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The Clinton New Era, 1887-04-15, Page 3
-�— , ,.•�,--•,,,�•.�w,,....-«+r--u� .,,.,. _fir.. _ _, _. ,.,•� -. , _ r _ ..... .. .. _.. .. ..... . r _'e�7 • , ... ...,r.. >, ...q„ro- ., • -, ...,..•, a _ ._ . _ . ,.-I -,—,� .�., — �.... F#IDpY, •.A1ZIL. ]G.68. ing Goingpqu44.ity,, &sir. beon>#Re, withot}>t ay , ldattry hard Beecher had a curiou9' Fe1R0�$p i�A>!.E. t. pp ,_, ; -^- '" "- r 'lig a heavy duty, we. could • sbll our prw. u@e love I?o>c $ager rings, and gli.P0 a: great , TilAiilS IN lw[pKILI OP FOR eAL1lI,,LOT s4 " ' i;QMEWHBRE !r Cyu.f.-Good la in the boat markets. Second, beau@@ of tilt can away. He tth?1C $ great del.lirht iu f locality: Come'anil uoa 1t, Wjll�bel loll , and S ri � Somtiwhere .4he tying ii blowing, . keen competition will@h snail larg@.market layinlr with ells and purohase what we can precious ato, N.�ICAUPH&EL, coustance P. 0. 4I I I tbongbt as I toned along etimallate, we could rid always carried in dies I►cket a choice 1. In the burning beat, of the. noontide not produce at the lowest living price. I wil ariety. Hie tate was a ock to and hie FARIil FOB S tLE--PART QF LOT 20, ON TEE I ' ' And Abe faa0a made me attong, glue one instance of the disadvantage we art �tidgmeot of value extretnely accurate, about 4U aoreu t tTermaoo sutit pour$baner.'coAnt y `o, `' Rist(, eomoAhere the wind 16 bl,ly[mg• at In selling our produce. Take horses - h si4iLltoN H P Though here where I gasp awraigh, The American market faces the price of our He Often presente4l a ring tu'tl blond. ETr , OLTctOeldkRON,earrletera,(;Node 1cb 1 17ot a breath o€ air is stirring, horses. It is idle to say that theliome mar• would take a ring from Iris pocket, slip t l w0 FARMS FOR 'SALD-LOT$3, IN Isru r N,, v Not a cloud in the burning sky, leets fix the prices, as our great lumbermen n tilt l)ecilsieat s finger, and nay nothing Goderlch township, in good stake of cultty. tion go to Toronto, and elsewhere, and, in coni• He greatly enjoyed the surprioe OCcasiona, ,ring Nauss lust built, go„d burn, excellent fences 4bd :w.veniently situated Also the east, alt, of lot 7s, .it y. ' h Somewhere the ILin, w0 lung for petition with Americ;yn buyers, urchaeo the hY rush gifts, and it was t0 him ail the re Rho hl.utl,ud concession, (lnderi¢ih cowl shi "i 1 ? h p.'tN, at as Exists on eartlf,'u wide bound, most of their supplia,a. These is a Fluty of sli,•tr•e hi drolred. ,erne, 5 uer, i elem,d uud heeded tl,,w t, 20 acrta in _ t3omewhird the run is a6tantg 20 per cent on horgea ;;eine into the I'nited neparativu furoitarltg. buhutcu ppttuoil l,a,dwo„qd I uKh }gveu Jallau and China dealors keep in stot k 'iermseasy, Apply to MaNNI41 A SWIT, Burris When n intts nibs Q10 ground. States. Now, the Americans at our own and sell Wigat.'s LiverPltls-"cite world's beet.' -ere, Clinton. - omewhote the 11, wura :Ire springing, barns will pay $150 for a good horse, pay f30 Liver complains, dyspepsia, indigestion aur• --- -`- --------- _ . - Somewbere tilt, corn is brown, duty to get hila across the lines, and sell -Wk bo-„dache re&dily yield to them. 30 pili )'ARM FOR SALT+;. -FOR SALE, LUT 30, CON R A+•d ready unto the harvest him ata good p1 ofit. Note, why can't Coo 25e, All dr u +lifts the world over. H eassioi 2, 1,,R.1 ituckeraoilth, containing 50 acres J , ' f♦-,) 'To feed the hung) tOwn. o bb ' which d5 uro uleured wellttucyd, (yell underurahned t y a» well handle that X30. For years past there has lived in Califon- 4I I h, a Nigh state of cultivation. There is a filed APRIL, 6 - L .me house, barn undstablies, and ml orchard of plum, SOmen•hare Ihs twill •lit athrra �s0-” uta a roan of blanrelese tie sin fur ae ku0atl, apple, cherry and peur trees. There la a never -failing Be on Spur Guard. a �• And wo,uy oleo LLY by there, who was rnspecred in flu eDwmou nett Itlswlthiu tuna mileaotullnt•on, Land of ------ • TM"°---. . -- �••------��-.�+.