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The Clinton New Era, 1887-04-01, Page 6
, T _, -_ . . r ,, . „ 11 ,. .; M I , x „ I. N • „ .- . 6 u _ W • +, - •. ( , ., - .. - , .. �: ..+ ,�-'""'1 -.;; ' 1. - .. .-,.. .. .. r • -. .' $... G,. - , .. .., bxri ql u Plumm§r,1,w. ".... of „ Itp'RIDAYr APRIL 1, 1887. Fathbr'Il�'ell6i' fhb iriirh • Priest, says if tilt Ricltsrd'. MiQress -. ell.kntil, tntt�en �,,- ��tI� -4 o ��rr��--•.�� -- kept in gaol until he dies be will neyer do of London, formerly engaged id the msuu ;= ID E NEWS NOTES. the infamous thing the Judge asked him to Sir Richard Cartwright gave an inter- facture of waggons and agrieultara't ma - do, -r, eA ray the ctuo4ppoe of the 40fenceaeP esting address at the Reform' Club in To- chinery, died at bis residence ,+n Richmond , . _ agti_lu n�;•peoLrle who truatgd him• r6nto, last week, during which he res street, at ten o'clock last Friday night,`mt --- -- p ,, the SaIviit1-oniste placo-th'e number o viewed" the causes of Liberal defeat ib the the age of 44 years. Deceased was at one {. taJgir col►verts in Winnipeg at 500. Corporations which are in the habit of tie- late election. Sir Richard admitted time President of the Western Fair Board, I ' aa AvetllJildren of Mr. Wm, Jaques, o glectiug to mend their ways should take that while in the Local Legislature the .and took an active part in municipal and Any quantity of Good Clover and '4 + warning from the experienge , of Toronto, Reformers had secured a very great yic- political affairs. He was a fataunch Re- pelhi,, are doyen with diphtheria. .which has been oondem>Aed by an Assize tory in this Province on Dec. 28, yet in former, ' ,A perfect speoifio-Br, Sage's Catarrh Re jury her afklato aon arobler brokene aide@ the Dominion elections which followed welly. r walk within tho corporation limits, they had done little more than bold their �I Q a �� Timothy Seed wanted, H ighelpt 1. The Algoma returning -officers count own. But this was not beeauae Reform It Saved MY life lives Mr. Dawson a majority of eleven, Whooping -cough readily yields to West's 'ers who had supported Mr. Mowat on The first division in the Ontario LP C iugh Syrup, the never falling cure for bron• Dec. 28, 1886, had supported Sir John Is a common expression, often heard rice paid. Leg. chitis, carte-umptfon, asthma, eta. All drug. Macdobald on Feb. 22nd, 1887. The dif; from those who have realized, by per- 4.41 itilatere showed that the Government gists. ference was due to the Gerrymander Act of venal use, the curative powers of Ayer's Jim a majority of 26 in a full house. The Detroit News says : If Canadians 1882 and to the recent Franchise ACt,aDd Cherry Pectoral. ;,.sI cannot say enough :x:- New York Legislature has passeda. are oontracting to come to Michigan and to gross partiality on the part of certain in praise of Ayer's cherry 1'Cctu,al, be- . FIi h Liquor Law. The fees are gratia work in the lumber camps, as reported in returning oGicers and their deputies, 1D lieving. as I do that, but for its ase, I R CHINA g 9 an Ottawa dis atoh the are lilible to get the recent contest the Reform party fought N �®,Y ®� 1 HALL" dispatch, Y should long siuce hate diad frolic flog sited froru ,$1,000 down to $100• sent back, since those who thus engage better bn the whole than they had ever . troubles, -1;. I3ragdun, Palestialn,Tex. The latae, the halt, the rheumatic,,, all sing them°are violating the law a ainst foreign done before, but it is easy to see to what f --- - _ - g g ' About six mouths ago 1 bad a severe As praises 4'%YeWs World's Wonder. -Try contract labor. extent the general resolutions were de Ileruurrhage of the Luigts, brought on ' one bottla and yon will never .ase any other Uu 11luuday R young man named Phillip feated by the three causes mentioned. In. by a distressill" tough, whirls de )rived liniment. 