HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-04-22, Page 3�_... �__ .. . r ., a • � . F ,. FRIDAY. APRIL 22,-1587. smaller s lfe was, in the telegraph h Office 't , I g p rl-'ilii~: Province of Ontario under the F�1Rb1S FOR BALE. , e stud waQ blown open situ gunpowder, able administration of Hon. :41 C. 1lOWalt ARI(] IN Mcl1ILLOP FOR SALE. -LOT LOT 84d ....._ � Coo. -Good lace. good buildings bud ov 11 $(iaint. +' ��R having been previously drilled. All seems to be nearly the only Province thhi orality. Come a%1 see it. will he sold Cheap, W. I bought;, me a milk •r the other day N MCMICH9EL, Constance P. O, 41 From a man who rowed $he was m(ld us Ala?', the Expl " packages were Opened. CUn loots its Af3alt'8 wiGhOUt running IDI'11 And nary partlelo viop,as. I Tb0 thieves sepured $30 in cash, and a FARM FOR $iLE-PART OF LUT 28 Olt THE go Said she was easily leapt and fed,, � debt. Quebec, 80 lou ruled b CUnser Arid by a small child enuW cyan bo tell, box of cigar and ti shirt Or tMi'O. m g y +' 14th a, p. of clic township of Hullait,aontalning And her butter tiles very even vativeB has a b! deficit. And now Brit- i about 40 acres. Terms to suit purchaser. Appply to - Torpid liver the caueaof untold sit!%driog , g I 0 HERON,HOL'1'&CAMERON,Barristers,Godoricb 'A Isholooktavor+.wall;I concluded to boy, andinlseryrestorcdtoitsnormalsand-tiunb., sitColumbia,anotherCo'serVtwive-ruiedItl WUFARMSFUR$eLl:.-LOT 93. IN18TUCON., Though I saw that tba env had a look it) iter uyu i filo use of �Ve$t'a Livor Pills. Also Curr ' Which boded uogoud. i could swear, Province, is it) A similar plight. There' Coderich township, in good state of cultivatiuu She wits minus a horn, but I didn t much mind ; custivuuees, uonsgipution and dyepopsia. All snit;; hurt just built, go• it burn, r•xcolle"t fences unit Arid I saw that her tail was bobbed close off behind, di Liggists, will be a deficit nn the current \ ear's I uouveulently situatttl. AL,o the east half of lot 7b, n, When she raised it aloft in the air. +� (t the Ai tul,ud euuetssiun, Uuderich towuship, tbuut 08 , t traus:wtions of $1,U ODU, making a deficit ' But itwnsa'L good looks I wished for, yv,u ]:now ; .foltuaon s Ali Heading �Vbau OIuLrcrt. . aeras, 6 ucr.s cle.u•,d and s%ed,•J down, 20 tu:rea b- `- 4 d , g ,rt) nu•at11 n tar cit r' Not arow.Lobed,keltoPaultew113111,)ahaw, thewolrlRhoV 111RUJUdanti suu611 it n'upei'- 1❑ three years (it' 1'he Govern- f, I l wg, .xNNegaudIISCOIT, Bboat- But a plain butter -maker, you sou ; rte$ ui tau nbuva uamnd a tecuedt $aI vP, hove I l $ruts euyy. n; -ply to M:%N \ [h 0 l t3CU'1"r, Burros- ! was sure that as Brindle excelled In the last been fou ill by mad,! who he ve used it. to bo roost inent is Coalpelred W htirrUW this y ear a Cera, UlluWu. she would snit my small wants; so I made a rope fast . ulHeaeluns in the treanueut of ea theaut, pldl- million dollars and t0 increase tile Lax oil And marched her uS homoward with me. plea, blutollus, buil$, ulue, a, Scalds. ba us, ohaf- hlAltAl FOR SALE.- F'ult tiALE, f: ✓C 3s, COD (utas, etc, One trial wjlI be sullleieut to prove 1 cSsstoN 2, I..R.s,'ruckeratnith, ctmtnftan • 50 sure, On thb vert fimt night, when I tried to extract that what we uhti,t for it is correct; For attic ' 1'etil and personal property and wild (:olds. ti - . . ,The lacteal fluid I saw til %tae alt of tWrlch 45 aro cleared, wall fu)eeJ, well uuJen-ruihed I 7� T at 25 coots per box by Wo thht.Gton DruKt;ljlt Unles%they- inaugurate a thorough system �.aad to a high stuto of cultivation. 