HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-04-22, Page 5} HULLET'T SPRING SHOW. A show sof good horses is always sure to bring out a large crowd of people, and the combination of fine weather and good stools brought out a large crowd, here, on Tuesday last. Heavy draught horses seem to hays reached a stage of development that would permit of very little further advancement, and the horses shown in this class were all splendid animals. There was a good show of light horses, but the bulls, though large in size, were small in numbers. The prize list is as follows :- HoasEs.-Heavy Draught, (8 entries)- Iunes & McLaughlin, Stanley, "Pride of Anon ;" James Turner, Brimfield, "Far- mer's Glory." 2 -year-old -J. McMillan, M. P., Hullett, "Masher King ;" C. M. Brown, Hallett, "Young Borland Chief." Agricul- tural Horses -T. Tipling, Clinton; K. Dis- ney, Goderich township, Road and carriage, (9 entries) -J. T. Carter, Blyth, "Kentucky Star ;" D. Erwin, Clinton, "Royal Revenge." 3 -year -old -James Johnston,Bayfield,"Tom h' ble;" W. Ws Elliott, Goderich township, "Tontine Jr." Lest heavy draught horse of any age, diploma- J. Mason, Hullett, "Boreland Chief." ,.. CATTLE. -Bulls, aged --T. Carbett, Mullett, %Royal ;1' H.' C. Cook, Goderich township. Under 2-yearsaold-W. J. Biggins, Stanley, • "Field Marshall ;" Jas. Nott, Ttlrkersnlith. • JCDCEs,-Hulsey--0.McKenzie, Wing. ham Ing- ham ; L. Hunter, 1'.seter ; W. Ilawdee, Clinton. Bolts-(:ltay. ]'rusts» •, llelgrave ; D. MgFar1ane, ('roinarty ; Robt, Model, West \Vawauosh. EAST W'AWANO ▪ SPRING SIIOW. The East \\'ttwauoali Agricultural Spring Show was,held in Belgrave on Thursday of last week. The weather was as favorable tis could be desired. The attendance of spec. tutors was very large, and the show on 'the whole was excellent, lu the heavy draught horses the competion was very keen. The following is the prize list: Hoaszs.-Heavy Draught-lst, John Washington "King of the Campbells ;" 2nd, John McMillan, "Masher Ring ;" 3rcl, Robt. Martin, "Gallant Model." General Pur- pose-lst, Thos, McLaughlin, "Prince of, Dray Horn ;" and, Robert C. McGowan, • "Honest Sandy ; " 3r11, Robert McGowan, "Puzzler." Road and carriage=1st, John Legatt, "Frankie B ;" 2nd,Elam Livingston, "Mountain Eagle ;" 8rcl, John 'Philips, "Young Garfield." host horse, airy age or clasi3, diploma -John Washit gfon, "Klig'of the Campbells." CASTLE.-Thoroughbrea ba11s, . aced, 1st, Robert McGowan, "Captain Jim." finder two years old -1st, John' Barbour, "Lord Jake ;" 2nd, William Isbister, "Ring of the West ;" 3rd, John Agnew, "Duke of Argyle." Best bull, any age or clans, diploma -John Barbour, "Lord Jake." • • JUDGES. -William Snell, Mullett ; W. H. Cruikshank; \Vingham ; Richard Cole, Londesboro. • WEST HURON SPRING SHOW. • The weather at Goderich last Thursday, favored the success of the Spring Show, and consequently there was a large attendance of.botli exhibitors and spectators. The.dis- play of horses was of,comso good, but that of bulls and seed grain was limited. The following is the prize list : HORSES. -Heavy. Draught, entire, 4'years and over, (0 entries)-lst,Frank McDonagh ; 2nd, James McLaughlin. Heavy Draught, entire, 3. years. and under, (2 entries) -1st, Thomas Hamilton ; • 9nd, H. J. Riddell. - General Purpose, entire, 4 -years and over, (1 entry) -Henry Campbell. • General Pur- pose, entire, 3 years .alistiusder, (2 entries}-. lst, Wm. F. Clarke ; 2nel, George Green. Road and carriage,a„ enters 4 years and over, (7 entries) -1st, A. M. Polley ; 2nd, Wni. Elliott. Road and carriage, entire, 3 years and under, (3 entries) -1st, James Johnston ; 2nd, Wm. Elliott. "CATTLE. -Thorough bred bulls, aged, (9 entries) -let, Isaac fisher; 2nd, Isaac Sal- keld. Under 3 years, (9 entries) -1st, liar. vey Howell ; 2nd, Thomas Doherty. GRAN.