HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-04-01, Page 4r_.. ,_ ...,..n ._..-- ,. .. , .. ..-» _ •4 • • .. i .. -..--f.�man - f •' S %:. . ' p e e >ti _.. ". • _ W.W* 0".=,*J104 --bAA,N,.r,gc•"04f,• - ... _. . _ _ _. _-_•.._. - - _. _ _.. .....,--. .,.-�.- ,._--e•:,. •i•; ,-..-..,.,.,,. ,k_.:.,..�r;,a,.,,,,«„M„Tm.x, wgll attended, gild bras xory. lnterestl.ug, a . +)U`R 3l,I&T-rA,u 1 o i If',,H1CaACH X(a:'� E,X. who are -puttiabed never confess, and ari never , *. �44ua> itaulfou Additiolnal Local News.. n4mber ai feats, at apmcial n]3orest to Protea- --_ _ tante, Leing uarraled. (We are not responsible for any. opinions expressed 1 To Lhe i ditor of thaOdintun New Era,. fr0n►gG a Gr a alt rases i! also de e0tonoln>)I Hdtto•�Jackaon 3rov. undertitleheadta En NawLAa,h Medical-�7)r ('larks, A,RittvEn� Wor4-blas du;bt beeA received BuiLa SooiETY.-The secretary of the Clinton 1C - iva• The u# the eats ar;iva.t pf 1Yf r Thoa. Jaekaon, at Branch limbs r3ooteq:, air J. v. Stoveuaou, tu- I M; En><xon.-I am sake i "If it is wrong rocs was uut•foF ptttzenal►tp, bot for the prize,, Nettipe-J. I bertson. forms us that esi.so was co:lected to Clinton Sfr ? DENIAL,. +o receive money for religious purposes from and surely those who, from one cease or aa - Cheap Trtnka•.-J, Twltchti). Lfibrpooi, after a remarkably Ccold And James and St John, ou each ; St George, e12; Bt T„ t the,un odl what was the ultimate result of ho taileedd to reach the goal, lost the prize, ' 1Vah Paper-hhrih. Dickson. rough passage, during which the shaft of Andrew,$9.sb,andthecollectionsinthecountry g y' �66.2d, total, ggt87.76. Thu society ata meoting + p of the money that was laid at the feet of St a t . 4E t y entered fur the race. I submit un tr.►tnrday,riousted $120 to Ella. .0.14- Societ - To the Editor o the Clinton Are Lra. peter by Ananias and $apphira?" also that there is no point ii► the illustratiop Note Paper-Uhrfa. Diukeoo. the steAmer was 1 r Iken while a consider- f House for Sale --J. Stevenson. I able distance from land. Mr R. Irwin, ox-presideut4 has beau added t DEAR Sin, -Allow me a small space in your I answer, the Word of God says ositively given by Pater, if those who turned back from, . ) 13o;vent Wanted -Mrs Craig. tka c, ittre, as the society feels it cannot de paper this week. There is e report around it is wren to receive moue f p the holy commaudmeate were nut saved.. Why Chea Want -J• Twitchell. CHANGING. - Dir Cbas Carter, %Tito for without bis help, fi y pr religious den to the teoue what had takep A town that I informed on Samuel Pike, last ur oses from the un odl "The •sacrifice Y Pe pleas in lapsing Clottliug aacksap Brie; about eight years has been fui'rii foreman The folloRing reaolutiuu shows the attitude of week. I deny the charge entirely, and defy of lona wicked is an atiofflination 1 o the toe dog xnd oa the au+i P t6n dug was better, _ lite PraSbytllry of Huruu un tits present aspect an one to come forward and rove that I „ ' and the sow washed, ]Iuw an41d the eraens ' ' 111,11 ry Opourng Ut k.p• & Co, at Btppleton has rented a portion of 6i r. of chs tmini'erauoe question ill the ceuuty, as Y p Lord, Is the emphatic derslaratiori of scrip- p j3nll for Sety ice-hichhrd Catter. VanEgmond's property, on the Huron brought out at the March meeting fn receiving did as stated, for I can take my oath before ture, and Romans xv. 16, states that the turn iron► what they were not, or become , C duwbus WateheF-Rnb. H'. Ccate. road, and will work it this year in con- the annual report ou toulpernnoo. This report any judge or magistrate, with a clear con• offeriu u of the Gent2les is oily made ac- agaill' ootangled and overcome, if they had „ f3,ry ut K tntcd-bis P. A. Forea e . neetion with some land of his own beingbused o, answei Eu the General Assent soie ice. And,if ou or an one pan inform g P never esca ed ? Iluw could their end ba ii bly's questions from the sessions of the different Y ceptable by their receiving the --Gospel, and P Spring and Summer S iita--Ita"ce & Cu. congregati ns within its bonds.- "That this me who started t is report, I shall feel oblig• , thus it is sanctified by the Holy Ghost.. worse than their bebi ruin;,if there had been no ` _ _ _ --__. THE WFATHI,.R.--Nobody wanted this presbytery continue their afiherouoe to the ed for the information,. Thanking you for Why, the Chief Priests that condemned change ? The scripture references from the o tt latest fall of snow but it came All tits Ca11x a Tempe, auoe Act believing it, as a tem- your space, I remain'° Fitw). FuId,AND• Christ to death, would not n vereos cleat I bhu%v ILA those s1 + parana measure, to Le ill• advance of a heeus,e 1 It the thirty )' p sous had p '� �+ ) t same. Those who think that spring law, and that good has been uooum Ilghed by It _•----- i-ts -- pieces of silyer in the treasury, because it baron made partaker,l of the Divine nature. Z11ito i� r tiv ( . • should bloom out ought to remember that uutwithataudfug Its partial failure from pop -en- {vas the price of blood, and Boos "Reader" I have read that in the Greek the present - we usuall have a bi snow storm in A rll. forcemeat. i'ho Presbytery very much regret '• FALLING AWAY'." su ose that the A ostles wore lower morall tease denotes wbat is now going on, and indi- f T:1DA], APIt1L 1, 1887. Y g p this inadequate enforcement as a thing that PP P Y • as Wa a continuous, re rated or habitual action, __ _ _ The bliyzard of Monday and lueaday t]ae ought not to ho, and would ergo upuu aha , 1 . than those wtckod priests; and that they P - - - - ltnoeked busigess endwA: s, and it will. Govornmort of the cuyutry to parfuct the u rt i fu the G'•litur of the G [eutcrt 1\'Pw Era. would use money that' was ; nnected with a that the sestet inhcative axprosaea the simple I No lass 11tnu sovrn applicati0nh f.