��. The bunion of Che (laytime, Don't allow a cold to the head to sluwIy and ity, had raised it re»pectable faulily, sun g g ' druccfleld, wuh n uud ravel 10 d leading to each 1 ! Aud trrapped 1n Ounaber lie, surely run into Catarrh, when you can beeured pIACV. Fair further particulars apply on the premises _ • ,So uea4'bere Ulu duty it, bi caking, for 25e. by using Ur Chase 't Catarrh Curs. v( [laid bhuself +,cltievod prominence in vatP.O.T { .r to Clinton J. B. CROSSUN• Sun. Mon. l �- ue !Wed i Th ' Fri f Sat. Ic;;:, tva s, It now turue out that ear,, •' .. . . ' Atli) gloom and tlarlit:e=s flee; few applications cure ivaipient catarrh, 1 to 2 Y y _ -� � i , boxes cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 L(1 5 bores ,s H o he w ns one of the must desperate cries• IPLUNDID FARAL-P,0.1'„- ;aril.. 1V14Al .:J>t3Lr1•,L- •-- - { ; a Though, storuka our bark are Loosing. Y d L a''°/ LsxT form nt 15d acres Low luta 0 70 suit 71 '-- - a---.. - __. t guaranteed to cute chronic cltarih. r,+,v ,t, Iv:,la of tLe east suit an ,indictwuut fm ' g ' Tnnre'e suu,awberc ;t Irl'•eld sou. C+nly 25o, iin,i surd ettre. SuM by alt Aru;gi,ati. I I. r_• t' ix still pending against hit0 Lu Nea %bout 1351acres Ocie ed nud is cuu dustate of cultiru �/qJ i 2 And theta, I (',uu_lt, ° i+ ai:t'a}'P, —•sem--�� Y. tl; e1t �. l�ll'urts are beitiv tuade t„ bav't 'loaf. Un the pren)l.,ea is abood brick house, with all ” o • Y ■ r+g r:� q jeweller, it db In talc mysterious life, irTl!:\1' 1 N O }^I:S, euuvunteucea of stubllug, G wk barn, well watered, aa., thea qua. a d, hitt i' to vigor•maly resisted -uud bearilag orchard, church un tilt L•trul autl s:h cal �j . �! n There's always glnduvs, soutotnc�re, �_ 3ueL cases du. not often occur uuta)de of out far away', rib Ut 0luilea from the town of t that n. `dr L«j ! t Toe spite of its pa't,t and r.trifo ; , p�� Puts furcal is nus of the beat fu the towushl of Gude- 4 7 1 p v•, «, rut Fin ,Fdst'e evttlll'a ltoudcr u0tc tile. tnsg,ys ill t..ttt::�!'ury h..olte, and n1}rn they do peui;lr p Y, - A rink ,^.�� yya::) tilt it"txt.,unt, limo. Full llarticul,ra r5r'1�J° u 1 J ., tJ� , i �i3 a lw.t' ., U to "% n moi , Aar6 t?,._ uta ti1L sin suit s nrt.w alt caste of rbeumatisua, ueutalK,W, -burn!, ate nt tt 1.%es to know what is the beat thing .tin upplinuttoii'tn lila j,roprief(Sr;'.iUFiN 1tUllD, Cltn• 0 .� n Of calth'srH kuotvu uo m0[C, Cuts and wounds. All drul;giets. it, c1 cue I'. U. or of the\EW ERA OFFIVW, Cnntvn. Sometihere our weary spirits 1 0:shout tllei 13 i Hball find a peac:•ful -.bore, It •v Richard Rigelewnu, p.ietnc of Ila,r HHvo you oyer tried bleGregor & Parke's t1p p Oarholie Corat )for sures of an kind '1 it Is 1ARAL FOR SALE. --THAT CHOICE FARM TIRE M ' 1 al � r` Z'! D1e, hodlar Church of °iutvtlle, !)aa 1ut•tt Y I�f��. t i2JJ �ITa� d a- .. • h.•yulrtl doubt tin very host prepurutieu lin the estate vi the lata Julu1 7 huepaon, Luing was' 6 6umowbcru bio thiobs that !ry ria tined 8,40 and conte, fur Lia•iug :t lady of market fur hcalitig unit curing 'lures, Burne. half of lot 40, Coll. 1, East Waw•anusl, evutuhdrigt LOU �f (� 2f1 6a f ` 11 Shall nil Ila ropsestdaway' bisCoua!'egattotl'a;ninstNurtv!Il. Vu(m,Piwples,131utchos,andistheonlypr,ipt,,. acres move w•k4ah;Wacrescloured(cading..udstars• a •-- u VV �+t f�j And donut awl fere' L•e lmig,ir utl•thud of apptying Curbud0 Auld. Sold ut f cultivation, well drained ,cad free fruuaobpox;ous - ` ' t T'r Ci NEVER C11��+ '( weeds, lin aeros bah r ddJJ�� N„(,' Iupv,le 0114 pa•{set .d ,y. The 5tandaral, a1'usi s Liver Pi;Ia. Always Wurttuu;tuu'a Drug Store tar SSu. iter aux. t cud 4 dutio pasture, h3acrea ��- V .', ..ja a+, 0broth@r, tlttuoiltile dalknC,a- reliabl..'riv•erfitil. Careallllvdrstillatct:I,CI' Tirado.• ilewfrA a di toll pluiarti duan to the ideal is 24 (,��, �� �� IU6'll Canu•,t' be tau careful lies nein frame dwulllug, burn 15x55, stnbin, 02x2$, and 2 2S '29 30 gAruuud illy rout be C.et, diernsrs, (�U p;h:2Su All Uro„F;Ists• they aCCuwO tht•tf pn,rn7te of ateu4itt,, A ther ,.utbuildh;6•a;2 nulls, sprhig er,ek nodagot(I t �h, 'ThL,eariI, isrolliug amen it -Gihricl Dtinimit is r p„rIcd as siiyiu•„' Cadu ons srttivd n, ti •a• Y•:rlt tilt other cad I reliard. ly0i, 0milttfrow Clinton,gravel ad12 1'o d 1 nll.e Iruu, Ifly'th, 10 n111Ls from liuEm,, unit 1'L P. ,t, And ItghE thali curdu at last Ilia. in tilt- l:,t•o re' elik'll rile+ half bret%6 j Clay itivulvitig the o,ti_rt,hiU l -f an oranitt, m,ssftomGudtn'ich; fa well fonced with board, rolls ivc�l 694 Chestnuts P ; p • __ __.. - ------ host five turn at the Dock L•tko right, autl I which rlLisholxs tilt$ P"Ilat. .1 woman • iwh'u F„rftu'tburpurLiuulurs,tpplvnntho premi- q . Enjoy 1, noun ut Fish C,-eck, where they 114RI only ( enLe:ud a st.i[e uud relvcLiu l:to ollwges sea, or to Mita. JURY iIIUUPSUN, Loudrsburu -^� 1 What a truly beautiful w -mid we livA ill. 47 men'. 