HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-04-08, Page 7- FiiineY. Allimo, ism. who „rnioreement pr. the POMO AFt- ,..--.... I117-0. are quite sure that the determinetiott of the Local Government to proceed to more decided measures in the enforce- was directingan Merit of the Scott Act in the counties "Please, sir, but would you write a where it has been adopted will meet word or two on a postal caidfor mei" with theawprobacionof every right think- 'Certainly ma'am ; where is it VI .go ing person in the Province. Whether tee or not the obligation to do. so lies "To John Sessions, at Cleveland. Put technically with the Provincial Govern. Esq. after his name. I sometimes fer- ment (tied Mr. Mowat has expressed his get it, and it makes him niad." opinion as a lawyer that it does not) it "Your huabandl" is in every way well that all techniceli• "el Course. When I want a postal ties should be set aside and that the law bard written to a strange man it wilt be should be enforced in every possible a cold day. Now, then, begin with 'My manner. This is what Mr. Mowat has Dearest Husband."'• been doing in the pest. This is what he "I've of that," Means ta do in the future and with in- "Say that I ain all right, the baby ie creased stringency. By the law as it, all right, and I haven't time to write any stands the County Councils oan ask fur ,•tnore." -the appointment of police- inagistlates, . but they have been very remiss in doing • ,, so.' The new measure r r to pro- vides that sech officials n beseppoint- ed without either the reques \consent of the Councils. Every provision is, be. "des, made that the turisdictioir of such P officials shall be unqiiestioned, and that they shall bo protected from frivolous weighs eighteeniiounds, and the weather andd vexatious prosecutions on account of I is still cold. Thlinks, sir, I'll do as much any merely technial mistakes. This is for you some day." as it ought to be.'The counties now re- ceive the fines; they cannot therefore, in reason object to paying the Officers through whose action these fines are se- cured. Of course this measure will throw -..„ increased reegonsibility on the Govern- " ment, but we are finite -sure it is A. fe- sponsibility which both Mr. Mowat and his colleagues are quite willing to bear. —Globe. ON A. Pf,)TALVA,RD. • • She walked up and down, the oorrider of the postoffice for ten er fifteen min- utes before she asked of a citizen who I • 711E POPULAi? ry Goods I_JO7L\TIDMS1301W. CLOTHING ET;JTI.:CLOTHINC We make this branch of dui. business a spocialty, and the large sales made from the Clothing Department is proof positive that our efforts to place the best and most attractive goods before Ow public have been uccessful. We have just added to our already large stock. owe "Then you'll want a P. S. that I have , only $2 left, and shall look for him to pie m. pa i tit send sonte.next week." IOU FOORTIII orstvit, ragoral, al tItttaty " "Yes'rn. "That'll be all, except to say from your true wife to my loving husu• • I don't 'ser;r1 less'n $5, and baby 25 Suits, Tweed ISA Worsted, size 28 to 35 and, 50 Suits, Tweed as Worsted, size 30 to 43 25 Little Boys suits, size 22 to 27 ADVICE TO MOTHERS.—Arb you disturbed at night, and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once andgeta bottle of " Mrs. Winslow's Soothinf.'1 Syrup" for Child- ren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer impediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and ^Diarrlicea,. regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup;" for child- ren teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is tor sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for ".Mus: WINSLoW8 SOOTHING SYRUP," and take no other kind. 20.y-9. Schools of Ontario. Tho annual report of the Minister of Education of the Proviece of Ontario for the year 1886, containing the statistics for 1885 has come to hand. !According to ro- utine sent to tke_Department of Education, the SChtiol population of iIiiiPiiTiitee,-135 made up by the Assessors in the niunici• pa 907 out ef a tOtal of 472.458 pupils reels- save money by buying your' clothing from us. Also to an 1884. The average attendance was 22,1,- s wet 583 137, against 471,287 in • . • These goods are all W11 cut, well trimmed and well math', and call special attention to the SIVIALL BOYS SUITS we can recommend them.I6 intending purchasers. We wish to FOR LADIES', MOSES' & SIMMER'S TISE.CUSTOM WORK as usual unsurpassed and at V TRY 101`. •short notice. . • American & Canadian OVERSHOES & RUBBERS .., in Endless Variety. . .