HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1887-04-01, Page 1I– . - -,..-___- -__ _-_ _ ._ - _ . . — - - — -- - - --•-- -- __ - — - - — - —_ _ voi: az No. is CLINTON, ONT., ri RLD'AY APRIL 1 1887. I A011ERT RF4)1,MXS URME-11.50 Per An n advance > > ' k1ul►11e6cr. . around for another lucrative position; we on P. O'Donnell, $36.60; A. T. Wvidsou, TUCKERzorRIT11. pastor; several able men have lately oC- STANLEY —� would advise him to advertise, as there is coffin for P. O'Donnell. i67,8U; Dr. Elliott, BRIEFS.—Mr. Wm. Robb, of the 2ud .tiupied the pulpit. Our sportsmen are Mrs, Win. Stinson now of Minnesota nothing like advertising YSalcolm. Exe- medical attendance on P. O'Donuol, $1 ; Jane attaining their intellects to decide as to but former! of Ctanle was this week on - g g (;aunt, great for John Robinson, $10; J. bl. con., sold last week, 90 bushels of very g y y, ter intends eelebrafing [tie 24th of May ; Roberts, auditor, oh John Webster, a; J. M' •fine sample wheat, which weighs 621 their course in the coming campaign of a visit to her old peighbors in Stanley. that's right, boys, get us 1 p A good protoauds, to the buihel. Abaut two weeks "bat and ball." There is one poor lane l gram time. Politics are scud here $7 ; 12. II. Anderson, salary, $65 ; Wm, Dur' { ! COUNCIL.—The Council met on the 26th g nin, salary and posta:o, $84. Oounch ad''•. ago'"a &u of Dir. Robb, left here for Da- fellow in our midst now, althou„h being of March, ,according to notice. All the �tom- H 0 and the little boy hag laid away his torch, j.,,tc•ued to meet Saturday, April 30th. kotn, taking with him a number of vale• very Sturdy, yet has taken to heart the bets preset.t, the reeve in the chair. Dliuutes I /( uutil.',he next campaign. Mr, R. H.Col- It. K. D11tr-ER, Clerli able horses; this makes three of 4ir.Robb's doparture' of a fair one to an inconvenient of .last meeting passed. The followfu ac+ ,r i lies, of this place,intends going to Torou- I _..._ sous iu that cot ntr .• Duns. Ilistance hotverer, he will Slitlk b er with counts were g l 3 HenryY 1 f) 'passed :--J Alexander, gravel, to In May, to pass his final examination KINBURN. I more, of tits Dtill 1Zuad, started firr MIRnI. bright intelligences whenever possible. $7.50; Jas Mitchell, $2.55, printing notice of �i,. it laW ; Mr. Collins has swept everything ExAMINATiON.—The annual school ex- toba, oil Saturday. 1Vm. Angus and �+ -- by-law; Geo Brownett, $52, for keepingJphn ' ii :. - before him to the past, and this time we I amination of the Kiuburn school was held fitmily cildo left for the prairie province on r BLYTH. Bartlett for the year 1886; G. Stewart, $5.30,. :!: - -- - — expect flim. to be successful Ili bringing on ,Friday last. About 100 vis:turs were Tuesdciy of last week. GC9PLL rmPFRANUr MEETINGs.— A I Lampe for hall, and R1 50 for dlnwing de,.d.- home tbA old medal he intends rcmttiu- Y 'Ile a series of Gospel Temperance revival meet- ' of McEwin's gravel pit. Fathmasters, pound- s present ;the manner fn which pupils lIoRSE N'UTrd.—Jai. Martin of the 2nd keepers and fenceviewers wens a ,o r, ing. in Exeter to practice his profession. recited their different subjects, goes to con„ lost a valuable mare last week with ings have been �p.eld in the Temperance pl luted- it Air. George Cudmore and Jo u Moore allow that Mr. Kinn is thorou'fil-inadter' Hall during the past ween, under the au- The trenturer'e bond waep.aecepLed: Coggeil P g b R Y paralysis. The driving ufarc known in g i will meet as a court of revision and for ehe. Have bought.out thepunip business of ai.r. of his profession. During the afternoon, Wilton as the "Kitt” mare, •-&nil also spices of the ]�opul Templar(] of Tom per- i nal business on May 213, Geo. SteWart;�lerk George Smallacombe; we bespeak for them several dialogues, songs, and recitati0ua.• owned t1t one time.by W. 1V. Farrar' Was ante, and have peen well attended consid- INSTANTLY on K a good trade as the are both attentive to ' . grin the severe winter "weather. Til A KILLED.—It is. i e Y were s e I With th S c e luso b the scholars, which slava •s o Y purchased few g i� g 3 e a ct weeks ago in the sale of V business. 