HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-04-22, Page 1-. _.... .5 P .. . ..'..��^ ...r... - .. ...• x ..n u wn .
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THE C L TNT�►N � E -'" T
V%g"22 No. 16
ER> O-41,60 Per Aunuga a advance
- - -
IR4811IRT lNexrUF19
I 1ixsTlau. likes. Mrs. Morrison, with the younger ( a,saFasxs. in this village display considerable activity only thing that marred the whole pro-
'' a heldOin tie Main street Methodist church corn festival he aces Sorg ers of h to
aril with dearill in old Bay- Co.,sen has. I{glly, of the Watso», Kelly at present. Scarcely. a meeting that does ceeding was the ill-natured remarks ' of
y y p y Ig is the choir at the Presbyterian .not witness the entering of new members. some of the losing side in the contest.
here was a grand success. field, one of the loveliest spots on earth j church here, test Sunday evening. BAtt rs.-During the pest week six �'�e think that basin selected such also
ODDFELLO'VBt Sr$uo.N -Tke Oddfel- fora tocn ; d y have oEw the hoose + Air. Thos. Carlin, employed by Air. convictions for violation' of the Scott Act asDZessrs.Chilton, Lloyd, Embury,Seager,
` p lately occupied by Mr. McEwen who has I Thos. Downey at lumbering, died at the have been obtained ill this village. The aqd Colborne to judge the contest there
• lows of this lace will have their anniver-
sary sermon preached in James street ger Banoved with Gia famfiy old
Colborne. residence of the latter,,last week. spring has assumed a backward appear. ought to have been exhibited a, more
��!Mr Bannerman s1n� of the old settlers on P � PN
... (A' Methodist church, on Sabbath morning Mrs, A. D. McDonald attended the an- ce, but several trams have arrived all gentlemanly nd lad like acquiescence in
Sauble line Stanley, died rathersudden] an pa y ' d
next, by the Rev. J. Graham, pastor in ' y' Y nual meeting of the Women's Forel t e Whifie. ' If You caii t te-ha heir-•nerd-ic g
last week ; he was buried in the Bayfield g Foreign Y piss, -butts t,-�ie�-w.o-are.atue-ryas.. ivgti_..
R"' c_.�:_`J• -charge. cemetery, Saturday last. The white cover- Missionaay Socieby held at Toronto, last happy as you can ; the bicycle season is at in an unprejudiced and careful manner.
- __
__- POLICPr, MAGISTRATE. -A petition is ing begins to move on Lake Huron • it's week. hand. Several car load of cattle and hogs However, we admit that the sides were
;_ � ____.-g,otng JU MU_ _ the pur l of ap- cold yet for end of April. Division Mr. E. W. Hagarty, teacher in the were shipped to the eastern markets last evenly balanced that a ,straw might
h o
- paroling Mr. A '. ollins, o. . is -Place, Court here, Friday ; a great many Inter- Ig 1�' 001-;, o ieiated'a tT' Thoma W0WL,_bj-'-Aq� Wq ' na •Freeman. have caused a tie between them.
to the oaitlon of Folico ATa tstrate !or Mr, Geo. Watt of Hui�nZ t.. valuable ... __ - .,-.
p g esttn cases this time • there is the work church last Sunday mornin and evenin • "' -` "'^' '-•A_-#••
11 Exeter, county of Huron. Up to the pre- of two courts on baud as none was held '1'he neiv pastor, Rev. Mr, Mairakey, hav- °lege by infiammatiou last Friday;. this - vntt�t,t• -_-"_ --
' ,, ry sent time quite a large number of rate- in Feb. owing to the illness of the Judge, ing not as yet entered upon his duties makes six line animals that Mr. Watt has 15At,t;ATtON AR.IlY.—Lieut, Scotts of e
I' payers have bigued it. The appointment hero ]net within the last ttvu }fears, j;, Ajc, the Salvation Army, who bas been labor-
. b'. E will be, a good one as Mr. Collins is a very Loivuafslsuitna Kinnon's grand millinery op aiug last Ing in Varna•for the last ten or twelve
' ;Just after the constable serving sum- Saturday afternoon, was n weeks, has gone to Hamilton to recruit.11
strong adgood'e a as temperance Cause. Frenl nn occasional correspondent. ° e y grand•$,UCCess,
I P ` monses for violation of the Scott Act had ' Mr. F. W. Tanner has disposed of Itis. He ie succeeded in command by Limit-
`• PERSONAL -51r. Dennis Driscoll has ( WAGGONS. -Mr. John Brunsden has left Carroll's hotel, last Thursday, a good bicycle to Wm. Potter, school teacher at Cargill, late of Seaforth corps.
