HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-04-08, Page 2?. _ . ... _ . _- , . - .- ' - f 0 8-7-11", � - II3LNDLLLiJ��il NUUsElly alutchin at the rope. F+vory other sen- the basement, hilt never, and in no way _* _-=- — - A Sluggish Lrver ' FRIDAY, APRIL 8, =1887 • from u[l,;r rvation by anyone in the road g gvie , will I see you down. Qa below and , Lr1tIIlT et, n OizNAdESUOL TREE, NQLt the garden or cottage. The sails did satiou went away like a diesolvin vierau,es the. Stoulach'ar l ]Towels to be- y�rAy gP1tUUE, SCUTCH AI+'D stand on. the trap, and when the sack is ASTRACHAN PINE, V 1 .. not, lit' course quite reach the stirfatce, And no' "g tomo m its duce. los • i 1�1j j 1 � N Y. I removed will haul yon up,' come disordered, and tiro whole system THE LATTER or WHICH wz MAKE A SPECIALT L �LH VV She caught the cross ba and scrambled of overpower of her,�u�dd withthedread a feel- She wont out at the door, ran clown to sufier 'roto dgive , . p all suet! I on to the wing. It h R,. the steps, and presently he saw her ` cases Ayor'B Pills give prompt relief. LARGE STOCK ON HAND I ' Dx s. BAatNG GOULD. rent 'strength and two sides ; across Ing that.S' ulnar throw herself out f - g throu„h the hula in the roof of the houso After touch suffering from Liver and * ,r ated.irr the muscles of bar and $nor of the flour chamber, balding circ d tby taking AyeraCathartie P lls� The above ornamental trees and shrubberbeen y nythisag%rill be fA were the 'stripes of wood, or `splines,' her Seat. Unly her wiil held her---Ler g that held the canvas from bulthos ging in, Will cwlce+;h and CONTINUED. - `r1)r~rfe y the chain of the. lift, and looking ill) Talu'ays hnd t11eTu prompt and thorough ab[s canno%v ori will nnvo money b9 Pur t+esing�lr9lo. at the r It would be should she fall lie heaved,and up she cante,with bright I iu'thetr action, 4A their occasional use T o the -second of these ribs WIl� ly'eps fie itt a porfeetly healthy condi- I Orders b, Mail will be promptly attended to He chow ul> his fu]'1 length au-] stood and climbed whichtit could be reefed. The hands -' she w+,� ctl c9uscious of a lifted face and $uttering white Bair, I ntarot! WeF3luan, Annapolis, Md. lldLlreas, book.11 girl clinibe —full aha utast- fall abepuld when p ;'a r ;+otltit❑ tL�y are too ss+veer, and fnstenod the ends of her akippiug and smiles in. her dancing eyes. Then Twenty-five 3•ears ago I suffered froia 4009 STEWART, Benmilist- No, lit,!( + rope to it i she pat the handles bfjlliud sublegof thto Le mill S fall! and b comeha he knelt; put out b ,th ..his bands, acrd y eal'tli��tla�-tign by takingwhich sAyer's Pills I ,fill houey. t d and the Blain beam, and drew them through g tort lies) like rho old aliiler, Jue's lifted her on the floor' and .closed the Siuee that time L have never Leen with- I - She toste,l Lw' 1)t t'tty Ilead,l)ou e i a^Xnsur�xi.e® and firmly knotted them. J'hc+n sha sh.tte trap I out•th ig They regulate the bowel`_ �'ir0 ' >fvga� acrd father. i assist digestion, and !laccase the app­S� i +' t t L:1Wu m ober ries Lvben stood up, with her feet in the loop, So Littlo Tu' enny. Novel' down ' tit•e, more surely than say other medi- A kinds of property insured at lowest tariff rales jY y041 101 Y The horror became 61CkOtllll$. 1h:0 + p e° llaverhill,Mass. 1'irSL-¢luae¢ompuur¢s, air rushed upwards,blew her bait, above too many who kr[,Dw no -better ttel are dein i eine.