HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-04-22, Page 2,
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-_t t••'•- _— �rn,a,,Ie+,-"ane+.-,,, r srr.,,o,re-Jt.y.a.•+w,w,3 ... ... aa.t■-.-- M,A. P!5.:_ .�._�_--" .._.v_.._ _.,—,.r...,,- - ...-.,. .. -_-_..,-.-.,,_.v,—.._...__-.. - -
w.� ..:.-� _��
+ItIDtil,Al'ltfd.9', ltin -r. tulles to gentility, and Mlle to detect y,>,ir Lrttrt, Trip, as sure us I ;stand great thinga-but very firmly, calmly /� �# • • DE.NMILLER ., VRSEIRT
.�.-- - - --- what its Spurious. I very much qufs- here.' ready to accept what she was willing to /y Vreaki g Hinge r
TTr�1��1i L r 1 1 r, Lt T ` FR•U1T Atm 01MAMENP,AL TREES, NOR
1 L 11J1'J U i 1'� .`► Y. tion this, I believe that thev are easily , 1Qh, fiddlesticks, Joe Miller. What give. is dry and turns liaru. until oil is applied, yy �y SP -RULE, SCOTCH AND -
imposed upon by mere brad; but I am makes you talk to toe like°that.' If be had run and thrown himself at 'titer which it rnavcs easily. When the ASTRACHAN FINIS, 'I
cite certain lila in the semi -educated (Inits or hinges, of the hotly etre etilfened
q t 'I tell you why, because, because you her feet, purhaps she might then have r T119 LATTEIIvir WHICH tp■ KAKI; A (RtlB,E1"W
BY 13. DARING GOULD- (floss, such as80rvauts, who ought,more are dear to ale. Trip, if that nian-wer(i accepted him; but when he cause trudg- and intLinled by nlivumatism, they crus• ----
--- thou others, to he able to distinguish to halm you, lid kill him, if I Here +t ug back so coniliosedly a tevulsion took not 4a Illoved without causing the most. LARGS STOCK ON HAND
CONTINUED. between true and false, the faculty of an I swing for it,' lace in hot, fealings,Aod when they met excruciating pains. Avers Sarsaparilla, The nentleman was invaed along distiD uishin is whop absent. The Stich cunceitaratCd fru was ill his •he did not cite know wh she had re I by Its action on the Nobil, relieves this The above.rnamcotaitretaaodshrubheryainbeelA
- r b g y y • q Y at very low prices, and those wautitig anythlag to y
with the ladies into the butler's p, ivate criterion by which they judge is one al- tone as he littered the words, that Tril• called him, what she wished to say.- working and restores the Joints to Sod t41s conneetioa will cavo money by putchttstnjl koitp,
broom, __HQ 1_)i11HA iMist Oil their dll re- togi-ther different iroin the .drtermina- was startled. Su all i stood still bent her head and working order.
OTelers iU Mail will be promptly aEEertd(d to
turning there after having been over tin;; faculty in Lite superior class. Con- 'How savago you are, Joe.' 1 nattered : City, iutily Sarsaparilla
remarkable suras, alumni'_ Address,
the house find inspected the pictures, He tract with culture Las coufuaed the+ir �I'tl ltl, anal it' lu(rut cants to you, ht• I m sorry I called. I only wanted hnr of wench hauled rho etYurts of th+t JOHN STEWART, Reatill,llgr.
trusted a light refection there would lie ideas, not cleared them. answered. `'Cllere's my mill, and mr n, say ono thing; whether L•leave Rine Most experienced .physicians. Were it
acceptable all around. It was speedily noised in the servant's wether• -thus• art all 1've had to Ihinit wood ur whether I stay you will let we necessary, i could give the u:u❑es of tray
t Y .indivi(luals who hove been cured by taliiuc Fi ire XzLsu �'anoe.
So Mrs. and Miss Redfern and 111 r. hall at Itiugwoud and throu? hyut th of till you cutup, and I caught, you when ,ouiet itues come up the steps and go over tills uredfeine.• In my own case it lilts cur- _,
fainly worked wouders, relieving tut of A kinds of Property 13eaufurt started on their round, Con p'il'l h thRl the young- mon, with the ►you treed a tix,li.h tliLllit. Take care the -the-' 1 nrst- insured at lowest tnriffratq
ducted by Mrs. Pod�intis: Furtuuat+ • lest vuu Ir another.' C ,. '-i' First-class companies.
