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The Clinton New Era, 1887-03-11, Page 5
• -L 4Rtl�tE ARILIYAL OF-- -- } SPftiNG Qi..,OJDS WHICH WILL BE (SOLI) AV - CLOSE Fall'CES. EGGS TAKEN 1N EXCHANGE. FI''''?U P'ER CENT OFF FOR CASH. W.TAtLO1 &SOS ',Mateo and -doctrine of the early church Around the `C0111tY+ agreed The dwelt ,s a 7'"a{d received no Mr. Mahlon Lonnebury., head millet' in. support from the, world, rather as we know Smith's mol, Seaforth, has tented the Hensall the world hivtedet'hertt and we are told that flaring oohs, 11 The spring show of Turnberry Agricultural -Society will be held al Wii gham, on April `18th, sad the fall show on the samosd-ays es The eleveutaii annual spring show of th We a hiding .Atgrieuttaral Suototy, for entire, stook and seed grain, will be in C0od,ericb,, on Thursday, Ape 14th. Op Sathrday while,Mr. John Penbtile, jt'., of Stephen, was felling trees he tnet with an accident,by 'falling" upon one of the' logs, In, nue mark of a true Q,hrtetiart is .that the world will hate him, 1 John iii. 13. et al, I Will now take up uhjeetiocs: ' . Ohjec.ien let. "Will nett the money of the uuconverted.rlo as much good as the money •of the converted'l" I answer:, the word of God 'says "Let its not do evil that good may,come," and ?when the „money of the! unconverted is brought as sun w offering to. Ged ap we have seen; it is,ttn'%abomina- tion," it lees not "please.;Gpd•,"it "is sin„". and r ed'e word cannot be broken In jermg alikeelf iuierns 1g. It may 'prove ,, a ei t ..p„ - i„�,, ,.��tsEtar.�:�bn�t�,s...hnd�kta•��' a ire ahs ,s '--"serrou§. ut tris itis mitueq,uf nota to th same as tin 'On Wedn-ssday a pig belonging to Mr. Soo. ether, (see 1 Cor. v. 10,) but .when the Sto the river.to fice to God, drink, and ie, of slipped intottheawater :Sadgwas eanno isoffered lt, beoaiiaethe has not G et drawn tilde the ice bylne swift current ands a„cepted Christ, and God is now the great drowned. •• s Giver, Wh-+n n sinner receives Christ all Mr. Win, Brown, jr., who redido: o' o he has bA1 pgs to God,' and he is to use Gerrie, while workbag in the bush ,•n.Friday,`'it'for Vitro as t►atewnrd. pmet cysts fatal, er� smalubras ci breech' of a ta11 ascites Ohj-otton 2nd. "Theearth'e the Lord's.'' structs• him on the head. He was talren Monte The matey an unconverted man has be- • senseless but is recovering. - 1 ,ngs to the Lord” All things in creation That now famous cat owned in Exeter, of belong tette Lord, but the Lord has onm- yMitred them ,to:the eonsu"f men ant he which mention „as bngde l these columns a h el's.them re nslble for their proper nee the weeks ago, nabbing prof a dy b he oldest in 01 the vicinity, and notice of irhi:h bas hone the and therefior „tile sin of the uucouverted row ds of the press, ceases to he, having died is two fold. ',they' are abasing the trust • •n_ Fa idaya of an adtaacia ale. It had attained God has 'cortim'tted to them as well as re its 23,d year, • jeering Christ. God states distinctly the' Mr. Janie McLaughlin,,•.a resident. of 11n• only way a man can use the means he has wick since 1863,sited at his rrstdeuce in ford. forthe Lord,is first of all to receive Christ wish on tho 25th net.,, in the seventieth year and th n (atter his substance to the Lerd. of Ms nue ; and Itis' elduft daughter, Miss 11 he offers to God before receiving Christ, Esther McLaughlin, died in the same place on it is tnockitig tx•id, by making out ho does the 28th ult., need forty five . years, and. six not need salvetione God is the great giver and musty -have the first place. It is clear months: We arc this week called upon to annennee the Lord holds the unconverted as having the.dcath.ef one of the cal liver settlers of East the money, for it is called the sac, ifice of Wawauoah, in ills person of Alex. Robertson, , the wicked. How could it be a sacrifice if it did not belong to them ? • Objection 3rd. "The unconverted will Vet, come to our meetings, if the do not re• ceive from them.” This is not ns a fact p &sant th house she true, and, moreover,' it is a solemn thing td� 1 cellar,instead { to receive from thein, When the word of consequence wo,7ked into the basement,taking.