-I a.ul Churchill, 01rare,d, yrou shall not Love them when j I'll 'I and stamped, and the knots held her eai s and was cold under her chin ; that with. you ; ;i will always put out 1 N Y I, G O RA T• ED. • aeenrely. y• oil ask.' a 'Now I htiv0 managed famously I lrnnw of no remedy 'r[ual to Ayers. rl�ICKETS \'lA N. \y. h'. CO. LINE BOATS TO .` .Y .0pay lupi Shcd er0 , , till an infinite abyss opened tuidul Lel', !ler Illy h.tnds and help you nl,^ ry of his I fills for stomach and ,.fiver disorders. 1 \VINNIPEG AND ALL LAKE PUIN'16, ALSO "'` 'If you Lviti,t to t y 1 hove When rho Bail goes up I shall be sitting g by all rail linos over the GRAND �'RUNI{ and cANA- c suhodl and you sdlal Pint Sha lnderstrood nutbin„ I s6fferutt ['roil a'lr,rpi,l Livor, atid,UJs- DA PACIFIC to ally point oil that line, wmdipeg, go back to , time ill rho swing, with my head up, then life was pogrislg out, of the palma of rtlraning. ow should• she I Site was popsia, ,for eigl+tc+i•u mouths. M,y akt't Brendan, &a., Dakuta, ltanaas, or any point reachea as mach of my honeycomb at illyfeetflat a Child. was yelti,+v, autl.7+ty taub*uo coated, A byruil,lucal orforoigi,__ 1 like.' when it goes down I shall descend in berlbeactt ha,ltdretacLed itself from leedi had no appetite, sullurr/1 from Head- ag you Itnking Come and See me before }oil buy tichcty anywhere CHAPTER +;vt. ache, \vas pale earl cirraciated'. A few cMay I 1 I'll n,, wother,' she an- the same way, head up. I have only 3.o OF OAu'r[ox G1vEN. I boxes of Ayer's Pitt,, tureen ill moderate _^ 'I d hold fast to the ropes of my swing, and a, au y. A+Spasmodic convulsion ,cam® doses, reslored un, to p�rfeet health.-- P SwaleWhat-614 J- Boa•' ,,aid Joe, `look here. I'll, "mind not to touch the spliwhen It s�e b over her arms slid her hands.relaxed. As a chibl, bar mother's talk had not waidu Dlilus, Oberlin, Uhiu, � r '�'0N (,untOn. And , �A�+. l ii 031! give rhos n, little tell lil.s something elst- over will Joe Miller Bay .r than his.- )CLon, as her senses wore lea\ Ing her, taken great, though it had taken some I tnAiic.im,. IThaar�5trcngthvui and i,ivig- , 'v + ��,- -' to do than eat honey and offer kisses. that my opinion is Bette hold of Trip, but as sLe grew out of urate the .digcSuvu mgaus, 4reato ani , g t ter that he'll level•. dare to cull me she was ezutght, and felt strorlike arms it fired her intaginatioth spoof°ire, anit relieve the horrible de- ll f 'I childhood rible de' re Itbou A a white face ebt dh s ondcue •ail the n et, and and de Y When you Silt Utl the 1 tit- round h pression P. you a ing little bird, and a little. bird must vulgar name~. Little Tu'penny, moon in daylight above her, and wits Sl:e had, been so nnrspd• in the notion i o . Liver eoriiplaknt, I have 1L5''`d hos&eVen$0ndeed Z' that she was to hove a grand tntnrE',arirl I these Pills, iii lny family,for year$, ant!pipe.' thou the onl}t-..way in tvbieh this grand ti+ey..n'ever ;ail to• give entire satlafpe- ., • Jae tool: out his pocket knife and went unussisis! sLe� vouldchuve discovered re— be ed no n ore�iell of flour. She remsw tion... 'Mout It Oshkosh,,)N'is. . to the edge oE' the dike, among ftituTo wits to be secured was through a n ^'1� _ T H _ , marknbly ingenuity. But she had not When Tri1, o+unu to herself BLe was land marr0 , " Ayer s 7 ,. osiers, t. been unprorol�ted. 1•yiog on the grass, anA Joe Wes�ern g• 1, and the only wav in ter hill. ,, _ l iod a with a, owl, Waa Sprinkling water• on- wli*ch a„ grand ! .... �e was to be�r at,- PrepnY0 by kr.J. C. Ayer & Co Zow,Q �r 44 , i tall of – r . a S e lta al l .