1 frotu a box :.aid alai would who .11cui, i3'1ARd Loll SALD. - TH%'r WE 1(;jOWN k1u 1211g Itvature fives us gran�eur Itit$' muuu[ain glens c,t ,• i,_ Whitely j, rui„ byhr 1 •t 15, cuu. 17, uud61% t 1►O,q)1.41'-co,1M .. 'lily-yluldis t;:t Nv1:.k6;°1.:.'Rix!-i�'y'k,, 1i.4tlm" k.i)b SA16. h .t llttj2 ill lb trOr w i` t,oni_a.* B�I Q,. _,t "LINTO .-.,..t. lea . ,, l.. Q, .:. _.s •. d. 71oa1.._.t�flt tli n+a}�n� t.po '_tY... , . ._ :.,.- .,. .: _ :.... 1. atP,_atultw�..11. X11':.tl ' Q 11 8 �, Y. _.._ mud tlatl3t11s, m1_. t 1 1 C irw yrujl,`tlbliaiorf`ai,lflg oirta fCi hrol,---lh lite bil90 1 (,f h+ r"itf`0rr rind neo (hal'ol ht•i ton, uuguu/lgruyel ivad. 'filo -Lk,l, uta wsaUacrea,` +®o s,�.-.. _ �u s. mint: We can desire no better wfien to per chitis, consumption, anthtua, ate. .SII drug. + of theft. Shia r�l udiated the charKef a d 70 cleared uud in )(uud stat6 u cultivation, ther.•mlii, .._ ".._. - -- .r feet health: but h. -w ofter do the majorlty of ,(;}alt ✓+k dergoodhurdw-aid bush;tl,erearel5acrt-nffall whent 1Depple.feel like giving it up disheartened, dig ti brought suit agatusE tti;n to rec ,ver 3,UUu uud ILII full ploughtl,g Ouue; there art two wells said uu s0uraged anti wore out with dttenae, when Mr. .T. Pit shot of Grindstone Island, daillagee. Befure the case wont tit the. eve -Hawing opro y, good orchard, train barn 35 x 55,AWAY #% A stable '15 x 03, new Ira luo huuso 1S x 20 with live AHEA tthe.eis uts-ocuaaiou for this'feeliuti, as ever near Rin clan, while litCenl tin to reseuC jury, however, tlu al,trekei hurtled tl . U Am G IN i, Y g P g , ruouls up;'utra and 4 rm,ms down atnlra, nada kitchen sufferer can anally. obtain tatiafaeLory proof, ilia Nurse, which broke through tho ice by pinyin, the plainntf X400. T'hu nifcto:,es 11x23; three are two chutches school an•1 grocery, all that Green's August Plower, will make, them the other day, lost $1,500 which lie Was is, stays the Sul, that rules» nu.iuuhaod Rotolo Hue uxl+tin e, walk. i'osaeaatvn given ninny Our'Spring Goods have come, and sucl II Gon3.1� : The cloverest en in tiro Awe to hu t pnrcha.•cr For partleulara enquire pt n free from disease, us what burn. Dyapepsia taking to the bank: .. evidenci3 is adduced tostistain such chargis x,.;W ERA Othueuruf MLSSRS.MANNLNb.&g0OTT, world Cgtlld not tell -you 110iV IOYeIy ilt('Y are, pat IUS"L` ,'UU t em t0 get any and Liver Coniplaiut are Ills (litect causes of T,srpid liver the cause of untold suffering of LIM;, the tradesman had UOLter poakrt or utthe proprietor, un the premises, L.I &DINING! Idea of their• beauty. You know we ttl%Vt%VS Burr' cheieu tyoodii savant five et, cent. of o1 maladies as ( Q It ll P u. j n ,but Our stoclt Y p /h 4 slid misery restored til its normal condition by the loan and say uutllinG. ` _. t this sea�Qol1 9y}rptrsses txnyt1ti11'r tvo havo 0,01, 2howtl OU et. �1 ioOenQsA, Inditgestiop, Sick Headache, ilia ,AAO of tF7eet's Livor )'lila. Also cure April showers lying forth bin $mucus also JIAIAI'1l TOR.e %Li •'i tIA'r SPi.ENDID FARb1FARri o j'” $ �usttveueax NervoubPrustratiuu Dizauttlts of Y , , 1 car lou ne•eti, bums( Lilt .137, coal. 2, L. R S., aft . eoativet,ess, constipation laud dyspepsia. • All hrin,on rheumatism (;uro, WutId's \Vander Tuekursi It h. ],I . ftered fur unto oaf rettao iabl.