'I hr re iy n 6, lid APRIL t i Op osWon emphatic had found, 'frump huu,e. burn uudstables, and tit orotuard of lam s pp I' '.Fortttecow•,withaviciousandviguroushick, TEIEMILL1UNAlRE'S CLUB. of retrenchment ittalltlepurtmentsofthe tipple. cherryaadpear trees. Thvrei.laoever-failing Lspended its force on my vest; I was sick, %. oil, It is wilhiu fuut miles of tAbit.un, uud tbree of At it lay in a faint oil the ground. __ Government till unnual (](flint of fully Brucelleld, xoh a good gravel toad leaning to each - __ 4 thought W act Iti.udly, so held out my hand �-' - -` --- - -` - - - - - -- - '• The United States Snuate has been 300,000 stave, them in the face. The in- ploc,, For further 1mrticnlars apply on the pt•ntptees ,And said "Co, hossi, co • "blit my hmtdftit of sand / , „ or to Clinton P. U J. B. CRobtiUN, � • Couldn't1lit any Saud in her oyes justly called the Millionaires club _ - _ _ --_ �t ` ference tion( these circumstances uli,ght — - — .►. un. Mon. Toe, We'd ITh"LZ, (Ijj Fri. � Sat. r 0he lowered her head wi'h a bellow of rftgo,` and o e of the wealthiest tl)en in it Is a %PLENllIll FA It SI GUI! SALL.-'1'llAT F%CEL, I .. And I roll in the sand for what seemed alungngo, b,atlatilit' Lelau be that Llbefals rule wisely find ec000ltli- `7 is d Stanford, of Caltf,wo111, LMNT farm (1f 151 aures beh,g lots e3, 70 and 71, � and I saw every star in the skins. r uu the yi titluud eu(.ceX 1len, Uoderieh tuwuahi ). - y_"- -.- « - - _ -- `_ - ` - -' . x . %whose. riches are e_$timated at 875,000,000 calf , while their opponents do the con• 1 f L h ,lbetut 135 acres elrand and in -uud state of eulilvd, ��{y �°f M'•f\t ae r1� Poor Brindle is dead,aud i foul safe oneu more y1r &'Infold iso J ug sh Ntock, Fid ,ttl- trary, tlm1. Uu the prtani,us is u gnuJ brick house, with uh R013. �i. COATS, S, j N 'w' elle- 1 2 To travel my yard•ua i used to before barn it Albany county, New York, arch --� 0-. couvutnumesofstabling.bank barn, well watered, Y '1'heday that I pureha:eJ the brute. r ) a -N SC ' ', Mall U auud beanug orchard, church oil the f,rtu and s.h ul ,�,'` ',', • �' .. r • 9, 18_L 1I �g�• f %i still h LadieN trouitlrA evi¢li' PittplPs, . Blotch% N, <. I will meet with that former owner nStit°dui ;` P,uUg11 hoods nr Ir'uee. areolas of 1U,y Po.,(•a "t far alta; , ab lit a wiles from the tu%vu of %'lint a /� Cy C� (� 3f youhappett•'eeehiUl before me, juatsay sari Vloillfnence and hail tu,:ch to do with nue, $haul(( u,e hiellrr;or uud Parlce's ( :tthol�,• Huh. furan is <mu of `he bt•sl it) ilia tuwuship ol0udn• 4 ll 0 CS iJ I'd au willing to give hu' "some bout. _ the estahlahtneut of the Lrie calla(. F1' (crate. tt wi'I le.:we the skin lit ,u -acct .ultlth. rich, P, seghlxl ,,, , u lit any fitoo. Full particul-r, �v y� 1 r l)1 application to the lu•oproeror, JUAN RUDD, (alio NI'4�i G1I i tiOT�'�J GOr YT1i!SBi7S WATGI3, _..._...._ went to California in 1852, he enu •ht Ili, su)'tnt11, clean and good color. Be aurenod gr,, , 6 tan l; U, or of the NEW ERA OFFIUL,! Iintuu. c - A Ver Mord; Xi+tn to Kill.• rhe g,+w. Su , lw'de r igio regal' B• I•:tltte. ' - _ y •� q •� , - - Y .Cnliforuial;tild fever and wade his llnmenei• Prle.a 2:s. Stall lir Worth;,t;;tou'a 'rug Stun,• --- ------ - --T � _ --' 10 11 1 � 13 14 15" 16 - __ fortune in nliuiug and spuoulatingg4 A ----- L� -it" FUR SAI,!:.-TIrATCtroi(.'EFAHMTilL 'HAP AI,VJASi� RUNS . rI%hefC 1R a marl 111 ,�Vnll ,�tl-evt who is p estate of the Late John 'Ihuwpson, buing wee y Het,n, estimate uFhie wealth Incas it tit NE1V MILK BUSINESS. half of lot 40, cut. 1, Bust \i'axawsb, coiltaioing lou (� a C;rtlSe Of anxiety to hh friends,llut not x;75,000,000 There is of Suit Fruici,eo r \HE sub,criber de,ires to intimate totho p-ople of `teres inure lit• les; 80 acres cleared and it) goal star' 17 18 10 ,920 '21 22 23 for the reifal.W--drift ile is .an ordinlr'y . real estati, upwards of yw5 000 000 worth Cli1 ton, that he b.1s o„lruurucud,ht) (teltvery ni f culLivutiuu, Wulf drained .,nJ free fr, mobunxiuu, F•+ fresh nolle in town .,lid Tibet d ; weeds, lu acres bush and renluindor PahlUre, 13uum, *err,( S� ^� fr besides man vlueVarrld, faint and t•rerrl pleas, J to f It sUorJt''" fa11 wheat alfa fall plut%iuq dune Uu tilt) farm 6 a AND N V •g-• R NEVER, STOPS; dealer In ,4Cuuk and a scall rCl• Of Strad- y ettr laud to ilial,and will( hisutmosttosadsfa,:tori ll), ran Cil e., slit((] -ilia railroad invcstw•ols scut the wants.If.tho ,ub'io. Putrunagc res,ectfrl Sew frame d%veiling, Lint 4.1x55,, stable, 62x28, and 2 2 8l 9 dies. His hanio is C K Eastilan,aud. he u % t t 1 tiler ontbuhdiu�s; 2 xulls, :.Pring cull: auJ a gw d 24 25 2� 27 28 29 30 have, been „u a Very largo scala. F lir soliuitrd. Orders t•.tkoiltorsoti;dly -rf,7r the n %sent •9S interesting beCa llBu IIH IS likely t0 till o - h,aring„rehard, rhe fArlo is situated on guud;rravel - _- hH paid n tax (l)1 all aaaeaalANlt %tilt b IN ut the \lav Eti t u.ticc. Akntva Trxs ALL, o ye7trs 8,!ti C'iutoil r1, d. 1 toile from lilyrh, 1l1 miles from l'Liulun, and f2 ¢ /'y p {. .dead at any moment. He }t is (Berl three „f $ZO,000,OOU, uud (1f this sum ural ly a mllesfrumUoirrich; is well feared with bond, nail. Rats! : _ C { i tell s f . lin doesn't look ' as t „ w ,• , vd wire Ftir ftu•tliur purtiuul,trs apply onihu premi• _ _ - _ - tlltles S, fel .11ld }la r tlflll a ,h$ rOt ,r, f -as 11, 1,e R.! al. .,.„, r. �..•.. ,_...••• ^.'•sesrtrrtol '..•t•IIIN J.Iltn: ('aUN Lot d, - .A, t�-.�a•A•,••. __. i , ,._... -- , ,$-...�, x.41 µ nr...,. ?sl.., ,w IKa 4 ai l _tib 1-11 . #huu,gli bi)iii7l''(•1f I�)ne 7ilsBest In. that _6TIcets, dl aill?iticls',bto.,ot' h11114eIf at,d faint "-1 _ y _...... y .. .. _.., ._ direction. • He is f'lly aware.:••IIi his � ly. In 1861, Mr. Slanfortl w'a8 elected s hl liVilituyOfarm,Aleiug 1 '['it ,T cull, 17, 1, U.aler h I vernor ,f Ualiforniu. 11 r$ carp j i,n allot+ Your C h I d•re n owoship, Buse line Sumlcurhdl, four wiles fico (Liu• �, , ®A T Q 0 I ��, pleasant little rPetllial•Ity all(] 19 ll [I:IbIP �' - uu, lit and , rtrul land. Thu Y.tnn conic-ux SO octan, f ��C i� was marked by 1)rudence,a'sharp j ldt strut r t g x : ,to ex,lanl it to anvbndv. Tho brat Are constantly exposed to danger from T,elcan-d.andnlg,,od,tateocuitivatioo,ther,mtdu- z - I of llrtl al -d a dl9pualnuU IO look sliced In dor good hardw, od bush;thereare l5 acre,of full wheut �� -tune ht, died wits when ht, was 30 scars matters of the de%elo u:eot of tht, Stare ('citta, Whooping Cough, Croup, and ---- -- ------ lid all full ploughing dune; Cllr re lir, two wclht and •tit . - eld, aril that w ,s ihollt sixteen years f p diseases' 'peculiar to the throat and n•e,-ilowing ,privg, good orchard, frame baro 35 x 55, He way unit n filo most euthuaiastie pr,- luli rs. _ For such ailments A er's •t t,t+ln 10 x 3+,, uuw frnwe houso 16 x 2t1 with -ttv, Ago. He was living in Norwich, Conn. rooters of ilia plan to build x. tepuao+,usi- 6. y roans up,tuus;unl,{ rooms down atairs,andakitchen ,.��,� A -HEAD .,GAIN r ..... _ - .. Ch, i,4y Pectoral, promptly adminis- 14x23; there are Lx•u chur.ehes, school uud •roeury, ,ill • I __ .. `I'Ie- had sift eyed with o'broiric indi; es= l ental r„xd which twee hm+lied. in 1806. 