- _ „,� ;• ..... _ Ilttlnt 8o d b all•Dru 6iets end Dcall i • r _ d.•..�„, T.t P :.,, ., ,..., ..o.do ?, w,;. :,- : she ptecedlzlb.dpy .... ..�4,G.. t,_..- .. .• . rt,ved at \vas"lay }�ot�olla}..orna 1 Y "j�� .. LeRlI1uQ.. ric�e>r take, a��,` 'What are Veli going t 8 , , how... Exercise patience.' fair with her motller,wilere she !lad seen het facd�. � th" cultivation of the complexion and I 1 -¢ted himself ori-th-�+ bank, and a whirligig in 'vhiolr those who paid a `Ob, Joe �ii]ler, I've been ftp.' OBE RT ��wNS� amd Vv tbat as T, liesrd him Ci _ ._ _ _ _-_ .__ •--__._.. _-- watching lrishan.d�.. ill the penny were given a revolution wt lies of 'lvt this ell lour 1 istsattempt at fly fib' into�wom niivnd�she qualified for it�wtth g . __ _. _ Y- T; aIle b him Ce wero countless that were swung on pi\ pivots to thea r Y _ Y + CLINTON, . water, on the sulfa even greater eagerness than "clic ...liar! ' white yellow centered stars—rho flaw- avast wheel pVantMd ��e1iil0o1lto tl the `Joe�ia\vb glove big styou said Ho him qualified before`fo ,:s.'dleness by passing Manufacturer ropriotot tertbobeatt9s,w elm Antice tic Embalming,Flui'd kept Y 1 1 ! _ tt�l the foUrib etarida►i� Dug in u. i Aden the sale and applicntton of t• ora of the water plantain, dense as the quently ¢119 the ri�T BER PATFST AUTrrMAT+¢ Rn,I,eR CLEArER. On hand • stars in the winter night sky: By the sails a principle she hail seen at the hm't b1V it{ea. Wb,it i6 it 2 I$ Bila r B t,0 BE ,CONTINUER. 3TEA l }T'11NGS funotshed and applied on short i side was it grove of glossy leaved stone air. ,. M#elous. z cress, with blue flowers. tet. ,at flopped ' NeyerLLelOSS, itiiS not Shot must wlot Afterwards�,t through the Iran, She 0, There \\'el'0 plbnty of Call apply a principle. s nf'Dr Chase's Liver Cure wijl cure ROii .. FnFfnret• t► -yell ltiudy of Mn into the dyk Sick'Hcafrwho, Dizziness. and Sour Stomach. ehinery rep,dred e•pedianner. unU 141 Funeral Director, J. 'C. -Staves - about, and they had run through ho di Hied some credit far What she did`-�da o t to suill,lthowwhotLa�d child n ill(- One bots ill n dy,idf,.cto. .nl.uuer' soil, has attended the School of Ein- thorn i 1 to 2 butt as are warranted to cure LiSer,:•Com• s the grass Trom all sides to the mill. du. !vinic cont )recur Lor prt'parFttioos, drag and stopped rho toil!, arid ciiugb� plaint,Ind•i.;estiun and Biliousness. Sold by >iu•` Farmimplemgntsmnnu[s�a,,ired nnd:repaired. Steam baluting, ill Toronto, •til make himself Myriads of tom ala darted. H a l her befora she fell. it . gists. and water Wpea,furnistledia,id put m position. Dry proficient in the art of embalming. j Joe sholtenedand •peeled an osier, ail(] sha sat patiently in Ler awing waiting — Kilnsatto+ uportaFP Lieation. • Charges moderate. a , 11 {�Covo1.icllllt� and 011ier •C rel : snicked it: Presently a -histle was till ill��inner rnotlliingrdouCtingrthatfthey sLakeso. \� Ly t !took ]ice the inkliis ng -- w completed, very clean, smooth and would set the mill agoing without scall; box.' 74A.f NII�TG da SC%U�`T `� WILSON neaL. v `Ali,- it was the ftnrt of dainsel that t • • , l'vE31EMBER. THE PLACE, -i t'Will this last long 1' nsked Trip, her. made it shake.' �pp' t If " .OPPOSITE THE TOWN Ij L. 'AB long its con are linen to keep It Nils as she expected. D`a misters, . Softei . ' s,,, GENERAL SEALER IN TINWARE, fit' ? . The man Catile first. .loo remaining at CnAr'rER V. C 7VEYANCERI3 a : HURON STREET, CLINTUN• THOS. ,STEV�EN,SON, it., 'And,if I whistle cit it,, will`you could he houso to give Lis Brother some change IIOw SHE WAS sf^IIX — Repairng o[ nil kinds promptly attended to ay reason' , to pay a bill to the Carrier for some commissionerhfor Qntarieand Mani¢oba. able rates. A tria,l'solicited.