HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-04-08, Page 5'}I�OUT&SHUESTUNE UU%Nti1i INSINES� We beg 'respectfully to announce to the people of Blyth and. surrounding country that we have bought out the Boot and Shoe business of Mr. A. Murdock, • 131ytb, which will be continued iu the stand IMMEDIATELY NEXT TO HIS OLD PREMISES. We have aided thereto hogsTrulo,V�1���sr• fi .clue :tOCk-4 Bcot , "'��� experience Which �i••e'will sell at close prices. Haying baacousidcrablo practical expel we will also continue the manufacturing department in all its branches, and those who favor us with their trade may rest assured that no pains on our part will be spared to give entire satisfaction. Our stock for.Spring and Summer embraces both heavy and fine goods in Men's, Wotuvef's and Children's wear, and we shall be pleased to show our goods at any time, feeling assured that we can guarantee satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. • FIVE PIa;R CENT OFF FOR CASH. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. TAY1.3O1:?, 8z SOWS, Clint ,:nn and Blyth. ..1 . -GO$ '-C Y.I Ol1.1ganp er for Myth, • CHEAPSIDL NEXT DOOR TO T. COOPER & SON. ,C1 TO TEE LADIES OF CLINTON AND VICINITY. It will paY you to • see the Nice, Natty Stock of 1887 Cr . 18870 Grand opening of Mffluiiery Show Room, ---AT THE DRY GOODS PALACFY CLINTON' ON SATURDAY, APRIL 16141. Also a Grand Digs arty �Ncome to all to come and see u� We extend a JOHN wanmAN. 'Manager: Estate J. 130r*IEN'S. DRESS GODS Trimmings, Lovely New Prints .and Muslins, &c Whish will be shown in a few days at.the above place. NOTE. ---No old stale goods, hut all fresh and new. 8AMUE:L WILSON, P1NI anUVMME? DOOT'S 86 SHOES, Ant 0. 0rtiaickshanks. , .l fMy Stock is now very complete in all depart. �0. tllents, and will still continue to sell ' 1°Ir9 FAat Wq the lowest possible prices. oraerod Work as asital Iliforior to Napo. w„„ Liwi. Ex EGGS TAKEN' IN EXCHANGE. • • FOR UI. CASH. APRILSSES' &.CIiILDIIEN'S USE.l FIVE 1'111; CENT OFF F 1 � LADIES', MI�����' 9tli TRY IIT. Call on C. Cruickshank, the Root Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON MiIIhery&Dre$$ Goods DETLQB:. & CO. hold their Millinery- lLfld Drel*is ti[ -odds Openings; on C-HEAPSI inaraarmimommear TWAY AACAIN Our Spring Goods have see them to get any come, and SUCCI GOODS ! The cleverest pen in the world could not tell yon hew -lovely they are.3c'ou MUST Hoods but our stock oice ivies of theit'th saseasonsuty � passe u t anything we we have eveays carry r shown you yet. • Styles the Latest, Qualities Excellente. Variety Endless, Priers': LOW. Our MISS SHEPPARD, whose cultured taste and skilful manipulation were so highly appreciated last season, is still at the head of our trimming department, and is assisted Ly an exceptionally able staff. AND FOLLOWING WEEK. f - I `The Latest New York Novelties, Montreal Live Stock • Market. The supply of live stock offered at the local market consisted of 1,000 head ofacattle, 43 calves•and-4QO live hogs ; seven extra fine steers were bolsi at Se., bu%"na sales were recorded above 5}c • The demand not being as active ILS expected so near the end of Lent, very good quality sold at 5 to sic, and ordinary at 4e. In- ca d, tat the close �OUSF.TO RENT. --TWO GOOD FRAME ROUSES OItHUl Huron St to rant, Hato Just been thorough- ly overhauled and renovated. Will be rented on ren- sonable terms; Apply to A. DODSWORTII, Clinton. (�' OOD. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. — BEING '3 i 0s: 4.4. and 45, on the north side of Princess St., near the Orgim Factory, half acre each,' with a few Sevier q llty was not at any demon and bearing fruit trees, rhubarb plants, berry bushes, Rm. a great many were held over until Thursdays market. I thereon. Splendid location for private residence. Mr. Wayne, of Toronto, had five bulls, the best o f THOS. HOLLOWAY, Clinton. which were raised by Messrs. Hunter, of Elora. Onn ` Ito three mars of age, weighed over LT(1CSF. TO REST,—TITE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS 0f them, not q_ 2,600 lbs. Stone, of Whitby, sold three carloads of cattle, at from 4 to Sic per lb. Two head of these were-roxtraordinary fine steers, three years old, and weighing 3,530 lbs. Best eimdity of veal calves ranged from 58 to 572 each ; common brought from 52 50 to. 5.- There was no sheep on the market. The demand. for live hogs was good, and prices were 5 to 51c per lb CLINTON 4/...-•.--- . MARKETS. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. Thursday, April 7, 1887. Wheat, springy 0 75 a 0 77 White and red - - .0 77 a 0 80 Oitts - . -0.28 a 0 29 Barley . 0 42 a 0 50 Peas - 0 48 a 0 48 Flour, per lb. 4 00"a 4 30 Potatoes - 0 50 a 0 60 Butter 0 15 a 0 IS Eggs 0 10 a 0 11 Pork - 550a600 Hay' - '�' 8 00 a 8 (10 ..r Wol in trade 0 20 a 0 22 Wool for cash 0 18 a 0 18 Sheep pelts • 0 50 a 0 75 Lamb skins • 0 60 a 0 SO Clover, per bush. • 4 50 a 5 00 • , SGAFORTH, April 7, 1887. Wheat, spring, - $0 75 a 0 77 Red and white - • 0 77 a 0 SO - 0 29 a 0 30 - 0 48 a 0 48 - 0 42 a 0 50 • 015 a'0 17 - 010 a 011 • 0 50 a 0 6(1 - 5°50 a 0 00 Oats, • - Peas,, - Barley, Batter, - Eggs, - Potatoes, - Pork, - I3LYTIT MARKETS. • Blyth, April 7, Fall wheat, red, per bush. . 70 Fall '; white, Spring" Oats . Barie Peau , Apples per bag . Potatoes ' , Eggs per doz 11) Butter, tub 1+> B.ttter ,rolls . - 12 Cheese 15 Lord 10 Flour per cwt. 2 00 llog6, . • 5 50 Ilay, . - i 10 (10 Straw . 2 00 • 75 68 27 40 46 40 50 1887. a 78 a 77 a 75 a 28 e 48 a 48 , 50 b' 55 u 12 a 16 it 15 a 15 a 12 2 10 6 09 12 00 :1 00 to rent a largo frame house on Mary street, i contains plenty of ronin for large family, all cnnVe - ioneies, and is one of thf most comfortable houses in town.. Possession. given on tat of April. ALEX. GORRELL, Clinton. Our OpeniiI th yn is' S�•T.. JRiAL, April 9111, Conte in and look through our shod• -room and feast your eyes upon some of the I _ ` most elegant tv Ives the millinery art produces. Z\ e are anxious to show yob oua 1 _^ _—_ goods, but we ask for your patronage only when they give complete satisfaction. I 1 . , , ���::.• The fill.stSP __ _, . ,. the ntry. Special Attention given to our Dress and Mantle Making Department SEE OUR NEW AND STYLISH ROUT CLOTHS J. C. DETLOR & CO, - Clinton. . JACKSONS Shoe Store EEEI , LEIr & co. CLINTON. Dealer 1 iliinery ' `a icy Spry Coad flIRORO-BRED IIELL Fon suatviCE. - nap 1 subscriber keeps for service; on lot 27, on the Mb 'eon., lrullett, a Thoro-bred Durham Bull, of good pedi- gree, he,jsabout 15 months old, registered in the Do- minion Herd Book. He was got by Crimson Duke 2nd. 