'the wife of Mr. George Hinds, . telt(] to make such eceasions lilealant., Mr. Huh McDonald by John Tt�• for object of these meetings is to create a I deepest sorrow that we chronicle the of this place, was buried oil Wednesday g 'tire' more comnlou"interest in the people of dad and unexpected death of John Reid last • she was ailingonly a short time, and r to T,Ow.—Dune. a Stephenson is fr85, rind has siuert been sold by un to P P of Ba Oft •, Mich. ' i{' ' Y very low. She is unable to take nourish. Mr. Ceorgo Chesney, ofSeaforth, for $160. Blyth, id the cause cif temperance, and to jr., Y 3 ,and sou of, John leaved a larfie family of small children, meat sufficient pct keep up herptrength Wm,G. Brodfoc�t, u,i the 3rd con, recently "Protect the homes cit' our land from the Reid, of the Parr Line. View few days ago who have the sympathy,of the whole tom- ; t.win evils of intemperance and want. deceased went to Bay 1 few to drivo'a and in consequence is ver much wasted, took home a fine bay. gelding,' -for which 1 • munity; the funeral was largely attended: q Y Rev, MIr: Coburn,•the"blind orator, is the team which operates a pile driving ma_ Ile She suffers severely front ",airs in the st0- bre paid $180 ` it Sa ail enact mate•titr one Dur. Charles Sanders arrived home from Y 1 principal speaker, ]its addresses being chine, cu the Kawkawlin boom. On Sat - mach, caused, in all probability,„ by dya- he already owns and the two hake a team urda afternoon 1 g p — `-' Port Tlurom, on Wednesday evening last. eloquent and pointed, and delivered in a Y ie changed , laces for a ,Mr. Chas. Mutart, who has bee • fn this P P � • , perhaps, f ,� �; than X400. m.annen lea's•.in ,to all, ,I•n his tIealin s' while wdt11 the rvun whose work.it_is to _____-1_____,__, -, �,�- _ of likes bettei .. P g g. e ata andfills scion of the sloe that Mr. Brgadfo in -ob.— ,Site-ofa ltncer tor. soave titue,but how the piles seci'i"ciiiTor fTie past"two"'muni Gs, eft for y FARnt1 R s C•Lus. ' At Oe -last meetin Nith the 860 t.Atit, as reported as being -a pi es"s'traight. He took hold of IF 5'OU tiVANT TO SEE ONk, • OF b-er many fr►enda need not at any time,be g the crowbar for the purpose- and ro- his home, Port Crescent, Mich;, on Mon= P , r. of the West End. Filrmer's Club, the sub• failure, hd sa t' "Hotelke'epers and oth- v p p p THE LARGEST &FINEST da last. The wenn aur rised.to herof her death:' A$itis she y y jingle of the bells jcct of municipal taxation was discussed. or frieudB' allilut Balli almost hoarse -that ceeded to steady the pito-the- end of the COLLECTIONS OF have been heard for the past few days ; it 1s a marvel of continued sof%ring, which it was, admitted by till that our taxes are the Act is a faijure, and more whiskey handle of the.browbar• reining against his - r ° - cannot last long. she bears with perfect resignation to the too high, but some difference of opinion drank now than before, but," continued chest. .:As the hammer cvas descending i,. ° Divine will, and furnishes abundant evi- was manifested with regard to the best the speaker, "have one of thein arrested with full tierce, a knot of other protuber. - .p�,,, ` - i� . 11ULLM.TT. dente of the power of divine grace to.)us• means of redu6,ng them. The following forgnfraetion of its provisions, put them ante on the pile caused the crowbar to r, ase oe tain ,and comfort under the severest af- bend, lid the next instant it flow back a E,t,PLAINFD. AT LAST.—The thermome- ideas were advitnced,but were hot accepted on oath and he will swear that he ham ' e G tG ' CG ° ters have all one a ee since spring com- flictiona during the last four or five years. b all. 1st. To abolish the office of tax not sold• a drop of whisks . e°nce^the Act with terrific,,force the ena striking'Mr. • c• 1 16 Vl menced, and have several times wander- She is now waiting day by -day for her ex- collector Rod the clerk,, collect the came in force ' Now the' men either Reid directly over the heart. He ro I ' dered oft near the zero. ,This accounts Petted release and rest, taxes as W. J. Sb anon collects the taps tell -wilful falsehoods or are ;er urers, land [3�d to the ground as though he had bun o m n + 0 l p j. 5 u ° o ° ° ° �_ e for the singular sprir-g weather we are DOTS.