25.. and 50o. Ail druggists. Bracket and 9r. Ntrlsou'Ferris were at the city of Kingston the Tories won by a Hie of sleep anti rest., I laai -t:set� vari- L1 piece of gronudon Broadway, New work in the woods at Highgate and were rot jority'of 12, in Zeun a by 23, (n West nus rough bulsnnis :uul tvl+eeturauts, Werk, 26 x 100 feet, was sold tile other splittiug.a bluok,when Bracket fall in front Peterb8rough by ]3.,. London 2J, 11 est N `� t L Ybt�l`in;; relief. :� friend a,l- W�� 15 1: ME'W'd 111110 S 8 so I)s day for $356,209 -at the rate of $4,- of the axe, which. descending on Ilia head, Huron 2u, and so on with many others. Split it open. At last accounts the ytlrFtii4'n The, No°Popery cry and the Riel cry were Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. MY STOCK IS LAST YEAR'S CROP AND ALL' FRESH. 600,000 per acre..- - used against the I dorm candidates fD dirt so; and ani happy to :;ay that it � . man was still alive. The rand 'ur at Edmunston N. B, this Province, and no doubt had their ef- this d me at cure. 1->• ruutinuod nsa g J y ' ' AS a superb hair dressing soil ronov.ator, feet in constituencies that were so very 'this medicine cutest ,.,y rout b, dual, l has found true bills against -Roll., Ayer'a I3 air Vigor is universally commended. a 1 satisfied, saved ,nv luv_fArs. 1':, 'Red Clover. Mammoth or Pea vine Clover Alsip, close. It has been the practice of -Sir f 7 Cl'ostigan and bis chief canvasser, for It eradicates scurf and dandruff, cures erup t P . Coburn, 1S Seeun d st., f_uwvll, Nia,s w rpt bribery in the recent contest. tions and itching of the scalp, promotes re John Macdonald to accuse his opponents ,I have nsutl Aynr's Cherry I'cetural' White Dutch Grass Seeds Timothy, Orchard, Hewed growth of the bair,and prevents its fad- of influencing votes by the means which for over it year, and sincerely believe 1 9 P�1 Q, Senator Fair, of Nevada, has said less ing or turuing gray, lie.hirosvlf eriiploys Nviia, those means are should littvu beta in my grate, had it Grass, Italian Rye, Kentucky Blue, Red Top, W its Congress than any other man ever The blogetary Times says: -It cannot more than usually disreputable. He had not been for this uirdiciue. It htircifre3 accused the Reform party of undertaking; mew a. h ITT dal miection emut'the lunge, Permanent Pasture Mixtures & Lawn Grass (Seed elected. He has maria but one 'speech be daitiod that, on the whole, Ontario is, w+for which liuul ahuost daspairad of over � in Six years, incl that consisted of : in a financial point of view, a model Prov- to carry the elections by money received findin;, a relne v -ll. A, )[vNiullen, _t....rr . _ .-- move-Vi,.b--trc'Qurn," ince, and cup N•llich gther Provinces might, from parties in the United States, the l�`iutlaur, Proiiuco, [ Ou'n o. reears t z 1? - ne ivltich lie, stn elf' es, e.n;•. Millet, Hungarian and 1Viummy Peas, Buckwheat, Ir,.P_.._,.)l,>. .,..._..._ .. .�,. _ L I) -,a .It lt1,C3kltl.._.t11. _�_..@ Ayet'1(tu,fl,y:j.'v,t,. :l•,l,n, life. - - . _-r; .. - if e etl i emotejy;-Intlits`te -wt tl let _._ _.w„ m . _...- , _... _ A>gtli the Senate adJoniwed. la ed to Leen himself m Diver. Sir . Tv 5 Cal, ,1,.+= l 6 + 1 I ; t ly rtvt•i•e t Olid Man' Ids, 7Curnip-s and Carrot Seedg.,. If a perpetual surplus has in it somethinu, p Y i p which settled on ul� dont. i.consulted - A meeting of agricultural membefs of abnormal, at least it tells of prudeu:.e, and ltichard Cant said he did not las Neve that an tri had ever fou ht a-physit,ians, and to, I:ic rrrnedic's they 1 WILL GIVE 7 KINDS CI' GARDEN SEEDS FOR 2FCe" the Ontario Lehisature was bold On has for is basis an unbroken career of y party g " phy" il,es, bat fnilo,l to ohr,in relief battle more fairly and won it more hon~ a„til 1 be cur using AN'+'c's cherry I'ec- ••1 PLrT UF' A?.L iIIY OWN GARDEN SEED PACKETS. Thursday to consider the matter of or good manilgement' estly. than the Reformers did in the Local total, Tv, 11010 A , r Ihi, ell. •iva ganization among thefarming •otnmuni- 'Mrs. Helen Gougar has sent . u open Le lslature. In the Dominion contest Completely rvsten'r,i Ili” health•-Lizzio OATS PEAS 13AItLY AND POTATOES •TAKE_N AS PAY. . tyfor promotion of agricultural interests. letter to the women of Kansas, who are to pat of the Reformers had been equally =• Blit "_ ��'t•st L"nru"e 1" uhij,• + Torpid liver the cause of untold suffering vete in the municipal elections saying ; .obeli and equally fair, and if we did not ' ` �i�Ps C �g °�� vote will e m owed to rive your name. Ayef S ChOrry hSCi01'11, .r r . sad miser restored to its normal condition by q g score a vietory it was not clue to any -- ----- ---- -- ___ -.