- itng :wheat, (1 entries) -1st, s -1st , George Green ; 2nd, W. J. Hayden. Oats, S(i entries) -1st, Thomas Hamilton ; 2nd, 1Vn1.Swaflield. Barley-lst, Thomas Ham- ilton. ..I'eas•.ist; John_ flossier. SOUTH HURON SPRING SIIOW. The S.11. Spring' Show was held at Bruce- ' field, on the 20th inst. The classes of' horses were well represented, pa:'ticularly the aged draughts and the aged roadsters In the bulls e. number of very fine animals were exhibited. 'We ought hero to say theat. 0n this occasion, as on former occasions, the judgment did not give universal satis- faction, particularly in the aged draught and roadster classes. The clay was fine, and the' number of spectators was as largo, if not larger, than on ;former - occasions: The manufacturing companies were also well re• presented, there° being a great number of agents present. The following is the prize list : . HoasEs.-Imported heavy Draught, aged' -Thos. Colgiihoun's Glyniss ; C. Mason's McAlpine; Horton &Innes' Prince Arthur. Three year olds -John McMillan's Masher King; Thos. Berry's Joe, Two year olds- - F. Coleman's Prince Victor the 2nd; Mc- Gregor t'v Mclntosh's Sir Wni.r1.3ryce, Ag- ricultural Stallions -George Taylor's Gold Cup ; Philip Murray's Strenlear jr. Cone- ral Ptu ose, 3 y r._ cid-C,i<I, Brow_n's Bore- "jr. ore- - land chief, Two year oils - Thos. Tip. ling's Prince.of Huron. Carriage horses - James Berry's Fearnaught Chief ; Wen. El- liott's Mahogany Tont. Roadsters. --John Beacom's Tontine ; McGregor & Mclntosh's Fulton. BULLS. -Aged Durham -T. Russell, J. McGeouoh, Wm. C(Iapuan. Two yr. olds -A. Elcoat. One year olds -W. J. Big- gins, J. McKay d: Sons, J. McGregor. •-Polled Angus -1 and 2 J. McFarlane. ' .Fennis. - heavy Horses - D. McLaren, 'Hibbert ; Thos. Caldor, Grey; Jas.•Roynohls, Clinton, Light horses -Jos, Chid ley, (Tin- ton ; John Forbes, Stratford ; Jon Snell, Exeter ; A. M. Campbell, Stanley. Bulls - A. ilicLaren, Hibbert; .I, Cumming, Lnudes- boro ; James Petty, Hensel] ; •J-anaes Hearn, Clinton. Rev. Samuel Jones has tendered his resiena-. Lion as pastor of Kuox Church, Brussels, and will retire from the aotive work of the minis. try. The rev. goutletnan has been about 20 years in Brussels and has done his work wall, When•it is considered that he is now in. 80th year and has b`sen preaching twice a Sunday besides attending to all the extra ordinanoes of the churoh',he has done what; few men ever attained to, Mr. Jones is still quite hearty and bide fair to live for a good many years to come. As to what course the congregation , will take we do not know. Some favor the'' onion of the two Presbyterian churches, while others prefer extending a call to another pas. tor. The Presbytery will tape the matter up, F. W. Jarvis, Sheriff of York, died sud- denly last -Saturday night. tie was in his sixty-ninth year and had been Sheriff of York since 1859, His position was -the ▪ richest gift at tiie disposal of the Ontario Government. Good rains have fallen throughout West- ern Missouri as well as over Kamsas, and all fears of damage to crops by drought havo been allayed. SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. The following testimonial speaks for it. self, of i the high praises of the GLENoorl Lions 13zivue. Messrs Wastoott & Sanders, Exeter, are the agents, and every farmer should examine the GL1cscon LIGHT BINDER