duok in the family' was haying adds esses y s ,er heart became soft again and tears R h e U m tt ,. l S tTl ,
ly the fautily were out, the house was to Trip. I 'Why do you speak to we ill this way? -were in her voice. atter being honblcd %% i- r ce;n.,. Tu
aOCedalbl0 ill all tIl'tS. '11I1'S. ltedfefp 7.'hC hUtlPl', the COOk, ti0 housekeep• yell have. no el+tilt, YOIt'r'e:rir Old friend 'I mean Joe the deal- Old mill.' flus+ and all other di• , a: i,iu,� from �, WINNIPEG AND ALL LAKE POINTS, A
1, b + , + ialpnt•e blood, thoi•0 i , uu 1•Ianedv with by all rail lines over the GRAND '1 RUNK and 0A s.11
was anxious to see all the old fuuuls rr, and the upper huusemadd at the ltuti 'Is thit rill he asked. 'Yes so long which I ate ttcquaiutcd, that auroras such DA PACIFIC to an point oil that line,witmIIpIa�'�
'„ that is till.' ' ' ' • relief a+ Aver's Sarsaparilla. -R. 11, Brandon, kc., Dakota, Iiatibas, or any point mom
-- _
agtilll-She had knowu-. so well, and tali , thought it incnuthent on thein -to ear- _ _ -Th_,t to till- 'T1utt, is till I_ suu,ose I as I and there you can alwaca v user 1t ;
• woul add" 1. u I care for ort more blit he Tf-1]i! sets -foot -ori fire Ladder, .I=ll _] a__ettco, Dl ]).,Dol tltnulo, Dl(l. vy rail, local or foreign.
Mrs. Podgings'attention while the young courage the courtship , it d e4ei c.ln e. But y , A el , Sarsa larillacured ine of Gout
, ) j Coma and sea ino'batora �Qa ittf• tiakgtti :asi+ticcs
people talked together. Mr. Beaufort as MlS,I3edfein par it, 'a claw' to Ruig- Ih,n dour fti+herur ux,ther,aud I would 8ing,hini down. - and Lltetuu�ctsul, when Vol*),trace
else T_ i
was enchanted with everything .Ile wood that a dam liter of the park, so to lay down my life for Voll. Beware of `You are not angry with me?' She would. it hit, eradicated e"vy trace of
t,_•.,r._�+_ disease front my system. -H. 11. Short,
admired thCp-Iaerie s'�iz fot�t�t."�ti*rr51: "^ k sltotlld warty in the upper circle that nlan. Do n1.+i`Wt%trt�r `Irrrs �.i. �dl�!' looked into Ilia eyes, furtively. She was nl,ttutr,crli+,tcl lselntuuk Lowe11,11Inss. v if `
glass, the torulus, gLttrpotsr furnishin�ps u"fr-21to!kriatocracy. Muleorer,Mr.f3eau- is f Ise ;and, sere as I stand here, I'll plavinp; with him, and yet she was half Jt�� ����j�bn`�, lintilll.
T wv many months, a sufferer
everything was in admirable t'rste, and fort was much liked by the Servant. lit, k • him regret he ever came here, ,if• 'n earnest. She liked him, but she huts ( i ll'iN, ill s 'sho disease _l
most expensive. Ile was full of anecdote, witt cislils, Sorrow afld heartbreak come toTu'penuy. laualled at him. tiftifeU,i r .r•(t IId:L ill lefts ut all the
rOttiedi,; I of:u'.d-find, Kuril L cuunucuecd f
But what fascinated dint moo even s.anda`lisns'storit ,b(fnt Pers ms.of title, through hin,' 'Angry With you,' he answered. 'Xo, using Arm's Sru•saptu•ilia, I took several
Then a Kelp came in his throA,,and Trip, never. i have borne very much bottles drill's p tical+1�tion, and ryas speed- Thos'Stevensola
than the'piclttres and china,was the pe P- all of whew hP knew intimately, and to ify restored to hcultG.-J. 1+'rl:aut, I❑Qc-
* I
feet arrangement of the house-su coni- till' truth of such i;tuties he could it's- he .,aid no more. from you alre-dy. I have borne with pendeuee,Ya. .
pact, so conitortable. tify. My guodtJue,' said Trip, 'is this till you this evening, but I am not angry- ,
He must ask permission to make a 'Yeah• true blooded aristoorat,' said vuu havt called me out for.' only, so sorry. Ay e Y S Sarsaparilla, . I H E -
few rough sketch plans in his pocket• Mr. Thomson, `ean descend to familiari- 'Ve;s, all,' Ile answered. `We shall remain friends.' SoldbPreparedbbruggi C. Ayer Ba Ii tlixwetl,6fa.s.