;'I�"�-i tr left, the staff of the Reflector and has got three excellent waggons standing in sized atone was thrown at h;m, but for- Sunshine; Fred says he is going to buy`LRll, lat�E f Seafo , 1![orps.row i3 about to
Vis, secured 'it much higher position with the froth of his shop They are well painted tunatety missed hitting hint. He turned another, Buildin operations are brisput a waggon on the road and claim his .
' ' . - '" . Times, at Wingham ; the Salvation Army and are a credit to any shop-aud cheap and asked who did it, but the crowd stand g p , share of house to house traffic.. • If we et
has lost their lieutenant on account of at that. First come first served• inn round were vile mute. and the sound of the carpenter's hammer g
losing such a zealous worker as Dennis b q call be heard in all directions, A imiliber a fete more rigs peregrinating the country11
r: Of , A BROKEN DAM -Twenty or thin Oil Monday evening last Thomas only of the young men from this village atten- 'our people will not have occasion to o to
from their corps; Exeter's loss will be Y Y Y g l ' town, or to the village stores an more
AS LONG AS THEY LAST WE ARE \Viugham'a gain. Mr. Wm. Hawl(ahaw, feet of Ali-, Huber's milldam was carried sun of Mr. David Donovan, passed to his ded the rising of u barn on the farm of gTEUPERANCE�.--It is. expected thatwe r' OFj!'ERING THE FOLLOWING ofS,aforth, was i tow,a•cin Saturday last. away by the sprint; freshets, and all the last res:, 'after all illness of about one Mr. C, Floody, on ,Suttuduy last. Some` p N
WONDERFUL BARfaAINSL.: - • ' '' •:"-� water.ia. run, out,_ Fortunately he„,has week. He was employed by AIr, A. Beam. citizens-require'lo look alter their hens, shall have a Royal Tbmplars of Temper-
. QUOIT CLUB: L-. Our quort club has been plenty of steam power, and lite mIl] rima butcher,•,and used tri deliyer, thgre,hy be otherwise, they are. liable to pay dama es • .once,- uulJcat lustlttied hero pegs shortly;
re -organ for th@ camtng season. DIr. as usual. coming generally known tlirouKtiout the they should not be atlnsvpd tO clestrop pee` \fit'' r"e rtgh't sF,,, of uteri it tFie helot
j Jersey Caps 3 colors, i5cts worth 35. N. Dyer Hurdon, Prep,; ATr, Duller White, • town. Much sympathy is felt for the plc's garden.4. A1r. It. IIenderson, for- such an organizat'ou would without doubt
Vice -Pres.; Alr.;1.T.'Westeott,'Sell,-Tretls., RUNAtvAY.-On AlondRy morning last family in this their time of bereavement.. merly Principal. of. the. Blyth Public be it decided benefit to the community,
Child' 1 Ground having been selected to practice a spirited horse got frightened at a train, and would triaterlall liel the caus(t o- '
ren's Sailor Hats lflcts worth �5 tit the station, rite Watson holly Co. colr,uosed of Schoul,delivered two fine aid eloquent ad- Y p ''
oil and any person wishing to become lFand .broke loose and ran AIrs T, Ohm. 1Vafsun elocutienis't • Alf... dresses -from the pulpit of 5t Andrews tempetttnce in this locality.