before purchasing elsewhere. CLINTON, Aug.17th, 1880. Gleneoe Manufacturing Co., Glencoe. GENTLEMEN, -The Binder we bought from you runs very light on the team and does its work the best of any machine we have ever seen. The tilt we consider the best that could be put on ; and the reel works to our satisfaction. Though the simplest machine we have seen, it turns out as pretty a sheaf as can be made. The levers aro very handy, and the knotter is the simplest we have seen. Altogether we cut about fifty acres of differ- ent kinds of grain, and we havo uo fault to firm. GILBEIIT MAIR, JAS. REYNOLDS, CLINTON MARKETS. corruuted every 'numbly. afternoon. Thursday, April 21, 1887. Wheat,,,, spring 0 73 a 0 77 NVhite'anfl rod - • 0 77 a •0 80 Oats - 0 23 a 0 29 Barley - 0 42 a 0 50 Peas . • - 0 48 a 0 48 Flour, per lb. - 4, 00 a 4' 30 Potatoes ] - 0 130 a 0 00 Butter - 0 la; a 0 10 Eggs 0 10 a 0 11 Pork • 5 50 a 11 00 Hay - S OO a S 00 Wool in trade - 0 20 a 0 22 Wool Inc cash 0 18 a 0 18 Sheep pelts • - 0 50 a 0 75 Lamb skins •- 0 60 a 0 80 Clover, per bush. - 5 00 a 5 50 Imported Clydesdale. Staltloa Lucks -All, Will stand for the ncrtror-euwut of stuck, for the ecvson of 1667, as follows: MONDAY, April 25, will leave his own stable, Landesloro, and proceed north to Blyth, to 5lilne's• Hotel, for noon; Caen to Stewart's hotel, Belgray., auth r e night, TUESDAY, will proceed, east to Wheeler's .Cornett, thence South lir way of Suuahinwto John Wallace's for noon; thence south'to the fhtllett boundary, thence to Young's Corner, thence to Win. Herrin ton's, In 13, con, 13, Hallett, for the night, WEDNESDA8, will proceed west el�ngg cue. 12 nod 13 to tke Gravel Road, then south to Lamiesbnro, to his nays stable, whore he mill remain for the night. THURSDAY, will proceed north to eon. 12 and 13, thea west to' Jos. Webster's lot 37, con. 12, for noon ; then west to Bose Line, then south to Win. Ball's, tor the night. FRIDAY. will proceed south along the Base Line to con. R- and 9, then east to sider,ad 30 and 31, then south to con 6 and 7, then east to the Gravel Road to$'bos C orbett's, tut 2i, run. 8, for noon, then eat along con, 6 nod 7 to Chris, Dole's 'corner, then north to con it antt3) to B Tyremnies; con. 6, for the night. SATURDAY, will proceed north to con. 16 and (1, then west along the concession tulLondeshoro, where he will mantle till the follewmg Monday ntorniug. '1' J. BELL, Proprietor, ii �77 OUST: TO RENT -SUITABLE I''OR SMALL ! 1 family. Relit reasouuble Apply W THOS COOPER t SON'S Store, Clinton HOUSE TO RENT,-TIIE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS to rent a largo frame house on Mary street, it coinaius plenty of room for large fancily, all oeiveu- ictluiee, and is ono t•4 the most cunfurtable houses ul town. Possession given on 1st of April. ALEX, GUHRELL, Clinton, ! InTTAGE FOR SALE -THAT COTTAGE AND lJ two lots, formerly occupied by Nell Mntltersou, next, cast of the residence of W. Doherty, Esq., eon. taining half an acro of land, and the most eligible divot: ling in Clinton.. Very liberal ternis given and Posses. mil at May next. W. W. FARRAN: G00D BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. BEING. Nos. 44 and 45, on tho north side of Princess St., near the Organ Factory, half acre each, with a few burring fruit trees, rhubarb plats, berry bushes, d;c. thereon. Splendid location for private residence, P1208.IIOLLOIVAY, Clinton, , Li OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE --A FRAME IHOUSE, IA -well -situated in the town of Ohnton, is offered for sale on.reasonablo tortes. House centains.oight rooms, (two storey), with pantry, closets, good cellar, etc. Lot is half acre ifI0It bearing fruit trees, hard and .soft water, with convenient stable etc. Apply to W. SEARLE, Clinton. -`t •T \ 'ELr 1RPAVING.ETC.