Sold by ail Druggists. 1'rke $1� nix bottles, $3.
book for his information and guidance ties with us and lose nothing by it ; but Turning to her again, 'No ; it is not TO RE CONTINUED. ___` .Iieadivila Undertakers
in the erection of Beaufort a,uirt, Glou- your',It,venns, our wealthy tradesmen all. One thIng enure. I give you a
cestershi're. Tho_ Emission was at once who've riz' from a barrow to oat off old t• mice 'Crit That I love von love Enjoy [•I["' t
_ psI i Y g 1 � 1 • b ' what a truly beautiful world we live i❑, ROBERT vOWNg,
e d u i h 3 1, and silyer the .Dave to I'll.tthty larti you with evl,'l strin; of my heart, a ❑r i e s ra r o o a' 1+❑ CLJ.Ngr"T.f.
,QFpr�� d an e t an(. l M N e a ti e .,(11 m. u t,1n a ..,
.......,, ll 'Ilei ... ,, p ..�11-�!,. .,, .,_ t a.. }. .. 1'.- I t. _ li P. .11,,. ,41N., tt r,. CLINTON - », , . ., .
Y _
thew plans, arid' wits too engros•§eil 'tn cal,ir `the hay t flip d'ig- tit„ +not know iwt tt to trn3. and
,r^ ) , and oceans, and thoustimis of msane'of enjoy ... .- • ' a
them to say much to Trip. pity like it. sailer 1tf ilia pacts, alwajs know th t, if y++U were. to take till-, you menti We can desire no better when in per • Manufacturer and ProprietUrforthebestRaw Mill
pity like of it ill), u Sold nl.ke inp veru wretched and break I fact health :but h„w offer do the majority of Il” use. Agent for the sale and application of Antieeptie Embalming Fluid kept,
At last wbgn all had been. Seen they b -- the FIaIIER PATLNT• AUTOMATfc BDILER CLaANYR.
retur•ne-} to the butler's room,�where he collations were s ,read for til,• nIV heal t, I know it. I see it written I people feel like piviwg it up disheartened, dig STEAlIi FITTINGS Furnished and applied on short Q an ■
SO little col l couragod and worn out with disease, when notice, n h
had for them a bottle of dry Sillery. Redfern family and the stranger, in the lrehne Illy eves in letr(ira of blood. Bat the,e is no occasion far thin feeling, as every d _ t
Spme Lad been drunk ut dinner the aervant'a hall and a cup of ten was ml- here knowing all t11is,I say to you,take I sufferer can easily obtain satisfact,iry proof. Itullerfl, Elligines. null all Iti■idn of' Din
_X__ -
' evening before,and a bottle had been re- ways ou hand+illtile ho.usekee, St's room, Ioe. h 1.011- toy wif", and you Shall Have i til t Green's Ase, as Flower, will make them e6lucry repaired a+peini titter. and
served by the ballot for his own part' when ytht waflted' to the gnus'. Dtr. civ faithful hest heart's love ' tic what I free from disease, as whets barn. Dyspepsia in a enuNtnetory mauuer, My Funeral Director, J. 'C. Woven.
+ and Lives Complaint are the,direct oaupes of - son, has attended ,the Schnol of Eia --'
._.. _ -_,.. _ _ - _., _
talar fl'lellda. „ BOHItfO I't Hrld T -1 -JI) 6,t I,ee1'le ei+('h 6-th-W V+,ll will, tr'eHt ❑IN how VDI' Will, I Will POVOIn(y t, VB per QOn t, Of Plldb mahtd lee AR Farm implLments manufactured and repaired. Stento b;dml❑g, In TnrO❑t0, to nlalre himself
M Thomson ' r - and Water Pipes furnklied and put in, position. Dry , cien in a art
__„ , Bald rrlp, putting on at table, anti' a gond dei! of whisparing 1'+ve ileo and Serve ,you till ,von have I Bi lousne-s, Iniigestinn, Sick Headache, Kilns fitted upon application. Chargesnioderate• proficient ' t' til of embalm'❑g.
. C +sti v.eness, .Nerso.us Pr(istrati 1tn.,.D.lzzlness. of
Iter mt st coquettiah manner, 'mig`lit Mr. went on between theur" at the tAbl'e and killed nio.' Th t to hatter than that yOh'' - - w =
nhul+ld Iakp the fellow in vnnilel, who I the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and other
- minfort have Sight of the silver wheel- afterwards. rligtressingrymptoms, Threndosi-s of Anaost ..._ ,
barrow ?' `Really sir,' said the housnkooper, will bre+it vont hoist nd kill yeti with I Flower will provq its wo❑derfol e(feot. S. WILSON '
'Barrow ? Certainly,' answered the 'MI. Beaufort yon'ie gottdug to know all 8+rr row. I see what .will collie to you Sample bottles, 10 cents.. Try it. pp,, RE>iEMBER THE PLACE,
butler, `Anything, you ask Inis,, must about but• hull Hud its way's, as if you, if you love him and take hien. -You will e�EtiERAi. ®EAI.t:R lti TINWARE, iilPr■. -OPPOSITE TIIE TGwN HAIi>;.