—Mr. John Snell and family left f'or the insurance company. • 2nd. To upon .lhe]r'ow „�sivorn testtrfiopy the Act sot, and when the workmen ran to picl4 ' U-11 °;why, cU) haring, on Tuesday, March 22nd, for their home asses the township once in five ears ih- 'i dmt led to be ti 1)enefi.k him up; they caw that he was dead. The `Y1-, I'' $.—The soler of farm stock ate., at YorktoD, N. W. T. ; Mr. Snell is the stead of every year 48 at present; and in 11 ' 1. blovv over the heart ball stopped.th,b cir. . . BiilEFs.—Mr. Livingston is now rom'- culation and death as instantaneous. T11e ' Come direct to our establishment.. We 1lelrpn in to 1110 estate of Air. John Me- owner of a large tract of land there, and case of •a farm changing hands" to buve` t g g we bespeak for him the beat of success in the asset am enttransferred an instir. nese, Ing the flax business, he now had about, only mark on t —e lskin was a bruised have an enormous stock, from the cheap- Dlullen,' on Friday last, was fully up to a 300 acres r�mised.and ex is 00 wore • . est to the very beat. Our direct im orta- ex ectatious all things going at good the west. MIr, John Clark, our new horse policy. 3rd. To return to the o'ld system • P P� spot over the heart, The body was re- p p g g g g if tlie:farmersl-M cult their -stun interests mo d to a house near b tion of ENGLISH GOODS com °tae prices. The farm was not sold a little man, recently solo, .a very fine heavy of managing aur schools instead' of the •, / V1*e y, and •a messen- 4• • P under X5,000 Dein the highest offer draft mare for the•gandsome sum of$150; school board plan. 4th, To allotw, the, they 'mill givo it it Er1aa and if they do ger despatched to Bay. Citys Coroner o t; g they wain not regiit it, bstdes we.,should earsall was notified and proceeded to ' 1. > > made for it Mr. Howson conducted the John is a good judge of a horse and we farmers to'take,lobs hauling graftel"•in the "bK( help ;a' horroe. indlxetry• hat• frilly put so CHRISTY'S S may expect to see him go more largely 'winter, aad placing it in beaps convenien _ the echo©, in company with Flank Cham. ' sale. The three -,year old child of DIr. ' li oney in circulatioh. Tho' 1�ldies berlain. As the cause of death was clear - Thos. Farquhar is suffering from hi into the business than, ever [tow. Air. S. to where it svould be required the 'next y q b P id'connection with tire.Mlet.hodistchurch rw ��PRV v1 ►� disease. Mr. Richard Carlen of the 9th S• Cole of the Headquarter Store, id mak- summer'. ', 5th, To abolish the county ` ly apparent, the Coroner did not deem'it' . n• intend giving a dinner on the occasiqu of necessar con. advertises a Durham bull Qfor ser- tag several changes in his store by. mak eounci. 6th. To.pay our township""coun. .the 12tH"of Jul celebratien roc ads to Y to hold an inquest, The `re- � -i ing it larger; lie is a.good . fellow and we cillors bythe day instead ofa lumpsum.7th Y ' mains were taken down to Bay City,where,• CARRINGTON S vice. g_o- /to the church,, Messra,Sjrilt�i and the were prepared for burial, ' Deceased i`. speak for him a big trade. MIr..\Vm Hu- To° let the township clerkships by tender. Y' P P - A Loss.—A few days since two- valuable gill will shortly op,Qn a wag on and Car A'feN Other ideas Were advanced but t1iese Uttmpbel] sbipped;a car''loai] of jrorses this was a finely built young man aged about .CELEBRATED MAKE OF GOODS. Shropshiiedown ewes belongtag to the ria a shop or lila auildin •ad oinin D. 5, were the rinci al ones, ;R,. week, for the western w'r.k'ets., S.evernl 32 years, and wet Hing' ver 200 ounda g P g 1 g P P g b o P prize drove of Messrs, Snell & Sons, drop- Sut-herland'& blacksmith shop; Will is a *�_ of our townsmen 'are g g to'bulld i•es�, He leaves a wife but no childeen. Mr . ped four and three lambs r>spectively,but good mechanic and we ,wish- liim every LlirauuN. dence� ii,is„summer. ltiliss Newton, of and Mrs. Reid and family have t1le sym the one ewe and four Iambs died, and one r Strafh,yo'y' wbo has. been tho guest of Miss ath of the entice, neigh _ success. R e understand Mir. Wm. DicIn• Miss Mattie McManus is at Preaert licI�ell, y ; P Y. neighborhood to their of the other lambs accidentally met its tosh intends taking.” a trip to Dakota spending a few days with Der sister Mrs.' left for her loom© on Monday sore bereavement. death. file the loss to these well- • we, would like to surlier become ri Derma- _ known st rCedersons] ler''}iia EheyS°bptly t®visit,hisfutherand bi,�otlle ha. J. Walters. '!line R. Grordon paid our;�entesidentbf I;lyth. ,Capt, Juhn'I3i1ie uuLdutNls.j` The I��,est Ncw are 1n the vicinity of Sheldon. ",Alin= little burg •a short visit last week. A. r. take it philosophically as one off:hese cur- derstand that the (fond Temp!ani intent] meeting was held in the halt on M04t,_ i' atYhome fiir a f'ew as}cs before taking BRIFrd.