` to tile'!' The iucidepts recorded in the previous OFF16E NEXT ROOIL N$• ERA, CLINTON . d `IE you Awed meat any tituct--really crates. chapter wero the beS�lnning Of a friend IA- To LOAN. ,MORTGAGES 1t0UGIIT. j� p g} Q cont. ° need nue-.--T will coma un\vIlistlecl for. The man starlet! the mill Without 1 MONEY PRIVATE FUNDS. C. RiDOu,r, omc¢ a �� �� ,�•� ;0,000 To LUtiN lir pUr llUlll me castill a look at the s:+ifs. The wind intimacy between .Toe .end Little Tti 1. ¢ver �. Jaek.un'aaitore,`Albort Bcreet. R'� O g I will not cu g Jerson from +.. • . , If yon't11lnk o. fl}tn�, � canaht strained tae. canvas, the wood- Indeed, Joe' w+ls the only 1 — even if you .'Whistle for file• n cracked heaved ; and the wings whom Miss T-iptolorna Yellowlerf Red ,j underspgnad ratEthe LibraryP Roo TO sm ins -'r o- . . work r C)1ArrrtY >\'• began to move. fern would endure to be called by this Block. 86, ^ 3JAMES SCOTT. 7,. Why pay others 7,`8, 9 and 10 per sent, `1 . Tti thol[ght that the gralss, the nickname. = �: ARGE UA-SKALL - ■■■ 11 10110111117 _ONEV r LEND.. IN .ft, �� O�' C - wired oil can Ret moDey from us at E et, CrIU1\ SII1: b1ADE, ]CER 1'IR5T FLtCIt'1. !ledge$ were runnin7 a\vaY untie[ her It was a Curious fact that JOP,, so re- Vleum. Qggood morWage9mcurity, moderates it lass lea r L aIIfS y 5 h _ g l I First-class fie d pee -cots • at, a lone Trip watched t}io .mill afte, this a feet, Her first sensation was one of al served and unsociable with his fellows, ,to interest. H. HA„ a fou. jj _ ' et, cent. good deal; without discussing plans arm, and she uttered a sli;ht exclama•• bent to rho girl.,- He did not grudge a Don AI'YLETON.�oF IC A� RESIDENCE TERMS made to suit borrower, regarding (, g Parties going to the old country this summer should with any ono; it became matured in heti tion ; but this sensation passed rapidly, talk with her•, or the time Spent in bar uu n0 nt�auiostree by l aide gate�ositetI . English take this popular lino. The boats are the most tom- payment and I9eriod of loan, brain. Fly. she would, and that great elation of �" �q plate r.n the Atlantic, and accommodation unsurpassed -A 1 to 1 and was followed by a „ , society ; he learned even to smile at her PP y metaptlorieally, ]ilio the Tottonbums' its as the strong beam earned her. add and audacious •remarks. And oven, B. PROUDFOOT, rui CIV[L' ENGINEER, t encouraged her to visit the mill. He �• Pro t'1 -ad landUostuan,l,qu(iSurveyur,• CABIN FARES V1UBS14 N �1 A U�AN & iISDA LL 'As, ,Om poverty to'wealth, from a keeper's ill) gel weight wars of tie more ac tr¢hitect uud DraCahtswau,rEitRIN BLOCK, IHEt•i• EXiUtt•JwN RATES. L /111 r I y 01. cottage to a klltg's palace like the Lr, gar count than that of a fly on a carriage knew that she got harm at Lowe. He Clinton. bTEE1tAG,E PAStR FI RE � i knew that sLe Lad a?ieilated the girls t.f BOTTOM FIGURE . maid—but bodily, also on 1110 aalls of wheel. She did not feel the breeze, be- R. REEVE.–OFFICE RAIIENDURY -� BANKERS, CLINTON. the mill. She was as already said, a cause she sat inside screen0d.by the can- !ler own age, former associat0a, by'' U bLurray Block, ewe dJora oast et,, tJ¢agene' en• Call and get all particulars bf '?