. Y. fortably, and next +morning, (Monday,) we Tories at this saying was doafuniot. He nl-o µ'its Cou9i INtera a very aLIO°rind Itt►uftit _ -- The treatment of man1l travelled due west, following pretty closely. arose at Peach Springs. Then awe made an- '+ Laied th read from the ,tpnrtof rhe Mulistei wolkor down in oto" ,•onntu•y. thouanud@ Of -eases of thoelf the Arkansas river. As the got farther west, ot• r std at [Zia roan and so on all day. It disc, e, _ ' P 6 of P,lncatien,but tht Lu,ios sand ,hey-w,or'd i.'Don't know m,vthinl; h,ort that, hilt , i ¢ �+� lP . p DISEASES OF ns e-pecitllnC.tSL _,.... _w ,,., aha aruntry became Hewer, and settiement" tens n desolut country, Great stretches of ,,,,t believe it, Mr--AAn'rteraml, , u Lae (Clic lin Pie 1o.+ ii• • Atr iic . i W ��® �'"�' was wore scattered, until we came into the with %V V, funnel it nr'cd•s,ry too heli, hire ant of WOMEN. sandy desert with nathinq growing but a little eine t tail to epe+,k but his voice not 6utnK . � I at th, Invalids'. Hotel Ung ranchingcounty and saw itnmenae herds Of + ll Y sage bush and casing. You know how care- etrone softer eeverwl a Lew tg h,• hart torlasist the' n(i hhurh.pnl u , a tori �, Surgieul Institute, has ea ale roaming the plains. At Dodge City wO folly the row cactuses lit home in lits. ' P ,� t • 1R. SMELL Lorded large experience in adapting remegW y g P Mr Robt. Arms, rong wits rile last N{+enk, r, rI uta a9hnrishrd . Ymv,did o great I for their cure, and swarmed out of the n,trs and surrounded an Well here there were thousands of acres of (trot the M, Ann-,ruo+ that, (ler OnaCrd the llavint,ncceptedtheagencyfnrthe AyrManufailiwing in usticE to a wnr'hv nlau Ian.errtnin. old liar key, o+ 4t t isulared...geutlemau, to 1 co.. (a'nta, n's) wilt "pan out an ,lilac in tire premises , LL all kinds, .20 Net high some of them, ape' ea,her, He, R, bt. Atwe,roug, maid in a , ++ DDli3. P�I1l H Ci4,-►f3 speak morn polat•OI - Be.had an old li ht P ) Wllrit were h" (llfir • N n +rein t hlutl lutcly oseu pile' by Mr. O ole+ Albert Street, l lmtoa y.. Il growing till I got tired looking at them. This strongvoice that he dacented froth bo,h coil• g marl u )po•ECit_F..nir'ff lfitl when ie will be )leased go _ wagon no a donkev a little larger than a is a dry country, no dews,and yet they grow. "W11Y in his He noon tour Snutlu h0 3 i' ' tending parties ; th-it ht war op,•n'.for par + iv receive nrdlerw fur iii ocleboifiid I "'-L' _- ""' " ''"" j'• --_. ...... ■ n sheep or a gond N,•wf„uudlnnd dole, and be Rain only for two or three weeks every winter +' " f^ g ' h y ,s„-� . �� .. ���% ���. a i or- PI es�riptlon. sides a load , f mush melons. ft was the phase m taking tile vita oil the R ,s. B,b ,, of oto. on about c P Holy L,rul and T and that is AIL To. show you how dry it was,- and asked tnrinif rh••v ha 1 any hoe flu around; anal they could rota" ht rL'er w,,eat Over melena we were slier and we Kot them, great,' there were heaps n' tin onus lying on the road, I y g And the NN'W HUAMER NOWF.h and DAISY RAKi , I ff the result of Lille ,vilat ezpertenee. .