—lfr-phomsti3HeddleNo%Rev: IST STIFF AND SOFT !.LATS• cumstances which could not be helped having another of their•o en meetings at da avenin for those interested i❑ the• chat c Ofallls boat. oVlllell Mesa .I he lot - Mr. Kestle's appolntnt uCht Xian Metttiu,•. and should be borne with the best race " P Y g` , , -Ac.; he,xelaorts't ings bpotning^ou the 0th diat churell, last Sunda g an early date besideeir own ledge school. question. y:. M1r..wm. sulci ', possible. the will be ag+tales b others from a dis- I or side, espeei y ,in itis •line; so on and sinter attended' the funeralrihthLfr' i. Y S' Owing to circuiuslances that teals not tracts ahead at will taro 16ore th •I t - (,AsuALTIrs.—Mr. Will. Stephens, of tante, and as the charge will be srntill, we be avoided, Rev. Al r. Black did not arrive cousin, Miss Allen, in"Ltteknely, last week, No�ellin - m CSU ells Goods, the 9th con., got his 'leg severely hurt a. hope there will -be a full house, to time to'take a the review of the lesson year;; he thinks reciproet y. would be a 3lra, rlizabetli TrebJQ, who has been laid; - ' . , few days since by a horse, whilst working ---.q. --- p great boon to Canada. 1Vitrd nas.receiv in the swam He has btJen" laid u ii a KIP1'EN with We Bible class and scholars as was I ed last.week that Jbbw Gibson, fornei•l.y up, p with �ti litigeringdtsease all winter, saes p p the intention. Iia however, addressed on'Saturol y oight;°alarg0 contour o ufr The 7�alcsl Slimes in Tweed lGnrl SG1k Caps the house ever since, and likely wile! be BRIEFS.—AIr. Prou !foot, of Clinton, M u tyllr, bad died in tile ho pital "i❑ friends and aq uailitances followed, her 1 1 the children from a fery verses 'tit cite xxx Montana. Mias Diaggt.e HartnFtt is hoht.0 , . • • for some time, A 7 -year old son of Mr. wad ilotwn Surveying in this vicinity, last chapter of Proverbs, drawing lessons on it visit: Air. Ltvinp,ton has rented a rerfiaitts to'the Colocirne eemeler$•; last, I Cartwright, al,o of t - .e 9th con., slipped c eek. Air. Patrick-, of Pecvam lift, t., llptxla PP from the ants, the conies, the loeusts and ]louse onlloaeii's street ted ur ones mnv- Y on the ices and fell on t.hc spout of the Was over here last week, looking for tlres spiders. P P r �Cr,D1 J Dnd'Iti, -c7n' Sundav last, a V V pum,, and cut .a nasty hole through his horses; he purchased a fine four year old P ing• his-•fitliAly` .here soon..' M.Iessrs. t}�; .' Ill,J � e 1 r I Y e i l' ;tloltr ARPIVA�S —It has been said (utun audaJ; I ernack,� of Fast Waw',t-"I; ridden call was;;iven to Mrs,Aleti Young ' I Y! iright cheek ; acme stitching bad to be entire hor-e fr6nl DIr. Thomas McK(T of Z cone, and tl:e little fellow is progressing ttoWick, for 1550. D1 r. D. Dlellanald, of tl'" ;;;rid were scarce -in Li.eburo, but we nosh, retdrned last peek fr(k*i the Mic16- �' , of Colborne. . She Aiatl' attended HATTERS AND FURNISI-[Fns, CLINTOS, favorably. lir. J. W. Hill, of Summer= .Tuckersrntth, left oil Monday last 1'or Da• think we will not be able to Say so long• as gan lumberwasds. AIr,Fo,rsyth.aud his nota � the sacramental servicee,. that and the r Ex Este ____� hill. hat teen laid tip with inflammation kota ; lie is a steady young man, and will_, two have arrived since' the New Year and vc ill runthe woollen mill thi9 sumine av- I previous days at Smiths I-1.111, -an'd vias in t� of tttelunrgs,but we fiear that he is improv- doubtless succeed Well under the Star become •permanent residents. The least ing•becomo the proprietors. '1'he first Di t t finer usual g pod Health up to the,iime fore? SHINGLE OUT.