Bollst members can do so by applying to tiro down the yard at a'rapid mite. Fortun- C,,tta, I<el,y, vocalist ;gaud ljiss AIinn,e church here last Sunday; lie is looking LITERARY, -Tho LiterarySocietyave
QQs School Hats, 20cis worth 35 Secretory with the usual fee of cents, ..rely file gate Nussltutand thus prevented ,pianist a pearer at • C„rdno'a Y, avid is ou the road fur pen este,taintneut Ili the township
Y 1lartin hale and heart an o
I The club will be open for challenges at the wreck of the buggy, :'�o seriuui dam• L 1 [
- - - _-. -- any time afker t.bst l_uf Dlaly.. Who will age wns done, hall, Lust A7onda, evening, and gave one making n find pulpit speaker, hall, un Tuesday evening. :1t the request•
-- o thr lr��lterlinment tp a flair it it —� P -o----- of the I'resiJent 1 t T. Butes oecupierl
1 be first to seuq the Exeter club a challenge I' f - _ _ . •_:._ , .! . ' ,
° ' . en s Fent Hats 50ets worth' $i 00 A STREAK or LIGti'rNtaC.-Ou Friday lir, holly hue nn several ;ireviriiia c'eca- i• "-ralutsttlCu TOty v�1lt [>, - - the chair, The exercises opened ,vith
1 Ext -ter can }boast of having a, good tin morning, last the lig'ht»ing followed thY I lions at;pearvd before Seaforth audiences a BILI, PURCIIASFU,-AIr. IfenryCurter, singin,•, after which lieu. A. E. Smith
tunateur club as ill the Insall'' and his e]n gine is al ways a' r � of the 1111, cuu. Goderich township , has oflerec)b Prayer. 1 ver lengthy programme
telegraph wires aud entered the It. R. E pp eciated. I, P Y .: Y-
1.. lluuLi.:,-The committee(if lbeQueen's status, making a report like the dk- I -1t ]sat the Scutt Act is being enforced purchased tram Dirs. Tihbutt, a thorou;rll had been secured, embracing dialogues,
>, birthday sports ,ntet on friday et;ening, charge of a rifle, and fused the wires of ! here; during tl,e past few days six eon•
bred Durham bull, raised by' DIr. Jr,hti rendings, recit.ittoua� and vocal and in-
OUR STOCK OF AAl.,11ICAN AND last, to get their programme preparvd•; I the cut ofr. the station toaster wag, busy , .ctionst were, utade On . i!_ uv la t � Middleton and registered ill the herd Istrutnental music, Thin,! taking part tie -
.ENGLISH STiFF -HATS IS i!O'r I ire understand they have something vete i in the freight house, arc! hail t,o idea of 13Ir:•-r•, Kennedy, f ('unroll slid- Djra, i book, quitted themselves ,u a manner which
. EXCELLED OU -1 SIDE OF court on the lis., this year, A>r. N D. IL• i danger until ho'lleardlhe report, ;rtopbtn: ;were eitch -fined fifty dollar- and ' Di, TURDE:n IiIS S.'LT'\InXIt8.-A few show that a great Ileal of care.,haaj.been
J__.- Tt.E CITIES, is still on the turf with his gray :liol'lic t • I cots Un 'Tuesday of chi:, week J. Iii!- I dayzVfigo a Tarnier who had been following taken in preparation, and thal'argc au- ' '
- + practicing 0ery morning; we hear she I hn i l,,, whi f.oLti'l;. -A st,i, Of Mr, loran J. \Vt it and Mr. Sim son appeared the plow a'I day, tired .aud lcg weary had thence of upwards of three tutndre..1 pep-
can strike a 2.10 gait, but it don't last •h,lin bill' +, whilst (dg!lig Use lumber at bcforc the polies ma;.;istrate aud were also =one early to bed and settled clown into a ole, seemed, to enjoy dhe proeeedinge
hnber's mill the other day got three of glee cbe:uuiu g Wo presume, of a uidru
ALL THE LA TI! S.T NOVELTIES i throat }i the whole heat silt, els ,lent , Ir I i ' very much,
g T Y lined filly do+liars eue1, for viul,ttiot, of ;' I b• I g
JUST OPENED UP. of fitting but not mnuy oat„ Messro, AN- his fingers ill crrntact with the ciro.udnr the Act. ! harvest, big crops and high price,,; was ---`----_-_ • --
Intosh and 4hecre,of tlifs place, h,4ye also saw, tie »ever knew before hocv quick ( t ,t aroused by a rtlt-tat-tut tit his front dnnr, f�40 AL 0if��.9.gGK CHIMES.
