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The Clinton New Era, 1887-04-08, Page 6
T.— _ ,....,.:. ..A .. ' , I 14 , No . . „ _ . _. __ . _.• _ �� _�. -- _.. , ,,, . " . A Temperance •Clonpentlon, xq,. lvurq,•' `'NEW fafax B1rsI19k e.. m ge)GpQY, AYRIh 8, 1887. N. S. called to consider the aJvisahility Montreal was awe dedPacifib afivesyhundpre"Fjoln ri�HE subscriber dealrea t(i intimate t(ftbe people of ' 01-1 - - . ' NEWS NOT9S. of repealing the Scott Act, decided after lata 'compensation for the loss of two f 1 Clinton, that oto hay commenced the deRvaryy or R "D , ' �' , , alt animated discussion to .salty for tta fingers, • rush milk Id town and 1y1q be pleased to illi all orduta I « -- entrusted to lilm,and wllldohh, utmost tosatisfacturily ' April showerR bring forth Nlay flowers ;also repeal in the County of Colchester. A One night lately some evilydiaposed per picot the wants of the public. Patronage respectfully ' bnngon rheumatism. Care, World's Wonder few voted against such action, but the nun entered rho stable of Mr Kenneth lotted' Ordure taken personally cr for the present ' : by l druggists• may be loft at the NEW Esc eliioo. A¢TrtUa Tl'rrDaLig decision was reached by�a lame majority. Murray, Embro, and cut the tongue out Clinton. i The Newcouudland budget shows a de- ° of one of Ilia horses. fcitofthreequsortersofamillionofdollars Win. Kyle, Wbeeziug,gaspingsufferersfromAsthmare- I Any quantity of GOOC Clover and " ' the largest portion of which,has been spent of Toronto, who was convicted onFehru- ceive huick and permanent relief by using . k in relief works to keep ,the people from ary 4th last year of uttering forged pa- Southern Asthma Cure. Sold by druggists So rof u I a c starving this winter. per and appealed on certain technical or by mail on receipt of price. Is one of the most fatal scourges wr ,which I Timothy Seed wanted, H i c=1 hest Evidence given at the inquest into the grounds, was sentenced by Judge Arm- Judge Armour at the Toronto Assizes afflict mankind. It is often inherited, but I =*94use of the fatal fire at the boardinghouse Friday, sentenced W. Hartle to five ears our to Tice yenta in Penitentiary, Y,, Y Y maybe the result of improper vaccination, ' at Bessemer, Mich., on Wednesday,b in penitentiary, for eettinv fire to Dr Beu- Y The death of [tIr Beecher has served to re- , mercurial poisoning, uncleanliness, and price paid. which twelve men were burned to death, nail the. Fant that a good deal of the world's fly s barn at Newmarket. John Dix, for various other causes. Chronic Sores proyed almost conclusively that the calami- work is bei. done h men overtbe age of 7L forging his ayear, brother's d F a o promissory r , t Was the work of two drunken boarders, g Y g note, trot one year, And Prank Reynolds, Ulcera, Absccsses, Cancerous ltd Coil.ors, `r A► y l onepicnoue examples like the Emperor of and to -.sumo cases,°]Jrnuciutiqu, soil C'mt- �' A drunk named Wm. Duff, who appear- Gtrinany, who ie 80; Von bl ,ltke, who is 86; for blaaLmailiug 4V. E.Burnes,{ivery stable keeper, got six months, sumption, result from a scrofulous coudi- ed before the London police magistrate un 111. Orevy, who is 76 ; Mr Gladstone, who is P , g 77, and Prince Bi,:mark, who is 71, naturally Madame Patti met with ay rangd rete tion of rho blood. This Sartsl,e can beNo ROBSON, ' 0 CHINA N%tprclay and was fined $2, indulged in a a bike rho mind first • but were a careful in- g P ,uteri by the use of A}'cr's S:usup:uTito.W sane remark about the Chief of Police, tion at Toronto last Friday night, and N Y vestigation to be made of the conduct lof leased the audience immense) b sin I inheritecl it scrofulmrs couditionuf the . 