—We notice theshingle ing and will soon be allrigh Spangled Banner. l]r:W. lord of Cas oue arrived at Air. E,. Shaw's."nn Sunday, lug of the confirmation class will be,¢eld ,lettri•nbr for the ni;ht; when 0n^ goinn to of Messrs, Westcott iib Sander:; hung out, b t Belton 17ak pia is litre at reseal visitir. the 20th, which account.3 for Ted's beans- to Triuityy, church'"tbis (Friday) eienitig, restsbewas instiintly in awe1k andfail 64 - They carry ou a general fire, life, loan, GRANGE DER�rE.—In the Mullett friend's in tl�iis neighborhood it is said he ing countenance. "by Rev. J. F. Parke: Coiraide•i•aale grout'-cancliti�h,afldiii lessTian halfan 110111 ff ' • machine and cotlecliug agency miry Grange. on Monday night, the question g 1�uRRnx roR LCEB[IRN.=r1 lame and bas been marketed Iters duringthe past ass one: lie bad sites a be?n .health they reap Ovary success fn their'nem de- of "Stall f' ecling •vs, Grass feeding," came will not return alone, but will talcs one of g ..• , g kS 3°' �' Y• 3 :- ' luckersm•ith's fair daunh-terv;-ttrshare-hi's attentivsaud-iesieag;ithereel,aGthe-]tall on -few days. Dlessrs.-.v11es, Morgan, G, II. .:ltltl her°sucldcnclenl]se fs loather in taupe ....� . '- partment•. up for de ate for the second time, illi[. joys and sorrows in tlrit territory. The Friday evening to listen to tbjechallenged Rowed and. .1Vm ,Campbell have each of the unconseious fatal state of the heart. W. Waite was leader for the tall feeders debate between three members of the made application for the-off['ce of liailiff She and her husband were;among the earli- BODv FouND,—The body 0f Mr. in the and DIr, Jas. Southcrimbe for the Grass tea peddler, who had the celebrated con pl thy Boyle, of Centralia, was found in the h odspeeches in behalf troveraey avtth Dlr. John Thorp, in the Goderich FItgli Sc,hnol Literary •Society for the 12th Divisior Court of Huron, est settlers in-thietdwri'ship,Clearin:; line -of �, side. Bat made goand three menihers of'the Le'eburn lode the vacant caused by' the - rest nation those fine farms 6h were ertionedtothe .duble,on Thursday afternoon last it was of their respective sides, and .the discus- 'columns of -the Expositog, last winter, is g Y g ° P ,; ,- found about fifty rods from the enlace he around again, disposing, of tea in large The subject teas Annexation with the of Mr. Alex Murdock. A spOcial t'Nain,, children of'tbe otuig family,' ins have sio❑ was participated to by several others. gi 1 g United States,' the Leeburn boys Caking bearing the remains of the late Mrs. walways been identified mith enterprise in " • • accidentally fell in, just otic tveelc previ- Good ideas were brought out, the adoption quantities to the farmers., Mr. Robert , Y e I.ons: Mr. Richnrd'Neil was the first one c 1' h will n ficial �Veshall be DIc1[ordie, of this place, has been laid up• the aflitmatiye with J. Clutton ad captain, Meyers, of Winghitm, passed tlYiifgJi-tris theirabrfeulfural pursulta,an$the titans o€ to find him. fio was buried on friday .of vl tc bo bee for the past two weeks, with a'sc,.re throat;. ably supported-bv P. Stuart and J. Link- village Friday morning last, etiroute•'fn1• education, their property exhibiting signs glad to publish at any titre; not only par his mans friends he will bo pleased to Y g , , afternoon last, iu the R.C. cemetery,about later. The Gnd�*i¢h bo s Conk the ne a= Goderich where the remains were to be 'of the former, and family tb�t of the lRt- une mile south of Ueutralia. He leaves a titulars concerning debates of ibis nature, hear that fr is ds- a will yin • Live, with J. Taylor as captain, assisted placed in the vault of her father, Iron. •A, tet:. `Only two sons and the husband wit-• but• any items of news that arise at the S b Messrs.. Fowler and Allen. Mr. Wil- M. Ross M. P. P. of West Huron. Mr. nosed the sad event the- rest oftho fam- wife mp andtl y small `chole community have various Farmiar's Club meetings that take ..a. --- Y ' r '� Tuesday ' the sympathy of the whole community !n son teacher orf Salt.a•d school, very ably J. Young' left Tuesday afternoon for Feel, .ily residing' in other provinces and else- - their sad bereavement. The funeral was Place from time to time in different parts aODEtt1Ci1 TOWNe1111P. occupied the chair. After both sides were Simcoe county, as agent for Ross' Kn fe where in this. - Among whom isRev.John largely attended. of the county.