I anulherA,at horsewhich they are'fllting Ter and
Iltisehievous it was. Johnny now The Lev.:,. 1)..IcDuoald 1
:1st Wed ties- I Not knouvins; what the fellow might want, --- ,
Z. A FINE LINE OF 1 OBBY "CRUSH" i the' L''Ith races; they call him Rarus, the do c his hand lin a slim,, and has de I ”"yc� at the i a:ideucc of. Airs. AIurr:t}', be hurriedly drese,l hiu,sclf and.. n'ent The regular meeting of the W. C. T. I7,
HATS, AT 81.00, JUST 1N, pot know where they prucared the name., tided to take a rest I'<,r a .0 bile, clod bei ,p Widow, in ills usual gcaod notated tnauner1 down, anti found it was a ,sheat medicine Will be held nit TuCaday afternoon, at
more susproiou of circular Saws in future. ti 1 oix of those knot -i not so easily un I three o'clock tt the home ofAlrs. Ru
I but it is rather faster than the original main who wanted to dispoio of sorue of itis + t pert,
tier!. '1'hnae iuunedintely iliterested.twere
T ,- •� Baru, ; this parties who take �Rn interest � Gorr. AI,ox(; AS USUAL. -The sale -of AIrs Jennie Alurray,and DIr. Alex. Scott, sagas. The f:triner, feeling more in need llev, DIr, .11upert !s at Uuelph, beim,
q-� GRAND STRAW IiAT OPENING. in the above named animals is forced to old counters spoken of in the News -Ile- ijr, We cong'ratul:ttO ,flex. upon securiu * I Of rest than physic, gave bim a bleSs]ng one of the examiners of ynuug ministers, a
NEXT WEEK. I stay up all night 'to get them ready for eord,has been postponer) tndefiuitely, In .� a ptixe ill the pursue of the bridt aud hone I and sent him on his way, but. it was not who. are now passing through the ordeal
. the course in the morning; if there will the meantime, IIet Majesty's mails con- I that their journeydown through tin,,- w,'ll : guch ,t ble•:si,ng as L.,aac gate Jacob. of examination, •-
be Ito competition at the races'tve ,are time to strive as tmual, awl no deprecia- I 1,6 ,,ne of I),,,,l,in _ , 13turr5-Tito friends oC 1.[r5,'e ulclotigh, 'Quartely services will 'be held ill Outa-
positive thug will makerit a.dead heat aud tion in the mail matter is noticed. Dusi- r - -0— , widow .of the Into Win. Culcluudh will be rio St, church, un Sunday, May I.Q. A
"� divide the prize money, as they are up to mess Is as brisk' as ever over those OIL], ' 111.vTu. I pleased to learn that she has almost recov- handsome silver sato rain ental servico,has
the present time evenly watched, Mr, honest counters, and bids fair to be for a I ACCHIIINT.-Mr. A. Cantelon is inert- - ered her health again. \Vm, 'L'euttic,".Qf been proeUred fur use Ili the church,
�� � SRO 1 James Pickard is baying his store and long time to corse. The boycott is still in pacfated frons ,duties by several ribs being ' the lth C' 4n., losta' very fine colt a fokv The missionary eutertaiiimentunder the
p ■9 tin depot re -shingled and fit'ed up ;the Ireland and has not reached this neigh- broken ; he will be°laid up for some time. ;days .ago. \Vm. Currie has a pair of auspices ofthe Women's Missionary So-
' HATTERS AND''I,URNISIIE'jS- ,_11, F•N••� old shingles wb1Ch were taken UffhadbreH bonc�,od-Yet. ,We -.afire tsto mileh. "Ltzecl_ _.-. ..; _. .. _ ......
o cn"the roof th,Ity-s •years ; e hope lir. for that. Villagers and farmers' are .. • pp lcndi(i•Lroncl mt�rea-that ]'tis refused $0 Ciel en~itri�xttenbtar y
Ql Litt,-l3iti8 nowly- O,n ed uthec- Y; gi y ._t: church, Orr_..-._._.
ill one of our churches oin+• to sit in Ills j for a few weeks ago ., Another Dir. Currie Friday emtnv; w•rw fairly well attended, -
Pickard' will live to see the new shingles mutually dependent and will still be of g
> , HI'1.1,K„'%r: - seat and let strangers wanacr all over ill had a span of' colts hung in the stable a and protwed very intarestit,g. Mrs. Rupert
., v -� h:at as long, The Main force of the mutual assistance to each other, as they v few Jaya ago; they were ted with ropes lead it paper•,on Origin and work of the
FARM SOLD. -Mrs. Jas, Warrick tins s ovellin bri ads are at ,resent clearing quest of empty pews. If there i, not hon• t ”
sold her farm on lot 10,� 9th con., to A: r; g g ] :, Have always been u, Elie past, here and or Or money cnntt gh in the ob he had 1 and had got entangled Ivith them and in, Society." Airs. I[odgelis, secretary of the
Solomon Rogerson ;AIr. It, holds it this t,e dirt and refuse off Drain street, which everywhere through the coutitry. They 1 the morning he found then both (lead. local socict. ,stated that it started in 1883
will add greatly to pedestrians crossing are the heart asci lungs of the body better resign, g / y
year under the former lease, Y -1 Dir. John McDonald, of Porter's s ?:Till, has with a membership of 10, which .in 1886 `
our streets. We noticed the drab hats ut politic. Any Other course would be IlIETuonsm.-The regular• quarterly the Dakota fever, and ]a ofi'ering to sell had increased to d-!, and llrrc'e_'life Inem-
BANDON POST OrrICR-The post office, the army last Saturday night as usual. suicidal to all parties Concerned. services at" Blyth circuit tine announced to I his farm. Mrs Forbes hag sold her farm hers; the amount subscribed to missions.