`sin tb give it, it, is stn to a only ono stop to the jtard floor. She sprained us not eclat evil that geed may come.'' an ankle and a,u+rained sesta'. minor injuries Objection 4th, "You may receive from Irmo which she has not thoroughly recovered. 'a man who is only a profe'cor and not really saved. This objection is very • THE• " CH.U.R013 AND THE WORLD. fuo'isb, because if the church receives on principle "from one who professes to he, ''o the Editor the of Ne- w E, a., and who they believe is really, rayed, if he As there is a good dual of discussion in turns out unsaved- after all, ,the church • the town ae to my views on the geestiou acted him as a Chring istian to the he. word, by hoIdin .of iha church being supported by the, world, pifested I would ask for space to lay before your himself. If a rbua;vay thief came to your - readers what I believe is the clear teach• I house and you sheltered him, not knowing ing of Scripture on this subject, .asking 1 he was a thief, the law would not hold you . only that they will judge all by Saripture,l� responsible, nsieed but him, when then ou found would be re "First. The word of God ears, The y + y. • ' sacrifice of the wicked is. an abomination 'aponsible. So, if money is received from to the Lord," Prov. xv. 8... Now we know one who professes to be a Christian, and ther are only twos ciusses-in�-the -world;—who-yeiii-1'elieve-"-ie-one,--the-sin- vests -on - the saved and the unsaved, the wicked` him, not on you, and the righteous, and the passage states Ohjection 5th. " We could not keep up clearly that,God will not receive the Saari- our church, if we did not receive the con- flee(offeringor gift Of the wicked. If tributiene of the world." • Is there not the uestiois asked? "Why will not God something very wrong in this ? Hare you . receive it," Romans viii 9, tells us, "They to do what the word of God calls "sin," that are in the flesh cannot plea God," in .order to • maintain God's cause? Have se that anything a man does before he is yen. to disobey God to maintain his,work ? saved is not pleasing to Giod, and then in Has God cossed.to be the living God, 'that - Roams xiv. 23, the principle is clearly he is compelled to send Hie children to laid, down, "Whatsoever s not of faith is beg of His enemies 1 The world bated sin."• Now it is clear an unconverted man Christ, we are told, but, 0, blessed truth, caarnOb.,gtve in faith, for if he had faith td loved the world, and is now beseech- be.wotild be'•jnstitied,"'Rum. v. 1, so his ing sinners to be saved. God loves the giving would,be eiti. sinner, Christ died for him ; 0, that they all would accept Christ,and be saved 1 I We have a clear picture in the off ringst p oi' Cain and, Abel. Abel had fai+h,� Cd n have written this with a desire to place bid not.- Abel cringe a lamb as a sacrifice before all what I believe is the seriptnre thereby acknowledging be was in himself teaching on this point, and may God add a sinner nodding a sacrifice and God accepts His blessing. Your servantciJtJ Sims. Abel's offering, So when an unsaved man eomesto God through the sacrifice r,f CLINTUNMARKET$ Christ, acknowledging that ho,is a sinner . unable to save Himself and puts' his tinst Corrected every Thursday afternoon: - in•theeblessed finished work of Christ, God 'Thursday, Mar. 10,1887. will accept him, and then he can devote Wheat, spring - • 0 75 a 0'77 laic whole time and money and all to the White and red • 0 75 a 0 77 bbOats 0 28 a 0 29 lflessed service of the Oo who has saved Berl© 0 49 a 0 48 him. But Cain comes with the fruit of the y 0 ,l$ a 0 48 ground, not owningwhat he was before Peasb Flour,per ib. 4 05 a .4 30 God, and God would not receive his offer., p,ota{ee leg and told him plainly "sin lieth at the, Barter • 0 15 a 0 l0 door," that is God could not receive his E+tus„ - 0 13 0 0 I4 offering until he had come as a sinner need- p„ret G 60 P 6 00 int; ativatinn. 