• . ' Try my DUCHESS and TOPSY DRESSING which can't be beat. Call on C.:,Cruieksirank the Boot Illaker, ,. ALBERT•STREET,: BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON And- WINTER At C. CrUieekShanIES• My stock of BOOTS and SHOES is now veg. large, and I will sell at the very Lowest Priem% possible. Having made a large ,.addition to my previous large store, and filled the same with. every kind of the best geode in the market, Customers can depend on the very best article for the least money. of which. we have several styles beautifully made and remark- ably cheap. We offer a nice MELTON CLOTH SUIT that will. fit a b9y TA° y_c.a.rs_.qf age for $2, and, fine Roods for $3. MENS BLUE SERGE SUITS $5, TWEED SU:MS15:50, MENS BLACK WORSTED SUITS, FINE, $12. You will cl this week, full range of tered. The numher ofh. ys regis ored was 249,175, and of girls 223 283 The•receipte of the year for school put.. poses amoutited to 0 813 066, au follows : —Legislative grants, $264,419 ; municipal school grants and assessments, $2,680,121; Clergy Rasurve Fund ad other .sources, 065,526. The expenses a the year amounted to $3 312,700, distributed as fel- lows; —Teachers' salaries. $2.327,050; maps, apparatusprizes, etc., $20.230 ; sites and building school houses, 092,015. Th average cost. of each pupil on total atten- dance ,was $7.01, aud on averaee atter dance $14 66. The number of open Roman Catholic Separate Schools during the year mos 218, as.against 207 in 1884 ; 191 in 1883 ; and 195 in1882, The number of pupils enrolled was 27,590. The total receipts of the year amounted t,. $218,096, and the total ex pen• diture $204,531. The numherof High Schools open in 1885 was 107, an increaae of only three in ten Ykra. The receipts amounted to $458,941, and the expenditure to $429,762. The to, al numher of Collegiate Ins'titntes in operation was 18, employing on an average seven masters each ; the number of- "two master schools"? was- 49 ; three master schools and over, 58. The average cost per pupil at. a Collegiate Institute was $33 88; at a High S.thool, $28.57. Fees varyine from $2 to $27 per annure were h d in 43 High Schools ; the Singular Accidents. A citizen of Valdosta, Ga., was chopp- . . log kindling wood in his kitchen a fesv evenings ago, when a piece of it flew up and hit him on the nose, braking the nasal' bone. He fell senseless, to the . floor, and was weak frons the loss of blood when found. While. Louis Gott was hunting near Palmyra, Mo., last week, he received a 'violent blow, on the side of the head which made him dizzy for a. few mom- ents. When he recovered be saw a • prairie chicken limpin,g away, and ho thinks it was the chicken that struck him. -Agicliet.4 fifer Paey."4.`Virool Dress; Goods, -I31aLek Colored (1Prints, Gloves, Forillings, Are. 03311\TITIR,A.T_J DRAT G- STOP FRESH ARRIVALS THIS WEEK. , )CASHMERE BOQUET Pa,RVIVIE Fine line of HAND MERIDA; cheap. ' BERTRANDS BULK PERFUME • CASHMERE BOQUET SOAP PEARS (Exaeisa) SOAP PEARS VIOLET ,POWDERS ‘0 - PEalts BLOOM OF NINON - HELLEBORE CARRIAGE SPONGES PURE INSECT POWDER ATLANTA SEA SALT FRESH LIME JUICE PARIS GREE We pay special attention to TRUSSES, and have the largest stock in the county. Best 5 cent CIGAR in town. 14. C40311316, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, . ()LINTON, ONT. OITIMETTE9 LONDEsBORO tis For the next thirty (las we will sell any article in our immense -stock of CROCK- ERY and GLASSWARE, at a discount of IQ per cent. Just think of it, • $13..,50 Cash. 720 " 5 40 • 13 50 " $15 00 - China Tea Sets, 44 pieces foi 8 00 000 " " 119 " 15 00 Dinner 11 00 c` " 1,04 " • B.00 Combination " 85 " lC her of candidates examined upon the com- 6 00 Decorated stone tea 44 other 64 do not charge fees.. Tho num. • • Seliool and Collegiate :3 50 Irony Tea Sets, 44 " Mrs. Gordon, living .near Mat.ianna, pletton of Ark sent her little daughter Clara out Institnte .course was 13,660, of whom rc Universities ; 855 entered npon a , • 6 768 .passed ; 200 matriculated at the 2 25 Stone " 44 cc to milk the cows. When the 'rail was full the girl reached over to Tick it up,. but slipped and fell headlong into the milk. The warm fluid alnaat choked . her,, and she.came