formerly at Bapdon,Mr. has been rest, lot to Our enterprising townsman, AIr. John be bold in tite Methodist church, 1st th on lh Ath Tor 8-}850, ,incl moved ber farn• in 1886 b this brancli nes a1v0i an Q378'
the residence of Mr. \Vm. Stewart, int ]0, LtiLt LOCALS. -Dir, Brunsdon, tar., Y + I , , y d w
V Gould is at present running his sawmill a Reek from Sunda when a r
on the 8th con.; it is still called "Bitndou" .in full blast. Mr. E. R,Bissett basstarted has gct•his-house newlysbingle(1 ill front. Y, prominent I ily,into Goderich. The Measles are going had been subscribed since its foundation.' -
post office. 'to dig qut the cellar of our new Oddfel- Wye. Brogden bas gone to Merrickville preacher ,s expected to officiate. The i the rounds to some parts of tlto township. bliss Lily AIcKowen ritve a recitation,
THIS YEAR AND LAST. -The fro s held to learn the milli business; all join in Official Board will meet for the despatch The farmers are very busy seeding clow', ' Do what you can for n,lssions:" D•Iis,
- - - -- _lova. EIall ttith a Iatgtl force of workmen, g f busin(ss on the fullocwin da Rev, J.
_t5,e ;lfirr;t concert liist;year, on th:og3tit of yjr. D, Johns is at present busy erecting hoping tlttlt he will do weld thorb. iYir. r , g y ._, • Perry read extracts from letters received
A this year the S. -e
t P , 3, 3 serenaded one day a tare buildin south of the post office 7.hos. Crisp has begun to make garden Bti sash occupied the :pulpit both - -HRT FCw 11, ..._ .-__. _ l from.-.tho_mission field. Little •Mary,
later, Last year ploughing began on the g P already. It is surprising how man eggs morningpand evening last !i, -th. OBITUARY, -\Vis aro this week Called Lough gave a recitation, �` •lsvo.:i;® ,tz, �'---
we understand it 'will be occupied by Air. Y• p g Y gg u' on to record tiro death' of James Sin- week for missions-" Arise Annie id ng
13th, this year At the some dote Air. Jos Geo. Alanson as a boot and shoe establish- are brought into the stores stere ; it is ac• Roy'Ar, TE:\rl LARa. -Last Wednesday p
Lyon sowed peas this year on. the 14th. ment. Quite a lot of sickness in town at counted for by the prices being so low evening the Royal ;1'errrplars of'rcmper- Clair, second, son of Win. Sinclair, of the gave a recitation, 11 Reach Japan," and
FALL WHEAT,. -On the whole the'fall that the hens are making u for it per- .ance held their usual fortnightly meeting, AIill Ron(]. Mr. Sinclair was a young Airs. Detlor•read and account Of Japan,°its
Mess q. a great many laid up with colds. g p ' li man of . o years of'a manners, customs and general character-
_ wheat looks better than was .expected DIessrs. \V, /sent and H. Weaver will be haps so. 'rho boys" knuckle down tight" The atteutl,tnco of members being very n• y ge, and was well re- g
-" Tlibdgli Ti5•`sotne1Ow ipota and round the now and chase the base ball without the good. Several applications for member- spected by all who Knew him, To Air. istics. The • choir rendered acceptable
tried here on Saturday next, the 23rd' t•- -w rind AIrs. Sinclair anti Tamil serviceduring the •evening the c llec-
~ few da some r has been smothered. a inst., before Reeve Rollins. and Squire least signs of . ireariness; it is so. much ship were.read by the 'Secretaty, ttrdo a y we -extend � 5 9
few days of warm weaitia r w tt make the Willis ; there has not been any evidence easier than what is usually Called work, number of applicants were balloted for, our sincerest sympathy in their sad be- tion in behalf .of mission,, npiounted to
- farmers look cheerful. so far to convict. them' and we hope if` do and far more interesting than -bringing bp,. elected ,and initiated into the mysteries reavement. about »12. '
WANT FIxrNG•--'�Qtiite anumber of the the cows. Drs, young and Dose have and privileges of the Ordc1•' ivhich is meet- BRIcrs•-351F. Aunn bas one to•Wing ``" `'
telegraph poles on the road between Clin more evidence can be brought to lighb o p g , g
ton and L( nil eson t e rade. between
b the they will be liberated., Division Cou?t each had a daughter sick, but they are both ing with good success. ham to attend to Dr.' NcDonald's practice Around the County..