11111111,111,11 whereu up the court raised his fine to $a10, P Y Y �; blood which caused a deran vinent of ut "-- —� - -__ P • •groat enterprises even in this country, where in ns encores, Kathleen ]llavourneen y -��•— --- whole systeiii. After Laking leas than and sent 'him down for two [nnutbs in do- youth comes early to the front, the n¢mbor and "Home, Sweet Home," The latter four bottles of Ayer's Saran ,urilla ILatit fault of cash. of men born before 1816 wbo are occupying 1 .r - v roused the wildest enthusiasm as. a?s''6 . , +ur The Standard. West's Liver Pills. Always positions of couepieuous influence would be did "The Last Ruse of Su mer,dft am no mak % " Which E n'�.r ;4-00-_r- -1 r e fl, . 0 "' S reliable , 12�� k rwil 0 en " , never. fail. Cure all liver auA stomach fouud to be surprisingly large. had to be repeated three times. The re- and', for the I)a5t*�(�sf;li?tvo'tiot foliila it diseases. 80 ills 25e All druggists. tats. 4 000 tieata costa tiecessury to us,) liliv uit•diciue whatever. I ,up S E so p' gg tveat's Cough Syrup is now the leading re ceipts were abiwf �v At least one woman voted in the recent mods forcoughs; cold's, sore throat,brouohitis onl front $5 to x+25 eaCh. I pin uuw iu better h). A. pini siPoitgy 8 MY S'T'OCK IS LAST YEAR'S, CROP AND ALL FRESH. .Dominion elections. Ili copying from the asthma, whooping -cough and consumption. Y than (reel bcl'ure. -u. A. tl"illutd, ' l�1 P Uet tri Stuckton, Kan.,th'a n}ltlt) portion Trelliont st., Boston, ?lush. v ' 1a.,=�' 1tlunlel of lists in North Oxford the name All drukgiAs. P of the population have agree a give the I (he tin+rbl((i t,'itli t erufnl1,ff Sores Red Clover, Mammoth or Pea vine Clover Alsik, of an Innerkip woman gut into thtl north In the neighborhood of (3.,thwell bull- ladies achanee to make a supreme test of fur iit'e y.rut..; hula :afU•r u.ht�•' tf YuW riding list and was overlooked by both par- dreds of thousands of dulla:ra were sunk in their ability to deal with public affairs. In botth•s uP fiver's Sarsaparilla the sores ties at theCourta.ofReviaimn. She claimed the oil excit«meat of 1866.68, The whole order to accomplish this the Ilion havo lnvdrd, aiul I I"(cu now +r°°'� buulth.- White Dutch Grass Seeds Timothy Orchard her i•i ht t4 vvte, and did vote. . . township of Zone was bounded h s eloula_ P LoE'liuhrth t urq(,,cic, 31 Appleton street, f B P Y P stopped aside, and enabled the women to Lolycll, 11u.�.,. � On Thursday nue Cunningham was be- •core, who hoped to make Bothwell a second elect their entire city ticket-Qlaynr,coon• Grass, Italian Rye, Kentucky Blue, Red Top & I Sums+ u«rolhs ago 1' t+uti ti'aibled with Mixtures fore Police Magistrate at Dint;atom, charged .Petrulga: But in n vary Inrge.meaanre the cilmen, and civil officials generally are of 4,.,•ufuluus Sul.(-•: ot, lily leg. Thu illus, Permanent Pasture Mixtures &Lawn Grass Seed wifh tlireatei ipg to shoot a Miss Martin. prospeuT.IDg for oil was not a success, .and the greater sex. -he country wall watch tvus badly swollen cu«l iul)anlr•,l• autd the - e Both belonged to the Salvation Army, and •the money was sunk, the only gainers be- with eager interest tate result of an experi- s'PI'(•s (li.ch;u•grrl (urge qu:uatiti(s of otli•n' Millet Hungarian and Mummy Peas Buckwheat: Cunningham, repulsed in his efforts to ing the farmers whgse farms were tempatr- ment that is without parallel in the history "'" illath.r. I:e"ry reuu•,Iv lltiled, until ! , . court the young woman, acted ski meuao. ey taken possession of. Recently, how- ,.f m,,dera times. I I u'( -,I A.I or•^ sav,il(l'urilln. fly' l kicing �iangolds, Turnips and Carrot Seeds. Ilu-er hotllcs of this medicine the sures fngly that he had to he arrested and pot here has been a revival in the burin; have Iivem cutirely healed, and lily health P Tho Congress of Churches and Christ- y ander peace bonds,, for oil, •and with some success, fur we learn is fully resture(l.. 1 (uu grateful _for the I WILL GIVE 7 f�IN� p _ :_ . _-.. _.., tans comm Hoed its session at Chicago qn _ 1. _..__ �.