—Ed. NEW E%A.j A DRAwx BATTLE, --A very exciting well discussed, some instrumental music Sharptner; be said thirty maehl'ries last Ygung, of Drummondville, the.,secotid game of foot ball was played in Varna on t ! SAWING M.&tCH.—On Saturdaylast FATAL. ACCrDENT,—On Monday morn- was given to allow the chairman time to ween. Council meeting Monday night, son, Nli,o.lately was ordained by the Pres - Y Saturday last .,staves❑ the clubs of S. S.. -cauc. his oints. When he had done and School Board meets Wednesday. The byteriap cburch,and aettled'in Cliveharge. Wm. Phare and Thos. Welsh made a bet tug last D4 r. Joseph Martin and his son, No, 10, Goderich totvnship•and the Varna P - of $5 aside for which could cut x ofa went to the wood at the near end of chair club. The score was one goal each. A ,this he sari] he never remembered being recent snow has revived the sleighing, —�•�•� — . cord in the shortest time. Phare won the farm, on Lot 4, 8th con,, Flullett; and out return match will soon be played: in such a box before, while one speaker which -has been taken advantage of by 1,uNUE9RttRQT:' wager, beating his opponent by one stick, down a tree. The tree fell in the opposite spoke he would seemed inclined that way local sports. Mr. R. Howard intends Bnlaj?a '"T,be many friends of Dr, Race •. the time taken to execute the work .,was direction ee what thea expected and struck eSERLOUS ACCIDENT.—On Friday morn- but when' another got, up be would seem building a new brick house for himself will be -sorry to hear that he is sick at P ring last, R serious accident happened on to get twisted altogether in another sir- this spring, and will begin operationsMas presenlithough not dangerous. Air. S. 55 minutes. We do not consider this, very a sapling which dislodged a dry limb, the farm of Mr. Jas. Switzer, that may yet action, However, be said apart from soon as spring -opens u Rev. A. c Woodmaq'�samplemacbinery hasarrived; fast time for two old hands at the business. that came back with terrible force, etrik- prove fatal. A chopping bee had been ' ' PP We understand that a second wager has log Mr. Martitf with fatal precision on arranged, and among those. taking part ?oints o inclinations and according to the Lean gave a very neat and appropriate Will at it before you go elsewhere. Ml rbc We put up, Welsh thinking. that he did the forehead;'breaking the skull and kill- was a young roan named Townsend. P°tots given on either side, he would give Ing o ss at the Gospel Temperance D1 frig Willlook 'is is very sick, but H hope it will be � the decision in favor of the affirmative.. Ing on Tuesday evening.. Mr. Geo. Ding of short duration. Mit. Huber has a first not get fair play, but we can assure him ing him instantly, by the side of his son, when the first tr_e fell a branch from it A heart vote of thanks was tendered to is seriously indisposed from it is thou ht class miller, and co le may expect first that tife whole think throughout was done who only just escaped. The son ran with snuck him across the forehead, crushing Y Y P ' 6 P P Y P in a straightforward way. palpitating heart to the house, and told ;n the skull and rendering flim inaonaibog the chairman and the meeting was closed the effects of a tumor on the lungs: a class flour as usual, fund lately his flour , l . BBIEFB.; -Auction sales are very numer- the family, and then ran to neighbors to in was at once carried to the insen ible Willi the National Anthem; Thereturn .speedy recovery is looked- for, Rev.' Dir. has been the best. Unfortunately he had r nus here two sales on Saturda last 11 r. g p g _ Y• deb to will be held in Goderich thigh Tonge of Alma, is announced to preach three fingers taken off on•Wednesday, by y, et het to bring home the body. This ',-teal• assiatp.A" �ctilsd. and his_' t -. „ John Gill the eo Lle's auctioneer, wield of course, is a reat- shock to tte fam]i Schaol;--on lariday.