-,---- ; --'- --- - -- - - -- FrepuredbyI)r.,i.C..1yetCCo.,i.ott•ell,'Mase 0 v the use misery restored Liver Pills. - Also cure Do not give your,husband's name or your change in popular sentiment, to restless- doldbyuu D,uggr9ts, I'11CC$1; sus bottle.,s5 q z , , +t. costiveness, constipation and dyspepsia. All pet name, but the one by which you were ness on the part of the people but it Was I,;,,. ill, twg, b r i'nggiets.- christened," This first result of the'actiop due to a series of local frauds by which eggs �� Z 51. r11Oi�ZI� of the Kansas Government in peruiitting the will of tris people as for the time be- - A Guelph ones ondent writes :- P P 4 - I �• P women to vote goes far towards justifying ing been set aside. n y€+k.i+' � I . The prosecutors of the Scott Act have the experiment, '`waw -"-- 1 ,W In Dra,tio moment ideen,especially busy lately. Several Livor Cott•pia'iuteaugeRl",yspepela,indiFrstiou TAMARAC. ?,h ' r t ._,: *," t� ,,( parties have been brought tip and 1. fined, Liver Culuplaluteauses,itckiloadaebe, Uizzi- Is the discover of a leading p iseician, and p,'314 WV71� \ t�Y r �-� �r�✓ ,1 'o �f=� �� The Act is being enforced more vigor- Liver Complaint causes all Kidney TroubloB. af�er years of experimegtiugcl't l ow offered S �',1, `- ,,,f �:x � c �e 1 � c r t►Jfsl� t'rleu-ever • - - _ Livor..Guwplulift-eau es thi¢¢ fourths nl_a1L ynlisaa,_1>kr1a t.c41 t�4 s anever-faiIlogcuro i - Z.'+ -F�� 1y1— . -- '7'F. rli0,'1lAS, QV1:1IiI0• dlBOAse. a '� ' for (loughs Colds and, Throat and Lung Com �d.. �"" i;,, ���;~ fir � ����'� _ _._._..__... .-, .- _ _ W -.-_ 4, f Aman was Summoned recently to LivercomplaintIsCuredbyDr,C,1Laae'SLlvo plaints " j v f� t 'su1 F, _ England for not sending leis children to cora. e.e,�— It.z �, 5 �� - a��r C� T -� school. He ,leaded that ho had no lilt. Gladstone is ae enthusiastic as aver IYcotat;., Act Fiaies. �.� � ., , 't��Os� C°g' ii. • i 1 in'the;cautieaofFlo eRuleandisaioresiin- r alL=-'4`• °�-ly�n �i�1C Oily i}il'OblOf3 tt0]llldl[' fewer than tient enc+ of them to pro lilt. H. Totten, of the Li,cengb 13rnLcll:of „ �; y b, °iI �� Y P polus than ever ave the prospects for ob- the Provincial Sectre,taryts department, ����'� t. �+c -P r ���' ,1,:' �i - for, and the magistrates were kind tainin a cam latari�,e�asnre. He has not - I -' , ht' ��G "" , IR the D01111i1iob. g P testified before -(he committee on Friday , 1,.�I I , . t• N �i�Gf1 I}"til;]; enough to accept the cause as a valid surrendered anc'i ovilTentlydoes not intend morning on item's in the Public Accounts ,�,), ! ,,,, ti " �� . lea for his breaches of the law, to surrender, a'singlQ important feature of relatingto the enforc yncrit of the SG )tt s„ ; .: a%a�' " �,� t'�\�1�° 4 the bill which he'in'trod(iced, "though not Act: He explained that the salaryof Mr. —MADE ONLY SY =-- �;vtA�+ s4; West,s Gough Syrup is now the leading ra• a da "has passed in which' he hag not iv• 1 vaody for coughs, colds, sore tbroat,bronebitis y P g Young, Police Magistrate in Halton, had a• - , dor material is endorsed by laading soien- en the subject of its improvement egmaa b o aid last ear b rise Government out' �p ,�. fists as bola{ practically imperishable, it asthma, whoopifg•ceugh and consumption. thouirrht'. Ilia enthuaiaani is e' , p y s J BHNSDON I,ONH�BR ll � A "eY oannot absorb woisture, and consequently All druggists, - of .t "e ,appropriation for hie (lilt. Trott -on) • r i , , -4 w% ' p;_ t p/oO 't•: • is mot affected by the frost, the Tunes by its .diatribes against Home branch. ',The reason for this was that when ®'t� t_ lilt. Duncan Fletchol, a respected Rule acknowled es rho vitalit of .that • W.illearey ahcavier weight than awry O 6NA �0, , -4.0 "T•, _—_ resident of the 9th con, of West Will- g Y the Scott Act teas carried in