6 tion •-and was weak and feeble. One Staofurd farm, his favorite c,ruutry et -at, s , toyed, afforthi speedy relief and cure. witl,it live niiotl is %i•tlk. Pussca,iun given atuu. , into to sit t purclst,er For partiv(.ulars. enquire at situated at. Menio Park. in tilt, Santa Clara As a remedy for Whooping Cough, Ni,iw ERA Otllccor„f .NIESSRS.MANNINO &SCOTT, Our Spring GOOds have color', and SUCIi GOODS I The cleverest )en in the $venin; he. went out •wulkln ; after an with \vhiclltsman of our children were or of Chu -, ,rietur, till the ,remises, L. MANNING, r, 1 Vallsy, abnitt,forty nitlet fruit S.4,ii Errol- 1'''1 1 world could not tell 1,u how love( the are: ,You �.GUSl see them to et an y:,....., e %•lint n P..I.,. Y Y Y gnosually berlrtt'; topper, conalstln„ of a afflicted, we. nae ,during the past win. W I; Y'" �` cisco. The mansion, is its chief urea- ter, with much satisfaction, A er's idea of their bounty. You know we always 'carr choice goods, but bite stock � \ ,' %LE-TIiA'1' SPI.ENDiD FARM >eracker and a eup,uf tea, when he sod- went was begun five earsn�o. It stands , y (;Alts 1'Ult� Y g , t V Cherry Pectoral. For this affection, tie 1 ..r loo at res, brnlg tut 17, eou.2, L. R s., lir this wagon s.ur ntSsHs anything we have ever, shown. yon,yet. - �lenl fell oil the Sidewalk.- The e1, le 1 t Y o Y 1 y I N lit the cen're of 450'aCree which m,,tu up consider this preparation the most ettl- Puelcctwwilb.,s „ltrlr•d tut' Nula 1,u rrUNounhb who came to bigassistanC0 found hill) to the park tend lawn, and is surrounded by cacious of all the medicines which have ,orws, with gaud buildings, fi-iuuri barn, Willie. all' apiiearanee+ dyad. The doctors de- thousands of trees, constituting, title of the come to our knowledge.-Alary Park- shtble �4x3a, ahPep a1Hi cut'riage house, 1ax46, Styles the �Iat®st, Qualities ''�C+e110�Sta burst, Preceptress, Home for Little Omit 13r Story, 2.1x31, fruuo, house till(] kitchei,, rqG Blared lie had died of heart disease and 'lost unique collaetiona in the world. Phe Wanderers, Doncaster Sid 70 nares underteutliVitt toll, 20 Ueres cleared hilt .1 g , y g P' ti,it broken; 1e a(•rI'a K„n(] hnebest Wellh. s Variety Endless, � rices L®aT preparlltiot s for the fhnelnl were hpgriu "tuners aim is to gather there samples of li children have been peculiarly sub %'elf wolo'll(], Loving hrpe of the bast walls i❑ ■ tilt, next day. 'His friends camp tint( evory tree which ca' be made to grow in jest to attacks of Croup, and I failed to liuron couiityr Gaud bearing urehart , alli aced the soil of California Iincl a8y effective remedy until Icoot- ti's wile; from rho Vlllagts of 13rueedleld,, nu(] 'Iboked at the corpso and remarked what , .� meneed administering Ayer's Cherry n' d front the 'towns of Clinton and Sr+lrortll ro• Our MiSS SITEPPA4D, whose cultured taste and skilful mauipulation were V Sad case it was, and the local palwra Ivilitawnsh Its n Firp•Eatil"W"isher. Pectoral. This preparation relieves the.,I'eetivaly,,tltrreiaaal,leuflid grovel rued passed ha front lir the preutisps. Particulars will s,, highly appreciated last, ovation, is still rat the h, -ad of out- triwining department; difficulty of breathing and invariably h111sgiveu on npplication to, APPLETON EI,• , published a full account. On the second Hares the complaint. -David C1. Starks, , c)nr, I ruceneid P. u., or SAn1uEt eRlrx, and is assisted by an exceptionally ab.o staff, Whitewash bas many uses,political and might he astonished the watchers b \ sit- moral 'or immoral rather), its well ns Chatham, Columbia Co,, N. Y. a tor,. P. t)„ or Nr:w Ia,A OFFtca. DAVID Ain u) in his coffin and asking for I have used Ayer's Cherry' Pectoral ELC'UAT, it •,,, P n . r•„ lF,„ 1 1”, g 1 g econemia. Bui as a fire extinguisher it in ,,my family for many ,yearn, acrd 6OO O1,• it V SATURDAY, Amit( - 9'h� drink. When he saw how close ht, illi(] ( hits not been hitherto generally recognized have found it especially valuable in Our PAS"��I (iia �� l i •come to permature burial he cameMear here. Do you .,know, said a scientific Whooping Cough. This medicilte allays Como in and look through our show-roonl and fe,tst your eyes upon some of the. gentleman :he other da "tha"t''ff'1i lexl all irritation, prevents inflammation from dying in earnes . g y' 'I