•r divoroe take someti tie before it ate back to oven and to tyro fidaadequate means fur oufuruiug 1 , DFut girt,---I,Nia..v,o€ bitedebatea on "ialh' ''lie to God ?" tnumentary oaenrreuoa of 1%n act ip post time, g „s the indifferent euforcemeut whit'h the amt int,' away," which have recentl ] a„ill come up' t;cfure the .Senate, when the its normal condition. For th.e lit of Ap- has re rived ,u this country to prrjudiciut to the y taken place And I ase, ` Is not this ora ticeof begging etc., shot wheuevq r Ella uo lditionh of final cuss meets and the Iour.d of action fu six ril, the weather is anything but desirable, moral interests of ilia community as wen. as in the Town Hall, it may not be unprofitable money from the unconverted, actually plac- salvntiron aro stated, coo present reuse is al• H g dishouuriug to aur l.+wa, whtuh., Is the dutyh of to marl of your readers, especially to those ing those who do it, on a lower level than moat invariably ased, and not" the 'ttorist, still we must take it as it comes and mak* the Goverumeut to upbuld at all hazards. T ey ,+} , which teaches thin that the faith that secures 04 them is " atiuitei). ' Thu murals of the also advfae the people to streup then the -hands belun•,ing to tine Baptist denomination, to those chief priosts wbo would not put the - hbe best of it. tit officials under ilia Set ill the orturmauce of know what that a nent Ba test the Rev. mons of J das into the treasur v eternal life is a continuous faith, is, in fact, a coputry do nut splicer io Be improving to- �..: -, P rut P , ,, Y In " a . y' state a•li'ivbitof ruins and not a momentar BASE IiA'LL:�A� itis e-atteridau<'o n>;.i romrduty, aod'not tp rq codtiitom the Canada C. H, tipurgeon, s•cys on the subject. Th^ :. E 'u'vo t-t�l .,, .�e %lig livt�g'&od,+tflxat Y markably fast. g r perauce Act, exe, t in •the direction of following, taken from the sixth series of his He cannot prov#d r his own cause? Has or definite' act, Let me give•a few verses _ _•____.�.y,�-___- present at'the Strand Lninn last Fr'Iday gouaralpruhtbitluu." , r I with this idea ill the translation. .John iii " s,rmons, pubes :.4 J aud�_41,wi11 be aeon to One Ho become as impoverished that IIs is com- , Ax a meetiuo ul thu Cousorvativos nighti for the purpose of reorganizing the Tna COMING CONCERT. -'I b0 Easter ooneert to in marked contrast with the views of the ,elled to send His children around to beg of 15, That whoaoevor is coutinnoilely believing of \Neat Hurua, b, ld in Goderich Dauntless Base i3allClub, A lively inter- be given under the auslilema of the outuri dt iia )tist minister of this +lac,¢, though in ler- his enemies, Sndto of u " an -cake" sowals in him should not perish but have everlasting etit ervaded and lite roe ,eels for the aholr,prorulses to be ouo t f the must interesting life • v. 36, He that is continuous) be g ou Tuesdoy, it was d sided to take stops to p P given bore. The cumwittreare si)ariug neither foci harmony with. the teSching of the I3ap to squeeze twenty-five cents 'from the poor y lievin Coming season were never enter. The pates oar expense to make tile'concert a grand tist Theolo rucal Colleges of En"land and worldlin r to hal) on his cause. Has Christ (tit .the San hat I everl ast ing life. John x, 24, defend D1 r. 1'o ter ill li,m expected protest, follo%ying il(iicere, were elected: -Honorary success ill every detail. (2nita au SrrS.v tit iucul America. Mr. Spurgeon says:- The Ar_ to be betrayed over again, and that in the Verily, verily say u o you, he that is el and also to enter a cuunter protest against President, Jno.Wiseman ; Pres., C Smith; kindlty hcuosbuteedtto1euesistaunef .Ch dr f tfte nninianholdsthe unnatural, cruel, barbarous house of his friends? The Word of Goaisipos- wnys hearing my wards, and conatnntly be - Mr. Cameros. A cnwttor peuteut epnuot be Vice-Preq., G. 1). McTagharl; Capt., AV. church un the uoeasiun, It Is pleasing to know idea,' that a man may be God's child, and itively opposed to this bringing the price of having ou Him the sent Me, bath eternal r that ropresentittionA fro , nearly every choir then God ma uncbild him because he sloes souls into the treasury of God, and of you life, and is not coming into condemnation, or Siialding; Scse', Genf. T. R ntitn,+rin; Treaa., y l" entered unless tLe neat is rust cta'me,l ;.0 Lo- W Harlan; manaciu committee Geo. ill wawa writ utke parteiclior w member or auto. not behave himself. The idea is revolting are going to give up the Word of God on judgment, but has passed over from death K , [t was sutirilullvd that sumo mumbera alae of � onto life And eo oontin4ea. Joon {i, A5 half of Mr. Cameron. Armour, C Smith, 11 Staubury, the Prilsbytertan choir would take part, but we even to human sensibility. If our children this question, why not come out in a straight that is er etuall comin to me shall not Hy - ----r-4.0- . uuderarand that th6 ocntlnfttee have not been sin, they are our ahilclren still; though char- forwaio manner and throw it all otrerboard . P P Y g , by Stile to secure the assistauoe, asked fur from that tend and vexed sore, et never do the r ' ' Mr Editor, this money question is what any means, once hunger, and he that is con- ,V.o last w•eeL gave aur opinion coliceru• DEATHS. -Tho %wife of Dir. David Con- quarter. Between twgnty and thirty little Y Y stantL believin in me shall never b an ins the Queen's County election case, when`:'alell died very soddenly on Sunday, of girls,who will appear ht white,ttre. being trained reuse to be rumombered Smongst our family. has raised so much opposition and bitter: Y g , y y lu motion songs and tableaux for the occasion, There are many of God's children who have ness to our "free" preaching. "The craft is means, feel qng pang of thirst, The believing Nv tsd`thiitdill oit'ff"�Cbnsbry0LUVJd 'a heartdisease,sl,e:li.itd:been. IiT kllyr utFu and tlns�lliltiTelt'aZcliTrt'wtll. Mtrapatflattrepr .