�A �� shrewd ill, curl she Baty that she mast \,i4s, but a cold rush of air came down on' her conceit, and Le hoped to be able to .canoe. Iieei•tonoe, opposite the Temperance Hall, y�ATTI50141 CLINTON' 'h� l'L OLIJO\TIw3i lltlN �. `'b � g Huron street, Ufacehours,8d.m.to 6p.m. A. 0. P AGENT G. T. R. a A 1 P supply some little check to "the mischief not allow 'the noiiler to suspect `she \\ ns liar head, c,,ased by the ra ,id a ward J AMEs HUWsoN, LICENSED AUCTIONEER _ — Incorporated by Act of Pdrliamont, LE6a. 1 still. set on !tel' li�y't❑. C'ons0rluently' sweep which wi�s being done. When the sails for theCountyuf ilurun. Sales attended anywhere -- -- she watebed EOL' II(fl' opportunity on the ' It would have been pleasanter• if pos- - were in full swing, and Trip was being in tit,: Jouncy,air :+unable rocs. ReSiden¢o,Albere CAL'ITAL, _ X2,000,000. 1 merle giddy, $e put Oil tree drag and ---- ---- on. i Sly. Bible, to have 'sat outside. She would SIO 4RG � She sat+' that the trill! was stopped have seen more of the world ;the great saved her; perhaps now ho might do .0it. a'rANaullY, uaaDUArE OF THE MED- ��eS���� HEAD QFFICE, MQNfiREAL. or.• wb'en ave inter- n Of 1118 SOr•t moral) . tet.f the of a yrfaUnfversfty Ttlronto,for ,0(t(pp JJ jj u President. l Ne.Ctt is dinner, bulk of the mill would riot b somethl g Y merry of rho Cespfcnle and fispensari,ps, New York THOMAS WORKMAN,........ when Joe • a J. H. R. MOLSON Vice -Pres. he was adjusting the stones, without the reload between her and the prospect. I do net know that. be thottglit this oronertorthecountyof Huron,liayfteld,unt. F, WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager 11 - _ ,..:_,,.. nM. _ ... .;..._M - _ . - -diril semie._of _„ . „, , RS'" WHITT;"T'EACIILR OF .M'1_8.10,^--RESL• di9cotltiEiTZl; �ollectiona ade;..Drzt � salla beingft't mut tbaf was not l3mtbl0. all olltfor himself-•'but•-� f 'tri-AFter-tt%a-overset-tes'trattho•-111te.-fatr:Yn-otP.,.. ._. The drag. was pllt on,. and the wings As a babe crews wtien swung in the piCy,for her filled him, and a dost' a to W1 nexcE at blrs. lt. H. !toad's, coiner o[ Huron and L•tliuton it was universally admitted that issued, Sterling and Anteric d e=k1lige Then when Joe re- Orange streets. . brought to a stop• air b the stout 'arms of father and tno befriend and•U/;tter her was warm FOR PERFECT AND BABY ACTIUNr REALITY bought and sold at loweet turned t0 his \y0fk, OC when the stones Y W. WILLIAMS, B.A., M.R.,ORAI)t3ATE OF of FINISii, AND SWEETNESS OF 1'nNE, the current ratty. the clog was raised, aildthe ther, so did .Trip exclaim with exults spark in Lia heart: R.TorontoUniversity;memberofthe0pllegeotPhy EKCELSIOR ivas away ahead of all Oth• Interest at 4 percent allowed on deposits. „i were ieady, t I tion as she was carried aloft. She bad One evening his moblidi, said to ...n) +ialansandiurgeone,Ont. 'fErrCx: & Rssi m-ck the arms began again torevolve. This wood as s the beam giving away -of her iti reference to Trip, who, had been into nonseformorly.00cupied by Dr. Reeve, Albprti6eet ere, and destined to be the pnpnlitr-instru. Ir AlrtmIERs• DO fair,, e e lintel.. molt of rho day. This, along with the fact brunet' advanced to farmers on their own noted will, ^ be her chance, and for this 6110 watched awing enappitig. rho cottage to beg For bread and Loney, - t It is a bad lOOliOut FOC t►10 11tt10 I'►R. WOR'rHINGTUA PHYSICIA , UItGEON that a special prize wasaivarderl it, certain ❑e or moroendorscrs. No mortgage rcqufred as and warted. She saw the swallows dashing about CJ Aaooachour,Lioentiattof the0ui. t• u•f siotatt, ly spegkg vulemss fur alto instrttmeuts, ,and unity. 