extending, to theltin s,'and uicklysub- RD most elegant wrtres tic` millinery art product's. We are. anxious to show yet] He lived on re_mlar enoliab for four to impossible to burn a whitewa-ihed g g 1 a E A 1 goods, dues anyy��tendency to Lon Com ,1^int. R goods but we ask for Four patronage only when they give complete satisfaction- . " fence 7 And do you know further, that --J. B. `Vellin too Plainville 'Kick. ' . �etirs after, tbatr' He was down in New S , in Prance, to protect frame find the inter" I find no medicine so effective, for. E will pay the above Reward for .any Mexico looking titter a mine in the ior•s of oLlier. buildings from fire, the walls Cron and Whoolinn Cough, as A�`er'a W , ) summer of 1875, and it nes thea. that p 1 5 t case of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint ,,ams, joists and the and nide of floorings . Cherry Pectoral. It' -was the mrtns of Sick Headache Indigestion or Costiveness are thickly coated with lime wit's, before saving the life of my little buy-, onlysix we cannot Cure with WEST'S LIVER BEr EC LEa t� & 00. ���•�®� . � itie.:•npxt susl)eaded animation. The �, !,Jew Dlpxic:uts never had an' idea that they ore placed in position. It is so, a- d months old, carrying hiul saf illy- Hiroo; it PILLS when the Directions are strictly the \\'orst ea -e of•NVlioopiug ('ougll i e•; Hr •%0 Was alive, and as the weather 's very if thl,+ course, which has prevailed -abroad saw. -Jane llfalone, Pillet' Flat::, :-'rung :Omplied with. Large Sozee, containing •��al®rs 1ffi 3r�Za63ier� t 'r �i.'�ti37' �r'� Wil'©tads alm(ist from time immemorial, were ado 30 Pills, 26 Cents; 6 Sozes $1.00. 8014 �a,dr, !!. ,,- . ,warm there he would infallibly Have V- ,f�, y ® t --- -.---- .--- ..__...._ _ --- - _ -- - ---__ _ _�__-._ -_- . ted here, It would .save ninny a house, pq er .s Chert Pectoral by all Dru6fflgiete. - / 1� f � 1 1 •r 1 Teen buried if he hadn't bet+n aumewhtlt If tnitlly a village from de,fructinn. I du y -- - ex tedious about cumin r to lite. No- Pro fired by I)r..J».GA.. cr C Co., Lowen, \fees. 1 , j n not mea' to I. that It will prevent the t3u11 by all Druggists. Price $1; nfx lot,lee, ,.;. �F �1� ® AL WAF>:]r�r..�•. � II� � l � � 11H i� (�,� (��I`���+J��f Npt ! �a����O�O bodv knew him down thole and was spread of fire once under great heat way ; resort xton of a physician who p j 1 ! r' ' laid out in an undertaker's shop in San- but froln its noi'nflammable character it ----- ;`'�� j' bas had it Ilfo long experience, Lt � ! �. #n Fe that her-vpd as a cloigue. whi,11 is a•guard anainit tho,prirne ignition th,,t � w`f treatingtematH d-st,aaSu Success lyy �rF r monthly with pelf, I. sucetss b:; often leads Ln dire 1'esUlls." Tills (-tilt, ( �.) c•,er 10,0001ndv s. 1''Ieasant, safe, - ]lee came t0 and wan, d to know wllnt lie. ` effectual. La(lir s tisk yourdrul; was doing there, hr scared the undort:t_ -hint set rhe writer 'tit • making lit airy I �l gi.t rot Pennyroyal Wafers and II1-Mi1rr, Solar ed my show torn' and got in n firs% (lass sto, of b q ` g GROCERIES among competent authorities, soil full t:,lenosubstitutc.nrmclose M` Cdr's issistaut into fits, His third,ex, �/, ,;ark �, I:,eforsubsti rte.orar$: Sudb in connection with rev o-hHr lints of bnsinessl I and now prepared to furnish the . cnnfirmntiuu of the (]court' wor(ls was the s �� p• Y I l loit,occurre=d one but dU last smm�iPlI �i d �' _ ! -} alJdruggists,$ip.rhox. Address liublic with all kin(la of S>ta"FI ,rid �f+W� �lOrSII?St eamlt2ti rlQ®fig :ind I! Y outcome. I i ..).Lr7.;UI,E! _9.ClILL).t1CAL CO., Da'tnnit BilCr p p A- • He will, supposed tlipll to bave bvell --s��------ i- • 11 l,�t y � ,' lel 8eltl it) Clntl,uu lis J. fI. t'OyIBF;tttlll Deupglsh+ Can€lles till(] •,1i'I (till(((] Of C1i�DA1 tL(IZ7R$ ,In(1 L>'1 it,�i, H1R0 fancy articles (flirts for Sale., t..;• , ��T> --= v _ f "- everywhere,' such as V►ASESa"d JUGS, KNfVE` , PE�'ClU4, MOUTHORGANS,PIPES, - - sul)st)ulck. Be. Harries in his puck% _ _ t�- *` mow, a easefully wlltten note Coutalnln AItUu),+:Fiehlaniath Lolians of N North -�,.