•,.,oma . r "tt'1d-b0-f"LTf"J7eft ftl Rt'li[l . er,"-anci::.e the:c;y 4,_xaisedv`.A.wful andthe.ha4intza_ter�naLlifearenotnmensurate;,_.-=rite; _ . _"y . _._......_._._. �-_-- - . , health ,only•a--sbort 'Vkm ber6r'ei luid lir tl- est an-Nw Ifsc,--'- rorrealn]u+picnce-has.".been eau it wererap idea•too barbarous•to'su ose that doctrine t" "heres r" -Ma God ii en the where the faitli ie, the poases'stou of eternal rho Hamilton Spactatur, a as honest eiroubl3 death Ons entirel Unex ected. $be with senna aplondid "artists from a diataucoa PP y' Y P life is and where one remits the other is for• / Y P Phe caland tee are endeavoring ro rocare Mies God would unchild his child for any sin he eyes of His people to the truth. If It can , to condemn the action of the Returning leaves a family of five children. The Cosy Swan fur Iiia evening, and ipt successful, (loth commit. He keepeth fast his covenant. be shown from the Word of God that it is (cited. The if is in the believing. One more °' Officer. We are pleased to find that au- wife of Mr. M. Fischer, tn' whose illness w111 be able it) promise the people of Clinton a He. loveth theni*sinners though they be. right to receive the money from the uncon- massage, with a note from Alford : 1�i,,,John other ono is'outitled to similar"credit, the r¢fefeuce %cue muse last week died on spleudid treat llli'ser Swan, tt will be remetn He kee eth them from runnin into the riot verted,and that it is also according. to God'"" iii, 9, Whosoever has been born of GodLis not + l]ared, %vie to have appeared, here with tiro P g s Sunday of Consumption ; the leaves four suo ttfillreanadlna club, but %r as absent on ae• of sin, and {Then, sometimes, they go astray, \Nord, for me as a servant of Christ; t0 hire "habitually sinning, for His' geed is abiding ill Mitchell Advocate, and thi3 Is what it sa) children, the .youngest shunt two yewrs old. coni t of tllunss. It •will be grdtt' itig to tholto as the best of them will, still big loving heart myself out to preach for say 51000 per year, him, and be is not able to be sinning; because concerning the case :- The seven months old dao+•titer of Dtr. who were iClsappomtea by Ler aUi+neo at %kat . to3varda then is unchangeably the gan;ne. I and as much more as I can get; if this can he has been born of God. '� The abiding o tlruedo kn6v.t at alae isiikely to ouiue at Easter. do not serv.n the God of the 'Arminians at be shown, Mr Editor, i would go into the force of this divine generation in a man ex• ,rAs Mr King, the Liberal candidate, was Reynolds, Denver, died , last week ; Mrs. The churns will uuarber hutwenu tifty and sixty undoubtedl elected, we hoe lie will leave Re nolds was fornierl Aliss C, Fisher, of 11 fail. -N.ext week we'will bn able to gi+•a ilia all ; I limo nothing to do with him ; and I business at once, for I can assure yon, it eludes sin ; where sin enters that force does, . __-._ - Y P Y Y prograh itno to full, with tine arriats,',Ioux1 and do not bow down before the Baal. they have would be much more comfortable to be not abide; the has beep born is in danger of no stone unturiod to secure his seat. �•Mr this town. The infant child of lir. W. furmt •n,wJ•o will be on the pta,fornt. " Baird, the Conservative candidate, who 6 . sat up ; he is not my God, nor shSll he ever swimming down the current of to•day's pop• becoming %lac nd born. A loaf life instead of Flele, (son-in•laty of Mrs. D.1<]rley), died tit '°�' !' be ; I fear him not, nor tremble at, his re- ular reli ion, then to be, as I am eonsdien• a living life. Aud so all each passages as this, has been declared elected, would win the Sd- r )t , P g miration of all right-thinliin men if ho •de-, Bellfontaine, Ohio, this week. Mr.Alelz,LI�TO ��Slj(sl.tl9l�a s • senc6. A tnutablo God may be the God foe tiously doing, opposing it. But if it'be con- intend of testifying, as Calvin would have [+ g „ Arnlalrol3g R'aS called to Uxbridge, nn - y. them he is riot the'Gdd for me. My Jeho- Crary to the teaching of God's Word as I am this one do, to the doctrine. of the final per• clines to sit under the circumstances• Wednesday, by the unexpected death of -'" !h6 fnlloti iug•is a statement of Lhe number vale changeth not. The God that saith to. solemnly pbrsuaded it is, then how solemn severance of the regenerate, do, in fact, bear v his -mother. .J,0,rpil.v eurol)cd, and average attenit,gnee in day: and donieth to?mmorrow ; that justifueth for those who are going on with it and up- witness to the opposite, namely, that as the 'PxE London Free Press suggests Ss one each-rounl clurifig the wolith ofaalnrpfi'I. a to-da?And condemns the next; the God that holding it,-. C}hurch of England teaches, we need God's PROP. MORGAN.-Cligtonib,ns }Pill re- , DI+"islan.' ' Nn.at vAl. Avg. ntteniauce. remedy for some of the wrongly-markorl hath children, of his own one day, and lets "I speak as to wise men, judge ye ,.{That I special grecs every day, to lieap tie i4 the membcrthispersonas a f'ormerre,,ident,. 'Dlr: Lougee, S]6 50 them ohildicnof••,the,.Davilthe.next,isno say.'