1-1- C' B[2LN'r t ilfannger, Her scheme was as fellows. Silo had • adSu;geonsof LowarCnnads,auli ProsinoO icoh- 6 January 183 Clinton l;i) lug ro )o with white lean- her, careless o£ the sails; twittering and rasa. With a careless f --u"U, an-, a foot- ,lateen dCor n rfort nrt former!: furov.ez by Mr. sroR'bofur,e buying elsewhere, a strong 5 t P o 1 Berearoing and (lune indifferent to her ish metier, she will go UttECly .t0 tile– iota and Coronortor eheConnty r): oce n. Uiticeep . partieSion efor x should fee the EacEL- dies, atrip.ped yellow, red and blue. the g, rhwoites,Huron Rtroot. J.' B'I D D.L E COM B •H•1 cord passed throtigh 'these handles, 'and field, over the pance. She ark trees overthesaw the Itcannot be other. Asyou bondthe,101tntoe.jan.l0,1a71• GEO_. F. OAKES, PROPRIETOR. Y LINTON MECHANICS' 'INTITUTF, LIBR- ° was secured by'p knot at each end. T roof, tLe ehinllteys of tyle hall --she saw plant so it well grow. What are oil ;Y�„ the Laudles� , Cnuv and Reading ileums, Porriq block, down Factory three, west of Mulloy's Pump (, cord was new itnd good, \What SIIo bad never sada before, the sighing about G' stairs. About, 1,700 vo mutes til theLihrary and Salop, Rstteabyry'St;,-Olin ch. ad C�rt _ 0o ton.-- at LLC a v� solid.' , wCll ill tL0 roof into W1liCl1 watOr was `Sighing, motbel•'l I'm blONin0 the all theLcarbhp NutWspttPers al+rlFerieflt'Calevl' ---- –"–"' ,J,EWI'•T.LLP., C', SLE: WOklltt t1'Llat }ter wcigbt t0 tue cord; thn 11ay u❑ the .tarda bIcinbei., an belt front Der c lion ed to supply the house. Sho saw flour out of my Grains' .itunuru, .Upon frona.S.to G p.tn„ and from 7 t+i 4)B,a,o,v,a'A 8 d eflB ,/1 �i""�'r't R 1N'I'ON it would not bl°ralr, ho+rcver sgcercly i' p e Y by the Librarian fn In the room, �� Over the 110iv, —away—aNa.y—away t0 Next day b0 was not In LlB !!aria! 0 p•tu. ApplloaLiutts fur wt•-innerehsp recived � � -• ����M � R.horo ho vo¢pa a t¢]eotAcBortmentof tested., the bIito gleamid0 river, wit Specks on amiable frame of mind �Ahen the girl A _ - For scvcral day's Trip waited behind o o appeared in the mill door, a lovely all BIBLES AND TESTA,%IENTS AT COST. • • I WATCHES, CLOA��JEW�FLLERY, SILVER } a thorn hedge in rho bean fiwld, inhaling it. qho saW n®aver a field and a mail in parltron, d.+tic against Lha brilliant sky The Clinton Branch Bible .Society have for sale at the exquisite sweetness of tile flowers. I irR. W-OR111IIINGTON's DRI:U STORE, Albert St, i —TIil; LEADING– Which we will col] at. can never pass a bean field \Without "-it working—no—it was not a man it behind,stanrlitig on one log, wiand th a Lan of . 11 r words of lsauo : ,The smell was a•scalocrow, TLere N'eaoand fiickpieces f n eaeliisogra�yseves rested ot, looking ► the gram• TE TitAblliNiTe+'t frontleS¢ta iL'st'WA1iD. calling the )(ttBl.b3 tr8 t 25ety• GL'\VAitDd. Repafr[ng of every deeorthtiuu promP,tlys of my SOIL 1> as the smell of a field the tin tied to a stria;, cd stir int, g �IR CTOR. tended to, sod all work wary�. Brr,DDLECOMUE.aging in •rho air and sun. She could ful figure. •.Che face was in shadow bo cOME nail sse. D WURTtIfNGION, Depoaitniy TELL Lord hath blessed. r not heap rho click- she could not see the causOaSIIIIT' White cloud was behind it, Caution, Nov. 1882. ThereisnosweetnessliketbefrayrancC and lie blew the hour out of his lungs MON MONEY. exhaled by beans—tie, out that of roses, �aS'onder was the house of the old wo again. We can make a few good loans from PRITAT> R�Vi111 TO rl lJf L' 1' l�ol`� or orange flowers. 