-, ' t _ a :.~ F,_�-'.(.,d�; - --.. _ .- _ - CIGAR HOLDERS, , Also a stock of Patent ll.etlicii.es 1•:ci)t.-,on hand. _ ' ., ' 9'r F" ,,, Nar�lt�sf �, 7y -,- ✓I" Ix ( Alt HOIIDI.J,S Sc ... _ _.- ----- , 6 addrpss and. requesting that lie ht, cru California," sold a u,iasiouar to I, re +�4 q / �, StOC� is more complete in ,ill its bfaucltes. I !Bent there in case of accident. All his porter of the Sau Franci$cO Examiner, - �.� a_. � ->ff�� '� p i � I DREG WEST'S S % . _- t'. . _ have a fow Uf those BLANKEi'a and BELLS which will be sold cheap. I make sdaiives and friends 'hive- M=art notified' ,•the squaws are vembin a,atm„dines, and X 1* , 1. riot to.let him be buried without h,Iviun, are par. upon the o,arket at a 'price sup +: ..• e ( ; all uiy COLLARS and war'ruut then( to gine s'"18t'tetion. REPAIRMO prornptlg sed it, c„rres pond with their Charms. N ,. {� . attended to alit( chairges inuderate. 111 stuck of is also Complete. All a good chance to come to life again if F ” p I'' 0 Iv '1' 13 I? r, y TINWARE ASE E Lf, can. (lot with all his pi ecatition he The young young wolllail's choice is not cl nsulte-d - 1 I:iuda'vf produce token lit exchange for all kinds of goods, Manikin-, my ouste- ,and if a rivalry exit+ts'between hinders f, -r —. .M,tDE ONLY IiY—' ntrodfur est patronage • e and bolicitin a continuance of the saltie, j its haunted by a furelloding that suu,e-•i hor post,ssuw she, is knocked- down. to th• jj N' 1 b 3 body will bury bins alive yet. T1tP must liberal oll'er: J, ' BRUNSDON LOND�SBORO. _ �,� 9 � GE0. 144,'-WT11 N, - - a> OND"ESSOR011 -doctors don't know e,,xllctl.v what is the „A maiden of comely �nppearauce, anti 1 1 - - - — -- watter with }Lim, but be' h's niode ar- having a talent fur plait:iog hats -baskets, Will carry aheavier weight than any -- rangemeots with ( no of them to find out and other ornarneutltl wicker ware, is of waggon made. - I B jI J O €,� D 9 . % • of possible, when he rt,ally does die.- coarse 1,m, remerchn-.t,hlr;arrlclethan her. ry rp t� /+u 9, )flail and Exlkre,qs. Isister without accomplahtneutsand with. CU 1 1 ERS, ,SLEIG 1ST &C. � I U Go �® �S90WIS .. lint hea'gy. IQI"PF 1. _�+i�I �40, �� — a m I "The price paid for a girl ofthe dt+airable ������ ��� �R'��+E IITPvn1 Billion. kit)(i is The only.,medicine in the market that' will headed trwood t the, 1peckern, a'bronclWel�•and d,1 r L,tiitar 1111 t1 laa��est,111PB9t CO'y —AND__ r�1}, Leading /� � j1 t,, ,(^1l 1. immediately Cure Cold in the Head, and per- breech loading rlfl•--the woodp, oker head, --- ' . Tho, leading 11<�in t s 1 irini1.I1ej� 1. 1i nto n I lmanentle cure Catarrb, Hay Fever, etc. beiusf valued at •$2 50 apiece, acid the pony Phis Company is Loaning .Money ort Farm T � I r i --`- and gun at tt�.loo1 $20 each, makim-, the ^Security at Lowext Rates of Interest. ��I 1)� �t If S. I FOR THE LATEST STYLES JN Z1EN'S BOYS) RXGLISH .. , PERTH -NEWS. price of the°girl x;70. This at�nmot varies, --. '' i AND AMERICAN HARD and SOFT HATS- of course; accorctulg to the financial stand - His Honor, Judge Woods, is rapidly ing of the purchaser and the avarice of the MORTGAGES PURCHASED � GM' -HE KEEPS THE LATEST SHAPES, AND THE PUBLIC Parents "' I- 'wars oeansional l t hat as D .