HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-04-15, Page 5• irow •weir R r •Q0w4erwued.' O • - PON, E$0.1 April 11. --The day ap- pointed for -the great demonstration in ' London against the Irish Coercion Bill, now before the goose of Cunpnone,opened brilliantly, the weather being balmy and the Sun shining brightly. Vast crowda of People marched to Hyde Park, where the tneetins-_Were to be held, from every trict of London, with bands, bapners, and Carriages tilled with leaders in the day's exercises. The utmost enthusiasm pre- vailed in the great throng. Many of the banners exhibited bore portraits of Mr. Gladstone, Michael D.tvitt and Father Keller and the inscription "Justice for Ireland." Fourteen platforms for the use of orators had been erected in Hyde Park, 'occupying the whole frontage facing the fashionable Park Lane. All those taking part in the procession from the east to the west end of London wore green rosettes to imitate tbo Irish emblem of the shamrock. • The gathering was the largest ever held in Loudon. The people were enthusiastic but .orderly. A motion protesting against the Coercion Bill was offered simultaneous- ly from the fourteen platforms and carried amid great euthusiasin The Socialists stole a march on the police and erected platforms, from which several speakers de- livered orations. They afterwards held a noisy meeting in Trafalgar Square. Mrs. Gladstone watched the anti -coercion pre- cession from a window in Piccadilly and was given an ovation by the men in line. Estimates of the attendance at &e meeting vary, but it is certain 150,000 persona, in- cluding onlookers, were present. The procession took an hour and a half to file nto-the park. The greatest throng gath- ered at .the platform from winch Lord Mayor Sullivan, of Dublin, and Messrs. Conybeare and Wm. R3dmond,tnembera of.P•,arliament, spoke. Lord Mayor Sulli- van;_itl the. Q.gttrlae..uf a. Most effective speech asked : "Is it the wish of the workmen of London that the honest, hardworking ten- antry of Ireland shall be forever crushed down?" A tremendous responsive "No" resounded throughout the park. The mention of the Qaeeu as,about to celebrate her jubilee by singing away the, liberties of the people of Ireland, brought forth a torrent of hisses and the mention of Cham- berlain's name aroused a tempest of groans and hisses,with cries of "Traitor?" Mr.Sul- ' liven, in concluding, assured his hearers that the demonstration would carry hope and. joy into the hearts of the Irish. It would cheer many a poor, struggling man to know that England was no enemy of Ireland. "In return," he said, "don't let them believe those who say the Irish 'are the mortal,implaeable enemies of Edgland. That is a falsehood worthy of the bottom leas pit. (Cheers.) Lst there be an end of oppression and injustice, and there will be an end of hatred. Personal and There is a floating rumor in Ottawa that Sir Adolphe, Caron will be appointed 'to succeed Lieut. -Governor Aikens, whose te'r'm as Governor of Manitoba expires this year Sir John Macdonald, it is announced, " wilt have to sit all through next session for both Kingston and Carleton, on account of a protest being entered against him in the .+former constituency. Returning Officer Dunn,crf Queen's coun- ty, N. B., notwithstanding that Mr. Kinn received a decided majority; -of the votes cast at a regularly contested election, has declared Mr. Baird, the Tory candidate, elected by acclamation. If Mr. Baird were a man possesaing ono spark of honor or manliness, he would decline to accept or hold a seat under cinch circumstances. • The annual convention of the East Huron Reformers wiis held in the town hall, Brus- sels, in the 8th inst. There was about 100 delegates present, Mr, E E Wade in the chair. The- following officers were elected for the current ,year : President, E. E Wade, Brawlslst viice-presidssst, Gzsa. McKay, Wingham ; 2nd vice•president, Thomas McMillan, Hullet ; secretary- . treasurer, W. H. Kerr, Brussels. Dr. Mo- s -Donald, M. P., gave a: brief address, re- turning his thanks for the noble work done in'redeetpng the riding. The entering of a petition against Mr. Blake in WestDurhpm again shows up the anxiety of Government concerning its al- leged. majority. The petition is entered for no other purpose whatever than, to keep a Liberal seat vacant by preventing Mr. Blake resigning WestaBroce,for which he vhissiltio. elected,. It is the law that a member Who has been elected for two seats, on being' petitiot>ied against as respects one, cannot. resign either that or the other.- Tho theory of the law is that a member, being pet' tioned against, may be unseated. Ther - fore until the petition is decided he has a clear title to Only one seat, and cannot elect which ho will sit for, as he --could if he were not peititioned against. The franchise'fA likely to be conferred Ion women in Michigan for municipal election purposes. • "Good deeds," 'once said the celebrated Richter, "ring clear through Heaven like a ball." One of the best 'deeds is to alleviate human sufferings. "Last fall my daughtct was in decline," says Mrs. Mary Hinson, of Montrose, iCansas, "And everybody thought she was going into consumption. I got her a bottle of Dr. It. V. Pierce's 'Favorite Pre• saription,' and it cured her," Siel) facts as . "thd above need no comment. Ten Scott Act convictions --`p50 each and coats—were made by Magistrate Noble at Strathroy Monday. About 150 neon and boys escorted tho County Crown Attorney Inspector Williams and informers, to the train after the Court adjourned; but did not commit any breach of the peg o i. It looked, however, a6 if it was only for wart of a leader that the mob did not attack the officers and informers. Constable Mealtime,- of Rothsay, Was brutally beaten at flarristoo on the 6th in- stant while serving a Scott Act summons, Warrants have been issued for ,the arrest .of the persous that committed the assault' A term in jail would soon stop snob practises. The Kingston Assizes opened on Monday before Judge Ross. There were only two cores to°'go to Grand Jury—one fraud and one libel. Speaking about. the latter, the Judge indicated that,he did rot'approve of libel suits unless they;were of Ferions char- acter. A man with a reputation did not suffer much by a newspaper criticism, if it were confined to where he was known ; the case was different where the libel circu- lated among people who dirt not know him Well. The duty of the jury was to deter- mine, if poesib1'. the purpose for which the libel was written. .ose protes.s. In. Wel)ct Huron, Kingston, West Durham dcc.l ego.l EVERYBODY PROTESTS That our Photographs head the poll.' FOSTER, Beaver Block, Clinton. r... BORN ROUTLEDGE.-In Tuckersniith, on 11 ch 25th, the wife of Mr. Charles ltoutledgo, of a son. GOODWIN,-1n Godertob township, on die iCth lust., the wife of Mor .A. Goodwin, of a son. AUTTERSON.-In Mullett, 2nd eon., on the 2nd inst., the wife of Air R Autterson, of a son. JAMIESON.-At the Methodist parsonage, Lyndoeh, on March 24th, the wife of ltuv W S Jamiebtou, fututer- ly of Bayftold, of a son. SMALLACOMBE..•-In Exeter, on the 1101 inst. do wife of AIr J G Smallacombo, of a daughter. MARRIED CALLANDER-ELLARD.-Lt North Street Church Godericlt, on the 12th inst., by Rev. G It Turk, Mr Warren Callender, of Clinton, to Miss 1 EllartJ., of Goderich. CLEC° -FI NDLATER.-At the residence of the bride's father, on March-'.'1th,'by Rev II Alcltuarrio, Mr John Closes eldest son of Mr Jos. Clegg, to Jennie, oldest daughter of Mr Wm Findlater, all of Morris. ELLIOTT-F.,IIRESTER.-In Mitchell, on the 7th inst., by Rev A F Tttlly, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr Wm Elliott, B A, High School teacher, to .1iss Agnes C, youngest daughter of Mr A Forrester, of Mitchell, and sitter of Mr D A Forrester, of Clinton. DIED STEVENS.