1 ' be complied with. ' .. __ was tilt• tarns cat ++t' the family. baa tl'e;tted nnl(in•tiv,. thou cruelly ;yen $ra>Lc%ional unix atlter (EardA.
Then,,explanotory to the visitor, 'Yoil At last Mrs Redfern announced she will lie deserted and cHst out ; my little Repairng of all kinds promptly attended to at reason THOS, STEVENSON I
see Sir Tottenham began life with a Tu'penny'-' W-ANN.ING & SCOTT i able rates. A trial soticited.v
, b would invite the' head servants to the
wheelbarrow, some fifty years ergo, and His voice broke, lie raised both his + •
lodge to supper:
as un oocasion of telling the story, and amts folded, over his head, and walked Barristers,�(111�1tU1 i�'+ ® 1 �! {�_!IIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIII ..
showing how clevpit a man he has been, �Ve+11,' said het husband, ,if you do' I ALLAN' 0 �! �,� ` Q To LUlili ��i' Cent t
up and down par�sil ntltely, quivering in 601 at 6 - eat
Int Jou Western have all invite HIS(). , CONVEIA\CERS c. UU
he ha5•had two dozen I[t�le silver wheel_ all his hotly,
[la's a right good fellow, and I care for - -To-
.bairows made holding glass collars ; a b n ' Trip was in her crushed strawberry Commissioner. for Ontariennd Vlau6tuba. ,
him R deal more than for your rigmar- own in the moonlight, without a Lar OFFICE Nrl'r DOOR NL ERA, CLINTON 1
salt cellar to each guest, you understand. gown, 11V11;1 oflodcahrq��� Ir oliug fop of a Lond(in swell. , t TO LU:1N. MORTGAGES BOL'QEIWh a others 'f, 8, 9 and]0 per aellt�At a dinner party Tottenham never rR•Igutarolin fop of a London swell I' the silver light nn het flaxen hair tad MONtY PRIVATE FnNDe, C. R,DOUT, Since ' when you can,got money froth us at 6perq,fails .to tellthe' story apropos ' of ,,her sweet face that looked white in the over.1.Jacksutisature, Albert Street. First-class loans t I
the collars. He's had on the sides on echoed Mrs: Redfern. �� ell, I never, moonlight, - • -" 5 d raontent. Large lotttlp
Your worse than, a heathen 'Richard ' ARRLAGE LICENSES. -APPLY TO. THE
inscription, .'Propera,' which, I think, ' Chon suddenly JOA the miller stood 1 undoratgned at the Library Rooms, Smith's tartiesgoingtothe old country this'eummershould TERMS made cu suit borrower, regardisg -
rueitns `shove along.'
and Mr., Beanfoi is a going to make take chis popular line. 5 he boats are the .Host wm-
• ' b , ° my ltuly of our Lena. You ain't a before her and lowered his arms and held Block, i6 JAMES SCOTT. ,pletecd'the Atlantic, and accommodation unsurpassed payment and period Of loan.
1 don't think it, interrupted Mrs. turning round with 'the world that's oat his hands level before hirn,Rnd looked \�UNEY T + BEND IN LARGE OR SMALL
Redfern, 'though I'm soi't•y to differ b ' her eainestly in the fac,]. The light was i amus ougood mortgage 'security, moderate CABIN FARES VERY LOW Apply to `W
clear, - but are a flying oil: into nobody wto oP interest. rt. HALE, Uliutou.e l 1IE �Ir F.%i'IIR�I•►N RATES.
from from you Bir. Thomson. ,How i not on him his face was in shadow, 'but f ERAGE PASSAf3+, AT & TISD
`_Prop_era' can inean `shove along,' knows where. rl T
- _ � beats � there seemed to be sparks p,f Etre In his 11R :11'1'LETt1Dt•-QE1.IC,E.=AT- RESIDENCE no'rTulti FIgIIRE •�•�I
- In'sptte of x11 her protp tattoos and o❑diifaviostreetClfpton',oripoeitotheEngtish
_ Ines T Se -e -clear"' enOttgll what it Slant- I eyes, ,,utuD- e,u+,rttucohy sida't;uto. r
exclamations, the keeper insisted on in- Call and get all particulars of I3ANKER,S, CLINTON. 1.