- :- .. :.,: BAR p ,�1. -w�+E DS FQR oo 1. - -.- . __...: that,on@ well, struck last week, has sinetl .. __. _ l nod flu. tui du ole Jtas done ?Sic=iit;9. - _ . ... _.....• _.. _ _., ., (o a ... Ingerao111e buying up Lbsed a-by been-pumping 50 barrola every -day: ' ' - ThnrsdayJ6 61ject being the maugutatlun AmiO'Wi:ullMK",ullivau st.,NewYork. I PUT UP ALL NlY OWN GARDEN SEED PACKETS. The other daythetown passed. claw for A a movement to crush out secret societies. r OATS PEAS BARLY AND POTATOES TAI�EN AS PAY. t a .novo o{ X1:,000 to induce, the removal It is •rtipo.rted in New York that an im- About. 300 delegates, mostly then beyond y e r S $ a rS a pa r I I I a,� , , ° Of a piano factory from the city, and now it mense combination, having among its prin+ middle ase. were present from several 1'repa•e(1 by Dr, J. (•.Ager&Co.,Lowell,M°en, � � is announced that 2,500 will be offered for Skates. Friday t Sul' 1• S 4 C 'rF ri•h <'' .1< .I'1T "N eipal movers Senator Payne and Messrs. y he st¢ge)-of the theatre yule Druggidte. Price st;.etx pottlee,$b. t the removal of the Loudon Screw Manu• Burke and Ritchie, of Uhio;Er¢stus Wimau +vhere the congress w¢s ineeession pins set - - - .faeturing Company to Ingersoll, That's ,and A. B. Boardman, of New York, and with a scene representing the,interior of a - �j nae way of building up a country. James McLaren of Ottawa, is being formed lndee. Prof. H. H. George, of Geneva _ 011 E 6 a Z ST. THOMAS West's World's Wonder acts like magic in which aims at owning and controlling all Collette, was elected president, Hon, Hal- i__a All cases of rheumatism, neuralgia, burns, -the known valuable iron deposits in Cauada leek Floyd, of Ohio, denounced secret so- ® ,�0 w onto and wounds. All druggists. now solid to be the richest iron enantry in cieties as criminal to American institutions, t�6/i (� i Broal �im n•`�"_ItappArs that there is nothing in the theworld. The capital is to be$10.000,000,He said it.was time for•the press to take , White monamilt-C� school law to prevent the return -to the more th,n two-thirds of which is alrutdy "off the muzzle and speak out against Mae- . Public Schools of lads convicted of crime. pledged. The syndicate. it is said will own oury and all secret societies. e�� � Q_e : arkdale has a case in point and proposes neer 100 properties in different porta of =.r. �Q �F, • to test it, CertairL parents who object to Canada, Great mineral dovelupme its are PERTH NEWS. T. THOMAS, -• �� the contact of their children with vicious anticipated to �� /p� 4111) QLS 4e S S ONTARIO. youngsters who have tasted of the cells, will The dwelling F , 't' ", ��$sqJ . Ilt AAI - Mr. Beecher's faim at Peekskill is ad- g house on the farm of Mr present:il numerously signed petition set W. Gill, Monckton was destroyed by fire t; / `' i _ a05 i*4; `. The oil �r yertised for sale. This was the favorite Y ,• / �v� ffngforth.,theircomplai:nt• Thnrsda morning, 6 d � Br4n7e FOIIllt�l• resjcWnce of the great preacher, and, be Y R• �1 111 Ili New Brunswick a -prominent clergy side its're ular crops, it furnishes hire Mr W. J. Budd, of Brantford, has. so- � + CRS ''I�' I g P , s.�tl �. v%m Il X14 in the Dominion.. man, Rev. Mr. Gaskin, has come to the many incidents with which be embellish- ,opted the situation of resistant postmaster ?+' tR k,�111!hl' fore as a- prosecutor of violators of the ed his public addresses. Somebody once in the Mitchell office, the position vacated c ��®. �� Boott Act. The rev, entleman as counsel b Mr Hone McIntyre who has resigned. — MADE gNrdll By— �C�i '4 gentleman, , .eked Mr Beecher why be deemed it Y y Y g �dS\C �jj�,, for the - prosecution, has been highly suc necessary to impose upo himself the task Mr W. Buttery, of Monckton, has sold , �� i c;; neseful. At a recent court he had one vio- 9 Ilia rn T I' Onr material ie endorsed by leading Bci(aq- of going about. the country lecturing so property