Raltod about , waggon made. t3 goes I ,• �ea.? � a cause, 'five years nen, the Government ag;reed to C `' r �+u�+ p ��++ lams, died suddenly from apoplexy a P P' CUTTERS, �ILEIGHS, &li. ..: " to F. *`' `' fiend f• Desi ns and Trims to dew evenings since. He was on his way Reports from.corree ondents in 25 coon• snake an earnest effort to enforce it, Mr. � x Al r 6 o , y. ties of Illinois this. week are of a uni- Young was appointed, and his salary at gz fBt, 4 ,, NVQ - I. Q�s-I �� ��" fo attend a sister's wedding in Caradoc, formly favorable tenor, in reference to first was paid out of the License Fund, HlJFtrON l�lhi® BRIDCE I '' dr 4 am" ;rl-.l V . and was stopping over night at his bro- winter wheat.' Th condition througjlgut mads up of the fees from druggists' licensee i?,� tiTlr ,.3 CLINTON. that's in Lobo. After tea the wo were the State i ug to the full average for the and fiuog for cnnvietions under the Act. TJO1Lif ]]� g]]'b'I?ytlllP,klt t U j �:ir ti ,p 4 :fd'' %',�• , 1. aitting, talking, . wben, without a tile- past five years. In Indiana, Ohio and But the Dominion Government having *�' - inent's warning, the unfortunate ..mall Wisconsin it continues favorable, and in taken the fines out of the control of the ---- _- -•-• _-•_-_ rn ._-_--__________ -_ _-_ - fell forward• and immediately expired, Hii4ouri it is tuore favurablo than at any Province, the Provincial Gnverument, if This Company is Loaning Money on Farm, n time during the preceding seven years. ,order to keep faith with Mr. Young, paid Security at Lowest Rates of Inlerest• ���ppp fNils Ladies 'troubled with Pimples, Blotches, The general eituatiun in Kansas is slightly his salary: But Mr. Totten stated in �eply _^ o Wflosko�' h iso ���IS _ Rough hands or Face,orsores of any deRCrlp- to a uestion that he would not recon lend U 66 Viou, Qhould use McGregor and Parke's Carbolio improved. The crop . in the lowlands q Cera it will leave the slrinin perfect health, throughout Michigan exhibits damage, but the payment in the same way another \ - - ---- t _ I smootb, clean and good color. Be sure and,get d g ' year. Be explained that the difficult in �itllt'CC"ri(i ti )' tJ1iCII:1SED looks well in the uplands. Y P y __ After being themughl y overhauled and re -fitted with the genuine; muds by 'McGregor da Parke. I Ptice.25a. Sold at Worthmgtou's Drug Store, •the enforcemeut of the Scutt Act by the , NEW MACHINE1tY of the most appyqcad kinds these - Johnson's All flailing' white Ointment has Province la in the fact that the revenue SAVINGS -] ANK BRANCH. mills are now in splendid running order, and will not The steamer Belgie, which arrived at been used with trio most Astonishingly good ro- y I be surpassed in the quality of the work done, by any sults in salt rheum, sores, ahaninq B, burns scalds from fines did not accrue to the Province, g 4 aat,d 5 per CepaA"� Interest .Alloaced on . mill in the country. p p San Francisco, from China has brought chapped hands, etc., as rnauy who have used it and some of the counties demanded these . Deposits, according to amount n 1I {{ n{ n 1 n ����� .�LL �� ®RQ ' flews of a dreadful traged at His a ear pto convince.you that wbit we claim Is feces- p J Special Attentloo glyu to GRIST(NG r v can rove. Tr it • A trial 'No Y Y y y eclatmforis fines to be handed over to them instead uF' and tents left. n.7. Shib, China, twenty miles northeast of iedeeervcd 2,aonteptlrboaatPlorthingtondrug11. being used tq enforce. -the Aotc,_IIedgclarea. thio hu imrat 9ce�eRrf�iap�a �al`tE-rubetn- store... _ -,, _ Hongebo-w. Over three hundred tr1114 amps also that there was great difficulty because i — "Fever -sores ++ 9caly or laongh skin, A ver °sad and painful occurrence tome y c 1 y appeared in the village, and the inh;,bi- y P of the lack of certain minor bat neCsssar UFFICE.