. YourservuntinChrist. J. J. Sins,' atate_ofsalvation, front-which--everyact:and- ballots that aro found at Query electio2r, bila% and. -thou h -lie -has-been lose Eraplc o€ re• M¢. l;ililEl liar s;: • --51%'3^' " thou ht of siq tits ua in l/aril of fallin awe ." - - - - ~� g r relation to my God, in the least degree. , He _ _ _ g P � B Y _ instsad of a pencil being used to mark cently, the follovwin'g paragraphs show his Miss 9 Neill eii 157 • - 49 . may be the relation• of Ashtoroth or Baal, �' The. answer to question 3, Was not thg the ballots, a.s is usually tile case, a hand- wuereabouts,®and that. bis, 'daughter has M so F xtdn s, . 1,)4' 63• ' ' but Jehovah, never was or can be his name. SOME MORE THOUGHTS BY suffering of Christ borne for all men ? if go, stamp forming a p;mss bo' provided, and lost none of the ability slie'.manifested 1Lliss H ar's, 55 ii 45'„ ' - Jehovaki changeth not; he knoweth no sba- ' ENQUIRER? how is it a judgment only for those that be- n when liy,iu here: The Turento Nef�s,in miss I cab 4t 38 ,, 4a dew of turning.. If b;e' l2ath set his heart -- lieve? is nut at all clear. \\Then 'Mr Sims there would then •be no difficulty about' g , M sa lit ", ,i, 6 . 62 upon a ma°n, he will love him to the end. If T&the Editor of Clinton New Era. says Christ died for .all mon, I believe wick g reporting 'a Sunday afternoon •temperah`Ce 1Ciieh Stun son's 10 ;' 85 , " " what would constitute A le al mark. This , p he hath chosen him he bath not chosen him: SIA, -I erha s I ou ht not to trouble ou him, \Ellen he says He died once .fur all; meeting, anys:-' I''airy Morgan, the'lit-• -_ P g Y „ , would bo an impro%omcut, provided rho Ile ten-year o']dtiiaughter of blind Prof. ' -- for any merit of his own, thererore , e will but there are a few thoughts and questions I would like to know what he means by outs Tut 1 _'493 421 _ .. ,_ ate.-anydelh►er of -that•.I-w•otrld••-1:ike, to-.-give-expression to; -aria• for all. Does it mean once for all withAn„ if u aced an k would coon the s roper vee Morgan<i sang with great Sweetness and • Marcl1'.1 gaG, 485• 408 own. If lie hath begotten him into a lively ing out of the replies to the questions I gave exception ? Then all shall be saved. Bat of P Y P power, Where is my wanderine boy to• ho e h this 1 am doubtful for!nan do not believe for such, even it-nipross the Ilame of" a can- [light ?" And the Glohe of Mo'gdayrsayss • , Iuaraaee ' g' . !g ' P , e will'notsuffer him to fall away and yon•for publication a few weeks ago. on Him and they cannot have eternal life if didate. An . hin -that {vduld'lessen tile' " • . pe? ish. That were a breaking of every pro- In answer to the question, Ia that all that' + Yt S' Prof. Morgane the blind aftist; and his Mgy�d to -(ray tq didisipn V, 10; to VI, 30; to raise and• abro ation of the covenant. If is re the do.not. John iii; 36, "He that believeth possibility of errors should be adoptgd at , 1; quires of S sinner to do to be saved, to Y dao hter, Little Fairy, assisted by 'Miss. VISI, 3O. one.dear,child inight fall.awa then might believe on Christ Or'His finished work ? I not (cootinnes not to believe) the Son shall tthe earliogt oppoi•tnnit}•.. gg The:fgillowi ig is lite ueaalt of tit exa nine- y' "' Wetherald, cleverly entertained -tip audi' all. If one of them formwhom the Saviour find that Mr. Sims quotas several Soriptures, no sae life. 'This moat ba the meaning, for tions: if not; no one could be saved who did -not " . ence in the Poulton billl last evening. _-, died might be damned, t17en might the Sav- John iii, 1G ; v, 2� Acta x, 43 ;xiii, 39 ;.1st .+ TaCRis is some tris of a Conservative paper ,'The singing of Fauriy, wbo is only'teti A[it. LOU(.Jl 9,bDlVNT11. lour's bl'odd be utterly void and vain."-COA[. John i, 7, that t.tach that whosoever believeth then believe on the Son,. and every offer of being started at Brussela, because • the Post years of age, excites great surprise -and Souior Secti•ota„v'tnnrLa nttainable, 540: - _ . bath' eternal life, and then in •his own words salvation sine the ild it was spoken has J.•, Bertld.J)avis, 453, Albert Aloure 43:3, \�: m. u]- been useless and to re eat the . offer to one occasionally shows Liberal tunings. It may adrtiira 'on." `Alii. SI11xS' REPLY TO X. explains that several requirements are necec- P , tip 40L8, 412, diardj+kslia k 411, linitis Run3 all ear before a sinner ca who hasrefused,is folly,"for he'tbat believeth badesirable,from a political standpoint purely, 408, LibBire. Cruicicshalitc.399, Katie \Villi a Y, g.bslia vs'to' ba saved, PUi>iLiC-SCddoOL IiOAi;D.-The regular ;;81, Hattie Dorld 375,. Ualvena DiaD'ou,ryLi73, J' Fur instance, 'hs must aecapt :that work, he not the Son•sball not see life. The beet that ' to have a paper an each sbde of polities in a meet[na of the Sebool Board n hs held on � . To• the -Editor the of Mew Era. have believed since that da ive the lie• to° n Arthur Craig 366. must repent, ho must come to a knowledge of Y 8 town, but no place the size of Brussels, can Monday evening: Besides passing some ' •Junicir, eectjon,+�w itrks attainaule•,5]t0:- ' A'[rt. EDIiru1,=]fy reply to "X" I shall his state"and danger, he must tarn from him• that iaterprotation of the passage. if he . gu port two papers. It is not-necessary•tog o accounts, and some :correspdndence••re- . Sidney Erwill ,I.�l, Ar) -iiin Nfillrr 308', \y'.Jack- niake•as brief as possible. In Jolla x, 28, self, he must look to Christ, &c. Why did I `Weans a sinner. believes 'once for all" time; . ^••� • t • g lative td re•seating one of the rooms, the' sun 39o, Then. Speclnt..387, Wellesley Whitely tlib`Lolcd Jesus speaking of flis'sheep, that' not gbt the definite answer. to my question? and.