in the villave to Mr Charles J. BRUNSDON I,ONDEQARO. � . �`�°° . Tat(V of the Act sent to jail for two months, long as he bad his salary of $20,000 as Broughton, . and has gone to make his 1 If tg00 19e� fists as being practically imgeriahable, another hued fi5I an'd a.third imprisoned pastor of .Plymouth church. `Ah,' was home on his farm in the township of Grey. Wlllaat'rs' ahe°vier.roi.ht than any ��o siva? �-I y±; oan❑at a, �Ub moisture, and the froeteat{uentty 1. for ten •months, Mr. Beecher's response, 'don't you know Thousands of oats follow the use of Dr. `'tcngguu made. e�0► O*. of, I/&1. � 7, . TGorpid�liver the'loavee of untold suffering that I was farmir �g It up at Peekskill ? Sage's Catarrh Remedy. GO cents. CUTTERS SLEIGHS &C. �g',� ` ter 1 �� r l'' , and misery restored to its normal condition by That costs money. Fancy farmCrS will The many friends of Air D, D. Hay,reg- t t �;�''� n(1a ^. `"' \. Sand for Designs and Terms to OJe uso- of West's Liser', Pills.` Also cure appreciate the joke. istrar, will be sort to hear that his health ' 0,ostiveness, constipation acid dyspepsia. All i Y �'t%RiD�(1 A�iD RUC it a _b: ';., W. �� g �+ �,I I�q edraal;iets, he lame, the halt, the rheumatic, all sing hall been indifferent for'some weeks past. ` . Y , y On Frida he left for Battle Creek., Mich. Loan 1 r 1� T `� C�g��®� - The EVin ham assessor has been inetrnoted tbo praises of West's World's Wonder. Try Y + Loan 111110 Investment Co'y- c ° . �, v g nue bottle and you will never use any other to enjoy the rest and treatment afforded y by, the council ti assess all the mill privilege .• r ` in that lace. _— "" . �' of Hutton, Price & Carr.within the corpora. liniment. 2u.• and 500. Ail druggists. P tion, which is thought to be assessable and ' There musthesomethin radical) wrong Um le erupt of the. intended Ma .departure Thi Company is Loattinry Money ort .Farm ---- ; - , he is al@o to collect. all the back taxes on the with the ocean nevi navigation ,awe of the L7ni of Dr McCullough from St Mary's, a num- Security at Lowest hates of Interest. , ' � �e :, ' M o - g bet of that ontloman a friends assembled sir a c r i same. It appears that there -da are'..is- quantity, of ed Stares if a repetition of the experience at hipresidence the other eveniu ,and. pre ) µ{t.. . aeeeaeable property owned by thorn which is at Long Island is permitted. According to o 10064fougli �O`lU` ��l�sb soured the d cror with an Ad(ire'se, apcom- • 'under water on account of the constrnctiou of ,,;Lthe acenmulAted evidence, the captain of parried b gn AI01'LTGA(IES - - P,IJIt0HASED i � �" the dam, and the council think they have na y n Id••hendtld cone. the steamshi Scotia was steautin Revayat — — '.� I i, much right to pay taxes on that property as P 3 "��TesU'e pain luny, a apredy cure for ,clic, - o. thea hit was high dr and under colli- full speed when Ilia vessel wont ashore r ( After .Ding thorough) Y urerhanled and re -fitted with ({ g Y cramps, diarrhoea. dysentery and all bowel S.AVTI� GS BANK BRANCH. NEW hie ,IIINEhY of lire ntret approved kinds these vation. ., _ Ha had taken uo s uudins anti appeared ditfieultios, �.ic. All dru � fu be totally tinawaro' of the danger irlto gkitta• - I ?, /� axil v >at C'cat. interest Allowed pit stills aro now in splendid running ord r, and will not Z be aurp tsseQ in the quality coluo o ur� Bono, by any �g rT'. There are few Legial•atnras in which th(i which he was rennin;; his vessel and her Whilst ridiu� home nn a load of hnv nils Deposits, according to amount mill in the country, r ) 1 agricultural element is so well represented freight of over 1,000 human beings., oveuing recently, William, sun of Mr J. -ctnd tithe loft. as fo that of Minnesota,reeently adjourned, . G. Parker, of Sr Miry's, met with a pain J ^ { i To make matters worse; the captain evi- P' *Special Atteo.tioc given to GRIS7I\G, ` Of the •150 members sev+bnt are farmers fol accident. Ili crossing one of the ruts — "'-^' Y dently mistook the life savers for wreckers pureand simpletwhile twenty others pursue,_ in the ro4d.1hq *u,dden-Werk of,the_ ova u_m OFFICI ,-Corse of lla:ko Sq+laro andNurah Stree �._ _ -... __.. - --- ae-.he-is-charged by_mcrnbers orf that bud J- g _ — p$�.._.)