Y was held here on Monday last, Judge better now, SCOTT ACT. -Inspector Paisley, ofClin- during bis stay in Ottawa. McGregor & John Watson, long in the employ of the
lightning, during the thunder stern, last Do to residin' Txeter can now boast ton, on Saturday, last laid information 3
week`: Several new poles will -be needed. Y P ;3• '-"�'-" �icIntOalt sold their three-year old I'm. G. T. ]t, Goderich, died ov Tuesday.
t Many others have rotted off, and at in Of bavi»g a kennel! ; the proprietor is on LEUBUICN. against the five hotelkcepersand the keep- Ported stallion, Sir W'm: Bryce, to T. His Honor Judge Toms'ia around the court • -
$ g the road with a• valise taking'orders for. ADDITION.-DIr. Jaynes Horton rejoices er of a grocery shop on Queen street, for Berry, of Hensall. Idr. Alalloch, public 13ouso again, rocovererl item recent ind]sposi•
down,and thelfneneeclsrepuirs generally. the collies. lir, C. H. I alper, w1iO bas over the addition to his family-ofaboune- infraction of the Scott Act. Should a school inspector, paid our school a visit tion, . "
Bnmr,s.-This council gives notice, in kept the Queen's norbl lierc for the last ing baby bot'. on Friday last. A-fr. C. Mason sails�froin Helps bridge, beln•een 1.aat and West
p Q court be called the trial will take place on Y
our advertising columns, that Watson's two yearn, left on"Mouday last for Lucan, • PLowi..No.-The first, plowing for 1887 Friday, is the Temperance hall, but it is Scotland on the 20th, and expects to be Wawanosl,, has been swept away by the
bridge, on the 8th and 9th cone., is unsafe where he will be found as landlord of the was done by George Tulford, on Tuesday, understood that the hotelkeepers have home early in May. flood,
1r for travel. Miss Mary Little is ]kin.gdan- Queen's hotel,. at ,that place, i•-cently 12th inst, Two days abegd of otyr Dunlop .Pl'ead guilty to the'eh-ar-g-e&-a aintlt•th'emg'•.- - .&,•0.a._ nQlt;rq Captain soil 1'a mastcr�]'rands
geriinsly !11 at. the residence of her father, vacated by AIr, Alex, D1cI alts Exeter s cousins. and paid the statuary fine of fifty dollars ; >4s7r Jordan of the 33rd I3attahon is to hut•elionor-
il 13th con,, with inflammation°of the lungs; logs will be .Luean's gain, as Curry is a it is expected the rocer will like! cave The Knox church concert advertised for ar rank o£ Major. '
I little hopesare entertained oilier recover SOLD OUT,-AIr, David Lawson who g Y the 29th is declared cancelled. y 1
„r y. jolly, good felldw ; we wish him great suc• has been one of the proprietors of the in before the day of trial,' and hand over g •Tho general atom stock cf (►iso. Powell, of
1. Miss Mary Morris has just coli•,pleted her cess wherever be may pitch his tent, 11r, Goderich planing mill, has sold out bis S'p� and by Join sO will save' costs anti a The Watson -Felly concert held •on ErThe g, valued or stock0, hoe been sold at
`" quilt of four thousand four hundred and P. Dardis, of Boston, Mass., is in town - g
forty pieces; this must be fine work, buying hofaes for the American markets ; interest there and intends residing on his good deal of trouble. Werineseay evening, was, only poorly at- 76 cents on the dollar. -
farm fdr,tbe future. Jl�Bl rn. -The jubilee and "entertain- tended. There is on the' 8th eon. of Tuckersmith
SAD AND SUDDEN DEATH -The friends there seems to be •a boom in horse flesh as , meat given id the •Temperance,hall by the Rev, Mr.. Turk has been compelled to a baby three.moufba and six daya uld which
of Mr. W. Snell,of the 7th eon,, who were there=has been as many as a dozen horse DOCTOR, -The many 'friends of W. II,
? congratulating him Inst Friday, oil the ad- buyers In this place at one time; good Aborn, a former resident of this" place. Salvation Army last friday evening, was leave his charge for a few days,on account. weighs, clothes and all, ouiyfourpouads. •..