•�+� ,the Head, Palpitation of the Heart, and other druggF,ists, I All (lrugggiste, ierun•, with goad buliditags, fritwo kuru, 40x00. ,aty'lei the Latest, Qualities Excel-e3its, 4liatreasiu a m trams. Threrdos«-s of Anent -t , .V, Y p � atubllt 41x80, slurp it!1(1 eal'CILLKH .Nuuar. lOx4s, , Flower will prove its wonderful effect. Fur the purpose of inducing Eou.li$h ,� deputation of'ioronto tau merchants good 1`b story, 2�ls36 f1*11mi• house nud kituhep, !ample bottles, 10 cauls. Try it. fermate to Hmigrate to Cnnuda,the Drpsttt• to expected aft Ottawa thin week to inter 7e rwr,'a uudrr eultivutiuu, au secs cleared fiat �: "YV'�.9p �17ad1®�^r,�q ��3�- Low. i.out brokeu; 10 acres }loud hardwood bulb. , metal of Auricult ore have deoi,led to exhibit view the Ministers of Finance and l.us- I I ''' �- ell w%terrtl, having •brio of the bHst wells ill specimens of Canadian grain at all the ; toms, and advocate tho impciAition of a Ilucun comity,, clued DHliriugorchar . situated Qtir MISS SEIEPP ItD whes3 culttu rti I. :and skilful n1(tuipulHt,ion were, Views o[ liretprocify'' 2?; inti S from tin Tillage of Bracedlild, and ' county fairs in F,uglaud this aumntar. i sueci$c duty UL'ten Uenla per pound nn'tea, o lcow iii rOwus aft Clinton and SHan,rtlr rlt- sin high )prcciatHd lJnst season, is still at the h+ nit of oto triinrnin(* departiliont, In the Globe of Saturday tippears twenty- West' t►ptiu Rina, a speedy cure for culic, i rhe contention of the merch.antn is )Runt '9 reetivoly,thHreisa►spl(:ndid.g1,nve rotkdp,ssHd ,• I. cram s, diarrhoea. dysentery and all bowel interior qualities of tett are being tinriort'd t�1u Ytwtt aft tiro prHluiar.9. F'urticu era and and is as.4iste(1 by alt ciccp.tonu]ly nbae stall two letters bearing on the question of'Reci p I terms Riven oaf at illi( -a cuu to, APPLEI'UN Ele ' a . (Moulties. 250. All droggists. •it the present time, hind that u tux of rhe COAT, Bruerii.•iti P. O., car SAMIJEii CRICH ” ,procity with tbe, United States, and that our kind mentioned would put a stop to im- (:u tun. P. , t., car NEW ta..% OPFwn. 1)Aviis 0, , r S:uce the Scott !let bocawe law in motor- I , ELCOAT, Outario P. O_, lallfurain'_._ _ ...--, Uu� ®cti�rao a�f� 1;� ���,'� �) Q�,)A �'a Ahr>tl Q�•L�y-.---. a'eadersmayseesomeoftheviewsespressed, thnmberland and Durham thirty-onecun• ; Pmrtation ofstich a Class of teas. They P Ave mak© the following short extracts from vie lona for violation of the Scott Act erne also that there would he A targe in- , . some. k the letters. . short petxtra;t ft, is ht}yin beets secured and fines to $1,850of have crease in revenue from this dqy, and yet, . , Come in and took through our shoe!• -room 1ml feat your oyes upon 'some of the !`roma f the telet s. be •n imposed' I owing to its comparativesmallness. people most el( -grant w;,res the millinery aft t i roduc,ie. \tIH rile anxious to show von our '” Reciprocity-wAuld be .beneficial to the Gabriel Dumont, what is now in Sr Paul, hour. vld er.ttwhether suchly stund it. ln i change questionable, ,. good.-4,blit we aa: 'foil watt ltiSron;l..o uulr wl.a,•rn they nirr, eo".1140te satisfaetiona farmers, and not only to the farmers, but to Minu„says tint Big Beare s,in has written , pass without eonAd -cable protest in the t•-`c:•I., I- _ ' :bile whole country. The i7nited Staten is ru him from Stan liver askiuR his advice rc- (liousr. ”; `t; '.+,.zl r., , ,,,, --- 'the natural and only market we have fora garding an irrvusiOn of the Canadian tsrri- , , < ''.4 cwt,:,-r4Q, number of our productions, Dario?, on lh8lame, the halt, the rhenmatie, all sing allrf:,. } •It�+�t, c Rai f P torics. Ponies and everything were at ” -v.! , .- .,>,.1 ,l b �,�,.._,,-. . � * which the duty is 10c per bushel, must go t t1 it disposal. y f' the pruihes of West's World's Wonder. Try ' ... c,, , J v1+,. • there, and we would get nearly dr quite tilt p one bin, it : and you will -neve• rise any other ,. :Dealers aXilli�,O Y-7 e- 254' auc3r �rY � OOd� n« • � � IOc. ave notr•pay fur duty. Lambs and soul' •A fireman who bud rend0rod •etliciant I linitneut, ..o ,nud otic. .0.11 druggiate, � �:,,,,.,;,,..,,- vI►eep go thsre. They pay 20 percent, and serciees it) fighting tho fire fiend in a I • A London (Out.) deapatch sats: Prof. . i }_.. _ y . - . ,we pay it all, for we have the wholemlVestern western city recently died. - His compan- Pv abettauu, of the Ontario AxriculEural _ 6 f��_ k Mates to compete with. Our horses, or at Ito is sent it floral pillow,,ou which sus in- Collego,'who lull charge of 1 he Caundiaii ppl ll 1 it i { pf �l itf f1 least a large number of them, there, thea acrihed • 'lite has ole to his hist tirn." I cheese exhibit at tilt, reerut Iridian and - ���Pf 1 1J� ��� HARNB.