• _ --.tragi- ,.._;. -�_ }, ....- farming stntultaneousiy with older occupn- Y throw the Tari (,(} to,ether with some hay IIORACE IIORT eNesza -, 11 16 Uoa i..fur cal Insti Uri'.. with pitching their first linea overboard, CHOPPING DONE OS SHORT NOTler. t:a� hd�o0 n tions . During the session just. closed this ,thereby delaying the saving of the passers• and a furl:. The buy unfortunately alight, („+,lwich August btb t`J88. Legislature passed •a high license bill and a ted an.tho fork, which ran it ro his abdo- - Aatiwfucti, n guaranteed. Parties wonting anything . Bora. IF the weather )tad not been phe- - - - - - - — - I +vhatover in this lice will lied it :o their interest t') ]R IJ '_ _,r __,(D' N. ' - new election law, based on the Now Y,nk mon to a depth of three inches, causing a . - nomenally good on Friday and Saturday o I giveuaacau:• . I mode, which is being gradually -adopted all the vessel would have been dashed to ie, severe wound, ... I�ENY+dYRO�P.L �NAF1E '.S. I Organized' with a foil 8fafi or eighteen over the Vnited States. P Prescription. of a physician who.. I 2. 11 LIBER, Proprietvr. I Itapc)riencott and sktitrill 11hysicfans sea and those ou boatel wotfld have perish- Old Mr Cndo, of Tnwnbridoe, died last has hada life long• experience in Tbo distressing .paleness so often observed in ed, A permanent job on shore should be Sunday, and was buried on Woduesday in treating female diseases. Is used __ - ' . ------•---- arul '8rtrrteoa+s for the ereatntent o;v young girls and woman, is due in a gr(mt•vie+t- Graham's cemetery. Mr Coyle was Hua of s! monthly with perf('et success by I all claronic DAsenses. rice ro a lank of the red corpuscles w the blood Provided for a commandtlr why hue eo little y 4 over IO,000lachrs. Pleaeaut, safe, HEALTH I S W E A L �' H . 10 remedy this requires a medicine wbieji pro regard for the -safety of the ^helpleas human -rho very earlieRr. settlors in this township, effectual. Ladies ask your drug- �gl I- ,q 8uces these uecessary little blood ooustitltetnts and was ill -the 87th year of his age at the gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and eav - a, K Dun, 41 (� �� ���g�y��� and the beat• yet di3oovered is Johnson's To[1io beim a Conimitted tu.hia came,• y b take no substitute, or inclose post- (1i,llf v Bitters. Price 5Q etas an $1 per bottle, at Worth- time of his death. Ho w is a 'good old n e forsettledparticulars. Sold b R� E ¢ Qp3ntity in medicine j9 no indication of y S Chronic Nt:saH fl7mtnrrll,T9krot¢tan -ip;^tons Drug store, vahte. Aver's Sarsaparilla is ooncrntrated Methodist, and retained all his faculties iu ' al drug)�;tsts, $1 pper box. Address �� . E.nug • Cilseuvcv, Liver acrd Iiidne a remarkable degree a to the Inst, 'Hill �IDEURF.SAOI3ElIICAL CO, DeTROIT, Mins Rise:arson, OlAdtler 1fDit.eases, Disease Thomas Graham, of Augusta, Ill,, dream an 1 powerful ; requires a smaller doss,- and la g P Sold jll Cljntos by J. uOnIBE and Druggists of iYontleaa, �ruart &IiForasoa and Ner ed one night^recently that he was standing more effective, dose for dose, than any other dextb leaves a .tans in Tnwnbridge which everywhere. OUR Affoetions, Cured here or at born at the grave of his father, who lived in a Sarsaparilla. -It is the best of all blood medi. will not be easily forgotten, 1, (�] with or without seeing- the patiehI. Come distant city, and whore he had not seen for cines. Mr, Richard Luxon, of Hibbert, about Read This and be Wise. e• ”" o uv liun'tiuuide A3oin k�» w tieh g v baa a _ R- A _aN all particulars. years. On