5[ ging, n FUVDS, at low rates and mnaerate expense, -: A N 1) Trip sat by rho uedgn. 111 the shal- mall who took in washing for the pea )e coutintled sill in standing on Terms made to snit borrowers- % ,le of tLe hall. what a IittttCl'ing Of oneleg. Clintel EMBALMER) C11010E SKED OAT. and CLOVERfindlow ditch grew Flbllndant stint, ill guy l tLfash 'said Jow looping at the stairs. vlA 1N- _ .4 CiUOTT, _ -• ri:t'oTiiY SEED FOR• SALE. There is the bell ringing; tbohopper is uINION SHAVING"PARLOR ,,,t„„,, l I. dower, nlld here and there fillet up the white there was on the linos, and some + pink spires of the Willo+v h0+b. Weil blt+zing i -ed petticoats. t z -- _ rnrtica wanting such should call early. i am also , I The cams labored, groaned j the Call- empty prepared to pay highest market pcicc In envh for go• she ci uslled the mint, it el:Ilulad scent, vas fla ed Elbe Lad reached the highest When +Jos hurl gone aloft, Trip ora s13Avlxti. IlAdll CUTTING AND SriAM• `�- ClA>rttoli tutees. rte t, still to bcRdnnti at the old stnud, ' • but only near the bruised loaves and Dp every person. R stalks, not sufliciont,to mingle with and point of all, she looked over the roof of doted her whistle and piper.!. He d P . JnyoN;� Q`U�l�� iN neat�i,ntto suit iih'A Rloelc FiUR®hT r.^'iT., CLINTON- the mill. not come down till lie had filled the ho - = overcome the rich, delicate odor of the w�. T �i%IL�$ The BEST of EGYPTIAN t\'teh vfnu line of Now, down, down, she began i go ; per. Then hP descended lei urely. ck, FLUIDS used in E VIBALMING beim. I and us slie sank a sensation of sinking found rho girl slated an afloat sack +QitGEON OEN,rx4;T. FLOUR, FEED & VEGETABLES-, - Trip peered through rho thorns at the made itself felt ori keen IlEiart.' Now Only pouting, al'0 f01' t130 ho + ,et, more than Hold tho exclusive rightfor thecounty torthe Hurd Mill, whose axils Wore whirling, and T IeSt LCC rope BIlOnId give `YOII C bopper process of administering chemically pure Nitrogen ' eo tbt'%+rs, did site fes 1 A large assortment of every thing remunoTattst ve prices to alivalities o who may'faror h he will 9011 l �S ri6TS, whiCl' Ca1nC to her through tl I , covered for the painless extraction of tooth. Chargee call. His stuck tneludes FLOUR, CHOP, S[i0 AM il his white wary, lest to knots should relax. 6h© for me,when the hopper t'IDrgy9 yOU Coma moderate, slntistactionsaf safest stem BEL- in the Undertaking line. BRAN. OATS, PEAS, HEN FEED• ORA, Now she saw him t come down faster than she went tip; the^ tlp to it, when I whistle yon wont CatnO LIOrT'S BLOOK, over Ranoe'.s Tailor Shop, Huron FLOUR,CRACI{ED WHEAT, GRANUt ATED ROL- and cap, \'ith his white dusted face at atreot,Citnton. GER, and ST),NDARD.OATM'EALandCORNMEA , river, the house, the trees, the beln to me.' fill kinds of Vegetables, BtRREL SALT, fill of whtc I the door calling the boy, the boy nn , Red . Rocker Store Clinton swaged, and brohe b a donkey to the field went together like a pack of cams. tliecause .