� ,•rl�j,�F�`� � ,�;,�!I Dolpol- f '\20 er cent and we la • ino-4 if not all g ;i ,,,' T , r •_ ' l t t' �1oot��int Tia P 1 Y. C 1 nLtl I:x titn:,n, left . t)Id:ru out 11un - Thu widow rejected the tribiitat, P " mf l and tor° !he last few weeks the have !day for r,it land Tn nu u,tci rich int cs ' CC•u e0 t-".�m r�grnl � . .)Been endin , umbers of cattle to lliiffalo Wha.tisJohnsnu »ARI FTealln• Wlfitc0lntnipnil I l � .• v `� g •�+�'- '•• "'•° 0 - .V . + .. - -_- --..--_-.. . g' ptussed thcoploi,dr that t auuJi„n c.:eesr I and oth points !_;tat, nn \•;Mich we lute also It isrtnwstk,xeenenteompiaulcI forth0 tell, 11 . aid 20 o cent." uurr. ILP Hult rh42nni, old sores, burns,, scaltla, will•rult• c� nstdun%hly higher this ELmlaou .._ _ ��'c Novo a t;od t:�,(rtnu tit (Jf lInrnH g Y I r eh111bh11nA; cht,tlu,tA, pimplr. bp„ChrA, boils, I than fur two or thr�o years pail, soli ^ Having Uulirrhe.11 cal ; ,tiho,v 1("111 :11t`l ;;')t i!1 :' ri�'.: "I,s>; Flo, l; t.. o`. R 0 0 E R [E 14 ReciprOC y would begootl for fire _artier nleHes, etc„ etc., wilt can bo,card with orety ' f( C nt i, Mnitflljht tut• I outs hili, iI)elntlin_1I i a � ,�' r I)flilebCe in nu,y'ea,o to which au OtutulentIs I that tis• r('putnt )n ctPrned I y tli.,.Canadiau n connection with my o'lter lints llf t.L••;1,.",.. f nit) unit, l,i',`) it;•il' t•.fivnisll the for several reasons. \1'e tvcull hate n deur- , ),ptivalle; 23 cents per b,)rat WorthifigtOW14I dairil's at th0 ludiao (un1 Columal Exhi- n now .1f.,•,t,l'y' Drau:;lit pl;(tin procured et, markgt to sell in nual a chenpar nine to drug; 6101,42. - v , , Imbue with rill k hi ly of i1gl, ;iii i r -I J a'yl 3zi'f3e,2ti-3s, t`3,arinvi Goods and buy inin.xerymnnv`ihstaucey. A11 farmers hition•u,ll timultNara nuwb lar:;t:r trurti tilts s(•;tum. You will eon>;n't lour own L►�ild6eS and 'all 1:11:;1,, cf r:�bMM 00,,0;, :ui,l �0`,VL%I%',1 al-io f; i whom I have conversed with (t,.1 tilt ,abjeet The Attnrncy•CFrneral of l,lutsb Culun) iu that Ili -duct. than heratofore. lie hitt,:rr!;t fly calline trufulo gottin•+ our 5 , trey rt rt clot y Anel] As A5I7Sanil J'1%C1 CC\t �'l,; i'1:,��f'L[!I 11t1[5'L'1.. I-EGANS,PIPES are of the sante opiuiou,': ilio Hutto, that the Local Cov(rnml:nt Nus I,list) beliuvii3 that Cana-'liau bur ter will be bill:; c+"+ %Vhero, at tho u0lcool' I t, ? ,�„S ; ' , n , I , 1 L GA,.t H(3Lr.LJt.., ttf'. al ( :I r:'I;,•;. (;f I,%t•'n Jlxliri•:c; l:f'lpt on hancd. lhofurnlin• euu:ulunit Hhonh bin rent_ c,Inmeutii.i :w ur,Uton r.;sinxt the Cuiu- cal rrra, t cn:nnd in Greiet l,rl'tiu nix , 1 in .favor (Y m el) Iti_.i+m�I mal,_. '.lh�l ha 1iaU. raclttc_I:amaly ay:._Cuu1fAa.u;y to, l ecux er your _ ... _.....- -__ -. �_.,1�r1. r�..�r�.. ,er,/� L , • r .... –.. ill;. , l.L ll l+./.R�-Nf, .i^•. .l� L4L. ''� 1 '7 got to he nemettrin dolle, or the will.'soon $25U,000.�th,• aao,uuE of the bond •nterau- fir 7 : 'armea� Stock i; '.I a" !,01111 foto ill u,i i;•; brandies.• I A farroer,'who.lives tory cine( -to Wingl,atn, -- -- --- . __ - - - havo to give tarm,r7; unit uthl'rLnAlnecs," tt+cin; the c"inpl,tiui, of tire lu9'e to Coal I t i „ " . ^ _ __-- lirivU I► f't tv aft' tltuse; R1R,Ait.lR 1'L'� :tnf! 1; i;I.1. ; ;chirp tt ill l r, ' )...)._'_ileo _ - --- -=<B • atl yin Ila L-nlr,-tiahet-e Rer' m, it _. _-...._. :... o . e . ,.. ... ._ S,n,ue „i [tiw.i hist Moudu;, au,l Acc,na it lilt•ar _ - - _ - _ Su p ._-maki--- y m Y t3arboi by I3 e. ,.,1, 1$ ti, f p lti of units suit utlur llaulwaru iii oli(l of a Tr &'ff my GOTt—LAGr-� ;hurl VV Ltr'',`t theta to e 0. Witt'if!Wliou, RLPrlAli�l'•.�d prom ptly. -if.we can get if without payin g lucre for it S I 5 '' NE cs ulo(lt;rltt:;, 11 i• ! than it is woitll, Mad let ns 1}1•]nly d(:mLu7d rile 1ateHt crsze'in ,,r. Louis is -collet thud ecalnra of the n:centl ' dos ruyt d J., nce1, y It t INE71-71 to ni,d chat ' }stn( •, c,l' �1(al�`�,�t�� is H1sJ c0mlrletc, All. + Ihofo(rea Ilio, Inn t'eal's Iigo tile young I block; occupied Jay Stnith yh. Puthink, anti rn • , no more prc.tectina for.r,ny c•:u,-+. 'rhe mo- f a ! R .