the following night the dream At �lntigonieh, N. B,, the Dlerchant's own years a]{n was Igo nufortuuate as to be "-. Ivo30VOUS lobliity Imp pias repeated with startling vividness Bank of Halifax has an agency in charge (if thrown.out of a buggy, and to have his --- Dr.,R. 0. west's Nervaand Bram Treatraeut, a gnarran teney, Nocturnal A,osre • 31arly next morning Graham went to the Mr. Currie. On Fridaya stranger, a a. log broken while he was on his way home I have opened in alytb, it BrsGclass teedspeelfoforhysteria,convalsions.fits,nervoueaeunalgia DELICATE and all Morbid dloltdlti f , PP Y headache, prostration caveed by the nae of alcoho caused by Vouthfal Fo telegraph office to sevd a dispatch there, raptly on American, Arrived at the town from St Marys. A chert timeHgo he was or tobacco, watefulnasa.,nenal depressron, softening of the DISEASES:• lies and. Pernfefous 901 "` but before he had filled out the blank the and called at the tank a❑d made in nirieR coffin down•. shattered stab of a .tree, 3300Th - S2[0� • and hrein, resulting is insanity; leading to 1n:aery, decay Rnd terry practices arn.apI O' q g death, premature old age, barrenntes, ions ofRoRer in either and permrinently eared by O eoadlf operator handed him a,Q eesage announcing about drawing a draft,; when Currie was part of it fell on his tag, and broke it near ee:, m.nlantarrh►oaeee and epermaWtrbma caused by ever Specialists. Book, poet paid, 10 eta. in stam d exertion of the rain, self ab(oe or over Indulgence. Eack that his father bad die ,suddenly the night alone -in the building, the stranger called ++hero it w•as broken bef,are," A surgeon �BRN���I �w(.1" $CF' boxrontalnaoneNuuth'etrtatment. �1 aw,)sgoraizboxes o 'CatBl�cured ivlth0 c else kill before,' and said ;jer*-rrould "like t0 see him in his wall sent for and the bone was set,' and he �. for 65, sent V mail preWdol on receipt of�,rlee. RUPTURE. c 11 t dependence u ,.,lj�,� E GUAR ANTEE 81x II x98 p Farmer Knowles, of Jessamine county, Private ranee. Both retired to an insid" pine apparently recovering, but fears are To care any coat, 'With a-eb order received by us for ail truese9 and with very lit I Bake and !fend all ok iislon of Bunts and Shoes, and write, accsrante ed+ref d t e will self the purchaser our jn a n,Pa Pain• Bnok dent for ten ce • Ky., told his wife at breakfast table one room, when the stranger drew a'rovolver now entertained that it will have to. be kecpanexceuontstockonhand. First-class work. wrrttenguaranttg•Wrofuodthemooty,lf/bttreatment deee morning last week that he *as going into and shot Carrie in the forehead. This we,, amputated not Raectseu�: gold by alldr.1".te or J. C. WQet dr Cr„ ]PILE TIVROR9 and 9TRICTUR168 immediate) fullImed b a second shot ''Close the door gently. E[ ;# RN F `-# If you want anything in this Toronto treated with the reawst sucee)ts. Book sP - .own that day to matte his will, as he did Y Y g y, t �' line it will pay you to come and for ten cents in stamps, AdCirese WORLD _ not think that he had much lunger to live. which wounded Currie in the aide. Curfie And bridle the breath see mc. 1 keep frnma hnmo• trap lea No. 1 set of __ DISPENSARY MEDICAL Aa90CIATiON, 88d M_ ' is t► tall wit ono t ' Sl LE lir DOUBLE HARNESS, west of stock and - Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Ne was apparertly'in the beat of -health, - -) ' J Y fellow, and he tnatnti.t• I ve. one. of my heartaches- may allvays -be etc ,cctdd, Pldase giro '" 1 grappled with hie would be murderer. I'm Rick unto death " woe manchsp y j _ Ulm treatment of ralit ani' his wife tried to reAson away Ilia fears; Y r, PP Q1O ° 0°li' I111r1IC1ial�i�t-:-��� Iles DISEASES pF thousands of calles of the bnt he persisted in his determinati,m, and .A desperate strtigvle ensued, in which "Take 'Pn.gative Pellets,' iP M diseases ecultar to shunt norm rode away towards Lexington