dittos ofe. boy to lila family, )vete exceed- pr,ces aro realized. Farmers are busy wt11 be glad to know that he has t#ucceas- well attended and proved a success: The Of lits health. }To has been very unwell The long existing partnership of Scott Rc •
ingly pained and surprised to learn on seeding, Arid fall wheat looks good,in this frilly passed his examination arid is now Occasion was marked by the advent of a for some time. Dell, WinghAm, has been'disaolvo,l, 141r I3e}1
Tuesday, of the death of his wife. L''p to vicinity• a full fledged doctor. Ile is at present new lady of&cer,Nho took command of the The Ladies' Aid Society, of Victoria taking tire business. They Lad been fn part -
the time of confinement she enjoyed good —«...-- i spending a few days with friends in this soldiers' hero, The new officers are well 5t• Church, intend having an apron social nerahi? about twelve years.
health, apparently,'never -complaining or - IIENKALi„ neighborhood prior to his departure west sI'O]cen and shows sign's of being well-skil- next Thursday evening. Lots cif good use- ,,114. Thomas Afcl3rido has sold his farm on
1 , manifesthn4 sickness, but it appears that I-ffoly.-Tbe springshow held here last where ho Intends to follow his profession. I led in il,e discipline of the Army,'but to fill itrticies ivfll be ofrered for sale and n the , th concession of Tuckersti ith to Alr.
I' • for some time past her blood has been week was t,eryjlti ell attended; find some . ^ 0__.___..- I beat their drums and create such a tirade thoroughly' good time may be expected. 'l Lomas Conley. of Ifibbort, for the sum of
s gredually becoming weaker, and her sys- fine animals were shown. A[cUlf,Lor. of noises as was forced upon a church. -go. The cricketers are rubbingu their wil- ,,7,000, The fart contains 100 acres an'd•is
Ing people, just assembled for divine wog- p an excellent place, and has on it good build-
: tem reached its climax just at this critical I Bruns. -Mr Lleor a Alurdie has a colt lows and their muscles, Goderich is oto
time, resulting climax
her death after three DrAT11 oP A PIoNr lt,-it is our sad ten months old sired b "Carlyle" 'for II ship, last Sunday morning, cannot "be to have Huron's best cricktt clubthisI Ings.
days illuess. She was the oun est duty to announce the death of Air. Wm, Y' i tolerated by an Inoffensive public, even if The Exeter 7Imes says: -It is a somewhat
which ha has refused an offer of w190. year. They are already anxious for the ,
youngest Stoneman, sr. Ile was one of the pioneers Aiigs AIary Goventock and Alfas DI. J. it is in I11yth' scalps of their lastyear's opponents "Gbme . snfo coincidence that the Sarno fonts whtett
daughter of Mr. Appleton Elcoat,ofTuck- of Tuckersmith, where he by ho^est toil p• Y pl sero. need in perpetrating the burglary at
ersmith sister of Mrs, Jas, Snell, Of .Hill Hilleu returned toTorentoNormal School In ilio recent examinations at the on McDuff, (or worsts to that effect ) the station here some years ago, were brought
lett, and lV1rs. Stanley, of EIolmesville and carved out for hitnselfa comfortable :'ionic, on Monday, after spending a week's Presbyterian College, Montreal, .lir R,
A fete years ago be retired from the farm The Quarterly services of the Victoria into requisition for the burglary of the store-
• had only been married about sixteen and' built a comfortable residence here, vacation at home. Mrs Scott and Miss Henderson, of Wblteebuich, and;grr some St church will be held nest Sabbatb,when (if 1). Steinbach, Zurich, a few week ago:
--- mnntba. Of a particularly kind and ami- where he resided until he dearth, He Gracie Scott are at present visiting friends Years the popular principal of the Blyth the Rev, Mr Howell, M. A., District Sup- The former robbery occurred about four soars
able disposition, she was beloved by all, leaves the aged partner of his life, five in Goderich. Mr David Dorrance recent• public school, succeeded in carrying off erintendent will preach both morningago, when the tools were taken from'tlie shop
and, lul]y.conseious up to the time of her pp ly lost a mare and foal. On account of the Balfour .scholarship in the ass work Exeter North ,,Where Dir.
death, she realized the presence and aid of sons and -it daught$r to mourn his loss. p p and evening. Sacrament of the Lord's of robs Aad been
[fie was a devoted and a consistent them. the done
frosts the farmers have as yet of the second year. Mr Henderson may Supper toil bO administered' at the close Iiolbein had been working, Iuihe ]Atter ease
that Saviour in whose care size has tlrusted clone !tut little ploughing. . well be congratulated upon his success of the eyening service. the tools were taken front Al`r, Heap oarriage
fora long time, being a member of ber of lite Methodist church here. We . and the honors won" inasmuch as his shop, Zurich, where the, same Mr. Ilolbein
the Methodist church for ten extend rt the bereaved friends our sincere. TUCIt:ltttrpmr.arll. opponents are all men of no mean calibre A number �of the inhabitants of town gaged at the 'time of the burglary.