near.dying.before. tochilae-resuseitated-- Aunt Kitty McDOwell, of Tazewell Ceunty, Ill., suffers. a great..deal front rheumatism in the feet and ankles, and to relieve -4l10 affected parts she bathed them recently in camphor and black oil. After -wards,. while sitting near the fire, the stuff ignited, and her' feet were terribly horned before the flames could be extinguished. A Georgia .man stood looking at a rapidly moving circular saw_lu..a-planing mill at Ocean Pond, and carelessly allow a small bit of wood against, it. In an instant the stioic was hurled back with great force against him,squarely between the eyes and knocking Juni to the floor. He remained unconscious for s-veral hours, and ha e a reminder of the accideu t io the shape of an ugly wound on the forehead. During the progress of a recent fire in Chicago a pipeman was standing on a ladder directing a streani into the second storey window, when in some waWhe hose got the better of him in the chest. The force of the water knocked hien from the ladder against a sign, bruising him -badly on the hips. Ho struck the sign so k d that he rehoun.led,eaught the I:dder and stia retained his hold on the ho e, Edward Herrick, a sti eet-car con- ductor, living in Auburn, R 1,, wanted to solder a hole.in his wife's wash boiler, and used what he supposed to be an old soldering -iron that had lain around the i'house foryears. He put the iron in the trelifid was scraping the rust from the boiler,when there was an explosion that scattered the stove in all directions, and set 'fire to the house. Herrick has sines learned that the supposed soldering iron was a railroad torpedo. 5 00 Decorated. chamber 10 and 63'9 decided upon entering the learned 10 " • career • 636 eh lose agricultural pursuits •4 00 _ professions. The highest salary paid a 2 50 Stone •chambor sets 9 gLA.sswARE, LA.MPS, FANCYWARE, Ett'. Rernentber JOpeQt1LiliCiare—"tasts—THIRTY.-DAYSs — • . ...ttend_maste,e,.$2,15_0_, the lowest, $750, The average salary of a head master, $1,11117 The total number -tif tettchers employed. was 365. The numher of Model ,Schools in the Province in 1886 WAR' 53 ; number of teach- ers in training, 1.463 ; naiiiher that passed final examination, 1 376 ; arnouriVof Gov- ernment 'grant, $8 250. The numher of Normal Sehool.teachers was 11 ; of stn - dents, 439 : of Model School teachers, 18 ; of Model Schwa penile, 660 The receipta cif fees from Model School pupils amour!. teifTir.$11.625 50, and,the expenditure 055 Normal and Model Si;hools to $37,477 89. The number of Art Schools in operation in the Province last year was five—one ,at Ottawa. with an attendance of 149 pupils ; one at Kinaston, with 102 pupils ; one at Toronto, with 157 pupils ; one at London, with 155 pupils ; and one at Hamilton, with 243 pupils. Fine Hanging Lamps -for C1 990 710 5,40 " 3 15 • 2-03 " 450 360 2 25 " 2' 50 " Removal! Rem9val: Dr. Worthington having bought out the business lately carried on by W.H. Simp- son, purposes removing it to the building lately occupied byThompson & Switzer whre he intends to open up a large,stock of What is Johnson s All Healing White Ointment? It i8 a, moslexsellent compoundfm-the relict' and vim of salt rhoutn, old sores, burns, scald, chatings, pimples. Molches, 1,0118, Wept's, etc. etc., and dan 1,0 used with every confidence 'in any Ouse tp which an Ointment is applicable ; 25 rents per has at Worthingtor.'s drug store. ' When it is known that 450,000,000 post cards are manufactured annually in the United States, it is•keasy to believe that the factory at Castleton, N.Y., which has the Contract, turns out between two or three tons a day. Heretofore HT cards have been sent to Albany and there distributed through the Railway Postal Service to such points as they'were order- ed filen. Recently, however, the Gov- ernment has established supply depots at Chicago, St. Louis and Atlanta' and the Castleton firm has just receivedan order for a train load for the first -mentioned city. This means a load of about 125 tons, containing about 45,000,000 clods. l'hese facts are somewhat incompatible with the theory that postmasters and postmistresses read all the cards that pals through the mails. Ayer's Cat hat tie Pills are suited to every age Being sagar.coated they are easy to take, and though mild and 'Amiantus action,are thoron,h and searching in effect. Their efficacy in all disorders of the stomach and bowels is certifl. ed