-In Clinton, on the 8th lust , Margaret, wife of Mr Henry Stevens, aged 53 years. Spring* Shows. CraNTox,—Tuesday, April, 19. BRECEFIELD,—Wednesday, April 25. CLiN'TON1fARICETS-`— Corrected every Thursday afternoon. • Thursday, April 14, 18S7. Wheat, spring 0 75 a 0 77 White and rod - • 0 77 a 0 80 Oats - 0 -28 a 0 29 Barley 0 42 a 0 55 Peas • - ^ 0 48 a 0 48 Flour, per ib. 4 00 a 4 30 Potatoes • 0 50 a 0 00 Batter - • 0 15 a 0 18. Eggs .,/ O 10 a 0 it Pork • 5 50 a 6 00 Hay • 800 a 8 00 Wool in trade 0 20 a 0 22 Wool for cash . 0 18 a 0 18 Sheep pelts • 0 50 a 0 75 Lamb skins - 0 60 a 0 80 Clover, poi bash. 5 00 a 5 50 'SEAFORTII, April 1$, 1887. Wheat, spring, • $0 75 a--1.0 77 Red and White - • 0 77 a 0 80 Oats, - - . 0 29 a 080 0 48 a 0 48 • 0.42 a 0 50 • t•015 a 0 17 - 0 10 a 0 11 050 a 060 - 5 50 a 600 Peas, • 1Sarley, Batter, - Eggs, . - Potatoos, • Pork, - BLYTH MARKETS. Blyth, April 14, 1887 . Fall wheat, red, per bush° . 70 a 78 Fall " white, 75 a 77 Spring" •' A, ` . 68 a 75 Oats 27 a 28` Barley .. ,• , 40 a 48 Peas .40 a 48 Apples por bag . 40- a . 50 Potatoes " . 50 .a 55 Eggs per doz , . . 10 a 12 Batter, tub . l: a 16 Bett.er,rolls . ." 12 a 15 Cheese . ..l5 a 15 Lard 10 a 12' Flour per cwt, 2 00 2 10 Hogs, . ' 5 50 6' 00 Hay, . 10 00 12 00 Straw . . 2 00 3 00' (1 OOD BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE.- BEING NJ Nos, 44 and 45, on the north side of Princess St., near the Organ Factory, half acre each, with a few .bearing fruit trees, rhubarb plants, berry bushes, Ate. thereon. Splendid location for private residence; TIIO5 HOLLOWAY, Clinton. HOUSE TO RENT. -TILE SUBSCRiBEIR OFFERS to rent a large frame house ou Mary street, it contains plenty of room fur large faintly, all conven- lencie' , and is one of the most comfortable houses to town. Possession given ou '1st of April. ALEX, GORhELL, Clinton. J "IOTTAGE FOR SALE -THAT COTTAGE AND %J two lots, formerly occupied by Neil Mntherson, next, east of the'residence of W. Doherty, Esq., con- taining half an acre of land, and the most eligible dwel- ling itridinton. Very liberal terms given and posses- sion at May next. W. W. FARMAN. I' OUSE ANLSLOT FOR SALE -A FRAME HOUSE, Cowell -situated in„the town of Clinton, Is offered for sale qu reasonable terms. House contains eight rooms, (two storey), with pantry, closets, good cellar, etc. Lot is half acre with bearing fruit trees, hard and soft water, with convenient stable etc. •Apply to W. C. SEARLE, Clinton. t ITREET AND CELLAR PAVING. ETC. -THEIN - M5010555, who is a thoroughly practical workman, and has had considerable "experience in -paving, is pre- pared to undertake all worts of this nature, Street, cellar or'stable paving, with stone, done in the Most satisfactory manner and on reasonable terms. JACOB BEHER, at Mr. G Rentgen's, Clinton. ; vim ' rilII0R0-BRED . BULL FOR SERVICE, - TIIE Subscriber keeps for service, on lot 27, on the 0th eon., Mullett., a'rhoro-bred Durham Bull, of good pedi- gree, he is about 15 months old, registered in the Do- minion Ilerd Book. He was got by Crimson Duke 2nd, Terms 51, with privilege of tcturning If necessary. .RIC11ARD CARTEfi. . ¥4i fl0CSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. - A FRAME ! house, with tAto lots on Victoria street, near tiane'sold hotel, belonging to the estate of the late John Stephenson, is offered for sale. The house is comparatively new, with nine rooms end stone cellar. On'the lots are hart and soft water, stable, h c. The properly is advantageously situated, and will be sold on reasonable terms. Apody to elthcr J. STEPIIES- SON; Clinton, or O. SWINBANii, London Road. LOTS FOR SALE. -FINE, 111011 LOTS, SiIADE trees all around. Itleh land for a garden, Ione site for building, corner of itnttenbury and North Streets, and one adjoining lot, xy acre each, Sold en bloc or separate. Also one-eighth of an