fies. I roper A means ,1 ono, aull Mr, I trip, Lc said, in a rico, earnest ---.------- _
viting Joe. Joe was, ri,+ht clown sol- B. i'-RUODFOUT, CIVIL ENGINEER A. PATTISON CLINTOW,
whatever I hits, n thrilling vu•ict 'comp nit onl hui(1 in , r 1 ,� ``llr �`� ���7l tt ���,'[�
1''Ottel]hatU me.;it]Sthttt «'lt I Y ��. l'ruviuetnlaiul Uo•iiintour,andSurveyut•, AGENT G. T.. R. rl�l+ 11�V1.11�7®1\i� �L1\ t1s
ill Juan and Joe Should come. R . I '
from bis ptct>nc,4.-Iria-.Ate,-down to his ' ruins and take ins. It is :t queer court- trclirtuut and Dratl htaluau,PFttalN BLOCK, .
wasu all -varnished and Brunswick Clinton.
dingier attd salt, is A ono, and Dut.hili" int; T, tisk yon to tHke the and spoil illy __ _ — - .--.- o Incorporated by Act,, of Parliament, 1855. {
. that i, not A mic will rrever do or snit black, but true nit tali and Dick only life. Bettor than the otll+:r should spoil R,-REFVFI., OFFICE RATTENBURY IT- 1 1T{ l np.� CAPITAL, - $2,000,,000.
fwished Trip would think. -of, and take ,D,lurray Blue,, two daore oast of, fiudgens' en• nA .YA '�1I C _hiirr,Y '' yUiU a.b ' ' tranoo. l;usiTenni, o„posite rho 1'eiaperauee IIsll 064{�Us�L1CuLV�Ow, O��lI f '
'It ma bo Mrs. Redrern S>iid lite the miller, instead ofthe swell. So rho The girl giddy lit.tlo ahl to epulis^ ai,rot, street, ]tiuton- O ice hours,8a.m.be 6p.m. t HEAD OFFICE; MONTREAL.keeper asked Joe Western and to his
butler blandly. But I think, the Ian, ' ° the deptht__and ilitensity of his p-ssion, ;tyfr;S 1Iu11'�ON, LICEN�IsD. aL'C'PIONEER THOMAS tVORKJfAB1,,,......President.
niuthei s astonishment, Joe consented
ggufrge i5 L•.ltiu. However, this is ill,. , the greatuossof his devotion,of his read-' JfurbiuCuuntvufliurmr. Sales attended anywhere '-- J. H. R. MOL$ON' ...Vica•Pres, ,
to "O, in thu Coautp,ltreasnaablo ratus. RoAtlence,Albert F. WOLFERSTAN'THOMAS, General Manager
terhupting my . stows The, tnissus, sho b ines; to ':sacrifice himself for her, bul•st street,Ciiutlal. After the severest test at the ]at& fair'in _ ,
Joe went• bat he was not an agtoe Clinton it was universal) admitted that r
don't partiettlarly like Tuttenbani's ' b into a liiiigh. AquivCl eau through him jj�� 9 Aotes•diacouflEed,. Collections 7nade, Di f I
boasting of ills Small her,ig11 in"; She iS able person in society at 2llly tlliter On - at the sound. - , - • . L t. ST NH oRY, GRADUATE
OF THE ,Toronto,D- FOR PERFECT A$TD EASY ACTION, BEAUTY iFsued, Sierling and American exclisnge
ill S OCC,N.Ion least _of all. I y 'OF FINISH, AND SWEETNESS OF 'TONE, the bought and SOICG'aE lOtOuR.
-more-high in her notrons -and -site al1.
' , He only s•rw Air. Beaufort at a dis- 1 tDun't be angry Jong T cuulad not help ufooy r the a Condo and en,13 field,, Now York EXCELSIOR. was awe ahead of all oth- 8 current rates. �
Wa S says an aside to the chief gent that toronorfdrtheCouhtyof i3urbii,lfa aeld,f9nt. Y
y' ) b taucE hitherto from the door of the mil! I it. I was thinking of something mother ers,.and destined to be the popular fasten="" Itrtetest at 4 per -cont avowed Sir deposits.