to by eminent physicians, and many of cur hest citizens. CHRISTMAS GROCERIES. -In Groceries, our 'stock was never more complete. Alt our new 3ooks, Sfationery and Christmas Novelties Which willsbe second to none In tlic county. He also intends removing kip DRUG STORE to these premises. . As he has taken advantage of the times eat bought at very lots prices, he can give you good value for your money. Pleat* •• call and inspect his stock. RAISINS, CURRANTS, PEELS, WALNUTS, AL- MONDS, FILBERTS,'CONFECTIONERY, &c., Aro in and will be sold as cheap as • the cheapest. Call and see thelbandiame presents we are giving with While Joseph Ninters, an employee at one of the Negley's Run (Pa.) oil re- , fineries, was riveting aboiler a few days ago, the bead of one of. theiron rivets flew off and tore a hole in his cheek, Causing a great deal of blood to flow. A physician who was summoned probed for the iron, but was unable to find it unt'l his attention was called to 5 small lump on the injured man's back, between the shoulder blades. Surmisingthat the lamp contained the rivet -bead he int it open and extracted the substunge. The iron had made its way down along Che muscles of the neck, a distance of nearly a f ot. • ---.----..ea••••.------ Whonping-cough res.. ly pelcis to West's Csugh Syrup, the never failing eine for bron- chitis, consumption, asthma, etc. All drng- gists. al) A. WO-3,TEITNGTON, Clinton. COOPER,'S BARING POWDER ANDI ./ JONAS' FLAVORING EXTRACTS To every purchaser at or store on Dec. 24th, we will give a decorated cup and saucer. We want any quantity of good Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Petatoes,.and Wood in exchangeffor groceries. Give us a call, it will pay you. Thirteen men have been Cined $50 and costa each in the County of Bruce within the last font days,for violation of the Scott Act, IE YOUR LUNGS ARE DESTROYED do not expect that Rr. Pierce's "Golden Medi- an! Discovery" 'Will Maks new ones for yon. It can do much but not impossibilities. If, howevei, you have not yet reached the last Cages of consumption there is hope for you. Bat do not delay, lest, yon cross the fatal line where het, iR impossible. The Discovery has arrested the aggravating cough of thousands ,f consumptives, cured their night.sweats and Is otic fevers, and res wed them to health afal happi.ness. hos. Cooper & Son CLINTON. What Ea They irn Say. Twenty-eight Thousand Dollars paid at auction for the renowned trotting horse Pancoast, proved his exelence, and so the Leadinw Ciothinw " 11011Se of FISCHER'S Opproilte•tlie. PoSt/.0iffiCe, truly Iproves its superiority over all :opliositiOn,,in - - -and. Fit_ it Ineate then] : EDS1 DO NOT RUN THE RISK OF PURCHASING INFERIOR WHEN YOU' CAN GET JOHN A: BRUCES EROM 8. DAVIS' FISOiLIERS LEADING SUITS, Are,ivorn groin one end of the,eounty to the other. The Spring Stock has orrir- ed, anA is ono of the finest in the - town and vicinity. A discount of 10 per cent front' the 15th of Feb. till the 15th of March, will be given for cash. Prices levr and workmanship unsurpassed. Terms Cash. FISHER S 'LEADING CLOTHING HOUSE,Clintol SEEDS AND DO NOT FORGET THAT WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF Uardware 7inware, Stoves, Lamps,paints &pardert qools ▪ •• Domthioo Planing Mill. • ▪ cir_ASrrorr; THE MAMMOTH HA RDWA E AND S fOVE HOUSE. Cooper & • SUCCESSORS TO STEVENS & SON, CLINTON. Vanufacturers of SASH, DOORS; BLINDS, FLOORING, SIDING CEILING, MOULDINGS, FRAMES, PICKETS, &C., and all kinds -iii [nterior and Exterior Finishings. LATH and SHINGLES kelp on hand. Mill on Wellington St, opposite Woollen Mill. PLANS AND SPECIFICA.TIONS PREP...? RED. • S. S. Cooper, w. Kwaffield.. Change of Business I II tilt Il 11111[111111111111111[1111 • The undersigned begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that ho has bought the, HARNESS BlISIIIES$ formerly carried on by L Newtoi, And that ho is prepared to furnish Harness, Collars, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets. And eyeythin,g usually kept in a firt-class Harness Shop, at the lowest prices. Sped attention is directed to iny stock of Lieilr ElneNsss, which 1 will make a spebialty. REPAIIELING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.. By strict attention to buainesa, and carefully studying the wants of my customers, I hope a call fore purclming elsewhere. . olLEWIEIMBEBTHE ST' IH—OPPOSITE THE MAIMET el -3530.