�N D � EIE 0I�l . CAN RELY UPON (SETTING THE BEST VALUE 'recovering from his severe illness and is P y —' - FuR MONEY. partially able to attend to bis otiicisl filiAhas$150 isaiven fora L,jrl, hut. she SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. Infallible Blood Purifier, Tonle, Diu-ectle.LossP I G - world ht, p �aaPRAH(I (If Ilnula'al ,illuroinonlN, , of AppetiteJualgesttolq Dyspepsia, Bllliousneits SMITHS BLOCK., OPPOSITE dntieb. J, 4 and 5 per Cent. IntPrest Allowed on Jaundice,LiverUo'ipluhlt,kheum,ttiett,all'Kl(1- arid the porch sir s nuhoh. y y 1 •... _ PU T. UE'.�+`LC �, CLIN L'C).1 __ ...•.• .. _-- -.--.-. ---West s -Cough, S,yxup.rs,.n.OW .t11@ lea.(ling i1,- Deposits, areorclnlr to amount nH Diseases, SCrufnht, Diseases rHCuIL to Fe- _ -._.. - Thv -lazy-,toil- ule,rwrnoifa , hnclt:, - whet.%- - _ - :.�. r - matt -a, rntr kbeutu; Inx z.ynit• aitd all fi it):'FAIN . rih(d diiR► left_. . _ ._. 9nedy fur cnughs, colds. ante throat,brot-Shiite alley havt,. purchased A nominal wtft•-the% _ eusea, Headache. I'alpitatiou of the Flenrt, Sowr e iethma, whouping•cough and ennsumptlou. q V Stomach and Ileart }turn. Purely Vegetable. -._ _ ___.,---- •_ _-- ._..--- --_---- . — All dra, his do n, f ennstilt the laws in reappet. ►o 1,u+r- OFFICE. -Carne of Afurke Square andNorth Stree Jan!% C. \VEST cit Co., Toruuto, Uur G' Wm Page,'Of Staffa, and Gen Pintll•r, 1'illye--at once n' oirp their 1 d It:ve it, FIURACE lIORTON, enter upon ,ill the, hold work ohtainahlp. Mnxeuen :'( ` of the 7th con., of I11bbert, aI•e each 911f- outerch August 5th 11481 'g'�it) Q�i'1126 d 111 ;nv95 3°i'HnI ilDiiUn.So PAL " S E q no" h & - COe She, in fuer, la r quirpd h1 negle::' A snevet.fW 3I(•,ii"no u-e(I over i1 feting front severe attacks' Uf 111f11tllltlla- I,o.fhioe %whIo4,, ntiullt (•OptrihutP to 01PiC •l)1 .��, 31, yt•,u•a u- Ih„u,vtl,rl•( •.d' en sea. t�a lion Of the !(digs. fort of he, I. rd a110e titin Pa hio Nelf t, fir, MONEY TMTO LOAN t%GiIA ('oras .t, it•rlurrl•, u, aert•oan ������ II'erlknr•:+v, 1 ,n;�:.,gonv Ira;,otrur'f/ 141 "' A little boy of Mr.. Fas Olver, of 'occa,i„nal lin , it),, ,l.r Fish „ •.'xpor)iti"o fins till (li•ntie.e-eau;r+•,i nv- huse. *. . r, r InttFoftsi nuli•v'1 f•4,, nr Pert• rx P,!iou••IAFTEaI r Ftnf q, received a very serere kick on tho with rhe otiurlt cum digltidate for ah'eh At LUiF'L'ST Ifni /L'Su/' IVI'EREST. six paclatgtt•14(rfa,,;,j-,I­( I ht evrr n•llenall otbcrs ]1-1 is t DT the ahorwi• 1,d Amer+eao is celt•hr•ated' Tit,, Tai A9k your 1 r, ggi!,l fn. 'I he (:relit Env,li.h � � �� � ” 4[3 - forehead from a 1]UI'si', I1Pa11V OpeIIIILtY Preeeriptlotr, Inkf- n„-nb,•i1 i-, One package . '�-.• _. women pock wooA from tilt, fro•$ -t$ n, , \ �• � , Che Skull. ,ta o ( ep s ep 1 $1, Six$5 brl,ril \\':ite'.a I' mphlpt. AdrlreaS . - hnhketa, which are carried nnthe brick aur- '1�%i�l� 4�� li t �/ l �,ll.�/' Eurcka Cllg•atfenl Co., vel -roll, .►filch. April showers bring forth May flriwers; al -o snpporl"d by 1 hood which, Pocireles til•• I i N__ sol(] incunton by J. FT. COMBE and Drn�giAts ilrinuoff rheumatism Core. Wand's Weudef f„r,•hpad. Th -•v also collect fold dust fr••nt everywhere. . - ___ Ln"n OCE,RS 1111 (lruagista. the exposed bedrock in aha id,,w-d mines. FIRS,!' CLAfiS COMPANIES. Bennett"S yyy� � � - After a lingo ing illness of sumP which is hanle,d ,-ver to their enntlortA With Several good F,trn)s for Sale. Apply to ��� ly It. Ll Months, Mrs.. Helen Wa,ldell,mother of rPlivioua refrularity. It iN a fact that 'he -�� Mr. A. Waddell, of titratfold, (lied last Itlaisin woman tin the Kiam-oh areahsolute WE�'Iz'Q:07d' & SANDERS, week at hot home in Blanshard, slAvps, hilt. they are faithful and lovillu RNAL ESTATE AGENTS, ixi{TUR, ONT. CARRIAGES. C-.,IANTON. .. no matter how' harNl,l% trpsti,d, Yam can Last wick Mr. Joshua Challenger r � ` _ News for the baby) News for the child 1 rpadlly imagine, h,.We t that, nn account [ t• v r News for the Nurse -girl; with joy She's nearly wild. _ ' Moved to his splendid newly porch sed j{l illi � had <bllf� � V �t�f'. . � ----- _ __-,__-. -_ of Shc hard life they It,,d,hy'ha tittle mit- Mothersawnrmtn ,IbertStreet,giveourstwoasall, harm in the neirghhorbood of Atwood. 