-`�,y,,.,�� Lilrld3 Of llfOtltleC tukCtr in UYChulll., 1'•>t' ;l{1 kl.'t•l9 Ut. „(fJVU(i4: } iRtttlZClllr in Cll$ts- no lists last dectinn tleclarud 'that there ladie» would have thought it "loud" to Le thinking that this would be a g;w-A chAlicu for n Y in - - " 'ltim t0• •et aUtlr4 lLartlwafe vol• (:iP'a U, star Lrfl I , itir)I;9 for bast l.1nt>kpfla�f; Inti! HUIU!ltillq .1 :'.Tfltin' 1'Illr , Cf liar nalIRU. were30,000peoplel"lnadawho (lovedthe7r tuk`0i In a low -neck dress ol-bustdrapery- •. b Y tm ''P`l1,T. 'r I-1 L , employment to that measure. Why, t1lere 4omehow they all'beg lin to attk for that hLlplug; llimseti to what was in Lite •eel-1,�r. g r "� • is room in Ontario alone for 1.000,(!60 more- style this, muter, and irately, says tile.I Ho soon ha•_t Lxho+lt three hundred poauda of \ �° ®• �'-i�t9'�'4rv(I __ - _._/•„ P��B�I��Htr�®FQ® nails, be'iid,» a lot of hinges, Bpilugl'.:C , „I \ . farmers, and the tette' way to Build up a Cllnhe llt'txncrai, they flays been ttrken in I this e�lcr;b,.aud was attartiu( home wird, them -� `Tj^ - T T+-SALE healthy maaufacturin,• interest here is to nu other wav L I V� 2'of til he was haquitely i Iliad bt, ey rt mfn.thnbet, 1 y C C`�J � , � ' � �. �_..1 �.� 4J � � emoving the 1urdes U ket for tl, w 1y Ileor, Liter('Sltl it sit t'cau e.9S H ala indl^('Azle- A 1 SPP p of the Qum that he bud butter return, the. � • moving the bttrcieus ander t:•hiclt we litbor, I.tyor CuwpL,tu@'causes5lek IlcudLtclle,'Diiri- : (,ods lin where he had got thein or he ta•oull I I . ' - - - .and thus pron,otug; the improvement of our Laos' k k , mnoccnpiecl and. less improved lands." Liver Cotulilaiut. Cau.Ses all Kidney Troubles, Rime Elio chief help him to, the cooler. It id ; I q I J 0 0 1) ? • 11 I believothat Free Trade with our,nei h- Livor Cawptulut tau,eH linen fourths of Alt uuneeussary to say that Ihd fanner inlmodi- j g disease ately proceeded to unh•ad and got niat of town i . ► , e "{, s lame would at productive of more good than LivnrCumpl,lint is cured by Dr. I_111 -14, +r -v , 1O • �jO 01.11!11 '02`. 01 Bt�ltAl1, Gill) i he .1 ext •a3" dtl s anything that could happen to the Dominion Cure. _._ as quickly as pussibltl, and glad. to be -relieved s1- �, � , �� A -C 1.1 Y g P I r r ,'a ,, r rrence tof he ounplefeantuesaofanight'slodging hitt eifli��.0111 iT.1D �)l��L a ;li,(1 (7} jgj;l;�3 ,AT� � apoild be not less than olm 8100 to15101nr.- ' in city ra churches to a unusual thou tui tistor the Last townsafe, u olio man natuetl 1 l benefit. to ever 100 acres of farmi land h ' ' ti D . P Y g f tv op he aln6ea a particularly sterol Y y 6 i ..,..,.•-..: ........ ........_ ...._ _ _..... I .nually on horses, barley, implements, and a „r discloses shine fine th'aught. In the Gh lin,'tt�ho had boon (in a visit, to .hos ®� ��. __.•....•_. -.__�..-.,_„ Fest of other articles that would lace this mother, reached his emplo'or's hoose in I r "- I " -at a low estimate." coarse of Dr P.yckivan'e recon' sermon on + } 1 t( SIS . g 1, the license gnehturn his remarks elicited Arista y -dying. Bruce, tt, throexhat was and a ct 1 �• Rl ��a 1 Reciprocity would consuming claws of trite a few to of a, lapse • but list pnreutlydyiul«.. His throat was cut soil io the producing and mutual exchange classes of 9 l p his elothes Saturated with blood, Thu "'"'"'AY'1""""" Our goods have been illc`brketl at 11 yt11}tll laarcrill .aklkl Will give .lthe Dominion. A mutual exchange of com- Sunday nig!)! Rsv L•)uis BHaudry, in til �, w(xiud wae•sewed u and the bo rondo /� y�� -p- 4t, � r modities with our neighboring nation is the Dundee Street Centre 6lethodist Church, p y N DjC-i LI01�T. tivirehaseFs an Opportunity to eel; really cheap goods in this lice. I` Onancial lifts of our people. The only rule was acturill clapped.