` that a single .aob of €Aith furnishes a ' outside of t_ e, county to find pla3es having and Hattie,' Irwin .3813, .Libbim GiBbn gii .38,1, 'is; true bel' sS h "the shall never er No, that is not ill tent is re• uirerl. I asked petso4 .with a paid up non•forfeitable policy, fol)owillg motion was passed:-Dioved by Y Y P q aseurinr, rho holder that ha will inherit stet. two papars,.that have hardly euauglr"livainess Dir. Scott aeColvded b Mr: H. Slee that Stuart Lnvin 374, li1p. Jarvis 350, Duly 1+'air ish."1'llereftlre they must alwl3ys remain the, gnea.tion because I Lave found that iSr. o to properly su9lport'hne and the best thing ' Y p, 355. Iiia sloop, beattnsc if the• coase(I to be His Sims ave no rominonne to Lhat im lortant usl life ; or that a Single energy of faith tea Conservatives mf Brussels can do fa to keep as th'c time has Arrived %Then wo will have Alli• LrNicL.3`i•Elt s n t't' ox. ' a,w rhes Isis nerds would be lfalse £or He said doctrine of re entanoe indeed some of these 8edurea a through ticket for heaven," then I tea mons Ike think of a endip on a new to provide more school ttCcommodati0n, ; " p' „ P moat dissent. That osition is untenable as Y Y P g Senior suction; musks .attainable 37 ;;= tliey shah i10,ver perish. So the Lord lay preachers say that it is not n'ec ssary. He P a er•-uu .their ockets and make the best of the question ariseaj whether, 1t \would be Arthur llu rent 33G, Jnq. Shepherd 0�, Thos: Hianself hks.Qmphatically told us, that there' saye that true faith is always accompanied by ' wei"have shown, contrary to the teaching. of cirpumstauoes.P b'rieod tiers well not make a beat to build tali ,hldditiOn to the present DicCuaig 2 2,E John IInligh 271, Ed. T vit'+lLelL is, lo,spch,thing Ss a true believer ever being repantaneo. I think the Soriptures teach that the Soripture, an+i._opposed, to experience. very large fortune if• he even get all the school, or build Award saliool, and we 240, Aylmer btnneharrf24r,, "I'honas Diehl 247, lost;' This settles �e •whole question for it is necessary to repent before the sinner can Christ's death on the areas, released no one we' business, recommend as a committee Messrs.Coiabe Ernest Blacker.244, Fred. Brown .`138, Warr those who believe iii Him. The wills take have• true faith. He must have faith that ac f om the ud ment. ..He med&.a...propttiaiioa - -'p`o'i"'- -McGarva, Cun}nghame and . Thompson, Swinbank 234. �--', • - , - . "His word,.Agd-those -who- hold to the'possi-_ cepts the alleged facts with res eat to Christ for the sins o the whole world. :God,wastin T1iE rumored proposal to make DIr. J. C. to. see if ground could bQ had in the most J timer sectiol�], gni ks attainable; 4 ().-.- blLliy of a,.tetie believer .being lost, are adtu• as true, and mul itudes hive this faith that ai'b Him reconciling the world unto Himself, not Dollie Spooner ,320, ,mina Tupling 320, N Nude Himself unto the world, and now the erm bf Itykert, M. I , for Lincoln, Deputy speaker, thickly populated ward .to build.a school, , PlumstGel 313, Hannah McKenzie 281, Ernest, ally (though �t it3tent2onnlly) making out never saved,but that is faith 1n a faet;the faith � g e!icits tlla following very feank opinion from and the probable cost of same; -also to aeo Davis 275, Jessie AIc])ctnadd 273, Sadie ]ieeve the Lord te*be unworthy of bonfidenee. tRatasvea fa a belief and ttuet fn a living Sav- God life iii the human soul may develop until �- -,r W t'Ile'wartriu so€� t-.parnp,)_mindof_.man becomes reconciled - - Y if there is s'uffrcient room 'on the resell 2i`C; `G1aFri1>iitk 257","nHriuiiZ ouch f?l;'lyTalie g csrrpture,thcarr4 says four; stn's follows true repentance: Ise: iv, 7, �• ...._._.... . M� • one, There ate two classes.o£ wo, s in. •Let the wi,ked forsake hie ways and the un- to the epultual uilnd of the Gjreator, ttltfernutiF6wN; atidi�iriay Tie f8lnarked Iierr 247, Tlieo. Henn h school premises to' build an addition to Y 47. g Au ung ter to uoatiun 4... Verses 12 that even those Conservatives who know the seb0ol building, and the , probable . Miss O'kRILL'S DIVISION. , ' scripture. Ona is lto professors, iu order rightouus man his thmughts ; and lab n im rc• q 15, Itykert have not a much better opipion of Cost of same, said committee to report to Senior seetioa, marks attaivabl¢; 4 tit t th'e'y Infght make sure they are real be- turn unto the Lard, and Ila wil'1 have tncrcy 1 Cor., 3rd chap., nee referred to as proving the board at its re ular meetin in A ril Lill Johnson .441, Emma Thom son 438 AI • lie rs: And sa it says, "You hath Iia re- upon aim, and to our God for hC w111 Whoa• Positively' that a Christian ,Ndf be ' saved him than is expressed by the News as follows': g g P , Y P + ¢enc "If ye continue," if they did not dantly pardon. Acts iii, 19, Repent, ye, though ]ria works should be destroyed. How' or Ill any Case get the matter in such Angus 436, David Cantelnn 435, Lucjl'Shephe d ices thi nccord with ver a 17 of tine soma " The rumor that Rykert, THE Rykert, the ' 424, Joe Donoghue 414, ,Dan Pannebaker 4 8, continue it proved they. had never been fie-, therefore, and be converted that your aius . malodorous representative of Lincoln, is to be (haps that it mAy be submitted to the Nettie McRae 404, Ida McLennan and Ge6rge Conciled. Alun so in 1 Coy. vi, 9-11 the may bo 5lutted out, when the time bf refresh ° chapter, is fairly attempted. I regard each ruade Dspaty Spoakbr would be.ahsurd if it Council at the August meeting; in order Thompson 396, Maggie Beattie•395, Ida Holmes 'Apostle,statos " that the unrighteous shall ing shall come from the presence of the i believer as a' temple of the Holy Ghost, were not co wellIcnown that Sir John appoippte to get amount required in the est•1112.tes 392, not inherit the Kingdom of Gel;.