acre, part of lot 136, on South Side of ltattenbury Street, occupied by sub. scriber, with two-storey shop, 24-30, and stable, will be exchanged for property adjacent to steam power. Sold together, or the shop sold to be moved off. Can be changed into a house. For terms, apply to, J CURTI,$ STEVENSON. CLIC TOti POULTRY YARDS. F.GCIS FOR HATCHING. - Frotn,Thoro'bred Whito and Brown Leghorns, W. F. B, Spanish, (non setters) Laigshan's, Dark Rrahamas, Plymouth Rocks. My breeding stock Is unsurpassed for laying qualities. Eggs for:hatching will be fresh and true to name. Now is the time for farmers and others to get poultry cheap. Book your orders now. Como and see mo as 1 am sell- ing cheap. i can be scan at Harland's store, Orders by th'ail promptly attended to. JOHN WORSELL MONEY TO LOAN At LOWEST R;tTL"Sof .1NTERRS 7. aissanlaliees - Effected —1 N— FIRST CLASS COMPANIES. Several gond Farms for Sale, Apply to WESTCCTT & SANDERS, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, EXSTEO, ONT. 887 • Grand Opening of Millinery Show Roam? -AT THE --- DRY GOODS PALACE, CLINTON ON SATURDAY, APRIL 18th. Also a Grand Display of Novelties in every department. W.o -e= - a hearty welconne to all to come ane `see us, r JOHN WISEMAN Manager. BLYTH BOOTS SHOE STORE We beg respectfully_ to announce to the people of Blyth and surrounding country that we have bought out the Boot and Shoe business of Mr.' A. 11Inr•doch,, Blyth, which will be continued in the stand IMMEDIATELY NEXT TO IDIS OLD . PREMISES. 1Ve have milled thereto eA int-tian Bool: ���siass �Co Which we will sell at close prices. Having had„considerable practical experience we will also continue the manufacturing department in all its brariches,, and those who. favor us with their trade may rest assured that no pains on our part will be spared to give entire satisfaction. Our stock for Spring and Summer embraces both heavy and fine goods in Men's, Women's and Children's weal', and °we shall be pleased to show our goods at any time, feeling assured that we can gullrantee satisfaction to all•who may favor us with their patronage. • EGGS TAKEN IN EX-CIIANGE. FIVE PER CENT OFF FOR CASH. w- W.A.-Sri/OM ek SOWS, Clintsn n a.nd 13137th. JACOB TAYLOR, Manager„ for. Blyth. PALLISER & CO. I-rw 1.1E.A3DINi4G- �ctiTlllly OC'ERS CLXITT®N. H SIE t NEXT DOOR TO T.00OPER & SON'S o'�GR�CE kY{ 2 : ar L ads of D Y GOODS RECEIVED Busy marking off No time to give details. Expect to be open for Business on Saturday Respectfully yours, SAMUEL WILSON. 3OISJV3HO Ee4ata J. 80DCEN9. illincry& Dress 600 -d -s, DETLOR - & CO. Will hold i-heia` T illluery° arnd G:-oods Openings qu 1 Drs. IJAY 9th of APRIL, AND FOLLOWING WEEK. The' Latest New- York Novelties, Special Attention given to our Dress and Mantle Making Department SEE OUR NEW AND STYLiSHAACKET CLOTHS J.01DETLOR & CO., - Clinton. JACKSONS Shoo Store rFQ TIFI- SP u�as711!a �i�r oP�uo Comprising the latest productions of the best makers Economical buyers who delight in [very close prices in the country. will find their D ; DREAMS: BEALIZBD; i\.N1) TIIEIIR i XFEC'T'ATIONS MORI, THAN GRATIFIED I3Y OFFERINGS OF UNPARALLELED ' GENEROSITY. • ThISNJ .EAU P, 1I1: s what we.{ P T't I C, I C L @� �l (AND GTJARANTEE L ]E *,'T1 QTYL 1 S. 1PA TTP. T 11IC11E . Examine our early SPRING STYliaa YOU WILL FIND THEM THE NEWEST, THE BEST AND }IE CHEAPEST. ....__.. PRICES, QUALITIES AND STYLD'.4—,11.z yo4CLLile 1Thom. • We deal in extremes—the Best and the Cheapest. Call anti'- e for- yourself. • EGGS TAKEN IN TRADE. 5 PER CENT OFF FOR C'ASIF. $ TORN' r•A,0I<s OeT- JI4TiNi ri`OTN :And d.ONTo7E*la0I- .O Go to Glasgow s The Leading Gent's Furnisher, Clinton, FOR THE LATEST STYLES IN MEN'S BOYS' ENGLISIT AND AMERICAN HARD and SOFT HATS. I rHE KEEPS THE LATEST SHAPES, AND THE PUBLIC CAN RELY UPON GETTING THn BEST VALUE lion MONEY. 9 • SMITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, CLINTON. � P •l