- there and if not he w„old outer his oo+est n r:am"f I titers th ,n we eould in DokAt:i ,,nil tilt n I A f t1 Ili,e of repairto N011 also be ktgrr. ill snick. ` big ones, the host I ,,ver tastod, for a nickel, out of which the neon had eaten meAts, when y b,•bruugh I Pn,mpt attention will M• Riven tw all orders, whether I It Is a powerful Restorative Toric (five. oeut-.) D ,flue City nsed to be the sen the Ross Bible Or nu other Biblor'„ wont on to note sonwthing that I Ilon t' tea of the cowboy country, but we Raw nn building the rail„+ail, fn'nr years ago, and gi1to our public scb,+olg as a school hook, Ha q by mull or othurwine. Alm„ site' Norvine, imparts vigor And etrtngnla personsoar• m revolvers But the may they were as bright Anti fresh aR thungh just `said he was backed u r in his o )inion by the believe was eve' in the Bible til,ond th” : 5TITA \t , : CUTTE118 corrltteaq , em,ore' �6-sviiitoe giymngio, sive t y R Y Y t i I frl,l)\VS, .; . + , , excessive out of a tioship, not rasttd at all. notions of those i!teveend D%ine9 will had Re"d falling r in sotne +articular kind of IIlotvinpt bars had them, aR thea min out lit four have 6 I And all other Farm impleateats keptin stock, , pa alai meurtrnatton, lir. have jot as yOrt boys carry a pocket knife. On Monday afternoon we often came to nndortaken to make these jiible ealecion-I silo acid inct-o'.slin an hundred fold. — natural rat 6 rateru prolesp b or But ihei'hardly ever shunt with thom, and little stations with just two men living there. for ties in sohools. Her called the Bible m g a • - err =Nr:ON lalling of the' rover, n, be backs . . Just as exon a>' h" said it I and Deacon M. Z. QNr'�l'.'• 'r,. I anteversion, retroversion, boarhiga, they are. no nae -ono man carries therm bo. All around was deport., sail just a house and schools a bone of contention ag this mustang _ down rensntions, elarouic con eta i eansa another man dnes� a very silly reapnn. Rtore, and perhaps a saloon. At eeveral of had fully shown. He also said that he bad Penny rase right lip sail wend out and lieu a wo nmatlou and tion,ulce ton P), these lanes thee, w no water, all the use thonationa of the British Parliament at his of a rail, lint! Deacon Jones and the of the womp, inRl va ries, Its psis I have not goinne, and no person has shot at Y B T6•lia lIAENCHIsi111T9• and tenderness lit ovarioy interum me yt t Just here let me tell You something, has to a brought on oars, in bio tanks, some hack to prove be was riAt, and in the cIee of memhere of 1 he choir bronkht the r'eve- I r i heat, avid {a fetlsalo weakupn.Jr You are just arts tfe hors as in Hullett, eo long times forty miles. They have bored for ban- -Hibernian .Schools an Ireland, in thp-.year It pramlprtly relloves and ,urea Nanses renal gentlemen out and set, him on. I prot�clir, a� (? I u and WeaRiiorr of Stomach, Indl{�ort► at you mind your ownbusintts That is what dred9 of feet for water, but when they got it eighteen hundred and forty•FL've, when the �' Uoll�ct�ng. SS�Clatloll tion, Bioa'tfng, Nervous Prostratiia/ m,•„ tell me her+, who have lived here for it wits salty. Through this country we saw Bible was taught ae a school book. He said tell you no loan can prruch to Os who and Sleepleameu, 1o. either sex. j years. I haw++ b( -en in • crowd of twenty no sign of living thing, ex sept occasionalij a in that day the British, Parliament had swept goes to refl, sting on Dnkrrtrt'rt wheat -_ OV CANADA — /Ip'/1C Q 100 OR Q MOTTLES ,C where every roan bad his revolver in a belt, Jaek rabbit. On Tuesday at noon we reached these abominable schools out of existence,and raising. slesid OfBe.