-kook llet' ill, `What Tottenham says ' I Saitd -of it fit balloou hooked to an Cle• I'S WHITT, TEACHER OF MUSIC.- RESI. nlont of the day.' This, along with the fact F`�r�1,zr It�t, t •
going; along the hoard. Now hip atttdied . Ni DEscx at Dire. R. H, head's, comer of Huron and
roust be taken like the barrows with him with tv sCovel oft his brow and with i yliant, It cant be -no -Joe ; tvo are Orange streets. that a special prize was awarded it, certain linneyadvanced to farniere ou their own notes with
salt. }dn was i younger son, and tilt ' i not a nritcli. You know it, and :so d'O - IV speaks volumes for tiro instruments, and no or niore endorseru. No morttrage required a6
his lips set. W, WILLIAMS, B.A., n1.D., GRADUATE OF parties purchasing should see the EXCEL• writ},
bulla of ' ro art wont to this eldest. Ile T Joe. p g tI. c, Bucvv t h 1tTanagor,
p p �, Mr. Beaufort was uneasy. He wbis- ' , 1�.ToroutuUuivmsit5;memberuftheCollegoofYhy SLUR before bu ring elsewhere. January 188 Clintfx
came off' only With the barrow. Thtit y '.Little To pp1111y Raid lie sadly,as be siefansaud iurroons,Gnt. OFFICE& RL87DLNCLthe , ?
4 rered to Tri , who lie was and seemed houti0ormorl),nou pied by Dr. Reeve, Albert itreet —
15 what comes of our law of iwimogeni 1 ! ' dropped his hand and, with bent head, Clinton.1 CgEO, F. OAKES, I'1tOPR1E'lOR. ti t
rea,slueed''whc: i informed that he was J. 13 I ll D TS I {> U M'B +r -
tore, which'iu a civilized and ehristian turned away you urn right, we are no -----
the tnille)•, lis V;*ORTIIINGTON L IIYs1CIAN, iURGEON Factor three doors west of Mulln 's Pura
land ought to be clone away wtt!l," ni.itch ; but I gave you the ehanco,kiiow- Wept,nchcnr,Licentiattoftht,Col„,,,,tPiiyoiciae, ry Y p � ,.r w-
. , ,T<,n, ti,;dl'C(']y Baty di'aT11C 1Ltt1sl, S�]O1C0 ADd9urgeonnfLnwcrCaoadn,imidPrbvincinlLi,•on• uhop,.Rattolburykt,, Clinton. '•'v y - -
And so they ought throw Irl ilrs, tun what must come of it to me,and you O;N� (�f 4 A�iy 4pr
' even leaj. He sat and glowered first at t, 3 ItiAh.andCoronm'furtbeCoullQ0T$ttrun. Oalecnn,l -. --'--_- ---- .- , ...__.. -.- -. - . - _-.- M+. RLc� 4n.Y od 111 o
Re(ltern, 'they don't undfrstand nothing have cast it away.' eosidenee,-Thr buildin(: formortynacnpiri by Mr. 5
illgernon Beaufort, E,q., and then tit ' Thwaitt's, nIalwl street. JE�irE1,LEE, &C.,
about them.' r CHAPTER X. r;linton..In:i.tH,1F.71 - •
'Hilt' continued the butler ':(bout trip. Not a muscle of his face moved _-____,—_- oPPo,SXTE THE 1I:t►!'SEiET,k+I,11NTOIY
' but the lilies in his face becalUe a little PAST Rli('ALI.. \LTNTON 3IrCHA.NTCS' INTTTUTr,, LIL'R-
that inscription on the barroixs, I know , epor, the brows more knotted,the lilts Joe, the miller, waikod awny. He (lid '-/^ill• and Reading Roohis, Perrin block, clown ' .�,A. Bel trumett Where be keeps a select assortment of
that Tottenham did not comb It out of I stairs. About 1,700 v'o aloes in tho Library and - f
tighter•. next 1'ehirn, he (till n0', look round autibi. all rite Leading Nowspapows and Periodicals of
his head. 11o. -asked the rector, who is , I thn day oil rho c;.tlilG nreinh(n�9hllt ticket $1 per WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWFLLERr, SILYER-
Ant I inti Ob tict of ,trent interost to Tii i stood with fold fi Imllds looking of-_ WARE
a an Oxford Scholar, to help birn. Pro. ) ^ I b annual. Open from 2 to 5 p,m., and from 7 to -T11E LEADING-
, you Sir, that you Cannot take youreyes ter1)iin. 9.pin. Applioatwus for nininunrsllsp recived Which we will salt at readonable,,ratea.
pora'is what it is. Now, Mr. Loxufol't .off file 7' The niuseles of her niouth Were twic,I- by the Inuit •ian u+ ni the room. .
you Cali help us to the meaning. ,Shove ---- i �' I
tiler +' do ecm rather vulgar, \that Joe tirade no answer ' lie seemed not ing were luught(u. Tu the moonlight Repairing o4 every d(saripti0n promptly
o n b BIBLES AND TESTAMENTS A'1' COST.. t tended to, and all work warranted.
b to hove heard it, the inch' dial ,les caino into her lovely rul� �k3L' DI CT J. BIDllLLCU1lL'i:,
'loos it mean . y ! —”
`Sir,' said 13eanfo t, graciously, `till I `I object to being; stared at. I am cheoks. NVitat au idea of her mother 'rile Clinton nrancli Bible Society,, have frn• sale at d �k , Olintou,Nov.1°82. —
wit acemitoined to It 111 my position, be that was Of Ilio 111.0 balloon Find the ele- a flue assurtmont of Bibles and Testaments.