- Subject Resolved, -on--th Blyth-eireuit--next•-Sundav,: tin4 ;gettinT,them between the roller'&, p ! g Y+ tea > ttended to as best they could b Ile that Ireland should not have home rule." will be at Ebenzer at 10 30, ti. m. Sun - ed the hammer. find good prices were avid especially to the son, who had such, a continued insensible for a con of days, ,,: ' i THirvINei:—That sneak thief has again realized. Mr. Jahn Jones, sr., of this P P but is now loin as Nell can be ex- hi•ne. z.30, p, m., and"Blyth to the even I Painful es entente. Dir. Martin came g —"'''-- been at work. lie went t0 Ur. Roso'wruf- lace, died very sudden) on Wednesday from Darlington ,to this townshi about SUNSI1INE. • ing; DIr: Tipnge bas been extended an in. face and - t took a couple of dollars out of p y, y township.about petted. The only dang� now is that Ili- vitation to become the pastor of Blyth 4 P of last week; cause of death, palyhatic fits, twelve years a giv' Pf e'was very much es flammatioo may ee , itf 1N rasTlNr.--A special mooting of the Y the pocket of a vest hanging uptheie, Dist y n Mr. Ezra Spicer, who has been clerk in teemed as a neighbor and 'a christian,'ano BRtEFs.—A �r belonging to lir. J. ratepayers of S. S. No. 5 Morris, Was held circuit. ���_ week. Ile is pretty well known, though - the post office department of this place, was a member o the Methodist church in Wiggittglon� rent >pfed a splendid foal last, in tile school house, on the 19th March, to HUX)CEFIELD. so far he has evaded detection aild arrest. • leaves this week for Newbasry, Ont.,where Kinhurn. Ile -%.q, a consistent Christian Week—t v�firat of the season—it was sired i decide whether the Scripture selections be MORE GOOD STOCR.—D1r. Wm, Cooper, His time is coming by-ai5d I.iy, as several he intends embarking in the stale and f1VIleman, and had earned the confidence by t excellent horse Pride of Tyne,— retained in the saidschoolor be replaced of the mill rose], near Brucefield, has par- have got their eyes on hila. With one or - tinware business with his brother-in-law, and respect of a large circle of friends. by the Bible. Ate the subject been two exceptions live believe the people of ew nights since come one broke into the-, chased frg111 bur. Pettit, a well known P P P l Wm. Smale; we wish them both success, He was 48 years of age, and leaves, a w' workshop of Mr. Dyke, and stole there fully discussed, it Naa put to a vote find breeder of short horns, in Burford_ town- this village to be thoroughly honest, and as the are pushing, business men Mr' dow and five childierf to mourn hi, ss. from a uantit of lapis. A bo named the motion that the Selections be replaced we expect before loo the constable will " i Y g, quantity Y ship, five very fine animals, viz. a cow g George Sm illacombe, who has carried on The funeral services were Gond ted by Millman got kicked by a horse the other by the' Bible, was almost unanimously and a calf, a two-year old heifer and two divide the goats from the sheep,and make the implement business for some time bhepastor,nttheKinburnMet it all urcb day, his face being cut somewhat; it was carried. yearling heifers. These animals are all it safe to leave even our money lying past, intends moving with his family to on VL a itf2rsrinyafternoon d were largely a wonder he was not killed. In hauling Bninvs.—Mr, Isaac Rogerson, who had pedigreed and averaged about $100 each, around without fear of the pilferer. So Fotest,.where he purposes carrying on the attended: The farm ave the heartfelt a load of wood or logs from thQ bush one been sick for some time, is now able to be Mr, Cooper is rapidly becoming an exten- mote it be, ' taildriug business with Mr George Haw, sympathy of the oto community, as the day last week, Mr. Sam Rathwell sprained -around again. Mr. John Clegg,• who has .sive breeder of thol•oughbred stock, and "" �'�' - �- -who at one time worked in Clinton • we blow ,bag fal so very suddenly upon hi le severely. Wood bees seem.to be recently taken to himself r. partner to VARNA. . + g g Y• Y P will eoov bH' able to surpass some of our hoe the " may succeed.. The Salvation them• all the rush ust now, . cheer his droo ]n s irIts during the cold . Th .. ;Ilclntcre of and t ur. g Y Y he boys are $RIEr . -- R e do S P P Tho g. P older breeders, °1 Y o e g a Army, of this place, keeps , with y do + A +' !n their best to lfi down a ood stock of weather and hind times has with his bet- , WAWANOlyli. g Y g + BRIEFS.