Currie, althnv,gh greatly exhansted from, "They're• pleasant and su+e; Ca YATES, — v1ET®M�".N d.i horseback. Uis wife watched him from loss of blond, hold on to his assailant with I've some. in my pncket I I WoilE�l• at the Invalids' Hotel Z. H. S'NELi. hH boort ;n the road ; she saw him aud,lenl A death like grip, Tho repoNa of ri a 'e- I'll warrant to cure." I Surgical Institute, has Y _-� lll.Y'rIff _,- IIavingacceptedtheagenoyfor tile AyrMannfactu„iig forded large experience in adapting rem •brow up Ilio hands and fall to the ground'. vulvar and the shouts of rho pe,,deo m n Dr. P erce's `•Pleasant Pea itivo Pelletsor their cure, and a'traoterl the atrentmu „f f he "u g Co.,oo(Watva•n's) will open not an Albert t e t premises Be had been stricken with Apoplexy, and p Di(� in ,� ars bath proveutive aur] curative, hLtoly necnpiedby 19 r, Ox(da��, Albert5trect, Cllnmm, DI&33 � �� f died befnreItight, alrocery store noir• hv, who rosh"d int I •.;�.k ?M ELE13RAp�TED m!arly opposite Faire )fin, cvhon he will be pleasedto 1�ilb cu >Q ,he hank •And eve aroyl f hN tubba• i. p �<rl���r� rccoive radars for th6 celebrated Ls0i Wpan and CP ll dealers keep fu stock r` "`* r �J Favori� - Preseri Bio r and llWoet'sLiverPills-"thownrld'abest.o Two revolvers f l�.ti" ”! ©R�� ;i ST��l. - TWIRIE BI'o+DER w„re found n•,r)n him. Na on" krinu� DR CN�T S And the NEwltUslllEB.MOWIBnndDAiSYRAKF.,' M Liver complaint, dyspepsia, indigestion and .(�� stele headache readilytell to them. 30 pills where ho is fr ,m cud ho refuats to �•; �' r t k 1 ,0P, 9ELIfaN A fall lino of repairs will also be kept"'tu stock. the reeult.of this vast experience. y goat ;, v t . Prompt attention will bat given to all orders, whether i .- •25e, All druggists the %orld over. • Ilia name or an v information. I b mail or otherwise, Alsn It Is n �, . '.,, ® Y powerful RestbraNve Toni¢ "' • Y " r and Norvi»e ion g tg The Manitoba i Conservative alt Anti -D bat The Nnvemi or oleuti,att promises b+ ad. � m �\r1�\; PLOWS, STRAW CUTTERS, to the system, and cures, as It by ma to Leon b,wance Association will wait upon Mr, N. D,+kora virtually to Prohibition forces, al- r O R 1 H E � And all ether 6nrm Im laments kept tin xtock, r or avbltos yf g the+v h the veto will he h o .;. `�"��? p p eorrhea ace , excessive — alowin ainful menatrnatioll atw �' Davin while the latter is in Winnipeg this g y c unties, Th . 4y �,* natnra�'sup rossious, prole tabs or week to secure his co-operation and that of L•gialature errecied tli at the license ques � ' ;,'J M. H. 01T."3 W, q =NTQITa tailing o[ tS,r morns woa4 119 itime •. , .other Northwest members in the anti-dis ti in, Spon petition, should he v.,ted on by I �E ••�r_; " :��"' I an`V, orsiot�,t, otrovordioo, bearinDI dllowance crusade, A reaollition was pass counties next Novoinher. Ab ut hftoe ����// do I. cells onR, clip-011ie congear FOR LIVER AND KIDNEY CISEASES _ - — t tion inflammation a/rfl nleoratlo� ed by the City Cnunctlto•nightaettfntf forth counties have already AdopredPr hih[rioi , _ of the womb, inflammation, Pail12 bhat•eonnention with tlf>3 American system and it is predicted that mit of 80 not mar 167eett an intelligent man wants to par- and tenderness LI ovaries interill Y BLOOD chr,ac,liehliusfrompartieswhnsestandingin THE WIERCHAIOITS' I h t, and 66 female wonkuess.yy of railroads is absolutely essential to the thnn,a dr�en counties will vote for licemsr. 