'In Jude 11. it says, speak- Hay 8 00 a 8 00, fug of . many in that day who made .the Wool in trade i 0 20 a 0 22' profesei, n of Christisni•y, "Woe unto Wool for cash • 0 18 a 0 18 1150 a 075 them For they have gotta .% the way of Sheep pelts • - 0 60 a 0 80 Cain,” that is they were cooling to God Limb( skins 4 b0 a 5 00 With an «tiering before they were really Clover, per bush. saved. They were pto-ss:�rs, not pnesesR- ers, and the woe of fled rests upon the 43 iin offerer, that is the one who makes Ste ()(Sheth g to. God whil t he is still re j:•ating Cato is'. I So far I have stated the Scripture doe •' whose death occurred ou Monday. Mr. Robertson settled in East \Vawanosh thirty ' years ago ,.where he has since resided. De- ceased was 59 years of age.. • lint long o,•ince: while Mrs. (11,00,) Pascoe, of 'te er was going on e opened oho door leading to the nddsaeeay .God is en pronounced `against it. If it is of the one len in to the stairway, take it. " Let , E ESTAT OF E LATE J.. HODGEN ev�r Suri r tock will be complete Are 'opening 6 � `ng� goods daily Ota. s. in every department tin a few days. We are offering special bargains this month in grey and. White COTTONS, SHIRTINGS, DUCKS and - COTTON TWEEDS. - r•: 'FIVE PER oEivii OFF FOR CASH. _ J �. 0DO. (}ISN. WISEMAN, Manager. EZtate tion' -,T ' E , - rt110 NEW GOO ondesboro Shoe 'SW ROBERTSONS Opens for business cit the. 15th of Match; A LONG FELT WANT SUP_ HIED AT LAST. A GREAT WEEK' FOR THE PEOPLE. An opportunity to buy good honest Solid Leather BOOTS Right at house. In making our little bow before the surrounding cotintry,Ztve do not conte as strangers, of the people. Wo present an UNBEATEN RECORD OF S IN CI INION id are making no boast a� public but as old YEAR at • SLOES at Londesboro;etnld and tried servants OVER THIRTY when we say :am: Our Goods are Excelled Our customers. of thirty years ago have continued showing .already OUR GOODS GIVE stock will no FRESH, NEW and STYLISH. with us to the present day, ENTIRE. -S.AT-LSFACTION. •0-ur Our assortment, `Large Et Complete COTTONS at old prices,_ SHIRTINGS at old prices, PRINTS in great variety, MUSLINS in -the, choic- est patterns, CRETONNES, LIgENS,.TOWLINGS EMBROIDERIES, LACES, EDGINGS, &c, COR- SETS in Grey and Coors from 50 cts. upwards., WE HAVE A VARIETY , ''Oh Dress Goods & ,Trimmings 'Which cannot be excelled in the county. We make a special`y of Dress Making • and also Mantle Making, and have en artis tat the head of these departments; whose superiority :is'aeltnrledg- ed by all ladies tvho have given her a trial, Leave your\orders ear'iy.• ?the secret t of our success' in these departments is that a fit is always goathriteed.tend.,cltarges ..ut.oderate, _. Renrember before making sPlittg.ptu•e'hases to call:•atQ • C- r1 J% C: AS In this clerartiueut we employ nothing but the BEST SKILLED .LABOR, and cut only the BEST- BRANDS ef•LEATIIER, elisuring to the wearer COID- Spec'!ilil attention fort and • durability. All orders promptly attended .to. Given to Repairing. -- �atra�c t� toil(16oto----S110E1 S�rt ti15AFOR't•If, Mar, 10, 1887. Wheat, spring, • $0 75 a 0 77 Red and white - . 0 28 a 0 29 • �+(S,tett, v ''Oa - 0 48 a 0 48 Barley, - 0 45 a 0 47 Butter, 015 a 016 trine. I will now g:ve the practice of the Better, 0 13 a 0,14 Lord and the early church, as eiveu in the potatoes, • 0 55 a 11 60 New Testament. e There is not a single in- Potat - - G 50 a G 0 stance of the Lnrd, or any of the early _ __•__ _ . christiatts ever receiving money from a t�-ovarTpRt:NT.