—Our village merchants, Messrs. Stanley, who has been 'dangerously ill, is +�=' good work, in 'a weak way, but they do firewood for the ensuing season. Mr. Me- ter half, moved to his new farm in the Win. and F: O'Neil have each started a we are happy to say very much better. Uouac�[r..—Council met on the 16th. All + not seem to have any impression on th the members 'present, Andrew S roar Robt, wen, a student from Queen's College, township of Grey; we wish the young peddling rig and expect to keep the farm. Mr. Foote, sr,, of Bannockburn,• is lying hardened sinners; tdey can't make a �r a Hiseocke and Jas, Trimble were appointed iingston, is filling the appointments of couple a long life of prosperity, find hap- era in this vicinity pretty well supplied. in a very critical condition 'at the present . on the five young men who wear hRts; patbmasteys for Vurigannou, The following the English church at Holmesville and piness in their pew home. There is a good deal of sickness in the time ; hia son Rev, J. G. Foote, of Trov, say, young men, do not wear so Michi- changes were' mnde in appointment already neighborhood, . A young daughter of Mr, neighborhood just now and our medical has been called home to see him. Salva- Rggan shunters any more t e army, they made: --Wm, Brophy in place of Georgo P. Cole, of the Bayfield con., has been ANCRESTER. meq -are kept busy. Our saw mill is now tion army services ireiftill being held in not take any eff on the Captain, Stein, Samuel Alton in place of Gen. Irwit], very ill with inflammation of the lungs, Lnoc=Rr.—Rev. Mr. Howell, of Sea- in full running order and is turning out the temperance ball ; we understand i hat Mr.;Abrose Cot sbipped a car ]dad of Commanioation was read from peeve of ]kin• but is recovering. forth, delivered anpable address on "How lumber or fast. Mr. P. McGregor did -the 're not largely atteivi.ed but the meet - , roll to Manitoba last week; toss, in reference to removal of John Robin to study lila Bible," in the Methodist not go to ScotlMnd, as was reported fast ings are said goybe good. Preparations he ia erprising-businessman. D1 r. eco to the London hospital, An order for $10 gEAFURTH. church here. The proceeds went to the week, but purchased atwo-year old im- fire being'made for agrand Easter celPbrR- Danansom, who was taken to the was ordered to be drawn, payable to Mr. BRIEFS.—At the distribution of prizes College Fund. ported stallion from a gentleman in Toron- tion in the Methodist church, on S ibbat.h at London, from here, sometimo Gaunt, to assirt in pa rna for removal and at McGill University Montreal,this week lace, has 0t out, and cannot be found,as treatment of said John Robinson, The suds• the Holmes old menial for the•beatexam- Bake his Will ion in S is again going to ; this horse arrived here on Thursday and Ice Willy, substituted and 11th; a e n{ g tdra report was presegted and the- was g to take his position in St. Helens, with last, and is considered •by -.good judges of service w]!t be substituted for the re• u.ar et. Mr. George Moir has removed ; the ;nation in all branches Was awarded to R. K. Miller, the dr goods man, Miss hors •flesh to be a fine animal. Ren. Mr, Sabbath eve service t4 he taken part y instructed to have 150 copies of auditors re- Y o t>~ , g '"` Reflector man will be found in E. Drew's port printed for distribution. . The follawmR Edward Evans, of McKillop Mr J. M, McDougall returned Dome on Monday Stewart, of Clinton, preached in Ross' to by the 1hildron, and on Mondav even - block Mr,Malcolm McInnes has finishtd ,tccr,unra were ordered to be paid ;—Barnard Benson, of Regina, formerly of Stmforth, last, Revival services have been closed ; church, last Sabbath afternoon, Mr. D. Ing they will again occupy most "f the his trade at the printing; he says there Il, dmond, cumber for culvert con 4 and 5 has been appointed S eriff of the Regina the work hag bean blessed. The Presby- McIntosh, V. S., is at present away on a time with singing, recitations. readings, ip no money in printing, and he is looking $2,09 ; Peter Fisher, board and attendance district• terians are about making a choice for a trip to the American side. &c.; a good tifhe may be expected. I � . I es . " A