-Carne et 1Jarke S ware and North Saco c short, all this caused l, bad blood asp place at Sarnia, on Friday, by which it is changes in the Act. There were doubts IIORACE HORTON, CROPPING DONE ON SHORT NOT10E. I couiluratl by this e. Gr'ul, purifying, nnati�l tants, greatly irritated by their pie8Mce, MANAGER cors ming medicine. Great Eating n( . feared the head master of the high school, as ton number of poii,ts which were ex- Satisfnciinq guaranteed. Parties wanting anything cors rappidly hetil tinder' its benign inituencJl}. inveigled the whole body of tramps into Mr. Wm Sinclair B. A. may be erma- ,;oedin 1 harassing, hampering very much (;n=torich August bib 1385 whatare 4P this line will find it to their interest to I Especialhv has it manifested' its potenc tt t o tetnple,•,tlnd during tLv ni ht set y P g Y P !1 _ .__ .-___.----___- , tiva as acall.. . ,Curing'Ietter, Rose Ituerla, Boile,'2a h nentl de rived of his a esi ht, lVh.ile the action of the ofiicintg• Io re pl to a bnuelce sore Eyos 9crottnl6us sorej}► fire to the edifice. Only forty of the Mr. Sinclair . was demonatratino some question he plated that in his npioien it PENNYROYAL WAFERS. - 'I, R ItUBER, Proprietor, and Sivellin s,.U%-Joint Disea Prescription of a physician who White Swellings, Goitre,. or Tisic tramps escaped from the blazing building chemical experiment in the,laboratory con- would require $200,000 a year if the Pro- has had a life long experience in , ; - ---•: - - . _. -- Fleck and Enlarged Glands. (Send the remainder beinghnrned to death. nected w•ith•tlio high school, a glass vessel vincial Government Uri to enfore creating female diseases. Is used - cents i'n stamps fora large treatise, with , monthly with perfect success by LTH IS -\WEALTH • ored 'plates, on skin Disonses, or the containing tt chemical mixture, exploded the Scott Act in all the counties,in which over 10,000 Indies. Pleasant,safe, amount for a treatise onSCrofutotleAfrectto This is to certify that I have used McGregor's with su�%cient to drive the fragments into it had been declared in force. 'The lose effectual Ladies ask your drug- s U- I "THJS ]BLOOD 19 TeiE LIFE1 Apepdy cure for Dyspepsia audLivorComplaint , g gist,for Pennyroytal Wafers and 0 t,y Thorough] cleanse it b using Dr. Pierce � and do honestly say that if it. cost rile $too per Mr. Sinclair s face, cutting it terribly, and through the Act to the Province in license �a f Mottle 3 would not be without it as it Las done g take no substitute, or inclose post- lea Hold©el lYIedfewl Die ovorv, find goo r one of•the iecetreom letel imbedded it- fees and coat of enforcing the Scott Act he age for sealed particulam Sold by dlgeetion a fair adie�u bnoyant•spf %no more good than all the medledues I over P P y all drug gte, $1 er box. Qddrens its, vital strep th, a'ia�l soundnesA used, and I feel like a naw man, -fetors truly. self ill one of his eyes. Io is not known at estimated at $100 000 "ear, while at the ��it p g Y ' 'll XuRF.1;A CiIEMICAL CO°, Dvrmoiz, Mics. Con6Llttit1011, `Till be established, ALEX. STEEL, Carleton Place, Ont. This med1- this time what is the extent of the injury, same time be did not"know of ally pardeu- g ld in Clinton by J. H. COMBE and Druggists I - elne is for sale` at boo and $1.o0 per bottle at �������� Worthington'@ Urug Store. but the most serious results are feared, lar reduction in the coat of ndminiatering e�orywhere. n justice or in the number of offend -re }1x -Aid Hartop, a brain buyer at The auccees.of a wonderful Surgicel opera- a ainst the dew ae the result of the Act. aEarRts + which is icrofailons IDisat►9II of 0 Guelph'bas absconded to'the other side. tion, performed in New Bedford, Maes., t3 11 ad This' iwd:be Wise i Jt.uugs, is promptly nnA certainly ar,eeteii pearl a year a 6,. has been demonstrated, There were in some Scat Act eouftiaa re- Dr. U.'C. weet'a Nene and Bre Treatment, a guarran and cured by this God -ggiven rem y, if takdh His liabilities are heavy, caused "by S y at c ductious intbe numberof.offenders, but teedspecibeforhysteria,convulsions,gfs,nervousneuralgia before the last stagesoYChediseatearereachgQ. Seventeen years ago Eduard K. Russell keikaache, nervous prostration caused By the use of alcoho From Its woudert•ul power over this terrib speculations in stocks on tuargins. $is there were :. ductions in other counties as 1 have vps•sd in Dlytfo, a