-, that is,-i.f-...Luke xiii, 5, Except yo repent yo Oil. ', .. I Cor, 6. 10, What, know ye not that your his friends to o'iftce 'whether they are tip"I for 1888.. so that such building as might Junior section, marks attnidable, A96 := a man.,made the profession of Christianity, likewise perish. See also Acts xxvi, 20; xx, body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which not, and that even if the heavens fail he allays be, di cided on might be built in 1888. ,Anrace Jackson 400, James Gr ly' 402, 'Edith and still went on in an evil course,' it proved 21 ; xvii, 30. Could langnage more pmsitively� is -in you, which yo have of God, and ye are • by the gang if it stays• Ly .him -as ton as (This inat.ter has been considered by pre- Giffin 308, Harry Fitzsittions:39G, John Joy 375, he had no part or lot in the matter, but X affirm that a sinner must repent before he riot your own, and no cue can defile his body the aforesaid. gang is any use to him. ' 1%at vious :•boards, and the Conclusion drrived Mattie Davis 370, Robb. Twitchell , 69, Flossie did root notice the 11th verse. "But such can conte to Christ acid Pxercises that faith without Bangor of being destroyed. I Can r , Pafitibnn 304, Robert Taylor 861, R se Coning• were some.of Tot etG." Tho A calls stat6s which saves. That repentance is 'lt fruit of quite unrleretand that in the church there on earth woa3ld be gained by nialiinn 1+•ykert at then was thAt an addition to ills pre• name 361, Chas• Robcrtsnn ;340, Anie Crnick• of those to whorx h6 wrote, that they diclt knowledge, .inspired by the Spirit that is may"Us mere prq>fcs�ors, but it ie not for me the piigh d well Puer we Cannot itnarine, fent school building, notwithstanding the ahan.k 346, %. - belong to this class; they "were washed" etc. given graciously to all men. That knovled,e to juige. � I could, without mach trouble,'! You might as well pot a gob 0f mud ou t},a fact that the greund is limited, would be I : As1sti i�ox7'oN's nr% r,toN. L%he warujn+r is worn for (fiat a mint Lo some {Tho brave fur a len tit of tl ne wall of.che ehaiDbor. It would but disfigure ,better than rho erection of A rvArd school, o . ,- I; pr b§sor is acquired by reading and study of the word P g the chamber wall and mi ht be thou ht an 5eninr, �edtiun, marks-'altaivable R? who was irot really born of God, would O' " of Gott, and by hearing ilia ppreached Gospel,' in lite church Ilyed ennaistent, sincere, honest g g Experience allows %hal; except in very T'.clith Carr 2Tu,`Alaudc _1\rhnlay 222, Laura in anlou st them and so he Jives the mark and its truth is attoat0l by Glue Spirit df God. IivCu, loving God aura working righteousness, ae'cfdent. llyhcrt'will not only•(deform and , g , large places, It iv better to have the scltol- Plrmnprnn 221 Riahrl ])•Iherty 220, Amelia b which the { 6 and who Have Gassed to do well and it world disgreoa the position, but will prove U1nb Sir Ctrs as mucli under one roof as possible; k'itzstmrnna 211,' Az:e (kibl)?ngs ill, \'yard Oa- Y 2 Y Touts know ]nim, Sm a sinner must rPpont before he can beliOVQ , . John is entirely reokless of the ,Character of In the lid and 3rd Chapters pf Itevela• in Chrisb as his personal S,viuur. ba presumption in me to say thab' they liar n there are various reasons for this, one of borne 208, Allis I ratt.200, Amelia Harland 200, tion there #ire sixteen nomisos to i)tho over• hi r, Siu� says being born of God "he has never believed,oud that theywere doing an d1 those ?o whom he gives a place. Jennie Nimens 197 Mar1Wi�n Harland197, Lollie , 1 „ , not' bees+Ise rt %vas natarala But Mr Sih19 ____,� + which is that the Principal thin has all Kerr 107, Mary McMurcltie 196,• Malcolm Me- comer.' Now {vllo is the Ovorcolner . .1 a now wtture. R here is the S;Tip.ure for POFSOURl and Polltieal. the scholars under his immediate super- Cuaig 190: John v, 4-5 tells us "Whatsoever is born o£ •that statement'? would say that ;annot be, for in man there God overcometh the world,"' so then ever ,r dwelleth no Good thing. -- wixion. If a ward, sehotil if started, it junior aeetiou; "rmnks attainable, 230: - Y 3nlr, S,ms says ,Now ha believes nu the lle ti n 5, Whloh of the commandments Dir Badgeroiv, ox•b1. P; P„ has been op• must be continued with the possibility Arthur Bennett 2,4, Alice Ttwholiell 214, Rich, one truly ,born of God, is an overcomer, and S• lie has everl•lsting life, for God says so. Q pointed County Croton Attwney for York. of enlSrgement, and it is just a question Worthington 208, I-Ierbert ltiluir 201, Hnward it says positively I will not blot his name ltily thought ie ttji�, he has eyerlastin life not can a Christian live in the violation of and ' D1 R. Truax, Reform, and Mr T, C. Car• %which would be the le et ex ensive-to Grant 100. Ida Carter 196, .James J'et6eld 190, ont of the Book of Life. ' It is a plain, clear „ „ g ,vet be saved? In other words, is not the a P Willie Moffatt 187, John Beatt 187 Fred floss statement, and the ver assage ":L" uotes for God with so so much s whit a he has gill, congprvative, were pominatad in EAst make the necessary additions t0 the re- Y P q complied with the conditions by which etey,rnal keeping of the commandments obligstary Bruce on Saturday. sent school or bu p 185, Lnuis Doberty 184. Y ' 1 , states positively that ono who is born of God, life is obtained, and Ci,id will not )Oav,gl,at tipon Christians ? is really not answered at yof the sty and build in that is a believer in Jesus Christ) will as till, Theo is m sterious writing about the A petition for the uuaoating and diaqualifi• ono' of 'thg }Tarda of the town. Further AtI55 uett'An's Div ryIo�. � soul in do4bt that. fully trusts ill• Him, for Y d . cation of Mr Scarth, declared elected M. P. Senior section, marks attoinWp, 500 :- surely be saved as God's word is"trus. there Comes with his true faith the blest ae- law condemns, dead to the law, a now nature, . fur Winnipeg, has been lodged. Bxibary, per. aCCO�mod,•�tion is`Abaolutely necessary for .Jessie Gardner..480, Alay Campbell 470, Lizzie There is another class of warnings ad• suranoo.