—'rWOGOOD FR.A1tFEHOLisEs Cnnfesvedly unconverted mon, When 1Z 011 Huron 81.,toront. t+avojustbeonthorough- Peter had made the mistake About the ty overhauled and renovated. Wil he rented on rem. Lord giving trihnte nlnney'for tho temple, tenable terms; Apply to A. DODSWOFtTH, Clinton. Matt. xvii 24, 27, and the Lord gave what loom, CALvrs Fon sA'LE.-SUBSCRIBER OF. Ile as Lard of the temple should not have II Vii,-ess f , solfrom registered tstr stock.AlsothelPulled given. He sends Pater down to the sea- Bull ion l'rtdo of Tyne, or haft interest ht same, Wiwi side to get the money from a fish. In be sold on roasonablo terms, JAFi tcPi RLANE, 1 Cnr. ix. Paul wield not receive from 4th con., Stanley. ''' a Abe C(ariuthian•Raiots, because he wonted —To OR S%LE. A VBRY MOTOR MOS OF P110- to prove to them he sought them,not theirs. 1' PERTP on Rattenbary St., oast, oppoaltethc scat. eked yon will tactics the giving to the donee of 1t. M. Racry. Is offered f, eOe '1 reasonable Aposi les was ala€ays done by saints that forms. Ft is a corner, lot and a half In the piece, Ap• � pI,Y to JOHN F;dI,E9, clintoir, �-- is Raved people. In the third epistle of -- -- J, hn yon haven the cernnlendatinn of the rl,elOec0i ren) ra ieDUl f f %NIS FOt nm AIA.- � o a Ir a beta of his day. It stays, speaking of yenrlint .tae othlY lounger, Also suvcral Heifers. the orethren and stranger+, "for His nanu:'s all of these anhnals aro of first -claws pedigree, rho tat - e eke they went forth taking nothing Of ter beim wivabo d� gIn tho Dominion IIferd sotd nB000k, and he Gentiles," 3 Juhu 7. Su we add the •abloterats: APPLF.•Polj IOLCOAT, Tuckerr.mith, *4 JOHNJACKS`ON IURE ZHE POPZTLAI? a a ry Gootts S. Se.. •'.,L ^�—coo -�='�- • u•o pc) Nut T COUNT: SALE get • the profit 'For two �veeli;�s::longel . Those buying now will �, of the discot\nt on all classes of goods. Just opeur d, NEW SPRING 'DRESS , GOODS,, , , —NEW—SPRING LACES .AND RIBBONS, Za0iD 'M r MORC). NEW SPRIN-G EMBROIDERIES,- NEW SPRING PARASOLS, n 11 NEW SPRING JERSEYS, We 111fclke this btu P - • NEW SPRINGd TWEEDS, f mNTHING.CLOTHING • nch of ur business a specialty, and the large sales made from the -Clothing Department is proof positive that our efforts to place the best and most attractive goods before NEW SPRING CARPETS. the public have been uccessful. We have ,just added to our . already -large stock. r . 7 -- NEW -- NEW .SPRING PRINTS, • GholcePaltcrns; 1quay501ilcs 50 Suits, Tweed dc 'V.rorsted, size 36 to 43 25 Suits, Tweed cis Worsted, she 25 to 35 25 Little Boys suits, size 22 to 27 I These goods are ail well cut well trimmed and well made, and call special 'attention to the smALBUYS SUITB, of which we have several styles beautifully made and remark- ably cheap. Wo offer a nice MELTON CLOTH SUIT thatl will fit a boy 7 to 8 years of age for $2, and fine goods for $8. MENS BLUE SERGE SUITS 05, TWEED SUITS $5.60, MENS BLACK WORSTED SUITS, FINE,' $12. You will save money by buying your clothing from us. Also to hand this week, full' range of A.�:Ldie Jert eyfi�„ 'Wool L)re�tl Gt-oo lt!i, Slack niid Cioloreci Glop>e"`r�1)1�1�ita► , , we can recommend them to intending purchasers. We wish to L. OUIlVIETT£; LONDEsBORO n J. C. DETLOR Sc CO.; - Clinton. EEDS SEEDS MY STOCK-,L.tn'YEAR'S CROP AND ALL FRESH. Red Clover, Mammoth or Pea vine Clover, Alsik1 White 'Dutch, Grass Seeds, Timothy, Orchard Grass, Italian Rye, Kentucky Blue, Red Top, & Permanent Pasture Mixtures & Lawn Grass Seed. Millet, Hungarian and Mummy Peas, Buckwheat, Mangolds, Turnips and Carrot Seeds, 1. will Give 7 kinds of Garden Seeds for 25c., 1 PUT UP ALL MY OWN GARDEN SEED PLACKETS. OATS, PEAS, .13ARLY ANDCi..�� POTATOES/^yTAKEN AS •PAY. a11F) A.:arirrEr", �' 4I1.�rr +�• 0 R