aret•o[aS5 or tobacco, wakefulness, mental defremmn, softeningcl(the fatal disease, When first offering this now CQi. departure leaves man of his creditors in roar with an accident, in which the tendons well. In the course of his eviderce Mr. brain, resulting in inasnisy, leading to awry, decay Wild" obrsited remedy to Clio -,ppublie,. Dr, fimR(1f1 p y in one of his legs were severed, rendering �O�' 'Z' ,s s$iD� and death, premature old age, barrenness, loss nfpower;neither thought eei'lottmly of aAFIIng it hie a CO rather reduced circumstances. His bro- 1 Is Totten gave a number of facts relating to sex, involuntary losses and spermatorrbses enused by arer Gumption Cure,++ butnbandoned that na the limb use ess. Theo erat.iou',00nsisted the administration of the departments and _ exertion of thebram, self ibtse or ever Ind,ilgence: Each as too limited for a medicine which, from thers, one bis partner's on the market of the transferring of two tendons from a �s koxcon talusone menth'streatment, tllabox,orsixboxed wouderfuIcoil'ibinatioiloftonio,orstrenq,��h duties of the offloors. employed. :m►8 sri S . for a5, sent bf taps prepDdid on receive of price, ing, alterative, or blood -cleansing mail-bllio and the other a leading farmer and dog to Russells limb, where they,wereunit- - • ; - WE eUARRANTHE SIX BOXES tL�t T e■Te say case. with eaeb order received by us for six pectoral, and nutritivo properties, Is uneQU�lie ,` miller, suffer considerably through en- ed with the severed tendon in that member not only as a reined Y t rite r Y g MORE RF,6fARKABLE STILL. -- boxes, aeeompauled with $5, we will scud the purchaser our y y or CbnaumptlOII e slorsina for him. Two of the local banks For ten mouths after the operation Russell round at dasr, what rho basila has been last- i Make and Mead all kindv of BneG1 and Shoes, and wfttengoaraptee fa retuud the mooet ��thQJTcatment.dace ._-H?ngsr Uut-for-5"----------- -;- - `-- was not allowed to use his leg, but within a Ing for tbG se"many years and that is a medtein0 keep an �x"cellerii s£bcY ram"Fie9T'cTdss w`ork`. --'ul-IT.- ecE s ansa: geTd�j a'iri'iWi', ietn iF,T. C. west k Co.,it is said, are considerable losers also. g whiolt althouahbut lately introduced, has made ... Trent• . - CHRONIC DISEASES He has sites s bt)ine an honorable re- feet days he has been permitted to exercise for itself a reputation second to none the me- IIIj )*TLv Yf• •ou want anything in thlR - • y 11AR llt7 3 pay g _ - OF THE it, He has now resumed ,idle 'work, and dlclfe.Ts Jolinson'e Tonic Sitters whiuh in eon- line it will a you to come and _. _, cord heretofore. lunation with Johnson's Tonic Liver Pills has see me. I keep trema hame strap to a No. 1 set of ' has eonrplete control of thg limb, rile op- 'performtldsomemostwouderfnl'bares. Impure SI•NGLE or -DOUBLE HARNESS, beat of stock and Liver Blood and Lun At Akron, Ohio, despatch says :-Two pei•ation having proved t0 "W ail entire or lmpoverisbeit blood soon becomes puritled workrsanahsp may alwags be expected, Please give ass nrr en s r a 01 months .Ergo Wm Wiese, Bolding a good success• and enriched Biliousness, indigestion sick Bead rR+ a call.; Implement �s� �gl,jw�, ache, liver oomplaipt, languor, wealcuem. etc, — i If yon feel dull, drowsy debilitated, h position in the employ,_Qf the Schumacher soon diva boar when treated by these excellent mallow color of Shin, or yellowish -brown br. G. W. RandallT of Hagtiuga,, Neb,, p y',, �. SMELL �' on faee of body, fie gent headache or Milling Company, diaa eared with u - tonic medicines. For sale by Dr. Worthington. C Y A T E q PP P was arrested last Wednesday night for - ness, bad tastein mouth, internal Beat or chilli warda of $1,500 borrowed from employes committing rape upon Laura Hart, of Ed. The breach of promise"case at Barrie tiavin,kiceeptedlbeageneyfor the Ayr Manufacturing alternating with hot liashes low spirits tiri►f of the mill, where he acted as a sort of ar, an 11 year old irl ivho was laced ©LYTIN __ Co., (Watf,on's) will open out an office in the premises gloomy borebodinge, irregular appetite, arms Y girl, P Assizes, was finished on Friday; having lately occupied- by -lir. Eddy, Albert Street, Clinton, coated totlgue, you Lire su ering from Ind - banker. Heil lao took the funds of the under his care 'for treatment, The crime occupied two days. The interest Mani- near) opposite Fair's Hill, wheh be will be leased to gestiou "li►yspopsin, and Torpid Live German Lutheran Church, cf which he was P 9 Till , ELEBRATED y ppreceive orders for the celebrated p or ee1itil onauese.