-THE ':�• TI21sC AND G L nsnstuxep, who is a thoroughly pactical workman, and has had considerable experience in paving, is pre- pared to undertake all work of this Mature. Street, cellar or stable paving, with stone, done in the most satisfactory manner and on reasonable terns. JACOB HEXER, ut Mr. G. Rentgen's, Clinton," .int rg1IIOn0-BRED BULh FOR' SEIiVIC'E. - TIIE JL 1 s hellpi a s. •"e onlot t0'on The Oth su t cc ebur leer s f r t rt w u eon'., Hullett, a Thorn-hrcd Durham•Bull, of good pedi- gree, s h •res a is about 1:, inunth, old registered iu the Do- minion l ntiniun herd Book. He was gut; by Crimson Duke ]al. Terms til, with privilege of returning if uecesisnry, RICHARD CARTER. ,41 �jOT'SI'I AN1) LOTS F013 SALE. - A FRAME 11 House, with two lots on Victoria street, hear Lane's old lintel, btlong•ing to the estate of the lute John Stephenson, is offered- for sale. The house is comparatively now, with nine rooms and stone cellar. On the lots are hard tied soft water, stable, tee. The property is advantageously situated, and will be sold on reasotrtble terns,,. Apply to either J. STP,I'IIEN- SON,_Cliuton, or G. Sw'1N BANK, London Road. • I T 01'5 FOR SALE, -FINE MOHLOTS, SHADE .1-4 trees all around, Rich land fora garden, tine site for building, corner of ltattenbury and 'Nbrtlt Streets, Mid one adoining lot, 14 aero each. Sold en bloc or separate. Also one-eighth of an acre, part of lot 198, on South Side of Rattenbury Street, occupied by sub• scriber, with two-storey shop, 24-36, and stable, will be -exchanged fur prupertradjacent to steam power. Sold together, or the shop.,.__8,3,,b1 to be moved off. Can be changed into a hous'e77er terms, apply to, J CUIITIS STEVENSON. DRES5MAKIN0 - THE UNDERSIGNED lure epmmeneed dressmaking at her resi- dence,King street, directly opposite the Foun- dry, where site will be prepared to fill all orders in her line, on short notice ana at reasonable netts Waving had coltsklw'ablc cxfter'ie,nco site feels confident that shecan give satisfaction to all wlusfaver her with their patrouage MSS L BOOTH, Clinton ra flEES FOR SALE --TWELVE COLONIES OF euro [tapas Bees and two colonies of Syrian Bees. They are iu the J'onLa.Mir'e, on combs bull[ of full sheets of foundation Tltey Kaye wintered well, and have plenty stores to spring with: sere'Of-a-gentle-strain turd ensy-t0 Ittrntlte- Price from 50 to 07.50, acenrding to strength of bees 111111 number of (.1/1 111/8 gSve 1.--\V[r,T,TAAI IIARTItY, St:Aboit111, immediately uortlt of 1r San i tiro. UNBofi8$-..SHAVING PARLOR SHAVING, IIAItt CUTTING AND SiTAM- I'OOfNO dune very neat and to suit . every. person, .10491'1'BAIDER, • • Smith's �2iock' CLINTON POULTRY YARDS. COtf ,t'OP. iIATC'TTf\U.-erren;Thnrr bred 1\'hite 113,1 1 rnw13 Leghorn:, W. 1'. I3, Spanish, (non setters) Lantrshtu,'s, Dark lirahantns, Pifntuutb Mocks. Aly breeding storkiis-unsurpassed for laying qualities. E'_,4 fur,hatching will he fresh and true 0 name. Now is the time for f:"'tner., and others to get poultry cheap. Book your orders now. Come and see me as 1 a soil- ing cheap. 