'farms SI, with pririlego of icturniug if necesssary. RICHARD CABTER.t he Popul-r • s ' Comprising the latest productions_of tbo best maklnrs in le coil .Economical buyers who delight it Every close prices will find their R�,o � FOND : DRBAMB: REALIZE31, WE ARE SHOWING Very a attrac ' - lines in Prints and Gin ams. ci v A special line of all wool y Dress Goods in all the lead- P 1. A ` II \ we-,� PitAC`L`IC;1� a� 5C• per .yard. I hat AND GTJARAN'rf�I�l in shades l� i 1� 1►� g �� Full range Ladies Jerseys, from $1.55. • \HOROCGHIIRED DURHAMFOR SALE:—THE 7 stybscriber offers fur sale two Durham Buds, ono a yearling; -the other younger, Also several Heifers. All of those animals are of first-class pedigree, the lat- ter being registered in the Dominion Herd Book, and the bulls will be registered Will bo sold on reason- abletortna. APPLETON ELCOAT, Tuckersmlth. * 4 HOOSE FOR SALE —TILE SCBSCRIBEII. 0-..' FERN for sale on reasonable terms, the fram8 house on the corner of Rattet,bary and Shipley streets, at present occupied by Mr. Pruudfoot. It contains stven good rooms, with kitchen, cellar and usual'cun- vencies, hard and soft water. Tim lot is one-quarter acre, with a number of bearing fruit trees thereon. J. C. GILROY, Clinton. '3 • HOOSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. -- A FRAME House, with two lots on Victoria street, near Lane's old lintel, belonging to the estate of the late John Stephensuli, is offered for sale. The house is eompt.rltively new, with nine scorns and stone cellar. On the lots are hard and soft water, stable, &c. The property is advantageously situated, and will be Bold on reasonable terms. Apply to either J. STEPHEN• SON, Clinton, or G. SWINBANK, London Road. 1OMO and Comic We have just received a largo'stnck of thosi) cards, suitable for business men, which we bought at such prices that 00 ace able to fdruish them at the closet figure, Business men should see them. NEW ERA OEFICE. Tins PAPERmherobdonfirenr(nTio*r• IoSellwhyn'Nrr Advertising uw4 ni covtactsay bo do for tL Li 11 IW e AND THIEIR EXPECTATIONS MORE :TITAN (J5RATIFIED BY OFFERINGS OF UNPARALLELED, GENEROSI . • Ci ii 4i ti i� CC SC cc ti i, Si Ci i4 Ci CR !! !! )9 f! W, Full lines of Linens, Towel- ings, Shi"stings, Ducks and Cottonades. A fine White Shirt, Linen Front and Cuffs at 50 cents White Shirts in Boys sizes - Full range Linen and Cel- luloid Collars. Full range Ties and Silk Squares. Complete- range of Ladies fine Lace and Button �1 ON' 11.:S"C V.A.LgT]E, g g ILI i .�T Srj i L41 . Examine our early SPRING STYLES and YOU WILL FIND THEM Tile .- NEWEST, THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST. PRICES, QUALITIES. AND STYLES-A.S3 �j ^u Like T34.0321%. We deal in extreme -=the Best and the Cheap,84. Call. and s'ee fou yon EGGS TAKEN IN TIt AIDE. l aPER CENT OFF FOR CASH. tton Sho501-TINT- �,.0pN Children's Boots and Shoese in several lines Arid " Selection Mens LacedlBoots - - Boys & Mens Hats, Stiff & Soft in English & American Large stock of Wall Papers Stock choiceFreshGroceries WE 1 NVITE YOUR INSPECTION. OUI1ViETTE LON DESBORO Go to 3! lasgow's The Leading Gent's Furnisher, Clinton, FOR THE.,T ATFc+'I • STYLES IN MEN'S BOYS' i,NGLISI-I NI) AMEII1cAN HARD and SOFT HATS. IIF KEEPS THE LATEST �T SHAPES, ANT') THE PUBLIC KEEPS Y,rf1T . J 1 .J J CAN RELY UPON GETTING yup,_ BEST V A LUF, Fon MONEY SMITH'S BLO(aI , OPPOSITE ' POST OFFICE, ('LTN,TON. G. GLASGOW