•. lln'oliton, Ort. PRICE .p . f FOR $5.00. ezpuaod „,tilde kir+ aluihee, and they talked "The Nee0 ego” at the crossing lit Ehe Colors established the National Schools, and done • FATAa{,1asD irl8t, (told byDrugglor s everywhere, Send and laughed id psnpsl do (+web, and lonktd as do rivor, a 4it was dirty and muddy as the. away with Scriptures in schools altogether, ,Blood wthil wela:' ten cents in stamps for Dr. Ptereo'e lard though +hew were jolly fellows. Probabty not Missouri. '�`SSthlan all afternoon we travelled and that the Irish people were ,tat ill with Yea, the Old adage is r ighi ni i ! Le liver is as Amsool➢Lion of buminems and professional sas>., Treaties on Diseases of Women, illustrated. , over the Mojave desert in California, worse their edmcatil nal system. A voles in aha ie disordwed slid tho blood bee m s th,•reby having for its the she of them had .ver even shot at any person, j and a•ehld not like ii. $o, if you bays An and more desolate than the Arizona desert. orowd cried out, "hits no "hander that the, cerin,,t, d, the bars '•blond will t, 11' I, disomses COLI,EOTll N Off' DEBTS; Wadd's 0ispeasary Reltieal Association, mea that llhowfi is Common, lust get Over lilt I Ioclock at night we reaebel Mojavo, and Hiriall bar ha whlcket bad lot,wl.00 they are of the ,.kin and throat, in tnmo•s ,ind ulcers, Bas Main Street it. Of aour.e, men are Aho and stabbed, hut• next morning we run intaLns Angeles. How n0 Bible9 in their schools." Armat.rong cried and in tubercles 1n the hilogs (first a ages of And to prevent, its men,tlerm making Had debts by .BUFFALO. N. �, deli hted we were before Rotting rite there, out that he defie4 hien to show `that there con•unlpt on) even although tine subj •ot ht. farnishinrt them with lists of parties who do not pay. ne',rl alwavwin bomo drnnken row and they K g R q SICK HEADACHE �w . sh"nt inst,ad of fighting wittl their fists. A to Ree. {irnun trreR and flnwtr9, and how we was n conntr,y ander the ann who+re there was descended iu m straight lace from Rtchar� wI,bi,nnW and nthcrahnving accountet, collect ane ■ At Verna t , whim I talked told me he was rushed to the platforms to see out first orange so. If, Ile ,rime commitrud as in Ireland,except Coeur de Linn or the ""blest R,•man of,�talrn, wLshh K ro became , etnhors, by remitting>67 to our I" urearian crinr ti which was cense 1 by Lilo all Fat setting tht liver to order ran other 3fanagers. Ituntliton, Ont., will receive by return malt Rllilovs Headache, aovnr nP, aid of heliu abet at. but he had been arae. toil pnrLlooinrs, vertiHsate of Irernbarmhip, io, Dizziness, Coltrtipa. lar, twice ami always when ariroe ane ciao was ' I must close this, but next week,froro 11fur• people fighTinii fir their ristht9 ; and that the meriiaine in the world , finals Dr. P,oree s y tion Indlgertion, aimed at. Ru, enough of rovolver talk. By rietm, I shall write you another, to tell you clerRvmen of Ireland limit neve, to agsemhlo "Golden Mcdi)ol Drecov,•ry.". 'I'+v + au,i ,I. 11. ttlLts A t Co., Maualtors, HamilN)>a, slid i�lllOne Attaekut, Of the dnrligns I sow on, the road, and about iwao,tvontion tit devisi• means t, Utak" their pour "b4oid will. toll" the st.n� of its won UUromptly cured by Dr. the Fridav night we were not of Xansar .�i d Or to JAIi. Ta+.atraoli, AK+nt aliutoin. ( Pisreefar Pleeoant prairies, and in the night Could eve the moA. the Chinamen, b1.'aieans, oranpit, %mous and wnmon behave themselves. The exoitemoat durful efllescy. + Purgative, Pellets. 25i • dsau a vkilrby Diluselste. 1. • 0 y