gears, Her acrd hearty sympathy in their severe trial. � was en
death is the first that has occurred !n thtl _ . JULY AND opponents
the 13th and will Oblige him f0 took to his laurels were seen rnsltiifg through the streets at \Vhile the Above is stran;e, it is hot atoll im•
family of her fattier for about tb;rty years, 6"'� inst., one ofour most respected widowers, next year, 11% many friends in Blyth, the unearthly hour of three, on Tuesday probable,
and to her deeply bereaved busba'nd and DAYFIRLD. although drawing to the close of the time who are NatCbin his career w!th interest morning. The cause of the excitement Shortly after the Scott Act cases were dis-
friends is extended the sympathy of all, BRIErs.-The able and energetic John allotted to Man • took it into his head to will be pleased to hear of his Well-deserved was a burning house near the IIigh School, poaect of.on Saturday hast, W. Jr. Hastings,
Tier remains were interred in Londesboro McLellan, counoillcr,+Goderich townsb__fpp, again embark in• the golden ship of success. belonging to Mrs, .Squires, Nearly every- Esq., whe.aoted for the defendants' in these
cemetery, yesterday after[foon. is building a large new barn for \V. W. matrimon for the remainder of the , , thing was saved -thanks to the willing assts, and acting under instuctions given him '
Conner on his farm, in place of the one y A. O U.W-Tl,o now ritual, as a whole, bands of the crowd and also to the fag 'eaueod write of summons to 'bm serdod Yrpmi
voyage, close to the shores of the sea of ( does not give satisfection and it is seldom ' Jomes \ti Anloss, Esq,, Autl Andrety Gooen-
XiNBURN, lately destroyed by fire; Jack knows bow time and led to the matrimonial altar the observed in its entirety. 'The master will that there was not much to save. It is lock, Esq., the magistrates who acted upon
ON TriT SICR LIST. -Mr. Geo Stanle to do it, inspector Ainsly visited our fairest of Tnekersmitli's young Widow s
r Y, borough last week lookin after the In come up for further consideration at the saidtheplata was insured to tuc aruount the cases, claiming one hundr@@d dollars per-
j ., the leader here,
the choir in the Metho_ g to the no small diacomfortude of his next meeting of the Supreme Lodge.* A of $500, but this we can't verify. pity from each, tot, acting As. Justices of the
dist church here, has been laid a for terest of the county ; be has ordered some younger rivals. To celebrate the eydnt a strong feeling exists tont no generally no. The High School Literary entertain. Peace without the proper ..gaailifloation: Tile
some time with rheumati,sin. We "ss as repairs to tho Bayfield bridge; AIr. Italics grand serenade was held at night in the ceptable ritual can be produced by atom- mens held an Friday Queuing, in the cages willbbe tried alt tltp «�uue seaslan:f of the
him from the choir, and hope }ie will a on itas the contract. A 21, [r,dwarils and shape of a military display sort fireworksOperacount oourt anal will no dornbb be watched
family, from Strathroy, (it favorite spot of rho participants keeping time to the music i loon ennad committees aal� n work of ittah'i'r_ nttendeL House, was the best we ever y
Abe well enough to return, as he is a very ,Sir John A. Ajacdonald) leas moved here ofcow bells tin ens and the .screeching I e of apt to be r» was simply astonishing that with interest by the general public. Seafnrth
efficient leader. Alrs.Ral h Stephenson is pans, a; spired to any considerable extent, It is outside'of professional actors such a capi- Sun, 'This has been talked over among liquor
p 1 and opened a general store in A[orrison's of n horse fiddle. Altty the remainder of I suggested that the f?trpremo Lodge offer a p pl Mon for sonic time, ane is A little pioao o£
still very lows and seem, to be growing Old s;anrl; we wish hint ever ,fns crit toil ro me could be sti plied. The „
weaker alt the time. y 1 p } , the voyago be lull of bliss and mny their retard for the profit ation of a ritual of ]I all tt imcd ; no stni,dina; room conid bhuff fitnt will not ,im,innt to anything,
there is no doubt he can do well if t,e greatest trouble lie the want of any, ' "Irpaaing excellence. The QevQrnl lodges be had either for lore Or mens Ti Cheobjcet was to intimidAr 'tho inagist'ratos
y brit it will cf1'eetual]y fail, ,
. •4