- • ' old etandiug is gone, &e., but no diroet au• conal ani by agauta is charged, • young children, and rho board should go Wheatley•175, .Jean Mc'�,q art 474, Grace Ted• dressed to real Christians, as to their walk, Tgp answer'bo' the question, "Can he that swer.to thegnestion,why? because the concln- It is ruimo'od tl3nt rho Goverumeut through with the matter, as we believe it ford 471, Rich. Finvh-'437fr,�Alice Cudmore 485, justr as a father exhorts a child to l,olieveth on tine S,n seas he c!3ooses, end et aioa^ of his teachings are too boirible to put in {Till at ilia doming session of Parliament ask twill, in careful consideration. of the ill- Cons. Glanzier 4:30, Frank Stanbury•420, Geo. walk worthy all(] oat bring his family into havo eternal life," or, in other words, aro• w';iting. It Christians aro not obligated to obey for a brant of money to build a -new residence telests Of h11. -ED. NLN ERA, ] Pe disgrace, and, while it is positively asserted there no conditions •req uired •nf•bett#&ra ?^us tho'commandmenta,then dtte Christi vn since ho for tile.( Iuvernof-General on Nepean Point. - ..--e Junior Feation, marks attainable. 400 :- in the Word of God, that no real believer a doedin 1 unsatisfactor There, -seems to has once Believed upon Christ can do as he The Now Brunawiclt Le islaturo 4nani• Norman Worry 3137, Oliva Iielyar 367, Bertha y, yet,a child of God g Y y' lansoa'a4d nt ho saved. That .in .the old can over bs lost •eternall be au effort to hide what he actuall I t, Bean :365 Jean Fortune 313.1 Jennie Smith 353, y Ie;i:ve P Y inanely passeda resolution on Friday demand• E.,QCAL CHURCH CiHI ME$. Ida Hamner ?47, Frank Fair 33I,'Tnm Walker trray purchnsa for liimself many sorroiYs by .and to suppress the conclusions to which hie par.uru he %nay bio, steal, swonr, commit ing reciprocity with the British colonies fn - ) r n a oareless walk, and no Christian can wall: fornication, murder, &o,, and not mar his Rev, A. Stewart and J. Gray exchSn 333, Jnmea Driscoll '330, Lridget T{'awninn•3 4. Statemen load, sad he eaure ice tale real standin is Christ Lha Neat Indies, South America and else• gad put intoiligently fpr God, unless bo nndorstande � statement "ill the ne%v nature %Titian lite real• g ,for he has a naw nature where. pita on Sunday evening last. 31188 LESLIE s DIVISION. the tr 5eninr S^conn, marks nttainable 246 ;- tlttl of tit¢ two natures. � '.C}ae old na• I Christian ha," ,.(whish is oat (scrjprural) " lib an'i that 0auaat sin. NO teachiuS crntld be The project cf starting a naw Government Cn Sunday evening next Rev J. Bray will ture has to be kept under in S clirihtian, or will not choose slu." In Jahn x, 25 and sol, more absur9; more repugnant to eolmmon g ' takJ] for filo to1)�Iu'of hie disenucas, "Ts�the Aforal Cyril.Crai? 208, Violet Fremlin 206, Hany C tuff 930 loses life joy and communion. Phe Ball lowin verses, ChriaE tells t sena, eo unlike the tcaohi4a of Y , ar an in lorouto has it i9 said bean nbun• Law a rule of Life for the Bellobor f' 190, Gharbe.Reeve 180, Robt. Hillen'188 Vina g i)e Jews that they Christ wen sones as the Mail wit soon t row off the The social at the house of AIrJ. Gibbinrrs, on o� ' to repentance in Rev. 11, Ill, is conivoted did not believe on Him, and were therefore shows that in the thonghty and purposes of h Conk 187 Ike ]tend 1&i• < y n p not Hos shed the heari. we ma carve tinder condemnation. mask �nnri anhounee i self as Pbe regglar ,,,r sdnt awning, waa well attended, and a Jnnior SAotinn, marks attnint)ble' 24,5:-s %with tostimon , a d if a man fofossesto be p, That those wen believed no Y ma4thpieee of -Sir John's party. Pleasant programme rendered. The receipts Minnie Aitkin 237, Annie Mccorvie 236. Jas. a christian and does not repent, it�only ,Him were Isis sheep, and that; tgoy hats the All moral beings ar6 unddr the law of God, A I+urOnto e]rrsapondant writes; -"A worn ovorgt5. tit Nfeliao 234. Tenn iifeCunig 227, Afary Irwin Proves he never {vas saved: oblfraUeristids thete mentioned. If he had anti•it fa unadripturai t0 say than S believer fruitful subject of discussion is the course Rev R Thomas,•of London, who is visiting 213, Lennard Weir 208, Aland Aaine 197, Lynn Our Arminian friends seem to want to said to them, "Becanse ye era not my sheep isnot obligated to obey the eommaniments. friends here, win take, Rev Air Sparling's work \Veil• 104, matte us bel' ve the Bible contradicts itself, ye believe ndE," they would have had t0 have Oar blessed Redeemer says; MAtb. v, 17; ' likely to be taken by Sir John Macdonald, on Sunday next, and Air Sperling will supply „ some holding that he will hktick to the post, Mr Thomas' work; ' 3t[SS PLpJUIER'H TI(VThTl11, blit, Mr. Editor, it could not be God's word .been sheep before they believed ; bot believ•' Cbinl oat that I am come to destroy Ebo of Premier and die ill harness if 'lreed be, ST PAUL'S CITURCIT.