++ In n1Any cases o was committed one ,reek ago, and today feated in the case wapremarkable. -The t` l� �''; .� R �j���� part of _these symptoms are experienced.ycas Treasurer. His wife was left in straitened , ''J'_ "J the doctor ens arraigned. Just after the plaintiff was )Liss Ela arine Joanna Ber ,�, STEEL - TWIN E - BIDDER a remedy for oil such cases, Dr. Pierce-% circumstances with two children to care fot, examination had closed apd Randall had trim daughter of Mr. Joseph Bertrim, of t :'`' Cjj)hl�fi�' ° Andthe NEW HUMMER. MOWERand DAJSTRAEF., Golden Rledical IDisCUvery has Y0 ,- . and on Friday the first information of ' g P �' e uni. _ been placed unci„r $50,000 bonds, the Uro- the township of Oro, and the defendant, ,nY , �A]a�t;LI06� A fon line of repairs will also kept ;n 9cpek• 1 art-W.is Llan�•S9 1lpltten(g of Blood, been whereal-outs came in a letter from ther of the girl pulled out o..revolver, and Chs H. Hicklin a well-to-do farmer re- ,;,.. Prompt attention will be tivoirt,5 all orders, whether slaortues5+ of Breath, IlCronchitl_P liim, dated Tilsonburg, Ont. He inclosed g i tz g' ; ;l, ® by mail or otherwise. Also I severe coughs, Consumption, on sl , before any pers-it was awai6'',#(•hie° inten- siding in the township of Vespra. In the • =>r •„ kindred affections it is a Soverefgn rem some rooney.for his wife and children and tion shot Rand a•I dead. -"HeAben walked fall of 1883 the defendant commenced \\ PLOWS, STRAW CUTTERS, Bend ten cents in Stamps, for Dr. Piermi asked whether he would be prosecuted if out sof the Court room and' disappears paying his attentions to We plaintiff, and And all ether Farm implersesto kept in stock, I book on Consumption. sold by Druggietf. be returned. The help intended for his and no arson has tato the trouble t�O on the 24th of May, 1884, the were en. t: O Yi+ - R OR 6 BOTTL it ^^- wife-'vavR aPlst a file hours too late. A p q y y I� F+i' �' �Nw.ilas G"wIN1I'Ol�ie I PRICE 6.EJ0 FO. $a. C308. look for him as the shoaling islooked upon gaged to be married. The defendant f >„ • ► D third little one had been born to the almost as justifiable. From the evidence 'pro• contint ed to Visit her during the summer 7W �_ __-_ World's Dispensary Medical Assoclaft heartbroken mother, and her grief at her. duced it appears as though Randall" and of '84, and a number of letters passed be- FOR LIVER AND KIDNEY DISEASES • ' , husband's desertion and anxiety for her Ilia wife who was on trial with him have tween them, The defendant says he des- ” When an intelligent man wants to �iur• Proprietors,b00Mail, St., BurrALo, N.Y. little ones made it impossible for her,to made it practice to ruin young gir�9, and troyed all the letters received from the ehnsP, lie but sfrofnnctrtimichose standing in TI-IIIE MERCHANTS' -__ _ _-_-- rally. Friends immediately sant message ' ' ' r s - w LITTLE their severa callings fs a quarantea for the I then place them in souses of ill-fatii plaintiff excepting one, while rho plain- ,c„1iluof their wares.' This sterling motto is annUnoing hia wife's death to Wiese. He tiff kept nearly all the letters of the de• c'�ubl • true in rc and topatent medicines, buy protectin and Collecting Association I It r `� � C, ®S T� telegraphed that he would cement once r1 nyrcID To MOTnF.Ra.