11 f BlINNITT'9 got a Baby -Carriage for them all. ^ z W 1A.M, d� ;s g:g P J;i' X24 6.1 P n ¢ P die rtQe is reach they lose u pnunirtp iGfl' r"j N e 11ns lived in the vicinity Of slit- charms and bPCt,n1P flags. I NIIP110 P It i� I have opened lit Blyth, o tireFeissa Infantile rejoicings rin through the town; X Qp o �' o Ill Q goad '` 81Na 41 E•�0: Shell for the past thirty-three years, ftpnprally tm,wn that white men b• rp pnr_ �t� New Baby Carriages, w• th prices lowered down; W J ,� "moo m•8 o p 4' ' p W I d R 00 is 8110E - and Baby makes a mental nota, he will squall no mase, Vl� 0 tel a na 1,A o z '9 ti h z 8 119. - • West's pain Kiu a seed cure for oolic, chased A news for runtrimonial or o.ea, Now he's of a carriage, boa ht at Bsrrxsrl's litore. � C� � y Nw a '69 � � oA�� 014,04 �m , �y p P g. P y 9 P V I g g, g hC w 'n s to 6 • cram q dnnrrhoes. dysentery and all bowel hilt it is not •0prierally !mown how happv .,�.p �1 �+T� r� �e X-C Z v.2 d 4) C.., ,..9 ” �,d ,OA- ' e$ rb V :k 41ifficil ltieN. 26C. All druggists. - such onions are. White men who have R. ,p„ I NESS rot w� 1�i0di And,BanNlet qct of Bt en t7 , he has a int, 22wic ge S w 015 a,� -t Y 0 li'v d Alar a atherlo„ aeaetahlad in Trinity r And, let roe break it genal\, he has n pretty e1,/- pp y.. I" p� f'� o o .S f� t{ g Y Paponsed squi'aws almost. invaria ly Clint! to A cot for the baby, a crib for the child; N. ® G W k� 5 a a et, 2 "a f= 0 t1 W m K.p eaM. -� - shurch, Mitchell, Wedupdday morning to rhpm through every vicieairude of life Mothers, nurses, babies, with joy are nearly wild. ��'fi 'i' 1 $ a -4.21w to A a - p . _ » q , p fy-[ , %+ witness the marriage „f blies Awty,daLgh- Dtvurope are nnknnwn among them, and I Bake and (fond all kinds of Bouts and Shoos, and S P r- g - c '0 Sin it - u ' re.'1 Gjl Q i keep anezcellentstoekonhand. Flret•clabvwork, BE ALSO KEEPS A EIR.S'T a +, "'- a""Pl tier of tilt, late Foljambe Awty, of Itoyeton 'squaw mon' fake a pride fn hnaating of the ~ - + e p m� «a' House, FuFlartxnl, to Mr Edward G. r ooA qualities r,f their pnrchaeee• II It I';OO it you went anything in this GLASS UPROLSTEREP. on A110ty as '.. $��n N �a mg u r ,, irrgvrence. line it will•ply you to cornu and . <,�', = d ..," i3 e D y P m,-.- .1 W p 0 .q may'-„' I�0tl When tin injury is suppnsod fn have,pen See me. i k,e from 1t home strap to a No. 1 set of AL II'AYb ON BAND fid' o.., 9 uFA I 8 o The' brand Trunk station at. Irlill- eommitipd, the ppt•petrator is by Comnt ,n 19tNOLE nr Do IiARNESSP hest of stock and r •�.� r -m°" ti �7'"ap o z � .qty ey' 'Q work may always be ex )eetcd. Plume give , , , , + / ` W �+ �yq W W �'e W de m a, .� $nm p H Iii b lbrook wan entered Inst Thnisdav night, onnient ConairlprPti the proper prep 7'f thN P y me o eau.( PARLOR STETS LOUNGES, �iITC. L arty i1, nrpd it+ClnAir., rt) y. IS -Z -.2'N 4)a,• y s"n o v a ro e t- " Itl)d t\vu $ 1 . htn glfr iz 'd, One side P ] R his relat ions, and frIAI1E TO nItD1;R. OLD ON)&9' tt � S gv.,v m .1 a alp -.-�.q4 a,= o p .4 Mtl,q o.. 1� anlbttae.,tdps and na, A,Ainationa nntnr'ily pal- RUPAInprD. A- 04 r 61 U R U v p s Yl U 4 3 a q v V was a eo�Tnnation one. A hole wan C. Y A T E S t' »- ".,Z..N - � an a tt t . sue, D nrl men tell no tel 's, an,i the live t n O N : d �, T d a P".1 it)- � I- , A � F j driller( near t,hp hnndlp and -the back of „nps won't, An that investigation never RE[l"RflCKER STORE CLINTON 'N f; the lock forced oft' with it nlnch. A 1.^ o f.Y Silt r '1,4+) �a".l-'' o1;fa'l;- � _`'».I; to �� 8 8;a o $ 1 amouuta to anything. . i • .