.see the plato itself, I can hardly decide TESTA111F, TK from set,. i]PWARDS -t A•N D :- pp I�TT111 veli mII7,\ T,rp
- betweeli >ou and Bfrs, Redfern, The continue(). 1) 1) i1 1 11 11I► 1 13 i' P FRONT. i BIHf.L9 iT•ririt ''�5cili. "'CI'tVAli1T4�- . I ._ . _. _. ._. - ,�
Then the young miller steed lip and Dlit S11P, vvtrs sorry that sin had laugh- I
letters may bo Greek or perhHps ile I(:oMr, AND scR. DIt. tvolt'rmvc;loN, Depositary
bt:ew. Snppo'to you rillovv me.Co look at wtilke,l to the door. Trip was just pas- ed alond and Burt Iris feelings, Ile was 1 o[[oleE slcrD OATS and tn.iivElt anm
s them.' Slug froru the kitchen. Joe gtaspoll her a good soul. Perhaps she might miss 1 MONEY. .MONEY. I EMBALMER' •1•iiIOTHY SEUD FOR SALE.
'Certainly, Sir,' said lho btttler,trlking wrist as w ith Ilse via,,. Silo looked up }IIs friendship when She left that part of Wo can inaho a few good loans from PEtIVA'rE '
in his face. It was no longer rigid the country. Fovns, at low rates gnd moderate expense. I Parties wanting such should cull catty. I'nm afe�
the Jccys, a rigid, Y �� �� ]L➢13 >td�jg prepared to pay highest hrnrltut price in each fur pa -
every muscle was working ; Ire .said in a 5110 was looking after hint lis lin went Perms mado, to snit borrowers. I tatoes. He is still to be found at the old stand,
(•Ii.1P'rER ix. low vo,iev:--- along; the drive, hro&l and white in the ,1rtNNIv(: iC SCOTT, -y_-- Clinton ._.__i_'_. - -7 �' UROTT ST. CLINTON.
' Coale outside to me, Trip -i must utoonli"Ilt,with his bawl -4 joined bohiud J. rh. �� � , f I rhe BLST of I:GYPTI AN wrth aeon lhto of
HOW ONE L"ST A ('II,1\1;•G. ,
. peak to you. his back.'tud his Lend luvv down. Ile .9T51GF.0N DENTIST. I FLLTIDS used in EMBALMING
Mr. 13onlifort'tt visits to th6cottage 'Go on,' she said, 11 will follow you, waft :l solidly built young; luau. Ile Hold the exclusive right for the county for the Hurd FLOUR, FEED VEGETABLES • -
tVCI'U darty and 1111'x9 Trlp tVurO her ' process of aduilnisterrrig chemleAlly ore Nitm en
,IOC• walki'd slOWiy, HCGldny with fii'ni tl'eafl• Murtnxide,which is the safest and t,estsystetn votdts• A large, assortment of ever tlllttn
coveredforthopntniespfextrrtetionofteeth. Cliarzos b' y' o Of the best qualities, which lie will FCRatthe lowest
myrtle green, alternately with her sHgO Ito vv'Cnt Gilt under the frees ;there Every step wets taking rilu f'urthc''' moderate, satisfaction trrrant(cd. Orru'R, HL- ill the UndertrAkil]g line. , remunerative prices toall who may favor hen with a
greem-gowns, tier first alternately with were deer in the park, near at hand from her, not for that night but forever, Lto 'T'S BLU1rli, over Ranec'a Tnunr shop, Horan b call. His stock includes FLOUR, CITOP, SHORT%
Street, Clinton. �IIRAN, OATS, PEAS, HF1N FEEn•, OR.A'IAII y
tier see best, Was •OIUSter of then) (trowsina its .,the 90 it See.nied to het'. FLOUR., CR,,CKrf) WHEAT, GRANULATED ROI,-
Al.rs. Rellfern ordered tier a tbird best moonlight on till) gl•nsS that wits white Th„ dimples went out of lint, cheeks, - ��^- D E FJ Fr♦ X S T;_...__-- p j�pp Store,
Clintonall kinds of Vegetabl'eaDBllLRf t sAir,TCali of whi
of cruslwd strawberry to be got read it as if frosted with the heavily -fallen 1 Red Rocket Store, - Go�n. 1
b Y ' told sho 1001. 0110 Step fUl'wdlyd a1 t{I011gh COATS BLOCK Ho will soil for cash or coarse grains. BRA Nsn01G1t1
once. Crashed strawborr,v would crush dew• to go after him, and it transient feeling crAcc>rczs,. •�>ssw RESIDENCE, ORANGE ST., n moi FLOUR
by tile
ll tonartor