•1 am really. needed at the I He will sell for cash or course grains. BRAN,SHORTS UOA7ts CLOCK and FLOUR by rho ton or cwt. and ovaryth[n,1, solo foot of to mill. Tbele' was a swimming in her° head — hopper ; as I bare already told yea— hi N T I C . RE8IDENCE, ,ORANGE ST., at mil[ prices. -All articles douvered free of chargo When she coached the ground,she would when you really need mo,T will come to .n 01110, NEAR METHODIST CHURUI� Within the corpporation. His mucro wm bo "sora Presently Joe rind the man stopped the � goo's, last welgt,c and one price." Mill. It \Vas noon. She saw Joestfind have leaped down if she d red, but she you.' THOg, WATSON, knew •such a leap would load to broken °N tl oat tyou whistle, When you _ Huron street. Clinton in th0 steps of the mill, with his tVatbL bongs o^—death. e.LlNtresN in tris Land, a big watch that belonged f CIIARdISd MODERATE, A - to his father. Then a signed to the Up-'up--ul shall. The panorama, wero flying or falling, you did not call C L I V, T O 1 :" J i ;. pQ��j{)(E ftljAE I - man to follow, and they \Walked towards fan-like, Unfolded once more before her. but I came.' PLANING MILL' + - )• Again that horrible scarecrow, with that `Yes, rho right moment; dear Joe.'��� �A1 ��U1 jolt the cottage. straw stick Ing ottt of the crown of a bat She snt on the sack,tIlinking with her �" N p e� Id D �r' Tripsoppottltnity had come. —AND— �% A44r EIf� �4 ho looked at her, not without sac}rens on `'c 3 GIVES ' :Cho spaco about the mill wit$ clear. tered bat, again the Clinking of the tin finger on the ,,,, not i her cheek, am - �••— D Y .K L 11T COLO !toTI11L' U 0 Il}}f11Bt�i'd}a Ilaii4l tihe left the bean field, entered tllo gate, sheHer hands clung to the rapes quiver- Ilia brow. i ° and crossed the n111gic circle traced by Ing Her heart fluttered ;'war began to All' at once sbenbrand�gii ], `Diillor I nm now receiving n stock of "Vail Paper and r;, _ z� Coll «t Ilea, . FOP. 4 ,an wheel of rho fan. B062Li�Rs for the spring trade, which f11HE 6UBBOR[RER ]1AViNG •JUSTCOJ[PLETED C,V, !4� �� take )oSsessio•1 of bar, rising like a her dark eyes on , F]PRE furnished his now Planing Mlll vita machin• Lon Bile cmttionsly approached the Ir is NVELL SELECTED, purchased from the Ory of rho latest improve() Patterns, is now prepared �4 FI +��VERa i ( to attend to fill orders in his line in the most prompt , Orr \V1noH which tVere now full tide. 1'eaTa Pushed into leer t tl 0 black Joe, the base. Itt is onthetrap. (to ve best 1'9nadinn nnct Amoricnn Gnctories. Dunt and satisfactory mnnner, and fit reasonable rates. Ifo A A � EA�'st TO UC31'✓.i Statlpll y to would also roturn thanks to all whr patronized tilt fludged,tho canvas atrainnd over them to could se0 noth'ing ill 01'0, 0x001 {his he'll. i10 tools hpl bay until you deo toy splendlrl'varicty` old firm before they ,veto horned oder and now biting • Not a 4nuff, Powder or Irritating I,tquia. Price, flee ed,tlitopmost. Only a light wind wile Blond that Lung over the metropolis. me a tide.' f - to a better position to exec"Ite Ol'd¢r9¢XpedltieLLaty, Botta. and 1.Od. If not obtak,ableatyour drug] teo[sconttdent he ens give satisfaction to all. roof Wits rho areakin�r of the lulls, 0t, lost among band and lifted Iles tom tllo saeir, !»ado PACTORY-_n ear the Grand Trunk Rail gists sent ilrsiialcl on receipt of price. Addretd stirring that day, and every broach had ,'Sho cried,btit. her cries wore dtrownod by 1Iu S loo Brockville, OBE l. to be caught and l;tilized, nota I the screams of rho ':Swallows. Sha felt i her stand on bho tido. below. The I "t"% =. Cooper. may, Clinton. , tltlten in. THOMAS li¢KENZIi: i �Ul.©�*©' CO•' - , Trill at behind the sail hilt stood no part of her but her bands, as thoq�ll I `L{af) down, little woman, i were all bands, nothing Cut hands, Back is going to be let by the trap into BI±�AVEfi BLOCK BOOK STORE R ilprigllt frot,1 tile ground, screened by it she ' , 4 `1