-Aro you. disturbed on y tit"Sa rnado gay practical.professional mon. or LIVEfi, for tits funeral and then take the conse� at night, and broken of your rest b a sick fendant, which were produced and read in Ur•'"AsEistoowcllandfavorablyknownby ►softs y court amid frequent outbursts of tau titer, hi, r,,cei t books to re uire an rocommenda- 'lit° �► A V O child Bufferin and crying with Ain of Cuttin q g P 9 y — O F CANADA — O 0 gtienco .pf the crime, o y g p g tion. ®\\ ® iii PILLS. Teeth If sn send at once gadget a bottle of Things went ou smoothly until December 1,2, CTIAStn's Liver Cure has, a receipt book no -not oMee, Haanfitsn, tint. . - ” Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup" for Child- of the Same year, when the. defendant, v.;,•;,;,•,cit around every bottle which is worth its ANTI-BiLiOII:hl and CATHARTIC. WHAT A CHANGE. ton Tcethin Its value LS, incalculable. It , nlcf, EBTARLIRHBD lass. sold by Druggists. w scats u vial. g hearing unpleasant rumors about the ,+, ."I,r n, A few short weeks ago thatyounggirl was w'iU.relaebe the poor little Sufferer immediately. plaintiff, Ifrou ht these to ]ler notice but +i:'' v,1,, w'e Liver Cure is guaranteed tocure Is a• Association of bosinem and professional sten, the personifioation of health vigor ad beauty % end upon it, mothers ; there it no migtalre P ' g = nil di:+o:wcs arising from a torpid or inactive having for its object the i k ��® g Y was Unable CO obtain an explanation. liter suet, as Liver Conipinlut, I►yspepgia, l Tire hlosh upon leer 6heeks rivalled that of tlae about it. It euros Dysentery and lliarrhosa r:rls„estion litiltotutucRR Jaundice heard- COI LECTION OF D1 BTS' w WAD regulates the Stomach and Bowels,- cures Winn The defence set up is that At this inter- + • + , toss, her stop was light and bnoyant,her every g n;.io, l,trrrN!►uta, >vitliow d7emplcxlen,eto., is nfiered h• the propriotA movetneat woe a rrftcetion of orfeot h sisal Celia, softens the G}ume, reduces Inflammation, view the plaintiG' released the defendant Til = ISI f�PJ EY9 THE KIDNEYS And to Prevent Its members making had debt! by I • of lir, Nago'n Catarrh Rem�fi3p' P P y and gives tone and energy to the whole system, from the engagement and that he Was jus- furnlshtng than with lWts of parties who do not pay, ' t'oi,aerfseof catarrh wbtohtaey health. Yet now She is pallial and haggard, ” Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup," for child- , i,-., tllrA s'y ],iter Cure is n, cR1le)I euro for n. cannot turn. 1• and her euperabundaut vrtaiity has ivan ren teething is loasant to the taste and is rho LiGec] i i his accusations. Niehling then n., 1 n ttfeui,•uIN of tl,o kirines s,Buoh as pain in Merchants and othcra having aeeounts to collect rind I ,. y g fl� l f, rn, have n d Ieehm a freta Place g P married a Miss Kirkup. Notwithstand- tiw b,,,•,r 7,�n inloworpu^Uvuoftile oAten, wishing to become mombers, by remtttiiig$7 to our , `. tlw nose, oiirnsfvo or nth - laaG to a stran;{o dullnnae and 1agBitndG, prescription of one of the ok]ostand boetfumnle a:,nt. c , ,'i n to paws ur:nr., red and white �c qr What has caused this change? Funetionall physicians and nurses in the United States, and ing a rigid examination Of witnesses the ,., C: t, IN, :.'na,ting p.tins, in passage, Bright's lidnngore, fiamilton, Ont., will receive by return mAH I edge, partial less of smell tFtsfg rrr nlnrrtlPs which can bo cored h Dr, is for sale by all druggists throughout accusations were proven. Dania e9 cii '+a I,u•1nilurinnri•ti,oublos.rte, feltpnrticulara,certtfseat•ofmonnbershfp,Rca, ofheruiriq,Hinkoyesdullpaflt g r y fi 1 g or premix 1n head, you have Catarrh. Tbp Tierce's' `Favorite Prescription," " a remedy to Price twentyfive cents a bottle. Be sure and were set 'at 10 000, Tho jury. after- a ''t i:. I ,Ce u•, other, It, will tura you. Sold I sands of enshs termionte. in ern,Funr tion. P $. + j 1.•, alltie,il„r9nt$1.00pc•rb.,itl . J. B. )>Trtts tit Co,,'1♦IAnagere, Hamilton, P e wh-oi Viousancls of women today owe their . aslt for "Mus. W,N4roiv's SooTIHNo Sraur,” qhs rt nhePnco,tcndered averdict fpr ,lain- , ' I ur, sage's c AT.lmbrf HEmi nr tarts the,v4iiel and take nn other kind. 20• •p, I ,r. P,v)iT •' N'!40.N kk Co., � vases of Catarrh, cold in ileo 1T0A Nce, All druggists. 1 of of $2,500, .torr Ao_Nrc r.A CAN ,DA. I ' ennoroac, l Or to JAs, Txnmrso.v, Agent, Clinton. and Cntarrlaall llieudnelie. bo cents, I 11 1. I .. .