9 I u,cir scrrrai callings �s a ptcaran.tee %r the It ronittly relieves and cures Nausea Pr •9 erir.y of the city of Winnipeg,of afford- ThA temperance oreaniz•LdOtls have taken gqitatituof theirwares, Thia sterling motto is t t , t and went these of stomach, Indigo ( the field and are $no .r d"ubly true,ip roirardtopatenpt medicines, buy protective and Coll�cticg Assoeiafiorl I tion, Blopating, Nervous Prostratl0 Ing a competing line to Enstern Canada, ding the enuntry w t -4 [`�11 �IC H owy tit+ se made b speakers, w.orkine firsrl Yprnetic,Ll professional men. sued sloe lorennnors in either sus. and prayint; the Governmegt to abandon P' r y to sRe+lre the 1 1' CITARR19tnowellandfavorablyknownby PRICE $I U�I hi t recolpt books to require any recommends• OR 6 IfOTTLEII the policy of disallowing Manitoba railway rngmiai•to petitions. There aro abl:ur: teem• ti. it. — OF 6ANADA FOR $ S.00r ehnrters, more especially in view of the ty breweries in the terrirnry, And in e, mt -AND-' 1>at. CRARE'R Liver Cure has n rocelpt bno� Head Ottles', Bnmiltma, out. I Sold b statements made by Miniatrra of the Crown c'rontieR a good deal of capital is inveR'el c+'r•Lpf,e(l around Query bottle which ie worth yDrnggimts everywhere. Be in weight in gold, ESTAnLrsHan 1884. ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's lar which showed that its cont faaanee owns no in the liquor hnainnRs which "is` hoe•am,ng Treattso on -Diseases of Women, iilustra I rr ��t1 IhL. ('n.+st:'R Livor Cure is f�;lttnrAntoed to note i9 an Association of bunineaal and professional ?nen, t� 16neer called for, The `Board of -Trade alarmed at the progress of the Prnhibiti,,, . K I DN ■ VS, ill digcasLe arising frons a rrapid or inactive baving for its object the t , and a masa meeting are expected to take movement. Dakota will evidently be with liver arch as Liver complaint, bysperl i Worlds Dispensary Medical Associationnn! I tiltg:•:flon, I111ionanc•RR, Jaundice, Hend- "I ti hi• question, ache, Liverttpots, Sallow caatplexion,ete., COLLECTION OF DEBTS; I 688 ]IIAin Street, BUFFALO. N.?1+,• tisuilar action. lows. Kat, R lit( t — -`-0'�- q �� j { THS KtIONEYS THE KIDNEYS And to prevent its members making bad debts by I !j L CANADIAN CL '+They have tilarg, r R.,lo in may dfatriet 11sityR LJ L�lT D ■ • a L1.() �. D% ('Tr,%S f'R Liver C'nre 1s a certain dire for furnishing them with lists of parties who do not pay. �`'�jK•iIENDACN{a, T.L1AT) , a well-known drtiart,•ist, Than any other p 11 oil •111 (I-raugeol:lnts (,f the kidneys,such lie ppain in a% The 0,nadian alimr,te iR barric•'a ly pro. rile nun fret. and give Ihn Iyest sntlaraetlun f,. 1walhble R ooFl PUTiflpr,Tnme, Din Pelle, Lem m kLek 'lilt inluwetpurtionoftheabdemen, Merchants and others accounts collect and sB stok lieadae)fe,'IAilltoasnes•, In(liuestion, ,. P Apt?.•dies i alp Ro m, D,+ate Isi,i,.Bllllolisie•RR nvant de,ire to pass urine, re(1 and white 1 hgto become members, by remitting $7 to nor iliOtlRi I#eadaeh dneti a Of 1; j I in the Head and t,aarrh, L, 1 1 P' liana brs,Hamilton, Ont., will receive b Diz2l11ese P� and when e,itnbinrd will, Johln,ma'a Tomie Ile fauudiee,l.iv", Co p ,,I„t;lih+•mnr L is,,.Ki, Kid- • • liarutis, ahontinq pains in nmsagc, Bright's g Y return mail , Collstf as Pull particulars.certifcateofinembershi &o. TtiON Illdigesti0 fact 1 star h to day ie unto provnlont than ter9, ./ boson's Tntix+ L1ver Pin�pill perfnrn, , y DIR"a,•re, yc. as •. n, i)i•+,•aRrR preuUhLr to Fr. dis • iv1 nn(l all indoors troubles, oto. p, tits env n our diseaeo. The diReovery ,of -Nagai Whnt no other nmvil"i-w bus do�i. ,T),•for" Pnr Rn, I Lies, -(Lar• klirtmn, Ex zem, and n 181cin D18- " it., t t"o n,)oiller, it will erre yott. Sold and >�iiliotfs AttackrM Ballot places within the reAch of all A certain r'•r, Il hi; an Ir PU(R 2aet• r", +rotor. Rir na••R, Headache. P„Iptt a teat lit th” il< as r, cont by all dculurs at $I.00 per b ,kthc, J. B. MILLS art CO., Managers, Hamilton, ppromptly .oared by Or, PlorceyR Ploasan6 s, ter. 5++,•Ts and dol per bottle, Sold bay A. Worth• • eitemacn and Heart• ifur i. Pnreiy V"gbtable, T`, i -."'%TA "C'V(�_E :fdc Co., 11 Purgative ,Pellets. ai Means of cute. ingG711, (tl'ltgglat• Jollm Q. Wy yr & CO., Torutlto, oil' 40Ltr A0xNIS FO.( CAN QA. ' BRADFORD Or to JAS. TR ursox, Agent, CllJitok�l „ cents a via), by Druggi s . ' r 'tsv+'-� ` iw • IiL - . A