-Services next wo,lk.- - Class IH--Afary Gill, T,illio l [ant, IIattie + " it did, and so, I repeat again, the Lord ing is placed as the condition of their beaom 1.hw or the propbets. I am nbb come to des• •. others that he is to retire very soon en the Morning Prayer every day at lo.80. Evening Erwin, Sxdney Stanbury, Alabel Detlrr, Jesus Christ said positively of His oheopp, in+ shee Ido not see the roof of the as- `troy hot to fulfill.". St Paul asks, Rom. ur. High Commissionstenip-with4he prospect of Prayer everyyday at 8. Good Friday, 11 a. til, Class II --- Ella Corbett, Frank Herman, "They shall never parish," and I belidvp.,Ho section that those who do not bear, etc., 31, "Do we then make void the law through a life peerage from the Salisbury Govern- u d 8 p. m, aturday, 10,,30 a. m. an$ 6 p. m• Howard Jackson, Charles :1tcGregor, Lizzie told the truth, and all the teasolings af)d In- „never were His." Belief, and this includes faith 1i God forbid,' yea w0' establish . hos,TrCTF, •,.. Gardner. terpratations people pu£ ori scriptnro will, I re entance and faith, in Christ takes thb sin'• the law. John xiv, 15, If ye love mo menti navfng to Mr Tupper the prorsbipp. g,-Chrlst's SulCorings-"The, fellow- (hays I -Tallith Hodgins, Sarah 4mith, AIan)ie trust, Devoe in,tko me believe the bleseed P kee m commandments, Sas Christ to his Opinions oro much divided on the probabil• Aiornlu „_ nor into tea fold. Should that b¢lief remit p Y Y stp of hissuflerings. Pftii, tit. lo. Young, Minnie Smith, Charles Lawrence. Lord told•a lie. Of those who profess, and then most certainly the result is loot. .But disciples. The ultimate ealvatinn of a Believer ties, but rho majority of the knowing ones 3VIening.-wbat hC Bible, Says about: , n back John sa s : "Tlao Sorin to expect Sir John a retirement.11 t) "The I'hureh•"-Maida naso 6[Atl'SON s DiVISIOS, g ) y went out from lie Faye Christ looks after Iiia own. Granted, depends upon `his loving Obedience to the J The wonderful growth of the tem erance 21 '+Tho niinlstry," •ruesday. Highest class• -Per , 1']pmsteel iim LPslie tis, but thev were not of us ; for if th6y lead lint Fe will not lead them despite themselves diviuc will, and the commandments must be gentiu+ent among politioiana woe shown lu 3) "The Sacrament of the Lords Snppor-How Willie Bawden, lkllmi+le Moffatt,' Jessie Pnv, been of tis, Choy would have aontu3ried with I any more than He would compol them to bei kept. • Rev, xiii, 14, Blessed are4bey that d0 . Nova Scotia Logialiture on Friday afternoon, (4) "What must Ido to be savend t�'j�i1)]nrsday. p us ; but they wont out that tliey might Ue •lieve, and should the knowledge which led (tent oro oonsterntlydoing) Fiia commandments iVlaggie Mn felt, T[crbcrt i nrlinq, Mancla when a member moved the (second reading of Good Priday morning. -"The Divine Death." COmkP, Bella Paisley, Bella Mooi+, Ainggfe rra�o, manifest that they %vete oat all of uS• I the sinner ;o put'bis trust or faitli in Christ tent that' may have a right to the tree of life, n Bill re ostnbliSiting saloon licenses, but Good rri4ay oveuinq -Tho Rev. Robt. ,Kerr, Davios This is plai n, lot, if oie went ont, it mans be denied, and disbelioved through false and enter in thrdtikh the gates into the city, could not get an one to Fecund his motion, °PSAIitrhntl. w ill praacli, 2nd Hihrbest elms -Ilny Dnnl,)p, Arny Reeve, feared he was not coal, tad, of those who Sra i teaching or the wiles of the wlv•xsary of souls, bfatt. xix, 17, If thou 'wilt oiler into life, Y aturday- •The Burial of Christ.' Arthur Bean, Flora ('anis] real, It ppaitiYCl htaLten Lh0 a111 aOntlritie, q �? Finally the I remier seconded it as a mattfl' "1s It nothing t0 011 nit a that paha lly'i lin' C gname, lied I'nY, Y Y or the allftr'ements and enticements of the keop the commancimenta• PAM. 1, . , Tor not d d011A,•ey.' When A vote was taken only hold and see iP tit ee bo .any smrroty litre unto Inwo y Steep, Jnhn ,mite, T.lnyd (.'ole, Willie 10 brink np rensnninnJS ot., to try and un• world, lin can rim lmtiger Believe to the anlva ° the hearers of inn tow ore jut t ba[ur0 Gnd, my anrrow.-1.nrrinntatinns 1. 12, Inwood, Davie Joy, Maud }[till. derminC those plain rcriptules, is antroly not tion of his soul, There nnlvt lin Cantinnone bat the doers of thq law sholl be justified. Premier adm ttedtl att Pr hibitio�rty II � con The Cann of Man fA eons to seek and to save rLowest clans- John Everett. Fraalc Moore, of Got. Trusting that God's children will belief, if the results of faith are to be expsri These and many nthnr paseagos I)rovo that p. that which was lost. -Luke xit 1o, \\ alter .Tackson, Nannie Grim i. 1 , Alntheson, weigh all by the \Cord of Goff, and thus believers are nutter rho low of God, anti that be an aaonmplishad foot in Cnpadn, and ad• Arthur Welsh, Percy (1rmeB, > faGK?a McCort• }lave ,joy and peace ill believing, I remilin, encarl in Ina scinl. lite illuetrntinn �f the obedience is &maoded of them. The%` con• - 'd art liquor dcalera to propare for the incvit• "kT�encli Fran iothatlon'xeln ARa t3bnbnry3•' oT r nd, (;P r e Steep, `•Inhrl '1'hnmpann, Jatres Air. Editor, oar gnrea»t in Christ, naughty chill is not conclusive. Children Able. Church, on Thulstlay evening last, %one fairly ( Pattison. y � may Be at]d era disinheritPd,.and have'TtC.in- I tAip t))e duties wo owe to Gnd and our follow - J. J. Stats. teres! in the parents' estate. Same children men; and mast continue in force so long ag H � i . % ,t i ' , q . , . k 1 '