1 can be seen nt Iiarind's atomOrders by mall promptly ntttn,lal to. JOHN WORSELL • Coii 1ti011iI71Sttll1tllt And GROUST:RY STORE, TIURON STREET, CLINTON. The subscriber having purchased the business lately carried on by Mrs. Broderick, desires to intimate that he will continue it at the old stand, in all its branches. He will keep on hand a choice stock of (ONt'IrtCTIONr- EBY of all kinds, BISCUITS, FRUITS AND CIGARS. Flo 11x8 also added thereto a firat•class assortment of GENERAL GROCERIES. All of wliicti hie will s,']T at the very lowest prices forsh Close personal attention will be given to the 1)Rsinese, and ali orders entrust• ed to him will receive prompt attention. A Tat 1f, nemI'RCTrt:sty S0LT('ITBD, W. ROBERTSON. L1➢➢➢ion a IUJNERY AND MAN -= -AT THE --- DRY GOODS PALACE, CLINTON. Our stock in the Millinery Department is now very complete, embracing all the latest novelties In the Mantle Department we are showing a very large and beautiful stock of Mantle Materials and Trimmings. Value unsurpassed, FIVE PER IT OFF FOR CASH. JOHN 'WISEMAN Manaker. Estate J HOD L+'1 1UIL`C' '�•�• �-. ANI) gM •�A 7I• N T A I N - g'T I IN tom, DEDICATED -TO ' THOUGHTFUL BUYERS OF foots, Shoes,Slippers,Rubbers,BCc. Quality -Ti )19st. • • Next conies Late Styles. Then best variety Within 100 miles. Acid popular selections, pleasing I'teoplo wen, No untruthful statements; for honesty will tell. Followed by politeness, and desire to. please. Backed by push and energy, t and other tre -h''ke these, ,Straight fair business principles, • which good. 'intentions. show,_...__ - e I AND THE FOUNDATION - OF IT IS s VERY PRICES LUW. ,. e.Yv:' .s ..,.... .� ... -.,.., •r, 2T• A.r.•-..... •errwr: .. tt••••,..5Y,r'r ,:...t...>.. 1..^,h..1•,.n RESTING ON THE ROCK QF PERPETUAL SUCCESS. WE ASK BUT ONETRIAL TO DEMONSTRATE OUR ABILITY 'TO Ll"IZT'1 BARGAINS. • ' 0.,d o iiJ _A.. C F>r,J #101_.IN"lecriiT rind _...., .' 1NI S1 0IF ,s10 L- N E XT DOOR TO .COO O i:GR O CE aY ar Lo S ®. An.d L ce urtains Ii1IPORTED DIRECT FROM THE OLD COUNTRY. WONDERFUL VALUE. Q ti ;JUST OPENED SOME VERY STYLISH NEW YORK GOODS. OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF Fashionable 1)RESS 0001)8 18 UNIVEP.SALLY ADMIRET) AND SELLING RAPIDLY. K-7C-� J. C. DETLOR & CO., - Clinton. TEi?YOS LATET JUBIL-E POEL Our natural modesty has had to yield to the en'tr'eaties of Her Majesty the Queen, for us to make known to the public her opinion of our store, by publishing 'the following jubilee poem, composed •by' tho poet laureate at her command, and transmitted to us by special cable despatch. METRE PATENTED,- THE 1'H 1. l I WHOLE TIIINCr r ti COPYRIGHTED, -AND ALL ]iIGFITh DESERVED. . Better goods have you .now. than over before', Endless in variety -while prices are;,lower., • • Each Hat that you make is a lovely creation, ``Such beautiful wares" 'is the'one exclamation, • Look how they're trimuetl' ,so chaste and so tasty, Everything good and _nothing done -hasty. .. Your Ribbons ililported-lions else has the equal, ' And your artistes are skilled to give patrons the sequel. ver in all the long years of lay fever reign Did 1 eve behold, on the land or the main, . Comelier wares than I saw in your store; h 'w Keil this Mit-weans-otTt"Irll go- straight -there -far more:- t....ekti:05,.•.: '...rfultiggasimanmuMMO=MIESerk 'saimesseamemessesieziadeseEnsot, amai\TroiNT RECEIVED Busy marking off No time to give details. Expect to be open for Business O11 Saturday Respectfully yours, SAMUEL WILSON. 3ISdV 13 A 04 Our stock of Boots and Shoes for spring and summer havo been selected with great care, and will be found very complete in all lines. Wo are agents for DACK & SON'S FAR FAMED FTN1; HAND MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. EGGS TAKEN iN EXCHANGE. FIVE PER.,CENTT OFF FOR CASIL � W. TAf1OR& -SONS, Clinton asci. Blyth. .iACOB TAYLOR, Manager for Blyth.