—London Advertiser;' comfurtable otherwise, after which lie ;t • . I P P Y .la Pp lated hk adventure. lilt said that when tafnthblo Blood Puriller Tonle, Dtureetle,Losa l;ellleT}l�ler tI11S f1 Pr ijl 011ly 1190 t.j(i Clayes,,WllOn we t2ke Stock, .to make a nation prosperous is to sell in the The di»trotAingt paleness so often observed in clearest and buy.fn the eheapost market. All young girls iaod womdu, .is due Ili a e;reat ❑lett• .0 home on Saturday ni:-lr, ILP Aplistite I ndlgrstlon, by8pepsia, Blllluuanesa . + o he was, returuun , , ` sure t,o a lank car tbo red cot, useles In Tile blond • -through ,Tatum ler,Llver (:uuap'atiut,Rlhsuttintieutnalt Kid. - h that any honest mon or corporation wants To) reniedy tills requires n moidlelue whi,•t1 pro throe g r a swunip autuo d,iatuuce ..ri this ut•y Maik'I►sus, 8at•o:uu,, Dlaruses prcultut'to Fe- A side of his mother s place. lie was set ll ]on , tuules, �a,r, kiieum, Ex 9,Hluia iuid all 81ttu DI» _ . . -... , is a fair. ch_ - ..w,t17 ropirietitors sin their- dears tilt+so uHeesmwy little blood lte,stitua-rots l - - -- - 'Fespoctive callings." . and 1 he brat yet rli»envefed is JohnnoW» Tonle by a tall 111$ w }lit ivore a blue Aniock. f119 I )•moot Headlteho, Palpitittion of tho Heart, dour _y I° "�i'e want Reciprocityen Lilo broadest hlltr1,».'PriHuSoea,audOlperbtittlo,aLWurUr neyiailautknocked aim nenAelltAAr 0arrlr btnuur(haunlHe.'rt ]urn. PurelyVrgOtuble, , $ ittatone Drugstore, fl ' k _ . _ luau ( r1.T &; Cu., Torutat0, t)ur S® t ( I basis possible, or tun tvnnt amaexation, be- him o to a shat,ty fu flu »a'nmp, too p i q 0ruve1lar tvhu has racentl rerurtied ,,..' `:'7 E R & 0 I -oil the me is endin till eextent Y his urog,ey-a twouty-doll,Lr hill-frt,rn 711tf Gre:i-cl w:;:,•;a:-,.i,,yl•e,r,vraptlotl.. "Op" 0 on the American lnnrkeiv, and the tax or I from a trip thrutivh British C rluinhia says I Y i q y him and then cut ht» Lluoat, it,Hurtiti a r �i )t,rt•,..-. iLllt, :.i.': I, r. % •,Hr �•, � 4:q,l,f l�o�a market fees the charge is equal to small I that line do last November it itis poesibil• gnAh utxl►t iuclu+a in Idntith. Tho lad, Lty i '•, t�iil:, w "' t' ''1"' r M. i rent on our farms, llr.ciprneitywnuldcau»u to L,y hnar(la oaf t, p ilF the• ti•h iu n small "` ""Y ""'"'°� - tu the Ahnulh' . Ikivurll( ttlfirnnr 1vltH;t trvn;:h• .' t ",.. 1 oc) o- ----....----- - -- - _.._.- -.._ hood land to riro lin vnlne at Icnnt ru per cent srrentu which Hmpries into tilt• Fraser null \+�,;q !ill's ii:',, , i�n,r.,l:. - ; in this country, and 1Ve tern Ontario, whc':e par - s ni cr as if <io x living pontoon britlg r, hr nfndu an all'.rt to reach h•une, with tLo inRFonr7 anti t•' :'. t;Jn• (AFTRRI °Q y q rtanit already Ilut a(1. The settle Cld (if til^ 1 tiiX jutC an({' ,..,r " :,„ ( �,t ✓,',rnollofhap'. N 1 F 1we havo suc11 Apletlrlid hu1,R, nould in t.in,e G(r f lin upuositll 6nnL ThH fish hurl hien Y TCit,' AAk i,,W , r ;,.i•'s.:, c:rra't:o,Yu I, � y tTbeeetllz otic of the ficllc i"lu"irin6 SCC,tU%ilg (1F41'H11 line the atl'Pitin ay rhe buck-eta+rt, d0ndly ansanit tvn•1 vtsited by rn;wy penplu, I Pre 6rintte.l. t,',;• , . c. One paekaget A, L �_ I fi 0..,1 1 who found it mouth as he disertbed thou rh I. Rix 1.• u:,;,t. ire;:,• ,o t ,un1d,IH(, address inAmeric+a." (,f tilt Fr:+aur and were packed ',);other llku ' L �iulelast f'Iiaraaira: fl'u.� pJrtrott. JtteL. Reciprocity would be good for the fart n- there were nn nitros of :a str+lggll, pn th sur(linuct in a can. Sufi Inclinton hs J. II. t' xnv a,,Ll Drn„lriAtal r ars of this roux old Or, Letter still, could road it the he said the mast trot sof blood OPDXXo '� OUt i. M's�,;t.11( TTS ML00$ we net over our old fogy notions and snore (,t rrywhern. _ Ali ptrn.i!sstnn him. Ica thealhautylhereinnstrpoolofbl�od,:--�--.••..-..... ., ,„;,,., , the United Sates to 1 anada, and thus AMve from the Michi gate Southern Railroad to but no evidvnee of mole titan one perami - t � • - the guarantee of continuous Reciprocity." all through itA night cure with a hend•reAt having been !.here. tittle hold that the a iVEXT DOUR TO THE CiTY 110(43, : ;3ttJTtF, Cl►FTV'F4N. t1 It might be some benefit if we had Free which he offered Fair fifty cents, to screw, oaeo was one of attempted suicide and not Beonnett's �abY BEDROOM SETS PARLOR SETS LOUNGES Trade in all natural products, int I thin] a.n Lho back of n passing tli's sent, It tout of murder, ant lite respectable eharscirrF + q not very much. FV.e are getting the mere fat• vor well, and the Yaukee found that is of the young; roan and tha fact tliht lilt ,'�`�lt►+f$ 1� ' .'s"t• SIDEBOARDS CHAIRS &c our pork, oats and corn under the National y �_ Policy. We might get more for onr barley 'KN"'I many people were willitlg to play was known to have a tw0uty-dollar