cwt,,ndelivered ever thingof solA
the very heart of DI.r. Algernon Dealt- ,What is it Joe,' evoke in Iver heart that She had abide a '{1���''�� ''1i''I�1 QT'1 � NEAR 117 ETlLODIS'C CHURCH within the corporation. His motto wut no "Gooll
fort (with a duke in the ,family,) Hnd Ile was standing with his bend down mistake t0 sond him away. But It. was '�" =-I ��"^ "'�'"' , goods, Just weight, still one price." Y
bring hial to the feet of Trip. But Mr. looking at the deer. soon effaced, as writing on the self- sand I TI10S. WATSON,
-Beaufort seemed ready to throw himself `Trip,' be said, in a voice that quiv- is of%teed by tile, rising ti(104 fur the next �, g .�. ® �
anreSHrvpoly at those pretty little feet, erred with agitation. 'Trip, dear -dear thought that swept over her mind -she -._ __ _.. __ _— -._.__-._-._ ___- ?T DOODLE TREATMENT
unbrotght thcro by any crushed Straw- 'Trip, we have known each other now was bons for better things than to he' PLANING MILL ,������� IN EACH PAOAAa.
berry. several years, and I fancy shore's nolle ua her rnothor ha(1 said, n 11Ls. «'ind•�L11 �I I • r A H MA CU RE
[To was fall of civility,and overflowed in tht world, not my mother even, I miller. ,, —AND---- g+ TAaTREUEFFOR
with compliments which, though not think of and care for as I do for yogi•. So faithful, so' kind, so gentle, Jot ' -��._ I A`-.')-l�f�Isr'Itti 11ND 1 RONCHITI
original, were, acceptable. Of the race- Trip, I can't beam it. That mail I Luis' had ever been to her, acid to everyone --- D P. g ]K. I L'lj r fi DY it9.A1L ON RECEIPT OF PRICE
! g I' ' Y I am now receiving a stock of Wall Paper and 4 SAMPLES, 20c.' REGULAR SIZE, &'1.00
•fulness of hiw attentions there could lie trust him. When I get a, sack of corn; I else so inaccessible, so hard and co d. . - , �AODRECD FULr•ORD w CO. ,lBROCKwllE,oNT.
noquestion, " take a handful and turn it over, and Then a gush of warm trite feeling BORDERS for the spring trade: which /7\ITE SUBSCRIBER HAVING JUST COM LETLD
e e , 1 and furnished Ilia no+v Planing Mill with machin -
One could hard) have supposed that look hard at it and I know the tialit loured through her Veins dnfl she Cried is WEi.L SELECTED, purchased from the cry of tiro latest tmpMved patterns, is now prepared i 11101111 a
Y 1 1 f (1 Y 1 to attend to all orders In Ilia line in the most prompt I A .
tin number of people could he do,eived of wheat flour us'll come of it. I've b,
Y p I Otlt : best Canadian rind American l,'aCtorioe. Don't and satisfactory manner, and at reasnnnhlo rater. Ho .
by the appearance and the dress of rte been looking beard at hill), harder than 'Joe, Joe.' bny until you seo my splendid variety ^ would also return thanks to all who patrnnized the r
ol'd firm before they wGro burnod out, anti now being
lntin. Yet, Joe thrr miller, who Saw' lit• I studied it minple Of Wheat. The grain The, night wa�+ Still that Ile llcaid h6v __ _ . _ _ _ in a better poaitien to executo entersoxpoditfously, • ft
tie of hint, was the only person that Lad 1 is bid. I don't holievo in him. He mny Hnd stopped. She ran along the drive feel Penn a dolltlie can give satinfRetionto all. I , I - • • 1 , . -
any sn spicion of him. ] t was often a;t- bn a Swell, a gentlenl.on, and that's all ; toward her; and he canto Walking back WM. Cooper. FACTORY -11 ear Use Grand Trunk, Rail . r . � � •
serted that the uneducated
are keenly `blit he II m'il'e you miserab,o and break -not fast, not eagerly, as if expecting BEAVri�ft $LOUIS BOOK STORE. way, Clinton. THOMAS Mc1IFN7,CE , • 1
. ,
J. ..., _-
.' n... I : .. L". .. _