hill in tieweior the baby; \ewe for the child! + q 'q ander 1''!'CO Trade, also far horses thin we simply for the luxury of a head -rest, Geu, life poaHrssinn gaited art -donee for his Vews for the Nuris•XIrl; with joy she's nearly wild. AN14 A GANF.RAL MSORTHENT OF T13E PRitY BrST AIAT)T` FIMNI.TURF A.T Have to sell ; but I cannot think our farms M. Pullman saw the thing, settled at, story, No trace of the highWaymnn, it 11PNxe gri otuatDaby-C'orr ago fobort orlthem all. scall, RGABOXMILM PRICES. would be wc.rtlran much more as is claimed, once in his mind that it rase a thing that such there wan can he.disodvored, ] t7�• � � � � � , � A � � . and I would not beg and pray the Americans was hood, and bought out the YlinkrH slid AnvIOE1 To MOTHERS. -Are you di»curbed Infantile rejoleing4 ritlr through the town; i� „ New Ilaby Carriages, u• ill prico» lowered (town; , "` ' to give ug free Tracie. his patents. He had for , Limo the game at night, and broken of your rest by a sick Baby makits uthental note, he will a Hall no more, ` - .- 11 I for ono think it would b a rent bene child suffering and crying wall pain of Cutting Now ho'a of a narrla, • p g privilHgfea that the original 1l'auke0 hall,. Teeth? If so send at once and e g 4e, h°t'r ht lit DaxrtrTr's Store. $t to tho farmers of Canada if we had a Re- unit than ashltd that an old car he eel said,- g t a bottle of Central etprocity Treaty with the United StateA, be- "Dire. thingow'e Sootlfing Syrup for Child Drax:ot s got of fit gen i.vt ie a a tot, (4 rOcer for him tri mlako nxperimente with, The eon Teething, Its value is incalculable. It And, let ma arcate it Rrntty ht has n }arctty Cot- �� fur ho, e I do, that barley would net pricea for p,illinan Palace Car Company, whole,, $20,- will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately t cot for the hativ, n rr,b inr the clam; our hot'seA,( sheet), barley and Other farm llothora, utmoa, babtea, with joy are nearly wild, . products that are exported from Canada to 000 000 -stuck is sealing; above 150 and Depend upon it, mothers ; there in no mistake �• � � � � v �• � i i� ._ P o 1 u lyre.• stirplus iA now fiutared at $10 010,- allout it. It cures nyaentery and Diarrhmal. P,F,��"NETT ALSO KEEPS A FIRST `� Wit.-%11It'[ I. bile United States." p re lateA the 'itomaah and Bowela, cures Wind _ both be of great bearelit to 000, shows bow well Pullman worked up ilic softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, CLASS l PHOLSTERER a 0 both connti ies, because it would do away I Ile idea of the 1L•nd f•evt, and 'given tone and eng;gy o the WllU10 system. f L ifr'L �;ti (1 Y 71.4N.0 ( The subscriber has bought out' tho l4tock of P. Ptob`a, consisting of ith a large amonntxrf friction. Tile more -+.*w--- '' Mn. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," for child ERIE'S, �g rt, �7 ' indirectl • revenue is raised the more ex en- Wetirr or aC i•.rkn•a (lar',! sli(r Cs,e�fe ren tedthing is pleasant to the taste and is the P.� LI I,VII ; (BRUCE )LIES CJMC K tI .i G I-jAI y p µi Tia I,01"NGR'i ETt:, S V�rARE tic. give it 1H, and the )snore danger that injustice , Have Fon it n nud Starr, (`•tat, Berm" Brulai•_ prescription of one of in -oldest and best female ' , , r q '-.,,will be committed. It W011ld be a benefit t roril, fititilml, Sault it'tmi , Pimp.(, )�3lntehre PhyAician» and nurses in the United Statesi, and AI NDIl 10 n11DE11. , !13.11 0)f PR Which, being bought at low rittes, he 3N ruahlod t0 ental -sat th0 very C10Hiiat )ptAeQ Runup Iluods or Fnnr f T n. thtrrH is but naH is for Hale by al l dlugglAta thrnughont tilt, world. y 1 rr.pAtRrn. Patronage reapeetfnlly solicited. :111 orders promptly ill tilled. 1Znomisto let. becansc it world do awop with much incon- (rout,,, uitmrly. Mtt(�re,tor Len rkn', rharbone t'rine twenty five cents a hroug Tt• .Arc and l { Y I vellionee." I 1% ell. it you but try it, tt• tll ennvinnn ,Yalu nak fnr " Mna WINSLOw'A .90OT311,0 encu " ' ' « " llirr;rvonh1, 1volI ,11ie voorl for the form- Itcobttihl 255 at lyorthlp-t(un•s Drng�tore. ntt take no other kind. "oY't) � RED ROCKER STORE, CLINTON H. R. �'yALKEER, CLINTON. , 11T I � - ., 'err:. _ ' .. _ - � .,. „/_. ' • Y I I– _ A , t